95 IEEE Network • November/December 2013 0890-8044/13/$25.00 © 2013 IEEE owadays Wi-Fi networks based on the IEEE 802.11 standard [1] have become one of the most widely used technologies to provide wire- less broadband Internet access. Almost all man- ufactured mobile devices (laptops, smartphones, tablets, etc.) are equipped with Wi-Fi transceivers. Initially, Wi-Fi was designed as the cordless replacement for the Ethernet and only used for transmission of non-real-time traffic (Web, file sharing) with best-effort quality. The evolution of Internet applications has led to the appearance and growth of multi- media traffic (VoIP, video, online gaming etc.) which will occupy more than 60% of all Internet traffic by 2015 [2]. Unlike non-real-time traffic, multimedia traffic imposes strict Quality of Service (QoS) requirements, such as low and stable end-to-end delay, low packet loss probability, and minimal throughput. However, such QoS support was not included in the original IEEE 802.11-1999 standard [3]. During the last decade a lot of effort has been done to improve QoS support in 802.11. One of the first and most fundamental milestones was the 802.11e amendment which introduced several mechanisms for providing QoS support in single-hop networks including two coordination functions (Enhanced Distributed Channel Access — EDCA and Hybrid Coordination Function Controlled Channel Access — HCCA) as well as a complementary admission control mechanism. However, neither EDCA nor HCCA can provide absolute ser- vice guarantees, because the former is based on random con- tention, while the latter lacks inter-cell coordination. Another important milestone was the extension of the initial single-hop paradigm to a multi-hop one, described in the 802.11s amend- ment. In multi-hop networks, centralized coordination (HCCA) cannot be applied and EDCA performance is unsat- isfactory [4]. Therefore, the problem of QoS provisioning in such networks is much more complex than in single-hop net- works and, in fact, has not been completely solved yet. The first step towards resolving this problem was the introduction of a new coordination function, Mesh Coordination Function Controlled Channel Access (MCCA), which allows reserving channel resources in a distributed manner and, in principle, can be used for QoS provisioning in multi-hop networks. A few years ago, IEEE recognized that several challenges need to be addressed (Table 1) for 802.11 to meet the fast- growing market demands. Among the shortcomings of the IEEE 802.11 standard was the lack of mechanisms for the pri- oritization of different audio video (AV) streams which belong to the same access category (AC). For example, consider a videoconference and TV broadcast which are both sent using the video AC. Since these streams have different QoS require- ments they should be served with different priorities. Addition- ally, the 802.11 standard did not include a mechanism for the reliable transmission of multicast streams. To address these issues, a new task group (802.11aa) was created to develop a set of enhancements for robust AV streaming. Additionally, 802.11aa addresses the problem of inter-network interference caused by today’s large deployment of 802.11 networks. A separate problem that has been recognized is related to management frames. The number of management frame types in the IEEE 802.11 standard has greatly increased from its ini- tial release (in 1999) to its current revision (from 2012). According to this current revision, all management frames are transmitted with the highest priority. This can interfere with the transmission of multimedia traffic. Therefore, the 802.11ae task group has developed mechanisms for the flexible prioriti- zation of such frames. In this tutorial, we would like to provide the first descrip- tion of the new QoS solutions introduced in 802.11aa [9] and 802.11ae [10]. Thanks to this tutorial, researchers and engi- neers will be able to easily understand the new mechanisms as well as become familiar with the areas left open by the amend- ments. Therefore, they will be able to provide new scientific contributions in the area of QoS provisioning in Wi-Fi net- works. N Abstract Two amendments to IEEE 802.11 have recently been published: 802.11aa and 802.11ae. Both enhance Quality of Service (QoS) provisioning in Wi-Fi networks by providing support for multicast transmission, enhanced audio video streaming, coping with inter-network interference, and improved prioritization of management frames. The proposed solutions either extend mechanisms already existing in the standard or introduce new ones. Therefore, it is important for researchers to under- stand the new functionalities. To this end we provide the first description of these latest mechanisms: we present the motivation behind them, explain their design principles, provide examples of usage, and comment on compatibility issues. Final- ly, we identify new research challenges related to the two new amendments. What’s New for QoS in IEEE 802.11? Katarzyna Kosek-Szott, Marek Natkaniec, and Szymon Szott, AGH University of Science and Technology Artem Krasilov, Andrey Lyakhov, and Alexander Safonov, Institute for Information Transmission Problems (IITP) of the Russian Academy of Sciences Ilenia Tinnirello, CNIT / Università di Palermo N

What's new for QoS in IEEE 802.11?

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Page 1: What's new for QoS in IEEE 802.11?

95IEEE Network • November/December 2013 0890-8044/13/$25.00 © 2013 IEEE

owadays Wi-Fi networks based on the IEEE802.11 standard [1] have become one of themost widely used technologies to provide wire-less broadband Internet access. Almost all man-

ufactured mobile devices (laptops, smartphones, tablets, etc.)are equipped with Wi-Fi transceivers. Initially, Wi-Fi wasdesigned as the cordless replacement for the Ethernet andonly used for transmission of non-real-time traffic (Web, filesharing) with best-effort quality. The evolution of Internetapplications has led to the appearance and growth of multi-media traffic (VoIP, video, online gaming etc.) which willoccupy more than 60% of all Internet traffic by 2015 [2].Unlike non-real-time traffic, multimedia traffic imposes strictQuality of Service (QoS) requirements, such as low and stableend-to-end delay, low packet loss probability, and minimalthroughput. However, such QoS support was not included inthe original IEEE 802.11-1999 standard [3].

