What's Happening in Metal Finishing Bob Rice joins EPI Electro- chemical Products Inc. as a Senior Tech- nical Sales Represen- tative. With 25 years of plating and metal- finishing experience, Bob will be involved -- in the continued rapid worldwide growth of EPI. Prior to joining the company, he was with Enthone. OM Group, Inc. announced the appointment of Joeg Beuers, Vice President and Global General Manager of Technical Materials to Board Member of Allegmeine Gold- und Silberscheideanstalt AG (AGOSI). Joerg Plessow has been announced Vice President and Global General Manager, Techni- cal Materials. Beuers and Plessow are both associates at the OMG Precious Metals Group in Hanau- Wolfgang, Germany. The ChemQuest Group, Inc. is pleased to announce the promo- tion of Michael D. Brown to the position of Vice President. Brown joined ChemQuest in 1999 after 17 years with Dupont Perfor- mance Coatings, where he was business manager. Raabe Corp., a leading manufac- turer of exact match touch-up paints and custom packaging ser- vices, announces the appointment of Rick Vanderkin to the posi- tion of director of operations. Vanderkin joined Raabe in 1970 as a manager for the retail store located on North Ave. in Milwau- kee. He was promoted to produc- tion manager in 1986 before being named manufacturing manager in 1996. In his new position as director of operations, he is now responsible for all manufacturing and building related functions. Palm International, Inc. La- Vergne, TN, announced Terry W. Hutchins has joined the com- pany as Sales and Marketing Manager of the Equipment Divi- sion. In his new position, Hutchins primary responsibility will be to oversee Palm's entry into the Automatic Systems Busi- ness for both General Metal Fin- ishing and PCB electroplating systems, control instruments, evaporators, and polishing filters. Mr. Hutchins was most recently Eastern Regional Sales Manager for Baker Technology Associates, Inc. Santa Monica, Ca. Rheometric Scientific, Piscat- away, NJ announced today that Nick Minutolo has joined the company as Vice President, Global Marketing, Sales and Ser- vice. At Rheometric Scientific, Mr. Minutolo' s role includes strategic leadership for the company's Pa- cific Rim, Latin American, and North American territories, along with overall corporate product de- velopment and technical service. Reliable Plating Works, Inc. hires Greg Kulis as Project En- gineer and Don Schmerling as Sales and Human Resource Man- ager to support their growth. The National Association of Metal Finishers (NAMF) made award presentations at its An- nual Convention in Cancun, Mex- ico, in March. The most presti- gious individual honor was bestowed on William J. Saas of Taskem Inc., Brooklyn Heights, Ohio. He was the recipient of the Silvio C. Taormina Memorial Award. Herbert N. "Duff" Ger- hardt, Jr. of General Super Plat- ing Co. Inc., Syracuse, N.Y., was given a Life Membership. Awards of Merit were presented to Jeff Curtis of Electroplating Indus- tries, Oakland, Mich.; Robert P. Sica of New Brunswick Plating, New Brunswick, N.J.; Mike Kelly of ASKO Processing Inc., Seattle; Joanne Marozza of Three J's Industries, Elk Grove Village, Ill.; Tony Revier of Uyemura International Corp., Ontario, Calif.; and Scott Walker of Gardner Publications, Cincinnati. An Outstanding Achievement Award was given to John S. Lindstedt of Artistic Plating Co. Inc., Milwaukee. NAMF also announced its slate of Officers and Executive Commit- tee members for 2002-2003. They include President Blair R. Van- divier of Benchmark Products Inc., Indianapolis; Vice President Joanne Marozza of Three J's In- dustries, Elk Grove Village, Ill.; Treasurer Mike Kelly of ASKO Processing Inc., Seattle; Immedi- ate Past President J. Kelly Mowry of Gull Industries, Hous- ton. Also named to the Executive Committee were Sylvia Rodri- guez of Amex Plating, Santa Clara, Calif.; Robert P. Sica of New Brunswick Plating, New Brunswick, N.J.; and William D. Wiggins of Automation Plating Corp., Glendale, Calif. Palm International, Inc. La- Vergne, TN, announced it would expand its Equipment Division to include automated systems for both general metal finishing and 166 Metal Finishing

