What Drives Risk Disclosure Quality? - The Impact of the Financial Crisis - Amanda Lindqvist Department of Accounting and Commercial Law Hanken School of Economics Helsinki 2016

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Page 1: What Drives Risk Disclosure Quality?

What Drives Risk Disclosure Quality?

- The Impact of the Financial Crisis -

Amanda Lindqvist

Department of Accounting and Commercial Law

Hanken School of Economics




Page 2: What Drives Risk Disclosure Quality?



Accounting and Commercial Law

Type of work: Master’s thesis

Author and student number:

Amanda Lindqvist, s100910



Title of the thesis:

What drives risk disclosure quality? The impact of the financial crisis


This study examines if the quality of firm risk disclosures improved after the financial

crisis. The Finnish Accounting Practice Board introduced a new risk disclosure

standard in 2006. This regulatory change made Finland a forerunner in the field of

corporate risk disclosures, and therefore the country offers a unique setting for the

study. In addition, Finland was one of the countries that were most affected by the

financial crisis which shows that studying the impact of the financial crisis on risk

reporting is motivated.

In this study risk disclosure quality is examined with risk indicators developed by

Beattie et al. (2004) and Beretta & Bozzolan (2004). We examine year 2007 and 2009

sing a sample consisting of 24 companies from the OMXH25 index, which are the

largest and most traded companies in Finland. The regression results showed that the

quality of firm risk disclosure had not improved after the occurrence of the financial

crisis neither for the indicator variable Quantity nor Coverage.

Risk disclosures in combination with the financial crisis is an area of research that has

gained very little attention this far. Therefore this study contributes to the risk

disclosure literature, and to our knowledge it constitutes the first study conducted on

the matter in a Finnish context.

Keywords: Risk disclosure, disclosure quality, financial crisis, information

asymmetry, informative reporting

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1 INTRODUCTION....................................................................................... 1

1.1 Background to the problem ................................................................................. 2

1.2 Research objective ............................................................................................... 3

1.3 Structure of the thesis ......................................................................................... 3

2 THEORY.................................................................................................... 4

2.1 What is risk management? .................................................................................. 4

2.2 What is risk disclosure?....................................................................................... 7

2.3 An ‘ideal’ framework for corporate risk disclosure ............................................ 8

2.4 Quality of risk disclosure ................................................................................... 11

2.5 The risk disclosure standard of the Finnish Accounting Practice Board .......... 13

2.6 Financial Reporting Release No.48................................................................... 15

2.7 The financial crisis in 2008 ............................................................................... 16

2.8 Relevant theories ............................................................................................... 21

3 LITERATURE REVIEW ......................................................................... 25

3.1 Regulation of risk disclosure and risk disclosure quality ................................. 25

3.2 Reporting incentives ......................................................................................... 27

3.3 Risk disclosure and the financial crises ........................................................... 28

3.4 Capital market consequences of firm’s narrative risk disclosures .................... 31

3.5 The quality impact risk disclosure standards ................................................... 33

3.6 Hypothesis development ................................................................................... 34

4 RESEARCH DESIGN .............................................................................. 36

4.1 A risk disclosure framework .............................................................................. 36

4.2 Quality of risk disclosure in empirical indicators ............................................ 38

4.2.1 Quantity of risk disclosure .................................................................... 39

4.2.2 Coverage of risk disclosure ................................................................... 39

4.3 Regression models and independent variables ................................................. 41

4.3.1 Reporting incentives .............................................................................42

4.4 T-test, Pearson correlation, Spearman rank and Wilcoxon test ....................... 45

4.5 Multicollinearity ................................................................................................ 45

4.6 Summary .......................................................................................................... 46

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5 SAMPLE, DATA AND DESCRIPTIVE STATISTICS ............................. 47

5.1 Sample ............................................................................................................... 47

5.2 Data .................................................................................................................. 49

5.3 Descriptive statistics ........................................................................................ 50

6 EMPIRICAL RESULTS ........................................................................... 56

6.1 Correlation analysis ........................................................................................... 56

6.2 The financial crisis’ impact on risk disclosure quality ......................................58

6.3 Reporting incentives and risk disclosure ......................................................... 64

6.3.1 Quantity and reporting incentives ....................................................... 64

6.3.2 Coverage and reporting incentives ....................................................... 65

7 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS ......................................................... 69

7.1 Main findings ................................................................................................... 69

7.2 Contribution ...................................................................................................... 71

7.3 Limitations ........................................................................................................ 72

7.4 Suggestions on future research ......................................................................... 73

8 SVENSK SAMMANFATTNING ............................................................. 74

REFERENCES ............................................................................................ 90


Appendix 1: A risk disclosure framework ........................................................................ 97

Appendix 2: Risk disclosure examples ........................................................................... 98

Appendix 3: Control regressions for coverage ............................................................... 99


Table 1: Difference in the quality indicators for each observable company. .................. 48

Table 2: Variable definitions ........................................................................................... 51

Table 3: Descriptive statistics .......................................................................................... 53

Table 4: Descriptive statistics for firm-level regression variables .................................. 54

Table 5: Correlation matrix ............................................................................................. 57

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Table 6: Regression analysis for dependent variable Quantity ....................................... 61

Table 7: Regression analysis for dependent variable Coverage ...................................... 63


Figure 1: An ideal framework for corporate risk disclosure .............................................. 9

Figure 2: Examples of drivers of key risks according to the Institute of Risk Management .................................................................................................. 11

Figure 3: The development of the gross domestic product (GDP) in Finland at market prices .................................................................................................. 19

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Word list/abbreviations AAA= American Accounting Association AICPA= American Institute of Certified Public Accountants AIRMIC= The Association of Insurance and Risk Managers ALARM= The National Forum for Risk Management in the Public Sector CGHB= The Corporate Governance Handbook ERM= Enterprise risk management FASB= Financial Accounting Standards Board FEI= Financial Executives International FERMA= Federation of European Risk Management Associations FIN-FSA= The Financial Supervisory Authority FRR No.48= Financial Reporting Release No.48 GDP= Gross Domestic Product IASB= International Accounting Standards Board ICAEW= The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales IFRS= International Financial Reporting Standards IIA= Institute of Internal Auditors IMA= Institute of Management Accountants IRM= Institute of Risk Management MD&A= Management Discussion and Analysis NYSE= The New York Stock Exchange OFR= Operating and Financial Review OMXH25= OMX Helsinki 25 stock exchange index SEC= United States Securities and Exchange Commission US GAAP= Generally Accepted Accounting Principles

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We all take risks in our daily lives. There is a risk that we could lose our job, that our

property would get damaged or that the interest rates on our mortgages increase to

unexpected levels. Risks are present everywhere and while some people actively take on

risks most people are trying to protect themselves against risks through e.g. insurances.

Companies on the other hand take risks to create value. Because of that it is essential

for investors to understand and be aware of these risks. Company directors are most

likely more informed than company shareholders about the current state and future

prospects of their company. By improving the flow of information between the

company and its investors information asymmetry will be reduced, investor relations

will be improved and there will be a positive effect on the quality of corporate

governance within the firm as a whole.

In 2008 the financial crisis struck the financial world with full force. In Finland the

crisis hit the hardest in 2009 when the country’s GDP reached its lowest point

accompanied by high unemployment. Billions of euros had been invested in financial

instruments on a global scale and a vast amount of these investments were made by

banks with international operations. When interest rates skyrocketed in the US in 2007

the values of apartments went drastically down, causing severe mortgage repayment

problems in the US. These events started a snowball effect that caused the global

financial world to tremble and remarkable losses occurred in value of financial

instruments worldwide.

The financial crisis has increased the interest for risk disclosures and it has been

questioned whether disclosures and reporting in general was a part of the reason

behind the crisis (Barth & Landsman, 2010). Discussions surrounding high quality,

efficient reporting gained newfound attention and is something that engages standard

setters and academics all over the world. High quality risk disclosures enables well-

informed decisions from investors based on transparent, true and fair information.

Without such information the confidence in the markets cannot be maintained,

something that materialized during the financial crisis.

Risks can be explained as uncertainties causing potential gains or losses. Prioritizing

these risks is an important part of the risk management process since risk is something

every company faces (ICAEW, 1998, Solomon et al, 2000). By raising confidence in the

markets company management can reduce cost of capital, and in this process the

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communication of risk management policies is a crucial factor (The Corporate

Governance Handbook, 1996).

In this paper, the term ‘risk’ is used in its broadest sense referring to all types of risks

affecting Finnish companies. The term ‘risk’ could be defined as an uncertainty that can

be associated with both loss and gain (ICAEW 1998, Solomon et al, 2000). Every

company is facing risks in their operations, and how they document and assess these

risks is an essential part in keeping the shareholders informed and the management up

to date with the firm’s operations.

1.1 Background to the problem

In Finland the requirements on risk disclosures were vague in the beginning of the

2000’s and Finnish Accounting Practice Board identified a need for more specific

guidelines in order to produce more qualitative risk reporting. In 2006, this lead to the

introduction of a new risk disclosure standard in Finland. The standard was short, only

six pages, with concrete examples on how companies should disclose risk in their

annual statements. By breaking down the concept of risk into several components the

purpose was to provide more informative risk disclosure and to standardize the risk

reporting in general.

Miihkinen’s (2012) study showed that the quality of firm risk disclosure improved in

year 2006 when the standard was introduced, compared to the risk reporting in the

previous year before the standard was applied. The improvement in quality was clearly

observed in several dimensions and indicated that the regulatory change in Finland had

been successful. This study, however, was conducted right after the introduction and

does not take into account the changes that the financial crises starting in 2008 might

have caused.

The field of disclosures in the light of the financial crisis is a relatively unexplored area

within the accounting literature, not to mention risk disclosures and the financial crisis.

Scott (2009) developed an idea that is called “the unravelling result theorem” or “the

disclosure principle” stating that firms will disclose all relevant information to investors

to make sure that they are certain about all of the firm’s scenarios. Taking this theorem

into practice could be interpreted as that firms would disclose more information and

also information of high quality to ensure that their investors are certain during such

financially challenging and uncertain times. The reality is not that simple Martikainen

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et al. (2015) concluded: disclosures are highly cost generating for the reporting firm

which restricts the amount (and quality) of disclosures. Previous research has also

documented several other factors that have an impact on risk disclosure quality.

1.2 Research objective

The purpose of this study is to find out whether an improvement in the quality of firm

risk disclosures can be observed in annual reports from year 2007 compared to annual

reports from 2009. Year 2007 represents status quo while year 2009 represents the

financial crisis year. When comparing these two years it is possible to determine

whether there has been an improvement in risk disclosure quality between the two

years. We also want to see whether there are other potential variables that could have

had an effect on risk disclosure quality during years 2007 and 2009.

Research question: Did the financial crisis improve the quality of firm risk disclosure

in annual reports from year 2009 compared to annual reports from 2007?

1.3 Structure of the thesis

The thesis will start by defining the theory surrounding the research question while

defining the most important concepts discussed in the thesis. This will be followed by a

literature review summarizing the most important articles and studies related to this

study. The articles are mainly from the 2000’s, since this is a recently discovered area

within Academia, but cover a timeline from the end of the 1970’s to year 2015.

Following the literature review the research design is defined, which in its turn is

followed by a chapter covering data, the research sample and descriptive statistics. The

empirical results will be built on statistical analysis followed by the final conclusions of

the study. Recommendations on future research will also be provided.

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In this chapter the main concepts affecting the research question will be defined and

discussed. This is done in order to define the framework and legislation surrounding

the problem addressed in this paper. The chapter begins with defining risk

management and risk disclosure as a whole. It continues with discussing an ideal

framework for corporate risk disclosure and how to define the quality of risk disclosure.

The chapter ends by discussing the financial crisis in a global scale and from the

Finnish perspective and relevant theories connected to disclosures.

2.1 What is risk management?

The fundamental objective of risk management is to maximize profitability while

minimizing the likelihood of financial failure. Therefore it is needed to maximize

shareholder’s wealth (Solomon et al., 2000). Firms engage in enterprise risk

management because it creates value for its shareholders. The value creation effect

shows on both a macro (company-wide) level and micro level (business-unit focused)

(Nocco & Stulz, 2006). A decision every company has to face is how much risk it can

actually take on. Risk management can be viewed as a substitute for equity capital

which is an expensive way of funding their operations. Nocco & Stulz (2006) suggests

that risk management reduces risks, and therefore also can reduce the amount of

expensive equity capital needed by the firm.

Improved risk disclosure enables investors to deal effectively with risk diversification,

something that is also suggested by modern portfolio theory (Solomon et al., 2000).

Investors are expected to require information on the unsystematic risks affecting their

investee companies in order to form a comprehensive overview of the corporate risk, as

well as form a perception of the company as a going concern. Almost one third of the

institutional investors in Solomon et al.’s (2000) study agreed that increased

information on corporate risk would help them with decision-making concerning their

portfolio investments.

Risk management is a broad concept with many aspects to take into account. Maingot

et al. (2012) are defining risk management as effective management of opportunities

and adverse effects that potentially could arise. The concept also includes the processes,

culture and structures contributing to the management of these effects and

opportunities. Risk management processes as a whole are the result of a systematic

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application of management policies, practices and procedures. These aspects are used

through the whole life cycle of risk disclosure in the company: identification, analysis,

assessment, management, monitoring and finally communication of risk (Maingot et

al., 2012).

Maingot et al. (2012) identified two approaches for a corporation to manage their risks.

The traditional risk management approach focuses on managing risks of only some

departments, products or divisions within the firm instead of taking the whole business

into account. This approach emphasizes management of one risk at a time in a highly

decentralized and compartmentalized manner that ignores potential implications on

firm value (Manab et al., 2010).

The second risk management approach advocates treating risks together as a group and

under a strategic, coordinated framework (Nocco & Stulz, 2006; Maingot et al., 2012).

This approach emphasizes firm value and how it can be destroyed, preserved or created

by suitable risk management (Fabozzi & Drake, 2009). It all comes down to how the

management can manage uncertainty and how risks and opportunities should be

assessed in relation to firm value. Nocco & Stulz (2006) claim that companies that are

successfully implementing this risk management approach have a clear and long-run

competitive advantage over those companies who monitor risks on an individual basis.

In addition, this approach gives managers the right incentives and information they

need in order to optimize the trade-off between risk and return when they carry out

their strategic plans.

In the risk disclosure standard published in 2006 by the Finnish Accounting Practice

Board risk management is viewed as a systematic and anticipative way of analyzing and

managing threats and opportunities in connection with the company’s operations, not

only an elimination of the risks. A risk management function should be established in

companies to fulfill the risk management objectives, acknowledging the existing

prominent threats including strategic risks, operational risks, financial risks and

damage risks that all might constitute a threat against the company achieving its

objectives (Finnish Accounting Practice Board, 2006). The main principles for

managing economical risks are to define the scope of the risks as detailed as possible

and follow up on them to risk limits that have been previously decided. In these

activities value-at-risk analysis should be used together with other quantitative


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The fact that there are several approaches to risk management confirms the complexity

of the process and shows that this is not a black and white issue with only one

compatible approach. There is a strong consensus though that all companies should

integrate risk management throughout their organization (Maingot et al., 2012). Doing

so adds reality to the process while clarifying the relationship between multiple risks

and the integration of risks.

Risk management in an international context

The discussion around the importance of risk disclosures has been active over 20 years,

with a clear increase in interest in the beginning of 2000’s. Therefore it is not

surprising that research shows an increasing interest in risk disclosures over the years

(Cole & Jones, 2005). What is surprising though is that it took until 2005 for the

International Accounting Standards Board to publish an exposure draft on improving

disclosures of financial instruments and the risks surrounding them. This exposure

draft later became IFRS 7 which came into effect in 2007. Banks are also required to

report certain risks since 2008 when Basel II pillar 31 came into effect.

Risk disclosure and risk management are often used as very closely related topics in the

existing literature. While the term ‘risk disclosure’ is used to some extent, even more

literature can be found under the term ‘risk management’ in an international context.

The most developed countries in the field of risk disclosure are Finland, Germany, UK,

Canada and Australia. These countries all have some kind of standard (some more

coercive than others) or supervisory body that request companies to provide more

extensive information on risks and uncertainties.

Risk disclosures in Finland reached a new level thanks to the risk disclosure standard

becoming effective in 2006. By providing a clear framework for risk reporting over

several risk topics the standard made sure that Finnish risk disclosure regulation is

among the most developed globally. The Finnish risk disclosure standard regards risk

management as one of the five risk areas companies should disclose in their financial

statements. In other countries with less specific and coercive regulation, risk

1 The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision is the primary global standard-setter for banks . The

standards they issue are not legally binding but functions more like an informal forum with the purpose of

strengthening the regulation, practices and supervision of banks worldwide. The member countries are

expected to implement the Basel recommendations and by that enhance financial stability. (Bank for

International Settlements, retrieved on 10.6.2016)

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management seems to be the umbrella term for all the areas specified in the Finnish


Especially companies in the US have provided very little information on their

enterprise risk management to their stakeholders (Maingot et al., 2012). The increasing

interest in risk management have also been noticed by credit rating agencies such as

Standard & Poor that responded to the “trend” by announcing their intentions on

including assessments of risk management in their rating of non-financial companies

(Standard & Poor’s, 2009). With bringing risk management into risk rating the

situation in the US is most likely to change into an environment with more disclosure

(Maingot et al., 2012). If the US can reach the same levels of risk disclosure as e.g.

Finland can still be discussed, since the competitive environment and more prominent

threat of law suits brings its own challenges to risk disclosure in the US.

United Kingdom is one of the most developed countries within risk disclosure and

putting focus on risk disclosure quality. The Institute of Risk Management (IRM)

developed a standard for risk management in 2002 (Maingot et al., 2012). The

standard is still effective and was developed by a team built up by risk management

professionals from the major risk management organizations The Association of

Insurance and Risk Managers (AIRMIC) and the National Forum for Risk Management

in the Public Sector (ALARM) in the UK. It is also used as the foundation for the

Federation of European Risk Management Associations (FERMA) whose mission is to

“lead and enhance the effective practice of risk management, risk financing and

insurance”. Many important studies, such as Linsley & Shrives (2005, 2006) and Spira

& Page (2003), have been conducted in the UK under the UK risk management

standard, which makes the UK an important forerunner in the research around risk


2.2 What is risk disclosure?

In this paper, firm risk disclosure is a common term for all the information concerning

the risks a company discloses in their annual statements. The risk disclosure

information describes major risks that are imposed towards the company together with

the expected impact that these risks might have on the firm’s future performance

(Miihkinen, 2012). The forward-looking information provides a tool for external

investors that help them build an estimate of future cash flows. Investors will also pay

attention to the factors of uncertainty that surrounds the forecasts of the firm’s future

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cash flows, as well as information on sources of non-diversifiable risk that is to be

included in cost of capital. Also historical information on which actions have been

taken to face risks together with forward-looking information on how the firm has

planned to face risks in the future are taken into account (Miihkinen, 2012).

Companies may disclose risks that they are subject to in four different sections in the

annual report: in their operating and financial reviews, in separate risk disclosure

sections, in the notes to the financial statements and in the corporate governance

sections (Martikainen et al., 2015). This study focuses on the risk information disclosed

in the operating and financial reviews and in the notes to the financial statements.

For example Kone Oyj disclosed a variety of risks in different sections of their annual

report from 2009. These can be found in the Review by the Board of Directors (the

company disclosed environmental risks, strategic and business risks, operational risks,

financial risks, short-term risks and uncertainties, risks from significant legal

proceedings), in the notes to the financial statements (market risk, foreign exchange

rate risk, interest risk, commodity and energy price risk, security price risk, country and

credit risk, liquidity and refinancing risk, capital management risk and insurance risk,

risks associated with defined benefit plans), in the corporate governance report and in

the specific risk management report (enterprise-wide risks).

2.3 An ‘ideal’ framework for corporate risk disclosure

In an international setting several different frameworks for corporate risk disclosure

and management can be found both in academia and among standard-setters. As one

could assume, there is no generally accepted ideal framework for risk management and

disclosure, which also has been suggested in previous literature (Beasley et al., 2005;

Moeller, 2007). The authors of different frameworks usually point out the importance

of taking into account the needs and requirements of different firms and letting the

firms themselves take responsibility for accommodating frameworks to their individual

needs (COSO, 2004). Thus, high quality risk disclosures come in many different

formats and varieties.

Solomon et al. (2000) introduced a framework for ideal corporate risk disclosure

identifying six elements that interrelate, contributing to the so called ideal framework.

In their study they asked institutional investors to create their own ideal framework for

risk disclosure by asking them to indicate their preferences among these six elements.

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Solomon et Al. (2000) were pioneers in the field of risk disclosure, and this study can

be seen as the foundation for many studies conducted later on.

Figure 1: An ideal framework for corporate risk disclosure (Solomon et al., 2000)

The first element that investors and standard setters have to take a stand on is whether

disclosure should be mandatory or voluntary. IFRS does not give clear guidance on risk

disclosure other than IFRS 7 that requires disclosure about the significance of financial

instruments to an entity as well as the nature and extent of the risks arising from the

financial instruments. When reporting in accordance with IFRS 7 it is recommended to

mention inquiries in the board of directors report that refer to the notes where these

inquiries are described more in detail. The inquiries that should be mentioned in the

notes can be e.g. exposure to credit risk, liquidity risk and market risk for financial


The following element in Figure 1 is the level of risk disclosure. One assumption in this

paper is that more risk disclosure equals better informed decision making, which is why

increased risk disclosure is feasible. Then again there is a limit for how much

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information investors can actually process and make use of and that should be taken

into account when disclosing corporate risk. Locating disclosed information in Finnish

annual statements can be challenging since the risk disclosure can be spread out in up

to four different sections of the statements. Solomon et al. (2000) questions what the

ideal location for this information would be, proposing the operating financial review as

one option.

