7/28/2019 What Evidence is There That the Bible is Divinely Inspired http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/what-evidence-is-there-that-the-bible-is-divinely-inspired 1/11 What evidence is there that the Bible is divinely inspired? vidence of Divine Inspiration ere are many evidences. Here are just a few: cience and Natural Laws hile the Bible was not written as a science textbook, it is in harmony with true science when it deals with scientific matters. But other cient books regarded as sacred contain scientific myths, inaccuracies, and outright falsehoods. Note just four of the many examples of e Bible's scientific accuracy: ''How the earth is held in space''. In ancient times when the Bible was being written, there was much speculation about how the earth was held in space. Some believed that the earth was supported by four elephants standing on a big sea turtle. Aristotle, a Greek philosopher and scientist of the fourth century BCE, taught that the earth could never hang in empty space. Instead, he taught that the heavenly bodies were fixed to the surface of solid, transparent spheres, with each sphere nested within another sphere. Supposedly the earth was on the innermost sphere, and the outermost sphere held the stars. Yet, rather than reflect the fanciful, unscientific views existing at the time of its writing, the Bible simply stated (in ab out the year 1473 B.C.E.): "[God is] hanging the earth upon nothing." (Job 26:7) In the original Hebrew, the word for "nothing" used here means "not any thing," and this is the only time it occurs in the Bible. The picture it presents of an earth surrounded by empty space is recognized by scholars as a remarkable vision for its time. The Theological Wordbook of the Old Testament says: "Job 26:7 strikingly pictures the then-known world as suspended in space, thereby anticipating future scientific discovery." The Bible's accurate statement predated Aristotle by over 1,100 years. Yet, Aristotle's views continued to be taught as fact for some 2,000 years after his death! Finally, in 1687 C.E., Sir Isaac Newton published his findings that the earth was held in space in relation to other heavenly objects by mutual attraction, that is, gravity. But that was close to 3,200 years after the Bible had stated with elegant simplicity that the earth is hanging "upon nothing." Yes, nearly 3,500 years ago, the Bible correctly noted that the earth has no visible support, a fact that is in harmony with the more recently understood laws of gravity and motion. "How Job knew the truth," said one scholar, "is a question not easily solved by those who deny the inspiration of Holy Scripture." '''The shape of the earth'''. The ''Encyclopedia Americana'' said: "The earliest known image that men had of the earth was that it was a flat, rigid platform at the center of the universe. ... The concept of a spherical earth was not widely accepted until the Renaissance." Some early navigators even feared that they might sail off the edge of the flat earth. But then the introduction of the compass and other advancements made possible longer ocean voyages. These "voyages of discovery," another encyclopedia explains, "showed that the world was round, not flat as most people had believed." Yet, long before such voyages, about 2,700 years ago, the Bible said: "There is One who is dwelling above the circle of the earth." (Isaiah 40:22) The Hebrew word here translated "circle" can also mean "sphere," as various reference works note. Other Bible translations, therefore, say, "the globe of the earth" (Douay Version) and, "the round earth." Moffatt. Some insist on interpreting this as a "flat circular earth," as a disc or pie. Since that was the concept used by mankind at the time the Bible was written, one could also accept that interpretation. Note, though, that one's interpretation today of such information does no t mandate that this be the only interpretation, as noted above. Thus, the Bible was not influenced by the unscientific views prevalent at the time regarding the earth?s support and its shape. The reason is simple: The Author of the Bible is the Author of the universe. He created the earth, so he should know what it hangs on and what its shape iis. Hence, when he inspired the Bible, he saw to it that no unscientific views were incorporated in it, however much they may have been believed by others at the time.

What Evidence is There That the Bible is Divinely Inspired

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What evidence is there that the Bible is divinely inspired?

vidence of Divine Inspiration

ere are many evidences. Here are just a few:

cience and Natural Laws

hile the Bible was not written as a science textbook, it is in harmony with true science when it deals with scientific matters. But other cient books regarded as sacred contain scientific myths, inaccuracies, and outright falsehoods. Note just four of the many examples of e Bible's scientific accuracy:

''How the earth is held in space''. In ancient times when the Bible was being written, there was much speculation about how the earth was held in

space. Some believed that the earth was supported by four elephants standing on a big sea turtle. Aristotle, a Greek philosopher and scientist of the

fourth century BCE, taught that the earth could never hang in empty space. Instead, he taught that the heavenly bodies were fixed to the surface of

solid, transparent spheres, with each sphere nested within another sphere. Supposedly the earth was on the innermost sphere, and the outermost

sphere held the stars.

