
What is the Lite Edition? - Kenzer & · PDF file · 2007-04-17Modifiers and Difficulty Numbers 3 ... What is the Lite Edition? The Lite Edition is the bare bones format of the much

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TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction: What is a Fuzzy? 1 What is the Lite Edition? 1 Game Mechanics 1 Attributes 1 Fuzzy Templates 2 Skills 2 Modifiers and Difficulty Numbers 3 Story Points 3 Irony Points 3 Combat 4 Rounds, Actions and Movement 4 Additional Combat Techniques 5 Weapons, Armor and Equipment 6 Money 7 Adventure Ideas 7 The Fuzz 7 Channel F 7 The Story 7 The Rise and Fall of HamaEstra 8 The Remaining REFs 8 Credits 8 Character Sheet/Gift Cards 9 Introduction: What is a Fuzzy? “Personification of Mankind, perhaps we are. Totem Spirits, sometimes we are called. Dreams given form. Matters, it does not.”

- Frogerik Bouchard Approximately one in every ten thousand stuffed toys becomes a Fuzzy. Even before recorded history, they were found in many different forms: from grotesque dead animal carcasses held together with sticks, to spiritual figurines of clay and stone. One can only guess how these "Fuzzies" (if you could call them that) thought or behaved, as they were surely less intelligent than even the animals that they were based on. They acted purely on instinct, driven by the Story. But as civilization, intellect, and imagination grew, so did they. Eventually, they became “aware”. Today, Fuzzies tend to be anywhere from two to eighteen inches tall. After that, the percentage drops off greatly. The largest known Fuzzy today is Margo, clocking in at 21 inches! Any larger and the essence that creates a Fuzzy gets spread too thin, loses cohesion, and collapses. Bigger is not always better.

What is the Lite Edition? The Lite Edition is the bare bones format of the much larger Fuzzy Knights RPG. It is free to download, copy and distribute to your friends. It is meant to whet your appetite for the Full version of the game, which has more complete rules, background, humor, adventure, maps, figures and fun! The complete game can be purchased at http://www.kenzerco.com

GAME MECHANICS "What the hell do you think Roleplaying is? A Tupperware party?"

-Mossfoot ATTRIBUTES The Attributes used in Fuzzy Knights (also called Stats) are very basic: Strength, Reflex, and Intelligence. Fuzzies start with 33 points to spread between them. No Attribute can be above 20, and each must be given a minimum of 1 point.

STRENGTH - A combination of raw physical power and endurance. The stronger you are, the more damage you can take, and the more damage you can deal.

Attribute Ratings

STR REF INT 20+ "Margo SMASH!" Target Philosopher King 15 Average Bear Average Rabbit Average Owl 10 Average Average Average 5 Kiddy Type Missing Leg Do I see Unicorns 1 Paper Towel Ghost Rock "Eat Now?"

REFLEX - Reflexes, agility, speed, this combines everything that is fast about a Fuzzy. This is used to do such things as not-getting-hit and freezing when a human comes into the room. INTELLIGENCE - Even today, the Fuzzy Mind is less developed than a human's. The smartest Fuzzies are on par with a clever teenager. There are no "geniuses" as we would think of them. This is fortunate, since it allows for the unrestricted use of "Story Logic", without physics getting in the way.

This does not mean you have to play a Fuzzy as "stupid". You simply don't ask whether or not that lighter can actually be modified into a flamethrower. It can, because it's supposed to.

FUZZY TEMPLATES While you can be any kind of Fuzzy you can think of, These are some of the more common ones. All Fuzzies get 3 points to add to their Attributes. This bonus can boost a character's stats ABOVE 20, and sets the bar for how high the Attribute can become. Bear - 30% of the Fuzzy population is made up of bears. They are the dominant species. Bears tend to be stronger than most other Fuzzies and often end up in positions of authority that require force to back up their actions, such as the Fuzz. Watch out if they have a temper.

Modifier: +3 STR

Rabbit - Quick as a flash, rabbits


Ow – (includes true Birds

Ca - (includes Lions, Tigers, etc...)

