ESSAY REVIEW What Philosophy of Biology Is Not DAVIDHULL Department of Philosophy University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Periodically through the history of biology, biologists have tried to do a little philosophy and occasionally a philosopher has turned his attention to biology. In the past decade or so a body of literature has arisen which might legitimately be called philosophy of biology. The purpose of this paper will be to review the contributions made to this literature by philoso- phers during the past ten or fifteen years. Earlier work will be discussed only ff it has proven especially influential. The contributions made by biologists to the philosophy of biology will be touched on only briefly, both because the biological literature is too vast to permit anything like a fair summary in the confines of a short paper and because the strengths and weaknesses of this literature tend to be quite different from the efforts of philosophers. 1 In this paper I have not re- frained from criticism, though it is sure to result in acrimony. There is too great a discrepancy between what philosophers produce under the guise of philosophy of biology and what phi- losophy of biology could be or, in my opinion, should be to pass over without comment. One striking feature of the remarks made by philosophers about biology is how frequently they are misinformed. For example, Mario Bunge in a paper on the weight of simplicity in the construction and assaying of scientific theories asks the following question: 1. Both restrictions in the scope of this paper have been ignored when special circumstances seemed to demand it. For example, Woodger began his career as a biologist and published most of his work prior to the time limits set for this paper, but he has produced a body of work in the philosophy of biology too important not to include. 241

What Philosophy of Biology Is Not DAVID HULL

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What Philosophy of Biology Is Not

DAVID HULL Department of Philosophy University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

Periodically through the history of biology, biologists have tried to do a little philosophy and occasionally a philosopher has turned his attention to biology. In the past decade or so a body of literature has arisen which might legitimately be called philosophy of biology. The purpose of this paper will be to review the contributions made to this literature by philoso- phers during the past ten or fifteen years. Earlier work will be discussed only ff it has proven especially influential. The contributions made by biologists to the philosophy of biology will be touched on only briefly, both because the biological literature is too vast to permit anything like a fair summary in the confines of a short paper and because the strengths and weaknesses of this literature tend to be quite different f rom the efforts of philosophers. 1 In this paper I have not re- frained from criticism, though it is sure to result in acrimony. There is too great a discrepancy between what philosophers produce under the guise of philosophy of biology and what phi- losophy of biology could be or, in my opinion, should be to pass over without comment .

One striking feature of the remarks made by philosophers about biology is how frequently they are misinformed. For example, Mario Bunge in a paper on the weight of simplicity in the construction and assaying of scientific theories asks the following question:

1. Both restrictions in the scope of this paper have been ignored when special circumstances seemed to demand it. For example, Woodger began his career as a biologist and published most of his work prior to the time limits set for this paper, but he has produced a body of work in the philosophy of biology too important not to include.


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W h a t gave D a r w i n ' s theory of evolu t ion t h r ough n a t u r a l select ion the victory over its va r ious r ivals , n o t a b l y crea- t i on i sm and L a m a r c k i s m ? D a r w i n ' s theory was in p a r t logical ly f au l ty ( r e m e m b e r the vicious circle of the "survival of the f i t tes t") ; it c o n t a i n e d several false or at leas t un - p roven asser t ions ( "Each va r i a t i on is good for the individ- ual ," "Acquired charac te rs , i f favorable , are inher i ted ," "sexual se lec t ion opera tes u n i v e r s a l l y " ) ; it h a d no t b e e n tes ted by observa t ion , le t a lone by e x p e r i m e n t on l iv ing species u n d e r cont ro l led cond i t ions ( the de ve l opme n t of an t ib io t ic - res i s tan t s t ra ins of bac te r ia , i n d u s t r i a l m e l a n i s m i n but terf l ies , a n d a few other processes suppor t ing the theory, were observed one c e n t u r y af ter T h e Origin o f Species a p p e a r e d ) ; its exp l ana to ry power was c lear ly smal le r t h a n t ha t of its r iva ls ( i r r e fu tab le theor ies have the m a x i m u m post f a c t u m exp l ana to ry p o w e r ) ; it had no i nduc t ive basis bu t was, on the cont ra ry , a bold i n v e n t i o n c o n t a i n i n g high- level unobse rvab les . And, if these s ins were n o t e n o u g h to c o n d e m n the theory, D a r w i n ' s sys tem was f a r more complex t h a n a n y of its r ivals . 2

Crit ics of evo lu t iona ry theory seem evenly divided on the ques t ion of w h e t h e r the surv iva l of the fittest is false or tautological . I n spite of the t i resome regu la r i ty wi th which this c l a im is made , it has li t t le f ounda t i on . Lead ing evolut ion- ists f r o m D a r w i n to G. G. S impson and E r ns t Mayr have provided exce l len t e x p l a n a t i o n s of why this p r inc ip le is nei- ther tauto logica l n o r viciously c i rcular , z F i tness i n evo lu t iona ry

2. Mario Bunge, "The Weight of Simplicity in the Construction and Assaying of Scientific Theories," Phil. Sci., 28 (1961), 120-149.

3. G. G. Simpson, The Meaning of Evolution (New Haven, Conn. : Yale University Press, 1949); G. G. Simpson, Principles of Animal Taxonomy (New York: Columbia University Press, 1961); G. G. Simpson, This View of Life (New York: Harcourt, Brace & World, Inc., 1963); Ernst Mayr, Animal Species and Evolution (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1963). In most instances the assertion that certain principles in the synthetic theory of evolution are tautologous stems from an extremely superficial understanding of evolutionary theory and an embarrassing uncertainty over the precise nature of tautologies. For example, Murray Eden, in P. S. Moorhead and M. M. Kaplan (eds.), Mathematical Chal- lenges to the Neo-Darwinian Interpretation of Evolution (Philadelphia: The Wistar Institute Press, 1967), began with the assumption that the tautological nature of certain concepts in evolutionary theory was hardly controversial. Under the onslaught o£ several biologists present, Eden retreated to the position that perhaps "tautology" was the wrong word. Rather such claims are supposedly vacuous. From here he retreated to the assertion that the basic principles of evolutionary theory did not form a theory, and finally he concluded that since one cannot provide a crucial experiment to check whether or not the synthetic theory is false, it is in


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theory is a re la t ive notion. Cer ta in organisms in a given env i ronment are fitter t han others. A h igher percentage of those organisms which are nea re r the "fittest" end of the scale tend to survive than those at the other end. This scale in tu rn is ordered at leas t in pa r t i ndependen t ly of the ac tua l survival of these individuals . Of course, the c la im tha t the fittest tend to survive can be made viciously c i rcular if fitness were de te rmined only by m e a n s of ac tua l survival or into a tautology by defining "fitness" exclusively in terms of ac tua l survival , but biologists do nei ther . This issue will be dis- cussed in more detai l la te r in con junc t ion with Anthony Flew's a t t empt to recons t ruc t Darwin ' s theory.

Bunge contends tha t Darwin held several false or at leas t unproven assert ions. Regardless of whether they are false or unproven, Darwin held none of them. For ins tance, Darwin ma in t a ined f rom the first tha t the var ia t ions which resul t in r u d i m e n t a r y or a t rophied organs are not good for the in- dividual . Such organs were imper fec t and useless.~ Darwin did believe tha t "use and disuse seem to have produced some effect" but tha t there "is not sufficient evidence to induce us to believe tha t mut i l a t ions are ever inheri ted." 5 Nor did Dar- win believe tha t sexual select ion opera ted universal ly. He l imi ted sexual select ion jus t to an imals with separa te sexes, and among them the s t ruggle be tween the males for posses- sion of the females occurred only in mos t cases. Fur ther , not all differences be tween males and females of the same species were due to sexual selection. 6

Bunge says tha t indus t r ia l m e l a n i s m in butterfl ies was ob- served a cen tury af ter T h e Origin o f Species appeared, when ac tua l ly two long monographs were publ i shed by Tutt in 1890 (only thir ty years af ter the Orig in) in which he a rgued tha t me lan i sm and me lanochro i sm in Bri t ish Lepidoptera were due to a combina t ion of mois ture and smoke unde r the act ion of

some sense tautological or unfalsifiable. Karl Popper was frequently cited in this discussion as maintaining the last position. Anthony Flew ("The Concept of Evolution: A Comment," Philosophy, 41 [1966]) annihilates similar allegations by A. R. Manser ("The Concept of Evolution," Philos- ophy, 40 [1965], 18-34), though he himself argues later that the principle of the survival of the fittest must be made into a tautology (Anthony Flew, Evolutionary Ethics [New York: St. Martin's Press, 1967]). See also T. A. Goudge, The Ascent of Life (University of Toronto Press, 1961).

4. Charles Darwin, On the Origin of Species: A Facsimile of the First Edition (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1966), pp. 450-456; Charles Darwin, The Descent of Man, And Selection in Relation to Sex, 2 vols. (London: MurJcay, 1871), p. 92.

5. Darwin, Origin, pp. 472, 135. 6. Darwin, Origin, pp. 468, 89-90.


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na tura l selection. 7 And, a l though it migh t seem an insignificant point to a philosopher, a lmost all of the observations were on moths , not butterflies.