Yet, rather than reflect the fanciful, unscientific views existing at the time of its writing, the Bible simply stated (in ab out the year 1473 B.C.E.):

"[God is] hanging the earth upon nothing." (Job 26:7) In the original Hebrew, the word for "nothing" used here means "not any thing," and thisis the only time it occurs in the Bible. The picture it presents of an earth surrounded by empty space is recognized by scholars as a remarkable

vision for its time. The Theological Wordbook of the Old Testament says: "Job 26:7 strikingly pictures the then -known world as suspended in

space, thereby anticipating future scientific discovery."

The Bible's accurate statement predated Aristotle by over 1,100 years. Yet, Aristotle's views continued to be taught as fact for some 2,000 years

after his death! Finally, in 1687 C.E., Sir Isaac Newton published his findings that the earth was held in space in relation to other heavenly

objects by mutual attraction, that is, gravity. But that was close to 3,200 years after the Bible had stated with elegant simplicity that the earth is

hanging "upon nothing."

Yes, nearly 3,500 years ago, the Bible correctly noted that the earth has no visible support, a fact that is in harmony with the more recently

understood laws of gravity and motion. "How Job knew the truth," said one scholar, "is a question not easily solved by those who deny the

inspiration of Holy Scripture."

'''The shape of the earth'''. The ''Encyclopedia Americana'' said: "The earliest known image that men had of the earth was that it was a flat, rigid

platform at the center of the universe. ... The concept of a spherical earth was not widely accepted until the Renaissance." Some early navigators even

feared that they might sail off the edge of the flat earth. But then the introduction of the compass and other advancements made possible longer ocean

voyages. These "voyages of discovery," another encyclopedia explains, "showed that the world was round, not flat as most people had believed."

Yet, long before such voyages, about 2,700 years ago, the Bible said: "There is One who is dwelling above the circle of the earth." (Isaiah

40:22) The Hebrew word here translated "circle" can also mean "sphere," as various reference works note. Other Bible translations, therefore,

say, "the globe of the earth" (Douay Version) and, "the round earth." Moffatt.

Some insist on interpreting this as a "flat circular earth," as a disc or pie. Since that was the concept used by mankind at the time the Bible was

written, one could also accept that interpretation. Note, though, that one's interpretation today of such information does no t mandate that this be

the only interpretation, as noted above.

Thus, the Bible was not influenced by the unscientific views prevalent at the time regarding the earth?s support and its shape. The reason is

simple: The Author of the Bible is the Author of the universe. He created the earth, so he should know what it hangs on and what its shape iis.

Hence, when he inspired the Bible, he saw to it that no unscientific views were incorporated in it, however much they may have been believed

by others at the time.

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ulfilled Prophecy

addition, the Bible bears the mark of divine inspiration in a uniquely outstanding way: It is a book of prophecies that have had andntinue to have unerring fulfillment.r example, the destruction of ancient Tyre, the fall of Babylon, the rebuilding of Jerusalem, and the rise and fall of the kings of Medo-rsia and Greece were foretold in great detail in the Bible. The prophecies were so accurate that some critics tried, in vain, to say they

ere written after the events took place. Isaiah 13:17-19; 44:27; 45:1; Ezekiel 26:3-6; Daniel 8:1-7, 20-22.

"It was often attacked by Egypt, besieged by Shalmaneser V, who was assisted by thePhoenicians of the mainland, for five years, and

by Nebuchadnezzar (586-573 BC) for thirteen years, without success...."

p://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tyre%2C_LebanonProphecy at Isa. 44:24, 27, 28; 45:1-4 says: "Jehovah ... the One saying to the watery deep, "Be evaporated"; and all your rivers "I shally up;" the One saying of Cyrus, "He is my shepherd, and all that I delight in he will completely carry out;" even in my saying of Jerusalem,he will be rebuilt," and of the temple, "You will have your foundation laid." This is what Jehovah has said to his anointed one, to Cyrus,hose right hand I have taken hold of, to subdue before him nations, so that I may ungird even the hips of kings; to open before him theo-leaved doors, so that even the gates will not be shut: "Before you I myself shall go, and the swells of land I shall straighten out. Thepper doors I shall break in pieces, and the iron bars I shall cut down. . . . For the sake of my servant Jacob and of Israel my chosen one,ven proceeded to call you by your name." (Writing by Isaiah was completed by about 732 B.C.E.)fulfillment: Cyrus had not been born when the prophecy was written about 200 years in advance. The Jews were not taken into

