WHAT BROORLYN TALKS OF. GUMPSES OF MEN AND THINGS ON THE LONG ISLAND SIDE OF THE JUST RIVL1I. The \va«h1ngtnn-st. of twenty yeara ago la o. It *.«otely HflBilflBill of the Wnshlngton-st. of taXIay. ld the changes whlch nre upob to take place there S more complctely metamorphose lt. The taM* oi BM nrldre bcgnn the s-rles of changes In the vlclnlty ^".ftda-st.. wn»ro Uie demolldon of old St. Ann s Chureh a/is m»de nece«ary netirlp twelve T*f*J* Tbe liSw ****** ¦» **** J"st °Ut °f fl, iTSoBf.li.~trM. ¦* *** ***** it mi then needod ZTtta BHdpe. but hBeaawa Mb aw-Bartr ib Iha BrtjBi EiMi its laaa*ea no mrgcr desir«M>. a aaaahar J old fcaaaea m Ihal neighborhood wara a.. swep fwav to -BBBfl way ft* the rirlcgo rallway tncks. nnd Jir?e then foot by foot the Bridge has been mnvtac SUS *¦«¦¦ tha City Ilnll. The "<«*^.» r.«o«rt and Tlllarv stv ls _W-1 to go. and with tt ^iT-XS ****** * «*j**Sm 2 WM-the BrorAlvn iBBtltala' had «be Washington SS Meth.-ad.st F.piscopal Chtt*. The ***** Zm** * *****thr ****** °\xTZu*Z 52 of propr-rty on th.s Mfl* has ]_«t ****** >+ L-t. whlch ln all probablllty will be BaflflfM J_fl* L laal. The Instlti.to will not p-t aa much f,~ 1 s _. !.,.___. h«f it will g'M a uflB-BeiBhlfl propertv as was hoped, hut lt wiii ¦ i SaSS upon the BB* offercu by the Brtdge Tn.st.cs Thev offer-d S54.000; tlie eommlsslon award- 9.4. XK). £ instituf* people thorigh, tt* »****l»« woKh over .100.000. bat SJ^fSS £ eMniatlng it at an oulsldo fignre. ou u.e cdmmlssion's awnrds Am BB "--"-I IM gen over tbe tfBSBBM otfered by the ******. ***jBB- cr.llV bel.ev.. that the .III ****.~*]t" work wth rti. nr.d tJior-iRbnnw. All thepropern SU'ill a^n be acnn.red by tho £«gS7 * copllemn.tlon preroedlngs. and ****** ***** th° work of tearlnir down ******* %nH .K,-ln- The elevated roads ln the clty have hflflB remarhnhly trce from arndent* to Bfl Bfflta during the Bta ye.vrs S more that they hive hflflB ln opr-ratlonTh.s ta- Zjm f*** m* ** * ** par,f of K.fS! ST__ta aaa of Haaa. ns wbH ns eawBoa n the part 1 son,e_mcs tak.n. .however, an.I once in ft whllo ,.ere is a -flW 6aa of thaaa aaaanal at l.fth .ve ar.d Twcinl tl. ft the o her nigl'.t. The BflflMBtB of tta BOC-BBl vnr>' aoaaawhBt * H soon.s to havo -..HU- from tho faull 'A the pBWWa** patticr thnn il tho eoa-aetar. U U aaaadBg that paaffei win iry a board tralns after tl.ey ate ln motion, 1-ut every ono has seen the aMaaBfl m_le. aBhfl-ih Bol Btorfl than ave miiiu'r- ..t thfl iBrthert troBM bo lost by waiting for the next trnin. Another BM whlch I huve BflflB played with aaeeeat was U-tl on a four car traln two Piosengcrs sittltig near tho rear end of thfl last car preposed to l.-ave the trnin hy the rear door. Tho end of the traln. however. SOCttfBMI laeyond the station platform. a.d coiisequcnilr ttflj ***** not step off nntll the traln aafl *M »M(>r ** a,~rt,n' Tnls W(LS .lmplv Incurring needk-ss tBBfBT nnd it o-i^it not to lao awtltiKl one way Ifl prevent lt would be to lock the rc.ir door. bnt tint would prolaahly produce complalnt. »s ln case flf an accldent It BrigM hc a scrions BBBtter U pass. Bflara WalB not abh ta £_t ont through that d.aor. In one respect the flBTflBfl- to the Brldge rallway itation in Rrooklyn are more satisfactory than tbe OXlto-Uae people are di-.ribu.ed through the caj_ ln a better wavi That ls. pnssengers arrlvlns by the Cnlon Elerflted road come iu at the southerly end and nat- orally enter the nar cars bound for New-York; Kingt County Elevated passcngers nre brought nenr tho foremost ci.rs, ar.d people onterlng the staUon from tho street, dthrr iho-o Who walk down to~n >r those who como by the surface cars. llnd thcmselvcs near tho nild- dle of the traln. of course. lt does not follow that Uiey all find plares jn tho cars near Uio point where tbey flrst reach them. but tho BtBBBBB-WBl is an ex- cellent one. Fr.im tho lncomlng platform the dlstrlbu- tion ls lesa good. stnee people bound for the street und thoae ir.tending to lako tho Unlon Elevated cars must go out nearly side by side. ln New-York unfortu- nately there aro prnctirall. ouly one eiifrance and one e\it; at lea-t. the people must all be massed together tor a considerable distauco ln both going ln and BflflB- lng out._ I Dr. fitorrs eelobratrd his pevent'eth hlrthdny on Fri- flav of vcclc t*fore l_st: Mrs. Henry Wa.d Iieerher was tcventy nino on \Vedne*day, and Dr. Edwaid DN-H eompleled his elghty cighUi year on Fridny. Tlio lat¬ ter is ttill In good heflltli desplto Uie loss of a leg by a r-Jrotd accldent about two years ago. thongh bo hus now ttven up active work. llo is really a remarknblo «peclnion of an old mau, a-; well as a dlstlngnished membcr of a notablo famliy. Mrs. Beeeher's bfl-lth Ir not very go>d. although she has spentmost of the aummer tu town. YVhlie she enjoyed her trip to Uio Paclflc ~'_ast last sprlne, lt ls a question whether the exertion was not too much for her to endure. She ls looking forward to renowed health this fall. nnd ls enxlous to resume hor Sunday morning vislts to Grccn- wood. Rhe ninkes them before sunrlse, she says, so Uiat nobody shall sec her. Dr. Storrs may bu sald U> bo still fn his prline. Tlie dav« of his years will bo ¦BBB than thn.-.ore nnd ten, and tlnmrh they are full of kibor thev aro not sorrowiul. In October ho will < uDipletc hl» forty-Ixth year as pestor of tba Chureh of the Pligrlms, wltli a good prospett of enjoylnj aa long a pastoi-ate as thnt of his fi'her ln n MassaOnisetta town, whlch .BflBBBtB- over 6ltty years. There is llttlo dcyubt, nt all eventa. that Dr. Storrs will serve his chureh for a full half ccntury, whlfh will be com- pieted ln 189.._ Colonel John Y. Culver ha» lately been travclllng throagh the Eitstcrn btntes, and, as usunl, has kept his eyes open. As an experkneed obsen-er, one thlng lhat ittracted his notice was the olflclal collection of ln- formutlon tegnrdlng the abandoned farms ln __BBB__t__> aett_ and BB.flf Statcs, ar.d he ls confident Uiat many New-Yorkers will te ablo on tho basis of this Informa- Uon to secure slgbtly and salubrlous country houses. Just the «.oit of plnees to tahe n famliy of ehlldren to for the beiic_ts of outdoor lifeior ttflflfl months of the year. Many of these farms. lie suys, nre In |we__Nlaa where Uie ck-vation ls from r>00 Ifl 1,000 feet above the sea level; U- nlr ls dry and bniclng, and is exnrUy tho right coiiipk-ineiit to the alr residents of New-York and Brookiyn breatho habitually at home. A change of this kind Is most deslnible ln tho eyes of physicians. The country in whlch these farms lie h. us a rulc, rugged and pictures«iue, and most in\ Itlng to clty ****** Who nre fond of nature, and in p:ir1lcular nuiny .M-MHb liBOflfl r:m be aecured at a modemte oost at tlae outsct and without large expenditun.-s for bctter- laenU or maintcnance. Fndcr tbe cover of tlie smoke arlslng from the small fuslladcs ln the -WB batUcs betwea-n Colonel Aaatea aad Anhite.t Dans niiont the k-OUM B_ thfl 13th R«-g1ment Arnior>', there ls d:n*er that Vh', real public lntcrests vlll snffer. as K oftcn, lf not gencrally, tho case where public bulldings are lnvolv.-d. An im¬ portant pol_t ls thnt cotieessioiis aro so readiiy mado to cuntTactors aini.-t pfl BflflB as the terms have been agreed upon and thi; rontra.t has been uwarded. If a public edlficc ls built accorfllng to spcciflcatlons fi-oni whicli th«rc ishould plalniy bc no departtrre lyilcss un- .Maliably In the Intertst of Uio people at l»rge. n fojitmi-tor would obtaln only & fair pcrc. ntiago of proflt. Kut hi the (j.-.- of this nrmory changes In the lronworit l^ve aln-ady been permltfed. aud.what ls e.ua21>- a* bad, If not worse- the B-MHsMbB of plain tr.fk for moulde I bri. k h:r- been autborir.cd, to tho undoiibb-d flaattSea of BBhfllBB-fl aud appearancc. Tho conuaiiur will proflt by all these compruinl-es; und j some paraaBa win Bmrttahti ihlBft of Uw polaatlal ^-ii'ting .¦dlvvy." Why a contract for a public viork hhould not be strlctly adhered to i. one of tiie thinga. BB «lilih porhiji- BBBtBBeflBflB for public works could tbrow valuable llght, if they cliose. Tlure ls renewed cause for complalnt ln regard to tlie mlserahle way ln which tho Cnlon Elevated Bnil road ojnpnitT liphts iis stations aud the Malrways ieadlng thcreto. One night last week tlie plntform of ttfl n.-ldge -tatlon was so feebly llliiiiiinatr'd that it coulJ only be ealled darlme*s made vlslble. Wretched fltHMffl _ro avrs!'t:;tlv used for this purpos., and at some of the »t»Uon!. the stalm aro so dark at a lato boar t__it even the mo»t wi-o-footed are ln d.-.n«er of Uking a tutuble. What I.v, berome of tho selit-nie for u.slns alaetit_n_> ta IgM ull the ahritoM on this roadl Even If that ls not done, there is no conrelvable rcaaon except Uie petty BBB of eronoaiy.why gas should not be coiployod. 'lhe Board of Aklem.en would do a public Btawfc* by U?:ing meaaures to brlng about an Improvement in this matter. The eompany Aeems absolutcly lndiiTerei.t V, public fleotlment on tho SUbJe^t- In a humble way the Itev. Job G. RaB3 has 1ieen j minlatering to the WBBtfl of one of Uio mo* unlnviUi.g ***** "* ~",''> il"<1 v ***» that a htnafBtaal aatafliX peraa.ii can be brought Into ontact w!lUi. -For a ouur- ur ot a cctit.ry |,e has laeen tii. cht.ptalti of th» Kings County PeMt_f!t.arv. and has been fnlfliful |n mmm and out of r.-a.