16-1 What if the Company Doesn’t Purchase (or sell) the Asset at the Beginning (or end) of the Year? Units-of-production Multiple the depreciation rate by the actual usage Straight-line or double- declining balance Use the mid-year convention or count the time that the asset was in use

What if the Company Doesn’t Purchase (or sell) the Asset at the Beginning (or end) of the Year?

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What if the Company Doesn’t Purchase (or sell) the Asset at the Beginning (or end) of the Year?. Units-of-production Multiple the depreciation rate by the actual usage Straight-line or double-declining balance Use the mid-year convention or count the time that the asset was in use. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: What  if the  Company Doesn’t Purchase (or sell) the Asset at the Beginning (or end) of the Year?


What if the Company Doesn’t Purchase (or sell) the Asset at the Beginning (or end) of the Year?

• Units-of-production Multiple the depreciation rate by the actual

usage• Straight-line or double-declining balance

Use the mid-year convention or count the time that the asset was in use

Page 2: What  if the  Company Doesn’t Purchase (or sell) the Asset at the Beginning (or end) of the Year?

Midyear Convention

• Companies making numerous plant asset purchases and disposals spread out evenly during the course of the fiscal year frequently use the midyear convention, which reflects depreciation expense for each asset

• as if it were purchased or disposed of exactly halfway through the company’s fiscal year.

Page 3: What  if the  Company Doesn’t Purchase (or sell) the Asset at the Beginning (or end) of the Year?

Illustration --- page 457

• PCs to Go, with a December 31 year-end, purchases its delivery truck in April 2010 and expects to dispose of it five years later in April 2015. Straight – line depreciation for each fiscal year of use would be as follows:

• Refer to page 457

Page 4: What  if the  Company Doesn’t Purchase (or sell) the Asset at the Beginning (or end) of the Year?

Revision of Estimates

• A company originally assigns a useful life of seven years to a computer and, one year after the date of the purchase, realizes that it will have to replace the computer after a total of three year.

• When it becomes clear that they need to make an adjustment– do the following---

Page 5: What  if the  Company Doesn’t Purchase (or sell) the Asset at the Beginning (or end) of the Year?

Revision of estimates

• Assume that on January 1, 2010, a company purchases and begins to use office equipment costing $12,000, with an expected useful life of 10 years and a salvage value of $2,000. Assuming the business uses the straight-line method of depreciation for the asset, accumulated depreciation at December 31, 2012, would be $3,000 (12,000 – 2,000)/10 X 3 = 3,000.

• The carrying value would be 9,000 (12 – 3)

Page 6: What  if the  Company Doesn’t Purchase (or sell) the Asset at the Beginning (or end) of the Year?


• If the company realizes that the equipment will last only four more years, after which its estimated salvage value will be $3,000, then depreciation expense for each of the remaining four years of the asset’s useful life would be calculated as follows:

Carrying value – Revised salvage valueRemaining useful life

9,000-3,0004 years = $1,500 depreciation expense per year

Page 7: What  if the  Company Doesn’t Purchase (or sell) the Asset at the Beginning (or end) of the Year?


What is the Process Involved in Asset Disposals?• Record depreciation to date of disposal• Remove the cost of the asset (CR) and the

accumulated depreciation (DR) from the records

• Record the assets received (DR) if applicable

• Record the cash paid (CR) if applicable• Record the loss incurred (DR) if applicable• Record the gain (CR) if applicable

Page 8: What  if the  Company Doesn’t Purchase (or sell) the Asset at the Beginning (or end) of the Year?


How Can a Company Dispose of an Asset Before its Useful Life is Over?• Discard---it is necessary to record a loss at

the date of the disposal Discard equipment that cost 50,000 with a

40,000 of accumulated depreciation at the date of the last balance sheet. Must pay $1,000 to have it removed.

Assets = Liabilities + Owner’s Equity2,000 = 2,000Depreciation expense 2,000

Accumulated Depreciation 2,000

Page 9: What  if the  Company Doesn’t Purchase (or sell) the Asset at the Beginning (or end) of the Year?