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What's Happening in Metal Finishing

Bob Rice joins EPI Electro- chemical Products Inc. as a Senior Tech- nical Sales Represen- tative. With 25 years of plating and metal- finishing experience, Bob will be involved

- - in the cont inued rapid worldwide growth of EPI. Prior to joining the company, he was with Enthone.

OM Group , Inc. announced the appointment of Joeg Beuers, Vice Pres iden t and Global General Manager of Technical Materials to Board Member of Allegmeine Gold- und S i lbersche ideans ta l t AG (AGOSI). Joerg Plessow has been announced Vice Pres ident and Global General Manager, Techni- cal Materials. Beuers and Plessow are both associates at the OMG Precious Metals Group in Hanau- Wolfgang, Germany.

The C h e m Q u e s t G r o u p , Inc. is pleased to announce the promo- tion of Michae l D. B r o w n to the position of Vice President. Brown joined ChemQuest in 1999 after 17 years wi th Dupont Perfor- mance Coatings, where he was business manager.

Raabe Corp. , a leading manufac- turer of exact match touch-up paints and custom packaging ser- vices, announces the appointment of R i c k V a n d e r k i n to the posi- t ion of director of operat ions. Vanderkin joined Raabe in 1970 as a manager for the retail store located on North Ave. in Milwau- kee. He was promoted to produc- tion manager in 1986 before being named manufactur ing manager in 1996. In his new position as

director of operations, he is now responsible for all manufacturing and building related functions.

Palm Internat ional , Inc. La- Vergne, TN, announced T e r r y W. Hutch ins has joined the com- pany as Sales and Marke t ing Manager of the Equipment Divi- sion. In his new posi t ion, Hutchins primary responsibility will be to oversee Palm's entry into the Automatic Systems Busi- ness for both General Metal Fin- ishing and PCB electroplat ing sys tems , control i n s t r u m e n t s , evaporators, and polishing filters. Mr. Hutchins was most recently Eastern Regional Sales Manager for Baker Technology Associates, Inc. Santa Monica, Ca.

Rheometr ic Scientific, Piscat- away, NJ announced today that N i c k M i n u t o l o has joined the company as Vice P re s iden t , Global Marketing, Sales and Ser- vice. At Rheometric Scientific, Mr. Minutolo' s role includes strategic leadership for the company's Pa- cific Rim, Latin American, and North American territories, along with overall corporate product de- velopment and technical service.

Reliable Plat ing Works, Inc. hires Greg Kulis as Project En- gineer and Don Schmerl ing as Sales and Human Resource Man- ager to support their growth.

The Nat iona l Assoc ia t ion o f Metal Finishers (NAMF) made award presentat ions at its An- nual Convention in Cancun, Mex- ico, in March. The most presti- gious ind iv idua l honor was bestowed on William J. Saas of Taskem Inc., Brooklyn Heights,