Finally, Bunge asserts that the theory of evolution through na tu ra l selection had no inductive basis. One wonders what Bunge can m e a n by "inductive basis" if Darwin 's thir ty years ' labor in a t tempt ing to support his theory and all the da ta marsha l led in the Origin provided no inductive basis. Only the first and last of the points raised by Bunge are especially impor tan t to the philosophy of science, but his obvious dis- interest in evolut ionary theory as a biological theory is dis- couraging. I t is cer ta in tha t he would not t reat q u a n t u m theory in such a caval ier fashion. The differences between mesons and pions are important . The differences be tween moths and butterflies apparent ly are not.

A second example of wha t can happen when a philosopher does not have sufficient unders tanding of the views which he criticizes is provided by Peter Caws when he te rms the inter- breeding criterion of the biological definition of species "arti- ficial." Although he recognizes that the reason for the simi- larity of the m e m b e r s of a class of living things is that they have a c o m m o n ancestry, he adds: "Even in this case, the borderlines between species have at t imes been very difficult to draw, and some ra ther artificial criteria ( such as the ability to produce offspring together) have been used for judging whether or not a pair of individuals belong to the same spe- cies." 8

In the first place, ability to produce offspring together is not a criterion for judging whether or not a pair of individuals belong to the same species. Occasional hybridizat ion between individuals of different species can and does occur. This does not m e a n tha t these individuals belong to the same species, not does it invalidate the biological species concept. "Inter- breeding" as it appears in the biological definition of species applies to populat ions, not individuals, and is used to decide which classes of organisms (which t axa ) are to count as species, not which individuals belong to the same taxon. Membership in a taxon is de te rmined by phenotypic characters , main ly morphological . Whe the r or not that taxon is to be considered a m e m b e r of the species category is de te rmined by various evolut ionary relat ionships, in par t icular interbreeding habits.

7. J. W. Tutt , "Melan i sm and Melanochroism in Brit ish Lepidoptera," Entomologists" Record, I (1890) ; 2 (1891).

8. Peter Caws, The Philosophy of Science (Princeton, N.J.; D. Van Nostrand, 1965), pp. 4(}--41.


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The taxon-category d is t inc t ion which under l ies the confus ion in which Caws finds h imse l f will be discussed later.

Pe rhaps because of his fa i lu re to und e r s t a nd the role of the abil i ty to produce fert i le offspring in the biological defini- t ion of species, Caws te rms this cr i ter ion "artificial." Numerous object ions have been ra i sed to the biological definition, most f r equendy tha t i t is too difficult to decide when the cr i ter ion of po ten t ia l in te rbreed ing is fulfilled. According to Mayr, two popula t ions are po ten t ia l ly in te rbreed ing whenever they are prevented f rom breeding only by geographica l isolation. If any isolat ing m e c h a n i s m is operat ive, they are separa te species. 9 But even the mos t pers i s ten t cri t ics admi t tha t the m e c h a n i s m of in te rbreeding is cen t ra l to the evolut ionary development of sexual ly r ep roduc ing organisms. I f the ability to produce fer t i le offspring is an art if icial cr i ter ion in deciding wha t is to count as evolu t ionary units , one wonders wha t a na t u r a l cr i ter ion would be like.10

Numerous phi losophers have taken an interest in evolu- t ionary theory because of the consequences which they see in i t for man. A book ent i t led E v o l u t i o n a n d P h i l o s o p h y by Andrew G. van Melsen is typical. 11 Van Melsen's m a i n thesis is tha t na tu r a l science deals only wi th the "outside" of real i ty, but there is also an "inside" to rea l i ty which the na tu ra l sciences canno t touch. This "inside" is man i fe s t in man , who has direct access to the " s e l f , " the p r imord ia l da tum. Anyth ing a phys ica l scient is t migh t tell us about m a n "is per iphera l to this pri- mord ia l da tum." The exis tence of this "self" is responsible for one of the gaps in the scale of na ture , but there are others. Jus t as there is an abyss be tween m a n and (o the r ) an imals ,

9. Mayr, Animal Species, 91. 10. The biological literature on the species concept is overwhelmingly

large. The best discussions of the pros and cons of the biological defini- tion of "'species" can be found in Simpson, Principles; Ernst Mayr, Sys- ternatics and the Origin of Species (New York: Columbia University Press, 1942), and "The Species Concept," Evolution, 3 (1949), 371-372; also Ernst Mayr (ed.), The Species Problem (Washington: American Associa- tion for the Advancement of Science Publication Number 50, 1957); Ernst Mayr, "Isolation as an Evolutionary Factor," Proc. Amer. Philos. Soc., 103 (1959), 165-230, and Animal Species. For two philosophers who take the biological aspects of the species problem seriously, see Morton Beckner, The Biological W a y of Though t (New York: Columbia University Press, 1959), and Hugh Lehman, "'Are Biological Species Real?" Phil. Sci., 34 (1967), 157-167.

11. Andrew G. van Melsen, Evolut ion and Philosophy (Pittsburgh: Dusquene University Press, 1965). See also Adolf Portman, New Paths in Biology (1961; English trans., New York: Harper and Row, Publishers, 1964), and Hans Jonas, The Phenomenon of Life: Toward a Philosophical Biology (New York: Harper and Row, Publishers, 1966).


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there is an abyss between the living and the nonliving. Some authors of this ben t also ment ion a hia tus between plants and animals , but for some reason v a n Melsen plays down this gap. This increasing complexi ty of external ly observable s t ructure is paral leled by a "growing interiority culminat ing in m a n ' s self-consciousness." I t is this "interiority" tha t neces- sitates the recognit ion of these different levels of being.

W h a t can possibly be said in reply to claims such as these? Of course, h u m a n beings are conscious and self-conscious. A biologist can be a mechanist-reduct ionis t -neo-Darwinian without being a s imple-minded behaviorist . Such biologists can also be aware of the epistemological distinctions which give rise to these and similar ut terances. For example, G. G. Simpson says tha t "our h u m a n universes, the ones in which we really have our beings, depend at least as m u c h on our inner percept ions as on the external , physical facts." ~2 But the philosophers who emphasize the distinction between the in ternal and the external world in connect ion with evolution- ary theory do so in order to assert tha t the existence of the inner world somehow counts against the sufficiency of evo- lut ionary theory. I t is difficult if not impossible to discern why m a n ' s consciousness and self-consciousness provide greater problems for evolut ionary theory than any other so-called "emergent" characters . Until these authors make their claims a good deal clearer, a biologist would be ha rd put to decide whether they conflict with, are ext raneous to, or are consonant with modern evolut ionary theory.

As is f requent ly the case with philosophers who wish to insulate the "self" f rom all inroads by science, van Melsen finds evolut ionary theory below pa r as a scientific theory. Even today Darwin 's explanat ion of evolution lacks a solid foundat ion. "The theory of evolution in general is, as we have seen, essentially based on %elief' r a ther than anything else." But he also discusses the evolutionary views of G. G. Simpson and Teilhard de Chardin as if they were on an equal footing scientifically. I f the synthetic theory of evolution is based on belief, wha t m u s t Teflhard's theory be based on? W h a t kind of proof is necessary before a scientific theory can be ac- cepted? Is there no difference between the evidence adduced in support of modern evolutionary theory and Teilhaxd's views? The difference between the two theories is not so m u c h in their conclusions but in the evidence and a rguments adduced by their authors to support them. Teflhard seems to have no conception of wha t a scientific theory is, wha t evidence

19,. G. G. S i m p s o n , " 'The Wor ld in to W h i c h D a r w i n Led Us," Science, 131 ( 1 9 6 0 ) , 966--974; r e p r i n t e d i n S i m p s o n , This View, 3-25 .


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is, or how evidence can be brought to bear on a scientific problem. And finally, we are r eminded that "the Aristotelian view rema ins valid even in the context of an evolut ionary world view."

The l i terature of this genre is unfor tuna te ly extensive. I t also follows a surprisingly rigid script. Characterist ical ly it is argued that evolut ionary theory is not "proved." After all, it is "only a theory." Scientists are chastised for being dog- mat ic and taking too m u c h on fa i th ra ther than on the evidence. Ra ther than keeping an open mind on the mat te r , they plot to stifle all cont ra ry opinions. The ut terances of Plus XII, p n the other hand, are in conformi ty wi th the best scientific tradition. Teflhard de Chardin is inevitably interjected into the discussion, ei ther to show how his views are superior to those of the run-of-the-mill evolutionist, or in order to tar all evolutionists with h i m for irresponsible speculation. W. R. T h o m p s o n (1966) takes the lat ter tack, l ament ing "the in- f a tua t ion of Catholic intellectuals for the Tei lhardian pseudo- science." la But he seems to overdo it a bit when he goes so fa r as to accuse Tei lhard of perpe t ra t ing the Pil tdown hoax. Medawar (1967) concludes more cautiously albeit more con- descendingly tha t Teflhard "had about h im tha t innocence which makes it easy to unders tand why the forger of the Pilt- down skull should have chosen [him] to be the discoverer of its canine teeth." 14 Also character is t ic of this body of l i terature is the view that , in the last analysis, Aristotle was right. Aristotle's concept of Na tu re provides a badly needed philosophic d imension to biology. DNA exists. Hence, Aris- totle was right.