ile to Babylon until 617-607 B.C.E., and Jerusalem and its temple were not destroyed until 607 B.C.E. In detail the prophecy waslfilled starting in 539 B.C.E. Cyrus diverted the waters of the Euphrates River into an artificial lake, the river gates of Babylon

ere carelessly left open during feasting in the city, and Babylon fell to the Medes and Persians under Cyrus. Thereafter, Cyrusberated the Jewish exiles and sent them back to Jerusalem with instructions to rebuild Jehovah's temple there. Thencyclopedia Americana'' (1956), Vol. III, p. 9; ''Light From the Ancient Past'' (Princeton, 1959), Jack Finegan, pp. 227-229; "Allripture Is Inspired of God and Beneficial" (New York, 1983), pp. 282, 284, 295.

nother Prophecy at Jer. 49:17, 18: "'Edom must become an object of astonishment. Everyone passing along by her will stare intonishment and whistle on account of all her plagues. Just as in the overthrow of Sodom and Gomorrah and her neighbor towns,'hovah has said, 'no man will dwell there.'" (Jeremiah?s recording of prophecies was completed by 580 B.C.E.) It's Fulfillment: ?They [theomites] were driven from Palestine in the 2 nd century B.C. by Judas Maccab?, and in 109 B.C. John Hyrcanus, Maccab? leader,tended the kingdom of Judah to include the w. part of Edomitic lands. In the 1st century B.C. Roman expansion swept away thest vestige of Edomitic independence ... After the destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans in 70 A.D. ... the name Idum?[Edom]sappeared from history.? (''The New Funk & Wagnalls Encyclopedia'', 1952, Vol. 1mong the hundreds of prophecies in the Bible are those concerning the Assyrian capital, Nineveh, ?the city of bloodshed? that instilled

ror throughout the ancient Middle East for more than 15 centuries. (Nahum 3:1) Yet, at the height of Nineveh?s power, the Bible foretold:God] will make Nineveh a desolate waste, a waterless region like the wilderness. And in the midst of her, droves will certainly lieetched out, all the wild animals of a nation. Both pelican and porcupine will spend the night right among her pillar capitals. A voice willep singing in the window. There will be devastation at the threshold; for he will certainly lay bare the very wainscoting.? (Zephaniah 2:13,) Today, visitors see that only a mound marks the desolate site of ancient Nineveh. Furthermore, flocks of sheep graze there, asretold.vision, God?s prophet Daniel beheld a two-horned ram and a male goat with a great horn between its eyes. The goat struck down the

m, breaking its two horns. Thereafter, the goat?s great horn was broken, and four horns came up in its place. (Daniel 8:1-8) The angelabriel explained: ?The ram that you saw possessing the two horns stands for the kings of Media and Persia. And the hairy he-goat standsr the king of Greece; and as for the great horn that was between its eyes, it stands for the first king. And that one having been broken, soat there were four that finally stood up instead of it, there are four kingdoms from his nation that will stand up, but not with his power.?aniel 8:20-22) As history has proved, the two-horned ram?the Medo-Persian Empire?was overthrown by ?the king of Greece.? Thaturative he-goat had a ?great horn? in the person of Alexander the Great. After his death, his four generals replaced that ?great horn? by

tablishing themselves in power in ?four kingdoms.?

ores of prophecies in the Hebrew Scriptures (?Old Testament?) have been fulfilled in connection with Jesus Christ. Some of these wereplied to him by divinely inspired writers of the Christian Greek Scriptures (?New Testament?). For instance, the Gospel writer Matthewinted out the fulfillment of Scriptural prophecies in Jesus? birth by means of a virgin, in His having a forerunner, and in His entry intorusalem on the colt of an ass. (Compare Matthew 1:18-23; 3:1-3; 21:1-9 with Isaiah 7:14; 40:3; Zechariah 9:9.) Such fulfilled prophecieslp to prove that the Bible is indeed God?s inspired gift.e present fulfillment of Bible prophecy proves that we are living in ?the last days.? (2 Timothy 3:1-5) Wars, food shortages, pestilences,d earthquakes of unparalleled proportions are part of ?the sign? of Jesus? ?presence? in Kingdom power. That sign also includes theorldwide activity of over four million Witnesses of Jehovah, who are preaching the good news of the established Kingdom. (Matthew 24:3-; Luke 21:10, 11) Bible prophecy now undergoing fulfillment also assures us that God?s heavenly government under Jesus Christ willon bring about a new world of eternal happiness for obedient mankind.?2 Peter 3:13; Revelation 21:1-5.o human mind, however intelligent, could so accurately predict future events. Only the mind of the all-powerful and all-wise Creator of theiverse could, as we read at 2 Peter 1:20, 21: ?No prophecy of Scripture springs from any private interpretation. For prophecy was at no

me brought by man?s will, but men spoke from God as they were borne along by holy spirit.?