Ohio. He was the recipient of the Silvio C. Tao rmina Memor ia l Award. H e r b e r t N. "Duff" Ger- h a r d t , J r . of General Super Plat- ing Co. Inc., Syracuse, N.Y., was given a Life Membership. Awards of Merit were presented to Je f f Curtis of Electroplating Indus- tries, Oakland, Mich.; R o b e r t P. Sica of New Brunswick Plating, New Brunswick , N.J. ; Mike Kel ly of ASKO Processing Inc., Sea t t le ; J o a n n e Marozz a of Three J's Industries, Elk Grove Village, Ill.; T o n y R e v i e r of U y e m u r a In t e rna t iona l Corp., Ontar io , Calif.; and S c o t t W a l k e r of Gardner Publications, Cinc innat i . An O u t s t a n d i n g Achievement Award was given to John S. Lindstedt of Artistic P l a t i ng Co. Inc., Mi lwaukee . NAMF also announced its slate of Officers and Executive Commit- tee members for 2002-2003. They include President B la i r R. Van- d i v i e r of Benchmark Products Inc., Indianapolis; Vice President Joanne Marozza of Three J's In- dustries, Elk Grove Village, Ill.; Treasurer Mike Kel ly of ASKO Processing Inc., Seattle; Immedi- a te P a s t P r e s i d e n t J . K e l l y M o w r y of Gull Industries, Hous- ton. Also named to the Executive Committee were Sy lv i a Rodri- guez of Amex Plat ing, San ta Clara, Calif.; R o b e r t P. S ica of New Brunswick Plat ing, New Brunswick, N.J.; and Wil l iam D. Wiggins of Automation Plating Corp., Glendale, Calif.

Palm Internat ional , Inc. La- Vergne, TN, announced it would expand its Equipment Division to include au tomated sys tems for both general metal finishing and

166 Metal Finishing

Page 2: What's happening in metal finishing

PCB electroplating applications under the name Palm Automa- tion. The new automated systems business will augment Palm's ex- isting manufacturing capabilities, including electroless nickel plat- ing systems, polypropylene tanks, Max-Evap atmospheric evapora- tors, Maxi-polishing filters, and electroless nickel control instru- ments. The Equipment Division operates from a 38,000 square foot manufactur ing facility lo- cated two miles from Palm's cor- porate headquarters. T e r r y W. H u t c h i n s will serve as Sales and Marketing Manager for the ex- panded division.

Eclipse, Inc. (Rockford, Illinois)

and Riello S.p.A (Legnago, Ita- ly), represented by Riello Burners North America (Mississauga, Canada and Hingham, Massachu- setts) have formed a strategic al- liance to better serve the North American market. The strategic agreement between the two com- panies includes extensive plans for co-marketing their technolo- gies, including mutual distribu- tion, co-branding, and new prod- uct development, in addition to coast-to-coast service and sup- port. The result is the most exten- sive line of combustion systems available from any single source in North America.

Seven Michigan-based metal fin-

ishing facilities were honored to- day for their commitment to im- proving thei r envi ronmenta l performance. The U.S. Environ- m e n t a l P r o t e c t i o n A g e n c y (EPA), the Michigan Department of Envi ronmenta l Quali ty (MDEQ), and the Detroit Water and Sewerage Depar tmen t (DWSD) singled out many of the Michigan facilities for continuous environmental improvements un- der the National Metal Finishing Strategic Goals Program. The Michigan program has three per- formance levels: Bronze awards are given for completing one-third of the goals, Silver awards are given for completing two-thirds of

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June 2002 167

Page 3: What's happening in metal finishing

the goals; and Gold awards sig- nify 100% achievement of the SGP goals. The companies hon- ored include Electro Chemical Finishing, Wyoming and Tawas Plating, East Tawas, at the sil- ver level. E l e c t r o p l a t i n g Indus - t r ies , Clinton Township, Marsh Plat ing, Ypsilanti, Wolverine P l a t i n g , Roseville, L a n s i n g Plating, Lansing and Mid State P la t ing , Flint . The S t ra teg ic Goals Program is a vo lun ta ry par tnership between the metal finishing industry, government, and communities. The program features commitments from metal finishing facilities to conserve wa- ter, energy, and metals, and re- duce hazardous emissions.