Problem continued

• After the entry is posted, the accumulated depreciation account will have a $42,000 credit balance (previous balance of $40,000 plus $2,000. Second, we must recognize the removal of the equipment (book value = $8,000) and cash:

• Assets = Liabilities + Owners Equity• (8,000) = (9,000)• (1,000)

Page 10: What  if the  Company Doesn’t Purchase (or sell) the Asset at the Beginning (or end) of the Year?

Journal Entry

• Accumulated Depreciation 42,000• Loss on Disposal 9,000

Equipment 50,000 Cash 1,000

Page 11: What  if the  Company Doesn’t Purchase (or sell) the Asset at the Beginning (or end) of the Year?


• SellMust be sold for equal, less than, or

greater than.Recall when more net assets are received

than are given up, a gain results. A loss results when fewer net assets are received than are given up.

Page 12: What  if the  Company Doesn’t Purchase (or sell) the Asset at the Beginning (or end) of the Year?


Cost of Asset $80,000Accumulated depreciation (60,000)through date of saleCarrying Value at date of sale $20,000

Assets = Liabilities + Owner’s Equity+20,000-20,000Selling for the same amount of net assets

Page 13: What  if the  Company Doesn’t Purchase (or sell) the Asset at the Beginning (or end) of the Year?

Journal Entry

Cash 20,000Accum Dep 60,000

Equipment 80,000

Page 14: What  if the  Company Doesn’t Purchase (or sell) the Asset at the Beginning (or end) of the Year?


Exchange (Trade-In) Example

• We have a computer that originally cost $6,000 and has accumulated depreciation of $4,500. We will trade-in this computer for a new computer with a list price of $10,000. The computer company will give us a trade-in allowance of $2,000.

• Book value = $6,000 - $4,500 = $1,500.• Cash payment required = $10,000 - $2,000

= $8,000

Page 15: What  if the  Company Doesn’t Purchase (or sell) the Asset at the Beginning (or end) of the Year?


Trade-in Example Continued

• Computer received = $10,000Less assets given up = $9,500Gain = $500

• Entry:Computer (new) 10,000Accumulated depreciation 4,500

Computer (old) 6,000Cash 8,000

Gain 500

Page 16: What  if the  Company Doesn’t Purchase (or sell) the Asset at the Beginning (or end) of the Year?


What are Depletion and Amortization?• Depletion

The cost of a natural resource is allocated to expense

Typically, units-of-production method used• Amortization

The cost of an intangible asset is allocated to expense

Typically, straight-line method is used

Page 17: What  if the  Company Doesn’t Purchase (or sell) the Asset at the Beginning (or end) of the Year?


• Exercise 16-9, 16-10, Problem 16-3

Page 18: What  if the  Company Doesn’t Purchase (or sell) the Asset at the Beginning (or end) of the Year?

Ex 16-9

• (850,000 – 175,000)/25 years = $27,000 per year x 12 years = $324,000 accumulated depreciation

• (850,000 – 324,000 – 150,000) /(39-12) = $13,925.93 per year for the remaining 27 years.

Page 19: What  if the  Company Doesn’t Purchase (or sell) the Asset at the Beginning (or end) of the Year?

Ex 16-10

• $36,000 – 28,000 = $8,500 carrying valuea. 10,000 – 8,500 = 1,500 gainb. 8,000 – 8,500 = (500) lossc. 9,000 – 8500 = 500 gain

Page 20: What  if the  Company Doesn’t Purchase (or sell) the Asset at the Beginning (or end) of the Year?

Problem 16-3(1) Straight-line: Depreciation Carrying

Expense** Value Year 1 $50,000 $300,000 Year 2 50,000 250,000 Year 3 50,000 200,000 Year 4 50,000 150,000 ** ($400,000 - $50,000)/7 years = $50,000/year(2) Units-of-production: Depreciation Carrying Expense*** Value Year 1 $56,000 $294,000 Year 2 61,600 234,400 Year 3 67,600 164,800 Year 4 74,536 90,264

*** ($400,000 - $50,000)/25,000 hours = $14/hour 4,000 hours * $14 = $56,000

(4,000 * 1.1) = 4,400 * $14 = $61,600(4,400 * 1.1) = 4,840 * $14 = $67,600(4,840 * 1.1) = 5,324 * $14 = $74,536

Page 21: What  if the  Company Doesn’t Purchase (or sell) the Asset at the Beginning (or end) of the Year?

