What is an Anecdotal Record

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  • 7/25/2019 What is an Anecdotal Record


    What Is an anecdotal record?An anecdotal record (or anecdote) is like a short story that educatorsuse to record a significant incident that they have observed.

    Anecdotal records are usually relatively short and may containdescriptions of behaviours and direct quotes.

    Why use anecdotal records?Anecdotal records allow educators to record qualitative information,like details about a childs specific behaviour or the conversationbetween two children. These details can help educators plan activities,eperiences and interventions.

    !ignificant behavior of students"a specific child is using a certain skill for the first timerecord the fact that a child is still ehibiting a specific behaviour after aperiod of many months.a child has not yet mastered a specific skilleven that a child is no longer ehibiting certain behaviour orbehaviours.

    How do I write an anecdotal record?

    #eing positiveand ob$ective, and using descriptive languageare alsoimportant things to keep in mind when writing your anecdotal records.

    Sample anecdotal recordsAnecdotal record%aitlyn sat on the big white chair looking at a board book. !he pointedto a picture of a train, and chirped, &%hoo choo'