We already concluded that the amount of disclosures usually indicates high quality.

Another indicator for quality is so called coverage which refers to the balance of the

disclosed information. Equal balance over risk topics is regarded feasible and a sign of

high quality information (Miihkinen, 2012). Not all academics agree on this though.

Some risks may be more prominent than others and putting equal emphasis on all

reported risks may not be beneficial to investors (Solomon et al., 2000). If the risks are

reported separately or in a general statement is also something to assess when creating

the ideal framework for corporate risk disclosure. The relevance of the reported

information is the most important aspect to the users of the disclosed information.

Investor’s attitudes towards corporate governance and risk disclosure may be

influenced by several factors. These attitudes affect the requirements on disclosure and

the reporting climate, which also makes it an important factor to take into account. A

framework taking all of these elements into account is likely to result in informative

risk disclosure for investors.

The figure below describes the drives of key risks according to the Brittish Institute of

Risk Management (2002). It describes that both external and internal factors cause

risks within the organization and because some risks can be classified into both of these

categories they are shown as an overlap in the figure. The figure also shows that the UK

classifies risk very similar to the Finnish standard into four risk types (plus risk

management), and these are financial risk, strategic risk, operational risk and hazard

risk (compare to damage risk in the Finnish standard).

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Figure 2: Examples of drivers of key risks according to the Institute of Risk Management (2002)

2.4 Quality of risk disclosure

Quality of firm risk disclosures might sound like a straightforward concept but quality

can mean several different things in this context. Disclosures may have great influence

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on investment decisions and is therefore most important both for companies and their

shareholders. Researchers define quality in a variety of ways since no standardized

approach has yet been presented. Sengupta (1998) defined high quality disclosures as

timely and detailed information that lowers shareholders’ perception of default risk.

Verrecchia (1990) describes disclosure quality as an uncertain event’s distributional

variance or characteristics. High quality disclosures can be both mandatory and

voluntary but they need to have credible content and come from a reliable source. For

investors it is also highly important that the disclosures they access give them enough

information to make investment decisions and be certain about the company’s

scenarios. Therefore high quality disclosures would equal such information that fulfills

the company’s shareholder’s demands (Beretta & Bozzolan, 2004).

The empirical indicators of risk disclosure quality in this paper are divided into two

different categories. While quantity of disclosure is the easiest to measure, e.g. Beretta

& Bozzolan (2004) concluded that quantity alone is not a sufficient measure for the

overall quality of risk disclosure. Miihkinen (2012) on the other hand used the quantity

and the so called coverage (evenly distributed risk information) as a proxy for risk

disclosure quality. This study will measure risk disclosure quality using the same

measures as Miihkinen (2012). These factors are quantity of disclosure that as a

measure was developed by Beretta & Bozzolan (2004) and coverage of disclosure which

was developed by Beattie et al. (2004).

Quantity of firm risk disclosure can simply be measured through counting the words

describing risks in a firms’ financial statements. Also counting sentences fill the same

function. Beretta & Bozzolan (2004) used size and industry as independent variables in

addition to word count when determining the overall level of disclosure of a company.

They concluded that and absolute index, such as number of sentences describing risks,

is not adequate in defining the relative amount of disclosure made by any company.

Companies listed on several stock exchanges have shown to disclose more information

than companies only listed on one stock exchange. Abraham & Cox (2007) found that

UK firms listed on a US stock exchange disclosed significantly more information on

risks in their annual reports released in the UK compared to those firms that were not

listed in the US. Stock exchanges expect information disclosed to investors in one

market will also be disclosed to investors in other markets, such as the UK in the case of

Abraham & Cox (2007). This kind of “additional disclosure” occurring due to dual

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listing is very beneficial to the company since the information is already available and

therefore comes at zero marginal cost.

High quality disclosures is all about providing investors with useful information that

keeps them aware of possible scenarios of the company and helps them make informed

value creating decisions. Managers may want to disclose additional information to

ensure the company’s shareholders that they are behaving optimally from an agency

viewpoint (Watson et al., 2002). This is part of the agency problem arising from one

party having an information advantage over the other and will be discussed further

later in this chapter.

Risk disclosure quality is not very easy to define since there are several approaches to

how to measure this type of quality. Core (2001) concluded that recent research has

emphasized the demand for improved measures of disclosure quality. Beattie et al.

(2004) identified different dimensions of disclosure quality that together are expected

to cover an as widespread area of disclosure as possible. They do emphasize though that

no set of quality attributes or ranking and weighting of those attributes exist since

quality is a subjective measure that depends strongly on the context. The spread of

disclosure over risk topics is a dimension to take into account alongside the dimension

of relative amount of risk disclosure. Equal coverage over risk topics is not necessary

the ideal solution, but a degree of balance is recommended (Beattie et al., 2004).

2.5 The risk disclosure standard of the Finnish Accounting Practice


In 2006 a unique regulatory change took place in Finland when the Finnish Accounting

Practice Board published a detailed new risk disclosure standard. These general

guidelines encourages the reporting entity to provide an estimate of the most

prominent risks and factors of uncertainty as well as other factors that could affect the

development of the entity.

The standard stipulates that the report by the board of directors, by taking into account

the scope and structure of the accounting entity’s operations, should judge the most

important risks, uncertainty factors and other factors that affect the development of the

accounting entity’s operations as well as its financial position and result. This should be

done in an objective and comprehensive manner.

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While companies operating in different lines of business use different templates in

identifying and handling their risks and other uncertainty factors there are still some

unifying factors that every company has to assess. These factors are strategic risks,

operational risks, financial risks and damage risk. It is also use a risk classification if it

demonstrably better describes the risks of the operations. In those cases it is

recommended to use an industry-wide recognized classification.

The standard emphasizes the importance of describing the future risks and

opportunities in a balanced manner to allow stakeholders to contemplate how

appropriate the business plans are considering the risks and opportunities. Including

tools and other means used in risk and uncertainty management, it is also feasible to

include when disclosing risk, as well as stating if those kinds of tools have not been

used. The annual activity report focuses on the most prominent risks.

In 2006 the methods of identifying and prioritizing risks were reconciled into a new

standard on risk disclosure (Miihkinen, 2012). The risk disclosure standard includes

comprehensive examples on how companies should assess and disclose risk. The

standard is not meant to be applied as such, but all companies should use their own

judgement in how the different parts of the standard fits their line of business and their

scope of operations.

Descriptive examples of risk disclosure can be found in the attachments to the new

standard from 2006. It begins by describing which risk management policies would be

feasible together with recommended risk management arrangements. The standard

states that the board is responsible for the group’s and the entity’s risk management

policies and should monitor that they are realized. The CEO on the other hand is

responsible for that the implementation of the risk management policies is assessed in

an appropriate manner. Risk management should be an integrated part of the daily

operations and decision making within the entity and in its support functions. It is

important that every employee holds a responsibility to identify threats towards

achieving the entity’s objectives.

The attachment continues with listing the four categories of risks (strategic risk,

operational risk, financial risk and damage risk) with concrete examples of which risks

go under which category. This part of the standard is essential and simultaneously

defines the nature of the whole standard. Clear examples minimize companies’ effort

put on disclosing risk and encourages extensive risk reporting in all areas.

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Strategic risk can be risks related to competition, its geographical market where the

company is operating, the company’s position in the production line, changes in

customer preferences, dependence on a few customers or suppliers and technological

development of a competing product. Operational risks are related to dependence on

employees’ knowhow, disruption in the supply chain, price fluctuations for raw

material and other production factors as well as the validity of patents and other

immaterial rights.

Accounting entities applying IFRS standards shall apply IFRS 7 when assessing

financial risks. If the entity is not applying IFRS they should disclose financial risks

such as interest risks, currency risks, liquidity risks and credit risks. It is also important

to disclose other financial risk factors that might have an impact on the entity’s

operations and the judgement of its profit or loss, such as assets, liabilities and

financial instruments. In connection to damage risks it should be stated to which extent

the entity’s operations are covered by insurances against damages and disruptions in

operations as a result of an accident. Disclosing information on law suits where the

compensation requirement on the entity is remarkable is also recommended as well as

other legal risks or risks related to governmental errands. It is also recommended that

the entity’s interest bearing debt is categorized by maturity when disclosing corporate


2.6 Financial Reporting Release No.48

Financial Reporting Release No. 48 (FRR No.48) was issued in the United States in

1997. It required SEC registrants to disclose qualitative and quantitative information on

market risks that are such as potential losses from adverse changes in interest rates,

commodity prices, foreign currency rates and equity prices. The intention behind the

standard was to address the general concern of security analysts and accountants that

‘users are confused’ (Jorion, 2002). Prior to FRR No.48 the guidelines had been

insufficient in requiring information on the scope of firm’s involvement in financial

instruments and what effects derivatives activity could have on corporate profits.

After reviewing US public corporations qualitative disclosure the United States

Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) found that management discussion was

typically most uninformative. Almost all companies claimed that they used derivatives

for the purpose of ‘hedging’ and few of them admitted that they had conducted pure

speculation even though the losses some of them faced proved the opposite (Jorion,

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2002). There is a thin line between selective hedging and speculation, and the general

statements provided little substance in assessing the extent and effectiveness of

corporate derivatives activities. This is the reason why SEC decided to mandate

quantitative disclosures of market risk.

The major difference between the Finnish standard and FRR No.48 is that the Finnish

one dictates the overall risk reviews of a firm (disclosure on strategic risk, operational

risk, financial risk, damage risk, risk management etc.). The length of the standards

differ dramatically as well, when the Finnish standard lies at 6 pages compared to FRR

No.48’s over 100 pages that also lacks the illustrative examples on risk disclosure that

are the foundation of the Finnish standard.

Roulstone (1999) demonstrated an improvement in firm’s market risk disclosures after

the introduction of the FRR No.48 in the US. Also other studies have been conducted

that confirmed to usefulness of this kind of information to investors, among them

Jorion (2002) found that analysists can successfully compare risk profiles of different

banks by using their disclosed value-at-risk. Despite these positive findings several

empirical studies have found that the FRR No.48 requirements have a minor impact on

enhancing the quality of risk reporting. Listed companies provide disclosed information

with wide variations in detail and clarity (Roulstone, 1999), the risk information is

usually not centralized but spread throughout the Management Discussion & Analysis

(MD & A) section and the notes to the financial statements obstruct investors from

easily gathering information and making truthful risk assessments (Hodder et al.,


2.7 The financial crisis in 2008

The phenomenon most commonly called the financial crises of 2008 hit the global

markets hard and the aftermaths are dealt with even today. Imbalances in the foreign

exchange currency markets, light-minded monetary policies (particularly in the US),

financial innovations, incomplete regulation, inadequate monitoring and financial

institution’s failure in their own risk management are all reasons that contributed in

bringing down economies on their knees in a global context in the late 2000’s

(Jokivuolle, 2010). At the end of the 2000’s the world’s financial systems were more

complicated and globalized than ever, something that was believed to spread risk and

increase flexibility. When it came down to the crises in 2008, it was the globalized

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nature of the systems together with its lack of transparency that enforced the crises and

enabled its’ global proliferation (Jokivuolle, 2010).

Financial crises are not new to the world. In the last 30 years four waves of financial

crises has hit the world, each one of them followed by a recession (Kindleberger &

Aliber, 2011). The first fairly recent crisis occurred in the early 1980s when US dollar-

denominated loans with a total worth of 800 billion dollars were defaulted by Brazil,

Argentina, Mexico and ten other developing countries. The second wave of financial

crisis was most prominent in Finland, Sweden, Norway and Japan (Kindleberger &

Aliber, 2011). In Asia, the third wave hit Thailand, Indonesia and Malaysia as a start

and the crises spread further to South Korea, Argentina, Brazil and Russia. The most

recent economic contraction commenced in 2008, and turned out to be the most severe

and global financial crises seen by the USA and Europe since the end of the Second

World War (Barth & Landsman, 2010).

What is common for every financial crisis is that each one of them was followed by a

wave of credit bubbles. Researchers have suspected a common cause behind these

bubbles because of observed similarity of price increases in asset prices occurring

simultaneously in several countries (Kindleberger & Aliber, 2011). They also found it

unlikely that the different waves of bubbles were unrelated and independent. The

underlying pattern was found to be increases in the flows of money into a country

leading to increased currency value, real estate prices and stock and bond prices

Most policy-makers, bankers and academics agree that the most recent financial crisis

started after the housing bubble bursting in the USA (Barth & Landsman, 2010).

Though, some analysts argued that the US housing price run-up was not a bubble at all.

In fact it was a justified financial reaction due to financial innovations, such as sub-

prime mortgages, and the steady capital inflow coming from the petroleum exporters

and Asia (Reinhart & Rogoff, 2008).

The most prominent catalysts of the crises were mortgage assets and derivatives in the

US that started tumbling in 2007, while prices of homes started to decline already in

2006 (Hsu, 2013). Excessive overleveraging of subprime mortgage assets built up to

become a real problem when the subprime mortgages were given to individuals who

did not have the resources to repay these loans. When these individuals lost their

homes it started to unravel that new synthetic, mortgage-backed assets had been based

on these subprime loans. Hsu (2013) explains that these assets, worth billions of

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dollars, were owned across the financial system. Therefore the falling prices of homes

in the US caused assets based on mortgages to tumble with an overwhelming threat to

bring down powerful financial institutions globally.

Markets connected to the US financially or through trade across the globe started to

decline, global stock markets tumbled and large scale failure hit several global banks.

The crises hit Europe’s financial system rapidly and brought down established financial

institutions and reversed carry trades (Hue, 2013). The true budget deficit covered up

by the government of Greece strengthened the crises in Europe because of the common

currency and the aftermaths can be seen in the Eurozone still on this day. The most

recent financial crises, also called the Great Recession of 2008 (Hsu, 2013), is the one

of importance to this paper and will be examined to look out for potential effects of the

crises on corporate risk disclosure.

Finland and the financial crises

The financial crisis that had its source in the global financial markets hit Finland harder

than many other countries when measured in reduction of production in the country.

This can partly be explained by the economic upswing in Finland before the start of the

crisis when signs of uneven development of the economy were unraveled (Freystätter &

Mattila, 2011). External disruptions quickly put the Finnish economy on hold which

showed in an 8% reduction of the GDP in 2009 (Tilastokeskus). The largest drivers of

the economic upswing before the crisis, export and private investments were the ones

that faced the largest decrease (Freystätter & Mattila, 2011).

In fall 2008 the financial crises reached Finland with full force and put the country into

a deep recession. The strong positive financial development observed in 2004-2007

now went into the opposite direction: compared to other developed countries the drop

in Finland’s GDP was among the largest.

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Figure 4: The development of the gross domestic product (GDP) in Finland at market prices

Finland was one of the countries in which the financial crisis was most prominent. The country’s GDP

dropped from 193,7 billion euros in 2008 to 181,0 billion euros in 2009. If comparing the GDP/capita

Finland went from 36 457 euro/capita in 2008 to 33 908 euro/capita in 2009 (Tilastokeskus).

In 2009 a 20% decrease of export and 17% decrease of private investments were signs

of exceptionally strong negative development (Freystätter & Mattila, 2011). A small

decrease also showed in private consumption, but owing to tax cuts and light monetary

policies by the European Central Bank households had more income to dispose of. The

results of these actions also showed in the housing market: apartment prices were not

subject to any significant decrease. In addition Finnish companies had relatively little

debt in proportion to equity which diminished the external disruptions in the form of a

global financial crisis. It is evident that the crisis could have hit the Finnish economy

even harder under different, less favorable conditions (Freystätter & Mattila, 2011).

Jokivuolle (2010) identified three subcategories of risks that contributed to problems

during the financial crisis: credit risk, counterparty risk (also called default risk) and

liquidity risk. With the Finnish risk disclosure standard in mind, these risks can all be

classified as financial. Market risks were realized in the stock markets but as a

consequence to the impact of other risks on the overall liquidity and real economy of



151,6 158,5

164,4 172,6

186,6 193,7 181,0 187,1

196,9 199,8

203,3 205,3









2001 2003 2005 2007 2009 2011 2013 2015


P in




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the financial markets. Jokivuolle (2010) pointed out the challenge in measuring and

managing liquidity risk, especially during a financial crisis. The greater information

asymmetry between the buyer and the seller of a bond, the lower is the liquidity of the

bond in a crisis.

In the beginning of the 1990’s Finland suffered from another great recession. The

corporate sector became heavily indebted and the devaluation of the Finnish markka

did great damage to Finnish businesses. In 2008 when the latest crisis occurred

companies did not face nearly as severe monetary risk as in the 1990’s, and companies

also have a stronger equity structure in general (Bank of Finland, 2009). Finnish

household’s debt levels were similar when comparing the 1990’s and 2000’s, but in the

2000’s a lot smaller fraction of the household’s income went to interest payments.

The financial crisis lead to a stricter supervisory environment through the founding of

the Financial Supervisory Authority2 (FIN-FSA). It was founded by the Bank of Finland

in the beginning of year 2009 when it was evident that dividing risks between the

banking- and insurance sector was contra productive. The Bank of Finland conducted

stress testing of banks in cooperation with the FIN-FSA, and found that banks can

handle a situation with poor economic development better than in the 1990’s. Many

banks in Finland have their headquarters in another Nordic country, which puts the

FIN-FSA in an important position in supervising the Finnish subsidiaries.

Despite these positive developments compared to the recession in the 1990’s the

current one will leave a heavy mark on the Finnish economy. It will take years for the

political economy to reach same levels as we had in 2008 (Bank of Finland). The weak

state of the labor markets is evident in the everyday lives of young job seekers and for

experienced employees who withdraw from the labor markets before their actual age of

retirement. Jokivuolle (2010) pointed out that risk management functions have an

important task in the economies as a whole. When an unbalanced economic

development is viewed as “the new balance”, justified by restructuring of economies

and the financial systems, it should be up to risk management to spot the red flag.


plenum09-puhe.pdf i sista stycket refererar jag till Finlands Bank, dvs denna. Kolla upp

hur presentera i källor

2 Finnish: Finanssivalvonta (Fiva). The authority that is responsible for supervision of Finland’s financial

and insurance sectors. This also includes the Helsinki Stock Exchange.

Page 27: What Drives Risk Disclosure Quality?


2.8 Relevant theories

The agency theory

Capital markets need corporate disclosure in order to function efficiently. A vast

amount of this disclosure is forwarded as regulated financial reports, but also e.g. press

releases, presentations and internet sites disclose additional information about

companies. This information is of interest for mainly two parties: managers and outside


The agency theory is building on one of the most fundamental principles of modern

capital markets: the separation of ownership and management. Because of this

separation, the agency theory argues that managerial actions might depart from the

actions that would be required to maximize shareholder value (Berle & Means, 1932).

Since ownership and management is separated, the two parties have access to different

kinds of information, often to the owner’s disadvantage. This is called information

asymmetry, which Stiglitz (2002) defined as when “different people know different

things”. Information can in some cases be private, and because of that information

asymmetry occurs between those holding the information and those who might be able

to make better decisions if they had access to that information.

The reasoning behind the agency theory is that there is an unspoken relationship

between a principal and an agent Jensen & Meckling (1976). People are expected to be

greedy and acting in their own best interest. In the agency theory it is the owners of the

company who represents the principal, disposing of the legal and moral rights of the

company. Indirectly it is also the owners who then dispose of the assets that are under

the company’s control (Nordberg, 2011). The management of the company is regarded

as the agent, employed to act in the best interest of the principal against a

compensation. Considering that the agent might be acting in his own best interest the

management needs to be supervised or control mechanisms need to be put in place to

prevent him from acting against shareholder’s value.

Management (the agent) raises capital from investors (the principal) in order to cash

out his own holdings in the company or to put the capital in productive use (Shleifer &

Vishny, 1997). Since investors are seldom able to participate in the management

processes of the firms they invest in they have to submit the responsibility of managing

the operations to the firm itself. The shareholders (investors) need someone with

specialized human capital to maximize the value of their investments. Managers have

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the human capital but seldom enough capital of his own to manage the company’s

operations. Therefore it is beneficial for managers and investors to combine their

efforts. The problem is that this setting creates incentives for managers to exploit the

situation for their own best and using investor’s capital in a way that drives the

managers’ interests (Healy & Palepu, 2001).

The difficulty of the agency theory lies in how investors can be sure to get return on

their invested capital after they have given it over to the firm management. Creating a

situation where investors can be sure that the managers are acting in the investor’s best

interest is impossible (Jensen & Meckling, 1976). Investors can minimize deviation

from their own interest though by putting in place control mechanisms and

compensation schemes for the managers. The agency problem can also be controlled

for by signing a contract between the investors and the manager that clearly specifies

what the manager should do with the funds and how the returns are allocated between

the investors and the manager (Shleifer & Vishny, 1997). In practice, complete

contracts are impossible to construct since all possible outcomes cannot be predicted

and reflected in the contracts. Therefore the principal and agent has to agree on who

has the rights to make decisions under circumstances that are not covered by the


When investors want to address the agency problem they do it through control

mechanisms, incentive programs and contracts. Agency costs are all such costs that

occur due to the supervision of the company management (Jensen & Meckling, 1976).

An efficient system requires the parties to have confidence in each other. The less trust

there is between the principal and the agent the higher the agency costs are.

Jensen & Meckling (1976) identified three categories of agency costs. The first category

comprises the costs arising for the principal from supervising the management and e.g.

their compensation. The second category is all the costs arising from reducing the

confidence problem between the principal and the agent, which for example could be

contracting cost. Finally, the third cost category is the increase in costs arising from the

difference between the decision of the agent and the decision that would have served

the principal’s best interest.

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Signaling theory

The signaling theory can be used to describe why company management gives out

voluntary disclosures. In unison with the agency theory, the signaling theory is based

on the assumption that there is information asymmetry between managers and

shareholders (Connelly et al, 2011). Management has an information advantage over

investors and other shareholders since they have access to insider information. Stiglitz

(2002) stat Because of that voluntary disclosure is a product of the judgement of the

company management.