One fea ture of efforts such as those of v a n Melsen's to discover what consequences evolut ionary theory has for m a n is tha t evolut ionary theory as a scientific theory plays no role whatsoever in his exposition. All he would have needed to know in order to develop his thesis is tha t m a n evolved f r o m other an imals and tha t living creatures developed f r o m non- living mat ter . All the intr icacy of evolut ionary relat ionships, the difficulties wi th var ious mechan i sms , the recalc i t rant data, the weal th of support ing evidence are passed over. Whatever phi losophy of biology migh t be, this is not it. 15

13. W. R. Thompson , "The Status of Species," in Vincent E. Smith (ed.) , Philosophical Problems in Biology (New York: St. John 's Univers i ty Press, 1966), pp. 67-126.

14. P. B. Medawar, The Art of the Soluble (London: Methucn, 1967). 15. All o~ the above asser t ions can be ~ound expressed variously in two

volumes edited by Vincent E. Smith: Philosophy of Biology (New York: St. John ' s Universi ty Press ) and Philosophical Problems of Biology, as well as in Pacific Philosophy Forum, 6 (1968) , 1-99.


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One exception among those philosophers who are primarily interested in evolutionary theory because of its possible conse- quences for the nature of man is T. A. Goudge. 16 In The Ascent of Life he goes to the trouble of providing a philo- sophically oriented analysis of modern evolutionary theory. Since his views on evolutionary theory are not especially con- troversial and depart in no important respect from those of the biologists he cites in his preface (Carter, Dobzhansky, Haldane, Huxley, Mayr, Muller, Simpson, and Wright), one might wonder what point there could be in a philosopher going over the same ground. This perplexity can be dispelled quickly by reading the book. Goudge's whole approach to the subject is different from that of a scientist. He does not approach his exposition according to various kinds of empirical phe- nomena (such as, kinds of species, isolating mechanism, hy- bridization, populations, genetic recombination, etc.) but ac- cording to the logically important differences to be found among the phenomena (for example, the historical aspects of reconstructing particular phylogenetic sequences, the peculiar nature of historical explanations, the causal aspects of evolu- tion and the systematic explanations made possible by certain evolutionary laws and law-like statements). Only after such an analysis does he turn his attention to the implications of evolutionary theory for man.

Goudge is very cautious in his assessment of the place of man in evolution, but the importance he puts on the question is indicated by the title of his book. He is interested in the ascent of life and whether man is at its forefront. Goudge argues that in spite of retrogressive periods, more diverse kinds of organisms are alive today than ever before and a higher per- centage of more recent organisms are biologically more efficient than earlier organisms. As far as man is concerned, he is extremely flexible in his adaptiveness. He is a dominant type and the dominant primate. He is also "almost certainly the youngest species of mammal now on earth" and as such "there is a sense in which he is quite literally the highest species." 17 As cautious as these claims are, Goudge goes too far. There is no evidence to indicate that man is the youngest species of mammal and, even ff he were, he would hardly thereby become the highest species; perhaps the highest species of mammal, but hardly the highest species period. Man is very efficient, flexible in his adaptiveness, and so on. So are cock- roaches. Man is unique. So are cockroaches. Only when Goudge

16. Goudge, Ascent. 17. Goudge, Ascent, 133, 134.


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leaves the r e a l m of such strictly biological fea tures of m a n does the uniqueness c la imed for m a n begin to ca r ry some weight. Only m a n has developed cul ture and has been able thereaf te r to pass on in fo rma t ion by more direct m e a n s than can other organisms. Hence, new possibi l i t ies and new difficulties have opened up for the fu ture deve lopment of man .

Enough has been said, I think, to show how unsuccessfu l con tempora ry phi losophers have been in ex t rac t ing the con- sequences of biology for philosophy. W h a t of the other side of the coin? Have phi losophical ana lyses of biology provided any insights into biological phenomena , any clar i ty which biologists themselves have been unable to provide, a deeper unde r s t and ing of biological theories? W h e n phi losophers have tu rned thei r a t ten t ion to biology they have tended to l imi t themselves to a few i s s u e s - - v i t a l i s m , teleology, reduc t ion ism, and re la ted topics. One th ing is obvious f rom this list. Philoso- phers have not been mot iva ted in thei r choice of topics by any concern with issues current ly of in teres t to biologists.

F rom the poin t of view of con tempora ry biology, both vi- ta l i sm and teleology are stone-cold dead. No bet ter proof can be found t han tha t offered by recent a t tempts to argue to the contrary, is In suppor t of v i ta l i sm the observat ion is m a d e tha t l iving c rea tures are not jus t m a t t e r bu t s t ruc tured m a t t e r and tha t the world exhibi ts f inal i ty because regulaxit ies exist. The m a j o r p rob lem with this defense of v i ta l i sm and teleology is tha t no mate r i a l i s t or mechan i s t ever he ld any differently. Even though m u c h of the hea t genera ted by these controversies was due to mis lead ing formula t ions , i t is h a r d to believe tha t the d i sagreements were ent i rely verbal. There is subs tance to these d isagreements , and cen t ra l to all of them is the role of "principles" in science. For example , J. H. Randal l in his a t tempt to rehab i l i t a t e Aristotle emphas izes tha t Aristotle 's fo rma l and final causes are pr incip les of unders tanding . 19

18. See Pacific Philosophy Forum, 6 (1968), in which several philos- ophers argue that the vitalism-mechanism controversy cannot be dismissed as a dead issue. The major paper in this number by tiilde Hein is suffl- ciently innocuous, but in the others we axe once again subjected to such inanities as "'the human intellect violates the laws of the irreversibility of space and time"; "no less than the evolutionist's view, the approach of the creationist yields a true and satisfactory philosophy of life"; the fossil remains of so-called missing links between raan and other primates are actually the remains of abnormal individuals of the unaltered species. Edward Mauler had the unenviable task of replying to these papers.

19. J. H. Randall, Aristotle (New York: Columbia University Press, 1960). Numerous other examples in addition to Randall could be given. For example, Michael Polanyi, in "Life's Irreducible Structure" (Science, 160 [1968], 1308--1312), recognizes various levels of organization and


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They don't enter causal ly into the world of things. They don' t do anything. Living creatures do what they do because of their organizat ion and can be unders tood only in te rms of their organization. All it takes for a world to exhibit finality is for there to be regulari t ies and for the unders tanding of these regulari t ies to be increased by st ipulat ing a stage in these sequences which can be thought of as "final." On this a t tenuated view only a totally chaotic world could be non- teleological and un-Aristotelian. To be sure, Aristotle's fo rmal and final causes are principles of unders tanding, but in too m a n y instances Aristotle explicitly has them doing things in the empir ical world. Randal l h imsel f finds it difficult not to slip on occasion and have these principles doing things; for instance, he has n o u s h o u s i n g nous .

The views expressed by early mater ia l is ts and mechanis t s were certainly overly crude, but to the extent that contem- porary knowledge is applicable to the various stages of these controversies, the mechanis t -mater ia l i s t s were right. The only r emain ing issue which is even vaguely related to these theses is the t ranslat ion of teleological modes of expression into non- teleological language and the specification of the characteris t ics of those systems whose actions are f requent ly described tele- ologically. Both of these tasks are proving a good deal more intr icate than one migh t at first expect, e0

The status of reduct ionism ( and related topics) is more equivocal. At a recent conference on the history and philoso- phy of biology sponsored by the Commiss ion on Undergradu- ate Educat ion in the Biological Sciences, the discussion f rom the floor repeatedly re turned to the question of whether biology was in some sense reducible to chemis t ry and physics and what such a reduct ion entailed. Two things were made clear

principles which apply to certain levels and not to others, but he also has these higher principles "harnessing" the lower processes. See also Mar- jorie Grene, The Knower and the Known (New York: Basic Books, Inc., 1966). No biologist would deny the existence of levels of organization or of principles which apply to these levels, but how can these principles do things? What can William E. Carlo ("Mechanism and Vitalism: A Re- appraisal," Pacific Philosophy Forum," 6 [1968], 57-68) mean when he says that "'there is a principle of organization which takes the matter of a man, shapes it, molds it, and organizes it into a man"? See also P. R. Durbin, Philosophy of Science: An Introduction (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1968), and V. E. Smith, Science and Philosophy (Milwaukee, Wisc.: Bruce, 1965).

20. See Beckner, Biological Way; Hugh Lehman, "Functional Explana- tion in Biology," Phil. Sci., 34 (1965), 1-19; J. V. Canfield, "'Teleological Explanation in Biology," Brit. J. Phil. Sci., 14 (1964), 285-295; J. V. Can- field (ed.) , Purpose in Nature (Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1966).