The U.S. Environmental Pro- tect ion Agency and Pratt & Whitney announce today that the Connecticut company has be- come a corporate sponsor of an innova t ive i n d u s t r y - E P A pro- gram to reduce pollution from the metal finishing industry. The Na- tional Metal Finishing Strategic

Goals program is a cooperative ef- fort among EPA, 22 states, more than 400 metal finishers across the country, including 50 in New England. Launched in 1998, the p rogram provides informat ion and other resources to industry participants and has already re- sulted in significant, measurable environmental improvements, in- cluding a nearly two-thirds reduc- tion in metal discharged to water and air from program partici- pants. As a corporate sponsor, Prat t & Whitney will host four meetings a year for its metal fin- ishing suppliers, providing infor- mation and expertise on how the suppliers can make progress to- wards the objectives of the Stra- tegic Goals Program. P ra t t & Whitney is also exploring how to further encourage its suppliers to improve their environmental per- formance.

Nine Hoosier metal finishers are taking the first step in promoting e n v i r o n m e n t a l r e s p o n s i b i l i t y

within the industry by participat- ing in the newest Indiana De- par tment of E n v i r o n m e n t a l M a n a g e m e n t (IDEM) 5 -S ta r program. IDEM announced its first round of 5-Star Environmen- tal recognition Program for Metal Finishers award recipients during the Pollution Prevention for the Electroplat ing Indus t ry confer- ence on March 28. The 5-Star pro- gram encourages metal finishers to address environmental issues such as reducing the amounts of water and energy used in produc- tion while increasing the utiliza- tion of metals, reducing wastes and hazardous emissions and lim- iting humane exposure to toxic materials.

B O C E d w a r d s , Wi lmington , Mass, a leading supplier of chem- ical and exhaust gas management systems for the industrial and mi- c roe lec t ron ics i ndus t r i e s , an- nounced today tha t it has ac- quired 100% of Hydromatix, Inc., a manufacturer if high-efficiency,

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168 Metal Finishing

Page 4: What's happening in metal finishing

process-critical liquid purification systems based in Sante Fe Springs, California. Hydromatix technology is being integrated into BOC Edwards ' Chemical Management business to form a liquid abatement group.

CAE and the Cleaning Tech- nologies Group Inc (CTG) today announced that they have closed a transaction for two of CAE's Cleaning Technologies opera- tions. CAE has sold CAE Ranso- hoff Inc., of Cincinnati, Ohio and CAE Ultrasonics Inc., of James- town, New York, to the former management of these operations. The Cleaning Technologies Group Inc. is a new corporation, recently formed to facilitate these acquisi- tions by a team of CAE's former Cleaning Technologies manage- ment. The new company will be headqua r t e r ed in Cincinnati , Ohio, with Stephen Temple, former President of CAE's Clean- ing Technologies, as its CEO. CTG is comprised of Ransohoff Inc, of Cincinnati, Ohio, and newly named Blackstone Ney Ul- trasonic Inc. of Jamestown, New

York. Employing more than 225 people, the Group is a provider of environmentally friendly parts- cleaning and waste-minimization equipment and services to the global marketplace.

ECI Technology, East Ruther- ford, N.J., the world leader in Cy- clic Voltammetr ic Stripping (CVS) for copper electrodeposition bath analysis, introduces a newly established U.S. West Coast divi- sion. This division is responsible for developing and supporting ECI's customers for its chemical monitoring systems in the semi- conductor and PC board market. The team, headed by Jim Econo- mus, consists of high level sales and field application engineers.

Farr Manufacturing and Engi- neered Company of Parkers- burg, West Virginia, is pleased to announce the acquisition of the Detrex Cleaning Equipment Divi- sion. Farr, a world leader in the manufacture of custom machin- ery for the man made fiber and heat t rea tment industries has been a manufacturing partner

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with Detrex for many years. Farr will now assume full responsibil- ity for the design, manufacture, and service of the industr ia l cleaning systems our customers have relied on for over 80 years. In addition to the Detrex Clean- ing Equipment Division intellec- tual properties, Farr has pur- chased the Technical Center in Bowling Green, Ky. and plans to expand Sales, Engineering, Lab Testing and Evaluation, Replace- ment Parts, and Service opera- tions at that location. Manufactur- ing and equipment inspection/ testing will remain at Farr's state of the art manufacturing facility in Williamstown, W.V.