The assumption behind the signaling theory is that managers are likely to disclose or

“signal” such information to investors that makes the company look good. Therefore

management in firms that are performing well have more reason to signal about their

company’s success compared to firms that are not performing as good (Watson et al,

2002; Xiao et al, 2004). Voluntary disclosure can be seen as a tool for management to

communicate their performance to the capital markets and to distinguish them from

companies of lower quality and performance.

In order for management signals to have the desired effect they need to be perceived as

trustworthy. If the disclosed information discovered to be false it would be very

harmful to the reputation and all the future disclosures of the firm (Watson et al,

2002). Then again it is important that the company’s signals are interpreted in a

correct manner and that the public disclosures are not used wrongfully.

The similarities of the agency theory and the signaling theory are evident in the way

both of the theories strive to explain how management communicates with investors

under the presumption of information asymmetry. These features also enables parallel

use of the two theories to achieve better understanding of the reasons why management

gives out voluntary disclosure.

Legitimacy theory

The third theory that occurs in the disclosure literature is the legitimacy theory. In

accordance with both the agency and signaling theory, the legitimacy theory is based on

the idea of that management has the ability to affect the company’s position in the

capital markets by disclosing information. The legitimacy theory is mostly used in a

corporate social responsibility context, since it emphasizes corporations as a part of


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The legitimacy theory says that corporate disclosure reacts to economic, social and

political factors (environmental factors) and that disclosure legitimizes the actions of

the company (Guthrie & Parker, 1989). Legitimacy is a perquisite for the company’s

whole existence in the capital markets and a necessity for its integration in society. This

theory states that companies continuously strive to ensure that they operate within the

norms and expectations of their respective societies. The embodied view in the

legitimacy theory is that companies will be punished if they do not act and operate in

consistence with the society’s expectations. Brown & Deegan (1998) concluded that

managers generally understand the importance of operating within the norms and

expectations of society. They also stated that variations in the social disclosures made

in companies’ annual reports are responses to perceived changes in the society’s

perceptions and expectations concerning its operations.

Management can create legitimacy through disclosure on how the company will assess

its weaknesses or disclosing information that moves the general public’s attention from

the actual problems in the company (Anbumozh et al. 2011). In contract to the signaling

theory, stating that companies disclose information voluntarily to communicate

performance, the signaling theory is about management disclosing so called negative

information in order to legitimize their actions.

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In this part of the thesis the most prominent research in the field of risk disclosure

quality will be discussed under three key topics: regulation of risk disclosure and risk

disclosure quality, reporting incentives and risk disclosure quality and the financial

crisis. The chapter continues with discussing the capital market consequences of

narrative risk disclosures, and then we take a brief look at the quality impact that risk

disclosure standards have. As a conclusion, a hypothesis development is presented

together with the two research hypotheses of the thesis.

3.1 Regulation of risk disclosure and risk disclosure quality

Researchers have shown increasing interest in the field of risk disclosure in recent years

(e.g. Solomon et al., 2000; Beretta & Bozzolan, 2004; Miihkinen, 2012; Martikainen et

al., 2015). Despite the increased interest it is still one of the most unexplored and

ambiguous areas within corporate disclosure. Especially the quality of risk disclosure

needs more research in order to be fully comprehended.

The purpose of risk management is to maximize profitability while minimizing the

likelihood of financial failure, and therefore it is needed to maximize shareholder’s

wealth (Solomon et al., 2000). Risk disclosure is also beneficial for other stakeholders

such as customers and employees. Financial reporting is often criticized for not

providing a sufficient and detailed description of risks and uncertainties facing the

company. The problem has been noticed by standard-setters, practitioners and

academics and a question has been raised on whether specific standards should be

developed for risk disclosure in annual reports.

Before Miihkinens’ (2012) study there had been no evidence on how effective regulation

can be in improving overall risk disclosure quality within one single country. Beretta

and Bozzolan (2004) suggested future research to assess the problem of whether the

extent of regulation of the operating environment of firms can explain the quality of

firm risk disclosure. Previous researched showed that firms do react to new disclosure

recommendations and requirements (Roulstone, 1999; Miihkinen, 2008). This

research gap suggested by Beretta and Bozzolan (2004) was later assessed by

Miihkinen (2012) in light of the unique regulatory change in Finland in 2006.

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By introducing a new detailed risk standard Finland took a leap towards being one of

the most developed countries concerning risk disclosure regulation. Miihkinen was one

if the pioneers in examining the drivers of quality of firm risk disclosure when he

examined the results of the regulatory change in Finland when the new national

disclosure standard was introduced in 2006. By using data from all the firms listed on

OMX Helsinki, Miihkinen (2012) used different proxies (quantity, coverage and

semantic properties of firm risk disclosures) in defining the quality of risk disclosure.

Miihkinen (2012) found that the new risk disclosure standard increased firm’s quality

of risk disclosure in several dimensions. There was still a notable reluctance in

providing monetary estimates of risk though, which is consistent with e.g. Beretta and

Bozzolan (2004). The second major finding was that increases in the overall quality of

risk disclosure were driven by the standard’s coercive (forcing) effect. Other factors

found to drive quality are size of the firm, profitability and a potential listing on NYSE.

In an international setting there is in general very little clear regulation concerning firm

risk disclosure. Italian firms disclose some risk information voluntarily but are mostly

oriented towards a policy of ‘formal disclosure but substantial nondisclosure’

concerning the expected influence of risks on firm’s futures (Beretta & Bozzolan, 2004).

Risk disclosures in Canada were found to lack uniformity, clarity and quantification

and therefore they are not very useful to stakeholders (Lajili & Zéghal, 2005). Linsley &

Shrives (2006) examined UK risk disclosure practices and concluded that quantitative

risk information is provided by only a few firms and that coherence is lacking from risk

narratives. These findings indicate a gap in risk information and that stakeholders

cannot appreciate the risk profiles of firms in an accurate manner. Another UK study by

Linsley & Lawrence (2007) analyzed UK companies’ risk disclosure writing style and

demonstrated a lack of readability of those disclosures.

Research has shown that there is a strong association between globalized operations

and disclosure levels (Cahan et al., 2005; Khanna et al., 2004). Dobler et al. (2011)

conducted an international study on attributes of corporate risk disclosures. The results

were that managers generally disclose risks in management reports while concentrating

on financial risk categories. Very little forward-looking and quantitative risk

information was given across the sample countries (Germany, UK, US and Canada).

The conclusions of the study was that domestic regulation only can explain cross-

country differences in disclosure to some extent, indicating that motives for risk

disclosure have a major impact on the reporting decisions managers make.

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3.2 Reporting incentives

Risk disclosure in regulated environments is also influenced by risk reporting

incentives (Dobler et al., 2011). Some firms are naturally more exposed to risk and as a

result they have more potential information to disclose to the capital markets. Firm’s

risk of bankruptcy is increased by high leverage and simultaneously those firms are also

more vulnerable to risks. What firms decide to disclose, including risk disclosure, is

determined by several different factors including firm size (Brammer & Pavelin, 2006),

profitability (Lang & Lundholm, 1993), growth prospects (Miihkinen, 2008), listing

status (Cooke, 1989) and need for external financing (Lang & Lundholm, 1993).

Brammer & Pavelin (2006) found that large, less indebted firms with spread ownership

are noticeably more likely to disclose information on their environmental impact

voluntarily. The quality of the disclosed information could also be observed to be

positively associated with the size of the firm and its corporate environmental impact.

Larger firms have higher agency costs, lower proprietary cost and most importantly in

this context: lower unit costs of disclosure (Miihkinen, 2008). In the context of

manager’s disclosure incentives Miihkinen (2008) concludes that firm size and growth

prospects are positively associated with recommended disclosure.

The Nordic countries have a lot of similarities but there are remarkable differences

between e.g. the economies in Sweden and in Finland. The economy in Sweden is

dominated by a small number of multinational companies with multiple quotations. In

Finland, only a handful of companies listed on OMX Helsinki are quoted elsewhere too.

Cooke (1989) showed that listing status is a crucial factor in explaining variability of

voluntary disclosure in Sweden. If a company had to raise foreign capital there was a

much higher likelihood of increased voluntary disclosures which could be explained by

foreign regulation and SEC regulations in particular.

In general, companies like to disclosure information that makes them look good so that

they can attract more investors and keep their shareholders satisfied. Lang &

Lundholm (1993) found that firms performing well, especially concerning stock

returns, had more extensive disclosure. Firms that received a high quality rating by

analysts usually had a high disclosure score, and they also used more conservative

accounting practices. Research has shown that the need to attract new capital is what

managers see as the primary motivation for issuing earnings forecasts. If managers

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place a lot of weight on maximizing the current firm value, the larger is the incentive to

disclose positive information right before a security offering.

In countries where disclosures are voluntary managers have a remarkable impact on

what is disclosed and what is not. That is why it is of great importance to research what

it is that motivates managers in their disclosure processes. Manager’s risk disclosure

behavior may be influenced by business risk, which is the joint definition of volatility of

yearly cash-flows and globalization (Cahan et al., 2005). Increased disclosure helps

investors in the monitoring of the firm’s management, reducing investor’s transaction

costs and the firm’s cost of capital.

Marshall & Weetman (2007) showed that managers sit on a lot more mandatory

information on foreign exchange risk management than they actually disclose and that

the managers prefer to leave scope for obfuscation in this disclosure area. This means

that there is an information gap between the managers and the users of the financial

statements and therefore also a lack of transparency. The authors concluded that

managers seem to prefer reacting to market demands instead of setting an ideal target

for the level of risk disclosure.

Ownership structure and board composition are corporate governance mechanisms

with potential impact on disclosure. This relation was examined by Eng & Mak (2003)

who wanted to find out whether there is an impact on voluntary disclosure that can be

derived from board structure and corporate governance mechanisms. The results

showed that low managerial ownership combined with significant government

ownership is associated with an increased amount of voluntary disclosure. This

relationship supports the arguments of that moral hazard and agency problems arising

from government ownership are controlled by disclosure, which forms a strong tool in

resisting these problems (Eng & Mak, 2003). The authors also found that larger firms

provide greater disclosure and that low debt firms provide more extensive information

as well. These results are consistent with previous findings on that managerial

ownership, debt and outside directors can be viewed as substitutes for disclosure in

corporate governance.

3.3 Risk disclosure and the financial crises

The financial crises starting in 2008 caused long-term effects in the Finnish economy.

Companies in Finland started paying attention to the crises at an early stage and many

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of them mentioned the crises as a prominent risk in their annual statements from year

2009. There is quite limited academic research on risk disclosure and the effect of the

financial crises on risk disclosure is even less examined. Some forerunners in the field,

such as Canada and Italy, have paid attention to this research gap which will be

discussed further in this subchapter.

Canada is one of the industrialized countries that are most forthcoming about their risk

and enterprise risk management activities (Quinn, 2010). Maingot et al. (2012)

hypothesized that the global financial crises had a remarkable effect on companies’ risk

profiles and thereby also on the disclosures of enterprise risk management. The

purpose of their study was to examine how the financial crisis affected enterprise risk

disclosures by Canadian companies.

Maingot et al. (2012) conducted their study by a content analysis of Canadian

corporations’ annual reports from 2007 and 2008. The study comprised companies

listed on the S&P TSX composite index. The authors tracked and categorized 14 types of

risks. Results from the study showed a 3,6% increase in overall risk disclosures from

year 2007 to year 2008. An even smaller increase in the disclosed levels of risk was also

observed. Only economic and credit risk showed more than minor increases in the

disclosure of risk consequences (Maingot et al., 2012). The conclusion was that the

2008 financial crises did not have a major impact on the risk disclosures by non-

financial Canadian corporations.

In Europe, Italy has been a forerunner in the field risk disclosure research for quite

some time. The Italian researchers Malafronte & Starita (2014) examined disclosure

practices and the effect of the financial crises in the European insurance industry

between 2005 and 2010. Focus lies on the readability of the disclosed documents, the

amount of disclosed risk information and its’ determinants. The authors want to

provide evidence on the relationship between risk disclosure levels, characteristics of

the insurers and the impact of the financial crises.

The sample in the study by Malafronte & Starita (2014) consisted of 47 European

insurance companies observed over years 2005-2010. Results from the study show that

there is a serious lack of readability of the annual reports, mainly affecting regular

consumers. This can be seen as a threat against consumer protection even though it is

not ruled out that financially educated stakeholders can read and interpret the reports

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in a correct manner. Companies do not seem to increase efforts in improving the

readability over time either.

During the research time horizon the level of disclosure increased over time

(Malafronte & Starita, 2014). A stronger growth of disclosure was observed between

2008 and 2010. Several tests conducted by the authors show that there is no

relationship between the quantity and quality of disclosure, which indicates that

choices surrounding readability and disclosure are based on different criteria. The

analysis of the end results also show that the amount of disclosed risk information is

strongly affected by the insurer’s characteristics, such as firm size, profitability, reserve,

home country, year of observation and the financial crises. These findings show that the

European insurance industry invested more in disclosure during the financial crisis. In

other words, it was necessary to disclose more relevant risk information in an effective

manner to maintain market confidence (Malafronte & Starita, 2014).

Barth & Landsman (2010) examined the role of financial reporting in the financial

crisis context under IFRS and US GAAP. Their study focused on four topics: the

reporting of fair values, asset securitizations, derivatives and loan loss provisioning.

Banks played a large role in the 2008 financial crises and the discussion and analysis by

Barth & Landsman (2010) focuses on the effects of financial reporting by banks.

The authors summarized financial reporting requirements under IFRS and US GAAP

for each one of the four topics. Then they offered insights in whether the reported

information available to investors was transparent enough to make appropriate

judgements. Loans comprise a large part of banks’ assets which is why it was also

discussed how loan loss provisioning could have contributed to the financial crises

through its effects on procyclicality and market discipline effectiveness (Barth &

Landsman, 2010).

The results from the study by Barth & Landsman (2010) showed that fair value

accounting played an insignificant role in the financial crises. However, the

transparency of information and the information disclosure on securitizations and

derivatives were most likely insufficient for investors to properly assess the riskiness

and values of affected bank assets and liabilities. By requiring enhanced disclosures, the

FASB and IASB have taken action in improving disclosures of asset securitizations.

Despite this, more actions are needed to reach the objective of more transparent and

efficient reporting (Barth & Landsman, 2010).

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Probohudono et al. (2011) examined the disclosure of key risk factors experienced by

companies in Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore and Australia during the turbulent

financial period of 2007-2009. Of these countries Singapore and Malaysia experienced

a significant drop in their economic activity. The authors wanted to determine the

extent of manufacturing companies’ risk disclosures in annual reports during 2007-

2009, to what extent those risk disclosures changed over time and what the factors

were that could explain the levels of firm risk disclosures. Better communication and

disclosures are essential in economically challenging times to overcome public distrust

and to make standard setters take action as well.

The results of the study showed that companies disclosed less risk information during

the whole financial crises period. This scarce communication of comprehensive risk

elements led to even more uncertainty (Probohudono et al., 2011), in addition to the

widespread distrust that affected the markets as a result of highly published failures.

The biggest difference in disclosure could be observed in year 2009. In a regression

analysis the authors also found that company size and board independence statistically

helped in explaining the extent of risk disclosures.

3.4 Capital market consequences of firm’s narrative risk disclosures

When a significant news event or relevant financial information is released there are

consequences in the capital markets called market reactions. A market reaction is the

strong directional movement or incessant period of volatility that follows these types of

information releases (Kim & Verrecchia, 1991). Depending on the contents of the

disclosures, the market reaction can be positive, negative or uncertain.

Several studies have shown that when a firm reveals information to the public in order

to reduce information asymmetry the firm can reduce its cost of capital simultaneously.

This happens when an increased liquidity of the firm’s securities starts attracting

increased demand from large investors. One of the studies confirming these findings is

Diamond & Verrecchia (1991). They showed how market makers with limited risk

bearing capacity interact with effects of private information when determining security

prices. Diamond & Verrecchia (1991) also found that voluntary disclosure can improve

stock liquidity since it reduces the information asymmetry between informed and

uninformed investors.

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Diamond & Verrachia (1991) emphasized the risk bearing capacity in market making.

Increased disclosure can cause some market makers to exit when an endogenous

amount of risk bearing capacity is allowed in market making. Disclosures were found to

reduce the cost of capital for firms despite the exit of some market makers. However,

the authors also identified situations where reduced information asymmetry had a

negative effect and raised the cost of capital. In these cases a reduction of information

asymmetry had caused a too rapid exit from market making.

Corporate disclosure is a critical for having functioning and efficient capital markets

(Healey & Palepu, 2001). Capital markets are constantly subject to the lemon problem3,

and when this problem remains unsolved it will lead to undervaluation of some good

ideas and overvaluation of bad ideas based on the available information. Healy &

Palepu (2001) identify three types of capital market consequences: improved stock

liquidity, reduced cost of capital and increased information intermediation.

Investors can be sufficiently confident that stock transactions occur at a “fair price”

when a firm discloses high levels of information. This can lead to improved stock

liquidity for a firm, since information asymmetry is reduced (Healy & Palepu, 2001).

When firm disclosure is incomplete it is the investors who bear the risk when

forecasting their investments’ future payoffs, and if the risk is non-diversifiable

investors will demand return for bearing the information risk. That is why firms with

high disclosure levels (and therefore low levels of information risk) most likely have

lower cost of capital. Healy & Palepu (2001) also concluded that in cases where

management is not fully revealing private information through disclosures, the cost of

information acquisition for analysts can be lowered by voluntary disclosure and hence

increase their information supply. Extensive voluntary disclosure will therefore

increase information intermediation.

Lambert et al. (2007) investigated how and whether disclosed accounting information

affects firms’ cost of capital. Cost of capital was defined as the expected return on a

firm’s stock. The authors found that the quality of the accounting information

influences the cost of capital of a firm both directly and indirectly.

3 Healy & Palepu (2001) explain the lemon problem as a situation where half of business ideas are “good”

and the other half are “bad”. The situation involves investors and entrepreneurs, both rational who value

investments that are conditional on their own information. When information is withheld, entrepreneurs

might convince investors that their “bad” ideas are as valuable as the “good” ones. Investors are rational

and realize this possibility, and will therefore have to value both ideas at an average level.

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The direct effect is seen in market participants affected perceptions about future cash

flow distributions. Assessed covariance between a firm’s cash flow and other firm’s cash

flows are affected by the quality of disclosures, which caused the direct effect (Lambert

et al., 2007). The indirect effect can be observed as affected real decisions that later can

alter the distribution of future cash flows.

3.5 The quality impact risk disclosure standards

FRR No.48 is an extensive standard, something that is characteristic for the rules-

based accounting environment in the US (Miihkinen, 2012). Roulstone (1999) showed

that FRR No.48 has a coercive effect on firm’s market risk reporting and that market

risk disclosures, which only was recommended and not required under FAS No.119,

expanded remarkably under FRR No.48. Despite the coercive effect the comprehensive

standard had on firms’ reporting, there still was a great variation in detail and clarity of

the market risk disclosures.

The Finnish standard introduced in 2006 shares some features with FRR No.48 in the

sense that they both are detailed. A major difference between them is the illustrative

examples that form an appendix to the Finnish standard and those should increase the

standards’ coercive effect. Because of its descriptive nature, the Finnish standard

promotes the importance of providing both quantitative and qualitative risk

information on the whole scale of risk topics. The guidance provided by the Finnish

Accounting Practice Board emphasizes that one of their main objective with the new

standard is to motivate firms to provide wide coverage of risk topics in their risk


In December 2005 SEC started requiring overall risk reviews in both annual and

quarterly reports (Marshall & Weetman, 2002). Compared to the Finnish standard its

coercive effect is much weaker because of it being a lot shorter, vaguer and lacking

disclosure examples, all of these factors contributing to the lack of coercion. As a direct

consequence SEC warned for low-quality overall risk reviews provided by firms.

Miihkinen (2012) proposes that Finnish firms may have been unwilling to report risks

fearing litigation costs and/or proprietary costs before the introduction of the standard.

Firms facing bad news may also have been motivated to take distance from risk

disclosures to avoid the negative impact they could have on valuation. Miihkinen

(2012) argues that the standard introduced in Finland in 2006 has a strong enough

coercive effect in order to influence firms’ risk disclosure choices.

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3.6 Hypothesis development

When standard setters introduce new standards on reporting they expect that the

quality of the reporting in question will be improved. By providing more detailed

guidelines and perhaps even concrete examples reporting, reporting might in a best

case scenario become more standardized, transparent and informative. When

discussing the potential improvement in quality of risk disclosures in Finland it can be

compared to the effects of the U.S. standard FRR No. 48.

The new Finnish risk disclosure standard was introduced in year 2006. Two years later

the global financial crisis hit Finland with full force, with year 2009 as its most affected

year measured in GDP loss and attention in companies’ annual reports. Miihkinen

(2012) found that the new standard had had a positive effect on risk disclosure quality

in year 2006, and his robustness tests also showed that the improvement continued in

years 2007 and 2008. This means that risk disclosure quality in year 2009, in the light

of the financial crisis, remains unexplored.

According to previous literature shareholders request more information during

financially challenging times (Starita & Malafronte, 2010; Barth & Landsman, 2010).

As they want to make informed decisions, it is important that companies disclose

relevant information that raises confidence in the markets. Research has shown that

transparency of information during the financial crisis was insufficient for investors to

evaluate the riskiness of e.g. bank assets and liabilities (Barth & Landsman, 2010).

