Volume 39 Number 34 August 21 , 2016 What Manner of Person Are You? 2 Peter 3:11, Seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved, what manner of persons ought ye to be in all holy conversation and god- liness.In Deu. 14:12, Israel is told that they are the children of God, that they are a holy people unto God and that the Lord has chosen them to be a peculiar people. We know that Israel of old enjoyed the favor and blessings of God beyond measure. Israel had the obligation to honor and obey the Lord. Now, fast forward to the New Testament and study 2 Pet. 2:9. Here we are told that we are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people. Do you see the resemblance? Just like Israel, we enjoy some marvelous blessings from God (2 Pet. 1:4; Col. 1:12-14; Matt. 6:24 -34). It is only reasonable for the Lord to expect you and I to be the kind of people that will bring honor and glory to Him (Matt. 5:16). What manner of persons should we be? We ought to be people who are determined to do what is right according to Gods word (I Cor. 16:13; Acts 4:19; Heb. 10:23). We ought to be people who will never compromise the truth or pervert it in any way (Col. 1:6-9; I Tim. 4:11-15; 2 John 9). We ought to be people who are dependable and willing to ac- cept our responsibilities (I Cor. 15:58; I Thess. 5:14-22; Eph. 4:21-32). We ought to be people who are setting an example in commitment, work, giving, prayer, attendance, love for God, each other and our fellowman (I Tim. 4:12; Mark 12:30; I John 4:7-12). Are you this type of person?

What Manner of Person Are You? - Constant Contactfiles.constantcontact.com/a86d1a4b301/bd1e7a61-225e-4db1-8fcb-6fc3cf8... · What Manner of Person Are You? 2 Peter 3:11, “Seeing

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Volume 39 Number 34 August 21 , 2016

What Manner of Person Are You?

2 Peter 3:11, “Seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved,

what manner of persons ought ye to be in all holy conversation and god-

liness.” In Deu. 14:12, Israel is told that they are the children of God, that

they are a holy people unto God and that the Lord has chosen them to be a

peculiar people. We know that Israel of old enjoyed the favor and blessings

of God beyond measure. Israel had the obligation to honor and obey the

Lord. Now, fast forward to the New Testament and study 2 Pet. 2:9. Here we

are told that we are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation,

a peculiar people. Do you see the resemblance? Just like Israel, we enjoy

some marvelous blessings from God (2 Pet. 1:4; Col. 1:12-14; Matt. 6:24

-34). It is only reasonable for the Lord to expect you and I to be the kind

of people that will bring honor and glory to Him (Matt. 5:16).

What manner of persons should we be? We ought to be people

who are determined to do what is right according to God’s word (I Cor.

16:13; Acts 4:19; Heb. 10:23). We ought to be people who will never

compromise the truth or pervert it in any way (Col. 1:6-9; I Tim. 4:11-15; 2

John 9). We ought to be people who are dependable and willing to ac-

cept our responsibilities (I Cor. 15:58; I Thess. 5:14-22; Eph. 4:21-32). We

ought to be people who are setting an example in commitment, work, giving,

prayer, attendance, love for God, each other and our fellowman (I Tim. 4:12;

Mark 12:30; I John 4:7-12). Are you this type of person?

2 7

It is an honor to have you join us in worship at the

Northside Church of Christ! Our mission is to save

souls and to help souls stay saved. We extend our

sincere love towards you and we encourage you to take

advantage of the opportunity to have a bible study with

members who are eager to study with you. If you do not

share our like faith, this bible study, as well as your visit

today, offers a two way opportunity: (1) We have the

chance to share with you the gospel of Jesus Christ and

the essential steps to salvation. (2) You have the chance

to hear, believe, repent, confess, and be baptized where-

by being added to the Church of Christ. We welcome

you to investigate what you hear and see today. You

will be able to ask your biblical questions and receive

biblical answers that will guide you to make an in-

formed, life changing decision. Thank you for being our

special guest! Please come again.


Visit our website!



ommunications Ministry

TV Ministry

Sunday Worship


Wednesday nights


Harold Andrews - 904-764-7103

Barbara Carter - 904-354-5932

August/September 21 Bible School @ 9:15a

Mass Worship @ 10:30a

Zone Care Fellowship @ 12:30p

Area Fellowship @ 3p

Evening Worship @ 6p

22 Church Visitation @ 7p

24 Bible Study @ 10a/7p

25 Ladies Bible Class @ 7p

27 NCI Golf Tournament @ 7:30a

Sister to Sister Monthly Activity @ 12p

28 Youth Sunday

Bowling League Ministry Meeting @ 4:30p

29 Church Visitation @ 7p

31 Bible Study @ 10a/7p

1 Prison Ministry @ 6p

Bowling Ministry @ 7p

2 Single Adults Ministry @ 7p

3 House to House Door Knocking @ 9a

4 Moring Worship @ 8a/11a

Bible School @ 10a

Evening Worship @ 6p

5 Labor Day

Church Visitation @ 7p

7 Bible Study @ 10a/7p

8 Bowling Ministry @ 7p

Minister: _______________________________________

Scripture: ______________________________________

Subject: _______________________________________









































~If you are interested in participating in the 2016 Walk to End Alzheimer’s, it will be held Sat., Nov. 19th at 9. Please see Felicia Wright, or call her at 904-860-8440, to join her team or make a donation by Oct. 25th. T-shirts are available for walkers.