-on in Uie dlsiharge of the work whicli lae haa felt calkd upon ta do. He ls now seventv iivo ycars of age. A few days ago a nnmber of friends snrprlsod him by presenting blm with a pur. .f ¦flBflf Ui recognJUon of his self-sacrificing i^ors Naturally he was much overtomo by HBfl token of good will, aerompanled an it was by many wortU *% cniogy .nd Icttera tpeaklng jn torma of Uio higbo.t prul.. of ** o-oc-r* wrrlw, Ut. Baa* waa born ta Ctoark*. ton, r. O., and waa a achoolmata of General Hm C. Fromont. Durlng tho war lio scrved a_ ehaplaln of the OOth New-York Volunteera. __-. POLITICAL AND PERSONAL. NEWS OP PUBLIC MEN AXD AFFATBS. ThE SELECTION OF IIEPRESEXTATIVE3 IN THE STATE CONVEXTION-URGING BROOK¬ LYN CAND1IUTE9. Thls wiU be a wock of spcclnl ortlvlty among Re pnblieans as tho work of selectlng the renrcsontatives of Klngs Countv in the Stute Convention. to aas88BMl next woek at HorheMer, la tn be completed. In tho last eWMcii for BflfBMMJ there were r.3,747 votes ,-; f>r Warnor Mlller ln (ho county of whlrh HrooU- J lyn ls the rnpltal, an lnciyase of 20.000 ox*cr the Re- pnbllean vote ln 18S5. At the _jmo ratlo of Increase tho voto thls year wlll excecd 00,000. To NBflflBflBt Ibcse Republlcans In the flrst Stato Convention for two voars tbero wlll elffhty-ono delogaric. repro- sci.tlng the twclvo Assembly D-.tri.te ln proportlon to thclr votlng s'rcTiath. Those delegntcs wlll bc' ehosen nt the oonvcntlons held on Thnrsflay evenlng In earh ASBflflflMf Dlstrlct at ri o'elock. ln the ist l)1«trict tlio convention moets at No. £4 Conrt st.. and Ificliides r©pi-><enta_vcs of tho Flrst and Sixlh Wards. Tlie Ild Dlstrlct Convention. with dclegates from the Befl- ond antl Fonrth Wards. moets ot No. 57 Myrtle-ave. Tho Third and Tcnth Wards romprlse fhe IHd Dlstrlct. and the convenllon wlU bo held in the rooms of tho Fedcral Republlcan Club ln Court-st. The IVth Dis- trlct, comprxwd oi tho Fiftli and El©vcnth Wards, will have Its convention ln the rooms of tho l). S. Crant Club. in Uoekwell Ilncex Tho Twelfth Ward by itsclf forms the Yth Dlstrlct,. and ihe mceting-place ls No. .118 Van BlBBlai The Vlth ITi-trlct Is composed of tho Foiirtcentl. and FlfteenUi Words, ond the dele- gtites will npsemble at Rnedcf's Hall, in Manjer-st. Tho VIHh Dlstrlct Iheludcs only tho _ixt_©nt>i Ward, and tho convention wlll bo held ln Tum Hall, ln JlesC- role-st The Roxor.teenth nnd Eighlconth Wards foim Iho Vlllth Dlstrlct, and tlio convention will moct ln th© xi itrxvam oi the Ifftter ward. The IXth is a strongly Republlcan Distriet. and ls formod of the ThlrteenMi. NlnctJC'ith and Twcntieth Wards: tho convention iu lt xvill meot tn Gorflcld Hall, at No. -1_7 laroy-uve. Thiee Beath Hrooklvn wards. the Elghth. Nlnth und Twcntv- sccond, compose the Xth Distriet, and tho cbn- voution will moct at Twcnty-lhird-st. and Flfih- ave. In the Xlth Distriet, which comprlscs tho Scvcnth, Tworty flrst, Twcnty-third and Twen¬ ty-fonrth Wards, tbe dclegates will aBBB.hlfl in the Twcnty-thiid Ward Wigwam, at Gates and Mnrcy aves. Tho Twenty fiftli and Twenty-sixtb wards and the four county town. form tho Xllth Distriet, and the plaee for the meetlng of tho con¬ vention 1s Gxvinnett Hall, at Libeity nnd Wyona nve*. Somo of the rcprcscntatlvo men of the party will bc sent to Roehestcr. Among them nre llhely to be I, V. Whlle, Darwln R. James, W. \X. Goodrlch, Stew- art L. Woodford, Josse MMflOB, W. OL Wallace, T. I). Wlllls, Hugo llltsh, .lackson Wallaco. L. W. Emerson. \V. II. N. Cndmus, A. J. NcwlOn, S. A. Avlla, W. H. Lcaycraft, W. C. L.yant. J. H. Ogllvle. F. F. WllI- lams, Joscph Aspinull, Henry Dristow, D. A. liald xvln, W. S. Cartcr, 1. F. Flschcr and J. Latt Nostrand. The primarl~s at which the delntnter. to compose the xarlous Asscmhly dlstrlct conventions are to bc eleeted wlll be held BB Tucsday afternoon und evenlng In encb ward nnd town. In those wticre a large vot. ls polPd or contcsls aro expectod tho prlmnrles bcgln early. ^.ccording |8 tlio law governlng primary clec- tions, nll must closo at 0 o'elock. In most of tha wards two honrs will sufflce for the voting. whlle Ifl ono town one hour, nnd In two wards afl hour nnd a half, ls set down as enough. In the Scvcntcenth ond Twenty-flrst wards the voting bcglns as early as 2 p. m., in tiie Twenty-second Ward at 4 p. m., in the Elghteenth Ward nt 5 p. m. and In tho Tcnth, Nlne- teenth and Twenly-thlrd wards nt 0 o'elock. Tho sharpest oontest wlll bc ln tho Twenty-flrst Ward, where tho two faciIon_ nro of nearly equul strength, and every effort wlll bc made to get as many voters ns posslblo to Iho polllng- plac©, No. 54 Dclmonlco I'lice. Soveral Issuos will bo determined by tho triul of strength at the pi-imary. The friends of Charlos T. Dunwell. who xtos defcatcd for Controller la<t year, nre puttlng hlm forward for nicmber of tho State Coiiimlttoe to suecood Tliomas A. MAVhinney and are puttlng forth every effort to earry the prlmary In his intcivst. His snrcoss or defoat will also huve a boarlng upon Ihe asplratlons ot Joseiih A<plnall for the e'tato Senatorshlp from tBc Uld Dlstrlct, and tlie liopes of Jumos R. Allaben for Asplnall's seit ln the Assembly. All these BBflfltaBS add to tho lntcrest in the prlmary. Tliero wlll bo rlval tlckcts ln BflBBJBl other wards, notibly the Third, Tontli, and Twenty-socond, but niercly loeal affalrs are at stako. In tho IVth __>ngross Dlstrlct, which Stcphen V. Wiiito now roprcsonts on tho State CO.nmifteo, a s;ic- cossor to hlm wiil have to be MleflBSi as Mr. %\*htt-j posltlvely decllncs to serve longer He hns bcen a member of the conmilttoo for four years, and for tha last two years treasurer, aiid lio feels that he has given all the timo ho can afford to tlie dischaigo of theso political dutlcs. Sevcral aspirents for his placs have already ennouncod thchiselves, among them bclug 6. A. AvWa, of tlio Eleventh Warxl. D. M. Bflrifly, of tho Slxth Ward, and M. J. Dady, of the Third Ward. It Is more than likely tliat Mr. Hurley will tako Mr. Whlte's plaee. In tho Ild Distriet it ls coneeded thnt Israel F. Flschcr wlll return to the plaee In whieh Timothy L. Woodruff succeeded hlm two years ago after a sharp contest. In the VSh Distriet lf F. F. Willlams doos not remaln ln the state Committo- i. & Ogilvle U likely to suc- cecd hlm. Whether the Brooklyn delegatcs to tho State Con¬ vention wlll put forward the name of a Klngs County ¦Bfl Bm a placo upon tho State tlcket ls not yet fully declded, although Uicre aro sfrong mox'cmcnts in that diroction. At loa-st two wai-d, have adopted rcsolu- tions ln favor of the notnlnatlon of General Stewart L. Woodford for Governor. Colonel II. H. lieadlc, of tho Tcnth Wnrd, aald b) tho wrltcr: "It ls my Judgmcnt that (.oncral Woodford! shouid bo tho candldate of tho Republlcan paa-ty of the Btato of Now-York tor Gov¬ ernor thls fall. Ho would make an aellve and earnest enmpaign, and lt would bc crowned by sucecss at the polls. He is Jnst the sort of man we need. Tho I_-.moci-.tlo vote ln thls county would be greatly eut down, and lio would get a vote ln the Interlor of the 6ttrte tliat would overcome the Democratic majority on this side of the BSBBBM River. I hope to sec hlm the candidatc." Ex-Congressman W. C \Vallac3 says: '.Tiie King. County flflBBJBBM Iii tho Stato Convention will favor th~ BOflBflafltafl of QBBMBi Woodford for Bflfl. flflBflf and ex-Mayor 1'hlllp Uccker, of llujTalo, for Lleu- tcnan! Governor, and wlth that tlcket ln tlie lleld wc can surely wln." The nanios of Darwln It. James for Llet.tenntitiiovernor aud Georgtj II. BflBBfl for otato Eng1in«r and Surx-cyor have alw) been mentionod, but it ls gnhBHs that . concentratcd effort wfll be made to seeure the scicctlon of General Woodford to head the state th.!.<._. Tho BflflfleaSBfl of oplnlon among Republlcans nt prcseut favors tlio nomlnatlon of William Zlcslcr as the BflBfl.Baaa and (lU/.eus' candldate for .Mayor. ills dex'otlou to the li.Uivsts of tho taxpuyei's, liis fieedom from cnmtigling political allltiiices aud his pei-oual quainieatlons lor tlw ollicx: all -serve to make hlm a fomilduble candldate. Mr. Zl._!r lus bcen slioOtlng ln the Mtilne wuods and has now gonu to Rrltlsh Amerlca. He has cxpre_sed hlmself as favorlng the nomlnatlon of William J. Gaynor, who succcssftilly conducted the suit which defcatcd tho outragcous water pBNBflflfl ln the Twenty slxth Wurd by the Mayor last winter, for the ofhee of Mayor. Ilut Mr. Guynor ls to<. imich of a Democrat to seeure Republlcan supi>ort, and Mr. 88088 admlts Uuit If he can recclve the pioper BOd pa*_flaa snpport ha **saM be Vfllflg lo become a BBBflBBflfla -'Ir. Begler proposes to build a hc-w house for liluis<if ln F.ighth-ave. Tho Mnnlcljii.l Reform Commlttoo of Republicane Is carefully BBflflflBflrfBg tho loeal situatloi und when tlie tlme comes for dw-Kivc .ctlon it wlll be taken. Tho members cf tlils body include General S. L. Woodford, B. W. Gi_)drlrh, John R. Sntion, Chnrles T. Dunwell, Watron 0, Trodwell, Flanx-n B. Candler, Albro J. Bflfl-BM, Dr. C. T. Ilepf nnd Gcorgo W. Uilliams. Tliey expect to trc al.le to make tlu-li- tawe felt whc-ri the i-fUvo work of the rumpalgn begin. Mr. Sutton is ehalrman of tlio i .mmKtec. Tho lato Wllliim Colt, who a_» buried last week, was one of the Republlcan leaders of the last gener.. tion. Ho wi**> apeclally actlve in tho poIIUcs of the Slxth Wurd and pre^ldcd over ihe Republlcan As BBBBBflBB for several years and was n delcgalo to the (.ieneral Commlttee. Hc w.s at ono tim© 8up©rx-Sor of Uie Slxth Ward and when James Troy was cl©< ted County Judge o (luarter <4 a ccntury <-r moro ago Mr. Colt was tho aflflfl-flflflfl Bflfltflflt hlm a: d |BW| hlm fl cloi_) contest. The pflflBflflll of Mi. < olt ucic soupht by UM party leaders on many flflflflalBflfl. A .px.<._»! meeUi.g of the Deniocrt'ti^ General Cin- mittec haa' been called for Tuesday' cwn. ig aiid it Is probablo that the datca which wlll be nan.ed for the prlmnrles a:id convenltor.* to uame dcle_AU_( lo the . Btnte Convention will be rteptember * and 10 respecttvolv. It ls nnnonneed that '.Ilosa'' McLuugblin wlll »top llshlng at Gr-:nji n- and wlll return to town on the ni,... Bf Uk. corumlttea'a mootlng. Thora wiu bo tlil. t> -».x dehguteB to tU- Damocratic Btata Couv«ut_ju Xrwn l_li»- countr, and I i_M_KATK-?.***. <.> *h"»M **> Mnt t0 puMi rrH'Mjim Mr. . hap,ir. randld-i.-v n._h*'.*'»<.¦c'"i" "ird RapnbUeaa Aworiotion and .««_..__. ! ., ""'. ""' Ol the vict.tns of tho fstal.tyI- Part I'l.ee. BW.Yor*. Snltubl- ,-xprc»ilon« beenTadopte'd. ' s klt l'' his I>llow ''"*"'1'rrs ,,avo Th© serlous lllnws of .losenh F Knunn i< re- TH.rt.-d haa alflrmel Us glfl*' w, 'T.pc- how- _'d.m_*_*i.__J___._* " »'"*t'lilid. the la.ii "I dctln.te Infornnlloi, doi.hllec, c \ icccrat.