Standard V The studentw ill understandthe concepts and developme nts of the lat e 19 th to the e arly 20 th centurie s.

What were the four most important inventions of the 1800s that promoted settlement of the Midwest?

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What were the four most important inventions of the 1800s that promoted settlement of the Midwest?. Steel plow. What invention led to the end of the open-range in the West?. Barbed wire. Where was General Custer killed?. Little Big Horn. What ritual did the - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Standard VThe student willunderstand theconcepts and

developments ofthe late 19th tothe early 20th


Objective 1

Identify andevaluate the

events that ledto the settlement

of the West.

In the late 1800’s, in what region did most

of the battles between the settlers and

Native Americans take


The West

What were the four most What were the four most important inventions of important inventions of the 1800s that promoted the 1800s that promoted

settlement of the settlement of the Midwest?Midwest?

Steel plowCast-ironwindmill


Barbed wire

What did newfarm inventions

in the 1800ssuch as

harvesters andthreshers result


Anincrease in


of crops

Which politicalparty was

formed in the1890s to

promote thegoals of electoral

reform andregulation of big





arose duringthe

developmentof the


Corruptmanagement of therailroad system, the

exploitation offarmers, and

dangerous workingconditions for

railroad workers.

What was the type offarming that existed

in Alabama andother southern statesthat gave part of thecrop as payment for

work done?


In the 1800’s Alabama’s cotton

crops were destroyed so badly that farmers were forced to diversify their crops. What

destroyed the crops?


What was thename of theorganization

that was formedby farmers who

pooled theirresources to buy



Why didWestern

settlers clearforest landand kill off


To settlethe West

What animaldid NativeAmericansuse for food

and clothing?


What processused hot air

to purify steeland produce

it faster?


With whatinvention isJohn Deereassociated?

Steel plow

What invention led to the end

of the open-range in the West?

Barbed wire

Where was General Custer killed?

Little Big Horn

What ritual did the Sioux Indians believe would bring back the buffalo and restore

their land?

Ghost Dance

What is the name of the Alabama area

characterized by large areas of fertile,

black soil?

Black Belt

What term describes the belief that the U.S. had a God-

given right to expand from the Atlantic Ocean

to the Pacific Ocean?

Manifest Destiny

What term describes the belief that Native Americans should adopt European customs

and beliefs?


What act required that Native Americans adopt the policy of assimilation?

Dawes Act

Where did the slaughter of Sioux men,

women, and children occur by U.S. Army soldiers who

were trying to arrest Sitting Bull?

Battle of Wounded Knee

What is the economic theory that allows individuals to

use both silver and gold as currency?


The Populist Party in the late 1800’s favored the use of

what type of currency?


What was the name of African-American soldiers

who fought on the Western frontier against Native


Buffalo Soldiers

Why were standard time zones created?

To make the railroad system run more smoothly.

What groups of immigrants were used as workers

on the transcontinental railroad?

Chinese and Irish

Standard VThe student will understand the concepts

and developments of the late 19th to the early 20th century.

Objective 2Evaluate the concepts, developments,

and consequences of industrialization and


What was the main reason railroad lines were

built in sparsely populated parts

of Alabama?

To support the coal and iron


What decreased the number of agricultural

workers in the late 1800s?

An increase in the number

of factories in the United States

Which name best completes this diagram?

W.E.B. DuBois

Before the passage of the 19th

amendment, in what area of the country

did women have the most voting rights?

Western states

How did Upton Sinclair’s

The Jungle affect society?

It led to an increase in government

protection of consumers.

What agricultural researcher at

Tuskegee Institute created

crops which helped farmers in the South?

George Washington Carver

Which amendment requires that

members of the United States Senate

be directly elected

by the voters in their state?

17th Amendment

Who created the first telephone?

Alexander Graham Bell

Who was the Italian inventor

who discovered that messages could be sent

by radio waves?

Guglielmo Marconi

What is the term that describes the movement

of people into cities?


What is the term that is

used to describe one business that

controls an entire industry?


What is the term that describes owners of companies who use ruthless means to

acquire wealth?


What negative term would describe Andrew

Carnegie and John D. Rockefeller

due to the business practices they used?


Who was the owner of Standard Oil


John D. Rockefeller

What is the 19th century belief that only the strongest business

or individual will survive?

Social Darwinism

What 19th century belief encouraged those who

were wealthy to help those

who were less fortunate?