Under financial crisis circumstances managers might use corporate disclosure to

explain poor earnings performance and reduce the risk of undervaluation. This is the

hypothesis under voluntary disclosure theory, and is especially prominent when there

is a risk for job loss for the management accompanied by poor stock and earnings

performance (Healy & Palepu, 2001). Diamond & Verrecchia (1991) argues that

company disclosure reduces the information asymmetry between informed and less

informed investors, which means that stock transactions with companies that have high

levels of disclosure should occur at a “fair price”. This is highly desirable for investors

during the uncertain times of a financial crisis.

Risk disclosure quality is in this study determined as the amount of risk disclosure

quantity and coverage. The studies discussed in this subchapter stipulate that increased

disclosure would have positive effects for both companies and their investors. We argue

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that the financial crisis has increased the amount of risk disclosures and therefore also

improved risk disclosure quality. Therefore we test the following hypothesis:

H1. The financial crisis has improved the quality of firm risk disclosure significantly.

Previous research has found that certain reporting incentives have had an impact on

disclosure quality (Cooke, 1989; Eng & Mak, 2003; Miihkinen, 2012 etc.). These

reporting incentives have shown to be present in both environments with voluntary and

mandatory risk disclosures. The risk disclosure standard introduced in 2006 serves as

guidance for the Finnish risk reporting but other factors might have an impact on the

disclosures as well. Previous studies have documented an impact on disclosures by

certain firm specific features that have had an effect on quantity and coverage.

Therefore we test our second hypothesis:

H2. The quality of risk disclosures has been affected by reporting incentives.

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The main objective of this study is to find out if there has been any significant change in

risk disclosure quality when comparing the years 2007 and 2009. As a follow up

question we also want to map out which reporting incentives, if any, have had an

impact on risk disclosure quality. The nature of the thesis is hypothesis-driven

research, which means that we are trying to find a causal relationship between the

research years and risk disclosure quality. Primary data is gathered from databases and

annual reports while some secondary data is retrieved from companies’ annual reports.

The data is then analyzed through statistical methods in accordance with quantitative

research methods.

Data analysis is done by collecting and classifying data from annual reports for the

companies listed on OMXH 25 for the respective years. Based on this data, scores for

the quantity and coverage of risk disclosure are calculated. To control for relevant

reporting incentives, regressions are performed including seven independent variables

together with the main test variables; years 2007 and 2009.

We begin the chapter by defining a framework for risk disclosure. Disclosure quality is

defined by two different properties: quantity and coverage. Empirical indicators for risk

disclosure quality are needed to form an extensive measure of the risk disclosure

quality. In this study an extensive measure, or full model, consists of the risk indicators

(separate models for quantity and coverage) together with all the reporting incentives

discussed later in this chapter.

4.1 A risk disclosure framework

The purpose of the study is to see whether the financial crisis has had an effect on the

quality of firm risk disclosures. The problem area also includes other aspects, such as

which control variables (also called reporting incentives in this study) might have an

effect on the quality. Even though the Finnish risk reporting standard has given clear

guidelines on how to disclose risks, there are still other firm specific factors that might

have an impact on the quality. Previous studies are used as guidance when determining

and selecting which variables might have had an impact on disclosure quality.

Previous research has used different indicators as a measure for risk disclosure quality.

These include quantity of disclosure (Abraham & Cox, 2007), coverage of disclosure

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(Beattie et al., 2004) and semantic properties of disclosure (Beretta & Bozzolan, 2004;

Beretta & Bozzolan, 2008). This study will use quantity and coverage as proxies for firm

risk disclosure since those measures have been used the most in previous studies.

Miihkinen (2012) summarized a set of control variables that possible could have an

effect on firm risk disclosures that he used in his regressions. Of these variables seven

have been selected for this study with the motivation that these seven variables have a

lot of support in previous research and literature.

In 2008 the financial crisis hit the world markets with full force and affected economies

worldwide. In 2009, which is one of the years under scrutiny in this study, the crisis

was strongly evident in Finland. Risk reporting had gained more attention due to the

new risk disclosure standard that was introduced a couple of years earlier. With the

presence of the financial crisis it suddenly was not as clear anymore that risk

disclosures had been standardized due to the new standard. Despite the interest for risk

disclosure in Finland, the effect of the financial crisis on corporate risk disclosure is still

an unexplored topic in a Finnish context.

Research on risk disclosure and the financial crisis has been conducted in certain other

countries with different regulatory backgrounds than Finland. Maingot et al. (2012)

found that there was only a slight increase in the quantity of risk disclosures for

Canadian companies due to the financial crisis. In Italy, Malafronte and Starita (2014)

found a continuous increase in disclosures that was particularly evident between the

years 2008-2010. Probohudono et al. (2012) found that companies in Southeast Asia

disclosed less information during the crisis years. This illustrates the opposing research

results and shows a need for contributing studies in the field of risk disclosure quality

during the financial crisis.

In this paper risk disclosure is defined as all the information firms provide in their risk

reviews that they present in their annual reports. The information classified as risk

disclosure is such that describes the major risks opposing the firm as well as their

expected economic impact they have on the firms’ future performance. In practice this

also takes form as forward-looking information helping investors to approximate future

cash flows in an appropriate way. An important part of the disclosures are also

potential sources of uncertainty that are surrounding the forecasts of future cash flows

of the firm, and sources of non-diversifiable risk information that should be included in

cost of capital (Miihkinen, 2012).

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The five risk categories defined in the standard by the Finnish Accounting Practice

Board constitutes the foundation of the risk disclosure framework in this paper. These

risk categories are typical for all firms, and they are defined in the standard as strategic

risks, operational risks, financial risks, damage risks and risk management. Examples

of risk disclosure formats together with numerous examples of the risk items in the

different categories can be found in the standard. This reduces the risk for companies

misunderstanding the standard and interpreting it in a different manner than the

standard setters intended. Miihkinen (2012) extended his framework by adopting risk

disclosure subtopics from Linsley & Shrives (2006). This thesis will focus only on the

main risk topics listed in the Finnish standard. A more detailed overview of the five risk

categories can be found in Appendix 1.

This study is conducted as a hypothesis-based quantitative research. The reason for this

study to be quantitative and not qualitative is that it used numerical data and statistical

analysis to reach a conclusion. This method is also established in the field of risk

disclosure research, and the method is based on previous studies. In contrast to

qualitative research, this study will also assess two hypotheses and conclude whether

these hypotheses are true or not.

4.2 Quality of risk disclosure in empirical indicators

Previous literature has suggested different methods and measures in assessing the

quality of firm risk disclosure. Many of these studies show a positive correlation

between quantity and quality (Botosan, 2004; Abraham & Cox, 2007) and to simplify it

is often seen as that more disclosure equals higher quality disclosure as well. Botosan

(2004) states that the conceptual frameworks IASB and FASB provide good guidelines

for judging information quality based on generally accepted views. In reality, it is

difficult to find a single framework that would determine whether disclosures are of

high quality or not.

It is important to recognize the fact that there are some conceptual difficulties in

measuring disclosure quality because of its subjective nature. Risk disclosure is formed

by text, numbers and figures that are used by mostly educated end-users. What is high

quality to one person might not be that to another. To simplify, high quality

information is usually defined as efficient information that helps investors in making

informed decisions. In addition, risk disclosures often include some elements that are

difficult to measure in a quantitative manner, such as pictures and risk charts.

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To assess disclosure quality in the best possible manner reaching results that are

complete, reliable and valid, one can utilize existing quality indicators from previous

literature. Beattie et al. (2004) and Beretta & Bozzolan (2004) provide indicators

relating to the quantity and coverage of the disclosed risk information. These indicators

have been widely used in the risk disclosure field by e.g. Miihkinen (2012). Based on

these well-tried methods we select our proxies for risk disclosure quality: quantity and


4.2.1 Quantity of risk disclosure

The first proxy for firm risk disclosure is calculated by the number of risk disclosure

words provided by the firm. This data was gathered by hand from companies’ annual

reports that were retrieved online from the respective companies’ homepages. The

annual reports used in this study were all in Finnish since that is the original reporting

language for these companies. Because this disclosure data is collected and analyzed as

a first-hand experience it is classified as primary data.

After downloading annual reports for each company for the years 2007 and 2009, the

risk section in the OFR and the note with financial risks in the financial statements was

copied word by word into an electronic word count program. The total amount of words

provided in the OFR risk section together with the note on financial risks from the

financial statements together constitute the total number of risk disclosure words.

The empirical indicator for risk disclosure quantity is:

QUANTITY = ln (total number of risk disclosure words)

Using the logarithm instead of just the raw number of words makes the distribution

more symmetric (Martikainen et al., 2015). If a firm provides 500 words of risk

information we can calculate the disclosure score as follows:

Disclosure score = Quantity = ln (500) = 6.21.

4.2.2 Coverage of risk disclosure

Beattie et al. (2004) showed that investors need a broad and balanced overview of the

major risks facing a firm to be able to evaluate a firm’s value. This factor was also

emphasized in the standard by the Finnish Accounting Practice Board. The data for

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calculating risk disclosure coverage was also collected by hand from annual reports and

therefore it is categorized as primary data as well.

After copying the OFR risk review section and the note in the financial statements

describing financial risks into an electronic document the total amount of words was

obtained, identical to the process with risk disclosure quantity. Then the retrieved risk

information was read through and analyzed, while classifying the text into one of the

five risk categories (operational risk, strategic risk, financial risk, damage risk and risk

management) based on the risk categories provided in the Finnish risk disclosure

standard. A detailed description of how the risk disclosures were classified can be found

in Appendix 3. Finally, the amount of words in each risk category was calculated.

The Herfindahl index (H) measures concentration of corporate disclosures across risk

topics in this study. Risk topics are taken straight from the Finnish standard by reading

the statements and hand picking and classifying the risk disclosure words into one of

the five categories. The empirical indicator for risk disclosure coverage is:

COVERAGE = [(1/H)/the number of main risk topics]

This measure describes how balanced the major firm risks descriptions are disclosed in

the annual report and how evenly corporate risk disclosures are divided across risk

topics. In order for investors to understand the overall risk profile of the firm it can be

useful for investors to receive equal coverage of all the major risk information

dimensions (Martikainen et al., 2015). In some cases an unbalanced risk profile may be

more informative if emphasis is put on the firm’s most important risks.

To illustrate the process of reaching the score for Coverage an example will be

presented below. We calculate that the risk information provided by Kone Oyj in 2009

could be divided across risk topics as follows:

Strategic risk: 111 words Operational risk: 102 word Financial risk: 708 words Damage risk: 33 words Risk management: 93 words (Total 1047 words) Herfindahl index = H = (111/1047)² + (102/1047)² + (708/1047)² + (33/1047)² +

(93/1047)² = 0,487

Disclosure score = Coverage = (1/0,487)/5 = 0,411

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The Herfindahl index H is a measure of concentration across risk topics and calculated

as 𝐻 = ∑ = 𝑃1 𝑖2𝑛

𝑖 , where 𝑝𝑖 is defined as the proportion of risk disclosure words on

the topic i. By taking the inverse of H a greater Herfindahl index is achieved and that

reflects disclosure coverage more extensively. A scaling of the value is made by dividing

it with 5, which is the number of main risk topics.

Firms naturally have different levels of exposure to risk. Despite this fact, they all get

the same opportunity to provide balanced risk disclosure in their annual reports and

thereby get a high value for Coverage. After the introduction of the Finnish standard in

2006 a balance of higher and lower exposures to risks in the OFR was pronounced. It

can be easy to put the focus on financial risks (that can be more extensively reported in

the notes to the financial statements) when it is equally valuable to report on minor

risks in the OFR. In other word, this section of the annual report is not meant for over-

reporting on the firms’ major and most significant risks (Martikainen et al., 2015).

4.3 Regression models and independent variables

In this study, regression analysis constitutes the main tests and these will be made

separately for the quality indicators Quantity and Coverage. More specifically a classical

linear regression model will be used. Regressions want to evaluate relationships

between a given variable and one or several other variables (Brooks, 2008). This means

that regressions attempt to explain movements in one variable by referring to other

variables’ movements.

The reason for using a classical linear regression model is that the regressions are

performed separately for the independent variables Quantity and Coverage. Therefore

there is only one independent variable per regression. An indicator variable for year

2009 is the main test variable in this study. This is an empirical measure for the

financial crisis. This year is selected because it is the year in which Finland had its’

lowest GDP which means that the crisis was very much prominent in the country. The

unstable financial situation was also mentioned in the risk sections of most sample firm

annual reports. Year 2007 is selected because it was after the introduction of the new

risk disclosure standard in Finland and before the financial crisis started in Finland in


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Regression models will be used to control for the impact of relevant reporting

incentives (such as risk sensitivity and profitability), corporate governance structures

(such as ownership distribution) and industry.

Estimation of the following linear regressions for the two different disclosure quality

indicators Quantity and Coverage represent the main tests in this study:

𝑄𝑢𝑎𝑙𝑖𝑡𝑦 𝑖𝑛𝑑𝑖𝑐𝑎𝑡𝑜𝑟𝑖𝑡= 𝑏0 + 𝑏1 𝐹𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑖𝑎𝑙 𝑐𝑟𝑖𝑠𝑖𝑠𝑖𝑡 + 𝑏2 𝑆𝑖𝑧𝑒𝑖𝑡 + 𝑏3 𝐿𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑔𝑒𝑖𝑡 + 𝑏4 𝑃/𝐵𝑖𝑡

+ 𝑏5 𝑅𝑂𝐴𝑖𝑡 + 𝑏6 𝐵𝑒𝑡𝑎𝑖𝑡 + 𝑏7 𝐹_𝑙𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑖𝑡 + 𝑏8 𝐼𝑛𝑠𝑂𝑤𝑛𝑖𝑡 + 𝑒𝑖𝑡

The financial crisis is here a dummy variable that is coded as 0 for year 2007 and 1 for

year 2009. e represents the regression residual and the subscript i refers to the firm and

t refers to the year.

This study’s independent variables are represented by the different reporting incentives

that have been found to have on effect on firm risk disclosures. The variables have been

selected from Miihkinen’s (2012) study with focus on the variables with most support

in the extant literature. These variables are firm size, ROA, foreign listing, leverage,

Beta, percentage of shares owned by form insiders and the Price-to-Book ratio. The

independent variables will be discussed further in the next section.

4.3.1 Reporting incentives

Previous research has detected certain reporting incentives that have shown to have an

effect on reporting quality. Seven of these incentives are included in this study, selected

based on accessibility and relevance. Miihkinen (2012) used these seven incentives in

his study when evaluating the quality of firm risk disclosures in combination with a

couple of other incentives that are excluded in this study. Each of the variables has also

been used in other similar research which allows for a point of reference when drawing

conclusions on how our independent variables will correlate with the dependent

variables disclosure quantity and coverage in this study.

Firm size is the first reporting incentive used in the regression model. It is calculated as

the natural logarithm of net sales with the data retrieved from Orbis database. Meek et

al. (1995) found that firm size has a positive effect on the extent of voluntary disclosure.

The study by Eng & Mak (2003) confirmed these results by finding that larger

companies disclose more financial, non-financial and strategic information. The size of

a company is a proxy of two features: political sensitivity and economies of scale. A

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larger corporation is more politically sensitive because of its potentially monopolistic

ability in the market (Abraham & Cox, 2007). That is why larger corporations are likely

to disclose higher levels of risk-related information explaining their level of return,

which then improves investor’s confidence in the company and reduces political


The ROA (return on assets) ratio is calculated as net income divided by total assets.

This information is retrieved from the Orbis database. ROA is a profitability measure

and has been explored in a disclosure context e.g. by Li et al. (2008). The study found

that there is a positive relationship between profitability and levels of disclosure. There

are several studies in this field with contradictory results with e.g. Meek et al. (1995)

that did not find any evidence of that the profitability of a firm would have any effect on

voluntary disclosures. Because of these mixed results from previous studies there is no

expected outcome concerning this test variable.

Foreign listing (F_listing) is used as an indicator variable=1, if the firm is listed on the

New York Stock Exchange, otherwise it is regarded as 0. Information on foreign listing

was found on the sample companies’ websites and in their annual statements. Cooke

(1989) found that the most crucial factor regarding the scope of voluntary disclosure

was whether the firm was listed or not. The effect was even more prominent when the

firm was listed abroad. Saudagaran & Biddle (1992) support this thought by claiming

that foreign listing leads to more disclosure by firms because of different disclosure

requirements in different countries. Since the requirements are the strictest for firms

listed in the U.S. stock exchanges, it can be concluded that firms listed on NYSE will

provide more risk disclosures in their annual reports.

Financial leverage (Leverage) of the firms was calculated as: 1-(common equity/total

assets). This information was retrieved from Orbis as well. Higher leverage is shown to

reduce the amounts of disclosure because leverage helps with controlling the free cash

flow problem (Jensen, 1986). Another reason is that the agency costs arising from debt

are controlled through debt covenants in restrictive debt agreements rather than in the

form if increased disclosure of information in annual reports. Other empirical evidence

in the field has not been able to document a positive relation between risk disclosures

and leverage (Meek et al., 1995; Depoers, 2000).

The price to book ratio is often viewed as an indicator for growth. Previous research

shows that information asymmetry and agency problems have an effect on external

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financing and therefore the firm’s ability to finance their growth opportunities. The

disclosure literature in its turn states that credible and holistic disclosures improves the

firm’s ability to take on potentially profitable projects by lowering the cost of external

financing (Khurana et al., 2006). As a conclusion, disclosure can be of help in making

firms grow by easing eternal financing constraints and allowing capital to flow to

projects with positive net present value. Hyytinen and Pajarinen (2002) showed that

excess growth is associated with disclosures of high quality. They interpreted their

results as that firms with positive information about their growth opportunities and

with limited internal resources hedge themselves against the risk of not being able to

raise external financing through qualitative disclosure.

Beta measures the volatility or systematic risk for securities and portfolios in relation to

the market as a whole. If beta is 1, it means that e.g. the stocks volatility is exactly the

same as the volatility of the market. If beta is over 1 it is more volatile than the market

and a value of less than 1 means that the security is less volatile than the market as a

whole. Firth (1984) examined the relationship between disclosure levels and systematic

risk and found no significant relationship between these two. He analyzed his results as

that some investors may benefit from greater amounts of disclosure but that disclosure

is not of great use when it comes to assessing current and future levels of systematic

risk. Prodhan & Harris (1989) examined how new requirements on disclosures on

geographical segments affected the systematic market risk. They found that betas were

lower after the introduction of the new requirements, compared to the betas before the

new requirements.

Percentage of shares owned by firm insiders (Clshs) was the last variable used in the

regression analysis. All sample firms reported this variable in their respective annual

reports. Eng & Mak (2003) stated that voluntary disclosure is expected to increase

when there is a higher proportion of outside ownership. This statement was confirmed

earlier in a study by Ruland et al. (1990) who found that as inside ownership increases,

firms become less likely to disclose management forecast of earnings. These results can

be applied to this study as a conclusion that a high percentage of shares owned by firm

insiders are associated with lower levels of risk disclosure.

Page 51: What Drives Risk Disclosure Quality?


4.4 T-test, Pearson correlation, Spearman rank and Wilcoxon test

When presenting the statistical results of this study, several statistical tests are used to

describe the relationships and differences between scores. The tests are used in Table 3

and Table 5 in chapter 5 and 6. These tests are described in detail in this subchapter.

T-tests are used as a statistical examination of the means in two populations. It shows

whether there is a significant difference between two groups. A presumption for a t-test

is that the spread within the groups is the same. 1%, 5% and 10% significance levels

will be used. T-tests are used in this study’s table for descriptive statistics for the means

for both year 2007 and 2009.

Correlation in a set of data describes how well the data is related. The Pearson

correlation (Pearson Product Moment Correlation, PPMC) is the most common

measure of correlation and shows a linear relationship between two data sets. In other

words it shows whether a line can be drawn in a graph to represent the data (Brooks,

2008). The Pearson correlation is not able to tell a difference between dependent and

independent variables and it does not give information on the strength of the

relationship between variables, it can only tell if there is a relationship. This correlation

can be observed in Table 5 on page 57.

The Wilcoxon test (Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test) is designed for when subjects are

measured on two occasions or under two different conditions. Compared to a t-test,

Wilcoxon is the non-parametric alternative that converts scores to ranks and compares

them at Time 1 and Time 2 while t-tests compare the means. This test will be performed

for the medians in section “Descriptive statistics” in this paper.

4.5 Multicollinearity

Multicollinearity is tested in order to ensure that the results from the separate variables

will give reliable results in the regression analysis presented in chapter 6. The

assumption when using an OLS estimation method is that there is no relationship

between the explanatory variables (Brooks, 2008). If this would be the case, the values

of the other variables would remain the same even when adding or removing a variable

from the regression model.

If multicollinearity between the variables would be an issue in this study it would mean

that there would be high standard errors and low significance among the variables. This

Page 52: What Drives Risk Disclosure Quality?


is why multicollinearity is tested for in a correlation matrix. The correlation matrix can

be found as Table 5 on page 57. From the matrix an analysis will be drawn assessing the

functionality of the model and whether the correlation coefficients are too high. Also if

correlations are low and significant it means that multicollinearity cannot be

completely ruled out from the study. Low correlations mean that they might not

necessary be an immediate problem for the study but that it shall be regarded as a

potential deficiency in the study.

4.6 Summary

In this chapter we define the research design of this study. This provides a walkthrough

of the methodology in the study and provides a foundation and reference point for the

next chapters where the results from the main tests are presented. The research

question to be answered in this study is whether the financial crisis had an impact on

risk disclosure quality. This is examined by comparing year 2007 (before the crisis) to

year 2009 (in the middle of the crisis).

Risk disclosure quality is examined with measures developed by Beretta & Bozzolan

(2004) and Beattie et al. (2004). This method includes measuring quality with two

different proxies: quantity and coverage. Quantity is calculated as a logarithm of the

total amount of risk disclosure words. Coverage is calculated as words per risk topic

together with the so called Herfindahl index.