: +2 REF, +1 INT

Dog - (includes Wolves, Coyotes,

Pa Iears) Smarter than the

u s in me, Fuzzy “Humans”


p your +3 Attribute

enus is above +3.


"Yeah, I've gotten prett iding getting hit. Do ou think Ben will forgiv

failure of a situatio

tend to get into more trouble than they can handle. Why? Because they can do things so quickly they often get into trouble before they realize they are making a mistake. Good thing they can't reproduce like the real thing!

Modifier: +3



of Prey) In the real world, Owls are dumb. Their eyes are bigger than their brains! But this isn't the real world, and Owls still have the reputation for being Wise and Smart and all that. This of course means they are oftenthat they shouldn’t be. Owls are often found in political roles, where applicable.

Modifier: +3 INT

smart enough to realize


Fast and cunning, cats tend to be the more deadly of opponents. They may not have the strength to back things up, but don't let them get behind you.


etc…) Strong and Agile, Dogs are very physically active. They are great in enforcement roles, but not often found in leadership positions.

Modifiers: +2 STR, +1 REF

nda – ( ncludes other Exotic Baverage bear, but not as strong. Pandas sometimes suffer from cultural "I'm not sure what the heck it is" syndrome.

Modifiers: +2 INT, +1 STR Han

man - Much like humany other ga

represent the baseline, the average. However, unlike most other games, they are the minority, not the majority. Only about 1% of all Fuzzies are Humanoid.

Modifiers: +1 TO ALL STATS

Other uzzies - Divide uBonus however you see fit. Upon GM approval, other combinations including negatives could be given (i.e. +2 STR, -2 REF, +3 s out to +3, and no single

), so long as it balanc

y good at avoe me?" y

-Target (on a heavily impaled dartboard)

Attributes are usually used to determine the success or n. However, if a Fuzzy has a Skill,

this acts as a modifier, which is added to the Attribute. Skills must be specific. "Kill Every Mutha In The

Room" is not a skill. "Drive Toy Car" is a skill, and cou

ibute that can be used in any com

based, even ones like Climb or

Defense skills are Reflex based.

ld apply to any kind of toy vehicle, even if it’s not specifically named (i.e. toy tank). No Fuzzy can have a Skill over +10.

Starting Fuzzies receive Skill Points equal to their Intelligence Attr

bination on a point for point basis. Raising Skills and buying new Skills cost more and are done via Story Points (see below).

In the Lite Edition all Non-Combat skills are assumed to be Intelligence

Swim. Any physically related aspects of the skill come naturally, but the technical details do not. However, if you’re climbing and carrying a load, for example, a Strength roll might also be required. This is done for simplicity and differs slightly in the full version.

All Attack Skills are Strength based, and all

Untr e simply mo ifiers. Any trained at their Attribute level with a -2 Modifier (same as a Minor


r Attribute If you roll

qual to or under the Difficulty, you succeed. Roll

or difficult the task is.


Sample Skill List

ained Skill Use - Skills arzzy can use any skill Un


Disadvantage). This includes both Combat and Intelligence skills. Skills mainly represent improved ability due to practice or training, as well as knowledge within that field. In the full version, there are also Advanced Skills, which cannot be used untrained, such as Storytelling and Create/Modify Stuff. Modifiers and Difficulty Number The base Difficulty to perform a Skill is youplus your Skill Level. Roll a 20 sided die. eover and you fail. 1 is always a success, 20 is always a failure, regardless of Modifiers.

However this assumes average circumstances and few things in life are average. The GM can assign modifiers depending on how easy

Negative Modifiers are twice the rate of positive ones. Remember that Modifiers can stack!

Sometimes life is just out to get you poor suckers. This chart is for comparative purposes only; you

can choose any number in between as well.

tribute + Skill + Modifier = Difficulty Number

Story Points "I'm not sure what is happening... I feel the Story moving in another direction..."