n Alternative View:

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istory and Prophecy

e bible is literally filled with rich and sophisticated prose and poetry. It is not primitive, as some might claim. It is easy to go back andke the subtle and rich material and 're-construct' how it could be justified against current knowledge. The same can be done for theedictions' of Nostradamus. But it is literally impossible to take the material from the bible, or from Nostradamus for that matter, and pointa future event, or some future knowledge not yet uncovered. There is no convincing evidence that prophetic materials were written prior the events they predict. The Greek scriptures were assembled and written by people who were very well versed in the Torah and other

ebrew writings. Since the gospels, for example, were written for proselytizing and not as history or science, it is not possible to knowhether those materials may have been compiled and edited in such a way as to harmonize with ancient writings. In fact, gospel authors

out of their way on more than one occasion to point out that this or that event was "to fulfill" a prophecy. Some non-believers (or

lievers who are skeptical of the fundamentalist approach) consider these things and think of them as possible attempts to force thecord to fit the ancient accounts.


ost people understand that the Judeo-Christian scriptures were not written as science books. But unlike scripture, science never claims toach unalterable truth. Everything is questionable, and many things change. The philosophy of science recognizes the deep difficultiessociated with "what we think we know", "what we think we ought to know", and "how we think we can get there". This has been generallyderstood for centuries, even if there have been arrogant practitioners who have fought well beyond reason to preserve their personalentific legacies. There are no fewer fallible human beings in science than there are in any branch of religion or theology. The truth is thatving theories proven "wrong" is an absolutely essential part of doing science. In fact, the disproving of theories might be seen as thegine that runs the whole enterprise. A rigid and dogmatic paradigm for science would be the death of knowledge. Tomas Khun, in his

hilosophy of Scientific Revolution" shows that science progresses not in any kind of linear fashion, as some teachers may present it, butfits and starts, a step forward here, a regression there, something completely unexpected now and then, and an occasional breathtakingange in world view. In short, science is bumpy, beautiful and strange. The scientific method is a man-made heuristic. It might be totallydone tomorrow (and perhaps has already been undone by Quantum Mechanics). There is no evidence to support that this heuristic ise only or best possible method of doing science. But it would be impossible to argue that there has not been a progression of knowledged very important technology over the last few centuries. This is most fortunate. I would not like to have my root canal problems treated bymedieval practitioner, or by Moses, for that matter.ripture aspires to no such dynamic search for truth, since it is a static document that does not pretend to be a scientific treatise in the firstace. It seems unnecessary to attempt to harmonize scripture with science, and in any event, examples of harmony prove nothing. For ample, the creation accounts of Genesis indicate that our planet and "the deep" (waters) existed before light. There were countless starsexistence before any part of earth even came close to existing. Also, the land produced vegetation before the sun, stars and moonisted. How can these be ignored when attempting to harmonize science and scripture, and yet the phrase "according to its kind" is taken

om Gen 1:25 as inspired knowledge that evolution is wrong? Who decides which phrases are 'in', and which are 'out'? In chapter one of enesis, God created vegetation on day 3, before light existed, and before the sun existed. Then on the 6th day he created man andoman. In chapter two, he creates man before vegetation existed. There is no need to go further; there is no need to harmonize scriptureth science.