-d th© ZT?r J" H. S1* t!"lt ___""_ Wooa_o_?r_- Wai JSlitr! _?V .nt ''' .Un>il*- ta bta coodttoo, Geo- 1---d^ u'^,_H_*JXf__! ta ¦*¦*« from __ aflBJ Tlie death of Rl©hard uu"er ^ho wag om ot iho £?'_!?. ^"nn*1^""*^ "nder Moyi.r Low. to rflBortod IO have occurred reeently jn ft.. \yest Mr. Van-r Biat BBB; publlc sj-ivli-o as st,,, rvl ->r of th© Third NN *.' »,c ¦_" iBdependenl ln fii» p<_ltleal afflllstlons. The Republlcan Otimpalcn Commltt-e wlll soon lio aniK.liiled by Chalrman Ilir.h, of the Exectitlvo Com- mlttoo of tho party. NEWS FROM THE ARMORIES. BXOAVATtNG FOR A FOTTN'OATIO.V-CnANGES IS MILITARY HOMES. Tho work of excavatlng for tho fonndatlons of the new armory of tho ITld Reglment, iu Ite.lford av©.. be¬ tween Atlanttr are. and I _ci«c ... |s BBBttf completed, and tho supports for the, wall- af MM bnlldSng xxiil fOOB be Inld. The new stntcture 11 expeeted tn eqnal. lf not .irpi-s.t'i© two other new armorie-; und-r way,eaeh of which Is to cost g4ijo,000. It |s nearly twenty fl M8 slnce the prescnt armory of th© SBi, iu Clerni'nt- avc, wns construrted. and at that tlme lt was tho best armory In the State, and lt xvas fin_ surpt.. ed by tho new armory of the 7th R©glment In New-York. Hut, the growth of the reglment ond th© abflflflflfl ta tho work done by tho BflBflflal Guard have ren<l©rcd tho old armrry BB8BNM to proscnt demands for so hirge a comman<1. Hut lt ls unn.uestloned that much of the advaoee of the reglment ln tho past was duo ti th© advantages offcred by Its armory, and In Its new home It ls expeeted that a like galn wlll bo sernicd. The Clennont ax-o. armory was secnreil by the efforts of Colonel Rodney C. Wutd and John C. I'crrx'. nn able memberof tho Legl _afm.. lt cost i?10O,(KKi, aad was flrst orruplofl ln 1S72. Colonel Ward rontinued to eom. iand tho reglment untll 1870, when he, ro-lgncd and wus sneceeded by Colonel John N. I*artil(lge. When the latter was made Flro Commisslnncr, ln IBA3, ho rcslgncd bls ©ommand, and Colonel Wanl agaln ass'nmed it. Sevcral ehanpes sneceeded before Colonel Partridgc agaln became th© comuiandlng oflicer. A stcady udvaticc has marked the rarcer of tlie regl¬ ment slnce the prescnt armory Bflfl occupled, and tho titlc of " thirs" was bestowed npon It. There aro now over H00 men cnrolled ln th© c.nnmand. What wlll be dono with the Clermont-ave. armory when t)» BM goes to tho Iledfo. l-_v.\ stnntitrc ha. not bcen settled. It is unsnited t > a:iv use savo mlli- tary occupatlon. When the new armory project *M flrst mootcd lt was thought that the 14th Reglment mlght inox-e from North I'ortland-avto. to Cl-nn nt- av©., but tho 1-lth wlll be ready to occupy Its own new arMory ln South BlOOfllya wlicn tho i_:id Is ready to cvacuate Its prescnt mllltary !nm©. The suggcstloa has been made that th© Ml Regir.icnt ahonld BB.Bflflfl its armory at Ilnshwlck-ave. and Stagg-st., and go over to the hill and o__upy tlm '_. Sd's old armory. Bflflh 8 movo mlght prove of gcnulne benclit to tho smallcst reglment ta the city. It would Jiractirally have tho downtown field to Itsclf now occupled by three, regl- ments, whlrh nro oll to move next year. The Cler¬ mont-ave. flfflMiy would bo amplo for It. Ordcrs havo been toBflfll to the lHth Reglment to ass©mblc nt tl«3 HflBSOa Plaee armory Ofl Sunday. October 11. and go In dress tiniform to the Iln x.klvn Tabernacle, whero Dr. T. De Wltt Talmage, rhaplain. wlll preneh the annual MfflBDfl fo the coniinund. No action has yet bcen taken ln regard to tho sclectlon of a rhaplain for the BM Reglment to suc- cccd Dr. B. R. Mcrcdith. wi.o gaffl up the dutles of thls ofllee last spring. The Rcv. Ilrs. Llndsny I'nrker and Mward A. MflfflflP ar© mentloncd for the po*t. Dr. Rindley's prcdeccssor m Sl. LuUe's Church, Dr. VBfl De Water, was formerly rhaplain of the reglment. As wns expeeted. th© 8_M__B of I.loutcnant ( ol.n.i Hubbell, of th© _7th Rcginient. wa* praetically uiiatil- motis. Only on© vote was cn-t ngaiust hlm. aad Major W. R. rettlgrow, who bad been t.illted of BB B rival candldat© for the pla<©, voted for him. Cokmel John <_ Bfldy prosldod nt the cleclion, and nlnetecn votai were east. The rtcw liciitcmint.colonel eallflffld ln Ihe r©glm©nt In whl©h he (fl now s<-cond ln ©om¬ mand ln April. 18B6. Ho rOBO to Ihe p >st of sergemt ln l©r,7, hut two years latcr returned to th© rnnks, hut was agaln promo.ed. ln 1X70 lie xvns made left gen- ©r.il guide, and the next yea* right general gnlde. Retnrning to th© "ranks by eholce agnln, hc wns onro moro mad© _ergea.it. In 1S73 took his dUeharge. nnd In 1B8I hc went lack to th© rri-'lmcnt ns flrst lictitenunt and adjutant. holding thls offlce untll now. Tho frlnnds of Colonel Gavlor. Into ce.mmnndant of tbe 47th Reglment. rcgret tbat hfl has not inciided his ways states hc left iho clty. QATnERED ABOUT TOWX. David I". Qulck. of G. A. R. Post No. 21. ai)d In- -pcetor of tho New York Stato Department, G. A. R., has breu appolnted Asssistant Adjutant-Cfetieral hy Comm;_id_r-ln-Chtcf Palmer. flf tho Nationat Encamp- ment. An orfle. was mad© by .Tndgc Hn.rtl.tt yesterday dopos- Iting ln a hank *»(K) award.-d by Snpremo Court Com- mlssloners to Lireneo Tfein©. of Quecns County. for land taken by tho clty of Iirooklyn for xvatcr purposes. which he rcfuses to recclvc. It was put lu tho Me- rhanlrs' Hank. . Joseph Ryan, of No. 11" DaflhM st.. and Owen I_-_rl worth, flf No. 711 Xorth Oxf. rd-st., were arre.ed yc-sterday upon a chargo of SBBBBbS a team of boTBM worth MM and a sct of BBTBflflS WOftt $-2o from I_.stcr W. Hill, of No. 108 Nassau-st., and a tmck from Ed¬ ward Princ©, cf No. li*l OBBflerBai John L. Heafon, th© managlng clitor of "The Rrook- lyn Tlmes," has n...!gned his plae© to gn to Prox'lden©©. R. I., ar.d manage an afternoon m-xv-paper, '-Tit© IYov- ldenco News." His wlfe. Mrs. BBSfl 1*. Hcat/m. Is a well known newspaper xvrlter. both over her own nanio and her pen-namc of " Ellen Osbom." A pern.lt has b.vm granfed by the Rnllding Depart¬ ment f..r the erection of a new llaptlst Chflflfli at Elghth-ave. and SixU-cnth-st.. to cost MUMO. It xvill bo of brlck. aud wlll bo built by the llioaklyn Raptlbt Church Extenslon Soclety. Dr. Emory J. Havncs. of Roston, formerly pastor of Oie Washington Avenue T aptlst Church, who recent'v returned ti the Methodlst mlnis.ry, In which his pis- toral labors wcro begun, proaelu-s today lu the New- York Avenue Mcthodl_t Eplscopal Chunh. The elghtb annnal festlval of tne I*hittd©tilsrho Volksfest Ycreln <>f Blflflilyfl nnd Its vicinliy wlll bC7ln to-day nnd contlnuc for fix-c days. The I wlll bc held at Deeklcman's BMgOWOOi Park. nnd xxlll contlnue Btofldfly, IBBBBBf and Wcdr.e.day, the linal day tK-iiig on Sunday r.cxt. .shouid tho wcafl.er pflOTB f:ivoniblc, It ls expeeted tliat IbOB-BBia of pflflBfl. will bo ln uttendancc. Great prcparatlons nro BBBhfflg for tbo affalr. ^¦l.ilo Enill Smlth, elght ye.n-s oid, of No. l!»0 lloeni*ii-st.. was playing wlth a nuinlx r of other rhll- di .-ii oround n bontlro near her home pfleltSflBy morn¬ lng, she Bccldcntallv f. 11 tfltfl the flatnt-s. When tlio otlwr abDdreB BBB the fate of Ihe ehiid they baflflflM frlghfcned and ian av.t.y. Her sriflflflM attraii'.'d srmr© liiborors tn tho n©lghl_»rhood, WBfl cunght the chlld np ln their arms and amoth-red Oflt tl.e BflBMB. Tho child was found lo l>e frlghtfufly burned, und xvas re- inox-ed to St. Cntherinc's B.pfBU ln a crltical condi¬ tion, and her death Is hourly cxpocted. » - .- nro _.n.or,.4n_ arrested. For three weefcs many of the TKnises of peopie who haxxi spent the watin wj-ather out of town have beon thoroughly ran.aehcd My thlcvcs, who hav© rarriod axvay pluuder to tho VflJflB of ti ii-.-in.ls" of dollnrs. Althongh th© pollce have been constantly afl tho alert, the thl©ve, havo always escaped wilhoirl d©1cf- tlon. At Tl o'elock yesterday mirnlng, whlle OflVeM Combay and McCot.cghy, of tho IMford-avc. paBee tlon, were patrolllng th.-ir pj.st along South Thlrd- st., th©y saw two men cnter tho dwclllng No. 3_0. The oflicers followed lh© tBIava* hdo tbetMldlBg, and afler a hard flght flllflaM them. They proved to be twophlladelphla "rrooks," named William F. Iirmson ad D88_p OSIWB. It xvas not untll th:- oBttoti ttm thclr rcvolver- that th© BBB siilnnitted to arrest. Jus- to.- Knglt* laaMtdflr held IbSM to awalt the aetlou of the t-rand Jury on a ch.-.rge <.f tmrfllaiy. BOTIT OF THEM AtAY CLT IXTO TROVRLE. John Krau.cr, who lives ut No. 2_l F.Iie.y Bbi chaig '1 his wife Annlc In Justlce Englc'. polii© court yesterday with bewlt.-hing hlm. Kian.cr said his wlf-- lived at No. MB Knlrkert... k.-r av<>. Mrs. Kramer tm rlared that her hu .land l_-at her wh.never IhSf niet mi the stixt-t. and their flflflflflBIBSflS l.ad bflflfl due to Bta having two other w1-.es Ilvitig. Tiie SBflfltj after hcurltig thl- st.iry. told lh© c Bfls to c.i home. Mr-. Kf.iincr Bfll hirdlv h': BM BOBBWrOOM BlMB IVter Loaaeh, sf Bo 141 Bayard :.. appaaiafl anl >i /that ibgi aiMMii wa* ato alls. Ha had Mantad i r "Iglilreii year. BfB. Tluv llved together untll BBM y.ar.s ago, w.'.cn she dlsiipix-atx-d, leaving her tv_> *BU drcu ln his SBfltBty. L8888I sald their daugl.ter .M.i.le, seventeen years old. was now lu Onclda, and that tln-ir MB ivier, tlftoen years 88. wa» Iivlng wlth hl:n. _B hnd Bflfl BB * ©onstant .©arch slnr© lier flifc-ht l«i learn wln ro she was, ho aald, but 11 wn_ not untll a te~ days ago that ho found her tn Iirooklyn. Ile aaked to havo her puuUhad lor blsaiur. Juatlco Ko_ta toki Loe**-** OKLYIi FURNITURE CO. TO MAKE ROOM FOR FALL STOCK Will commence To-morrow and continue for Four Days-MONDAY TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY-of thia Week only, a SPECIAL CLEARANCE SALE OF A HALF MILLION OF STOCK. Every Article marked down regardless of cost and in PLAIN FICURES. You can roam through our Acres of Show Rooms and see the Pricos Plainly Marked on eaeh Article. The Coods offered at this Sale are all Bright and Desirable. Many of them will be continued this Fall. At the Prices which we will offer themf you cannot do better than to avail yourself of this Colden Opportunity. ALL COODS MARKED IN PLAIN FICURES. BROOKLYN FURNITURE CO., Retail Manufacturers.Furnilure and Carpetings. 