~Northside Community Involvement, Inc. would like to express their gratitude to all who donated, participated and volunteered in the Annual Ida McClendon Ice Cream Social Fundraiser. Everyone enjoyed themselves!!

~Northside Community Involvement, Inc. is in need of Volunteers for the NCI Community Resource Center. If you love the community and enjoy helping those in need, this is a great avenue to “Serve our Community.” Qualifi-cations: Great people skills, customer service skills, com-puter knowledge and flexible hours. Please call 904-660-2157 or see Pat Brown, Interim Executive Director.

~Northside Community Involvement, Inc. 11th Annual Golf Tournament of Unity (4 person teams) will be held on Aug. 27th at the beautiful Omni Amelia Island Planta-tion Resort. If you are not playing, but would like to join us for lunch, please pay $25 to Rhynett Chatman or Pat Brown.

Please continue to donate

to our TV Ministry as

we transition to new air

ways and update our

equipment. Thank you

“Let The Bible Speak”

Listen to the Prayer Requests

and Add Them To Your





















Baptism Committee


8:00am &

6:00pm Sunday

Michelle Striglers

Vicky Murphy

Latrell Jackson

Sylvia Smith

11:00am Sun. &

7:00pm Wed.

Clausell Smith

Terry Graves

Louise Turner


At Work Ministry


Better Men, Husbands, Fathers, and Leaders

Did You Tell Someone About Jesus?

Matt. 28:19-20 is the great

commission given to members of

the body of Christ. As Christians,

it is our responsibility to Tell,

Talk and Teach others about

Jesus. Telling someone about

Christ will often open the door to

Talk with them about Him. You

can then Teach them or invite

them to Church where they can be

taught. We encourage each Chris-

tian to take advantage of such

opportunities. If you know of a

prospect, and for some reason

cannot conduct a personal Bible

study, please give their contact

information to Bro. and/or Sis.

Oliver or to one of our Leaders.

Welcome to the Family!!

ID# Name Zone DOBapt.

7054 Dajuan Canish 5 C-2 07/27/16

7150 Shabak Bolling 5 C-1 07/20/16

7149 John Wright 5 C-1 07/23/16

7148 Donte Mcneal 7 C-2 07/24/16

7143 Kadeisha Thomas OT 07/17/16

7118 Albert Buggs 7 C-1 07/10/16

7083.03 Dashia Brothers 5 C-3 07/24/16

7064 Wanda Edge 5 C-3 07/20/16

7036 Paula Smith 5 C-3 PM

7086 Christian Holmes OT 07/03/16

7085 Clinton Pugh 06/29/16

7078 David Ward 5 C-1 06/24/16

6896.01 Michael Daye 1 C-3 07/03/16

7076 Robert Stanberry 1 C-4 06/13/16

784.02 Janice McClendon 6 C-1 05/27/16

7084 Sheona Williams 5 C-1 06/22/16

7083.2 Norma Brothers 7 C-1 06/22/16

7082 Herbert Walker, Jr. Deceased 05/28/16

PM= Placed Membership \ RD= Rededication \ OT= Out of Town

Our Goals &


The Week of Aug. 14, 2016

Area of Interest Actual Goal

AM Service 602 1000 wkly

Bible School 206 450 wkly

PM Service 200 600 wkly

Wed. Night 182 350 wkly

Baptisms 65 250 yrly

Placed Membership 5

Rededications 6

Restorations & Prayer 1193

Northside Church of Christ Palatka, FL

2016 Theme: Saving Souls

Today’s Text: Isaiah 43

Lesson Title: “I WILL BE WITH YOU”

Lesson Points

Attendance: Sun. School: 19; Sun. Worship: 36; Wed. Night: ; Bapt.: 14

Please pray for: the Palatka Mission, new converts, sick/shut-in and delin-quent members.


Seniors Taking Action in Reasonable Service

Our STARS Care Team will meet

Tues., Aug. 23rd @ 11a. Please

come out to encourage and to be


Each 4th Sunday is Youth Sunday. Please have your young men at the building by 7:30a & 5:30p to receive their worship assignments.

Fantastic Friday is schedule for Sept. 9th, at 6:30p. Please allow your youth to participate.