During the last decade a lot of effort has been done toimprove QoS support in 802.11. One of the first and mostfundamental milestones was the 802.11e amendment whichintroduced several mechanisms for providing QoS support insingle-hop networks including two coordination functions(Enhanced Distributed Channel Access — EDCA and HybridCoordination Function Controlled Channel Access — HCCA)as well as a complementary admission control mechanism.However, neither EDCA nor HCCA can provide absolute ser-vice guarantees, because the former is based on random con-tention, while the latter lacks inter-cell coordination. Anotherimportant milestone was the extension of the initial single-hopparadigm to a multi-hop one, described in the 802.11s amend-ment. In multi-hop networks, centralized coordination(HCCA) cannot be applied and EDCA performance is unsat-isfactory [4]. Therefore, the problem of QoS provisioning insuch networks is much more complex than in single-hop net-works and, in fact, has not been completely solved yet. Thefirst step towards resolving this problem was the introduction

of a new coordination function, Mesh Coordination FunctionControlled Channel Access (MCCA), which allows reservingchannel resources in a distributed manner and, in principle,can be used for QoS provisioning in multi-hop networks.

A few years ago, IEEE recognized that several challengesneed to be addressed (Table 1) for 802.11 to meet the fast-growing market demands. Among the shortcomings of theIEEE 802.11 standard was the lack of mechanisms for the pri-oritization of different audio video (AV) streams which belongto the same access category (AC). For example, consider avideoconference and TV broadcast which are both sent usingthe video AC. Since these streams have different QoS require-ments they should be served with different priorities. Addition-ally, the 802.11 standard did not include a mechanism for thereliable transmission of multicast streams. To address theseissues, a new task group (802.11aa) was created to develop aset of enhancements for robust AV streaming. Additionally,802.11aa addresses the problem of inter-network interferencecaused by today’s large deployment of 802.11 networks.

A separate problem that has been recognized is related tomanagement frames. The number of management frame typesin the IEEE 802.11 standard has greatly increased from its ini-tial release (in 1999) to its current revision (from 2012).According to this current revision, all management frames aretransmitted with the highest priority. This can interfere withthe transmission of multimedia traffic. Therefore, the 802.11aetask group has developed mechanisms for the flexible prioriti-zation of such frames.

In this tutorial, we would like to provide the first descrip-tion of the new QoS solutions introduced in 802.11aa [9] and802.11ae [10]. Thanks to this tutorial, researchers and engi-neers will be able to easily understand the new mechanisms aswell as become familiar with the areas left open by the amend-ments. Therefore, they will be able to provide new scientificcontributions in the area of QoS provisioning in Wi-Fi net-works.


AbstractTwo amendments to IEEE 802.11 have recently been published: 802.11aa and802.11ae. Both enhance Quality of Service (QoS) provisioning in Wi-Fi networksby providing support for multicast transmission, enhanced audio video streaming,coping with inter-network interference, and improved prioritization of managementframes. The proposed solutions either extend mechanisms already existing in thestandard or introduce new ones. Therefore, it is important for researchers to under-stand the new functionalities. To this end we provide the first description of theselatest mechanisms: we present the motivation behind them, explain their designprinciples, provide examples of usage, and comment on compatibility issues. Final-ly, we identify new research challenges related to the two new amendments.

What’s New for QoS in IEEE 802.11?Katarzyna Kosek-Szott, Marek Natkaniec, and Szymon Szott,

AGH University of Science and TechnologyArtem Krasilov, Andrey Lyakhov, and Alexander Safonov,

Institute for Information Transmission Problems (IITP) of the Russian Academy of SciencesIlenia Tinnirello, CNIT / Università di Palermo


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The rest of this tutorial is organized as follows. First, wedescribe existing QoS mechanisms standardized within 802.11eand 802.11s. We present the new QoS solutions introduced inthe recently published amendments (802.11aa and 802.11ae,respectively). For each new solution, we explain the motiva-tion for introducing this functionality, describe its design prin-ciples, and provide examples of usage. Additionally, weexplain how all of these solutions are backward compatiblewith the existing 802.11 standard. We conclude the tutorial,where we also outline possible research directions related toQoS support in 802.11 networks.

BackgroundThis section briefly covers several important features of twoamendments to 802.11 released within the last several years:802.11e and 802.11s. Both are part of the latest, unifiedrelease: 802.11-2012 [1]. The first introduced basic QoS mech-anisms, while the second introduced mechanisms for support-ing the multi-hop paradigm. Understanding how themechanisms highlighted in this section operate is necessary tocomprehend the latest changes to the 802.11 standard.

IEEE 802.11eIEEE 802.11e introduces two different medium access func-tions: a centralized one and a distributed one. In the former(HCCA), the Access Point (AP) schedules transmissionsthrough polling. Polling can be started by the AP at any timeafter a PIFS interval according to a vendor-dependent schedul-ing algorithm. The latter mechanism (EDCA) employs fourAccess Categories (ACs) that are mapped into four separatequeues. Frames are classified into these categories accordingto their IEEE 802.1D [12] user priority (Table 2). Each ACcontends for the medium using the same rules but employs dif-ferent channel access parameters. Using only these parame-ters, EDCA cannot guarantee any throughput or delay bounds,but only performance differentiation among the categories.

Additionally, IEEE 802.11e provides support for admissioncontrol. While the admission control algorithm is vendor-dependent, the signaling mechanisms are standardized. TheQoS parameters used for characterizing a given traffic streamand deciding on its admission are referenced to as its trafficspecification (TSPEC). Admission control can be used underboth EDCA and HCCA. In the first case, the admitted trafficstream receives a portion of the channel resources in terms ofadmitted time, i.e., a maximum time interval within a one-sec-ond period in which the frames belonging to the stream canoccupy the wireless medium. In the second case, since the APcoordinates channel access, an admitted flow receives therequired transmission time if there are enough networkresources. However, since the admission decisions are taken

locally by each AP without any coordination mechanism withthe neighbor cells, there is no guarantee that admitted flowswill ultimately find a portion of idle channel equal to theadmitted time.