he Argument from Faith

nother problem with attempts to "prove" divine origin of scriptural materials is that the more one tries to prove it, the less important faithcomes. One runs the risk of becoming "Thomas with attitude". I believe that faith is the believer's single most powerful argument for vine inspiration of scriptures. The author of Hebrews defines faith like this (Heb 11:1): "Now faith is being sure of what we hope for andrtain of what we do not see." An argument from faith is presently unassailable by science. What makes this argument immune from anynd of scientific criticism is that there is no possible frame of reference from which the definition can be dis-proven. This approach is ineping with the static and fundamental qualities of scripture that believers are constrained to hold. Not only is faith the one unassailableoof of biblical inspiration, but those who try otherwise to demonstrate the inspired nature of scripture with arguments and evidence aressing the pearl of greatest value. 1 Cor 2:10b-16 (NIV) says "The Spirit searches all things, even the deep things of God. For who among

en knows the thoughts of a man except the man's spirit within him? In the same way no one knows the thoughts of God except the SpiritGod. We have not received the spirit of the world but the Spirit who is from God, that we may understand what God has freely given us.is is what we speak, not in words taught us by human wisdom but in words taught by the Spirit, expressing spiritual truths in spiritual

ords. The man without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him,d he cannot understand them, because they are spiritually discerned . The spiritual man makes judgments about all things, buthimself is not subject to any man's judgment : For who has known the mind of the Lord that he may instruct him?" But we h

e mind of Christ ." Believers Should be able to rest in their knowledge based on these verses. (Emphasis added by commentator)ese things look different to the non-believer. It is hard to reconcile sectarian division among Christians in light of these same verses from

orinthians, verses which should put to rest any disagreements around matters of faith.e simple truth is that some people adhere to Christian (and other) faith, and some people do not. There is room for everyone, differencesbelief notwithstanding. Logical proofs of divine inspiration will sway few, and a believer's faith should be firm against the onslaught of

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cular knowledge. Anyone who is wondering about, or questioning the divine inspiration of scripture should examine all the evidence thats possible to accumulate, including the top section of this response. He/she should also consider the information from alternate points of

ew before coming to a conclusion. Ultimately, you will see the order and coherence that you are meant to see; you should then embrace


the library of the Louvre, Paris there are apparently 3.5 miles of shelves filled with obsolete science books. There is really only one Bibled it has been man's wrong understanding of it that has had to be modified constantly. A good example of this is when the Romantholic church clung to the Ptolemaic Astronomy and used this pseudo-science to interpret the Bible. On the basis of their wrongerpretation they forced Galileo to retract his scientific findings. The problem thus is not in the Bible but in men who are fallible.

This fool [Copernicus] wishes to reverse the entire science of astronomy; but sacred scripture tells us that Joshua commanded the sun tond still, and not the earth." by Martin Luther.. source http://www.positiveatheism.org/hist/quotes/Luther.htm ... end quote

is is a good further illustration of the principle mentioned above that it is not always a good idea to marry the prevailing scientific view of e day to the Bible. Frequently this results in violence to the Biblical teaching as it can result in the Bible being wrongly interpreted in theht of science. Calvin also rejected the 'new science' based on observation in favor of the old Ptolemaic system not based onservation.

e unfortunate end result of this is an attack on the inspiration of scripture because when the science of the day is modified as more isscovered the Bible is seen as being fallible like science. In 2 Peter 1 v 16 it says 'For we have not followed cunningly devised fables,hen we made known unto you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but were eyewitnesses of his majesty.'

us the integrity and infallibility of the Bible is based on real people who made direct observation and reached conclusions based on themometimes these were contrary to their own preconceived notions.

is obviously offensive to the pride of man to be so often found wrong both in fact and in his God-avoiding philosophy. The fact that theble has been demonstrated to be empirically accurate is an important part of validating its claim to inspiration. This does not mean thate Bible can be 'proved' by archeology or science because much of what it proclaims is outside of verification by either. But simply put,here it does intersect with history it is correct and man is repeatedly wrong. Thus the God who created time in the beginning and enteredstory at various points is well able to give us an inspired record of it.


visions and strife among men are another sign that points to inspiration in the sense that the God who created man in the beginning andho witnessed their tragic departure from his will, has provided us with ample evidence as to why the human race is in drastic need of hismedy.rstly strife gives us ample evidence of the reality of what the Bible calls sin. Human nature with all its tendencies for people to 'not getong' is accurately described.condly as specific evidence of people not being in touch with God's Holy Spirit, the ultimate divine 'author' of scripture and trying to addeir own personal interpretation or quirk to the Bible. Every (and I mean every) humble Bible believer acknowledges their own fallibility andnce the possibility that they may have 'got it wrong' in some point or another or that they are unbalanced in their emphasis. Dis-unity

mong believers is specifically mentioned as a sign of people being out of touch with God.e 1 Corinthians 1 v 3 -4.

Does the Bible contain all truth?

is is a tenet of non-apostate religion, and it is called the doctrine of sufficiency: that the Bible contains all that is or ever can be necessaryr the benefit of man.