To analyze the risk disclosure quality as a whole linear regressions are performed. The

regressions are conducted separately for Quantity and Coverage, and the full model

regression includes a quality indicator, a financial crisis dummy and all the reporting

incentives that have been discussed in this chapter. These will be presented in

regression tables in chapter 6.

The hypotheses in chapter 3 are based on previous research. The first hypothesis is

connected to the research question and states that the quality of firm risk disclosure did

improve after the financial crisis. The second hypothesis concerns the reporting

incentives mentioned in section 4.1.1. Previous research has shown that certain factors

have had an effect on disclosure quality, and some of these are included in this study.

These incentives are all included in the full regression model.

Page 53: What Drives Risk Disclosure Quality?



In this chapter the sample of the study is discussed further, together with the properties

and limitations of the sample. The data collection process will be described in more

detail to explain where the data is retrieved from, since this study uses mostly primary

data. As a foundation for regression and correlation analysis, the reporting incentives

will be presented as a table with descriptive statistics. This table gives a holistic view of

whether there has been any improvements in the sample firm’s disclosure quality

indicators (Quantity and Coverage) when comparing years 2007 and 2009.

5.1 Sample

This study’s’ target population consists of large Finnish firms listed in the OMXH 25

index. The Dow Jones Large-Cap 50 Index and the FTSE 100 index in the London

Stock Exchange could be compared to the Finnish OMXH 25 index. The companies in

the OMXH 25 index are subject to the highest public pressure because of their active

role in the stock market, especially when it comes to reducing information asymmetry

between corporate insiders and outsiders (Martikainen et al., 2015). In addition, the

companies listed in this index can be considered to be the most international ones of

Finnish listed firms, with several firms having largely international operations and

some of them also being listed abroad on foreign stock exchanges.

The companies in the OMXH index are retrieved from Nasdaq (on 24.11.2015). These

are the firms that are the most traded and followed in Finland and could be called the

‘créme de la créme´of Finnish firms (Martikainen et al., 2015). All of them follow IFRS

but in accordance with the Finnish Accounting Act4 they also have to publish operating

and financial reviews in compliance with Finnish standards (Miihkinen, 2012).

Of the selected 25 companies 24 were included in the final sample. The company from

OMXH 25 left out from the sample was Valmet, which was founded through a demerger

in 2013. A table showing all the observable OMXH 25 companies and how the quality

indicators have changes from year 2007 to 2009 can be found in Table 1 on the next


4 According to the Finnish Accounting Act all listed firms shall include an operating and financial review

section (OFR) in their financial statements. OFRs are conceptually similar to the management discussion

and analysis section (MD&A) in the United States (regulated by SEC), and IASB’s management

commentary (MC) section. The difference lies in who gives the commentaries: OFRs are given by the board

of directors while MD&A’s and MCs are given by the management.

Page 54: What Drives Risk Disclosure Quality?


Table 1: Difference in the quality indicators for each observable company from year 2007 to year 2009.

Table 1 illustrates that risk disclosure quantity has increased for 22 firms of 24. The two

firms that decreased their risk reporting are Huhtamäki Oyj (-3,876%), a producer for

packaging of food and drinks, and Tieto Oyj (-0,196%), an IT software and service

company. The companies with the most remarkable proportionate increase in risk

disclosure quantity are Konecranes Oyj (+8,293%), a lifting equipment manufacturer

and service provider, Orion Corporation (+7,935%), a pharmaceutical company, and

Wärtsilä Oyj (+8,305%), a power source manufacturer and service provider. On a

Δ Quantity Δ Coverage % Δ Quantity % Δ Coverage

Amer Sports Oyj + 0.161 + 0.041 2,226 % 9,798 %

Cargotec + 0.332 - 0.006 4,398 % 1,230 %

Elisa Oyj + 0.089 - 0.002 1,332 % 0,527 %

Fortum Oyj + 0.182 - 0.007 2,221 % 1,360 %

Huhtamäki Oyj - 0.268 - 0.164 3,876 % 30,738 %

Kemira Oyj + 0.04 - 0.196 0,533 % 42,446 %

Kesko Oyj B + 0.271 + 0.038 3,459 % 6,760 %

Kone Oyj + 0.140 + 0.040 2,058 % 10,654 %

Konecranes Oyj + 0.621 + 0.271 8,293 % 56,759 %

Metso Oyj + 0.371 + 0.102 4,629 % 15,332 %

Neste Oil + 0.112 - 0.013 1,409 % 3,744 %

Nokia Oyj + 0.133 - 0.012 1,677 % 2,086 %

Nokian Renkaat Oyj + 0.160 + 0.007 2,280 % 2,337 %

Nordea Bank AB FDR + 0.015 - 0.024 0,183 % 6,109 %

Orion B/Corporation + 0.569 - 0.003 7,935 % 0,444 %

Outokumpu Oyj + 0.008 - 0.088 0,099 % 16,688 %

Outotec + 0.235 + 0.012 3,147 % 1,941 %

Sampo A + 0.307 + 0.031 3,531 % 4,434 %

Stora Enso R + 0.060 - 0.029 0,735 % 4,415 %

TeliaSonera + 0.069 + 0.078 0,842 % 13,160 %

Tieto Oyj - 0.014 - 0.167 0,196 % 21,612 %

UPM-Kymmene Oyj + 0.216 - 0.008 2,806 % 1,634 %

Wärtsilä Oyj Abp + 0.609 + 0.053 8,305 % 8,143 %

YIT Oyj + 0.453 - 0.099 6,101 % 14,797 %

This table illustrates the increase (+)/decrease (-) in risk disclosure quantity and

coverage from year 2007 to 2009. The columns Δ Quantity and Δ Coverage indicate

whether the amount of risk disclosure words and risk topic coverage has increased

or decreased. % Δ Quantity and % Δ Coverage illustrates the proportionate

change of the indicators in %.

Page 55: What Drives Risk Disclosure Quality?


proportionate scale the changes in risk reporting quantity lie between -3,876% and


For risk reporting coverage, the results are more divided. Ten companies show an

increase in coverage while 14 show a decrease. This measure shows how balanced the

amount of disclosure is over the five different risk topics. A decrease in coverage can

therefore be interpreted as a focus shift in risk reporting: the amount of total disclosure

does not have to decrease but the firm starts disclosing extensively on one or several

topics that make the distribution of risk information uneven. On a proportionate level

one can observe notable changes in coverage. Three firms are particularly prominent:

Huhtamäki Oyj (-30,738%), Kemira Oyj (-42,446%), a chemical industry group, and

Konecranes Oyj (+56,759%). Huhtamäki Oyj showed the largest decrease in quantity

and also the second largest decrease in coverage. Konecranes Oyj on the other hand

showed both the largest increase in quantity and coverage.

5.2 Data

This study will mainly be using primary data from annual reports from year 2007 and

2009. The data can be classified as panel data. Quantity and Coverage data is gathered

and calculated manually which means that it is primary data. Leverage and firm size is

also calculated by hand using information from annual reports. Leverage is calculated

as total debt divided by total equity and firm size calculated as the logarithm of sales.

Beta is calculated by hand using data from Yahoo Finance in the form of adjusted closes

and market indexes.

Years 2007 and 2009 are the years under scrutiny in this study. 2007 is selected

because it represents the time before the crisis. In addition, it is after the new risk

disclosure standard was introduced which means that there is no such factor creating a

difference in disclosure requirements between the two research years. Year 2009 is

chosen because it is the year when the Finnish GDP reached its lowest point and when

multiple companies in our sample mentioned the financial crisis as a prominent risk in

their annual reports.

The data on risk disclosure will be hand collected from these annual reports. Data for

other variables will be retrieved from the Thomson Reuters Datastream database and

the Orbis database. The data from these databases are then either used as it is or used

in calculations to get the wanted ratio or other outcome. Matching pairs of disclosure of

Page 56: What Drives Risk Disclosure Quality?


the 25 sample firms before and after the financial crisis, and before and after the

financial crises, improves the sample design. It makes it possible to control the results

so that they will not be driven by for example the effects of the economic environment

or other potentially omitted factors not attributable to the financial reporting system

(Miihkinen, 2012).

The data on risk disclosure are collected from two sources in annual reports from 2007

and 2009. The sources are the operating and financial review sections (OFR) and the

note to the financial statements that is describing financial risks. In most examined

annual reports, companies reported very little on financial risk in the OFR section of

the annual report and referred to the financial risk note in the financial statements

instead. Because of this distribution of risk categories in Finnish annual statements, it

was decided that the risk note in the financial statement would be included as well to

provide an equal representation of risk categories.

5.3 Descriptive statistics

In this section of the paper the variables of the study will be looked into and analyzed in

more detail. As discussed earlier in the paper, there are several reporting incentives

that might affect the quality of firm risk disclosure. These incentives together with the

quality dimensions for risk disclosures can be seen in the table below.

Page 57: What Drives Risk Disclosure Quality?


Table 2: Variable definitions (Miihkinen, 2012)











Ln (total number of risk disclosure words) Inverse of the Herfindahl index value divided by the number of risk topics. An indicator variable for the financial crisis. Indicator variable=0 for year 2007 before the crisis and indicator variable=1 in 2009 during the financial crisis. The natural logarithm of net sales in million euros. Net sales data is retrieved from the Orbis database. Price-to-book ratio. The ratio represents year-end market capitalization to total common equity and was retrieved from Thomson Reuters Datastream. Return on asset ratio. It is calculated as net income divided by total assets. Data retrieved from Orbis. Indicator variable=1, if the firm is listed on the New York Stock Exchange, otherwise=0 The financial leverage of the firm computed as 1-(common equity/ total assets). Data was retrieved from firm’s annual reports. The beta of the company. It is computed from the weekly adjusted close and market index returns for fiscal years 2007 and 2009 respectively. MSCI Europe is used as a market index, we assume that European financial markets are fully integrated. The data was retrieved from Yahoo Finance. The percentage of shares owned by firm insiders. Data retrieved from firm’s annual reports.

Table 3 below reports the descriptive statistics of the variables for fiscal years 2007 and

2009. This includes the mean, median, standard deviation plus minimum and

maximum values. Paired samples tests are used with t-tests and Wilcoxon tests to

determine whether the change in values between the two sample years is significant for

each variable (excluding the financial crisis dummy). The variables presented are the

quality indicators together with the reporting incentives.

Page 58: What Drives Risk Disclosure Quality?


Quantity and Coverage have mean and median statistics fairly close to each other in

both of the observed years. This suggests that the variables are distributed

symmetrically. The increase in Quantity is shown to be significant for both the mean

and the median. Coverage did not show any significant results.

The standard deviation is higher for both Quantity and Coverage in year 2009.

Simultaneously, the minimum values are lower for both quality indicators in 2009. The

maximum value for Quantity is remarkably higher in 2009, while being slightly lower

for Coverage compared to its maximum value in 2007. These observations indicate that

there are greater variations within the sample in 2009 compared to year 2007. In

regards of Quantity, one of the companies in the sample started reporting less in year

2009 while one increased the amount of risk disclosures to a higher level than the

maximum risk reporting in 2007. The maximum and minimum scores for Coverage are

both lower in year 2009 which means that the spread of disclosure over risk topics was

more evenly distributed in year 2007.

In line with the first hypothesis, the results in Table 3 demonstrates that there has been

a significant increase in risk disclosure Quantity in 2009 compared to 2007. This would

mean that there has been an improvement in risk disclosure quality after the financial

crisis, when not taking into account the possible impact of the reporting incentives that

will be included in the regressions later on. In contract to the hypothesis, Coverage has

not been affected significantly after the financial crisis. In fact, Coverage has

deteriorated in year 2009 compared to year 2007.

Page 59: What Drives Risk Disclosure Quality?


Table 3: Descriptive statistics

Descriptive statistics of the variables (n=24)


Std. DeviationMin


20072009t-test (sig.)

20072009Wilcoxon (sig.)




Disclosure quality indicators:















Reporting incentives:

Size 22.272










































Insider own2.253%


0,090 %0,155 %

0,006***6,11 %

6,46 %0,00 %

0,00 %22,75 %

23,07 %

See table 2 for variable definitions. This table provides a summary of the mean, median, standard deviation, and minimum and maximum values for all the variables. In addition, the p-values for the t-test and Wilcoxon test for

paired samples are reported in the table. P-values significant at 1% or better are marked with ***, those at 5% or better are marked with ** and p-values significant at 10% are marked with *. Significances are calculated with a

two-tailed test. The number of observations is 24 forboth years. The disclosure data is hand collected from the 2007 and 2009 annual reports of the firms. The other variables are also measured at fiscal year end.

Page 60: What Drives Risk Disclosure Quality?


Concerning reporting incentives, significant changes have taken place for Size, P/B,

Beta and Insider ownership (only median).5 The change in P/B from year 2007 to 2009

was significant on a 1% level both in the tests for mean and median. For Beta, the

change for the mean was significant on a 1% level while being significant on a 5% level

for the median. Size was significant on a 10% level concerning the mean and on a 5%

level for the median. Interestingly, the change in median for Insider ownership was

significant on a 1% level while the mean did not show any significant results.

The descriptive statistics show that the changes in Leverage and ROA are non-

significant. For F_listing it is not possible to do a paired t-test or a Wilcoxon’s test since

the values are the same for both years 2007 and 2009. The mean for insider ownership

is not significant either.

Table 4: Descriptive statistics for firm-level regression variables (n=48)

Table 4 combines years 2007 and 2009, hence n=48. In this table we can observe the

mean, median and standard deviation for the whole sample. The dummy variable for

the financial crisis is also included. The scores for the 25th and 75th percentile have also

5 Reporting incentives have been subject to certain changes after the occurrence of the financial crisis. The

sample firm are smaller in terms of sales, their growth expectations are lower, and they are subject to

higher market risk and have a higher level of insider ownership in year 2009.

Variables Mean Std. Dev. 25th percentile Median 75th percentile

Quantity 7.709 0.546 7.241 7.761 8.107

Coverage 0.534 0.147 0.413 0.538 0.661

Fin_crisis 0.500 0.505 0.000 0.500 1.000

Size 22.172 1.002 21.286 22.213 22.900

Leverage 0.592 0.131 0.515 0.609 0.678

P/B 2.139 1.409 1.025 1.740 2.972

ROA 6.177 6.464 2.503 5.028 9.098

Beta 0.640 0.475 0.291 0.705 1.028

F_listing 0.250 0.438 0.000 0.000 0.750

Insider own 2.580% 6.229% 0.040% 0.110% 1.250%

Page 61: What Drives Risk Disclosure Quality?


been included in the table to illustrate how the sample is distributed. The 25th

percentile means that 25% of the sample are at or below the score in the table. The 75th

percentile then again shows a score for which 25% of the sample are higher.

Page 62: What Drives Risk Disclosure Quality?



This chapter provides analysis of the main tests of the study and results from the main

regressions and correlation tables. In the first subchapter a correlation matrix of the

quality indicators, the financial crisis dummy and the control variables (referred to as

reporting incentives in this study) is presented. In the second subchapter the financial

crisis’ effect on risk disclosure quality is evaluated through separate regressions for

Quantity and Coverage that are summarized in tables together with diagnostic


6.1 Correlation analysis

Table 5 in this section provides the correlation coefficients between the disclosure

quality indicators Quantity and Coverage, the financial crisis dummy and the

independent variables. The matrix combines the variables for years 2007 and 2009,

hence n=48. For variable definitions, see Table 2.

A correlation analysis is done in order to measure the degree of linear association

between two variables (Brooks, 2008). If two variables are correlated it means that

movements in the two variables on average are related to the extent determined by the

correlation coefficient. The correlation conducted in this study is called Pearson’s

correlation defined as the covariance of the variables in the sample divided by the

product of the sample’s standard deviations.

As seen in the table below, Quantity correlates positively and significantly with

Coverage and Size. These results would suggest that larger firms disclose more

information which is in line with previous studies (Eng & Mak, 2003; Miihkinen, 2012).

A significant negative correlation can also be observed between Quantity, InsOwn and

Price_book. These results indicate that higher insider ownership and higher P/B ratios

can be associated with lower quantity of risk disclosures. The results on insider

ownership are consistent with Eng & Mak (2003). Results on P/B is though not in line

with previous research which can be interpreted as that companies behave differently

during the crisis. Normally excess growth, which is a high P/B ratio, goes hand in hand

with high levels of disclosure (Hyytinen & Pajarinen, 2002) but our results indicate that

companies have an opposite behavior during the crisis.

Page 63: What Drives Risk Disclosure Quality?


Quantity Coverage Fin_crisis Size ROA F_listing Leverage InsOwn Price_book Beta

Quantity 1,000 ,360* ,199 ,366

* -,162 ,194 ,175 -,332*

-,350* ,217

Coverage ,360* 1,000 -,024 -,064 ,075 -,097 ,151 ,002 ,146 ,074

Fin_crisis ,199 -,024 1,000 -,096 -,128 0,000 -,066 ,125 -,659**


Size ,366* -,064 -,096 1,000 ,022 ,247 -,105 -,366

* -,007 ,087

ROA -,162 ,075 -,128 ,022 1,000 -,200 -,240 ,114 ,452** -,040

F_listing ,194 -,097 0,000 ,247 -,200 1,000 ,076 -,209 ,052 ,132

Leverage ,175 ,151 -,066 -,105 -,240 ,076 1,000 ,101 ,020 ,186

InsOwn -,332* ,002 ,125 -,366

* ,114 -,209 ,101 1,000 ,041 -,027

Price_book -,350* ,146 -,659

** -,007 ,452** ,052 ,020 ,041 1,000 -,321


Beta ,217 ,074 ,439** ,087 -,040 ,132 ,186 -,027 -,321

* 1,000

*. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).

**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

Coverage only has a significant correlation with Quantity. The correlations between

Coverage and the other variables lie between -0.097 and 0.151. All of these are relatively

low and close to zero. This means that movements in Coverage are not followed by

automatic change in some other variables and that Coverage therefore is not correlated

with any other variables than Quantity.

The dummy variable Fin_crisis was also included in the correlation matrix. The results

show significant negative correlation with the variable Price_book. This correlation is

the strongest in the whole correlation matrix and can be interpreted as that the P/B will

decrease during the financial crisis year. This was indeed the case during the financial

crisis. We noted that this correlation is very strong, which might indicate that there is a

multicollinearity problem. After careful evaluation it was concluded, that since the

correlation is less than 0.7 it can still be applied in this study (Cooke, 1989).

Fin_crisis also shows a positive significant correlation with Beta. Beta measures the

volatility or systematic risk and constitutes a quite unknown field of research in

connection with risk disclosure. The interpretation of this correlation would be that

companies had higher Beta’s during the financial crisis year, which also is consistent

with reality.

Table 5: Correlation matrix (n=48)

Page 64: What Drives Risk Disclosure Quality?


Other significant correlations can be observed between the variables Size and InsOwn,

ROA and Price_book and Beta and Price_book. The interpretation of these would be

that an increase in size can be associated with a lower degree of insider ownership

because of the negative correlation. A positive correlation between ROA and P/B

illustrates that higher return on assets often can be connected with a higher price-to-

book ratio. Finally, the negative correlation between Beta and P/B tells that a higher

Beta often can be associated with a lower P/B.

There are two variables that do not have any significant correlations with any other

variables. These are F_listing and Leverage. They do not have any correlation

coefficients that are high enough to be statistically significant.

6.2 The financial crisis’ impact on risk disclosure quality

In this section the results for the main tests of the study, the regression analysis, are

presented. Regressions are performed separately for the indicator variables Quantity

and Coverage. A dummy variable for the financial crisis together with independent

variables are also included in the regressions. To better illustrate the effect of separate

variables the regressions were performed as a so called staircase, which means that

more variables were added at every step.

Table 6 on page 61 shows the regression results for the quality indicator Quantity.

Table 7 on page 63 shows the results for Coverage. To see how different variables affect

the regression results different models have been included in the table. Variables that

have been proven to have an impact on risk disclosure quality in previous studies are

placed highest in the table; these are size, leverage and P/B.

Quantity and the financial crisis

We start with analyzing the quality indicator Quantity which regression results are

presented in Table 6 below. In regards of F-values, the overall findings show that all

regressions are statistically significant on a 5% level or better. Adjusted R-squares are

at a range from 9.5% to 23.5%6. Model d) in the regression table has the highest

adjusted R-square and is therefore the most describing model in Table 6.

6 For comparison, it can be mentioned that in Miihkinen (2012) the adjusted R-squares ranged from 10.8%

to 33.1%. Beretta & Bozzolan’s (2004) quality model had an adjusted R-square of 14.4% and Abraham &

Cox’s (2007) overall risk disclosure model had an adjusted R-square of 42.0%.

Page 65: What Drives Risk Disclosure Quality?


Contrary to hypothesis H1, the financial crisis is shown not to have a significant impact

on risk reporting quantity. This applies to all regression models shown in Table 6.

Fin_crisis is closest to being significant in Model b) that included Size and Leverage as

other independent variables but does not reach a level of significance even at a 10%

level. When more independent variables are added to the regressions, the significance

of Fin_crisis becomes very low.

These findings provide evidence of that the financial crisis has not had a significant

effect on risk reporting when comparing years 2007 and 2009. In Table 1 on page 48

we could observe an increase in quantity of risk disclosure among 22 of 24 firms, but

after conducting the regression analysis we find this increase to be insignificant. This

increase cannot unambiguously be addressed to the financial crisis since it is unknown

which changes in risk reporting would have occurred without the financial crisis taking

place. The regression results also indicate that the increase in risk disclosures can be

derived from other factors than the financial crisis.

Previous studies have not been able to document uniform results for the effect of the

financial crisis on risk disclosure quality. The results of from the regressions with

Quantity as a dependent variable are highly comparable to the study conducted in

Canada by Maingot et al. (2012). Their results also showed a small increase in risk

reporting quantity but their results were not significant. Similar findings were also

documented by Probohudono et al. (2013) in their study of key South-East Asian

countries. They found that risk disclosure quantity stayed relatively consistent during

the financial crisis.