Sometimes the dice don't roll your way. Sometimes it's absolutely essential that things work the way you want them to. This is what Story Points are for; they represent the degree of control you have over the Story. Story Points are like Luck Points and Experience Points combined, and can be used to raise Skills and Attributes.

You can use them to reroll a failed skill or combat check, or to automatically succeed before rolling. However, every time you use one this way, the GM gets an Irony Point to use against you later on. Sucker. If Story Points are countered in any way, the effect is nullified, and no Irony Points are gained.

During combat, you can also use them to recover Stuffing (see below), and get a "second wind".

You can use them to maximize your damage or add an extra damage roll on a single attack during combat.

To raise a Skill by 1 point you must spend 1/2 the number of Story Points as the new Skill level, rounding up. (i.e. to raise a skill from +3 to +4 costs 2 Story Points).

To raise an Attribute by one point costs the same number as the new Attribute level. Attributes cannot be raised above 20 + their Template Modifier.

Every player starts with one Story Point. Extra Story Points are awarded by the GM for heroic actions taken, brilliant insights, stunning victories, or just making the GM laugh his butt off. 3 Story Points should be awarded to each Player in an average session, 4 for excellent play and 5 for outstanding play. Irony Points "Yes, yes, the circle of irony is complete. Seen it coming, I should have... pretend we shall that we meant to do this."

-Frogerik Bouchard This is the GM's way of keeping you in check, or just screwing your life up and having a cheap laugh. If you use Story Points to have things go your way, the GM gets Irony Points to use against you in whatever way he sees fit. It's a legal means of player smack down, different than a grudge monster, 'cause you really do bring it on yourself.

What can they make happen? Pretty much anything the GM wants. Throw an unexpected situation your way, take away your stuff, get you stuffed in a box to Bora Bora... the only restriction he has is that it must somehow tie back to how and why you used ONE of your Story Points in the first place. Of course, ANY GM can manage that in the long run...

Skill ModifiesMelee Weapons STR


nse only) ance only)

Ranged Weapons STUnarmed Combat STR Dodge REF (DefeRun REF (DistDrive Toy Car INT Climb INT Disguise INT Hide INT Persuade / Con INT Sew/Repair Fuzzies INT Fuzzy History INT Technology Use INT

Modifier Difficulty Description +10 You'd have to be a moron screw it up

Anyone can do it. +8 +6 Incredibly Easy +4 Easy +2 Somewhat Easy +1 Minor Advantage 0 Average -2 Minor Disadvantage (also for Untrained S


mpt it! ady?

k-4 Somewhat Difficult -8 Difficult -12 Very Difficult -16 Only a professional should atte-20 Got some Story Points re

In the Lite Edition, Irony Points should be used all at once. The more the GM has, the more severe the punishment can be (Assume 1 for a minor incident and 10 for a complete disaster). It can be directed at a single player or the group, but it costs twice as much to affect the group in the same way as a single player.


"So there I was... surrounded by rats the size of footballs! And the only thing keeping me from becoming nest material was a can of lemon Pledge and a Bic lighter!"

-Captain Captain

Combat is fairly straightforward. This is not the kind of game where you need or want a lot of number crunching. It is, however, different from Skill use. In one Round a Player can...

• Make a Full Move with no Actions • Make a Half Move with one Action • Have two Actions and not move.

Move - The distance covered in a full Round. It is determined by your Reflex + Run Skill Level (if applicable). If you are both Moving and taking an Action, this number is halved. Initiative - Roll 1d20, subtract your REF. Lowest goes first. A player gets to use both Actions before play moves to the character with the next highest initiative. Optional: For those wishing to play with more of a tactical war-game feel, you can choose to have players take their first Action in order of initiative, then their Second Action afterwards in the same manner. Combat - Roll Attack Skill vs. Defense Skill. Winner is the one with the highest Margin of Success (MoS) Tie goes to Defender.

An Attack Roll is your applicable Attack Skill + Strength + any Skill Modifiers.

A Defense Roll is your Dodge Skill + Reflex + Modifiers such as Cover and Armor. If you are unconscious, only Armor and Cover apply.