IEEE 802.11sIEEE 802.11s introduces Mesh Coordination Function Con-trolled Channel Access (MCCA) – a medium access functionwhich allows stations to reserve time intervals, called MCCAopportunities (MCCAOPs), for periodic data transmission.The station that has reserved an MCCAOP is the MCCAOPowner while the station or stations that receive frames areMCCAOP responders. MCCAOP reservations are advertisedwithin a two-hop range. During MCCAOP, the owner getsaccess to the channel with the highest priority. In turn, toavoid collisions, neighbors of the MCCAOP owner andresponders cannot start any transmissions if they overlap withthe MCCAOP. This approach allows to significantly increasethe total network throughput [6] and is potentially useful formultimedia streaming with strict QoS requirements in multi-hop networks.

IEEE 802.11aaThe goal of the mechanisms proposed in 802.11aa is toimprove multimedia streaming performance in 802.11 net-works. Among the enhancements introduced are: Groupcastwith Retries (GCR), intra-access category prioritization,Stream Classification Service (SCS), Overlapping Basic Ser-vice Set (OBSS) management, and interworking with theIEEE 802.1Q Stream Reservation Protocol (SRP). Thesemechanisms, described in details below, will increase therobustness of AV streaming for both consumer and enterpriseapplications.

Groupcast with RetriesGroupcast reduces network traffic by delivering the same datastream to multiple recipients simultaneously. Various applica-tions (e.g., TV and radio broadcasting, gaming, videoconfer-encing), which use groupcast transmission techniques, havealready crowded the market. The current 802.11 standarddefines two methods of transmitting group addressed frames:broadcast and directed multicast (group addressed frames areconverted to individually addressed frames). The first solutionis unreliable; the second is non-scalable. Therefore, 802.11aaproposes a new mechanism called Groupcast with Retries(GCR) which makes groupcast transmissions more reliable. Inparticular, GCR defines two additional retransmission policiesfor group addressed frames: GCR Unsolicited Retry andGCR Block Ack. The groupcast originator (the station or APproviding the GCR service) decides which policy to use.

Table 1. Main challenges addressed by IEEE 802.11aa and IEEE 802.11ae.

Area Challenge in current 802.11 networks Solution Amendment

Multicast Lack of reliable and scalable mechanism Groupcast with retries 802.11aa

Streaming Lack of differentiation between AV streams Intra-access category prioritization 802.11aa

Streaming Lack of mechanism for graceful degradationof AV stream quality Stream Classification Service 802.11aa

Interference Large number of 802.11 deployments causesinter-network interference Overlapping BSS management 802.11aa

Management All management frames contend withmultimedia frames

Policy-based management of frameprioritization 802.11ae

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When using GCR Unsolicited Retry, the groupcast origina-tor retransmits a data frame one or more times (subject to itslifetime limits) to increase the probability of its correct recep-tion by stations listening to this group address (Fig. 1a). Inorder to avoid correlated packet losses, retransmissions of thesame data frame shall be performed during separate mediumaccess attempts. GCR Unsolicited Retry is particularly suitedto use with a large number of recipients as it has moderatedelay, efficiency, and reliability, but high scalability.

GCR Block Ack extends the Block Acknowledgement1

(Block Ack) [1] mechanism to group addressed frames. Afterinitiating Block Ack agreements with each receiving station,the groupcast originator operates in the following way (Fig.1b). Having obtained access to the channel, it transmits aburst of groupcast data frames and then exchanges Block AckRequest and Block Ack frames with all groupcast recipientsor with a subset of them to ascertain the data frames’ recep-tion status. This allows the groupcast originator to discoverdata frames that have failed to be received and to scheduletheir retransmission.

As mentioned before, GCR Block Ack allows varying thenumber of groupcast recipients requested for Block Ack.However, 802.11aa does not specify which and how frequentlygroupcast recipients should be requested for Block Ack. Itshould be noticed that requesting all recipients for Block Ackmay cause long transmission delays which is not appropriatefor certain applications (e.g., real-time multimedia streaming)due to their strict QoS requirements, especially when thenumber of groupcast recipients is large.

To address compatibility issues, the specification of GCRincludes a special address concealment mechanism. Thismechanism is necessary, because the existing IEEE 802.11standard implies that all group-addressed frames are transmit-

ted without retries. On the other hand, GCR-capable stationsmay retransmit groupcast frames. Thus, GCR-incapable sta-tions (i.e., legacy stations) should be protected from receivingduplicate group-addressed frames. Such frames, transmittedusing either the GCR Unsolicited Retry or the GCR BlockAck retransmission policies, are sent in a special frameformat2 with the first address field set to a special GCR con-cealment address. The destination address in the frame con-tains the group address of the GCR group address that isbeing concealed (i.e., the same value as the destinationaddress for non-GCR group-addressed delivery).

To show the advantages of the new methods for transmit-ting groupcast frames over the existing ones (Broadcast andDirected Multicast Service, DMS) consider the followingexample. A single AP transmits a groupcast video stream to N= 25 recipients using 802.11a PHY and a 54 Mb/s data rate.The video packet size is set to 1024 bytes. All recipients aredivided into 3 sets and recipients of the same set have thesame packet error rates (PERs): 5 recipients with PER = 0.1,5 recipients with PER = 0.075, and 15 recipients with PER =0.01. To meet QoS requirements for the stream, the packetloss ratio (PLR) for video packets shall be less than or equalto pmax = 4%. We compare the Broadcast, DMS, and GCRBlock Ack methods. Because 802.11aa does not specify whichstations should be selected as ACK-leaders (i.e., which sta-tions should be requested for Block Ack) when GCR BlockAck method is used we need to choose a method of selection.Among the several schemes proposed and compared in [8] wehave chosen “Fixed-ACK leaders” for this tutorial. Using thisscheme, the groupcast originator selects J ACK-leaders whichexperience the highest PER out of all N recipients (J ≤ N).