The question that remains unanswered is why the financial crisis did not then have a

significant impact on risk disclosure for companies listed on the OMXH 25 index in

Finland. Previous research has widely documented that financial instability and

uncertainty highly goes hand in hand with companies increasing transparency and

giving out more information to their shareholders. Risk reporting is a small part of an

annual report after all. There is a strong possibility that companies have focused on

delivering other qualitative information than risk disclosures.

The Finnish reporting environment was subject to a new standard that came into effect

in 2006. Miihkinen (2012) found that this standard had had a significant improving

effect on risk disclosures by Finnish companies. It might be that after the introduction

of the standard the quality of risk disclosures was very high, and that an additional

Page 66: What Drives Risk Disclosure Quality?


improvement due to the financial crisis would have been almost impossible. The new

standard gave clear guidelines on how to report risks and many companies took this

standard to practice after its introduction. This means that companies had recently put

a lot of thought and effort into their risk reporting and therefore it might not have been

a first priority for companies to improve the risk reporting even further because of its

already high quality.

A company’s reporting is never subject to only one external factor, such as the financial

crisis. This study takes into account some reporting incentives which are factors coming

from both inside the company and from the outside markets. The impact of these other

factors seems to have been stronger than the financial crisis in this study. Risk

disclosure quality is simply more affected by firm size, leverage and P/B since these are

significant in Table 6. This confirms hypothesis H2, since risk disclosure quantity (and

therefore quality) has been significantly affected by size, leverage and P/B.

Many companies communicate risk in different kinds of charts, figures and images.

These illustrative risk descriptions do not include a lot of words but might be more

informative for the reader and in that sense improve the quality (usefulness) for the

shareholders. This kind of quality is very difficult to quantify and is therefore not taken

into account by the quality indicators used in this study.

Page 67: What Drives Risk Disclosure Quality?




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Std. Erro










j. R²






e3.475 (.039)

3.753 (.017)4.366 (.005)

3.895 (.005)3.217 (.011)

2.732 (.020)2.511 (.026)


. Of o








2 for variab

le d



s. P-valu

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r are m



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l a): +




l b)





l c): +





l d):






l e):







l f): +







l g):+






Table 6: Regression analysis for dependent variable Quantity

Page 68: What Drives Risk Disclosure Quality?


Coverage and the financial crisis

In this section the impact of the financial crisis on the quality indicator Coverage is

discussed. The F-values for Coverage are between 13.6% and 37.9%. None of these are

significant. All values for adjusted R-squares are negative and lie between -3.5% and -

12.7%. This indicates that all regression models have poor predictability.

The regression analysis shows that the financial crisis was not a significant factor in

describing the coverage of risk disclosures. This means that the change in the balance of

how much companies reported on each risk topic was insignificant. To our knowledge,

there are no studies examining the impact of the financial crisis on coverage

particularly, since the focus has been on quantity and the semantic properties of risk


Coverage measures how well balanced risk disclosures are distributed over the five

different risk topics (operational risk, strategic risk, financial risk, damage risk and risk

management). The fact that Coverage was not significant in any of the regression

results means that the financial crisis did not have a significant impact on how risk

information was distributed over the five risk topics after the crisis. It would be

expected that companies would start reporting more on financial risks to maintain

confidence after the financial crisis and with that lead to more unbalanced risk

reporting. The results from the regressions show that this reasoning is not necessary

true. Since the results were not significant some companies might have disclosed more

financial risks and other did not. The measure we use for Coverage does not take into

account the changes in the separate risk categories which is why we can only conclude

that the balance in the risk disclosures, and thereby the quality, was not affected by the

financial crisis.

In Table 1 on page 48 large variations in Coverage could be observed. The average

change in disclosure calculated as a total for all firms was only -0.771% despite the large

variations. It is a possibility that the large variations were evened out in the regression

and therefore gave insignificant results for the impact of the financial crisis.

Surprisingly, none of the independent variables in the regressions were significant

either. This will be discussed further in chapter 6.3.

Page 69: What Drives Risk Disclosure Quality?




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el b



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l d)



l e)



l f)M


el g) (co
























































































Std. Erro










j. R²






e0.208 (0.813)

0.136 (.938)0.192 (.941)

0.208 (.957)0.226 (.966)

0.241 (.972)0.379 (.925)


. Of o








2 for variab

le d



s. P-valu

es sign

ificant at 1%

or b


r are m



***, tho

se at 5%

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ality ind

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l a): +




l b)





l c): +





l d):






l e):







l f): +







l g):+






Table 7: Regression analysis for dependent variable coverage

Page 70: What Drives Risk Disclosure Quality?


6.3 Reporting incentives and risk disclosure

Dobler et al. (2011) showed that reporting incentives play a significant role in risk

reporting also in regulated risk disclosure environments. The incentives taken into

account in this study can be observed in Table 6 and Table 7. In this section the

reporting incentives will be discussed separately for Quantity and Coverage. In Table 6

one can observe several significant reporting incentives for Quantity, which means that

Hypothesis 2 is valid for Quantity.

Coverage showed no significant independent variables in the regression analysis.

Therefore Hypothesis 2 does not apply to Coverage. Control tests will be performed as

separate regressions for years 2007 and 2009 without the financial crisis dummy.

Through this method possible disturbance caused by the great variance in the sample is

eliminated and possible significant variables can be observed.

6.3.1 Quantity and reporting incentives

Size is significantly and positively associated with risk disclosure quantity in the five

first regression models (Model a) to e)). In Model f) and in the full model the

significance of Size is over 10% and therefore no longer significant. This means that

larger firms focus on giving out more risk information in their annual reports. These

results are consistent with previous literature that also documents a positive relation

between larger firms and increased risk disclosure (Linsley & Shrives, 2006; Miihkinen,

2012). Large firms usually have strong financial resources and can cover disclosure

costs voluntarily (Marshall & Weetman, 2002). It is also expected that larger firms

might suffer more from political costs which gives them increased incentives to give out

more information in their annual reports and to respond quickly to risk disclosure

standards and requirements (Watts & Zimmermann, 1978).

In contradistinction to Miihkinen’s (2012) study the Leverage (capital structure) is

positively associated with risk disclosure quantity in this study. Furthermore, Leverage

is also significant in all regression models. Normally companies that are heavily

indebted are reluctant to be transparent concerning their risks since high leverage

increases the risk of financial default. Our results imply that this is not the case under

financial crisis circumstances. This could be interpreted as that companies want to be

more transparent during the financial crisis, possibly to raise trust and confidence

among investors.

Page 71: What Drives Risk Disclosure Quality?


The last significant variable in the regression table with Quantity as a dependent

variable is P/B. In contrast to Miihkinen’s (2012) study, the P/B’s in this study have

negative coefficients. During financially “normal” times, where no financial crisis is

present, companies with good growth potential (high P/B ratio) usually provide large

amounts of risk information that also is evenly distributed over several risk topics.

Miihkinen (2012) therefore drew the conclusion that investors have higher expectations

on companies with high P/B ratios. The result from our regressions indicates the

opposite, which is that companies with higher P/B ratios would provide less risk

disclosure information. This does not have to mean that companies with high P/B

would have reduced their risk reporting, the more likely explanation is that companies

with lower P/B would have increased their risk reporting during the financial crisis

year. For companies with poor growth prospects enhanced reporting on risks could

increase transparency and awareness, which in its turn could raise confidence both

among investors and in the markets.

The variables not showing any significant results were ROA, Beta, foreign listing and

insider ownership. Interestingly, both ROA, beta and foreign listing were significant in

Miihkinens’ (2012) study. Previous studies have shown both a positive relationship

between ROA and disclosure levels and results showing the opposite. In this study ROA

did not have a significant impact on quantity. Foreign listing is often associated with

high quality disclosure (Cooke, 1989). For foreign listing it is most likely that the

disclosure levels were high already before the crisis so that the quantity was no longer

significantly affected. The systematic risk (beta) did not have a significant impact on

the quantity either: a vast amount of the sample companies had higher betas in 2009

but similar to the financial crisis variable this was not significant either. Other

independent variables had a stronger impact on the quantity, and thereby also the

quality of firm risk disclosures.

6.3.2 Coverage and reporting incentives

As mentioned in the previous subchapter, no independent variables were significant in

the regression analysis with Coverage as a dependent variable. The statistical power

among the results from the regressions for Coverage was weak and the results differed

from the ones by Miihkinen (2012). This can be a result of several different factors.

Some structural changes seem to have changed within risk disclosures when comparing

the years 2007 and 2009. This conclusion can be drawn from the fact that companies

Page 72: What Drives Risk Disclosure Quality?


on average score lower on Coverage in 2009. One explanation to this phenomenon

could be that investors no longer request risk information that is balanced over risk

topics and that companies have listened to this request. The presupposition is after all

that companies want to report such information that investors find useful and that

increases trust between the two parties.

When comparing the Coverage scores from year 2007 and 2009 one can observe great

variation within the sample (see Table 1 on page 48). The variation between the scores

lie between -42.446% and +56.759%. Because of this large variation the coefficient of

determination is low and the sample suffers from poor predictability. It might be that

because of the large structural changes within risk reporting the model used in this

study is no longer suitable for this purpose.

The sample used in the regressions is relatively small. It might be that the sample

would have benefitted from being larger in order to get more evenly distributed results.

In addition to the small sample size the regressions also include a relatively high

amount of control variables that might have an impact on the end result. On the other

hand none of the regressions for Coverage were even close to being significant so the

amount of control variables did not have a remarkable harmful effect. It is possible

though that the small sample size could have a harmful effect on the statistical power of

the tests and make it hard to generalize the results.

The variance in the Coverage scores for companies do tell that companies change their

disclosures from year to year and therefore most likely put a lot of effort on producing

risk disclosures. It is possible that companies are in fact very responsive to outer

changes and disclosure needs which causes the variance and makes Coverage unrelated

to reporting incentives and the financial crisis. Disclosure costs money and delivering

disclosures that are not perceived as high quality and do not give any added value to

shareholders might be left out for the benefit of disclosures of more value to the end


When Miihkinen (2012) conducted his study including risk disclosure Coverage

regressions together with reporting incentives it was right after the release of the new

risk disclosure standard. His results show that companies took the standard to practice

and made sure to report more evenly over different risk topics. In that study firm size,

ROA, P/B and foreign listing were all significant.

Page 73: What Drives Risk Disclosure Quality?


It is possible that after the financial crisis, and further away in time from the release of

the new standard, companies have started to look differently on the distribution of risk

information over risk categories. The change may also have started from shareholder’s

changed preferences concerning risk disclosure contents, and that an even distribution

over topics is no longer feasible. There is so much information out there for investors to

access but investors are only able to take in a certain amount of information. It is

possible that preferences are going towards a reporting environment where only the

most essential information is disclosed and that the more concise and efficient the

information is the higher the quality it has in the eyes of the shareholders.

In order to eliminate possible disturbance caused by the great variance in the sample

regressions will be conducted separately for Coverage for years 2007 and 2009, without

the financial crisis dummy. This allows for analysis of possible significant independent

variables. The tables for these control regressions can be found in Appendix 3 on page


Control regressions for Coverage

None of the control variables in the regressions for Coverage were significant. Coverage

is measured the same way as Miihkinen (2012) did and in that study some of the

control variables were significant for Coverage in addition to being significant for

Quantity. The variables that were significant in Miihkinen’s (2012) study were size,

ROA, P/B and foreign listing. When years 2007 and 2009 are examined together with a

regression analysis it might be that variance in the sample caused disturbance and

therefore leads to results that are not significant. In order to avoid this kind of

disturbance we decided to perform control regressions separately for both years 2007

and 2009 while excluding the financial crisis dummy. This additional test wants to

determine whether some of the control variables are significant when they do not suffer

from potential disturbance from great variance or the financial crisis dummy.

As discussed earlier in this study, the sample has a great variance in the scores for

Coverage. The greatest increase in Coverage from year 2007 to 2009 was +56.759%

while the greatest decrease was -42.446%. No obvious pattern could be detected for the

changes in Coverage either since about half of the sample companies experienced an

increase in Coverage when the other half showed a decrease. The average change in

Coverage was a decrease of -0.771% from year 2007 to 2009 which means that the

balance of risk disclosures over risk topics has suffered slightly after the financial crisis.

Page 74: What Drives Risk Disclosure Quality?


The control regressions were performed as a staircase based on the same models as the

main regressions. In practice this means that more variables are added at every step

with a total of seven control variables (Size, Leverage, P/B, ROA, Beta, F_listing and

InsOwn). The financial crisis dummy was left out from the regressions since no

difference between the years is examined. There is one table for year 2007 and one for

year 2009. In these regressions n=24 because only one year’s observations are

included. The tables for the control regressions can be found in Appendix 3 on page 99-


When looking at the control regression results we see that the F-values in year 2007 lie

between 19.5% and 86.3% and none of them are significant. In 2009 they lie between

0.1% and 51.4% with no significant values there either. The adjusted R squares in 2007

are all on the negative side ranging from -5.1% to -27.6%. In 2009 they are also

negative ranging from -4.5% to -19.4%. This tells us that all regression models have

poor predictability. The P-values for all control variables for both year 2007 and 2009

are all far from being significant. Despite the regressions being performed separately

for both years the results are not significant for Coverage.

One possible reason behind the non-significant results is the small sample size. The

sample is even smaller in the control regressions (n=24) which might cause disturbance

in the results. The small sample is also combined with a relatively high amount of

control variables which might also cause problems in the results.

Another possible reason for Coverage not being a significant measure for risk disclosure

quality nor significant in relation to the control variables is a remarkable structural

change in risk reporting. Companies no longer focus on reporting evenly over the

different topics, possibly due to changed preferences among their shareholders or

maybe even financial reasons. They may also use charts and figures in order to

illustrate certain risk categories and that kind of illustrative information is difficult to


Page 75: What Drives Risk Disclosure Quality?



This study examines if the quality of firm risk disclosures improved after the financial

crisis. The Finnish Accounting Practice Board introduced a new risk disclosure

standard in 2006 that gives detailed guidelines on how firms should assess significant

risks and uncertainties in their operating and financial reviews. This regulatory change

made Finland a forerunner in the field of corporate risk disclosures, and therefore the

country offers a unique setting for the study. In addition, Finland was one of the

countries that were most affected by the financial crisis which shows that studying the

impact of the financial crisis on risk reporting is motivated.

In this study risk disclosure quality is examined with risk indicators developed by

Beattie et al. (2004) and Beretta & Bozzolan (2004). We examine year 2007 and 2009

using a sample consisting of 24 companies from the OMXH25 index, which are the

largest and most traded companies in Finland. The regression results showed that the

quality of firm risk disclosure had not improved after the occurrence of the financial

crisis neither for Quantity nor Coverage. These results are supporting the results by

Maingot et al. (2012) who studied risk disclosure quality in Canada after the financial


Risk disclosures in combination with the financial crisis is an area of research that has

gained very little attention this far. Therefore this study contributes to the risk

disclosure literature, and to our knowledge it constitutes the first study conducted on

the matter in a Finnish context.

7.1 Main findings

Quality is a very subjective feature that can be difficult to quantify. Previous research

has developed different measures for quality that enables the quantification of quality

in this study. The quality of risk disclosures is examined by using Quantity and

Coverage as indicator variables.

When comparing the disclosure scores in 2007 and 2009 with a t-test in the table for

descriptive statistics for Quantity the results showed a significant difference. The

increase in Quantity was 2.672% on average from year 2007 to 2009 which was enough

to reach significant results on a 1% level. This was when Quantity of risk disclosure was

examined without the impact of any other variables. The same difference for Coverage

Page 76: What Drives Risk Disclosure Quality?


was not significant, and Coverage declined with on average of 0.771% from year 2007 to

2009. Coverage varied remarkably among the sample companies which indicate that a

structural change has taken place in the risk reporting, possibly due to changed

preferences from the users of the financial statements.

The first hypothesis wanted to find out whether the financial crisis had had a positive

impact on risk disclosure quality. The quality indicators Quantity and Coverage were

tested with linear regressions together with seven control variables (referred to as

reporting incentives). Regression models were built up adding one variable at a time

resulting in seven different regression models. The financial crisis dummy was not

significant in any of these models for either Quantity or Coverage, and therefore we

draw the conclusion that the financial crisis did not have a significant impact on risk

disclosure quality. For Quantity, several other variables in the regressions were

significant, which indicates that changes in these variables had a larger impact on risk

disclosure quality than the financial crisis itself. When it comes to Coverage there seem

to have occurred a structural change in the reporting, perhaps due to investors’

changed preferences. None of the control variables were significant for Coverage and

additional tests were performed to find out why.

The second hypothesis concerned the impact of reporting incentives on risk disclosure

quality. In accordance with previous studies we found that firm size has a significant

impact on risk disclosure quality for Quantity. Larger companies often have more

resources and incentives to disclose more risk information. When companies disclosure

more they can increase investor confidence and strengthen their reputation in the

market. In contrast to previous research our results indicated that companies with

more financial leverage also disclose more information. This is most likely due to the

firms’ willingness to improve their credibility and transparency in the markets and

among investors. High leverage goes hand in hand with the threat of bankruptcy and

liquidation. Firms do not in general want to be too transparent with their debt

financing, but our results show that in financially challenging times this behavior turns

into the opposite. Finally we also found that firms with poor growth prospects (lower

P/B ratio) reported more during the financial crisis. This also has to do with

transparent reporting: by being truthful about the situation of the company in their

disclosures the firm can gain investors’ and the markets’ trust.

Despite an increase in the quantity if disclosures the expected major impact on large

Finnish listed companies did not materialize under the impact of the financial crisis.

Page 77: What Drives Risk Disclosure Quality?


The observed minor changes cannot expressly be ascribed to the financial crisis since it

is not known what kind of changes would have taken place without the financial crisis.

In practice this means that if one would have read annual reports for companies in the

OMXH25 index in year 2007 and 2009 looking for changes in the risks that these firms

were facing one would not have been able to predict the decline in market values taking

place at the same time.

7.2 Contribution

This study is contributing to the accounting literature by investigating a relatively

unknown area of disclosures. The financial crisis has had a large impact on the

reporting climate on several dimensions and this study contributes in finding that risk

disclosures were not significantly affected by the crisis. It also added to previous

literature by supporting the importance of several reporting incentives when

determining the quality of risk disclosure.

This study has some similarities to Miihkinen’s (2012) study but is conducted in a

different setting in the aftermath of the financial crises. The presence of the financial

crisis brings a different approach to the topic. The results will show what drives risk

disclosure quality and by comparing the results to Miihkinen’s (2012) we are able to

determine whether the financial crisis has been an additional driver affecting risk

disclosure quality. Based on reasoning in previous studies it would have been expected

that the financial crisis would have had a significant impact.

The results from the study have practical implication for several standard setting

instances such as FASB, IASB, SEC and national standard setters as well. Disclosures,

and particularly risk disclosures, have gained more attention in the academic literature

in the 2000’s. By mapping out which factors have the largest impact on risk disclosure

quality these instances can develop their reporting standards in order to produce more

informative, high quality risk disclosures in the future.

The Finnish legal system can roughly be categorized as civil law which means that the

results are most suitable for comparison with countries with a similar judicial

background. Existing literature has shown that Finnish companies disclose plenty of

risk information which means that the results might not be comparable with countries

with less focus on risk disclosures. Since the sample in the study consists of companies

Page 78: What Drives Risk Disclosure Quality?


in the OMXH25 index which represent the largest and most traded firms it would be

best to compare the results with the largest companies in other countries as well.

7.3 Limitations

One limitation in this study is the small sample size. A small sample combined with

plenty of control variables can potentially weaken the statistical power of the

regressions. It also means that the results might be difficult to generalize on companies

in general. There is almost no literature in the field of risk disclosure and the effect of

the financial crises which means that there are few points of reference both when it

comes to the methodology of the study and comparing the results. To our knowledge

this is the only study investigating risk disclosures and the financial crisis in Finland.

The data for this study was collected by hand. All data for the risk disclosure quantity

and coverage scores were gathered from primary sources (annual reports) and

classified according to the Finnish risk reporting standard. Even though the

classification was done using a standard as guidance, a lot of objectivity was involved

when classifying the risk disclosures into each risk dimension. There is also room for

mistakes when counting the words in the risk disclosures.

Most of firms risk disclosures are provided in the OFR section and in the notes to the

financial statements. Some risk disclosures might be discussed in other parts of the

annual reports and therefore not included in this study. Many companies also disclosed

risks in the form of pictures and charts which contain a low number of words but might

give more value to investors and therefore add a lot of quality to the reporting. In the

context of this study this kind of added quality is not possible to quantify.

Previous literature, such as Miihkinen (2012) built a composite measure for quality of

firm risk disclosure using quantity, coverage and the semantic properties of firm risk

disclosure. By including the semantic properties in this study, it might be that the

results would have been richer and more thorough. Since Coverage did not give any

significant results in the regression analysis it might be that a different measure for

quality would have been more suitable.

Page 79: What Drives Risk Disclosure Quality?


7.4 Suggestions on future research

The results from this study could constitute a foundation for future research in the field

of firm risk disclosures and quality. Due to the small sample used in this study it would

be motivated to examine a larger sample, such as all companies on OMX Helsinki. It

would be interesting to see whether a large sample would give the same results for that

the financial crisis, which was that the crisis was not a significant driver of risk

disclosure quality. If using a larger sample it would also be possible to include more

control variables and test whether other reporting incentives than the ones tested in

this study could have an impact on risk disclosure quality.

Disclosure quality is closely related to what information is qualitative in the perspective

of the end users. In the current state of research it is hard to specify which kind and

what amount of information would be the most useful and of the highest quality.

