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What is a Facelift?

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The following questions are commonly asked by patients of Dr. Hernandez before undergoing a facelift. While these questions and more are thoroughly answered in a personal consultation. The answers given summarize the doctor’s approach and advice as one considers having a facelift. Please visit

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  • Frequently Asked Questions: Facelift

    Vivian Hernandez, M.D., F.A.C.S.

    The following questions are commonly asked by patients of Dr. Hernandez before undergoing a facelift.

    While these questions and more are thoroughly answered in a personal consultation. The answers given

    summarize the doctors approach and advice as one considers having a facelift.

    1. How long is the recovery time?

    I generally say between two and four weeks, depending on the individuals surgery and the

    depth of the procedure. It is best to wait at least four weeks before resuming a full schedule of

    work and exercise. Some patients can go back to work after two weeks, but if a patient has a

    laser treatment as part of their facelift they would need a slightly longer recovery time, in which

    case I would suggest from three to four weeks.

    2. How long does a facelift usually last?

    Generally, facelifts lasts an average of 8 to 12 years. If a patient remains stable, does not gain or

    lose weight, a facelift can last sometimes up to fifteen years. This also depends on the type of

    facelift that is being performed, whether the muscle is being repositioned or not.

    3. How is a facelift different than a mini or mid facelift?

    A mini or mid facelift is limited in scope when compared to a full or lower facelift. In a mini lift,

    the skin and muscle dissections are limited, which is why the results they produce are not as

    dramatic as in a traditional facelift. Alternatively, when a doctor speaks of a mid-face lift, they

    are more likely referring to a procedure addressing the cheeks only, not the rest of the face. In a

  • facelift or lower facelift, the skin dissections and muscle work performed are more extensive

    allowing for comprehensive results. Therefore, the best candidate for a mini lift is someone that

    has previously undergone a facelift and needs a little restoration of that work.

    4. How long should swelling and numbness last after a facelift?

    Not everybody experiences numbness in the face; most patients never experience feeling loss.

    Those that do, might feel numbness around the ear area, or the earlobe itself. This condition

    does not last long, though some patients report minor numbness lasting a few months. As for

    swelling, for some it may be visible for two weeks. There can be some internal swelling of the

    face that may last longer, but this internal swelling is not likely to be visible.

    5. How can I avoid getting a pulled up look from a facelift?

    Board Certified Plastic Surgeons, like the Dr. Hernandez, perform surgery with a heightened

    awareness of an individuals facial anatomy and underlying muscular layers. A facelift from a

    qualified plastic surgeon that has undergone extensive surgical training will not result in

    stretched or windblown looks, because the contouring is achieved by lifting and repositioning

    the underlying facial structures and not by stretching the skin. This is the marked difference

    between a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon and other cosmetic doctors offering seemingly quick

    surgical solutions with minimal down time.

    6. How can I avoid bruising after a facelift?

    Most of the time, patients have normal bruising and discoloration of the skin for the first two

    weeks after a face lift. Patients who have a tendency to bruise, such as those taking aspirin or

    vitamin E, may be more prone to noticeable bruising. It is important to discontinue aspirin and

  • vitamin E two weeks prior to surgery. To further address such bruising, many patients take

    Bromaline and Arnica Montana which aid post-surgical healing.

    7. Will I have visible scars from a facelift?

    Dr. Hernandez takes great care to place the incisions so that they are not seen, and where the

    light does not reflect on them. During a facelift Dr. Hernandez hides incisions behind the ears

    and others inside the ear, which are referred to as retrotragal or posttragal incisions.

    Additionally incisions are hidden at the hairline over the mastoid area.

    8. Are there non-surgical alternatives for a facelift?

    Certain facial deficiencies such as loss of volume in the mid-face and certain areas where

    wrinkles are common can be addressed with fillers and injectables. In consultation with an

    experienced Plastic Surgeon, like Dr. Hernandez, you will be informed of other facial procedures

    that may address your areas of concern, but no treatment or procedure would be as complete

    and long lasting as a face lift. This traditional and well-proven procedure requires lifting and

    removing excess skin while repositioning the muscles and anatomy underneath.

    9. What other procedures can I combine with a facelift for a younger look?

    Nowadays fat grafting is commonly performed alongside a facelift to fill in the compartments of

    the face that may have been depleted of natural volume. Patients who look tired and deflated

    due to a loss of fat, collagen or hyaluronic acid can restore some of that natural youthful volume

    with fat grafting. Other procedures could include certain implants such as chin implants.

    10. What is the best age to have a facelift?

  • The best candidate for a facelift is usually a person in their fifties, but this can vary with the

    individual. A person that starts to notice poor skin elasticity or sagging skin and a noticeable

    relaxation of the neck and jowl, may be a candidate for a facelift. If someone is bothered by

    their facial appearance, a consultation with a board certified plastic surgeon could help them

    find a solution to address their facial rejuvenation needs.

    11. May I bring my spouse or significant other with me to the consultation and the surgery?

    Dr. Hernandez encourages patients to bring their spouse to the consultation and during their

    visit for pre-operative instructions. This will help to inform all parties involved of the required

    needed care after the procedure.

    12. Who will provide anesthesia?

    Anesthesia is always provided by a board certified M.D. Anesthesiologist, not a nurse. This

    trained medical doctor monitors the patients vital signs throughout the surgery and recovery.

    13. Will the doctor be providing the Post-Operative and Follow-Up care personally or handing me

    off to someone else such as a physicians assistant, on-call doctor, partner, etcetera?

    Dr. Hernandez supervises all the stages of pre and post-surgical treatment herself, assuring her

    patients of complete hands on care. Dr. Hernandez is present and oversees all patient care from

    the pre-operative preparations to the final post-operative visits and everything in between.