We compare different methods using two criteria: reliabilityand resource consumption. The former is measured by com-

1 Instead of transmitting individual acknowledgements for each dataframe, multiple data frames can be acknowledged together using a singleBlock Acknowledgement.

2 This special frame format (the Aggregate MAC Service Data Unit, A-MSDU) is used since it includes an additional address field. Therefore,there is enough space for both the concealment and group addresses.

Table 2. Mapping of IEEE 802.1D user priorities to IEEE 802.11e access categories and IEEE 802.11aa transmit queues.

802.1D userpriority


802.11e accesscategory



7 NetworkControl (NC) VO A_VO Both time- and safety-critical, consisting of traffic needed to maintain

and support the network infrastructure

6 Voice (VO) VO VO Time-critical, characterized by less than 10 ms delay

5 Video (VI) VI VI Time-critical, characterized by less than 100 ms delay

4 ControlledLoad (CL) VI A_VI

Non-time-critical but loss sensitive, such as streaming multimedia orbusiness-critical traffic; usually used for applications that requirereservation mechanisms or admission control decisions

3 ExcellentEffort (EE) BE BE Also non-time-critical but loss sensitive; for best-effort services deliv-

ered to the most important customers

0 Best Effort(BE) BE BE Non-time-critical and loss insensitive. This is the most common traffic

type, predominant in today’s networks

2 Spare (—) BK BK

1 Background(BK) BK BK

Non-time-critical and loss insensitive, but of lower priority than besteffort; includes bulk transfers and other data transfer that are permit-ted on the network but that should not impact the use of the net-work by other users and applications

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paring the maximum PLR of video packets vs. the number ofACK-leaders (Fig. 2a). The latter — by comparing the aver-age time needed for the transmission of a single video frame(Fig. 2b). This average time includes all data frame retrans-missions as well as the transmission of control frames.

From the presented results we conclude that broadcast con-sumes the least amount of resources, but it is absolutely unre-liable since each packet is transmitted only once. On the otherhand, DMS is the most reliable method but consumes toomuch resources. Each data frame is transmitted as many timesas the number of recipients which causes long transmissiondelay. Therefore, DMS is an ultra-reliable but non-scalablemethod and cannot be used in cases with a large number ofrecipients. In contrast to broadcast and DMS, GCR BlockAck is very flexible. By tuning the number of ACK-leaders wecan meet the QoS requirements of a particular flow whileconsuming much less resources than using DMS. In this exam-ple, using Fixed ACK-leaders only J0 = 8 recipients (out of all25 recipients) are needed to meet the QoS requirements andthe amount of resources consumed is one order less than forDMS.

Intra-Access Category PrioritizationDue to the increasing number of video streams (Cisco esti-mates predict that “by 2015, the world will reach 3 trillionInternet video minutes per month, which is 1 million Internetvideo minutes every second” [2]) there is a need for differenti-ation between individual AV streams. Consider an enterpriseAP serving both a videoconference and a TV broadcast. With802.11aa it is possible to serve these two video streams withdifferent QoS using a new traffic differentiation mechanism.

This new mechanism (intra-AC traffic differentiation)extends the granularity of EDCA inter-AC traffic differentia-tion. It divides the transmit queues for Voice (VO) and Video(VI) ACs into two (primary and alternate) to provide differ-entiation between individual AV streams. Therefore, there aresix transmit queues in total: Primary Voice (VO), AlternateVoice (A_VO), Primary Video (VI), Alternate Video (A_VI),Best Effort (BE), and Background (BK).

These queues are derived from the IEEE 802.1D user pri-orities [12] as shown in Table 2.3 The transmit queues aremapped to four independent EDCA functions (Fig. 3). A ded-icated scheduler is used to determine which head-of-lineframes from the VO and A_VO (VI and A_VI) queues shouldbe passed to the appropriate EDCA function. This is realizedusing credit-based schedulers (with two queues) as defined inIEEE 802.1Q [11]. This scheduler is configured so that framesfrom the higher priority queues are selected with a higherprobability than frames from the lower priority queues. TheEDCA function remains unchanged for each AC and datatransmission is organized using procedures defined in 802.11.

The intra-AC traffic differentiation feature of 802.11aa canpotentially, depending on the implementation, be applied tomore elaborate use cases then simply differentiating betweenindividual AV streams. For example, in the case of MPEGstreaming, the particular types of video frames of the codec(I/P/B) can be assigned different priorities to ensure that themost important ones (I frames) are provided a higher QoS.Finally, the different layers of a video stream encoded withScalable Video Coding (SVC) can be easily mapped onto thenew transmission queues (e.g., using not only the VI andA_VI queues, but possibly also the BE/BK queues).

Intra-access category prioritization requires the use of theadmission control mechanisms provided in the 802.11 stan-dard. Therefore, because of the necessary signaling, it is avail-able only in the infrastructure and mesh network types.Furthermore, stations disseminate support for this featureusing an additional signaling mechanism. This allows back-ward compatibility: a transmission with the use of the addi-tional queues will not be set up if the destination is a legacystation.

In order to demonstrate the intra-access category prioritiza-tion feature of 802.11aa consider a single AP simultaneouslytransmitting traffic in all six queues. All queues are saturated,

3 A proprietary mapping can be achieved with the Stream ClassificationService, described later.

Figure 1. GCR service with (a) Unsolicited Retry or (b) Block Ack.


Dataframe 2

Dataframe 2

AIFS +backoff

Dataframe 1

Dataframe 1 ...