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rhaps an unarguable truth is found in Ecclesiastes 9:5: ' For the living know that they shall die; but the dead know not anything, neither ve they any more a reward; for the memory of them is forgotten' . If the Bible is literally true and Ecclesiastes is a legitimate book of theble, this should be a troubling statement for believers.


ost Christians believe that certainly the Bible contains all truth that it is necessary to know, as well as encouraging further seeking after th.

course, if the Bible is read out of context it can even be taken to prove the Atheists view that 'there is no God' - if the first part of Psalm:1 is omitted which reminds us that such an idea in the heart belongs to a fool. Similarly, it can be used to prove all kinds of ntradictions and difficulties if read in an unfair manner - even the dictionary, a neutral tool, regards out of context quoting as illegitimate.us we find that books of the Bible such as Ecclesiastes which puts a cynical view - 'all is vanity' is taken as contradictory when it clearly,context is not, nor is it teaching doctrine in the strict sense.e statements in Ecclesiastes are not at all troubling for believers but they do reflect the views put into the mouth of 'the preacher', writtenSolomon in his mature years when he had access to anything and everything he wanted and found it wanting.e truth contained in the Bible is available for those who want it and seek it. It certainly though does not contain all truth that has ever en written, since there is much truth and wisdom to be found elsewhere, insofar as these do not contradict it, and in many ways andaces they do not, such as for example in what some call operational science and technology which is simply the way the world worksthout unproven(scientifically) cosmology attached.

lternative Answer uth; A statement proven to be or accepted as true .ample is Fire is Hot and Ice is cold and everybody accept this, so it is truth.

e Bible teaches about Creation by a Supernatural and have no proof. It also teaches about how different languages were created (Tower Babel) and a Great Flood that kill all living things including unborn children, innocent babies and people of other faith (or no faith)whoes not even know the god of the uneducated, uncivilized, unlettered, no commerce, superstitious Hebrew nomads.also teaches a Man-God Jesus whose existence is only recorded in the Bible (and nowhere else) through the delusion of Paul in one of s epilepsy (falls down) attack.also teaches that the Earth is flat and covered by a dome called Firmament (search encyclopedia for meaning) and outside this dome iswater.


e Bible is merely a collection of folklore, myths and anecdotes based in historical setting.


uth is the Word of God:-h 18:38 KJV [v. 38] Pilate saith unto him, What is truth ? And when he had said this, he went out again unto the Jews, and saith untoem, I find in him no fault at all.

h 17:17 Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth.


owhere in the KJV does the KJV say it contains all truth - so if the KJV is the source of truth you can't prove it by the KJV.gically, the nature and Truth of the One who is infinitely good and great can not be contained in an itty bitty book.




e Bible does not contain all the truth there possibly is: however it does contain all the knowledge for salvation that is otherwise unable to

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e Bible contains all truth because God is a God of truth and cannot lie.

would also deny the Bible's inspiration. As the apostle states, "All Scripture is inspired of God and beneficial for teaching, for reproving,r setting things straight, for disciplining in righteousness, that the man of God may be fully competent, completely equipped for everyod work." (2Ti 3:16, 17) Prov 2: 3-12 encourages everyone to SEARCH for truth recorded in Gods word ,it says" if, moreover, you callt for understanding itself and you give forth your voice for discernment itself, if you KEEP SEEKING for it as for silver, and as for hidasures you KEEP SEARCHING for it, in that case you will understand the fear of Jehovah, and you will find the very knowledge of God.r Jehovah himself gives wisdom; out of his mouth there are knowledge and discernment. And for the upright ones he will treasure up

actical wisdom; for those walking in integrity he is a shield, by observing the paths of judgment, and he will guard the very way of his loyales. In that case you will understand righteousness and judgment and uprightness, the entire course of what is good. When wisdomters into your heart and knowledge itself becomes pleasant to your very soul, thinking ability itself will keep guard over you, discernmentelf will safeguard you, to deliver you from the bad way, from the MAN SPEAKING PERVERSE THINGS." Also Hebrews 4:12 says " For e word of God is ALIVE and exerts power and is sharper than any two-edged sword and pierces even to the dividing of soul and spirit,d of joints and [their] marrow, and [is] able to discern thoughts and intentions of [the] heart. For the word of God to be alive and to exertwer in ones life would mean theres NO room at all for half-lies or for contradictory statements, for the bible shows that it is impossible for

od to lie. (Heb 6:18) 'That is why Jesus Christ said to him: "Your word is truth." (John 17:17)e Bible is scientifically accurate. It even contains information that was far ahead of its time. For example, the book of Leviticus contained

ws for ancient Israel on quarantine and hygiene when surrounding nations knew nothing about such matters. At a time when there wereong ideas about the shape of the earth, the Bible referred to it as a circle, or sphere. (Isaiah 40:22) The Bible accurately said that therth 'hangs on nothing.' (Job 26:7) Of course, the Bible is not a science textbook. But when it touches on scientific matters, it is accurate.