559 to 571 Fulton Street, Brookiyn, N. Y. to call on Tuaxhiy with proof o( what he alleged, and a warrant will bfl laatJBfll for her arrest. ¦ AT THE PLAJEOUEBB. The Ajnphlon Academy »w reopenod for the prenent seiii_.ii last BfBBlBf. and x large audleric. was Bfflatafl at th- illlllBBBBIB of "My Jack," whlch wai favorably re- c. Iv d t.y IBWlIB IBBta last soa^n. The play was capably proncu.-d, and mt tOflaflfl Bflffl vari d and Intercatlng. lt win ba aaafltaaai all tMa week. The newly itaatalai I.eo Avenno Academy will reopen IB BHIt.a night with the p .fornianco of "A Fair llcb-l," whicli waa . marked BBBataa ln New-York, where It has Ju.t closed a month'a run attho Fourteenth Street Tlx-atro. blneo iw prodn.-tlon In Brookiyn laat ywir It has baaa re- Wlttaaa Mfl ra*..1, making a aaw prodncMon. The BBBffl ca<-t of ebataetata, dM tatBfl flflflaflrjr, ond in fact aii of the ni- -h_.il.al offeeflt, will bo BBBB ln BroiAlyn aa ln tho New- Y«.k pi-ductloti of the play. TBE ELECTRIC CAR COLLTSWSt Oarvln Ko-\ who was seriously Injured by the colllsion on Friday b< twe. n an clectrlc car and a br.wery wagon at Socond-ave. and f/BBlJ flfllflafll. ls still In a crltlcal eon¬ dition at UM Methodlst Kplscopal Ilospltal. Ills skull haa bata found to be fiactuaod, and fatal renults an: f-irod. Ho has revlvod xufflciently to mako an ante-mort.m state- Bttftt. Wl iii tho aaBBBBB ocoirred ho was BtBBfllag on Bm front platform of the car onoklng. The drlvcr of the baaa aaffla at, mst Utipafl akaa amw tho BMatrM car gpproachtng, and thon *'id(!enly whlpped ii_> bi- liorses and Atarted Bflfflflfl the track In front of lt. Tho motoi- drlvcr BflflBtaai hU barll and put on thfl brukes, but the acclght ot th. c-.t-s ln tho rear caused the WbflflM to ulldu along and the mtatot- car cra«h«l into the boer wagon. Mr. ltoc was lendered unconsoloas by tho colllslon. The drlvcr of the Bflflfl wagon says that ho had threo ton. of b»'-r BbBBBB_ Uammmm Utmm, ot tho clectrlc rallroad, sald ycsterd.iy that bB ba-llevcd the drlvcr of tlie beer wagon was wholly to blamc. Ho had sulliclcnt warnlng to get out oi the way and did not. In fact, tho drlveru of beer WtflBBM thuught their vclilclca were ao flUtlg Uiat they conld run into anythlng. The wagou bclongcd to Mouroc Eck- ¦BBBB, of Stut_u Island. a-..-¦ CBAVEL FOUXD TO BE VXSAFE. The BBBBfl of _rac_ 1're.byt' rlan Chureh, tt Stuj-vcsant Qnd Jfllflffia araa, aktok wa« batlt la-st year, iui^ i. ta fouml bi bfl BBBBBflj as tlio roof Is too hcavy for the xldc wall", »nd tliey havo btilged. One wall Is icvernl Inehcs out of pluiiiu. Tho tasill-Inqr ls to b; flMBBfltkaBM", antl will l)'r clos-d for two Sundays -it 1-a-t. To-day's mtltM* will bo h-id lu tlie Stuyvesaitt Avenue Congrvgattoual Chtii-h, iu tlie next Mfl*-. In ord-r to ovold too great . araajjM upon tho »idt w.iis al baa bububibj ti»o __tg_a_ plan of plii.-t. rlng .!>¦. Btt-Bg «a* ubaiidoned, und It was 1 with llnliig-hoirds. lt will be BflCaatBfy to BM tie-roda to liMd Uui wall* in place, uule« pillura aid put Iu to bupport tho roof. INCIDENTS IN HARLEM. TIIE UYELY RFTLDLICAN CLUB-DEMO- C1LVTS FIGHTLNG. Harlem aliarc ln the Purk Place dis.i__.ter ls such a-- Ifl aj.neal strotigly to tho sympnthlos nnd churlty of every one livlnc ln the northern parl of Manhattun Mand. Tlio saddest CBflfl Ifl Ihal of the wldow of OaBiad Sclinildt, who was employed by Ll-bloT Maaaa, tta Baaa at No. ISO Enst one-hnndrcdawl- elghth-st.. and Is still ln bed from lllness BBBflfli hv Ej* shock nf her bflMBBBil t'-iri.le iflBtfe. Hhe has fmi;- (hlldi-ii, the ol-.-t of wlii.m la foui-tecu yc-irs old, und lhe ynuiii:i -t a babo slx montlts old. i-chnii.t Baa ii)or.ibi.'r of .Vairen LoigB. I. O. 0. F.. nnd of the llaruiohk- CBkm Fn)m the latter the wldow e.\- peetfl to get <100, whlch will bo pald out ln fiineml c-iK-'Usca. Llvluj lu tht: sumo tcnement with Mrs. Shmldt Is the uiDtlici-of JBcafe HflMflOriC-. .She Is ¦ wldow, and .pporU hfltflfllf bf taktng la araaBl-f t-ho baa taro oliier sons. inie of whom I-, Ciirnlug .i'l a weoU, the other still BttBBal&g BflkflOL Mrs. BOM BaTBB, tlie witlow of John DBTBfl, whoso o<xly was uot iik-nfltied, H~_B ut No. MM F.ast Oiie-huiidi-cd-and foiirieeiitli si. ll- v.as a tnichmiin, and was in FfltflrBfl-'fl rc-.fatiruiit araaa UM b-D-lag Mfl, Jie iafl bo InaaiaBaa. Mn. nuiiis now hiu to support her lnvulld mother BBBl three clilldrcn. ten, tlght nnd two jears OM, bho hus olwnys rontributcd to tho supporf of tho ftinilly by taking in waahtaf. At present 6hc ls without MiTaT Bjf the dciith of Oiistavc Steiner. who was employed K the s.mtli I.ihlislilii.' OO-ipaBy, the Stc-lner famliy bafl thclr mai'i >ui.F|rt- 1H< futhcr Is too old 10 wurb, liis mPmJ aatBfl u f--w BoUan ii KBflk iii a laOflf tkap L:i Flfih^t., whlli! liis mother ha. attt-nded to tkfl laouse fraak. Tliey lve ut No. i; 11 iBfll OM liundrcd iind- scventh-!>t. Arninpoment-i have been mude by lhe Harlem llrnncli of Hm Taaag Mob_ C-rlatJaa Aaaarlatloa to par tirijiate in th IkM B-BBBl BBtflBBlflB °f the CBBBtaB- (BB DafOI «f tlil. city. Tlu- Iron ttflBBWr Sirius will l-ive the clty e.-irly on lataBB.f BfMraaaB, septeni- bar 7. .'md sall np the lludson paaat-f tho HlgBMlMfl hv inoonlii-'ht. Wh-u OffOBtM W«-st MBl B fBBJto of thlrteen guus will t_o flred so thnt tkfl MMBlMBB partf ti ay bBBB MM wondcrful flflkOflfl ln tlils st-'tioii of the river. Tho Hurlem nepuhlican Club Is ¦BMtfllBlBg Its repu- tntion ono of the Ilveilent clubs north of One- Iniiidred-iindtenth-^t.. in splte of the siitnnier w-at!i ¦[. tho aniiuiil iiutlng and dBBB._M whlch is to Inlte pUice nt I_ui-hinoiit. IsptBBBbflr nud the (.rcat ta-'lrtll pUBfl of tht- II.i-I. ni I'roi.i I'oil Tin I.ato t.liiut-. wlihh cotiu-s olf early In sept iiiIht. the club Bt -iir t ) play n howling n-ntcii. The nmtch will tv.eeii tkfl Hflf-UB Hepuhliean Ilowllng Citib nnd tlm M_Mp" llowllng .luh. Tho contest will __B I'.i.- aa Monilny, nt 8 p. m.. In Uie i.iuhng nlk-y ">f tkfl llnrlem Hoptihlirau Chlb. Efrt-Bi-BBM over lhe I'tot -tlon Tin I'hite (.littit -! ri piBM i>tiv MflfBBBM .. . tkfl ifl.¦ BppatBtai,tor tlie inif !i diaws near. TIk. lollowiuj.' addtttoBBl vol- hive aakaaatkfli _;»t;*.- i<? mTttV E Loac 0, F.. .fferri't. WBBBlBllflB *REmX»} H. OOBBbB, *, H. BBBfTi F. A. iUehiiiond. Dr. Fonu »n. ll.-irnllt .:i BSBWB, 11.11. Ki-tchain. K. ('. Key.ainlT LOBB-BIoB. Tho Washington < luh, ln One htui«In-d rind liftv-soc- m.'i -I.. licw Am-ti-rtl,iiu av .., |. -till ncflvolv t-ueiiretl lu piulilng on the pn-fataUiry wo.k for a rflBBBBf caui- pulgn ln tlio fall. Arrangemcntu havo already becu mada ta bold a uiast uieetlug two or. at tho latctt. flva days after tho Bepnbllcan Stato Convention. Tho meetlng will bo held ln the Athonac um, In Ohc-hun- drod-uhd-flfty fifth-st.. near Amsterdain-ave., where lt ls expected that at least one of tho candldate- noinlnatcd by tho convention will he present and addrcss tho meetlng. A torchllght paiadc, prcredetl by a band of mu-lc, will Mka plaoo before the meeting. This will bo d_-ne to tfttract tho attentlon of Reptihllcans as well as lndepcndents, as lt Is believed that many Itopub- llcans have recently moved Into this disttrict who am not yet awnro of the cxlstence or homes of tho Eepub- llcan club.. The flght In tho Jaeksou Democratte Club has been carrtcd Into the pollce conrts. Tlfla Is flM of tho largest Demoeratlc clubs ln Harlem, Its membership belng over .100. Thero has beon a bltter feellpg among several members of tho club over stneo tho recent elec¬ tlon of ofliccrs. The candldates for presldent wero Alfred J. .lolmsnn and Frank A. Condon, the tormer belng elected by a small majorfty. Tho bltterncss cn- P'lideretl in the canvass. however. did not eiid with tho election. On Weducsday lt culmlnated ln un BBBB.M on Mr. Johnson, sr., tho fathcr of the cluh's presldent, who was very actlvo in the canvass. and to whom tho BaaCBBB <t his son's candldacy ls attrlbu'ted, by Frank A. Condon and his brother. David P. Condon. Tlio caso was brought before Justice Meadc _i tho Har'.em Pollco Court Friday. where It was " lix.d up." and the ussallants wero dlschargcd. Harlem ls bccotnlng notcd for the nnmber of Its clubs. Tho West Sido Demooi-allc Club with 107 cnrollcd memt _rs cumo Into exlitenc. on Weduesday evenlng ai No. 1,___ Elghth-nvc. Tlae offieers olected, wHoso term of oflice will c.xplro January 1, 1808, f.reTliomtvi P. Klngrton. prenld-nt: John Oolden, vite-prcsident; Willlam F. Fclleman, trcasurer; El- moro Coh.n, BCeifltary, C H. Edwards, s-Tgoant-at- B..B. A eommitteo waa --ippolntod to rent a sultablo bulldlng Bflar the W<*t »ni.-l)undrcd-and -twenty-flfth- rt. dflaalei rallroad tftatlon On Fridaiy* they -ceurcd tho iippcr part of the house, No. 2,350 Elgbth- ave. Tho chib will bo composed largely of County lx-uwrnioy n>cn. Miss fctolla Jolinston gave a plfflB party to sov- 'j-al fi-icnds on Friday. «t her home In Amsterdam- avc, near Fort Ooorgc. Miss Josephino McAdara cntertaln- tho company with sclectlons on tho harp a.rd violln, whllo a r.umbcr of songs wero glven by Mi>s Klla o'Lcnry, John P. Koldack and Mrs. Johnston. Among the guests were Miss Amy Harrtson, Mr. and MfB. Louls isoany. Mts_ Efllo Ktclte. Ji-mcs I.ewi 100-, Mrs. T. II. Y:. .lderstc'tu, Miss V"unlderstcln aud Louls Jolinston. H is reported on tho West fTffe Ihal Mlchael J. Mc- LaefkBB, who hnd a plumber stor.