AIFS +backoff

Data frame retransmission

Dataframe 1

AIFS +backoff

Dataframe 1

AIFS +backoff


GCR recipient 1

GCR recipient 2


BlockAck Req



BlockAck Req


frame nData

frame 3 ...SIFS SIFS SIFS

SIFS - Short inter-frame spaceAIFS - Arbitration inter-frame space

Individual reception acknowledgement

Dataframe 2

Dataframe 1

AIFS +backoff


GCR recipient 1

GCR recipient 2

GCR recipient 3

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channel conditions are ideal, and both credit-based schedulersare configured to achieve a probability of selecting a framefrom the higher priority queue equal to 0.75 and 0.6 for VOand VI, respectively.4 Given a fixed frame size of 1000 bytes,we can estimate the achieved throughput values based on anexisting EDCA model [13] extended to support intra-accessprioritization.5 The results are presented in Fig. 4.

Based on this example, the following conclusions can bederived. First, the prioritization levels achieved using 802.11aaare finer than using EDCA. In contrast to EDCA, 802.11aaallows splitting the throughput of VO into two distinct values(different VO queues are served with different priority). Thesame behavior is observed for VI. Second, inter-access catego-ry prioritization (EDCA) is not disrupted, i.e., VO is servedwith higher probability than VI, although it is possible that

802.11aa VO will have lower throughput than 802.11aa VI.Third, the relation of data selected from the primary queue todata selected from the alternate queue is scalable. It is depen-dent on the settings of the employed credit-based schedulers.The amendment does not define the parameter settings forthe schedulers because they are dependent on the networkconfiguration.

Stream Classification ServiceWhen intra-access category prioritization is enabled, theStream Classification Service (SCS) allows streams to be arbi-trarily (i.e., not based on the 802.1D user priority) mapped tothe primary and alternate queues. This is an optional service

4 The exact prioritization scheme, i.e., the configuration of the credit-basedscheduling, is implementation-dependent.

Figure 2. Comparison of multicast a) reliability and b) resource consumption.

Number of ACK-leaders













10 15 20


250Number of ACK-leaders







eo f


e tr



on t







10 15 20 250

BroadcastBlock Ack (fixed leaders)DMS

DMSBlock Ack (fixed leaders)Broadcast

Figure 3. Intra-access category prioritization.






Frame transmission attempt


Best effort




EDCA functionswith internal

collision resolution

IEEE 802.1Qscheduling




Classification to ACs and transmission queues

Lowest priorityHighest priority



5 In brief, the probability of a successful transmission for the i-th AC (PSi)from [13] was changed for VO and VI to accommodate the two newqueues. It was changed to pprimaryPSi and (1-pprimary)PSi for the primaryand alternate queues, respectively.

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which may be realized using layer 2 and/or layer 3 classifica-tion. Additional information can also be provided to deter-mine if the described traffic stream allows frame dropping. Adesignated Drop Eligibility Indicator (DEI) bit indicates thatin this stream frames may be dropped. Therefore, by noticingthat AV streams can tolerate a certain degree of packet loss[5], 802.11aa refrains from perfect reliability at the MAClayer. Such graceful degradation of AV streams is especiallyhelpful if the capacity of the wireless channel is insufficient.However, determining at which stage frames should bedropped or if the capacity is insufficient is outside the scopeof the amendment. Additionally, note that the combination ofthe two intra-AC queues and two settings of DEI allows fourdifferent priority types for both VO and VI.

Each SCS stream is identified by an SCSID which is usedby a station to request the creation, modification, or deletionof an SCS stream. It is also used by an AP to identify the SCSstream in SCS responses. To start an SCS session, a stationsends a request specifying the traffic class and priority for thenew stream. The AP may accept or reject the requirementsspecified by the station. Once accepted and classified, thestream is assigned to an AC and tagged with a specific DEI.

An SCS session can be initialized by any non-AP stationthat supports it. This could be either the destination or thesource station (Fig. 5). Usually, the destination starts the ses-sion and requests the AV stream. A legacy station cannot ini-tiate, modify, or terminate an SCS session, however, it cancorrectly receive SCS streams initiated by other non-AP sta-tions. In the first case (Fig. 5a), the destination node (an AVstation) that supports SCS, can start the service by sending anSCS Request frame to the AP. After replying with an SCSResponse frame, the AP should process all incoming unicastdata frames that belong to the accepted AV stream basedupon parameters provided in the SCS Request frame by thedestination node. In the second case (Fig. 5b), the sourcenode (an AV server) can initiate an SCS session with thesame procedure as described above even if the destination (alegacy station) does not support it.

OBSS ManagementOBSSs working on the same channel are becoming more andmore common because of the wide diffusion of 802.11 net-works and the limited availability of channels. Although the

carrier sense mechanism in principle does not require any fre-quency planning (because it is based on a temporal division ofBSSs operating on the same channel), it has been shown thatsevere performance impairments can occur due to the neigh-bor capture effect. This occurs when a BSS is between twoBSSs which do not hear each other. In the presence of greedytraffic, the BSS in the middle can be prevented from accessingthe channel indefinitely because it senses the medium perma-nently busy.

In order to limit the neighbor capture effect and extendadmission control and scheduling decisions, a new mechanismcalled OBSS management has been proposed. The mechanismis based on two main components:• A mechanism for quantifying the load and interference sta-

tus of each BSS and signaling this information to the neigh-bor BSSs

• A mechanism for performing channel selection and cooper-ative resource sharing on the basis of such information

Load and interference information are distributed in a QLoadreport, which can be sent by the AP upon request or optional-ly included in beacon frames. Load information elements con-veyed in the beacons are ignored by legacy APs.

The load information refers to the QoS traffic admittedunder EDCA and HCCA, and it is expressed in terms of thenumber of admitted VO and VI streams, and the mediumoccupancy fraction (minimum, mean, maximum value, andstandard deviations) caused by such streams. Note that medi-um occupancy can be evaluated on the basis of the TSPECs ofthe admitted streams or on the basis of channel observations,while the occupancy intervals in HCCA can be separatelyaccounted by a dedicated QLoad field (HCCA Peak). Thestandard distinguishes between admitted traffic (currentlyactive VI and VO streams) and potential traffic load (EDCAand HCCA QoS load estimated by tracking the maximum val-ues of the allocated traffic over a period of seven days).