this not what we would expect of a book from God?In the Bible he has not told us everything about the universe, but what he has hadcorded there is not speculation; it is truth. He has also stated in the Bible what his purpose is for the earth and for mankind and how hell accomplish it. His almighty power, superlative wisdom, flawless justice, and great love guarantee that this purpose will be fullycomplished, and in the best possible manner. His qualities thus assure us that his statement of purpose is completely dependable; it isth. God does not want us to grope in ignorance; he has said that his will is for us to come to an accurate knowledge of truth. (1 Tim. 2:3,John 17:3 also encourages us to take in knowledge of you, the only true God, and of the one whom you sent forth, Jesus Christ. One

ay we can take in this knowledge of the only true God is to examine the scriptures thoroughly Look at bible prophecy and when thoseophecies were fulfilled. Archaeology has served to confirm many historical features of the Biblical account with regard to these lands andsubstantiate points once held in question by modern critics. Skepticism as regards the Tower of Babel, denials of the existence of abylonian king named Belshazzar and of an Assyrian king named Sargon (whose names, up until the nineteenth century C.E., were not

und in sources independent of the Bible record), and other adverse criticisms as to Bible data relating to these lands have all beenmonstrated to be without foundation. Contrariwise, a wealth of evidence has been unearthed that harmonizes fully with the Scripturalcount.


o, the Bible does not contain all truth. The Bible contains two books written by two different races of people.e books from Genesis to Chronicles were written by God's chosen people the Israelites - who were an African nation. The history of theaelites took place in Africa . The book of Genesis speaks of God's seven days of creation, the disobedience of the first human couple,

e great flood, God's promise to Abram, the marriage of Isaac, the birthright of Esau, God's promise to Yacob that his twelve sons wouldcome twelve tribes and be his chosen people forever. The book of Exodus speaks about the deliverance of God's chosen people fromvery in Egypt and the Commandments and laws his people were to obey. The books Leviticus , Numbers and Deuteronomy consis

rther instructions and laws for the Israelites to obey. The book of Hoshea speaks of the Israelites entering the promised land Canaan. Theok of Leaders speaks of the warriors who led the Israelites before there were Kings. The book of Samuel speaks of the prophet Samuel

hom God chose to annoint Saul as the first King of the Israelites. The book of David speaks of the reign of King David. The bookPsalms are prayers and songs to God. The book of Solomon speaks of King Solomon's first marriage. The book of Proverbs speakng Solomon's loyalty to God. The book of Ecclesiastes speaks of King Solomon's disloyalty to God. The books of the Prophets weitten at the time of the book of Kings when the Kings of the Israelites turned away from God and were subsequently exiled to Babylon.e book of Lamentations are prayers and songs by the exiled Israelites. The book of Ezekiel speaks of the future of the Israelites when

od will bring his chosen people out of Babylon and back to Zion where they will never again disobey him. Finally, the bookChronicles reviews the history of the Israelites. God is the Saviour of the Israelites: 'God says, "I am God, your God who led you outEgypt. You have no God but me. I alone am your Saviour." (Hosea 13:4). e books from Matthew to Revelation however, were written by Europeans and takes place in the Middle East. These books are based on

e Christian religion and the end of the Roman Empire. The books of Matthew , Mark , Luke and John speak about a man named Jesusho was said to be born of a virgin. He was said to be a Messiah who would die for many. The books from Acts to Jude speak of thelowers of Jesus. The last book of Revelation speaks about the fall of the Roman Empire. Jesus Christ is the saviour of Christians: "ry day in David's town your Saviour was born - Christ the Lord! And this is what will prove it to you: you will find a babyapped in strips of cloth and lying in a manger." (Luke 2:11).