Optional: A Natural 1 is an automatic Hit or Dodge. 20 is a Fumble, the player loses his next two Actions. Damage Bonus - Whatever your Strength is above or below 10 acts as a Damage Bonus. Thus a Strength of 7 is a -3 and a Strength of 14 is a +4. Obviously strong characters do a lot of damage, while weak characters are all but useless in a fight without special weapons. Stuffing (Hit Points) - Strength determines your Stuffing, which you lose when you are hit. As you go into negative Stuffing, the negative acts as a Modifier to all your physical rolls, including Intelligence skills that are physically based, like Climb. Also, you must start making unmodified STR checks or fall unconscious. When you reach negative Stuffing equal to your STR, you are automatically knocked out. Stuffing recovers naturally over time. For all intents and purposes, a good night's rest is all you need (though bandaging might stay on longer for comedic purposes).

By spending a Story Point, you can get a Second Wind, and refresh your Stuffing completely. However, this doesn't fix Permanent Damage (see below). Tear Factor (Permanent Damage) – For every 5 points of damage you inflict in a single blow, you have reached the "Tear Factor", and have inflicted a point of Permanent Damage. Stitches have been torn, gashes have been made, ears have been ripped, etc... This is serious. Your level of Permanent Damage acts as a negative Modifier the same way negative Stuffing does. Taking Permanent Damage equal to your STR

Permanent dama

results in DEATH.

ge does NOT recover naturally. It takes extreme measures to repair (sewing, patches,

extra stuffing, etc...) Repairs such as these require the right materials, and a full day of treatment for each point. If you are trying to repair a Fuzzy who is down to 1, for example, you are basically rebuilding him. If you don't have the right materials, you could end up with a patchwork Fuzzy (and a confused owner wondering what the heck happened!).

A Fuzzy can choose not to inflict Permandam


various power tools, and other kinds of

Note regarding Negative Modifiers – When you have

alling – A Fuzzy takes 1 point of damage for every

age, and still inflict the full Stuffing damage, by stating they are “pulling the punch”. This allows players to fight without inflicting serious injuries if they so choose.

Flame, acid, "extreme" damage are automatically Permanent, and

you cannot “pull the punch” with them.

both Negative Stuffing and Permanent Damage, only the worst of the two applies as a Modifier. Electrical Damage – Electricity Stuns a Fuzzy (see Stun), and has a 50% chance of setting it on fire. Ffoot they fall, rounding down. A successful REF check can reduce this to 1 point for every yard (3 feet), also rounding down. The same rules apply to anyone you land on as well. You do not take Permanent damage.

If you are plastic or a Creation (like a REF), you take Permanent damage, but as if you had Stuffing (i.e 1 point for every 5, Plastic takes one quarter damage)

Jumping – An unburdened Fuzzy can jump his height plus his REF in inches upward, and twice that across. It takes one Action to jump. Additional Combat Techniques Tackle – In order to tackle someone, you must make a successful Unarmed Attack. A successful tackle knocks a Fuzzy to the ground. If you are trying to inflict damage in the process, only the Damage Bonus from high Strength applies, there is no die roll. Restrain – If trying to Restrain a Fuzzy, you make an Unarmed Attack. If successful they are grappled. After that the grappled Fuzzy may use an action to try and break free by rolling their Strength against the grappler’s Unarmed Combat. If the victim fails three such rolls, he is considered Restrained and cannot move. Multiple restrainers can add their Strength bonus (if any) to the main restrainer’s roll. Stun - In combat, a Cap Gun can be used to deafen or stun other Fuzzy opponents. When a noise maker is used against a Fuzzy in this manner, roll the weapon’s Stun rating (typically 1d4-3d6 depending on how loud it is), subtract it from the Fuzzy’s Intelligence and roll. If it fails, it is Stunned for the number of rounds it failed by. Multiple shots can be added together if fired in one Round. All the shots in a cap gun can be fired in a Full Round.