- ln West Oue- lni:idred-and-twi.ity-third-st., will bfl thfl Rcptiollran caridlduto lu tkfl XlXth Illstrlct, elther for Alderman or HlBMIlbljaUII Mr. McLungltUn h_s llved all his llf- in Mnnhnttanvillc, and reccived his educatlon ln Mankatton Coik-p*. The trafltaaa of fhe Harlem avings liank will mect on SoptcmtT 8 to eleet a BfaaMfl.I ln plae. of W. il. r.ilweil, who died two weeks ago. Mr. CotweU was tor in. i;\ jreart b braaBaa aaal traa etoetctl presldent of tte baak about a y>-nr before he died. Tlu- fliiiil llvo-mllc club race of tte Rlvorsldo Wheol- men will ba- held ou Septcinber 5, on tho Englewood- T.nallv course. Last Sanda. thfl Rev. Willlam t. M'-EIvcen, postor of the North Now York OoogregaUoaal Chureh, preat bad on the flre at Macc's factory. This raornti g ln will preach oa -The Po-slblUty of tho Chil i.jkeni«. to tlia Father." In the evenlng hc win _c- iivei- a tannon on tlie Park Place at.aiter. Many of tho clty odictals h_.vo tnk.n adx-antag. of tte <iuti aeaaon to apend a ihot. Mbm ln ibe country. Inspector fonlln i. tpeedtna Ma vwctUAon at Morich--s. I,. I.. -md Captaln McCallaak, of tlio Twenty-thlnl |__rinct al Ibe CaUkUk_ Captaln Westervelt, ol tha Tu-iitv-nltitli Prerlnef, also |a away on his viratlon. Street Com_i_aa|oner Louls J. Helnta,"bowet.r, prefen tbe eltv ai.d lt- ilno bowling-nlloys fo country fare ami hofj-1 bflda. Loupold Worms-r. Mrs. V/ormtt r nii'J farnlly, wlio have been flammerlng nt tte Cataklll MoBBtokm( havo ntiinu-d to tlielr lionio at No. 1!) Wo-. One hu:idrt-J- i_r:i<I twcnlv-fourtll-sl. Mi-^ .ili.l F.lio, of Ilnrlem. ami MIs^ Annie M. ilos. of Yonkera, N. Y., are ipeodlnfl a few «raeka w-iiu relat-Vea at MMdlctown, Ooan. t ,'iarirs F.. lliiiiiua aud lamlly. of Fjst. Ono hun- d!-'-d-aiid-lwi.-nty->ii_.tli-st., are nt BBbbBtb Kay l\jlnt, Laltt- Cicorgc. w. NA T10XA L G UAIII) A FFAIR8. SCIIEME FOR A MILITARY DI^PIAY AT TIIE WOULb'S FAIR-Tiir. NAVAL MIUTIA IflSh TAKKS. There has been a tjuict flekflBM on foot for somo time to lwvo a grand Natlonal Ouard donionstrr.tion at the World's Fair tn 131 _!, and to have tlie M|PB| enciiinptnetit of Natlonal ouardsmen which lias over bBBB seen in this country ot thfl -trne placo In 1803. Tkfl si home was put on foot by E. C. Culp, the BflCtB- tnry of th. eommitteo on ccrcmonlcs of the Coltimblan I_\posltltm. He starti.-d lt by wrltln'g to (iein-cal Qaorflb \\. Wing-.ite, tho piaM.BBM) Bfl tho Natlonal t.-.iaiil AaaaetB.0.i alioitt haMlBg the convention of the BBflOClBfltoa in Ctilcago ln next Sept«?ml)cr fnr the per- po-.o of constiltlng QflMBBl Milea aud otlicifl ubout the idMBBBa Oenernl Wlnpate wrote to the diffenmt delcgates to the Natioriiil ouard Aa.soclatlon tlie rontents nf Mr. Ctiip's cotnmunl<at!on. He hna recelvcd Nf.flB from ull <<f them and tliey were unaniinons In tlie opinion that It would be liup-asslble for the Nntrmal Oitnr.l A-<o.-latlon to enrry ont nny *ur|| plnn. The troahM Ifl thal UM aaaaaaattoa mizht reromniend tiw ndvifahll'fv of snch u selieme from n<iw nntll doonmday und yet it mlght not Ih) cnmled out. The ofliccrs of that, n-sK-lation are not In nnthority and rntinot speak oflicially for the ndlutaut-genernls of the dlfferent Btaaea. Bflaaral winmite *-nt tho na___| of his in- qulrles to Mr. Cnlp, and It ia now believed tiiat com- innr.lcfltlons will ln- sent tn tlio pnox-r olllrlnl; to noe how many men could bfl fBl tOffl-Mn Tho Idcn ls to have n Jolut otu ampment wtth the rogular troops BBfl t) have n dispUiy of tbe rcgttltir BBd inllita force. of tlio country. titirral Mlles ls aaid »trnjdy to favor the project aud will co-operale with the Kxposltion flSflflflfl Mi brlng abont t!n- BBBBaapflBflBt, lt will bo some tlmo ^.i MMfB bbjIMBI dfiimt. will be known.. af eaeh _dJiita_nt-0»Mier_l mnat bo comuiunlcalcd with «<-p_- i-utlv ahout thfl B hflBM. Mr I Idlng tho flaMOMl Otiartl Aa»tMlatlon cnnvcntlou iu Chlca^o this f»U. ou miv other pietcxt Uian tiie o*e t*a arrange the plani (bfl a nillltarj' dUplay at tbo Woriri'f Fair. tk-ucral Wlugate tolfl Mr. CulD that it wonld be a wastu of Uiue DENNIN'S CERTAIN CURE For IiheuniatisBj aod (.out Cen.ln, rtuie and _peedv, xvheiher Aente, a.b-Aeata, or C'hronic. The euro cxhlblta its most cxtraorllnarr powers la relteving ln a few daya the Rheuinatlc palna whieh have guaw.il .nd agonlzed for years. Sold by dr.iggtata, m wlll Le scnt by oxpi_*a pafd to ai.y addrea. at 81 60 Bflfl bottle or *7 80 per half doien. (IURLES DFXm, Tbe Pharwieifa, I ir,f flace, cor. tourni, liroohir.. B. T. Brookirtn _Hicflt.es. AMPHION, ** H.-dford-axT., near nroadwav, Rrooklrn, N. Y. EDWJX K\()wr,l_s.". Role 1'rop. and MMflflflt The handsomcat, eoob-at theatre ln Brooklyn. W'eok eomroenclng MOXDAY BVBBl_f<_r, AiiguK BL MATXBZC8 WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY. Waltcr Sanford's Superb Productlon, MY JACK. 12-MAGN1FICENT KCENES-U Commencing Mouday, fieptcroter 7, Mntlne. Monda* (Labor Day), KATE CLAXTOX AND CHAULES A. _TEVEN_ON IN THE TWO_ORPI1 A_NS._ T EE-AVE. ACADEMY. AA Opening of tbe «>_-_rn Mooday, August 31, With a graud prod in. ti uu or A FAIR KRBEL, DIRBCT FROM 1_TH-HT. THEATRHL SIxty peopie ln the east. UATuaeta wed, and kat. _>©pt. 7--COKA TANNER. _..,........ ¦ .-.-.j and money. The eonvontlon must b*» held ln AVash- lngton whlle Congrees 1s ln sesBtbn, so that the conven¬ tion's actlou would bo brr.ught promlnently to tlie at- tentlon of the members of Congress. Tho Naval mtlltla idca Is taklng stroug hold all over tho eouutry. Ex*on Vermont. wlth only Lake Cham- plain as a posslblo plaee to excrclse, ls coming for¬ ward. The Lcgl-lsture of that state is dlscnsslng a hill for formlng su.-h an organlzatioa. Consldcrabla Informatlon on tho subject ls glven ln tho followlng odltorlal, wlrtch appeared ln "Tho Lurilngton Fraa Press" on August 27 Tho Introdnctlon of a bill ln the Legtslatnro provld- lng for the cstnbllshmeut of a Naval mllitla ln tbla Stu'to dlrects attenttdn aucw to a subject which Da. 11*88-3* baaa pr__eiited t-> th© readcrs of 'The Freo l'ress." TMs is a project which has found consldcr- ablw favor ln other state-, and, lu view of onr proxim- Ity to flio f*.nadlan boundary, and tb* cxpo.ure of western V. rmont t:> atta-'k by way of water, It ls not withont importanee to Vermonters. The advantage. arNing from tho prcsence of a Naval mllitla as a nucfeui In case of an outbreak of hostllltles on onr n -them boundary <!o not need to be reconntcd at Ithis tim©, th© Idea being essentlally the 6am© as thal which bbBmBbb tho formation of the Natlonal GuanL Tlie prlnclpal objectlon to tho Inceptlon of Uie projoel comes from outsldo the State ln the shape oi an ©dltortal paragraph In "Thp Springfield Republlcan." In this relatlon "The Republlcan" says: The retli-.d uaxal ofllcer at Rratt'.boro, Vt, who ts f»td to entertaln the sehenie of 0-janl/.ln^' % naxal mllitla, foree In U.e towns on the Vermont shor© flf LaJce Champlaln nay ablo to cnllst Uie aupport uf the State clhclalr ai.d flfflSl hi* pSBBjaaa. but, b.xlng his n.x-al _v_crv»! creoteJ, he wlll cxperien.e mnch dlflleulty ln ai.ordlng the men ..ultxbl.- op- portunl-fe. for tralnlng. Arcordlng to au srrjngemeia !>.> tVBflB the United fctta-ea and ONM Hrltatu ¦*> .ted ia 13If. nclth'r voveriimout can malntaln on Lake Chainplsin moro than one anred VBflflflt, and that craft sl.aJl not BBBBfll 100 tona ln Lurden, and lt shtill be anned xvith but an elghteen. ponr.d cannon. Smh a VBaaS. ln thes© d_>« would hard!/ be ad T|u:i. for the drill ©f onr nax-al r. .e-ve, however mod- BM its oru'anl/ntl.i'i and e<pilpmcnt mlght be. Tbe he. t thal could bo dnn© under a.ich ctrcu.nstan- os would be to drlil Uu naval :. Int.-im.n on land, und tl_ot would not '-ti_i to aruua- IBfl flaBaalMM n'-ccBaary for the cont.i...-. exlB'.ence of »u«h u bui^r. II Bm BaaaMtoflB bad taken tho tnmble to asecrtalu Just what the inethod and meuns of tminllig a naval mlllfla are, It would not bave mado the abox'o stat©- ment ln opposltlnii to ihe e«tabllshm©nt of such a f.irco ofl _M VennOBl (bflflfl of Lake < hnmplaln. A* baa already been itated ln time coIbmd-l the naval ¦i.ll-1I.i nre pmvlded wlth faclllMt lor tralnlng In tho ibape of medeb of the dltfcrent pnrts of a shlp. includ- It.g a broud-ddc. and also wtth meuns of Ituti-uctlon I.i tlie diitles of -allors nnd gunncrs, wlthout actually ptaetag them on shlpboord. Nor ls thls oll. The men nre s.nt to Q_ew-Yo*k or Boston for a «-*rtaln p©rtod ©aeh ye.r for n.-lual BlBeBofl and Instntction on b'>ard :i vessel of war. and aro thns phiccl ln a very falr ondltloji uf tnitnlng for servlce. .o much for tha fcafllMllfr of cstabllsbfng n naval mllitla In Vermont. Tiie West has come forward xvith a erheme for '.na-unnllrlng" the mllltnty forces of the different States. It origlnated among some Army ofTlcers nt St. Lou*s. it 188888. In talklng about the plan put forward by these oflicem veste. lay. General George \V. Wlugalo sald lt w-.is rldlculons to thlnk thnt C,c:g_'s- could bo Utot 1 BJ fls*P*flB8lB_i anv su.-h MM fll.i .Hi a \eor br aaflb aflBBBBBf of slxty men flt BMBBi as pflopaflflj bv BMfll i.I'.ic---. lt t/vik liftccn 188*8, he mlA. t-. get Coogres* to ituiva-c tbe appi-opnuiion for Uie whole Natlonal Guard from BtOOjOOO to t.o<'.OK) a jraar, Ho dld not thlnk It would bc a gxnl thiug flajaflf II smh a aeb*8M r.,uld Ile got thn.ugh longre.s. lt WOflM ba u bad plan to have tlte pr©-cnt mt© forroa t ,i elotely under tbe lOpervtfltoa of rhe Federal dofl. crnment; they were better ot? ns Uiev were u. w. TBM, VICIORIA CBOSS. From Tlw Mancbe.ter Exai'iituer. Tho questlun has ben aaked-apropo* of t__e hooar conlenvd on Major Gr.uit, of Thobal h_ine~how maay othcrs aio ©ntltled t> wear the \lctxiiia Croast I am able to an.wer the BBBflBOB, Tho mere atalemeiit ol iiiimlicr rtvcals »t once tho excluslvo chur.irter of uiis i.xrar.1 for valor. No less, however, than Ihlrty ulr.o general oitleers are cntitled lo -©ar It-an Indlcatioti nf the fa.-t that promollon to exalted mllltary rank lu Bngtand ha. lu u graal many ca-e* b©©n th© rewa.d or hei-olc ni. rlt. Thlrty eoloaeli and Itoetoaaal rolonela ao etitlth-d t wear tl.e d©c .-..t-.m txventv two majors, leven rapMlu, e__7lt llinter.mfs and Bve .|uart<r- masUi-. i>o*.s.--4 the s/une prtvlles©. lifiv-nltie .a _*e medak, however. ai-« latkl bv non < .niinis,loii..i olluvra ci.-rgvman p6a_*«_-i the medal. and tbe aet whlct. w.-n the K>. r for the H©v. .. W. Adims. wbo wy lw*Meijr attaehefl »o the Bengii .-eto-_aii©_l o"*»h>l**\n»" .,*¦" a.i:n n^.i '(> inu ui.-ui-» .-.-_-,-...--. P ., «, oue of Hie most berole ln tho aimal. of KnglUh eblvatay. Sann-c Inn atatlon ln ___*.**?_ «n4o^h»"J^°«^ vt» New-York CantnO. Through aleaper*. »_>. tWM ubkw