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you can see, the book written by Africans and the book written by Europeans are completely different. They are separate books thatOT belong together, but have been fused together as one by Europeans who wished to have their pagan Christian religion attached toords of true history and prophecy. Sadly, this is a blasphemy that is allowed to continue since both books continue to be published as oneok called the Bible. But there is hope, the time will come when the two books will be set apart for all time.


s, the bible is 100% true. It doesnt matter who wrote it down, it only matters that God spoke it to them, so it is 100% undoubtly true.nswer:

cording to Jesus Christ in His prayer to His Father: "...THY WORD IS TRUTH." (John 17:17)

nother perspective:

hn 18:37b - " F or th is cause I was born, and f or th is cause I have come int o the world, that I should bear witn ess to the tru th. E veryone who is of e truth h ears My voice ."

r centuries, men have set out to "disprove" - even destroy - the Bible. All such attempts have been unsuccessful, and many who triedentually emerged from their experiences as believers. By worldly reasoning alone, one strong evidence that the Bible is true is simply itsntinued existence! If not for its infallible, indestructible nature, Satan would either have prevented it from ever coming into being, or seendone away with long ago. The only reason he hasn't is because he can't . (Matthew 24:35 - Heaven and earth will pass away, but Mords will by no means pass away .)

long as the world stands, this question will be debated ad infinitum . Believers will maintain the Bible is true, and detractors will reject ita collection of "fables" and "fairy tales." The Apostle Paul foresaw this, and wrote concerning it:

omans 3:3, 4 - For what if some did not believe? Wil l their unbelief make the fait hf uln ess of God without eff ect? Certai nly not! I ndeed, let Gtrue but every man a li ar . As it is written: "That You may be justified in Your words, And may overcome when You are judged."

e Bible doesn't deal in "situational truth;" that is to say, it's true IF you believe it, and it isn't true if you don't. Inspired by the Holy Spirit of od ( 2 Timothy 3:16 ), the Bible IS TRUE - as Ripley might say, "Believe it or not." The more one studies it, the more obvious it becomesat the Bible deals too thoroughly with the spiritual condition of mankind to have sprung from the minds of mere mortals. Those who chalke Bible up to "creative writing" are giving its earthly authors far too much credit, and have " exchanged the truth of God for the lie "omans 1:25 ).

uotes from NKJV]


e Bible is all true, but not fully comprehensible without the Holy Spirit to guide us. There are 2 parts within the Bible, the wordsemselves in a worldly manner which can help to guide us. Then there is the spiritual aspect, which is meant to sustain us. That is whyu need to pray before reading the Bible, and do so almost in a state of meditation. This allows the spiritual meanings to come through.so it is good to note that there are multiple levels of spiritual advice within the Bible as well, and as you grow in faith and in knowledge of hrist Jesus, you get more when you re-read a passage or chapter.


h dear I do seem to be up against many experts here, and so I will give my answer as simply as I can. I believe the bible to be true is so as it has been translated corectly from the works of the original writers.

nswer e bible contains 100% truth.

pinion:aiah 40:22 " It is he that sitteth upon the circle of the earth...".


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e Bible is the "Roadmap of Life." However, although the Bible is a good book, being written by human men, it contradicts in many areas.so, if the Bible was 100% true, all of us who claim to be Christians would be perfect in every way ~ just like Jesus Christ was when heas on earth and in human form. But, even Christians make mistakes, backslide, and sin. There's no such thing as a "perfect Christian."s; the word of god will always be true

nswer:right, the overall answer is "......."=no. But it contains some truth or evidence that it may be true. It says about the ancient empires of theeeks and Babylon empire in modern day Iraq- which evidence has been found of ancient statues and inscriptures from when theacedonians and Persians were around- Alexander the Great.

e bible does contain all truth.


o it does not. Iit is merely a set of recommendations to how you should live life. It is only a book. It would be like setting up a religionsed on Harry Potter, Narnia or Lord Of The Rings. You cant believe somthing because it was writen before you were born. If the Bibleere true all of mankind would be a creation of incest so believeing in the Bible is technically supporting incest.

ell it's obviously not true because it's a corrupt book any way. What I mean is that they are meant to follow the story's with morals andch but yet they believe what was written in the supposed 'good' book am i the only one seeing the flaw in that plan

ripture contains the truth, but it has to be interpreted. book of revelation contains a lot of man's sins which are true but not truth. I believesus dictated the gospel of john to the beloved disciple and this disciple wrote it. john is a book of forgiveness, healing, and truth. i accepthn as the actual words of Jesus.

nswer bviously the Bible does not contain all truth! It cannot. However, it does contain all Truth that is otherwise unknowable.