Spook – Against a living animal, noise makers tend to scare the creature away. When using a noise maker in proximity of a living creature, roll the weapon’s Stun rating (typically 1d4-3d6), subtract it from the creature’s Intelligence and roll. If it fails, it is Spooked and runs off, effectively removed from combat. Multiple shots can be added together if fired in one Round.

Armor “Yeah, he should be fine. The jacket took most of the hit.” -Captain Captain Armor provides a Bonus to your Defense Roll during combat. Due to its bulk, however, it also incurs an Attack Penalty equal to its Defense Modifier. Optional: If you avoided getting hit due to the armor, the armor takes the hit. Armor can take a number of hits equal to its Defense Modifier, and the Modifier is reduced by 1 for each hit. At 0 the armor is destroyed.

WEAPON SAMPLES Unarmed Combat (REF based) Damage Range AmmoPunch/Kick 1d6 - - Tackle/Grapple STR Bonus Only - - Light (STR of 8+ needed) Damage Range AmmoSmall Sword (i.e. Swiss army knife, drink sword) 1d8 - 1d10 (depending on size) - - Small Club (pool cue, stick) 1d6 - - Rock 1d6 Long - 6 feet - Javelin/Spear (i.e. sharpened pencil) 1d8 Long - 6 feet - Lighter/Flamethrower (Fuzz Prohibited*) 2d4 Perm Damage (no STR bonus) Medium - 3 feet 5

(5 Rounds to Reload, uses lighter fluid) (50% chance to catch fire for 1d4 Rounds) Standard Issue Fuzz Cap Gun Special (Stun Rating 1d6) Medium - 3 foot cone 6 Pepper Spray Special (blinded/stunned 1d6 Rounds) Short - 1 foot 2 Molotov Cocktail (Fuzz Prohibited*) See Lighter/Flamethrower - 1 foot radius Long - 6 feet - Firecracker (Fuzz Prohibited*) 3d6 (1 foot radius Perm, 3 foot radius Stun) Long - 6 feet - Heavy (STR of 13+ needed) Damage Range AmmoB.A.S. (Big Ass Sword... i.e. heavy letter opener) 2d6 - 3d6 (depending on size) - Modified Heavy Crossbow (1 Action to Reload) 2d8 (no STR Bonus, knock down) Very Long - 12 feet 1 BBQ Lighter/Flamethrower (Fuzz Prohibited*) 2d6 Permanent Damage (no STR Bonus) Long - 6 feet 10

(10 Rounds to Reload, uses lighter fluid) (50% chance to catch fire for 1d4 Rounds) B.F.G. (Big Fuzzy Gun, Pellet Gun, Support Weapon) 5d6 (no STR Bonus) Extreme - 25 feet+ 8-15

(Needs 2 Fuzzies to operate- Fuzz Prohibited*)

*Illegal use of Fuzz Prohibited weapons results in an Irony Point. It is up to the GM to determine what constitutes illegal use.

Equipment “I must ask, however… why did you bury it?” “Let’s just say Ben and Target got carried away with my ‘neat toys’ a while back.” -Fembunny and Mossfoot Essentially, if you can find it in miniature, you can use it. Fuzzies have very crude and limited means of construction, so anything they make themselves tends to look like it was made by pre school children. They can also (if they have the skill) modify existing equipment to take on new uses, such as the lighter/flamethrower. New Fuzzies start off with NO equipment, but here are some samples of things they might find or buy out in the world.

ARMOR SAMPLES Armor Defense Modifier Cloth Clothing +1 Cardboard (improvised) +2 Leather Jacket +3 Hollowed Out Soup Can (improvised) +7 Tinfoil (cover 95% of body, -1 Attack) negates flame attacks (each hit causes a tear, which allows 1 point of damage through)

The Costs listed here are for comparative purposes. Most Weapons and Armor are not openly sold, and therefore prices may vary widely on the black market. More often than not, a Fuzzy who needs such things either makes or scrounges for it themselves.