WHAT BROORLYN TALKS OF. OKLYIi FURNITURE CO.€¦ · enxlous to resume hor Sunday morning vislts to Grccn-wood. Rhe ninkes them before sunrlse, she says, so Uiat nobody shall sec

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Page 1: WHAT BROORLYN TALKS OF. OKLYIi FURNITURE CO.€¦ · enxlous to resume hor Sunday morning vislts to Grccn-wood. Rhe ninkes them before sunrlse, she says, so Uiat nobody shall sec




The \va«h1ngtnn-st. of twenty yeara ago la o. It

*.«otely HflBilflBill of the Wnshlngton-st. of taXIay.

ld the changes whlch nre upob to take place there

S more complctely metamorphose lt. The taM*oi BM nrldre bcgnn the s-rles of changes In the vlclnlty

^".ftda-st.. wn»ro Uie demolldon of old St. Ann s

Chureh a/is m»de nece«ary netirlp twelve T*f*J*Tbe liSw ****** ¦» **** J"st °Ut °f fl,iTSoBf.li.~trM. ¦* *** ***** it mi then needod

ZTtta BHdpe. but hBeaawa Mb aw-Bartr ib Iha BrtjBiEiMi its laaa*ea no mrgcr desir«M>. a aaaahar

J old fcaaaea m Ihal neighborhood wara a.. swep

fwav to -BBBfl way ft* the rirlcgo rallway tncks. nnd

Jir?e then foot by foot the Bridge has been mnvtac

SUS *¦«¦¦ tha City Ilnll. The "<«*^.»r.«o«rt and Tlllarv stv ls _W-1 to go. and with tt

^iT-XS ****** * «*j**Sm 2WM-the BrorAlvn iBBtltala' had «be Washington

SS Meth.-ad.st F.piscopal Chtt*. The *****

Zm** * *****thr ****** °\xTZu*Z52 of propr-rty on th.s Mfl* has ]_«t ****** >+

L-t. whlch ln all probablllty will be BaflflfM J_fl*L laal. The Instlti.to will not p-t aa much f,~ 1 s

_. !.,.___. h«f it will g'M a uflB-BeiBhlflpropertv as was hoped, hut lt wiii ¦ i

SaSS upon the BB* offercu by the Brtdge Tn.st.cs

Thev offer-d S54.000; tlie eommlsslon award- 9.4. XK).

£ instituf* people thorigh, tt* »****l»«woKh over .100.000. bat SJ^fSS£eMniatlng it at an oulsldo fignre. ou u.e

cdmmlssion's awnrds Am BB "--"-I IM genover tbe tfBSBBM otfered by the ******. ***jBB-cr.llV bel.ev.. that the .III ****.~*]t"work wth rti. nr.d tJior-iRbnnw. All thepropern

SU'ill a^n be acnn.red by tho £«gS7*copllemn.tlon preroedlngs. and ****** ***** th°

work of tearlnir down ******* %nH .K,-ln-

The elevated roads ln the clty have hflflB remarhnhly

trce from arndent* to Bfl Bfflta during the Bta ye.vrs

S more that they hive hflflB ln opr-ratlonTh.s ta-

Zjm f*** m* ** * ** par,f of K.fS!ST__ta aaa of Haaa. ns wbH ns eawBoa n the part

1 son,e_mcs tak.n. .however, an.I once in ft whllo

,.ere is a -flW 6aa of thaaa aaaanal at l.fth

.ve ar.d Twcinl tl. ft the o her nigl'.t. The BflflMBtBof tta BOC-BBl vnr>' aoaaawhBt * H soon.s to havo

-..HU- from tho faull 'A the pBWWa** patticr thnn

il tho eoa-aetar. U U aaaadBg that paaffei win iry

a board tralns after tl.ey ate ln motion, 1-ut every ono

has seen the aMaaBfl m_le. aBhfl-ih Bol Btorfl than

ave miiiu'r- ..t thfl iBrthert troBM bo lost by waiting

for the next trnin. Another BM whlch I huve BflflB

played with aaeeeat was U-tl on a four car traln two

Piosengcrs sittltig near tho rear end of thfl last car

preposed to l.-ave the trnin hy the rear door. Tho end

of the traln. however. SOCttfBMI laeyond the station

platform. a.d coiisequcnilr ttflj ***** not step off

nntll the traln aafl *M »M(>r ** a,~rt,n' Tnls W(LS

.lmplv Incurring needk-ss tBBfBT nnd it o-i^it not to lao

awtltiKl one way Ifl prevent lt would be to lock therc.ir door. bnt tint would prolaahly produce complalnt.»s ln case flf an accldent It BrigM hc a scrions BBBtterU pass. Bflara WalB not abh ta £_t ont through that d.aor.

In one respect the flBTflBfl- to the Brldge rallwayitation in Rrooklyn are more satisfactory than tbeOXlto-Uae people are di-.ribu.ed through the caj_ ln a

better wavi That ls. pnssengers arrlvlns by the CnlonElerflted road come iu at the southerly end and nat-

orally enter the nar cars bound for New-York;Kingt County Elevated passcngers nre brought nenr thoforemost ci.rs, ar.d people onterlng the staUon from tho

street, dthrr iho-o Who walk down to~n >r those whocomo by the surface cars. llnd thcmselvcs near tho nild-

dle of the traln. of course. lt does not follow thatUiey all find plares jn tho cars near Uio point where

tbey flrst reach them. but tho BtBBBBB-WBl is an ex-

cellent one. Fr.im tho lncomlng platform the dlstrlbu-

tion ls lesa good. stnee people bound for the street undthoae ir.tending to lako tho Unlon Elevated cars must

go out nearly side by side. ln New-York unfortu-nately there aro prnctirall. ouly one eiifrance and one

e\it; at lea-t. the people must all be massed togethertor a considerable distauco ln both going ln and BflflB-

lng out._ IDr. fitorrs eelobratrd his pevent'eth hlrthdny on Fri-

flav of vcclc t*fore l_st: Mrs. Henry Wa.d Iieerher was

tcventy nino on \Vedne*day, and Dr. Edwaid DN-Heompleled his elghty cighUi year on Fridny. Tlio lat¬ter is ttill In good heflltli desplto Uie loss of a leg by a

r-Jrotd accldent about two years ago. thongh bo husnow ttven up active work. llo is really a remarknblo«peclnion of an old mau, a-; well as a dlstlngnishedmembcr of a notablo famliy. Mrs. Beeeher's bfl-lthIr not very go>d. although she has spentmost of theaummer tu town. YVhlie she enjoyed her trip to UioPaclflc ~'_ast last sprlne, lt ls a question whether theexertion was not too much for her to endure. Shels looking forward to renowed health this fall. nnd lsenxlous to resume hor Sunday morning vislts to Grccn-wood. Rhe ninkes them before sunrlse, she says, so

Uiat nobody shall sec her. Dr. Storrs may bu sald U>bo still fn his prline. Tlie dav« of his years will bo¦BBB than thn.-.ore nnd ten, and tlnmrh they are

full of kibor thev aro not sorrowiul. In October ho will< uDipletc hl» forty-Ixth year as pestor of tba Chureh ofthe Pligrlms, wltli a good prospett of enjoylnj aa long a

pastoi-ate as thnt of his fi'her ln n MassaOnisetta town,whlch .BflBBBtB- over 6ltty years. There is llttlodcyubt, nt all eventa. that Dr. Storrs will serve hischureh for a full half ccntury, whlfh will be com-

pieted ln 189.._Colonel John Y. Culver ha» lately been travclllng

throagh the Eitstcrn btntes, and, as usunl, has kept hiseyes open. As an experkneed obsen-er, one thlng lhatittracted his notice was the olflclal collection of ln-formutlon tegnrdlng the abandoned farms ln __BBB__t__>aett_ and BB.flf Statcs, ar.d he ls confident Uiat manyNew-Yorkers will te ablo on tho basis of this Informa-Uon to secure slgbtly and salubrlous country houses.

Just the «.oit of plnees to tahe n famliy of ehlldren tofor the beiic_ts of outdoor lifeior ttflflfl months of theyear. Many of these farms. lie suys, nre In |we__Nlaawhere Uie ck-vation ls from r>00 Ifl 1,000 feet above thesea level; U- nlr ls dry and bniclng, and is exnrUy thoright coiiipk-ineiit to the alr residents of New-York andBrookiyn breatho habitually at home. A change ofthis kind Is most deslnible ln tho eyes of physicians.The country in whlch these farms lie h. us a rulc,rugged and pictures«iue, and most in\ Itlng to clty****** Who nre fond of nature, and in p:ir1lcular nuiny.M-MHb liBOflfl r:m be aecured at a modemte oost attlae outsct and without large expenditun.-s for bctter-laenU or maintcnance.