The interference information is expressed by four differentparameters:• The number of OBSSs that can be heard by the target one• The sum of the allocated traffic load signaled by all OBSSs

(including the target one)• The EDCA Access Factor, i.e., the medium occupancy frac-

tion due to the sum of the OBSSs potential traffic• The HCCA Access Factor, i.e., the medium occupancy frac-

tion due to the sum of the OBSSs HCCA Peak valuesOn the basis of the QLoad report, different channel selec-

tion or sharing strategies can be employed. The goal is select-ing a channel that is less loaded by QoS traffic. When theEDCA Access Factor evaluated for the selected channel ishigher than 1 (i.e., there are over-allocations), it is recom-mended to use a sharing scheme to ensure that any alreadyadmitted or scheduled QoS streams are not impaired by theaddition of streams from any OBSS. Two sharing schemes(proportional and on demand sharing) are suggested to avoidover-allocations. The basic idea is using the aggregated loadinformation received by all the OBSSs for admitting orscheduling new streams (up to the potential traffic signaled inthe Qload report).

Finally, OBSS management enables each AP to exchangeHCCA scheduling information with the overlapping ones inorder to cooperatively create HCCA schedules that do notcollide. An AP can query its neighbors before deciding on theadmission of a new stream. Alternatively, it can specify dura-tion, service interval, and start times for each reserved streamin its beacon frame and track similar information provided byits neighbors.

In order to clarify the rationale of the parameters proposedfor quantifying the load and the interference of multiple

Figure 4. Example of intra-access category prioritization.

A_VO (75%)


















VO (25%)


VI (60%)


A_VI (40%)




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OBSSs we present an illustrative example. Figure 6 plots thethroughput performance and the shared allocated load mea-sured by an AP interfering with two different BSSs which donot hear each other. Specifically, we assume that the threedifferent APs are deployed in a linear topology at regular dis-tances, and that the carrier sense range and transmissionrange of each AP is slightly higher than such a distance (sothat the first AP is not able to sense the transmissions of thethird one). In each BSS, we consider an increasing number ofstations. These stations are placed close to their correspond-ing APs so that a transmission by any station belonging to anexterior BSS is received by the middle AP. Each station trans-mits a multimedia CBR traffic stream to its AP, with uniformparameters (namely, with a rate r of 500 Kb/s, a payload P of1500 bytes). As long as the number of streams increases andthe BSS capacity is saturated, the performance of the BSS inthe middle decreases to zero because of the neighbor captureeffect. Such a situation can be avoided if we perform admis-sion control based on the shared allocated medium time. Theallocated medium time of each AP is represented by the chan-nel busy time, measured in an observation interval of 1 s.Considering n streams in each BSS and the occupancy time T= r/P (Tdata + Tack) of a single traffic stream, each AP com-

putes the shared allocated medium time as the maximumbetween its local computation (i.e., the sum of the allocatedtimes signaled by the neighbor plus its own allocated time)and the same parameter signaled by the neighbor APs. Sincethe AP in the middle will signal a shared allocated time of 3nT, all the APs will consider such an interference indication(plotted in the right y axis of the figure). In 802.11aa new traf-fic streams are not admitted when this parameter is higherthan 1 s (i.e., when the number of already admitted streams isequal to or greater than five in the considered scenario).Therefore, overloading conditions and subsequent unfairresource reparations among the BSSs can be prevented.

Interworking with IEEE 802.1Q SRPThe Stream Reservation Protocol (SRP) is a signaling protocoldefined in IEEE 802.1Q to provide end-to-end QoS guaranteesby reserving network resources for specific traffic streams inbridged local area networks. Therefore, it can be consideredequal in functionality to the Resource Reservation Protocol(RSVP) which operates in routed local area networks. SRP isvery important because other IEEE 802 standards do not defineprocedures for such end-to-end reservations. 802.11aa intro-

Figure 6. Throughput degradation in an OBSS scenario.

Number of streams1

10% 0,5Nor










e [s


0% 0

20% 1

30% 1,5

40% 2

50% 2,5

60% 3

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Medium time = 1

BSS1BSS2BSS3Medium time

Figure 7. Operation of QMF.




Voice Video

Frame transmission attempt

Best effort Background


Managementframe generator

Managementframe classificationData frame classification

Data frames

Figure 5. Initialization of SCS by a) destination node or b) source node.


AV stream

AV s









AV station withoutSCS support

AV server withSCS support



AV streamAV s



AV station withSCS support

AV server with orwithout SCS support


SCS responseSCS request

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duces support for SRP by integrating it with admission control(specifically, with the TSPEC frames). This approach allows forend-to-end SRP reservations when one or more 802.11 links arealong the path from the 802.1Q talker (data stream producer) tothe 802.1Q listener (data stream consumer). In order for theSRP reservation to succeed, this feature has to be supported bythe originating station, the AP to which it is connected, as wellas the end-point of the reservation.

IEEE 802.11aeSince 1999, the IEEE 802.11 standard has had 19 amend-ments. These amendments have significantly increased thenumber of management frame categories: from 11 indivisibletypes to 14 types with the action frame type having 18 cate-gories, each with its own set of up to 28 sub-categories offrames. These management frames, though often of limitedsize, can impede the performance of voice applications if they

are sent frequently and with the highest priority as in 802.11.The solution to this problem has been provided in the802.11ae amendment. This concise document defines:• A mechanism for the flexible prioritization of management

frames• A signaling protocol for the exchange of frame prioritiza-

tion policies.The prioritization mechanism is called the QoS manage-

ment frame (QMF) service. At its core is a QMF policy whichprovides a mapping between the management frametypes/subtypes and the EDCA ACs.6 This means that all man-agement frames are sent in an AC as defined by the currentQMF policy (Fig. 7). Therefore, the QMF policy can be con-sidered analogous to the mapping presented in Table 2.

