Nine things a boss owes his manager: feedback,empowerment,coaching,transparency, recognition,opportunity,clear tasks,access and respect for personal time. Four things a people owe their boss are 100% effort,loyalty,honesty and get it d one results. Unbalanced expectation merit some thought, because the assymetry is the cause of strife and disappointment. The bosses you work with definitely influence the trajectory of your career. CEO's do four things: they guide,they judge,they coach and they speak about the employee with influential people. 5C's-Communicate,convince,cajole,coerce and finally crucify the executives if th ey do not respond. Known problems with unkown solutions and unkown problem with known solutions. Each success story is set within a context.If the context changes, the perceptio n of success also changes. Those with experience know that targets can never be devoid of ambiguity. Kiss up and Kick down. Accomplishment,Affability,Advocacy and Authenticity. Execution has three core processes: the people process,the strategy process and the operations process. The cause of much strife in the world arises from the inability of the people to listen each other. Affable manager is an oxymoron. Authencity arises from your sharing your humanity with those who have chosen to follow you. Deserving before desiring. When the task is beyond your capability or emotional bandwidth,then you feel str ess and you show it. Creating mind. Sleep helps you connect dots of unconnected information. The only thing that really matters in your life is your relationship with other people.-Vaillant. While getting your job done,step on other's toes if you must,but do not take the shine off others' boots. Selection should favor those charectars that promote the optimization of persona l relationships.G C Das. In short the way in which you frame your view and the manner in which you expres s it does matter.

What the CEO Really Wants From You

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Nine things a boss owes his manager: feedback,empowerment,coaching,transparency,recognition,opportunity,clear tasks,access and respect for personal time.

Four things a people owe their boss are 100% effort,loyalty,honesty and get it done results.

Unbalanced expectation merit some thought, because the assymetry is the cause of strife and disappointment.

The bosses you work with definitely influence the trajectory of your career.

CEO's do four things: they guide,they judge,they coach and they speak about the employee with influential people.

5C's-Communicate,convince,cajole,coerce and finally crucify the executives if they do not respond.

Known problems with unkown solutions and unkown problem with known solutions.

Each success story is set within a context.If the context changes, the perception of success also changes.

Those with experience know that targets can never be devoid of ambiguity.

Kiss up and Kick down.

Accomplishment,Affability,Advocacy and Authenticity.

Execution has three core processes: the people process,the strategy process and the operations process.

The cause of much strife in the world arises from the inability of the people to listen each other.

Affable manager is an oxymoron.

Authencity arises from your sharing your humanity with those who have chosen to follow you.

Deserving before desiring.

When the task is beyond your capability or emotional bandwidth,then you feel stress and you show it.

Creating mind.

Sleep helps you connect dots of unconnected information.

The only thing that really matters in your life is your relationship with other people.-Vaillant.

While getting your job done,step on other's toes if you must,but do not take the shine off others' boots.

Selection should favor those charectars that promote the optimization of personal relationships.G C Das.

In short the way in which you frame your view and the manner in which you express it does matter.

It is in human nature to think of the self before anything.Self Interest is not a vice.Only when self interest mutates to selfishness does it begin to be a vice.

Brain equates social needs with survival rather than well being.

A general does not choose his battlefield.

The final decision cannot be an average of everyone's opinion; it must be the best and most practical among opinions heard.

Cost of silence can be bitterness,resentment and feeling disconnected.

Do not try to win an argument; it is more important to focus on understanding why the other person thinks differently.

Emotion appeals to the heart of a person.Intelligence appeals to the mind of a person.

None of us is smarter than all of us put together.

Clear out fast into a new one.Do not hang in there and complain.

In no human relationship you can communicate exactly what you feel.

Your behavior is a planned balance between expressing your personality and managing the impressions of those whom you wish to relate with.

We yarn for increasing certainity. The reality of life and career is exactly opposite.

Know Thyself.

Nothing in excess.

Attention is the most precious gift a person can offer.

Your abilities can change if you learn from mistakes and are willing to put in effort.(Growth Mindset).

Many students who started off brilliantly fizzled out and developed problems; many students who began with problems worked through them and died happy old men.