Fndcr tbe cover of tlie smoke arlslng from the smallfuslladcs ln the -WB batUcs betwea-n Colonel Aaateaaad Anhite.t Dans niiont the k-OUM B_ thfl 13thR«-g1ment Arnior>', there ls d:n*er that Vh', real publiclntcrests vlll snffer. as K oftcn, lf not gencrally, thocase where public bulldings are lnvolv.-d. An im¬

portant pol_t ls thnt cotieessioiis aro so readiiy madoto cuntTactors aini.-t pfl BflflB as the terms have beenagreed upon and thi; rontra.t has been uwarded. If a

public edlficc ls built accorfllng to spcciflcatlons fi-oniwhicli th«rc ishould plalniy bc no departtrre lyilcss un-

.Maliably In the Intertst of Uio people at l»rge. n

fojitmi-tor would obtaln only & fair pcrc. ntiago ofproflt. Kut hi the (j.-.- of this nrmory changes In thelronworit l^ve aln-ady been permltfed. aud.what lse.ua21>- a* bad, If not worse- the B-MHsMbB of plaintr.fk for moulde I bri. k h:r- been autborir.cd, to thoundoiibb-d flaattSea of BBhfllBB-fl aud appearancc. Thoconuaiiur will proflt by all these compruinl-es; und jsome paraaBa win Bmrttahti ihlBft of Uw polaatlal^-ii'ting .¦dlvvy." Why a contract for a public viorkhhould not be strlctly adhered to i. one of tiie thinga. BB«lilih porhiji- BBBtBBeflBflB for public works couldtbrow valuable llght, if they cliose.

Tlure ls renewed cause for complalnt ln regard totlie mlserahle way ln which tho Cnlon Elevated Bnilroad ojnpnitT liphts iis stations aud the Malrwaysieadlng thcreto. One night last week tlie plntform ofttfl n.-ldge -tatlon was so feebly llliiiiiinatr'd that itcoulJ only be ealled darlme*s made vlslble. WretchedfltHMffl _ro avrs!'t:;tlv used for this purpos., andat some of the »t»Uon!. the stalm aro so dark at a latoboar t__it even the mo»t wi-o-footed are ln d.-.n«er ofUking a tutuble. What I.v, berome of tho selit-nie foru.slns alaetit_n_> ta IgM ull the ahritoM on this roadlEven If that ls not done, there is no conrelvable rcaaonexcept Uie petty BBB of eronoaiy.why gas should notbe coiployod. 'lhe Board of Aklem.en would do apublic Btawfc* by U?:ing meaaures to brlng about anImprovement in this matter. The eompany Aeemsabsolutcly lndiiTerei.t V, public fleotlment on thoSUbJe^t-

In a humble way the Itev. Job G. RaB3 has 1ieen jminlatering to the WBBtfl of one of Uio mo* unlnviUi.g***** "* ~",''> il"<1 v ***» that a htnafBtaal aatafliXperaa.ii can be brought Into ontact w!lUi. -For a ouur-ur ot a cctit.ry |,e has laeen tii. cht.ptalti of th» KingsCounty PeMt_f!t.arv. and has been fnlfliful |n mmmand out of r.-a.-on in Uie dlsiharge of the work whiclilae haa felt calkd upon ta do. He ls now seventv iivoycars of age. A few days ago a nnmber of friendssnrprlsod him by presenting blm with a pur. .f¦flBflf Ui recognJUon of his self-sacrificing i^orsNaturally he was much overtomo by HBfl token of goodwill, aerompanled an it was by many wortU *% cniogy.nd Icttera tpeaklng jn torma of Uio higbo.t prul.. of** o-oc-r* wrrlw, Ut. Baa* waa born ta Ctoark*.

ton, r. O., and waa a achoolmata of General Hm C.Fromont. Durlng tho war lio scrved a_ ehaplaln ofthe OOth New-York Volunteera.





LYN CAND1IUTE9.Thls wiU be a wock of spcclnl ortlvlty among Re

pnblieans as tho work of selectlng the renrcsontativesof Klngs Countv in the Stute Convention. to aas88BMlnext woek at HorheMer, la tn be completed. In tholast eWMcii for BflfBMMJ there were r.3,747 votes

,-; f>r Warnor Mlller ln (ho county of whlrh HrooU-J lyn ls the rnpltal, an lnciyase of 20.000 ox*cr the Re-pnbllean vote ln 18S5. At the _jmo ratlo of Increasetho voto thls year wlll excecd 00,000. To NBflflBflBtIbcse Republlcans In the flrst Stato Convention fortwo voars tbero wlll b© elffhty-ono delogaric. repro-sci.tlng the twclvo Assembly D-.tri.te ln proportlon tothclr votlng s'rcTiath. Those delegntcs wlll bc' ehosennt the oonvcntlons held on Thnrsflay evenlng In earhASBflflflMf Dlstrlct at ri o'elock. ln the ist l)1«tricttlio convention moets at No. £4 Conrt st.. and Ificliidesr©pi-><enta_vcs of tho Flrst and Sixlh Wards. TlieIld Dlstrlct Convention. with dclegates from the Befl-ond an tl Fonrth Wards. moets ot No. 57 Myrtle-ave.Tho Third and Tcnth Wards romprlse fhe IHd Dlstrlct.and the convenllon wlU bo held in the rooms of thoFedcral Republlcan Club ln Court-st. The IVth Dis-trlct, comprxwd oi tho Fiftli and El©vcnth Wards, willhave Its convention ln the rooms of tho l). S. CrantClub. in Uoekwell Ilncex Tho Twelfth Ward by itsclfforms the Yth Dlstrlct,. and ihe mceting-place ls No..118 Van BlBBlai The Vlth ITi-trlct Is composed oftho Foiirtcentl. and FlfteenUi Words, ond the dele-gtites will npsemble at Rnedcf's Hall, in Manjer-st.Tho VIHh Dlstrlct Iheludcs only tho _ixt_©nt>i Ward,and tho convention wlll bo held ln Tum Hall, ln JlesC-role-st The Roxor.teenth nnd Eighlconth Wards foimIho Vlllth Dlstrlct, and tlio convention will moct lnth© xi itrxvam oi the Ifftter ward. The IXth is a stronglyRepubllcan Distriet. and ls formod of the ThlrteenMi.NlnctJC'ith and Twcntieth Wards: tho convention iu ltxvill meot tn Gorflcld Hall, at No. -1_7 laroy-uve. ThieeBeath Hrooklvn wards. the Elghth. Nlnth und Twcntv-sccond, compose the Xth Distriet, and tho cbn-voution will moct at Twcnty-lhird-st. and Flfih-ave. In the Xlth Distriet, which comprlscstho Scvcnth, Tworty flrst, Twcnty-third and Twen¬ty-fonrth Wards, tbe dclegates will aBBB.hlflin the Twcnty-thiid Ward Wigwam, at Gatesand Mnrcy aves. Tho Twenty fiftli and Twenty-sixtbwards and the four county town. form tho XllthDistriet, and the plaee for the meetlng of tho con¬

vention 1s Gxvinnett Hall, at Libeity nnd Wyona nve*.Somo of the rcprcscntatlvo men of the party will

bc sent to Roehestcr. Among them nre llhely to beI, V. Whlle, Darwln R. James, W. \X. Goodrlch, Stew-art L. Woodford, Josse MMflOB, W. OL Wallace, T. I).Wlllls, Hugo llltsh, .lackson Wallaco. L. W. Emerson.\V. II. N. Cndmus, A. J. NcwlOn, S. A. Avlla, W. H.Lcaycraft, W. C. L.yant. J. H. Ogllvle. F. F. WllI-lams, Joscph Aspinull, Henry Dristow, D. A. lialdxvln, W. S. Cartcr, 1. F. Flschcr and J. Latt Nostrand.The primarl~s at which the delntnter. to compose thexarlous Asscmhly dlstrlct conventions are to bc eleetedwlll be held BB Tucsday afternoon und evenlng In encbward nnd town. In those wticre a large vot. lspolPd or contcsls aro expectod tho prlmnrles bcglnearly. ^.ccording |8 tlio law governlng primary clec-tions, nll must closo at 0 o'elock. In most of thawards two honrs will sufflce for the voting. whlle Iflono town one hour, nnd In two wards afl hour nnd ahalf, ls set down as enough. In the Scvcntcenth ondTwenty-flrst wards the voting bcglns as early as 2p. m., in tiie Twenty-second Ward at 4 p. m., in theElghteenth Ward nt 5 p. m. and In tho Tcnth, Nlne-teenth and Twenly-thlrd wards nt 0 o'elock.

Tho sharpest oontest wlll bc ln tho Twenty-flrstWard, where tho two faciIon_ nro of nearly equulstrength, and every effort wlll bc made to getas many voters ns posslblo to Iho polllng-plac©, No. 54 Dclmonlco I'lice. Soveral Issuos willbo determined by tho triul of strength at the pi-imary.The friends of Charlos T. Dunwell. who xtos defcatcdfor Controller la<t year, nre puttlng hlm forward fornicmber of tho State Coiiimlttoe to suecood TliomasA. MAVhinney and are puttlng forth every effort toearry the prlmary In his intcivst. His snrcoss or

defoat will also huve a boarlng upon Ihe asplratlonsot Joseiih A<plnall for the e'tato Senatorshlp from tBcUld Dlstrlct, and tlie liopes of Jumos R. Allaben forAsplnall's seit ln the Assembly. All these BBflfltaBSadd to tho lntcrest in the prlmary. Tliero wlll borlval tlckcts ln BflBBJBl other wards, notibly the Third,Tontli, and Twenty-socond, but niercly loeal affalrs areat stako.

In tho IVth __>ngross Dlstrlct, which Stcphen V.Wiiito now roprcsonts on tho State CO.nmifteo, a s;ic-cossor to hlm wiil have to be MleflBSi as Mr. %\*htt-jposltlvely decllncs to serve longer He hns bcen amember of the conmilttoo for four years, and for thalast two years treasurer, aiid lio feels that he hasgiven all the timo ho can afford to tlie dischaigo oftheso political dutlcs. Sevcral aspirents for his placshave already ennouncod thchiselves, among thembclug 6. A. AvWa, of tlio Eleventh Warxl.D. M. Bflrifly, of tho Slxth Ward, andM. J. Dady, of the Third Ward. It Is more than likelytliat Mr. Hurley will tako Mr. Whlte's plaee. In thoIld Distriet it ls coneeded thnt Israel F. Flschcr wlllreturn to the plaee In whieh Timothy L. Woodruffsucceeded hlm two years ago after a sharp contest.In the VSh Distriet lf F. F. Willlams doos not remalnln the state Committo- i. & Ogilvle U likely to suc-

cecd hlm.Whether the Brooklyn delegatcs to tho State Con¬

vention wlll put forward the name of a Klngs County¦Bfl Bm a placo upon tho State tlcket ls not yet fullydeclded, although Uicre aro sfrong mox'cmcnts in thatdiroction. At loa-st two wai-d, have adopted rcsolu-tions ln favor of the notnlnatlon of General Stewart L.Woodford for Governor. Colonel II. H. lieadlc, of thoTcnth Wnrd, aald b) tho wrltcr: "It ls my Judgmcntthat (.oncral Woodford! shouid bo tho candldate of thoRepubllcan paa-ty of the Btato of Now-York tor Gov¬ernor thls fall. Ho would make an aellve and earnestenmpaign, and lt would bc crowned by sucecss at thepolls. He is Jnst the sort of man we need. ThoI_-.moci-.tlo vote ln thls county would be greatly eutdown, and lio would get a vote ln the Interlor of the6ttrte tliat would overcome the Democratic majority on

this side of the BSBBBM River. I hope to sec hlm thecandidatc." Ex-Congressman W. C \Vallac3 says:'.Tiie King. County flflBBJBBM Iii tho Stato Conventionwill favor th~ BOflBflafltafl of QBBMBi Woodford for Bflfl.flflBflf and ex-Mayor 1'hlllp Uccker, of llujTalo, for Lleu-tcnan! Governor, and wlth that tlcket ln tlie lleld wccan surely wln." The nanios of Darwln It. James forLlet.tenntitiiovernor aud Georgtj II. BflBBfl for otatoEng1in«r and Surx-cyor have alw) been mentionod, butit ls gnhBHs that . concentratcd effort wfll be madeto seeure the scicctlon of General Woodford to headthe state th.!.<._.Tho BflflfleaSBfl of oplnlon among Republlcans nt

prcseut favors tlio nomlnatlon of William Zlcslcr as

the BflBfl.Baaa and (lU/.eus' candldate for .Mayor.ills dex'otlou to the li.Uivsts of tho taxpuyei's, liisfieedom from cnmtigling political allltiiices aud hispei-oual quainieatlons lor tlw ollicx: all -serve to makehlm a fomilduble candldate. Mr. Zl._!r lus bcenslioOtlng ln the Mtilne wuods and has now gonu toRrltlsh Amerlca. He has cxpre_sed hlmself as favorlngthe nomlnatlon of William J. Gaynor, who succcssftillyconducted the suit which defcatcd tho outragcous waterpBNBflflfl ln the Twenty slxth Wurd by the Mayor lastwinter, for the ofhee of Mayor. Ilut Mr. Guynor lsto<. imich of a Democrat to seeure Republlcan supi>ort,and Mr. 88088 admlts Uuit If he can recclve the pioperBOd pa*_flaa snpport ha **saM be Vfllflg lo become aBBBflBBflfla -'Ir. Begler proposes to build a hc-w housefor liluis<if ln F.ighth-ave.

