1. What is OOP? 2. What is a class? 3. What is an object 4. Relation b/w class and object 5. Structures 6. Relation b/w class and structure 7. Class vs Structure 8. Fields 9. Methods 10.Properties 11.Static 12.Static Classes 13.Sealed Classes 14.Abstract Classes 15.Interfaces 16.Abstract classes vs Interfaces 17.What is an Interface class. 18.Recommendations to decide when to use an interface and when to use abstract class 19.What happens if we don't provide implementation to interface members. 20.Advantages of interfaces. 21.Inheritance 22.Different types of inheritance. 23.Class inheritance 24.Interface inheritance 25.Can Interface inherit another interface. 26.If a class inherits an interface what are the two options available. 27.Explicit implementation of interface 28.Encapsulation 29.Polymorphism 30.Access Modifiers 31.In C# does derived types can have greater access modifier than its base types. 32.In C# does the access modifier of a type member can have greater access modifier than its type. 33.Value Types 34.Reference Types 35.Value types vs Reference Types 36.Stack 37.Heap 38.Overriding vs Overloading 39.Can we define user defined types as constants in C#. 40.In C# can we declare methods events and properties as constants. 41.Virtual vs Abstract 42.Can we declare fields inside a class as virtual. 43.Data Types. 44.Are value types are sealed. 45.Type conversion 46.Implicit conversion 47.Explicit conversion

What is OOP

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1. What is OOP?2. What is a class?3. What is an object4. Relation b/w class and object5. Structures6. Relation b/w class and structure7. Class vs Structure8. Fields9. Methods10.Properties11.Static12.Static Classes13.Sealed Classes14.Abstract Classes15.Interfaces16.Abstract classes vs Interfaces17.What is an Interface class.18.Recommendations to decide when to use an interface and when to use abstract class19.What happens if we don't provide implementation to interface members.20.Advantages of interfaces.21.Inheritance22.Different types of inheritance.23.Class inheritance24.Interface inheritance25.Can Interface inherit another interface.26.If a class inherits an interface what are the two options available.27.Explicit implementation of interface28.Encapsulation29.Polymorphism30.Access Modifiers31.In C# does derived types can have greater access modifier than its base types.32.In C# does the access modifier of a type member can have greater access modifier than its type.33.Value Types34.Reference Types35.Value types vs Reference Types36.Stack37.Heap38.Overriding vs Overloading39.Can we define user defined types as constants in C#.40.In C# can we declare methods events and properties as constants.41.Virtual vs Abstract42.Can we declare fields inside a class as virtual.43.Data Types.44.Are value types are sealed.45.Type conversion46.Implicit conversion47.Explicit conversion48.Is and As operator49.Difference between IS and As operator.50.Boxing and Un Boxing51.Which type of expression is thrown if type conversion fails.52.What is the base class for array types53.String vs system.String54.Int.Parse vs Int.TryParse55.Exception Handling56.Can multiple catch blocks be executed57.Do events have return type58.Do events have access modifier.59.Can we have shared events.60.Where all the .NEt classes are located.61.Overriding vs shadowing62.What is dispose in .NET63.What is the significance of finalize method in .NET64.Difference between finalize and dispose methods.65.How can we suppress finalize methods.66.In what situations you will declare constructor to be private.67.Which statement is used to replace multiple if statement68.Arrays69.Advantages of arrays70.Dis advantages of arrays71.Advantages of using array list72.DisAdvantages of using Array list73.Advantages and DisAdvantages of using generics74.what is a namespace75.Constructors execution order76.Delegates77.Anonymous delegates78.Lambda expressions79.events in .NET80.Multi cast event handling in .NET81.Collection framework in .NET82.Difference b/w finalize and dispose methods.83.Debug.Write vs Trace.Write84.Use of Command line Args method.85.What is the use of System.Environment class.