Sister to Sister will have their monthly activity on Sat., Aug. 27th at 12p.

You’ve been asking and they are here! The Straight Outta Church of Christ t-shirts are in. Please stop by the Youth table and pick yours up today. All sizes are $15.00.

Support Our


Businesses Michelle Andrews


Living Wills, Power of Attorney, Last Will & Testament, Notary,

Memorial Planning, etc.

Miguel Sanders


Health & Life Insurance

Write or Revise a Will

Call for a free quote/evaluation

Eastside Church of Christ Jacksonville, FL

The Eastside Church of Christ is growing and strengthening with your help and God’s guid-ance. We are looking to do great things for the cause of Christ at this congregation. If you are able, please attend the 11am worship held there each Sunday.

Our Prison Ministry meets on the

1st Thurs. of each month at 6p in

the church library. Please join us!

Our LAW Ministry meets every

2nd & 4th Thursday of the month

at 7p. Currently we are doing a

series on the women in the bible.




The Bowling League Ministry invites those who enjoy friendly competition, fun and fellowship

to join them each Thursday night beginning in September!! You can sign up with either James

White or Ronald Brown.

Our next ministry meeting is scheduled for Sun., Aug. 28th at


All men are encouraged to attend

the weekly discussion each Sat. at

7am. We come to encourage each

other. We discuss what God would

have us to do and to be as men,

husbands, fathers, and leaders.

Bring your young men with you for

our New Man Ministry Mentoring

held immediately afterwards.


please check

the board for

changes in


Thank you for your service.

‘ This ministry is for all singles ages

18-59. If you are not married, you

are single! Please join us on the 1st

and 3rd Friday of the month at 7pm

group discussions/activities.

Please see you director for group

rehearsal times & locations.


All married couples are encouraged

to attend enrichment fellowship on

the 3rd Sat. of each month at 6p.

This ministry’s mission is from Acts

2:44-45, “All the believers were

together and had everything in

common. They sold property and

possessions to give to anyone who

had need.”

Please donate to our Food (non-

perishables) and Clothes Pantry

whenever you are able so that

there might be items available

when a need arises. Thank you!

Each 3rd Sunday


5 4

All Worship Workers should be in place 30 minutes prior to the

start of any service.

Aug. 21st our schedule will be as follows: Bible School

9:15a, Mass Worship 10:30a, Zone Care 12:30p, Evening Worship 6p. Please pass the

word to others.

Aug. Hospitality Colors

Aug. 7 - Purple

Aug. 14 - Blue

Aug. 21 - White & Silver

Aug. 28 - Royal Blue

Each 5th Sun. - Pink

Area Fellowship is hosted at a participating area congregation each

month at 3pm. Please see the planned schedule below.

August 21st

East Church of Christ

1038 A. Phillip Randolph Ave., 32206

September 18th

US 1 Church of Christ

6452 New Kings Rd., 32219

October 16th

Miller Street Church of Christ

211 Miller St. OP, 32073

November 20th

Westside Church of Christ

236 West 8th St., 32209

*Please purchase an Area Fellowship Calendar for a $2 donation.


Our congregation is grouped into

Zones and Cells. This helps us to be

accountable and dependable to one

another and to our various spiritual

needs. It is encouraged that you

fellowship with your Zone/Cell each

3rd Sunday at the designated time

and location. All Zone/Cell Leaders

are asked to submit your meeting

times and locations to the church

office to be printed and announced.

Zone/Cell Leaders, please help the

Administrative Office keep up with

our sick, shut-in and bereaved

members by notifying us of those

members when you become aware.

The next Healthy Living Class starts

on Sept. 27th. We have fill all avail-

able spaces!! Please look forward to

signing up for our next class if you

missed the deadline for this one.

Continue to support us as we strive

to help the congregation become

more health conscience.

Aug. Health Ministry Workers:

Aug. 7: Tansy Shootes/Michelle Andrews

Aug. 14: Dana Carter/Gloria Scott

Aug. 21: Pam Warren/Mattie Clayton

Aug. 28: Rashell Sobers/April Chambers

Alt.: Katherine Griffin/Michelle Andrews



Please notify the church office of your special day

or occasion by Fax, Email or Phone. Thank You!

