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What is gastritis

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Gastritis might sound like a different disease involving the digestive system, but it’s actually quite similar to other digestive diseases. One of the main differences is the fact that this is an inflammation of the stomach – it’s often called Acute Gastritis.

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What is Gastritis?

Gastritis might sound like a different disease involving the digestive system, but it’s actually quite similar to other digestive diseases. One of the main differences is the fact that this is an inflammation of the stomach – it’s often called Acute Gastritis. There are two major causes of Gastritis in terms of common reasons to have something like this, it includes a bacterium called H Pylori and the other common reason is because of NSAIDS. Other less common reasons include things like Crohn’s Disease, auto-immune

diseases, and sarcoidosis. If you want to learn more about Gastritis, continue reading below for things like symptoms, treatments, and even a few home remedies to consider.

Symptoms Of Gastritis

Many people that have Gastritis actually don’t even have any symptoms or they are so mild that they don’t even think that they are associated with something like Gastritis. However, if you are curious about those Symptoms Of Gastritis they can include things

like abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting and sometimes can cause things like bloating, loss of appetite which can lead to weight loss, belching and indigestion.

How To Know If You Have Gastritis

Many times the only way, especially if you aren’t having any symptoms as mentioned above, to know if you have Gastritis is to actually see a specialist. This specialist will most likely ask you about symptoms, as well as personal history i.e.; do you take NSAIDS, what is your consumption of alcohol of any, what is your diet like, etc. They can also take certain tests to figure out if you have it such as a breath test, stool test or a biopsy test.

Treatment For Gastritis

Treatment for Gastritis actually varies depending on if it’s acute or chronic Gastritis. Usually though, if the Gastritis is caused by H Pylori, a simply combination of antibiotics should do the trick to get rid of it and clear it up. If the Gastritis was caused by NSAIDS however, your doctor will probably ask you to stop taking the drug or medication and start using something much simpler like antacids, histamine blockers or proton pump inhibitors.

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Home Remedies for Gastritis

There are also things you can do at home, right now, to reduce the issues that come along with Gastritis and they are pretty easy! First off, stop smoking cigarettes. Next, make sure that you reduce the amount of alcohol that you drink. Thirdly, avoid caffeine at all costs, this includes coffee, certain types of tea – especially black tea leaves, and soda pop, as well as citric type drinks like orange juice, grapefruit juice, pineapple juice, etc. You should also cut down on your fatty foods to help reduce your symptoms.

If you have the bacteria H Pylori and it’s causing the Gastritis and the symptoms, you can also change a few things in your diet to STOP the bacteria. This should be a diet that is high in fiber and foods that contain things like flavonoids. These foods include items such as certain types of teas, berries, especially blueberries, garlic, kale, broccoli, spinach, parsley, thyme, and legumes and beans.

If you think that Gastritis is something you can just ignore and it will go away on your own, you are wrong. In fact, it can lead to other more serous issues such as a peptic ulcer, bleeding ulcers, certain digestive and gastric cancers, as well as bowel obstructions and in some very rare cases; death. If this is something you might be worried about having or you have any of the symptoms combined above, please go see a GI doctor in Flushing so that you can be tested for this disease and then you and your doctor can then begin steps to reduce the symptoms or in some cases, make them go away permanently. Make sure you stay away from those foods that trigger you as well. For different people

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it tends to be different foods, but most anyone with gastritis will experience symptoms when they eat foods such as; spicy foods, alcohol, fatty foods and of course fried foods.

There are a few different “tests” that doctors can do in order to find out if you have this disease such as blood tests, an upper endoscopy – these are endoscopes which are done orally through the mouth and down into the throat, esophagus and stomach. You can also get a stool test as well. The stool test will look for blood in your stool which is a possible sign of this disease.