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June 2002 169

Page 5: What's happening in metal finishing

? ?

P r e s s u r e Island, Inc., a leading manufacturer of high-pressure, aqueous-based, closed-loop equip- ment and parts cleaning systems, announced that they are forming a joint manufacturing and market- ing alliance with FMT, Inc., of Findlay, Ohio, a 40-year remanu- facturer of industrial equipment and builder of automated custom and standard parts cleaning sys- tems designed to replace vapor- degreasing equipment. Together, the two companies will work on the development, manufacturing, mar- keting, and selling of their indus- trial cleaning system technologies while retaining their indepen- dence. Also, the Pressure Island and FMT, Inc. brand names will remain as separate, distinct enti- ties.

NAPCO, Inc. of Terryville, Conn., has been purchased from Thermo I Electron Corp. by an outside investment group. The company's headquar t e r s and

manufacturing operations will re- main open in the Terryville area. Financial terms of the transaction were not disclosed. In addition, announced changes in manage- ment at the company. Scot t A. Brooks has been appointed Pres- ident of NAPCO, Inc. Mr. Brooks has a diverse background, with nearly 15 years experience in the automotive and personal care products industries. Luc ien Dal- la i re has been appointed Vice President of System Sales. Mr. Dallaire has been with NAPCO, Inc. for 15 years and has been in the metal finishing industry for 38 years. His former position with the company was as its Sales Manager. J . Gar re t t Wasta has been appointed Vice President of Par ts and Service Sales. Mr. Wasta has been in the metal fin- ishing industry with NAPCO, Inc. for 25 years. His former position with the company was as its Op- erations Manager.

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D y n a t e c S y s t e m s Inc . and N O R I T A m e r i c a s Inc . an- nounces an alliance to market Membrane Bio Reactors (MBR) for Industrial Applications. Dyn- atec Systems Inc. and NORIT Americas have agreed to jointly develop the U.S. market for MBR within the industrial applications segment. The technology has been applied to solve complex indus- tr ial was t ewa te r problems. NORIT has extensive experience within the European market, sup- plying membranes for dozens of MBR systems. The company has developed Airflush and Airlift (both patents pending) technology to minimize energy consumption and maintain membrane produc- tivity. Dynatec has sold industrial MBR systems in the United States utilizing membrane tech- nology. The alliance will combine the strength and experience of each company to maintain a lead- ership position in the industrial

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170 Metal Finishing

Page 6: What's happening in metal finishing

markets for MBR, including met- alworking, chemical, and other in- dus t r ia l appl ica t ions tha t can benefit. MBR is a compact waste t rea tment system that combines biological t rea tment with mem- brane separation. The membrane concentrates the biomass, which enables a more compact design with shorter hydraulic retention times when compared with tradi- tional biological treatment.

Devilbiss, Binks, and O w e n s Community C o l l e g e have

teamed up to present a Spray Fin- ishing technology workshop. This three-day intensive training pro- gram is scheduled for September 4 - 6 , 2002, in Toledo, Ohio. At- tendees should be involved with industrial, contractor, or mainte- nance spray finishing applica- tions, or spray equipment sales and distribution. To register, or for additional information, con- tact Ja ime Hollabaugh, Owens Community College, Center for De- velopment and Training, by E- mail at: [email protected] or by phone at 800-466-9367 ext. 7357.

Information is also available online at: www.owens.edu/CDT/.

Mr. M o r t o n Van Loan, founder and former Pres iden t of Met - C h e m Inc., passed away at 93 years-old on March 19, 2002. Mr. Van Loan founded the company in 1953 and operated it until his re- t i rement in 1984. Dur ing this time he was very active in the Cleveland Branch of the AESF and was a renowned expert in fil- tration.


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June 2002 171