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by these discussions--biologists and philosophers mean very different things by "reduction" and are worried by very dif- ferent aspects of the problem. There does seem to be at least one way in which the issues of interest to both biologists and philosophers can be joined. During the last thirty years a process has been under way in genetics which fulfills all the requirements of what both scientists and philosophers have in mind when they speak of reduction. A biochemical explanation is being produced for phenomena which have been explained previously in terms of classical Mendelian genetics. Geneticists have not been "reducing" Mendelian gen- etics to molecular genetics in the sense of providing translation rules. The relationship is too complex for that. For example, classical genetics speaks of things like "the gene for albinism." In molecular genetics there is no such thing as the or a gene for albinism. Any one of several changes in the genetic code (deletions, inversions, and so on) at numerous different loci can result in the failure to produce pigments. What is the molecular version of the Mendelian statement that in man the gene for albinism is epistatic to the gene which produces pigmentation? Do all phenomena which were previously ex- plained in terms of recessive epistasis receive the same kind of explanation in molecular biology? Is the molecular explanation for dominant epistasis at all related to that for recessive epistasis? These phenomena are closely related in Mendelian genetics. Do they receive comparable explanations in molecular genetics? For any philosopher who is interested in the ques- tion of reduction, a detailed investigation of the inferential and definitional relations between these two theories would seem absolutely necessary, as careful an analysis as that which thermodynamics and statistical mechanics have re- ceived. 21

Regardless of the outcome of the dispute over reductionism, there is certainly more to the philosophy of biology than whether or not biology can be reduced to chemistry and physics! During the last decade or so, biology has been forced briefly to the center of the stage in the philosophy of science because of the relevance of explanation and prediction in evolutionary studies to a remark made by Hempel and Oppen-

21. There is a large body of li terature devoted to the problem of reduc- tion. Recent discussions of reduction in biology can be found in Grene, Knower; R. T. Blackburn, ed., Interrelations: The Biological and Physical Sciences (Chicago: Scott, Foresman, 1966); K. F. Schaf~ner, "Approaches to Reduction," Phil, Sci., 34 (1967), 137-147; K. F. Schaffner, "'Antixeduc- t ionism and Molecular Biology," Science, 157 (1967), 644-647.


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helm in their classic paper on the logic of explanation. 2~ After setting out four conditions of adequacy for scientific explanation, they state that the same formal analysis applies to scientific prediction as well. Although almost every aspect of the Hempel-Oppenheim thesis has been subjected to ex- tensive criticism, it is the symmetry thesis which has received the most sustained attack. The significance of biology for this controversy in the philosophy of science is that biologists f requent ly set for th what they take to be explanations of the evolutionary development of certain groups when they readily admit tha t they could not have made much in the way of any reasoned predictions in the matter . As gratified as biologists may be for the at tention that one of their theories had at last received f rom first rate philosophers of science, the actual na ture of evolutionary inferences was investigated none too intensively. What biologists actually did in producing certain putat ive explanations rapidly became peripheral to the issue of whether or not these formulat ions were truly explanations, ez Was Hempel and Oppenheim's analysis purely description, explication, or legislation? The introduct ion of evolutionary reconstruct ions into a controversy in the philosophy of science points up even more strongly the need for a careful and de- tailed study of the logical structure of modern evolutionary theory and its relat ion to historical data.

Periodically philosophers have discussed evolutionary theory and evolutionary reconstructions, but their t reatments have left much to be desired. Abraham Kaplan considers evolu- t ionary theory a concatenated theory in contrast to hierarchical theories like relativity theory, but he says little about the actual s t ructure of concatenated theories. 2~ A. G. 1N. Flew on the other hand contends that there is a deductive core to

22. Carl G. Hempel and Pau l Oppenheim, "'The Logic of Explanat ion," Phil. Sci., 15 (1948) , 135-175.

23. Of all the papers devoted to the relevance of explanat ion in evolu- t ionary theory to the symmetry thesis, Michael J. Scriven in his "Explana- t ion and Predict ion in Evolut ionary Theory," Science, 130 (1959) , 477--482, is the most concerned wi th evolutionary theory as a biological theory, rather than as a handy source for an example. See also Michael J. Scriven, '~Explanation, Prediction, and Laws," in Herber t Feigel and Grover Maxwell, eds., Minnesota Studies in the Philosophy of Science (vol. III, Minneapol is : Universi ty of Minnesota Press, 1962), pp. 477-482; Adolf Gr/ inbaum, "Temporal ly Asymmetr ic Principles, Par i ty between Explana t ion and Prediction, and Mechan i sm versus Teleology," in B. Baumrin , ed., Induction: Some Current Issues (Middletown, Conn.: Wesleyan Univers i ty Press, 1963); Hugh Lehman, "On the Form of Ex- p lana t ion in Evolut ionary Biology," Theoria, 32 (1966) , 14-24.

24. Abraham Kaplan, The Conduct of Inquiry (San Francisco, Cal.: Chandler Publ. Co., 1964).


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Darwin's a rgument in the Orig in . 25 Several attempts have been made to specify precisely what this deductive core is. Flew cites Julian Huxley's formulat ion 26 but finds it "curi- ously slapdash." His own formulat ion is scarcely better. He says, for instance:

Though the a rgument itself proceeds a priori , because the premises are empirical it can yield conclusions which are also empirical. That living organisms all tend to repro- duce themselves at a geometrical ratio of increase; that the resources they need to sustain life are limited; and that while each usually reproduces after its kind sometimes there are variations which in their turn usually reproduce after their kind: all these propositions are nonetheless con- tingent and empirical for being manifest ly and incontestably true. That there is a struggle for existence; and that through this struggle for existence na tura l selection occurs: both of these propositions equally are nonetheless contingent and empirical for the fact that it follows, necessarily as a matter of logic a priori , that wherever the first three hold the second two must hold also. 2~

Everything which Flew says is true, important, and needs saying, with one exception. Neither of his conclusions follows deductively f rom the premises which he presents. All that can be deduced is that not all those organisms which are born will survive. Flew is aware that he has not presented a rigorous deduction. To do that "one would have to construct for all the crucial terms definitions to include explicitly every necessary assumption." 28 Though he himself does not at- tempt such a rigorous reconstruction, he believes that such an endeavor would be "an exercise which might prove in- structive." 29 Anyone who undertakes this exercise will find that it is highly instructive and a good deal more than an exercise. The only step which Flew takes toward such defini- tions is to identify surviving to reproduce with being the fit- test. He observes that if this identification is not made, the deductive argument which he has set out is no longer valid.

The question of whether certain basic principles of a sci-

25. Anthony Flew, "The Structure of Darwinism," in M. L. Johnson, Michael Abercromble, and G. E. Fogg, New Biology, No. 28 (Baltimore: Penguin Books, 1959), pp. 25-44; Flew, Evolutionary E~hies.

26. Julian Huxley, The Process of Evolution (London: Chatto and Windus, 1953), p. 38.

27. Flew, "Structure," 9.8. 28. Ibid. 29. Ibid., p. 29.


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entific theory are analytically connected within that theory is nei ther new nor unique to evolutionary theory, but in order to connect fitness analytically with actual survival, a distinc- tion fundamenta l to evolutionary theory and to science in general mus t be ignored. This distinction is the difference between what could happen, given the appropriate laws, and what actually does happen. For instance, given Newton's laws a planet m u s t revolve around a star in a conic section. Which of these possible paths the planet actually takes depends upon the part icular makeup and history of that star system. Simi- larly, biologists want to re ta in the distinction between which organisms do in point of fact survive and those which have the greatest likelihood of su rv iv ing- -and they define "fitness" in terms of the latter notion. Every organism which could survive, given the appropriate laws, does not survive. "Acci- dents" do happen and are f requent ly impor tant in evolution, especially in small populations. The appropriate laws in this case are those of physiology, ecology, embryology, and so on.

It may well be true that in principle all macroscopic phe- nomena are governed by deterministic laws and that all these laws can be organized into a deductive hierarchy, but biolo- gists do not have these laws. The laws which give substance to the claim that an organism which did not survive was nevertheless exceedingly fit are current ly not deducible f rom evolutionary theory and are formally independent of it. Until the day that biologists can organize all of the relevant parts of biology into one grand deductive h ierarchy and know all the relevant antecedent conditions for the evolutionary phenomena under study, not only are they entit led to re ta in the distinction between what organisms actually survive and those that axe the fittest, they must .