Item Game Effect Typical Cost Paperclip Grappling Hook/Rope Can climb otherwise inaccessible surfaces, 10 foot rope, +5 Climb $10 Knapsack Carries up to 40 cubic inches of stuff inside, can hang stuff outside. $100 Mini-flashlight To see in the dark $20 Books Games, Fiction, Non-Fiction. Printed at Fuzzy Size. $10-30 Mini-Dice Don’t game at home without them! $10 Clothing For the latest fashion statement $25-50 Leather Jacket Always the ultimate in cool, also decent protection. $250 Food and Drink Logistics are a mystery, but Fuzzies like to eat and drink socially $5/serving Mini Sewing Kit Essentially a First Aid Kit, used to repair Permanent damage $25 Mini Swiss Army Knife Useful in a variety of ways. 4-10 tools depending on type $500 RC Car (small) Move = 30, can carry total Size of 30 in passengers, cumulative $2000

MONEY “What are you suggesting? That I looked through a copy of Module G13: The Mansion of Madness, available at finer game shops everywhere for only $12.99? I’m shocked! That would be unethical!” -Ben Not all areas of the world use money. Most get by just fine using the tried and true barter system. For all intents and purposes, the use of Money is entirely optional for your World. However, the bigger the Fuzzy community, the more likely some kind of economy has been established. The names may differ around the world, but regardless of what it’s called, money these days is often represented by the “Bean”. Since most Fuzzies now use plastic beans for stuffing, this makes them quite valuable symbolically. Of course, if that was the end of it, you’d have skyrocketing inflation and hundreds of ripped open Inert Fuzzies littering toy stores everywhere. Beans are specially coated in a special paint (usually green) or some other anti-counterfeiting measure that is unique to each region. How do Fuzzies get Beans? Some have jobs that pay directly in Beans, but most get them through Pawn Shops. Fuzzies scavenge for useful items, and sell them to the Pawn Shop in exchange for Beans, which can then be used in any store. This, of course, raises all kinds of problems for the Fuzz in these areas. Theft, mugging, counterfeiting are only part of it. Gangs might “control” garbage spots that yield good reusable junk, for example, leading to organized crime.


The Fuzz "You don’t wear a badge, we got a thin furry line to protect, and you’re NOT helping."

- Mr. Pig

The Fuzz is the equivalent of the Police in the Fuzzy world. They are not as organized or skilled as a proper police force, but they try. They tend to be found in big cities, where the Fuzzy population is highest. This means that small towns, with

their few Fuzzies (if any) are essentially lawless, and thus open to all kinds of Story possibilities. Sometimes the Fuzz will send a single Captain to a growing town to act as local Marshal, or if the population is large enough, to organize a new Fuzz unit.



Channel F "So... did you deactivate the shutdown system?" "What? And violate my oath as a reporter just so we could increase our ratings? Of COURSE I did!"

-The Applebee Twins Before the Internet, Fuzzies communicated to each other in a number of ways. An "underground railroad" sent mail to others, and late at night they would send amateur radio broadcasts on unused frequencies.

As the Internet grew, the Fuzzies quickly managed to find themselves a niche, and found their own online identity. Channel F is the first Fuzzy T.V. station, broadcasting news and entertainment 24 hours a day online. The shows, however, tend to be borrowed or plagiarized from human TV shows. It seems that creating original stories is a weak point in Fuzzy psychology. Channel F is always looking for writers and reporters, however.

Channel F is currently producing a Mini Series in En

The Story

Imagination is a highly powerful force. Perhaps the most

-Emanuowl Nordrum

e Story is a metaphor, used to explain the Fuzzy

Story is the central element of the Fuzzy

n any given situation

gland about the Tournament War.

"powerful in the universe. We have probably existed for millennia..."

TCondition. Fuzzies are alive because enough people out there believe, on some level, that they exist. This same rule applies to the existence of Santa Claus, the Boogie Man, and others. Like most adult humans, most Fuzzies don't (consciously) believe in them, either.

Therld, whether the characters know it or not. Things

unfold a certain way because they are supposed to, even if the outcome is unclear.