The amendment defines a default QMF policy (Table 3).However, in general the QMF policies are flexible, i.e., theycan be established and changed using a signaling protocoldefined in 802.11ae. This flexibility allows the QMF service to

Table 3. Default QMF policy (omitted frames are assigned to BE) and policy dissemination frames (emphasized).

Type of Frame Frame Description QMF AccessCategory

Dissemination of QMF Policies

Infrastructure BSS Mesh BSS

(Re)Association Request/Response Handover between APs VO Yes (in responses) No

Probe Request (individually addressed) Scanning initialization (unicast) VO No No

Probe Response Scanning result BE Yes No

Beacon, ATIM, Disassociation,Authentication, Deauthentication Network maintenance VO Yes (beacon) No

Channel switch announcement Initialization of channel switching VO No No

Extended channel switch announcement Initialization of extended channelswitching VO No No

QoS frames QoS signaling (e.g., TSPEC exchange) VO No No

Measurement pilot Basic scanning information VO No No

Tunneled Direct-Link Setup DiscoveryResponse Part of direct-link setup VO No No

Fast BSS Transition Pre-handover setup to speed up thehandover process VO No No

High Throughput frames Support for data rates greater than100 Mb/s VO No No

Security Association Query frames Procedure for robust managementframe protection VO No No

QMF Policy and QMF Change Policy Dedicated frames for thedissemination of QMF policies BE Yes Yes

Hybrid Wireless Mesh Protocol MeshPath Selection Path selection in mesh BSS VO No No

Congestion Control Congestion information disseminationin mesh BSS VO No No

Self Protected frames Management of security associations VI No No

Deenablement of Dynamic StationEnablement

Related to the operation in the 3650 to3700 MHz band in the US VO No No

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be adapted to vendor application requirements. The operationof the signaling protocol depends on the network type: infras-tructure or mesh.7 In the former, the AP defines the QMFpolicy for the whole BSS. In the latter, a mesh station definesthe QMF policy with another mesh station on a per-link basis.The QMF policy can be disseminated using either existingframes (e.g., beacons) or new, dedicated frames (Table 3).Additional signaling mechanisms allow stations and frames tobe identified as QMF stations (i.e., stations supporting thisservice) and QMFs (i.e., being sent according to a QMF poli-cy), respectively. This allows backward compatibility: QMFstations use VO to transmit management frames to non-QMFstations and group-addressed QMFs are not sent if there arenon-QMF stations present in the BSS. Further backward com-patibility is ensured if there are non-QoS stations in the net-work. In this case, all management frames are sent using BE.

Conclusions and Future WorkThe IEEE 802.11 standard has been continuously evolvingsince its first release in 1999. In this tutorial we have discussedtwo recently published amendments to the standard which

focus on increasing QoS by providing several new features.Some of them extend already existing mechanisms (inter-access category prioritization, prioritization of managementframes, 802.1 AVB, reliable multicast and broadcast) whileothers introduce mechanisms previously not considered in802.11 (stream classification service, OBSS management,graceful degradation of AV streams). For each of the newfeatures, we have explained the motivation for their introduc-tion, described their design principles, provided examples ofusage, and discussed compatibility issues.

Amendments to 802.11, such as those described in thistutorial, always introduce new challenges. A recent example ofthis problem is related to 802.11s. It has been shown in [7]that transmissions in MCCAOPs are not fully protected frominterference (e.g., caused by acknowledgement frames fromhidden nodes). Solutions which can protect reservations frominterference and guarantee reliable transmission withinMCCAOPs, such as those presented in [7], are required.Table 4 provides a list of similar challenges related to 802.11aaand 802.11ae. This table can be considered as a guideline forresearchers working in the area of Wi-Fi networks. It can beexpected that in the nearest future more challenges will beidentified and extensively researched. Additionally, we canexpect the emergence of solutions which will allow the dynam-ic adaptation of 802.11aa and 802.11ae parameters, similarlyto those proposed for EDCA [15].

The verification of the new functionalities proposed both byIEEE and researchers worldwide can be greatly facilitated byopen MAC architectures. Such an architecture is currently

Table 4. Open research areas related to the new IEEE 802.11 QoS amendments.

New 802.11 QoSFunctionality Open Research Area Comments

Multicast Choice of delivery method for multi-media traffic

The choice between broadcast, directed multicast, and the two GCRmethods depends on such factors as number of recipients, their PER,and the QoS requirements of a particular stream.

GCR Block Ack Choice of groupcast recipients forproviding block acknowledgements

This choice can be based on such QoS metrics as delay, throughput,and PER. A comparison of several schemes can be found in [8].

Intra-AC trafficprioritization

Mapping of streams to either primaryand alternate queues

A performance analysis of the newly introduced transmission queues isrequired.

Intra-AC trafficprioritization

Mapping of individual frames tomultiple queues

It remains to be analyzed how given multimedia applications (e.g.,using SVC) might benefit from the use of multiple queues.

Intra-AC trafficprioritization

Scheduling between primary andalternate queues The selection of parameters for the credit-based schedulers is left open.

SCS Graceful degradation of AV streams It is necessary to determine which frames should be dropped if theexisting radio channel capacity is insufficient.

OBSS management Algorithms for channel selection andchannel sharing

The 802.11aa amendment outlines recommended algorithms but addi-tional factors (e.g., interference from non-802.11 systems) may alsoneed to be included.

OBSS management Security of inter-BSS data exchangeFrames exchanged by OBSSs may not be authenticated or encrypted.Therefore, additional information (e.g., history of collaboration) may berequired as verification.