Flew can be seen to vacillate on precisely this issue in his comments concerning the survival of the fittest. Sometimes he says that "actual or possible survival is to be construed as the sufficient condition of fitness to survive." Sometimes he says that "actual survival to reproduce is itself within Darwin's theory the sole and sufficient cri terion for fitness to survive." Only f rom this latter assertion is he entitled to con- clude that "it is as always the fittest who have survived, the fittest who do survive, and the fittest who will survive. "a0

When philosophers have turned their attention f rom evo- lut ionary theory to evolutionary reconstructions, they have also found much to criticize. For example, is it true, as Wood- get said m a n y years ago, that phylogenetic explanation is "a

30. Flew, Evolutionary Ethics, pp. 14, 36, 14.


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historical explanat ion in the strict sense and one which could not be generalized because it would describe a unique series of changes character iz ing an evolut ionary succession" and tha t we are "in possession of no inductive general izat ion re- garding the modus operandi of evolution of such high proba- bility and general i ty as will just i fy us in asser t ing with any confidence wha t happened in an historical example"? 31 The evolution of Hypohippus was a unique event, bu t the occur- rence of adapt ive radiat ions, the invasion of new ecological niches, cases of convergent evolution, and so on, are not. Such p h e n o m e n a are generalizable. Whe the r or not a par- t icular species resul ted f rom one or more of these processes is another story. 8~

I t is impossible, however , in the space of a single pape r to summar ize all the var ious cri t icisms which have been m a d e of evolut ionary theory by philosophers. Rather I have chosen to discuss in detail the crit icisms of a single philoso- pher , Marjorie Grene. I have chosen her work to discuss for the simple reason tha t no cri t icisms of evolut ionary theory in the pas t decade or so have irr i tated biologists as m u c h as those set out by Grene in her pape r "Two Evolut ionary Theo- ries. "33 The reasons for this i rr i tat ion throw some light, I think, on the shor tcomings of phi losophy of biology.

In her pape r Grene contrasts the evolut ionary theories of G. G. S impson and 0. H. Schindewolf. 34 Such an under tak ing is perfect ly legi t imate and should have proved instructive, since Schindewolf 's theory, unlike the mus ings of Teilhard, is a respectable scientific theory. Although the pape r begins by setting out a fair ly ba lanced account of the two theories, it gradual ly develops into a susta ined at tack on the or thodox neo-Darwinian views of Simpson. But the synthetic theory has been criticized before. Like all scientific theories it is under constant revision and reexaminat ion , and in m a n y in- s tances the severest critics are found among those who con-

31. J. tI. Woodger, Biological Principles (1929; 2nd ed., London: Rout- ledge & Kegan Paul, 1948), pp. 394, 402.

32. For differing opinions on these views see W. B. Gallie, "Exp lana t ion in History and the Genetic Sciences," Mind, 64 (1955) , 161-167; R. P. Gould, "The Place of Historical Sta tements in Biology," Brit. J. Phil. Sci., 8 (1957) , 192,-210; T. A. Goudge, "Causal Explanat ions in Na tu ra l History," ibid., 9 (1958) , 194-202; Beckner, Biological Way; M. J. S. Rudwick, "The Inference of Func t ion f rom Structure i n Fossils," Br/t. 3. Phil. Sci., 15 (1964) , 27--40.

33. Marjorie Grene, "Two Evolut ionary Theories," Brit. J. Phil. Sci., 9 (1958) , 110-127, 185-193.

34. Simpson, Meaning; O. H. Schindewolf, Grundfagen der Pal~ontologie (Stut tgar t : Schweizerbart , 1950).


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sider themselves advocates of the theory. Why then did Grene's par t icular crit icisms appear so offensive?

Grene's a t tack on the synthetic theory is divided into two parts . First she tries to establish that , as f a r as the evidence is concerned, the two theories are about on a par. She claims tha t Simpson and Schindewolf "disagree seldom, if at all, about the ' facts ' ." The two theories mere ly "provide al ternative f rameworks for unders tand ing the data." Although for some details one point of view is preferable , for other details the other point of view is preferable. Thus, "it seems to be purely a ma t t e r of choice which we p r e f e r . . . Perhaps what we need, then, is a more inclusive theory, which will assimilate ade- quately both sides of the ambiguity." 3~

After establishing to her own sat isfact ion the equality of the two theories as fa r as the evidence is concerned, she pro- ceeds to argue tha t Schindewolf 's theory is more adequate t han Sinlpson's on epistemological grounds. For example , Simpson claims not to m a k e use of types in an epistemologically sig- nif icant sense; i.e., he m a y occasionally re fe r to types, bu t he claims tha t in no ins tance does he suppose that na tu ra l kinds can or m u s t be defined in t e rms of necessary and suffi- cient conditions. 36 The reason tha t Schindewolf 's theory is more adequate than Simpson's is that he admits types and makes them a par t of his theory, whereas Simpson makes use of t hem surreptit iously, though they are incompat ible with his theory. Grene does not c la im tha t "Sehindewolf 's type- theory is adequately explanatory. Only tha t it is not self- contradictory and so is at least a possible start ing-point for ashing philosophical questions--not for giving philosophical answers, as m y critics suggested I m e a n to do." ~7

W h a t is to be said of Grene's a rgument? In the first place, a lmost all biologists disagree with her assessment of the evidence. Tak ing the two theories on a whole, the vast major i ty of the evidence supports the synthet ic theory, and it is in just those cases where Schindewoff depar ts mos t radical ly f rom the syn- thetic theory tha t the evidence is mos t decidedly against him. a8

35. Grene , "Tw o E v o l u t i o n a r y Theor i e s , " 185-186 . 36. G. G. S i m p s o n , " T y p e s i n M o d e r n T a x o n o m y , " Amer. J. Sci., 238

( 1 9 4 0 ) , 413--431. 37. Mar jor ie Grene , "Two E v o l u t i o n a r y Theor i e s : A Reply ," Brit. 1. Phil.

Sci., 14 ( 1 9 6 3 ) , 152-153 . 38. Of course , no t all biologis t s agree w i t h all a spec t s of t he s y n t h e t i c

t heo ry or t h a t all t h e d a t a a re f a v o r a b l e to it. A l m o s t a n y biologis t wi l l h a v e some r e s e r v a t i o n abou t one or a n o t h e r of t he t e n e t s of t he s y n t h e t i c theory , a n d Grene c i tes s eve ra l e x a m p l e s - - H . G r a h a m C a n n o n , P a u l G. ' E s p i n a s s e , R o n a l d Good, Adol f P o r t m a n , W. It. T h o m p s o n , a n d C. H. W a d d i n g t o n . W h a t Grene f a i l s to m e n t i o n is t h a t t h e s e sc ien t i s t s d i sag ree


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E s s a y R e v i e w

F o r e x a m p l e , G r e n e c i t e s S c h i n d e w o l f ' s b e l i e f t h a t b a s i c a l l y n e w t y p e s o r p a t t e r n s o f o r g a n i z a t i o n h a v e a " s u d d e n o r i g i n . " T h e r e w e r e n o f e a t h e r e d c r e a t u r e s . T h e n t h e r e w e r e . T h e f o s s i l e v i d e n c e h a p p e n s n o t to b e d e c i s i v e o n t h i s i s s u e , b u t g i v e n w h a t w e k n o w o f g e n e t i c s a n d p h y s i o l o g y , i t is u n l i k e l y t h a t s u c h m a c r o - p h e n o - typ ic c h a n g e s r e s u l t i n g f r o m m u t a t i o n c o u l d o c c u r i n t h e s p a c e o f a s i n g l e g e n e r a t i o n a n d t h e r e s u l t s b e v i a b l e - e v e n o n c e , l e t a l o n e i n t h e o r i g i n o f e v e r y n e w type . I t d o e s n o t h e l p i n t h e l e a s t to s a y t h a t t h e g r o s s p h e n o t y p i c c h a n g e s w e r e d u e to m i c r o m u t a t i o n s e a r l y i n d e v e l o p m e n t . T h e m a g n i t u d e o f t h e c h a n g e i n t h e g e n e t i c m a k e u p is n o t a t i s sue , b u t t h e m a g n i t u d e o f t h e r e s u l t i n g p h e n o t y p i c c h a n g e . A c c o r d i n g to S c h i n d e w o l f , o n e b a s i c p l a n o f o r g a n i z a t i o n m u s t b e c h a n g e d i n t o a n o t h e r i n t h e s p a c e o f a s i n g l e g e n e r a t i o n . M o s t b i o l o g i s t s f ind t h i s u n l i k e l y . 89

with dif ferent aspects of the synthetic theory and with each other. I t is not the case that a unified, viable alternative to the current orthodox theory has been brought forth. Grene herself makes passing reference to looking at "phylogeny as an ontogeny writ large, at the history of groups as expressing a fundamenta l rhythm still, in its intimacy, unknown to us, but analogous to the rhythm of individual development." Instead of species becoming extinct by the various mechanisms of the synthetic theory, "'this pattern of l iv ing--s imply played itself out" (Marjorie Grene, "The Faith of Darwinism," Encounter, 13 [1959], 52, 55, reprinted in Grene, Knower, 185-201). Biologists have investigated this possibility, most recently, Lawrence S. Dillon, "The Life Cycles of the Species: An Extension of Current Concepts," Systemat ic Zoology, 15 (1966), 112-126. The idea even occurred to Darwin Journal of Researches into the Natural History and Geology of the Countries Visi ted during the Voyage of H. M. S. Beagle Round the World [2rid ed., revised, London: Murray, 1845]). Unorthodox views do get a hearing. Unfortunately, the weight of evidence has proved to be against this particular unorthodox view. The fact that most biologists, after l istening to these dissident views, remain uncon- vinced leads Grene to label them dogmatic. If refusal to go against the weight of evidence is dogmatism, then these biologists are being dogmatic.