Most Fuzzies believed that i


amaEstra changed all that.

The Rise and Fall of HamaEstra

h to smile... and smile... and be.... A VILLAIN!” kespeare)

or a long time, the mad hamster HamaEstra was

s committing any num

am, Th

is mu

, one year later, the tale of HamaEstra has beg

nk bet

ow, new types of Stories are beginning to unfold.

The Remaining REFs


-REF Mark I Prototype

fter the Fall of HamaEstra, those REFs that weren't

nitial Game Concept/Design/Layout/Text:

Senior Game Designers: rank, Emanuel Nordrum

in ork:


n uel Nordrum

'd end up with a few silly adventures and a happy ending. Most Fuzzies counted on it.


"O -HamaEstra (paraphrasing Sha Fthought to be nothing more than an urban legend from a long gone era. They were wrong.

Ten years ago, HamaEstra waber of horrid experiments on Fuzzies under the

guise of Roleplaying. Eventually he was captured and thrown into a Fuzzy Asylum. Recently, he was released. The first thing he did was ambush Santa Claus, steal his bag, and set the fat man on fire. Then he laid low for months. Almost everyone dismissed the report of Santa's demise as fantasy or hysteria.

HamaEstra put together a new roleplaying tee Legion of Doom, and joined the world's first

Fuzzy International Gamer's Hackmaster Tournament (F.I.G.H.T.). The grand finale of this tournament was to be viewed across the world on Channel F. The Tournament introduced the use of a Roleplaying Enforcement Figure (R.E.F.) to enforce the rules of the game and even keep HamaEstra in line, but little was known of who made them or where they came from.

Though reports differ on what happened next, thch is clear: HamaEstra killed the local Fuzz and

tried to kill several other Fuzzies. It was he who had built the REFs, and it is thought he had meant to unleash them on the spectators at the Tournament finals in front of an audience of thousands worldwide. He was stopped, however, by an alliance of gamers, in what has come to be known as The Tournament War. He is presumed dead... though the body has never been found.

Nowun to slip back into faded memory... and legend. It was HamaEstra's ambition to break the liween the Humans and the Fuzzies. To have the

Fuzzies create their own Stories, and thus be independent of the Humans. Though he didn't exactly succeed, he did start things moving in that direction. Now, nothing is certain, and happy endings are no longer guaranteed.



Adestroyed went inactive. Several hundred Mark I REFs (many still in packaging hidden in warehouses) and a few dozens Mark II REFs are suspected to exist. Who knows what kind of experiments HamaEstra made that might have been acquired by someone, somehow? Who knows what might be made of these foul devices by an enterprising and evil Fuzzy?


Noah J.D. Chinn

Noah J.D. Chinn, Will FHamaEstra

Senior Editor: Jane ManookPhotographs and Artw

Noah J.D. Chinn, Jon K. Haynes Richard E. Robertson, John Szalayytesters: Gillian Burns, Noah J.D. ChinWill Frank, Richard Frost, EmanDan Manookin, Jane Manookin, John Szalay

This is just the tip of the iceberg. Delve deeper into the world of Fuzzy Knights!

From the dawn of Mind we came, moving silently down through the centuries. Living many secret lives, playing in our own world, and hiding from your prying eyes. Though we are what you have made us, no one has ever known we were among you..... until now.

Order the complete Fuzzy Knights RPG and you’ll get everything you need to make your own Boxed Edition! It includes “The Fuzzy Guide” for Players, “Storyteller’s Guide” for GMs, “Creatures and Creations” for all your Monster needs, a GM Screen, Whammy Stickers, an Adventure Module for beginners, Cutout Figures, a map of The Neighborhood, the complete bonus game “Ben’s Battle Chess”, and a Box to put it all in!

It’s not just a game; it’s an Arts and Crafts project! zzy Knight logo, the Kenzer and Company logo and all prominent characters and likenesses thereof are

egal Notice: Fuzzy Knights, the Fuademarks of Kenzer and Company. All rights reserved. Visit Kenzer and Company at http://www.kenerco.com

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