What is Pilates? Winston Pilates Explains

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With everyone from Miley Cyrus to David Beckham using Pilates to tone their bodies and keep fit it's become the workout of choice... but just what is Pilates? Learn more at http://www.winstonpilatesla.com/faq.html

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What is Pilates?

1327 Ocean Avenue, Suite D, Santa Monica, CA 90401

Pioneered by Joseph Pilates in the early 20th century, the Pilates Method has been used for years by professional Athletes and celebrities, such as Tiger Woods, Madonna, Kobe Bryant, Angelina Jolie, Miley Cyrus to stay in peak physical condition.

Designed to build the perfect blend of Designed to build the perfect blend of Core Stability, strength, muscular endurance and flexibility, Pilates is a comprehensive fitness system. Made up of over 500 multipurpose exercises that combine controlled stretching with dynamic movement against resistance, each move is either performed on a padded floor Mat or with specialized spring assisted equipment, such as a Cadillac or Reformer machine.

Distinguishing itself from other exercise programs, the guiding principles of Distinguishing itself from other exercise programs, the guiding principles of Pilates (Centering, Concentration, Control, Precision, Breath, Flow) aim to cultivate a whole Mind-Body connection that focuses on the ‘quality, not quantity’ of each movement; As a result, it is considered one of the safest and most effective methods of exercise and muscle conditioning.