39. Although Goldschmidt was a strong proponent of macroevolution by macromutation, he was aware that the two positions were independent of each other and said so explicitly:

Continuing the line of argument derived in the foregoing chapters, we must find out further whether the development system is capable of being changed suddenly so that a new type may emerge without a slow accumulation of small steps, but as a consequence of what we ca/led a systematic mutation.

Such an analysis may be carried out in complete independence from the detailed conceptions which we developed concerning the architec- ture of the germ plasm and its changes. It does not make any difference whether a single macroevolutionary step is caused by a major change within the chromosomal pattern, a systematic mutation, or by a special kind of gene mutat ion with generalized effect, i f such is imaginable. The decisive point is the single change which affects the entire reaction system of the developing organism simultaneously, as opposed to a slow accumulat ion of small additive changes" (R. B. Goldschmidt, The Material Basis of Evolut ion [New Haven: Yale University Press, 1940], p. 251 ).

2 5 7

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Thus, with respect to the first pa r t of Grene's a rgument , mos t biologists think tha t Grene is fac tual ly in error, and it was these fac tua l errors which elicited m u c h of the negat ive response f rom biologists. 40 Grene, however, is not pr imar i ly interested in these fac tua l disputes but in her second point that Schindewolf 's theory is somehow epistemologically more adequate than Simpson's theory. To be specific, Schindewolf freely admits cer tain concepts which Simpson pretends to do without, but introduced surreptitiously. One of these con- cepts is the concept of "type." Tradi t ional ly the notion of type entails that member sh ip in a na tu ra l k ind is determined by one set of charac ters which are severally necessary and jointly sufficient. I f Grene intends to be refer r ing to the essentialist notion of type, then she could be m ak i ng either of two claims - - e i t h e r the weak c la im tha t Simpson thinks he is not us ing an epistemologically significant concept of type when actually he does, or the strong c la im tha t not only does he use such a type concept, but also he must .

On the first count, Grene is probably right. Even though SLmpson, Mayr, and other evolutionists have repeatedly em- phasized that evolut ionary theory is incompat ible with the essentialist-type concept, this point of view is quite difficult to ma in ta in in the mids t of complex lines of reasoning. 41 Simp- son m a y well have slipped on occasion. The strong claim, however, is another mat ter . Essent ia l ism is a philosophic posi- t ion of long standing, but if Grene is to resurrect it, she owes the reader some explanat ion of why this par t icular notion is a necessary e lement in any adequate epistemology. In the article in question, she provides none. In a la ter paper , she re turns to this theme but this t ime she equates the concept of type with "gestalt-idea." But it is one of the key fea tures of a gestalt that one or more of the e lements can be replaced or altered without affecting the gestalt, in direct opposition to the tradit ional notion of type. 42

40. Walter J. Book and Gerd yon Wahlert , "Two Evolutionary Theories: A Discussion," Brit. J. Phil. Sci., 14 (1963) , 140-146; Leigh Van Valen, "On Evolutionary Theories," ibid., 146-152; G. S. Carter, "Two Evolufionaxy Theories, by M. Grene: A Further Discussion," ibid., 345-348; Marjorie Grene, "Two Evolutionary Theories: Reply to Dr. Carter," ibid., 349-351. One philosopher who at tempted a philosophically oriented criticism, Edward Manier ("The Theory of Evolution as Personal Knowledge," Phil. Sci., 32 [1965], 244-252) was met with a harsh rebuff (Marjorie Grene, "Discussion: Mr. Manier 's Theory of Evolution as Personal Knowledge: A Quasi-reply," Phil. Sci., 33 [1966], 163-164).

41. Ernst Mayr, "Agassiz, Darwin and Evolution,'" Harvard Library Bulletin, 13 (1959), 165-194; Mayr, Animal Species; Simpson, Principles, and This View of Life.

42. Marjorie Grene, "Posifionality in the Philosophy of t te lmuth Plessner," Rev. Metaphys. , 20 (1966), 258.


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I t seems to be this confusion over exact ly wha t Grene in- tended to be arguing in her two evolut ionary theories pape r tha t occasioned m u c h of the controversy. A later paper in which she criticized Fisher 's m a t h e m a t i c a l version of evolu- t ionary theory did not mee t wi th any strong objections, since in this paper Grene explicitly states wha t it is she is a t tempt- ing to establish and provides careful a rguments in support of her thesisA3 In the original paper , biologists read her to be c la iming tha t a false scientific theory could be preferable to a highly confirmed theory because of some preempt ive epistemological considerations. They fai led to see wha t these epistemological considerat ions could be or how they could outweigh considerat ions of empir ical truth. To give Grene a run for her money, however, one migh t also suggest still another , more subtle possibility. The leading proponents of the syn- thetic theory of evolution are also antireductionists. I t would be easy to under s t and why an essentialist would be antire- ductionist, but given the synthetic theory of evolution, it is difficult to see why these biologists are equally opposed to the possibility of reductionA ~

F rom wha t has been said thus far , the reader migh t infer tha t philosophers have very little to contr ibute to biology. On the contrary, there are m a n y aspects of the scientific endeavor to which philosophers c o u l d contribute. My complaint is that by and large they have not. A classic example of how ineffec- tual philosophers have been in communica t ion with biologists is provided by the taxon-category distinction. J. H. Woodger spent mos t of his life doing wha t he called " turning the Boole- Frege searchlight upon s ta tements in biology." The differ- ences between individuals, classes, and classes of classes is one ins tance in which such an effort could have resul ted in considerable benefit for biology. The logical tools were avail- able. The t ime was right. Jus t when Woodger was beginning his work in m a t h e m a t i c a l logic, biologists were beginning to subject the species concept to intensive reexaminat ion. 45 All it takes to apprecia te how greatly the work of these biologists would have benefited f rom hav ing more than an intuitive grasp of the differences between defining the n a m e of a par t icular species ( a c lass) and defining the n a m e of the species category itself ( a class of c lasses) is to read the l i terature of the period. But Woodger did provide jus t such an analysis in his book

43. Marjorie Grene, "Statistics and Selection," Brit. J. Phil. Sci., 12 (1961), 25--42.

44. This interpretation was suggested by Hugh Lehman and is borne out by certain comments in Grene, Knower, p. 185.

45. Theodosius Dobzhansky, Genetics and the Origin of Species (New York: Columbia University Press, 1937); Mayr, Systematics.


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The Axiomat ic Method in Biology. 4B Unfor tunate ly , his ac- count went unnoticed.

Finally, ten years later, when biologists did begin to point out the significant differences between wha t they called taxa and categories, the increase in clarity was substantial . I t would be p leasant to be able to say that philosophers played a large role in the recognit ion and disseminat ion of this im- por tan t logical distinction, but such does not seem to be the case. Biologists had to work out the appropr ia te distinctions and terminology for themselves. At this same t ime philoso- phers were producing paral lel accounts. 47 I have asked sev- eral of the biologists involved whether they found these ac- counts helpful. They replied in the negative. W h a t was the reason for this fai lure in communica t ion? Two factors com- bined to keep the work of these philosophers f r o m hav ing any significant impac t on biology. In sett ing for th these factors, I do not m e a n to imply that all part ies were equally guilty in every respect or that some of the b lame cannot be laid at the feet of biologists. I really a m not so m u c h interested in fixing b lame as in discovering the causes for this fa i lure in com- municat ion.

First of all, philosophers tend to exhibit wha t can only be described as disdain for the issues and distinctions which biologists find important . For example , in his 1950 paper John R. Gregg argues tha t species are classes, not individuals, and tha t the relat ion be tween an individual organism and the species to which it belongs is membersh ip , not the part- whole relation. 4s These issues were raised because two biolo- gists had advanced independent ly the notion tha t species are as m u c h concrete, spat io temporal things as are individual organisms. On this score I think Gregg is right, but in his a rguments Gregg seems almost willfully blind to the reasons these biologists might have had for mak ing such an assertion. The point that they were trying to make was tha t species are not jus t sets, just collections of isolated individuals like the class of all things smaller t han a breadbox. The member s of a species are interrelated in numerous biologically significant ways, among which is spat io temporal proximity. The ontologi-

46. J. H. Woodger, The Axiomatic Method in Biology (Cambridge [Eng.] University Press, 1937).

47. John R. Gregg, "Taxonomy, Language and Reality," Amer. Natural- ist, 84 (1950) , 419-435; John R. Gregg, The Language of Taxonomy (New York: Columbia University Press, 1954); J. H. Woodger, Biology and Language (Cambridge [Eng.] University Press, 1952); Beckner, Biological Way.

48. Gregg, "Taxonomy."


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cal questions of whether a class can be identified wi th its members , whe ther the class of all cells tha t compose an or- gan ism is identical to the class of all molecules tha t compose that organism, or, for that mat te r , whether the whole universe can be viewed as an organism, are i r re levant to the issues raised by these biologists. Gregg says tha t this p rob lem "is a pseudo- taxonomic one which is resolved by reference to the semant ic s t ructure of language, and upon which no purely biological evidence (geographical distribution, in terbreeding relations, e tc . ) has the slightest bear ing whatsoever ." 49 I f so, then Gregg has misidentified the problem.