Wedding Anniversaries

Gene & Michelle Striglers - 34 yrs. 8/21

Don’ta & Arnetha Brewington - 14 yrs. 8/25

Terrence & Peggy Johnson - 18 yrs. 8/29


Sarah Matthews (spiritual birth 8/03) 8/02

Elzada Orr 8/02

Mattie Clayton 8/02

Gail Nelson 8/02

Cayana Scott 8/03

Corzell “Mico” White 8/03

Shemech Paterson 8/07

Michelle Harrell 8/08

Patricia Peterson 8/08

Joirdan Warren 8/09

Beverly Arline 8/09

Tonya Daniels 8/09

Aaron Johnson 8/11

Selina Lee 8/11

Regina Channell 8/11

Marva Cuthpert 8/12

Willie Mae Lane 8/12

Nadine Rogers 8/13

Harold Moore 8/13

Chris Daboul 8/14

Selwyn Carrol 8/15

Bernard Clark 8/17

Elyse Gibson 8/17

Ruth Harris 8/17

Lakishay Pender 8/20

Willie Dennard, III 8/21

Samuel Sumlar 8/21

Victoria Peterson 8/23

Olester Pat Williams 8/24

Michelle Striglers 8/25

Mallory Johnson 8/25

Bernard Hales 8/26

Allen Jones 8/28

Tonja Winters 8/28

Mila White 8/31

Theresa Daniel 9/04

Amari Fletcher 9/04

Sharron McClendon 9/05

Send a Little Comfort Their Way

Eddie & Jeanette Thomas - loss of his uncle

Erdine Johnson & family - loss of her aunt Terri McClendon & family - loss of her father Olester Pat Williams & family - loss of her cousin, Juanita Mobley

Annette Brackett & family - loss of her husband, Edward Brackett Carl, Willie Mae & Yolanda Cooper - loss of their brother David Cooper, Jr.

Clifford & Jackie Campbell - loss of her mother, Maybelle Johnson

Bobby & Adrienne Randolph - loss of her cousin, Matthew Hester Eddie & Jeanette Thomas - loss of his father, Eddie Thomas, Sr.


Date Morning Night

21 Ps. 119:1-48 1 Cor. 3

22 Ps. 119:49-104 1 Cor. 4

23 Ps. 119:105-176 1 Cor. 5

24 Ps. 120-123 1 Cor. 6

25 Ps. 124-127 1 Cor. 7:1-24

26 Ps. 128-131 1 Cor. 7:25-40

27 Ps. 132-135 1 Cor. 8

Please call or visit: Claudie Williams; Sarah Washington; Ruth Hicks; Reva Stallings; Sylvia Fluckers; Shawn Har-mon; Harry McCants

To make room for more recent sick/shut-in members, some of the long-term sick/shut-in members have been removed. Please continue to visit and pray for them. Let’s not forget them just because they are not listed.

Henry Brinson, Sr. - 3839 Penton St., 32209/353-6716

Elmerine Brooks - 1651 Fouraker Rd. Room 187

Beatrice Brown - Lakeside Nursing Home Room 509

Mary M. Brown - 1113 Romaine Cir. E., 32225/723-0076

John Crawford - 9454 Sappington Ave., 32208/765-0083

Peggy Dunlap - PO Box 1310, Mt. Vernon, KY 40456

Ola Mae Fields - 329 W. 66th St., 32208/765-8287

Gloria Fleming - 2721 W. 45th, 32209/764-2306

Sylvia Fluckers - Heartland Health on Nomandy room 313 B

Geneva Ford - 10918-1 S. Pleasant Oaks/751-3375

Dollie Gordon - 3930 Delwood Ave., 32205/389-5194

Shawn Harmon - Baptist Hospital room 1125

Ruth Hicks - 3536 Penton St., 32209/586-2281

Annie E. Jones - no visits please; 904-859-3840

Sherry Jones - 6835 Corday Rd., 32208/765-1492

Vermell Jones - 5067 Lincoln Cir. N., 32209/764-5486

Harry McCants - St. Vincent’s ICU

Helen McCloud - Heartland Rehab on University Blvd.

Barbara Moore-Nichols - 7972 Mattox Ave., 32219/765-2799

Gloria Moore - 526 Pippin St., 32206/881-8342

Alvin Priester, Sr. - Brooks Rehab on University

Lessie & Irene Rogers - Quality Health Care Fernandina Beach, FL 32034

Elizabeth Russell - 212 8th St., Fernandina Beach, 32034/261-8648

Reva Stallings - 1053 Phelps St., 32206/355-8249

James Tolbert - 2341 Johnson Ave., 32207/398-8289

Angelena Valentine - 2182 Wilberforce Rd., 32209/572-8742

Lucille Walker - 10918-1 S. Pleasant Oaks/751-3375

Sherryl Waller - 3138 Crosby Ln., 32216/442-3817

Sarah Washington - 2169 W. 13th St., 32209/357-8440

Claudie Williams - 4134 Pearce St., 32209/765-9048

Our Education Ministry provides

age appropriate Bible study classes

as follows: Adult Bible Class at

10am each Wed.; Bible Class for

all ages at 7 pm each Wed., and

10am each Sun.

The Education Ministry supports

our Prime Achievers Program.

Please consider a monetary dona-

tion to help stock the Achievers

Store with goodies for our youth.