Problem 16-3

(3) Double-declining-balance: 1/7 * 2 = .2857 is double the straight-line rate

Depreciation Carrying Expense* Value

Year 1 $114,280 $285,720 Year 2 81,630.20 204,089.80 Year 3 58,308.46 145,781.34 Year 4 41,649.73 104,131.61

*$400,000 * 0.2857 = $114,280 $285,720 * 0.2857 = $81,630.20

$204,089.80 * 0.2857 = $58,308.46 $145,781.34 * 0.2857 = $41,649.73b. The straight-line method produced the lowest deprecation expense, and therefore the

highest income in Year 1. The double-declining balance method produced the highest depreciation expense, and therefore the lowest income in Year 1.

Page 22: What  if the  Company Doesn’t Purchase (or sell) the Asset at the Beginning (or end) of the Year?

Ex 16-12

Nelson Enterprises: $425,000 - $260,000 = $165,000 carrying value;

$575,000 - $165,000 = $410,000 gainThe $410,000 gain is recognized and the building acquired should be

recorded at its fair market value of $575,000.

Lamb Corporation: $750,000 - $160,000 = $590,000 carrying value $575,000 - $590,000 = $15,000 loss

The $15,000 loss should be recognized and the new building should be recorded at its fair market value of $575,000.

Page 23: What  if the  Company Doesn’t Purchase (or sell) the Asset at the Beginning (or end) of the Year?

Problem 16-4

a. $63,500 + $4,785 + $100 + 2,850 = $71,235b. ($71,235 - $6,000)/8 = $8,154 * 1/2 year = $4,077c. The cost of the transmission should be capitalized as an

extraordinary repair and the cost of the tune-up should be expensed as an ordinary repair.

d. 2008 $ 4,077 2009 8,154 2010 8,154

$ 20,385Accumulated Depreciation at the end of 2010

$71,235 - $20,385 = $50,850 carrying value plus $5,000 extraordinary repair = $55,850 - $6,000 salvage value

= $55,850/7.5 years remaining life = $7,447

Page 24: What  if the  Company Doesn’t Purchase (or sell) the Asset at the Beginning (or end) of the Year?

Problem 16-5

a.$32,000/8 = $4,000 per year; $770,000/15,400,000 = $0.05 per ton

b.$4,000/2 = $2,000c.2,500,000 * $0.05 = $125,000d.2,000,000 * $0.05 = $100,000

Page 25: What  if the  Company Doesn’t Purchase (or sell) the Asset at the Beginning (or end) of the Year?

Problem 16-6

a. $685,000 - $274,000 = $411,000 carrying value (1) $365,000 - $411,000 = ($46,000) recognized loss (2) $425,000 - $411,000 = $14,000 recognized gain (3) $400,000 - $411,000 = ($11,000) recognized loss (4) $450,000 - $411,000 = $39,000 recognized gain

Page 26: What  if the  Company Doesn’t Purchase (or sell) the Asset at the Beginning (or end) of the Year?

Problem 16-6

• (1) • Cash 365,000• Accumulated depreciation 274,000• Loss of sale of equipment 46,000• Motorcoach

685,000• (2)• Investment in stock 425,000• Accumulated depreciation 274,000•


• Gain on sale of equipment 14,000

Page 27: What  if the  Company Doesn’t Purchase (or sell) the Asset at the Beginning (or end) of the Year?

Problem 16-6

(3)Motorcoach (new) 825,000Accumulated depreciation 274,000Loss on trade of equipment 11,000

Motorcoach (old) 685,000Cash 425,000

(4)Cash 60,000

N/R 340,000 Limousine 50,000

Accumulated depreciation 274,000Motorcoach (new) 685,000Gain 39,000