The second fac tor which has contr ibuted to the fai lure of communica t ion between these philosophers and biologists is their me thod of doing phi losophy of s c i e n c e - - t h e fo rma l re- construct ion of biological s ta tements in the nota t ion of mathe- mat ica l logic. There is a con t inuum with respect to the degree to which these "formalis ts" utilize ma thema t i ca l logic. At one end such notions are used just for clari ty and consolidation in the presenta t ion of definitions. At the other end are those works in which the entire presenta t ion is set-theoretical.

This me thod of doing phi losophy of biology has two draw- backs. The obvious one is tha t few biologists are fami l i a r with the notat ion. One reason why Woodger 's work has had so little impac t on biology is tha t biologists cannot read mos t of his la ter work. But isn' t this the faul t of biologists? Isn ' t it up to t hem to learn set theory or symbolic logic so tha t they can reap the benefits of this large body of l i terature? The only answer tha t I can honest ly give to these questions is "No." Formal is ts such as Woodger and Gregg have made some biologically significant points in their work, but f ew tha t could not have been m a d e just as clearly wi thout extensive use of these notations. Perhaps the discovery of cer tain logical dis- t inctions was aided by the use of these techniques, but the results need not have been communica t ed in these same terms. The taxon-category distinction is a case in point. Too often the applicat ions of ma thema t i ca l logic to problems in biology give the impress ion that more or less commonplace ideas have been expressed in t i resome exact i tude when they could have been conveyed more easily and more directly in a few sentences of pla in English.

The second drawback of the formal is t me thod is tha t more of ten than not the method becomes the message. The substan- tive prob lem in biology which occasioned the formal iza t ion is forgot ten as special, technical problems arise in the for-

49. Ibid., p. 426.


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realism. The num erous papers which have been wri t ten to solve wha t has been called Gregg's paradox provide an excel- lent case in point. In his 1954 monograph , Gregg set h imsel f the task of providing a set-theoretical reconstruct ion of the L innaean h ie rarchy within the confines of extensional logic. (Woodger in 1952 had a t t empted a similar reconst ruct ion. ) 5° The problem is tha t biologists make use of intensional notions in construct ing their classifications. In fact , the distribution of the characters of the organisms being classified is a p r ima ry consideration in construct ing biological classifications. Some biologists argue tha t it is the only consideration. As migh t be expected, Gregg's purely extensional reconstruct ion gave rise to paradoxes. Thereaf ter , a long series of papers appeared in which various devices were used to el iminate these paradoxes (or an t inomies) wi thout introducing the notion of intensions, al But why? Even if one or more of these devices works, wha t re levance will this reconst ruct ion have for biology? Taxonom- ists will cont inue to make their decisions on the basis of the distribution of charac te rs among their specimens. The need for reconstruct ing the L innaean hierarchy in intensional or modal logic will remain . All the effort expended in a t tempt ing to reconstruct the L innaean h ierarchy within the confines of extensional logic m a y be first-rate logic. I t has little c la im to being phi losophy of biology.

A second instance in which philosophers could have been of some service to biologists is afforded by the question, wha t is a charac ter? This question has plagued genetics since the days of the one gene-one charac te r hypothesis. Closely associated with this problem is the question of h o m o l o g y - - w h e n are two in- stances of a charac te r to be considered instances of the same charac te r and in wha t sense same? After the advent of evolution- ary theory the answer has been tha t two charac ters are homo- logous if they are similar because of origin f rom a c o m m o n ancestor. A decision as to whether or not two charac ters axe homologous in an evolut ionary sense requires recourse to all available evidence and to numerous scientific theories, including

50. Gregg, Language; Woodger, Biology and Language. 51. A. F. Parker-Rhodes, "Review of Gregg, The Language of Taxon-

omy," Philos. Rev., 66 (1957) , 124-125; A. Sklar, "On Category Overlapping in Taxonomy," m J. R. Gregg and F. T. C. Harris , eds., Form and Strat- egy in Science (Dordrecht-Holland: D. Reidel, 1964), pp. 395-401; Leigh Van Valen, "An Analysis of Some Taxonomic Concepts," in Gregg and Harris , Form, pp. 402-415; C. J. Jardine, N. Jardine, and R. Sibson, "The Structure and Construct ion o£ Taxonomic Hierarchies," Mathematical Bioseienees, 1 (1967) , 173-179; John R. Gregg, "Fini te L i n n a e a n Struc- tures," Bull. Math. Biophys., 29 (1967) , 191-200.


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evolutionary theory. Because of the intricacy of the Lrfferences involved in such decisions and the frequent paucity of evidence, some biologists have suggested that a different, more basic notion of homology--operational homology--should be substituted for the notion of evolutionary homology.

At first, operational homologies were supposed to be some- thing observed directly with no recourse to inferences or sci- entific theories. Gradually biologists have come to see that such units were quite ephemeral and of little scientific use and have expanded the concept to permit inferences on the basis of certain scientific theories--in fact, any scientific theory except evolutionary theory. When evolutionary interpretations are put on operational homologies, the result is evolutionary homologies. As the reader may have detected, the efforts of biologists to clarify the ideas of character and homology have been excursions into pure epistemology. Within the scope of a decade, they have relived the history of phenomenalism, operationism, and logical atomism. There is really no need for biologists to remake all the old mistakes and to explore every blind alley, s2

Another place at which philosophers could have helped clarify the issues in a dispute between biologists is the dis- agreement over the problem of whether higher categories evolved first and then later diversified into lower categories, or whether species evolved first and then only later higher categories. Goldschmidt and Schindewolf incline toward the first view. Simpson and Mayr subscribe to the latter view. 53 The major difficulty with this controversy is the logical crudity with which it is frequently expressed. Both Marjorie Grene

52. Robert R. Sokal and P. H. A. Sneath, Principles of Numer ica l Taxonomy (San Francisco: W. H. Freeman and Company, 1963); Donald H. Colless, "An Examinat ion of Certain Concepts in Phenetic Taxonomy," Syst. Zool., 16 (1967), 6--27; Donald H. Colless, "'The Phylogenetic Fallacy," ibid,, 289-295; N. Jardine, "The Concept of Homology in Biology," Brit. J. Phil. Sci., 18 (1968), 125-139. Woodger had provided a similar analysis some years earlier ("On Biological Transformations," in W. E. le Gros Clark and P. R. Medawar, Essays in Growth and Form Presented to D'A. W. Thompson [Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1945]). Even though Woodger in Biological Principles, provided an excellent summary of the problems inherent in phenomenal ism, a ~ew biologists continue to argue that sense data or the like are the fundamenta l subject mat ter of science; for example, J. S. L. Gilmour, in Julian Huxley, ed., The N e w Systematics (London: Oxford University Press, 1940), pp. 4 6 1 4 7 4 ; J. S. L. Gilmour and S. M. Walters, "Philosophy and Classification," Vistas in Botany, 4 (1964), 1-22.

53. R. B. Goldschmldt, "Evolution as Viewed by One Geneticist," Amer. Scholar, 40 (1952), 84-98; Goldschmidt, Material Basis; Schindewolf, Grundfagen; Simpson, Meaning; Mayr, Animal Species.


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and T. A. Goudge discuss this controversy at some length. ~4 Though they themselves do not m a k e the fair ly straightfor- ward logical error at the bot tom of the confusion, nei ther does anything to clarify the situation. The confusion lies pri- mar i ly in the modes of expression of Goldschmidt and Schinde- wolf. On nei ther view can higher t axa ( the t e rm now in use) evolve first and lower t axa such as species evolve later. Per- haps Archaeopteryx evolved in one fell swoop. Perhaps its basic organizat ion is so novel tha t it m u s t be recognized as a new higher taxon regardless of any fu ture developments. Even so, a new higher taxon has in no way evolved before a new lower taxon. Given the principles of classification agreed upon by both sides, it is logically impossible for a new phy lum or family to evolve without a new species evolving simul- taneously. 55

The two sides are in disagreement , bu t this is not it. Their d i sagreement concerns one ma t t e r of fac t and one ma t t e r of taxonomic strategy. The fac tua l d i sagreement over the existence of large, abrupt changes in phenotypic m a k e u p has been dis- cussed previously. With respect to their differences on taxonomic strategy, Go]dschmidt and Schindewolf wan t to classify entirely on the basis of over-all similari ty and phenotypic gaps, regardless of the n u m b e r and diversity of t axa which eventual ly exhibit this type of organization. Novel ty alone guarant ies a taxon a high- category ass ignment . Simpson and Mayr classify on a multi- plicity of principles. To m a i n t a i n some kind of ba lance in a classification while still re ta in ing a systematic relat ionship to phylogeny, principles of vert ical classification mus t be tempered with those of horizontal classification. Thus a taxon with numer - ous included t axa is likely to be classified at a higher category level than its degree of divergence alone migh t warrant .