Gospel of Wealth

What 19th century author wrote

children’s books that revealed that one

could become wealthy through hard work? (rags to riches stories)

Horatio Alger

What organizations were formed to fight the harsh working conditions and low wages of workers in

the late 1800s?

Labor unions

What technique was employed by labor unions to ensure

their demands were met?

Strike (work stoppage)

What union helped to persuade

Congress to create a minimum wage,

safer standards for the work place,

and a 40 hour work week?

American Federation of Labor (AFL)

What group of individuals in the

late 1800s and early 1900s were

discriminated against because

they worked for less money?


What term is used to describe

Americans who favored natural

born citizens over immigrants?


What Act was passed by Congress in the 1800s to

decrease the number of Chinese


Chinese Exclusion Act

What act limited the number of European

immigrants to the United States in the

early 1900s?

Emergency Quota Act

What author exposed the corrupt

business practices

of Standard Oil?

Ida Tarbell

What was the name of the

African American movement led by W.E.B. DuBois in the early 1900s?

Niagara Movement

What movement called foran increase in economic and

political opportunitiesfor black Americans and an

end to segregation and discrimination?

Niagara Movement

Who organized (founded) the

National Association for the Advancement of Colored

People (NAACP)?

W.E.B. DuBois

What document, written by Booker T. Washington,

emphasized that the races should

remain separate?

Atlanta Exposition and Compromise

Who was the founder and first

president of Tuskegee Institute?

Booker T. Washington

What college was created to provide training for

African Americans

in industry and agriculture?

Tuskegee Institute

What court case requirements led

to the creation of

Tuskegee Institute?

Plessy v. Ferguson

What amendment provides

for a federal income tax?


What amendment prohibited the sale,

manufacture and distribution

of alcohol?


What effect did the repeal of the 18th

amendment have on counties in


Some counties in Alabama allowed the

sale of alcoholic beverages (wet counties)

while some did not (dry counties)

What amendment gave women the right

to vote throughout the United



What was the name given to the Progressive

programs instituted during

Theodore Roosevelt’s presidency?

Square Deal

What President created the National Park


Theodore Roosevelt

What President was known as the


Theodore Roosevelt

What law was passed

as a result of Upton Sinclair’s

The Jungle?

Pure Food and Drug Act

What former president ran as a candidate for the Progressive Party

in the 1912 election?

Theodore Roosevelt

What political party was also known

as the Bull-Moose Party?

Progressive Party

Why did the Republican Party

split into Republicans and Progressives in

the early 1900s?

Because President Taft and former President T. Roosevelt disagreed on

political issues

What Alabama city’s economic

growth focused on iron and steel?


What Alabama city’s economic

growth focused on shipping?


What was the cheapest source of labor in the post Civil

War South?

Convicts who were leased to

companies (convict leasing)

What Alabama document required individuals to prove

land ownership and/or literacy before they

were able to vote?

1901 Alabama Constitution

What effect did the Alabama Constitution of 1901 have on black


Greatly decreased their ability

to exercise the right to vote

What was the name of the reforms

developed by Woodrow Wilson?

New Freedom

Why was the Alabama Constitution of 1901 passed?

To ensure that Democrats

(whites) would stay in power

What federal agency was established to

investigate companies who used unfair

business practices?

What federal agency was established to

investigate companies who used

unfair business practices?

Federal Trade Commission

What law was passed to ensure that

businesses could not use anti-trust laws to

break up unions?

Clayton Anti-Trust Act

What Massachusetts educator is considered

to be the Father of Education?

Horace Mann

What term described the writers who

revealed social problems in the

early 1900s?


What term would have been used by Theodore Roosevelt

to describe both Ida Tarbell and Upton Sinclair?


What 1896 court case ensured that

segregation and the doctrine

of “separate but equal” would remain the law

of the land?

Plessy v. Ferguson

What 1914 law provides

for a national banking system consisting of 12

district banks?

Federal Reserve Act

Skyscrapers and suspensions

bridges led to the growth of

what industry?

The steel industry

Why were children employed in

factories in the late 1800s?

They provided a cheap labor source

What Alabama city was known

as the “Pittsburg of the South”?


After the passage of the 1901 Alabama

Constitution, what allowed

illiterate whites to exercise the right to vote?

Grandfather Clause

What reform movement

is Susan B. Anthony associated


Suffrage (the right to vote

for women)

What was an indirect result of the

passage of the

16th amendment?

A larger tax burden on farmers