Therefore it would be interesting to investigate what risk disclosure quality actually

means for investors and what kind of information they find useful. Studies in this field

would be of great use to standard setters and also companies when they plan their

future disclosures.

As discussed earlier in the study, Coverage did not show significant results in the

regression analysis. It might be that that measure for disclosure quality is outdated and

that it would be motivated to create a different measure that better would capture the

current reporting environment. The field of risk disclosures is constantly changing and

so should also the research methods.

Page 80: What Drives Risk Disclosure Quality?





Företag tar risker för att skapa värde. Investerare skapar värde genom att fatta

informerade beslut, och därför är det viktigt för dem att förstå och vara medvetna om

dessa risker. Företagsledare är de som med största sannolikhet har mest information

om företagets nuvarande situation och framtidsutsikter. Genom att förbättra

informationsflödet mellan företaget och dess investerare kan man minska

informationsasymmetri, förbättra relationen till investerare och skapa en positiv effekt

på kvaliteten av bolagsstyrning inom företaget.

Investerare vill ha omfattande information om företags aktuella strategier för

värdeskapande (Beretta & Bozzolan, 2004), och när de är medvetna om vilka risker

som påverkar olika företag kan de fatta mer informerade beslut och därmed skapa

värde. Scott (2009) presenterade en teori om att företag ger ut all relevant information

till investerare för att försäkra sig om att investerare är säkra på företagets aktuella

situation, eftersom osäkra investerare kan sänka aktiekursen. Verkligheten är dock inte

lika svartvit som Scotts (2009) teori: att rapportera och ge ut information genererar

stora kostnader för företag och gör att teorin inte fungerar i praktiken (Martikainen et

al., 2015).

Den finansiella krisen slog till globalt med full styrka år 2008. Miljarder euro hade

investerats i finansiella instrument världen över och en stor del av dessa investeringar

hade gjorts av banker med internationell verksamhet. När räntorna sköt i höjden i USA

år 2007 gick värdet på bostäderna abrupt ner, något som ledde till störningar i

återbetalningen av huslån i USA. Detta ledde i sin tur till en märkbar värdeminskning

för finansiella instrument i hela världen.

Den finansiella krisen har ökat intresset för riskrapportering och det har ifrågasatts ifall

rapportering över lag var en delorsak till den finansiella krisen (Barth & Landsman,

2010). Diskussionen kring högkvalitativ, effektiv rapportering fick återigen

uppmärksamhet och är ett ämnesområde som juridiska instanser jorden runt aktivt

arbetar med. Riskrapportering av hög kvalitet möjliggör välinformerade beslut av

investerare baserade på transparent och rättvisande information. Utan dylik

Page 81: What Drives Risk Disclosure Quality?


information kan förtroendet på marknaden inte upprätthållas, något som

konkretiserades under den finansiella krisen.

I denna avhandling används begreppet “risk” i sin bredaste omfattning som alla typer

av risker som berör finländska företag. Risker kan beskrivas som osäkerhetsfaktorer

som förorsakar potentiella vinster eller förluster. Att prioritera dessa risker är en viktig

del av riskhanteringsprocessen eftersom risker är något alla företag utsätts för (ICAEW,

1998). Företagsledningen kan minska kapitalkostnaden genom att höja förtroendet på

marknaderna och i denna process är kommunikationen av riskhanteringsprinciperna

en avgörande faktor (The Corporate Governance Handbook, CGHB, 1996). Tidigare

undersökningar visar dock att företagsledare är motvilliga att ge ut information åt

intressenter om inte fördelarna av rapporteringen överväger kostnaderna för den

(Verracchia, 1990).


I Finland var kraven på riskrapportering väldigt vaga i början av 2000-talet och

bokföringsnämnden identifierade ett behov av mer specifika riktlinjer för att företagen

skulle kunna producera mer kvalitativ riskrapportering. Detta ledde till introduktionen

av en ny standard år 2006. Den nya standarden var kort, enbart sex sidor, med

konkreta exempel på hur företag borde rapportera risk i sina bokslut och med fem

tydligt utmärkta riskkategorier. Syftet med detta var att erbjuda mer informativ

information kring risker samt standardisera riskrapporteringen i allmänhet.

I en studie av Miihkinen (2012) framkom det att kvaliteten på riskrapporteringen

förbättrades år 2006 när den nya standarden introducerades i jämförelse med

riskrapporteringen året före standarden hade trätt i kraft. Förbättringen i kvaliteten

kunde observeras tydligt i flera dimensioner och tydde på att den nya finländska

standarden hade varit framgångsrik. Denna undersökning utfördes dock genast efter

introduktionen av den nya standarden och beaktar inte effekten av finanskrisen som

började år 2008.

Under en tillspetsad situation såsom en finanskris står företag inför ett dilemma i fråga

om hur mycket information de vill ge ut. Exempelvis är kraftigt belånade företag i

allmänhet motvilliga när det gäller transparens i riskrapportering eftersom hög

skuldsättning innebär en högre risk för konkurs (Miihkinen, 2012). Ett exempel som

tyder på motsatsen är Miihkinens (2012) resultat kring Beta. Han fann nämligen att

Page 82: What Drives Risk Disclosure Quality?


företag med högre systematisk risk även gav ut mer riskinformation. Detta tyder på att

företagsledare kan vara motiverade att lugna sina investerare med att erbjuda

kapitalmarknaden mer riskinformation.

Tidigare forskning stämmer överens med exemplen ovan och erbjuder inga enhetliga

resultat. Vissa undersökningar antyder att den finansiella krisen inte har haft en

signifikant inverkan på riskrapporteringen, andra antyder att rapporteringen har ökat

och andra att den har minskat. Det finns med andra ord ett klart behov av mer

forskning inom detta område för att se huruvida finanskrisen verkligen har haft en

inverkan på riskrapporteringskvaliteten.

Undersökningens syfte

Syftet med denna undersökning är att ta reda på ifall kvaliteten på riskrapporteringen i

finländska börsbolag i OMXH25-indexet påverkades av den finansiella krisen. För att

ta reda på detta undersöks bokslut från år 2007, året före den finansiella krisen tog fart

samt år 2009, året då Finlands ekonomi påverkades hårdast av krisen.


I detta kapitel kommer de viktigaste koncepten i förhållande till forskningsfrågan att

definieras och diskuteras. Detta görs för att utarbeta ett tydligt ramverk och klargöra de

juridiska aspekterna som berör riskrapportering. Kapitlet börjar med att definiera

riskhantering och riskrapportering som en helhet. Det fortsätter med en diskussion

kring hur man kan definiera kvaliteten på riskrapportering och slutar med att diskutera

den nya riskrapporteringsstandarden som introducerades i Finland år 2006 i

förhållande till den amerikanska standarden FRR No.48.

Vad är riskhantering

Företag utövar riskhantering eftersom det skapar mervärde för dess ägare. Varje

företag i världen utsätts för risker, och företagen kan också delvis själva avgöra hur

mycket risk de verkligen kan klara av i sin verksamhet. Nocco & Stultz (2006)

konstaterade att riskhantering minskar på företagets risker, och att det därför även kan

minska behovet av eget kapital.

Förbättrad riskrapportering möjliggör att investerare kan ta sig an riskdiversifiering på

ett mer effektivt sätt, något som även framkommer i modern portföljteori (Salomon et

al., 2000). Investerare förväntas kräva information om de osystematiska risker som

riktas mot företagen de investerat i för att bilda sig en helhetsuppfattning om

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företagsrisken samt företaget som en ”going concern” (fortsatt verksamhet, egen

översättning). Nästan en tredjedel av alla institutionella investerare i Salomon et al.:s

(2000) studie höll med om att ökad information kring företagsrisker skulle hjälpa dem

i beslutfattningsprocessen kring deras portföljinvesteringar.

Den nya riskrapporteringsstandarden som publicerades av Bokföringsnämnden år

2006 ser riskhantering som ett systematiskt och förutseende sätt att analysera och

hantera hot och möjligheter i samband med företags verksamhet. Det handlar inte

alltså bara om att eliminera risker. Maingot et al. (2012) fann en stark konsensus om

att företag borde integrera riskhantering i hela sin organisation.

Vad innebär riskrapportering

I denna avhandling definieras riskrapportering som all den information företag

rapporterar i sina bokslut som berör risk. Företagens riskrapportering beskriver de

största riskerna och deras potentiella inverkan på företagets prestation (Miihkinen,

2012). Den framåtblickande informationen utgör ett redskap för externa investerare då

de ska bygga upp ett estimat av företags framtida kassaflöden och information om icke-

diversifieringsbar risk behövs då investerare räknar ut kapitalkostnader. Även historisk

information om hur företag har behandlat risker förut kan vara ytterst användbart för

externa intressenter (Miihkinen, 2012).

Företag kan rapportera risker i olika delar av bokslutet: i förvaltningsrapporten, i

separata riskrapporteringssektioner, i noterna till sin finansiella information samt i sin

bolagsstyrningsrapport (Martikainen et al., 2015). Internationellt sett så finns det

otaliga ramverk för hur riskrapportering borde presenteras och ingen gemensam

standard existerar (Beasley et al., 2005). Författarna bakom de olika ramverken brukar

poängtera vikten av att företag själv får avgöra hurudan rapportering som passar dem

och deras behov (COSO, 2004).

Hur kan man definiera riskrapporteringskvalitet?

De empiriska indikatorerna för riskrapporteringskvalitet i denna studie är indelade i

två kategorier: kvantitet och omfattning. Utöver dessa har tidigare studier även

undersökt riskinformationens semantiska egenskaper. Kvantiteten på rapporteringen

är givetvis enklast att undersöka, men bl.a. Beretta och Bozzolan (2004) konstaterade

att enbart kvantitet är otillräckligt som mått på kvaliteten på riskrapporteringen över


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Kvantiteten på riskrapportering kan enkelt mätas genom att räkna ord eller meningar

som beskriver risk i företagens bokslut. Denna metod har bl.a. använts av Beretta och

Bozzolan (2004) och Miihkinen (2012). Omfattningen av rapporteringen har bl.a

undersökts av Beattie et al. (2004). De kom fram till att riskrapporteringens fördelning

över de olika risktyperna är en dimension att beakta då man undersöker kvalitet. Jämn

fördelning av information över de olika risktyperna är inte garanterat den optimala

lösningen men en viss grad av balans är att rekommendera (Beattie et al., 2004).

Finansiella krisen år 2008

Fenomenet som mest allmänt benämns som finanskrisen år 2008 slog till hårt mot de

globala marknaderna och hade långtgående följder som man kan se spår av än idag.

Obalanserade valutamarknader, lättsinnig monetärpolitik (i synnerhet i USA),

finansiella innovationer, ofullständig lagstiftning, bristfällig övervakning och finansiella

institutioners brister i riskhantering var alla orsaker som bidrog till krisen (Jokivuolle,


Finland var ett av de länder som drabbades hårdast av den finansiella krisen mätt i

minskning av landets produktion. Detta kan delvis förklaras av det ekonomiska

uppsving som skedde i Finland före krisen då tecken på ojämn utveckling av ekonomin

började komma fram (Freystätter & Mattila, 2011). Externa ekonomiska störningar

lamslog den finländska ekonomin vilket snabbt syntes som en 8 % minskning i BNP år

2009 (Statistikcentralen). De största drivkrafterna bakom det ekonomiska uppsvinget,

exporten och privata investeringar, var även de områden som drabbades av den största

minskningen under krisen (Freystätter & Mattila, 2011).


I detta kapitel presenteras tidigare forskning under två huvudrubriker. Dessa är

reglering av riskrapportering i förhållande till riskrapporteringskvalitet samt den

finansiella krisen i förhållande till riskrapporteringskvalitet. I slutet av kapitlet

presenteras avhandlingens hypotes.

Reglering av riskrapportering och riskrapporteringskvalitet

Forskare har visat ett ökat intresse för riskrapportering under de senaste åren

(Solomon et al., 2000; Miihkinen, 2012). Det ökade intresset till trots är detta

fortfarande ett av de minst undersökta områdena inom företagens rapportering

samtidigt som det är ett av de mest tvetydiga områdena. I synnerhet kvaliteten på

riskrapportering behöver undersökas mer för att få en full förståelse för dess natur.

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Före Miihkinens (2012) studie fanns det inget bevis på hur effektiv reglering kan vara

då man vill förbättra riskrapporteringskvaliteten inom ett land. Beretta och Bozzolan

(2004) tog dock upp detta som ett exempel på fortsatt forskning i sin studie. Tidigare

forskning har visat att företag nog reagerar på nya rekommendationer och krav på

rapportering (Roulstone, 1999; Miihkinen, 2008). Miihkinen (2012) tog fasta på

förslaget till fortsatt forskning och undersökte riskrapporteringskvaliteten i Finland

under unika omständigheter då en ny standard precis hade introducerats.

År 2006 introducerades en standard gällande riskrapportering i Finland. Miihkinen

(2012) beslöt sig för att undersöka detta genom att jämföra riskrapporteringen för

företagen på Helsingforsbörsen (OMX Helsinki) under åren 2005 och 2006. Med

denna jämförelse ville han klarlägga vad som driver kvaliteten på riskrapportering och

vilken inverkan den nya standarden hade på rapporteringen. Resultaten talade tydligt

för sig: den nya standarden förbättrade kvaliteten på riskrapporteringen i flera olika

dimensioner. Ett annat intressant resultat var att det var den nya standardens

tvingande effekt som drev den totala förbättringen i kvalitet. Slutligen konstaterade

Miihkinen (2012) att den nya standarden även hade en stor inverkan på var i bokslutet

företagen rapporterade om risker. Efter att den nya standarden tagits i bruk

presenterades 81,9 % av riskrapporteringen i förvaltningsrapporten jämfört med 57,5 %

före den nya standarden.

På ett internationellt plan finns det väldigt bristfällit med reglering gällande

riskrapportering. Italienska bolag rapporterar en del riskinformation frivilligt (Beretta

& Bozzolan, 2004). I Kanada saknar riskrapporteringen en enhetlig form och tydlighet

och är därför inte särskilt användbara för investerare (Lajili & Zéghal, 2005). Linsley

och Shrives (2006) undersökte riskrapportering i Storbritannien och drog slutsatsen

att kvantitativ riskinformation bara rapporteras av ett fåtal bolag och att en röd tråd

saknas från beskrivande riskinformation i allmänhet.

Riskrapportering och den finansiella krisen

Finska företag uppmärksammade den finansiella krisen i ett tidigt skede och många av

dem nämnde finanskrisen som en av de mest väsentliga riskerna i sina bokslut år 2009.

Då kvaliteten på riskrapportering är ett outforskat ämnesområde är finanskrisens

inverkan på riskrapportering ännu mindre undersökt. Vissa föregångare såsom Italien

och Kanada har dock redan uppmärksammat denna lucka i litteraturen.

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I en kanadensisk studie av Maingot et al. (2012) undersöktes kanadensiska företags

riskrapportering från år 2007 och 2008. Resultaten visade en ökning på 3,6 % för

riskrapporteringen som en helhet från år 2007 till 2008. Enbart finansiell risk och

kreditrisk uppvisade mer framträdande ökning i riskrapporteringen. Slutsatsen som

drogs i Maingot et al:s (2012) studie var att den finansiella krisen inte hade påverkat

riskrapporteringen för kanadensiska företag nämnvärt.

De italienska forskarna Malafronte och Starita (2014) undersökte finanskrisens

inverkan på rapportering för europeiska försäkringsbolag mellan år 2005 och 2010.

Under förloppet av undersökningsåren ökade mängden rapportering an efter. En

iögonfallande ökning observerades mellan år 2008 och 2010. Författarna drog därför

slutsatsen att finanskrisen hade haft en inverkan på riskrapporteringens mängd och


Probohudono et al. (2011) undersökte riskrapporteringen i Indonesien, Malaysia,

Singapore och Australien under den turbulenta perioden 2007-2009. Av dessa länder

var Singapore och Malaysia föremål för ett verkligt fall i ekonomisk aktivitet.

Resultaten från studien visade att företagen som undersöktes rapporterade mindre om

risk under alla undersökningsåren. Den största minskningen i rapportering kunde

observeras år 2009. Probohudono et al. (2011) konstaterade att den sparsamma

kommunikationen av risker ledde till ännu mer osäkerhet på marknaden. Författarna

fann även att storleken på företag och styrelsens självständighet statistiskt kunde

hjälpa till med att förklara mängden riskrapportering.


H1: Den finansiella krisen har haft en inverkan på riskrapporteringens kvalitet.

Undersökningens design

Denna undersökning är hypotesdriven och försöker således finna ett samband mellan

de undersökta åren och riskrapporteringskvalitet. Primär- och sekundärdata samlas in

från bokslut och databaser. Detta analyseras sedan genom statistiska metoder i enlighet

med kvalitativa undersökningsmetoder.

Ett ramverk för riskrapportering

Syftet med denna studie är att klarlägga huruvida den finansiella krisen har haft en

inverkan på kvaliteten hos riskrapporteringen. Detta problemområde inkluderar också

aspekten kring vilka kontrollvariabler som kan ha haft en inverkan på kvaliteten och

hur stark denna inverkan är. Även om Bokföringsnämnden gav klara riktlinjer för

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riskrapportering i sin standard från år 2006 finns det ändå företagsspecifika faktorer

som kan ha haft en inverkan på kvaliteten.

Tidigare forskning har använt olika indikatorer för att mäta riskrapporteringskvalitet.

Dessa inkluderar kvantitet (Abraham & Cox, 2007), omfattning (Beattie et al., 2004)

och semantiska egenskaper (Beretta & Bozzolan, 2008). Denna studie kombinerar

kvantitet och omfattning till ett sammanställt mått på riskrapporteringskvalitet.

Miihkinen (2012) sammanfattade ett set med kontrollvariabler som möjligen kunde ha

en inverkan på riskrapportering. Av dessa har sju variabler med starkt stöd i tidigare

litteratur valts ut till denna studie.

Riskrapportering ses i denna studie som all den information som företag rapporterar i

sina bokslut i förvaltningsrapporten och noterna. Informationen som klassificeras som

riskinformation är sådan som beskriver huvudsakliga risker och eventuellt deras

förväntade ekonomiska inverkan på företagets framtida prestation (Miihkinen et al.,

2012). De fem riskkategorierna som bokföringsnämnden nämnt (finansiell risk,

operationell risk, strategisk risk, skaderisk och riskhantering) utgör grunden för detta


Denna studie görs i form av en hypotesbaserad kvantitativ studie. Orsaken bakom den

kvantitativa metoden är att studien använder sig av numeriska data och statistisk

analys för att nå en slutsats. I kontrast till kvalitativa undersökningar kommer denna

studie också att pröva en hypotes och avgöra huruvida hypotesen håller eller inte.

Riskrapporteringskvalitet i empiriska indikatorer

Tidigare forskning har tagit upp olika metoder och mått för att mäta kvaliteten på

riskrapportering. Många av dessa studier visar en positiv korrelation mellan kvantitet

och kvalitet (Botosan, 2004; Abraham & Cox, 2007). Det är dock viktigt att notera att

det finns en hel del konceptuella svårigheter med att mäta riskrapporteringskvalitet på

grund av dess subjektiva natur. För att ta sig an riskrapporteringskvalitet på ett

ändamålsenligt sätt och nå resultat som är tillförlitliga, kompletta och giltiga kan man

använda sig av existerande kvalitetsindikatorer från tidigare forskning.


Det första måttet på riskrapportering representeras av antalet ord om risk som

företaget rapporterar. Data sammanställdes för hand ur företagens bokslut som fanns

på nätet och är således primärdata. Boksluten för år 2007 och 2009 laddades ner för

varje företag som var med i undersökningen. Efter detta kopierades riskrapporteringen

i förvaltningsberättelsen samt i noten för finansiella risker in i ett gemensamt

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elektroniskt dokument som räknade ut antalet ord. Det totala antalet riskbeskrivande

ord i förvaltningsrapporten och noten för finansiella risker bildar sedan tillsammans

den totala kvantiteten.

Den empiriska indikatorn för riskrapporteringskvantitet är:

Kvantitet= ln(totala antalet riskrapporteringsord)

Genom att använda logaritmen istället för det obehandlade antalet ord får man en mer

symmetrisk distribution (Martikainen et al., 2015). Om ett bolag rapporterar 500 ord

om risk kan vi räkna ut rapporteringsvärdet enligt följande:

Rapporteringsvärde= Kvantitet = ln(500) = 6,21.

Omfattningen av riskrapportering

Beattie et al. (2004) visade att investerare behöver en bred och balanserad överblick av

de huvudsakliga riskerna som riktas mot företag för att kunna värdera företagen. Även

bokföringsnämnden poängterade vikten av att erbjuda en balanserad och omfattande

riskrapportering. För att räkna ut omfattningen samlades först data för hand och är

således också primärdata. Efter att ha fört in riskinformationen i ett elektroniskt

dokument klassificerades orden enligt de fem riskkategorierna (finansiell-,

operationell-, strategisk-, skaderisk och riskhantering). Slutligen räknades sedan orden

i var och en av de fem kategorierna.

I den här studien mäter Herfindahls index (H) koncentrationen av företagsrapportering

över de olika riskkategorierna. De fem riskkategorierna är tagna direkt från

Bokföringsnämndens standard. Den empiriska indikatorn för

riskrapporteringsomfattning är:

Omfattning= [(1/H)/antalet riskkategorier]

Detta mått beskriver hur balanserat de huvudsakliga riskkategorierna har rapporterats

i bokslutet och hur jämnt riskrapporteringen har fördelats över riskkategorierna. För

att investerare ska förstå hela riskprofilen för företaget kan det vara användbart att ha

tillgång till balanserad riskinformation (Martikainen et al., 2015).