OBSS management Estimation of non-QoS trafficSince QLoad reports contain information only on the traffic load gener-ated by admitted VO and VI streams, it might be beneficial to addition-ally consider traffic load from non-QoS sources.

QMF Optimum QMF policy The optimization of custom QMF policies according to network deploy-ment, traffic load, etc. is left open.

6 The alternate VO/VI queues defined by 802.11aa cannot be used to sendmanagement frames.

7 The amendment does not allow QMF to be used in independent BSS(i.e., ad hoc) networks.

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being designed within the FLexible Architecture for Virtualiz-able wireless future Internet Access (FLAVIA) project [14].With FLAVIA it will be possible to easily check which newsolutions, protocol extensions, and optimizations are best suit-ed to specific environments and services without the need ofstandardizing them first. In particular, in view of QoS, it willenable avoiding suboptimal multimedia performance.

AcknowledgmentsThis work has been carried out partially as part of EuropeanProject FP7-ICT FLAVIA (contract no. 257263), partially aspart of a project financed by the Polish National Science Cen-tre (decision no. DEC-2011/01/D/ST7/05166) and partially asa part of a research project ‘’QoS provisioning methods forthe access to broadband multimedia services in wireless self-organized networks’’ financed by the Ministry of Educationand Science of the Russian Federation (application form#2012-1.2.1-12-000-2006-009) as well as by the Russian Foun-dation for Basic Research (research project no. 12-07-33067mol a ved).

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[9] IEEE 802.11aa, IEEE Standard for Local and Metropolitan Area Networks— Specific Requirements — Part 11: Wireless LAN Medium Access Con-trol (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY) Specifications — Amendment 2:MAC Enhancements for Robust 12 Audio Video Streaming, May 2012.

[10] IEEE 802.11ae, IEEE Standard for Information Technology — Telecommu-nications and Information Exchange between Systems — Local andmetropolitan Area Networks — Specific Requirements Part 11: WirelessLAN Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY) Specifica-tions Amendment 1: Prioritization of Management Frames, Apr. 2012.

[11] IEEE 802.1Q-2011, IEEE Standard for Local and Metropolitan Area Net-works — Media Access Control (MAC) Bridges and Virtual Bridged LocalArea Networks, Aug. 2011.

[12] IEEE 802.1D-2004, IEEE Standard for Local and Metropolitan Area Net-works — Media Access Control (MAC) Bridges, June 2004.

[13] M. Gas et al., “3-D Markov Chain-based Saturation Throughput Model ofIEEE 802.11 EDCA,” Electronics Letters, vol. 47, no. 14, 2011.

[14] FP7-ICT Project: FLexible Architecture for Virtualizable Future WirelessInternet Access — FLAVIA, http://www.ict-flavia.eu

[15] Q. Ni, “Performance Analysis and Enhancements for IEEE 802.11eWireless Networks,” IEEE Network, vol. 19, no. 4, 2005, pp. 21–27.

BiographiesKATARZYNA KOSEK-SZOTT [M] received her Ph.D. degree (with honours) intelecommunications from the AGH University of Science and Technology,Krakow, Poland in 2011. Currently she is working as an assistant professor.Her general research interests are focused on wireless LANs (especially ad-hoc networks) and quality of service provisioning within these networks. Shehas co-authored over 40 research papers.

ARTEM KRASILOV received his M.Sc. degree in telecommunications (with hon-ours) from the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (State Universi-ty), Moscow, Russia in 2010. He is currently a Ph.D. student at the Institutefor Information Transmission Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences.His research interests are related to QoS provisioning in wireless self-orga-nizing networks and hybrid (contention/deterministic) channel access meth-ods.

ANDREY LYAKHOV is the head of a laboratory in the Institute for InformationTransmission Problems, Russian Academy of Sciences. His current interests arein methods for the analysis and design of wireless network protocols. Hereceived Candidate and Doctoral Degrees from the Institute of Control Sci-ences of Russian Academy of Sciences in 1989 and 1996. He is the co-author of 2 textbooks and more than 120 papers in refereed journals andconference proceedings.

MAREK NATKANIEC [SM] received the M.Sc., Ph.D., and Ph.D.Hab. degrees intelecommunications from the AGH University of Science and Technology,Krakow, Poland in 1997, 2002, and 2013, respectively. Currently he isworking as an assistant professor. His research interests are in wireless localarea networks. He has actively participated in several European projects. Heserves as an expert and a consultant to telecom operators in the area of wire-less networks. He has co-authored over 100 research papers.

ALEXANDER SAFONOV received his Ph.D. degree in telecommunications (withhonours) from the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (State Universi-ty), Moscow, Russia in 2008. Currently he is a senior researcher at the Insti-tute for Information Transmission Problems of the Russian Academy ofSciences. He regularly takes part in the work of the IEEE 802 LMSC (in partic-ular, IEEE 802.11 Working Group). His professional interests are related toQoS provisioning in wireless self-organizing networks for unicast and multicasttraffic.

SZYMON SZOTT [M] received his Ph.D. degree in telecommunications (with hon-ours) from the AGH University of Science and Technology, Krakow, Poland in2011. Currently he is working as an assistant professor at AGH University.His professional interests are related to QoS provisioning and security of wire-less networks. He serves as secretary for the ETSI Industry Specification Group“Autonomic network engineering for the self-managing Future Internet” (AFI).He is the co-author of over 30 research papers.

ILENIA TINNIRELLO has been Assistant Professor at the University of Palermo,Italy, since January 2005. Her research activity has mainly focused on wire-less networks and in particular on: multiple access algorithms, future networkarchitectures, cross-layer solutions, mobility management. She has beeninvolved with coordination roles in various national and international researchprojects, among which the European FP7 project FLAVIA as project technicalcoordinator.

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