Finally, no review of the phi losophy of biology could pos- sibly omit the two recent works devoted entirely to problems in the phi losophy of b io logy- - the Foundations of Biology by Felix Mainx and Morton Beckner 's The Biological Way of Thought. As migh t be expected f r o m the fac t that his mono- g raph is a contr ibut ion to the International Encyclopedia of Unified Science, Mainx emphasizes the verifiability criterion of mean ingfu lness and the uni ty of science. The errors and conceptual dangers which he mos t f requent ly points out in

54. Grene, "'Two Evolutionary Theories"; Goudge, Ascent. 55. Amazingly, two authors who should know better are guilty of

exactly the same confusion: Felix Mainx, Foundations of Biology (Chi- cago, Ill.: University of Chicago Press, 1955); Lancelot Hogben, Science in Authority (New York: W. W. Norton, 1963).


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biological works are at tempts to pass off tautologies and meta- physical claims as empirically meaningfu l statements, and a tendency among biologists for conceptual realism. Both of these tendencies are worth bringing to the at tent ion of bi- ologists, but unfor tunate ly for Mainx's t reatment , he fails to reflect the increased sophistication of the positivist position which had occurred since its inception. For instance, he sees tautologies everywhere because he accepts a ra ther facile no- tion of the relationship between operations used to test the applicability of a term and the definition of that term. He says in one place, for example:

If in the s ta tement "The positive phototactic react ion of a Eug l ena is proportional to its l ight-requirement" the con- cept "light-requirement" is only testably defined by means of the establ ishment of the behavior under the stimulus of light, this is a tautologous s ta tement of the above kind. 56

Behavior under the stimulus of light is certainly nei ther logically nor physically the only way of "testably defining" the concept "light-requirement." Hence, the s ta tement is not tautologous. The same is true for most of the examples which Mainx gives. Mainx would have done well to have read Carl G. Hempel 's earl ier contribution to the same series on the foundat ions of concept format ions in empirical science. 57 A careful reading of this earlier monograph might also have sug- gested to h im that the basic distinction which pervades his book serves only to f rustrate his efforts to provide an adequate explication of the foundat ions of biology. This distinction is between order-analytic statements, which express the coex- istence of characters , and causal-analytic statements, which express a succession of states in time. As t ime-honored as this distinction is, it just will not do as a character izat ion of the relat ionship between concept format ion and theory con- struction in science. For example, Mainx recognizes three different viewpoints in b io logy-- the morphological, the physi- ological, and the genetical. Although he warns the reader tha t these three viewpoints overlap somewhat, he makes it sound as if a morphologist could analyze an organism into organs and tissues independent ly of any knowledge of physiology, genetics, or evolutionary descent. Further , a taxonomist sup- posedly can then erect a classification by means of the co- variat ion of these characters, and this classification is equally

56. Mainx, Foundations, p. 5. 57. Carl G. Hempel, Fundamentals of Concept Formation in Empirical

Science (University of Chicago Press, 1952).


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neutra l as fa r as scientific theories are concerned. Only after- wards can such theoretical considerations as the funct ions these structures perform or their evolutionary derivation be brought into play. This is the impression his exposition gives al though he says that it mus t be "remembered that even in these e lementary descriptive s tatements the beginning of hy- pothesis construct ion must be recognized." as

Currently, biologists are carrying on an extensive debate over just these issues. 59 Must the sequence of events in an actual scientific study be the same as those in Mainx's epis- temological reconstruct ion? There are good reasons for main- taining that they cannot be. As Beckner has pointed out, 60 the morphological characteristics which are used to produce a supposedly neutra l classification are not purely morphological characters. The definition of "kidney," for example, neces- sarily presupposes knowledge of physiology. Perhaps a biolo- gist might begin with visual clues, but what makes a structure a kidney is determined as much by its funct ion as by its structure. A similar story can be told for the evolutionary derivation of a character , though the relevant evidence is more difficult to obtain. The gills of a fish and the gills of a crayfish are not the same character even though they per- form the same function, both because of their s tructural differ- ences and because of their differing phylogenetic histories. These various aspects of scientific teminology are interconnected in very complicated ways in the format ion of concepts in science. One school of biologists is present ly arguing that all these differ- ent features in biological terminology must be disintangled, especially any assumptions about evolutionary development. This task is, to say the least, ambitious. Reading Mainx's overly simplistic t rea tment will help these biologists appreciate the difficulties which they are likely to encounter very little. The story is quite different with rcspct to Beckner's book.

The at tention which Beckner's explication of organismic biology continues to receive f rom bo th biologists and philoso- phers is well-deserved. (The Biological Way of Thought has recently been reissued in paperback by the University of Cali- fornia Press.) What Beckner says is impor tant and expressed c lea r ly - -wi th only one major and pervasive exception. The

58. Mainx, Foundations, p. 3. 59. t Iogben, Science; Sokal and Sneath, Principles; Erns t Mayr, "'Nu-

merical Phenet ics and Taxonomic Theory," Syst. Zool., 14 (1965) , 73-97; Robert R. Sokal, J. H. Camin, F. $. Rohlf, and P. H. A. Sneath, "Numerica l Taxonomy: Some Points of View," Syst. Zool., 14 (1965) , 237-243; Colless, "Examina t ion" ; Colless, "Fal lacy."

60. Beckner, Biological Way, pp. 110-131.


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main purpose of Beckner's book is to show that biology is an autonomous discipline with concepts and laws peculiar to itself. In general he tries to show that organization, directive- ness, and historicity play a more crucial role in biology than in other sciences. Specifically, he at tempts to show that three classes of concepts--polytypic , historical, and funct ional con- c e p t s - - a r e characterist ically biological in one sense and fully unique in biological theory in another. Beckner's explication of polytypic concepts affords a rare instance in which a philosopher has actually contributed significantly to the de- velopment of a biologically impor tant notion, that of poly- thetic definitions. ~1 Biologists had been using the notion for some time and had discussed it with varying degrees of clarity, but Beckner also provided a general explication and a philo- sophical justification for it.

The one glaring fault in Beckner's presentat ion is his intro- duct ion of two technical terms, "W-definition" and "E-definition," which he claims will be helpful in his exposition. A biologist a t tempting to read Beckner's book is confronted in the second chapter by a series of semiformal definitions. Most readers, if they go on at all, are tempted to skip this chapter and, as it turns out, with no great loss. His brief discussions of polytypic, historical, and funct ional concepts are expanded in la ter chapters devoted exclusively to them, and the notions of W- and E-definitions play almost no role in the ensuing pages. To be sure, Beckner periodically uses these technical terms in his subsequent discussions but to little consequence, since in most cases a te rm cannot simply be W-defined or E- defined. Instead they can only be E-defined with "preestab- lished criteria of adequacy for any W-definition," and Beckner leaves the na ture of these criteria completely unexplicated. At the risk of seeming totally opposed to the formalist method of doing philosophy of science, I mus t point out that once again the extensive logical machinery which Beckner intro- duces serves to hinder ra ther than aid his exposition. For- realization m a y be an excellent way of working out problems in the philosophy of science. It is not a very good way of communica t ing the results of these endeavors. However, in spite of this t taw in presentation, Beckner's book remains the single major contribution of a philosopher to biology in over a decade.

61. See also, Woodger, Biology and Language; J. H. Woodger, "Taxon- omy and Evolution," Nuova Critica, 3 (1961), 67-78; $. H. Woodger, "Biology and the Axiomatic Method," Ann. New York Acad. Sci., 96 (1969,), 1093-1104; Douglas Gasking, "Clusters,'" Australas. Rev. Psych., 38 (1960), 1-36; tiogben, Science.


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I n conc lu s ion , t h e r e a re m a n y t h i n g s t h a t p h i l o s o p h y of b io logy m i g h t be. A p h i l o s o p h e r m i g h t u n c o v e r , exp l i ca t e , a n d p o s s i b l y solve p r o b l e m s in b io log ica l t h e o r y a n d me thodo logy . H e m i g h t even go on to c o m m u n i c a t e t hese r e su l t s to o t h e r p h i l o s o p h e r s , to sc ien t i s t s , a n d e spec i a l l y to b io logis t s . H e m i g h t show w h a t c o n s e q u e n c e s b io log ica l p h e n o m e n a a n d theor ie s h a v e fo r o t h e r s c i ences a n d for p h i l o s o p h y or to s h o w w h a t conse- quences o t h e r s c i ences a n d even p h i l o s o p h y h a v e for b iology. T h e s e a re some of t he t h i n g s w h i c h p h i l o s o p h e r s of b io logy m i g h t do. W i t h r a r e excep t ion , t hey h a v e not . W h a t p h i l o s o p h y of b io logy i s n o t ? I t m u s t be a d m i t t e d t h a t t h u s f a r i t is n o t v e r y r e l e v a n t to b io logy , n o r b io logy to it. 62

62. I wish to thank Ernst Mayr, Helen Heise, and Hugh Lehman for reading and commenting on this paper. Special appreciation is owed Marjorie Grene for doing the same, even though several of her own ideas are severely criticized. This paper will also appear in Synthese, vol. 20 (1969-70). It was presented at the 1968 Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, October 12, 1968; Phi- losophy Department, Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri, Otcober 20, 1968; Philosophy Department, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario, Canada, February 6, 1969. The paper was prepared under grant GS-1971 of the National Science Foundation.