För att illustrera detta presenteras Kone Oyjs riskinformation från år 2009:

Operationell risk: 111 ord

Strategisk risk: 102 ord

Finansiell risk: 708 ord

Skaderisk: 33 ord

Page 89: What Drives Risk Disclosure Quality?


Riskhantering: 93 ord

Herfindahls index = H = (111/1047)² + (102/1047)² + (708/1047)² +

(33/1047)² + (93/1047)² = 0,487

Omfattningsvärde= Omfattning = (1/0,487)/5 = 0,411


En indikatorvariabel för år 2007 och 2009 representerar de oberoende variablerna i

denna studie. Detta är också ett empiriskt mått för den finansiella krisen.

Regressionsmodeller används för att kontrollera för potentiell inverkan av relevanta


Den linjära regressionen nedan kommer att utföras på de två kvalitetsindikatorerna

kvantitet och omfattning. Detta är också denna studies huvudsakliga test:

𝐾𝑣𝑎𝑙𝑖𝑡𝑒𝑡𝑠𝑖𝑛𝑑𝑖𝑘𝑎𝑡𝑜𝑟𝑖𝑡=𝑏0+𝑏𝑠𝐹𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑛𝑠𝑘𝑟𝑖𝑠𝑒𝑛𝑖𝑡+∑ 𝑟 𝑏𝑟𝑅𝑎𝑝𝑝𝑜𝑟𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑠𝑖𝑛𝑐𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑣𝑖𝑡+𝑒𝑖𝑡

Finanskrisen är I denna ekvation en dummyvariabel som betecknas med 0 för år 2007

och 1 för år 2009. e representerar regressionsresidualen, indexet i hänför sig till

företaget och t hänför sig till året som undersöks. Rapporteringsincentiven i denna

studie är oberoende variabler som har visats ha en effekt på riskrapporteringen. Dessa

variabler är bolagets storlek, ROA, börslistning utomlands, finansiell hävstång

(leverage), utländskt ägande, internt ägande och P/B-tal (Price-to-Book ratio).

Sampel, data och deskriptiv statistik

I detta kapitel diskuteras studiens sampel mer i detalj i samband med egenskaper och

begränsningar hos samplet. Datainsamlingen beskrivs mer i detalj eftersom denna

studie mest använder sig av primärdata.


Samplet som undersöks i denna studie består av stora finska bolag listade på OMXH 25

indexet på Helsingfors börs. Företagen som är med i detta index utsätts för de största

kraven på rapportering på grund av deras aktiva roll på aktiemarknaden, i synnerhet

när det kommer till att reducera informationsasymmetrin mellan företaget och dess

intressenter (Martikainen et al, 2015). Utöver detta är företagen i OMXH 25 även de

mest internationella i Finland i och med att ett flertal är listade även utomlands.

Företagen i OMXH25-indexet togs från Nasdaq den 24.11.2015. Av indexets 25 företag

kunde 24 inkluderas i den slutliga studien. Företaget som föll bort var Valmet, som

grundades genom en fission år 2013. En tabell som illustrerar de observerade företagen

samt hur deras kvalitetsindikatorer har förändrats från år 2007 till 2009 finns med i

Page 90: What Drives Risk Disclosure Quality?


den egentliga avhandlingen. Medeltalet för ökningen i riskrapporteringskvantitet ligger

på 2.672%, vilket är jämförbart med Maingot et al.:s (2012) studie från Kanada, där

ökningen låg på 3,6 %. Vad gäller omfattning så minskade omfattningen i medeltal med

– 0,771 %.

Tabellen visar att riskrapporteringskvantiteten har ökat för 22 företag av 24. Företagen

i vilka det skett en minskning är Huhtamäki Oyj (-3,876 %) och Tieto Oyj (-0,196 %).

Företagen med den största proportionella ökningen i riskrapporteringskvantitet är

Konecranes Oyj (+8,293 %), Orion (+7,935 %) och Wärtsilä (+8,305%). På en skala

ligger då förändringen i riskrapporteringskvantitet mellan -3,876 % och +8,293 %

proportionellt mätt.

Resultaten för omfattningen av riskrapporteringen är mer splittrade. Tio företag visar

en ökning medan 14 visar en minskning i omfattning. Proportionellt mätt kan man

observera stora förändringar i omfattning. Tre bolag är iögonfallande: Huhtamäki Oyj

(-30,738 %), Kemira OYJ (-42,446 %) och Konecranes Oyj (+56,759 %).


Denna studie använder sig huvudsakligen av data från bokslut från år 2007 och 2009.

Data om riskrapportering handplockas från dessa bokslut. För andra variabler används

databaserna Orbis och Thomson Reuters Datastream. Sekundärdata från databaserna

används antingen som sådan eller som komponenter i kalkyler för att producera det

önskade finansiella nyckeltalet. Genom att matcha företagsobservationer från före och

efter den finansiella krisen förbättras samplets design. Det möjliggör kontrollen av

resultaten så att de inte är drivna av effekter från miljön eller andra faktorer som inte

har med det finansiella rapporteringssystemet att göra (Miihkinen, 2012).

Riskrapporteringsdata fås från två olika delar i bokslutet. Den första är

förvaltningsrapporten där en allmän risköverblick oftast presenteras och den andra är i

noterna till den finansiella informationen där finansiella risker i regel har en egen not.

Empiriska resultat

Detta kapitel erbjuder en analys av undersökningens huvudvariabler samt resultat från

regressioner och en korrelationsmatris. I det första stycket presenteras resultaten från

en korrelationmatris gjord med alla undersökningsvariabler. I det andra och tredje

stycket bedöms den finansiella krisens inverkan på riskrapporteringen med grund i två

regressionstabeller tillsammans med deskriptiv statistik.


Page 91: What Drives Risk Disclosure Quality?


En korrelationsanalys har i denna studie gjorts för att mäta graden av linjära samband

mellan två variabler (Brooks, 2008). Om två variabler är korrelerade betyder det att

fluktuationer i de två variablerna i allmänhet är relaterade till den utsträckning som

korrelationskoefficienten definierar. I denna studie utförs en så kallad Pearsons

korrelation. I matrisen inkluderas de beroende variablerna kvantitet och omfattning

(dvs. riskindikatorerna), en dummyvariabel för den finansiella krisen samt de

oberoende variablerna (rapporteringsincentiv). Matrisen kombinerar variablerna för år

2007 och 2009 och därför är n=48.

I korrelationsanalysen framkom att Kvantitet korrelerar positivt och signifikant med

Omfattning och Storlek. Dessa resultat tyder på att större företag skulle ge ut mer

information och att företag som rapporterar mer också har mer diskussion över alla

risktyper. En signifikant negativ korrelation kan observeras mellan Kvantitet, internt

ägande och P/B. Dessa resultat tyder på att högre internt ägande och högre P/B-tal kan

förknippas med lägre rapporteringskvantitet. Variabeln Omfattning har enbart en

signifikant korrelation med Kvantitet.

Det fanns också signifikanta korrelationer mellan de oberoende variablerna.

Dummyvariabeln för finansiella krisen hade en signifikant negativ korrelation med

P/B. Detta kan tolkas som att P/B-talen sjönk under året för den finansiella krisen,

vilket mycket riktigt även var fallet. Den finansiella krisen korrelerar också signifikant

och positivt med Beta. Tolkningen av detta är att företag hade högre Beta under den

finansiella krisen vilket även det överensstämmer med verkligheten.

Andra signifikanta korrelationer kan även observeras mellan Storlek och Internt

ägande, ROA och P/B samt Beta och P/B. Detta tyder på att en ökning i företagets

storlek kan associeras med en lägre grad av internt ägande, eftersom korrelationen är

negativ. En positiv korrelation mellan ROA och P/B indikerar att en högre avkastning

på tillgångar ofta kan förknippas med ett högre P/B-tal. Slutligen så tyder den negativa

korrelationen mellan Beta och P/B på att ett högre Beta ofta innebär ett lägre P/B-tal.

Finanskrisens inverkan på riskrapporteringskvalitet

I detta avsnitt presenteras resultaten från avhandlingens huvudsakliga tester, dvs.

regressionerna. Två separata regressionstabeller för kvalitetsindikatorerna Kvantitet

och Omfattning finns på s.61 och s.63 i den egentliga avhandlingen. Regressionerna

gjordes separat för Kvantitet och Omfattning och båda regressionerna inkluderade även

dummyvariabeln för finanskrisen och de oberoende variablerna. För att bättre se

effekten av enskilda oberoende variabler gjordes regressionerna som en trappa, dvs.

fler variabler lades till vid varje steg.

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Kvantitet och finanskrisen

Jag börjar med att diskutera resultaten för kvalitetsindikatorn Kvantitet. Vad gäller F-

värden visar de allmänna resultaten att alla regressioner är statistiskt signifikanta på en

5 % -nivå eller bättre. De justerade R^2 ligger mellan 9,5 % och 23,5 %. Modell d) i

regressionstabellen har det högsta justerade R^2-värdet och är därför den modell som

har bäst förklaringsgrad.

Tidigare studier har inte kunnat dokumentera ett enhetligt resultat för hur den

finansiella krisen har inverkat på riskrapporteringen. Regressionerna visar att

finanskrisen inte har haft en signifikant inverkan på riskrapporteringens kvalitet. Detta

är i enlighet med bl.a. den kanadensiska undersökningen av Maingot et al. (2012). I

tabellen på s.48 kunde jag observera att det fanns procentuella och absoluta

förändringar i riskrapporteringskvaliteten, och i och med denna regressionsanalys kan

man konstatera att förändringarna inte är signifikanta.

Dobler et al. (2011) visade att rapporteringsincitament spelar en signifikant roll för

rapporteringen även i miljöer där riskrapporteringen är starkt reglerad. Storleken är

positivt och signifikant associerade i de fem första regressionsmodellerna. I modellerna

med flest oberoende variabler blev storlekens signifikans aningen sämre än 10%. Detta

tyder på att större företag inte bara fokuserar på att ge ut mycket riskinformation men

också lägger vikt vid rapporteringens substans med tanke på investerare. Sambandet

mellan företagsstorleken och riskrapportering har tidigare dokumenterats i ett flertal

studier (Linsley & Shrives, 2006; Miihkinen, 2012).

I motsats till Miihkinens (2012) studie så är kapitalstrukturen (finansiell hävstång)

positivt förknippad med riskrapporteringskvalitet i denna studie. Dessutom är

finansiella hävstången signifikant i alla regressionsmodeller. I vanliga fall är kraftigt

belånade företag motvilliga att vara transparenta gällande risker eftersom hög hävstång

ökar risken för konkurs. Mina resultat tyder dock på att företag var mer öppna gällande

sin skuldsättning under den finansiella krisen, antagligen för att skapa förtroende hos


Den sista signifikanta variabeln i regressionsanalysen med Kvantitet är P/B. I motsats

till Miihkinen (2012) har dock P/B i min regression negativa koefficienter. I

ekonomiskt normalläge, dvs. då det inte är finansiell kris, brukar bolag med goda

tillväxtutsikter (P/B) ge ut mycket riskinformation som dessutom är jämnt fördelad

över olika riskkategorier. Miihkinen (2012) antog därmed att investerare har höga

förväntningar på framtida tillväxt för företag med höga P/B-tal. Resultaten från

regressionen i denna studie antyder motsatsen, dvs. att företag med högre P/B skulle

Page 93: What Drives Risk Disclosure Quality?


rapportera mindre. Detta behöver inte betyda att företag med högt P/B skulle minska

på sin rapportering utan mer sannolikt är att företag med lågt P/B har börjat

rapportera mer om risker. För företag med sämre tillväxtutsikter kan nämligen riklig

rapportering öka transparensen och med det både marknadens och investerarnas


Omfattning och finanskrisen

I detta stycke diskuteras finanskrisens omfattning på kvalitetsindikatorn Omfattning.

F-värdena för Omfattning ligger mellan 13,6 % och 37,9 %. Ingen av dessa är

signifikant. Alla justerade R^2-värden är negativa och ligger mellan -3,5 % och -12,7 %.

Detta tyder på att alla regressionsmodeller har en låg förklaringsgrad.

Regressionsanalysen visar att den finansiella krisen inte har varit en signifikant faktor

för att förklara omfattningen av riskrapporteringen. I tabellen med procentuella och

absoluta förändringar på s.48 kunde man observera stora enskilda förändringar i

Omfattning för företagen. I medeltal hade omfattningen dock bara förändrats med -

0,771 %. Överraskande nog var ingen av de oberoende variablerna i modellen heller


Det att Omfattning inte är signifikant kan bero på flera olika faktorer. Variationen i

Omfattning för åren 2007 och 2009 är stor, vilket försämrar förklaringsgraden. Vissa

strukturmässiga förändringar i riskrapporteringen har även skett, eftersom företagen i

medeltal har ett lägre värde för sin omfattning år 2009. En förklaring till det kan vara

att investerare inte efterfrågar så balanserad riskinformation och att företagen lystrat

till detta. Grundantagandet är trots allt att företagen vill ge ut sådan information som

investerare finner användbar och som ökar förtroendet mellan parterna.

En annan orsak till att Omfattning inte är signifikant är att det kan ha skett såpass stora

strukturella förändringar i riskrapporteringen att modellen som använts i denna studie

inte längre är användbar. I den engelskspråkiga avhandlingen kommer

kontrollregressioner för Omfattning att göras med år 2007 och 2009 var för sig utan

dummyvariabel för finanskrisen. Med denna kontroll elimineras störningarna som

orsakats av de stora variationerna i samplet, och eventuella signifikanta variabler kan

iakttas. Detta diskuteras mer i den egentliga avhandlingen.

Sammanfattning och resultat

I denna studie undersöks huruvida kvaliteten på företags riskrapportering i bokslut har

förbättrats efter den finansiella krisen. Bokföringsnämnden i Finland introducerade en

ny standard för riskrapportering år 2006 med tydliga riktlinjer för hur risker borde

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rapporteras i bokslut. Denna förändring i lagstiftningen gjorde Finland till en av

föregångarna i riskrapportering och således erbjuder Finland en unik miljö för studier

kring riskrapportering. Finland var dessutom ett av de länder som drabbades hårdast

av finanskrisen vilket gör att det är relevant att studera hur finanskrisen har inverkat

på rapporteringskvaliteten.

I denna studie undersöks kvaliteten på riskrapporteringen med hjälp av riskindikatorer

som utvecklats av Beattie et al. (2004) och Beretta & Bozzolan (2004). De empiriska

resultaten visade att finanskrisen inte har haft en signifikant inverkan på

riskrapporteringskvaliteten. Dessa resultat är i enlighet med resultaten från Maingot et

al. (2012). I samband med min diskussion av studiens sampel konstaterade jag att

kvantitet har ökat med 2,672 % från år 2007 till 2009 medan omfattning minskade

med -0,771 % från år 2007 till 2009. Detta var dock inte tillräckligt för att ge upphov till

signifikanta resultat tillsammans med finanskrisdummyn och


I enlighet med tidigare studier fann vi att företagsstorleken har en signifikant betydelse

för riskrapporteringskvaliteten. Större företag har ofta mer resurser och incitament att

ge ut mer riskinformation. I motsats till tidigare forskning tydde våra resultat på att

företag med kraftigare finansiell hävstång även ger ut mer riskinformation. Detta beror

antagligen på företagens vilja att förbättra sin trovärdighet på marknaden och bland

investerare. Slutligen fann vi även att företag med sämre tillväxtutsikter (lägre P/B)

rapporterade mer under den finansiella krisen. Detta kan tolkas som att företagen med

sin rapportering ville vara transparenta gällande sin situation och således få

investerares förtroende.

Denna studie bidrar till redovisningslitteraturen genom att undersöka ett

förhållandevis okänt område inom rapportering och visa att finanskrisen inte har haft

en signifikant inverkan på riskrapporteringens kvalitet. Utöver detta bidrar jag också

med resultat om i hur viktig roll incitament för rapportering är då man definierar

kvaliteten på riskrapportering. Dessa resultat kan tillämpas praktiskt av olika juridiska

instanser såsom FASB, IASB, SEC och nationella lagstadgande institutioner. Genom att

se vilka faktorer som inverkar på riskrapporteringskvaliteten kan dessa instanser

utveckla sina lagar och rekommendationer för att i framtiden kunna ge upphov till mer

informativ riskrapportering av hög kvalitet.

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Analysen och resultaten från denna studie baserar sig på ett litet sampel av de mest

omsatta företagen i Finland. Det begränsade antalet företag i undersökningen gör

undersökningen utsatt för falsk positiv-problematiken så att man således skulle

misslyckas med att upptäcka en närvarande effekt i studien. Ett förslag på fortsatt

forskning skulle därför vara att göra samma studie i en större utsträckning, exempelvis

med alla företag på Helsingforsbörsen.

I Finland råder en regelbaserad redovisningstradition, och således är resultaten

jämförbara med länder med liknande juridisk bas. Existerande litteratur har dock visat

att finska bolag rapporterar rikligt om risk vilket gör att resultaten inte garanterat är

tillämpliga i länder med mindre rapportering. En utmaning med s.k. berättande

bokslutsinformation är att det är svårt att bedöma dess användbarhet för investerare.

Ett annat förslag på fortsatt forskning kunde därför vara vad riskrapporteringskvalitet

innebär för investerare och hurudan information de skulle finna användbar.

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In this appendix the main topics and subtopics from the detailed Finnish risk disclosure standard are summarized. The standard was introduced in 2006 in order to standardize risk reporting and provide more detailed guidelines in how companies should structure their risk reviews. As mentioned in the thesis the risk disclosure standard included five different areas of risk: strategic risks, operational risks, financial risks, damage risks and risk management. The categories below give insight in how the risk disclosure data was categorized when calculating the scores for Quantity and Coverage. A similar classification is used by Miihkinen (2012). 1. Strategic risks Market competition Market areas Position in the production chain Dependence on customers Dependence on suppliers Changes in customer preferences Technological development Regulatory changes Political changes Mergers and acquisitions 2. Operational risks Dependence on the know-how of the personnel Uncommon business fluctuations in demand Interruptions in the delivery chain Price fluctuations of the factors of production Patents and other industrial property rights Information technology risks 3. Financial risks Interest rate Exchange rate Liquidity Credit 4. Damage risks Insurances Significant legal actions 5. Risk management Risk management policy Risk management organization

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The classification of the risk disclosure information is in a crucial role in this study. We use a broad definition of risk when classifying the sentences in this study. The rule of thumb is that sentences are identified as risk disclosures when they contain knowledge that informs the reader about opportunities, prospects, hazards, danger, harm, threats or exposure. This information should either have had an impact on the company or will have an impact on the company in the future. Risk disclosures need to be specifically stated and not just implied in order to classify as risk disclosure. This appendix explains the process in detail with risk information from the Finnish annual report from Kone in year 2009. Sentences for each of the five risk categories are picked out to illustrate the classification process. Risk management: Näitä rahoitusriskejä hallitaan osana KONEen kokonaisriskien hallintaa. KONEen rahoitusyksikkö hoitaa keskitetysti konsernin rahoitusriskien hallinnan hallituksen vahvistaman rahoituspolitiikan mukaisesti. Rahoituspolitiikka perustuu hallituksen määrittelemiin riskienhallinnan pääperiaatteisiin. -> 24 risk words Operational risk: KONEen liiketoiminnot ovat riippuvaisia hankintakanavien, tuotantolaitosten, logistiikkaprosessien ja käytettävien IT-järjestelmien toimintavarmuudesta ja luotettavuudesta. Näitä riskejä hallitaan analysoimalla ja parantamalla prosessien häiriönsietokykyä ja lisäämällä valmiuksia siirtää kriittisten komponenttien valmistus tuotantolinjalta toiselle. KONE seuraa aktiivisesti merkittävimpien alihankkijoidensa toimintaa ja vakavaraisuutta. -> 39 risk words Strategic risk: Maailmanlaajuinen talouskasvun hidastuminen tai taantuminen uudelleen lyhyen kasvukauden jälkeen voi vaikuttaa KONEen uusien laitteiden ja modernisointitilausten vähentymiseen, jo sovittujen toimitusten peruuntumiseen tai projektien aloitusten viivästymiseen. Merkittävä osuus KONEen liikevaihdosta muodostuu huoltoliiketoiminnasta, joka on vähemmän altis taloudellisen laskusuhdanteen vaikutuksille, mutta joka muodostuu toiminnoista, jotka vaativat runsaasti henkilöstöä. -> 45 risk words Financial risk: KONE toimii kansainvälisesti ja sen liiketoimintaan liittyy valuuttakurssivaihteluista aiheutuvia riskejä, eli transaktio- ja translaatioriskejä. Transaktioriski syntyy ostojen ja myyntien rahavirroista. Translaatioriskit syntyvät ulkomaisten tytäryhtiöiden tuloslaskelmien ja tase-erien muuntamisesta euroiksi. -> 30 risk words Damage risk: KONEella on lisäksi globaali omaisuus- ja keskeytysvakuutusohjelma. Jos talous heikkenee uudelleen, se voi vaikuttaa KONEen asiakkaiden maksukykyyn ja -aikatauluun sekä johtaa luottotappioihin. -> 21 risk words

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l a)M


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j. R²






e0.863 (0.363)

0.441 (0.649)0.283 (0.837)

0.293 (0.897)0.222 (0.948)

0.195 (0.974)0.290 (0.948)


. Of o








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s. P-valu

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***, tho

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ificant at 10%

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icator "C


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's ann

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Page 106: What Drives Risk Disclosure Quality?




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rage (n





l a)M


el b



el c)



l d)



l e)



l f)M


el g) (co





















































































j. R²






e0.001 (0.972)

0.031 (0.969)0.416 (0.743)

0.321 (0.861)0.514 (0.762)

0.511 (0.792)0.467 (0.844)


. Of o








2 for variab

le d



s. P-valu

es sign

ificant at 1%

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***, tho

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