Tho Mnnlcljii.l Reform Commlttoo of Republicane Iscarefully BBflflflBflrfBg tho loeal situatloi und when tlietlme comes for dw-Kivc .ctlon it wlll be taken. Thomembers cf tlils body include General S. L. Woodford,B. W. Gi_)drlrh, John R. Sntion, Chnrles T. Dunwell,Watron 0, Trodwell, Flanx-n B. Candler, Albro J.Bflfl-BM, Dr. C. T. Ilepf nnd Gcorgo W. Uilliams.Tliey expect to trc al.le to make tlu-li- tawe felt whc-rithe i-fUvo work of the rumpalgn begin. Mr. Suttonis ehalrman of tlio i .mmKtec.

Tho lato Wllliim Colt, who a_» buried last week,was one of the Republlcan leaders of the last gener..tion. Ho wi**> apeclally actlve in tho poIIUcs of theSlxth Wurd and pre^ldcd over ihe Republlcan AsBBBBBflBB for several years and was n delcgalo to the(.ieneral Commlttee. Hc w.s at ono tim© 8up©rx-Sorof Uie Slxth Ward and when James Troy was cl©< tedCounty Judge o (luarter <4 a ccntury <-r moro ago Mr.Colt was tho aflflfl-flflflfl Bflfltflflt hlm a: d |BW| hlm flcloi_) contest. The pflflBflflll of Mi. < olt ucic souphtby UM party leaders on many flflflflalBflfl.A .px.<._»! meeUi.g of the Deniocrt'ti^ General Cin-

mittec haa' been called for Tuesday' cwn. ig aiid itIs probablo that the datca which wlll benan.ed for the prlmnrles a:id convenltor.* touame dcle_AU_( lo the . Btnte Convention willbe rteptember * and 10 respecttvolv. It ls nnnonneedthat '.Ilosa'' McLuugblin wlll »top llshlng at Gr-:nji n-

and wlll return to town on the ni,... Bf Uk. corumlttea'amootlng. Thora wiu bo tlil. t> -».x dehguteB to tU-Damocratic Btata Couv«ut_ju Xrwn l_li»- countr, and I

i_M_KATK-?.***. <.> *h"»M **> Mnt t0puMi rrH'Mjim Mr. . hap,ir. randld-i.-vn._h*'.*'»<.¦c'"i" "ird RapnbUeaa Aworiotion and

.««_..__. ! .,""'. ""' Ol the vict.tns of thofstal.tyI- Part I'l.ee. BW.Yor*. Snltubl- ,-xprc»ilon«

beenTadopte'd. ' s klt l'' his I>llow ''"*"'1'rrs ,,avoTh© serlous lllnws of .losenh F Knunn i< re-

TH.rt.-d haa alflrmel Us glfl*' w, 'T.pc- how-_'d.m_*_*i.__J___._* " »'"*t'lilid. the la.ii"I dctln.te Infornnlloi, doi.hllec, c \ icccrat.-d th©ZT?r J" H. S1* t!"lt ___""_ Wooa_o_?r_- WaiJSlitr! _?V .nt ''' .Un>il*- ta bta coodttoo, Geo-1---d^ u'^,_H_*JXf__! ta ¦*¦*« from __ aflBJ

Tlie death of Rl©hard uu"er ^ho wag om ot iho£?'_!?. ^"nn*1^""*^ "nder Moyi.r Low. to rflBortodIO have occurred reeently jn ft.. \yest Mr. Van-rBiat BBB; publlc sj-ivli-o as st,,, rvl ->r of th© ThirdNN *.' »,c ¦_" iBdependenl ln fii» p<_ltleal afflllstlons.The Republlcan Otimpalcn Commltt-e wlll soon lioaniK.liiled by Chalrman Ilir.h, of the Exectitlvo Com-mlttoo of tho party.



Tho work of excavatlng for tho fonndatlons of thenew armory of tho ITld Reglment, iu Ite.lford av©.. be¬tween Atlanttr are. and I _ci«c ... |s BBBttf completed,and tho supports for the, wall- af MM bnlldSng xxiil

fOOB be Inld. The new stntcture 11 expeeted tn eqnal. lfnot .irpi-s.t'i© two other new armorie-; und-r way,eaehof which Is to cost g4ijo,000. It |s nearly twenty fl M8slnce the prescnt armory of th© SBi, iu Clerni'nt-avc, wns construrted. and at that tlme lt was thobest armory In the State, and lt xvas fin_ surpt.. ed bytho new armory of the 7th R©glment In New-York.Hut, the growth of the reglment ond th© abflflflflfl tatho work done by tho BflBflflal Guard have ren<l©rcdtho old armrry BB8BNM to proscnt demands for so

hirge a comman<1. Hut lt ls unn.uestloned that muchof the advaoee of the reglment ln tho past was duo tith© advantages offcred by Its armory, and In Its newhome It ls expeeted that a like galn wlll bo sernicd.The Clennont ax-o. armory was secnreil by the effortsof Colonel Rodney C. Wutd and John C. I'crrx'. nn ablememberof tho Legl _afm.. lt cost i?10O,(KKi, aad was

flrst orruplofl ln 1S72. Colonel Ward rontinued toeom. iand tho reglment untll 1870, when he, ro-lgncdand wus sneceeded by Colonel John N. I*artil(lge.When the latter was made Flro Commisslnncr, lnIBA3, ho rcslgncd bls ©ommand, and Colonel Wanlagaln ass'nmed it. Sevcral ehanpes sneceeded beforeColonel Partridgc agaln became th© comuiandlng oflicer.A stcady udvaticc has marked the rarcer of tlie regl¬ment slnce the prescnt armory Bflfl occupled, and thotitlc of " thirs" was bestowed npon It. There aro now

over H00 men cnrolled ln th© c.nnmand.What wlll be dono with the Clermont-ave. armory

when t)» BM goes to tho Iledfo. l-_v.\ stnntitrc ha.not bcen settled. It is unsnited t > a:iv use savo mlli-tary occupatlon. When the new armory project *M

flrst mootcd lt was thought that the 14th Reglmentmlght inox-e from North I'ortland-avto. to Cl-nn nt-

av©., but tho 1-lth wlll be ready to occupy Its own new

arMory ln South BlOOfllya wlicn tho i_:id Is ready to

cvacuate Its prescnt mllltary !nm©. The suggcstloahas been made that th© Ml Regir.icnt ahonld BB.Bflflflits armory at Ilnshwlck-ave. and Stagg-st., and go over

to the hill and o__upy tlm '_. Sd's old armory. Bflflh 8movo mlght prove of gcnulne benclit to tho smallcstreglment ta the city. It would Jiractirally have thodowntown field to Itsclf now occupled by three, regl-ments, whlrh nro oll to move next year. The Cler¬mont-ave. flfflMiy would bo amplo for It.

Ordcrs havo been toBflfll to the lHth Reglment toass©mblc nt tl«3 HflBSOa Plaee armory Ofl Sunday.October 11. and go In dress tiniform to the Iln x.klvnTabernacle, whero Dr. T. De Wltt Talmage, rhaplain.wlll preneh the annual MfflBDfl fo the coniinund.No action has yet bcen taken ln regard to tho

sclectlon of a rhaplain for the BM Reglment to suc-

cccd Dr. B. R. Mcrcdith. wi.o gaffl up the dutles ofthls ofllee last spring. The Rcv. Ilrs. Llndsny I'nrkerand Mward A. MflfflflP ar© mentloncd for the po*t.Dr. Rindley's prcdeccssor m Sl. LuUe's Church, Dr.

VBfl De Water, was formerly rhaplain of the reglment.As wns expeeted. th© 8_M__B of I.loutcnant ( ol.n.i

Hubbell, of th© _7th Rcginient. wa* praetically uiiatil-motis. Only on© vote was cn-t ngaiust hlm. aadMajor W. R. rettlgrow, who bad been t.illted of BB Brival candldat© for the pla<©, voted for him. CokmelJohn <_ Bfldy prosldod nt the cleclion, and nlnetecnvotai were east. The rtcw liciitcmint.colonel eallflffldln Ihe r©glm©nt In whl©h he (fl now s<-cond ln ©om¬mand ln April. 18B6. Ho rOBO to Ihe p >st of sergemtln l©r,7, hut two years latcr returned to th© rnnks, hutwas agaln promo.ed. ln 1X70 lie xvns made left gen-©r.il guide, and the next yea* right general gnlde.Retnrning to th© "ranks by eholce agnln, hc wns onromoro mad© _ergea.it. In 1S73 b© took his dUeharge.nnd In 1B8I hc went lack to th© rri-'lmcnt ns flrstlictitenunt and adjutant. holding thls offlce untll now.

Tho frlnnds of Colonel Gavlor. Into ce.mmnndant oftbe 47th Reglment. rcgret tbat hfl has not inciidedhis ways states hc left iho clty.


David I". Qulck. of G. A. R. Post No. 21. ai)d In--pcetor of tho New York Stato Department, G. A. R.,has breu appolnted Asssistant Adjutant-Cfetieral hyComm;_id_r-ln-Chtcf Palmer. flf tho Nationat Encamp-ment.

An orfle. was mad© by .Tndgc Hn.rtl.tt yesterday dopos-Iting ln a hank *»(K) award.-d by Snpremo Court Com-mlssloners to Lireneo Tfein©. of Quecns County. forland taken by tho clty of Iirooklyn for xvatcr purposes.which he rcfuses to recclvc. It was put lu tho Me-rhanlrs' Hank. .

Joseph Ryan, of No. 11" DaflhM st.. and OwenI_-_rl worth, flf No. 711 Xorth Oxf. rd-st., were arre.edyc-sterday upon a chargo of SBBBBbS a team of boTBMworth MM and a sct of BBTBflflS WOftt $-2o from I_.stcrW. Hill, of No. 108 Nassau-st., and a tmck from Ed¬ward Princ©, cf No. li*l OBBflerBai

John L. Heafon, th© managlng clitor of "The Rrook-lyn Tlmes," has n...!gned his plae© to gn to Prox'lden©©.R. I., ar.d manage an afternoon m-xv-paper, '-Tit© IYov-ldenco News." His wlfe. Mrs. BBSfl 1*. Hcat/m. Is a

well known newspaper xvrlter. both over her own nanio

and her pen-namc of " Ellen Osbom."

A pern.lt has b.vm granfed by the Rnllding Depart¬ment f..r the erection of a new llaptlst Chflflfli atElghth-ave. and SixU-cnth-st.. to cost MUMO. It xvillbo of brlck. aud wlll bo built by the llioaklyn RaptlbtChurch Extenslon Soclety.

Dr. Emory J. Havncs. of Roston, formerly pastor ofOie Washington Avenue T aptlst Church, who recent'vreturned ti the Methodlst mlnis.ry, In which his pis-

toral labors wcro begun, proaelu-s today lu the New-York Avenue Mcthodl_t Eplscopal Chunh.

The elghtb annnal festlval of tne I*hittd©tilsrhoVolksfest Ycreln <>f Blflflilyfl nnd Its vicinliy wlllbC7ln to-day nnd contlnuc for fix-c days. The Iwlll bc held at Deeklcman's BMgOWOOi Park. nnd xxlll

contlnue Btofldfly, IBBBBBf and Wcdr.e.day, the linalday tK-iiig on Sunday r.cxt. .shouid tho wcafl.er pflOTBf:ivoniblc, It ls expeeted tliat IbOB-BBia of pflflBfl. willbo ln uttendancc. Great prcparatlons nro BBBhfflg fortbo affalr.

^¦l.ilo Enill Smlth, elght ye.n-s oid, of No. l!»0lloeni*ii-st.. was playing wlth a nuinlx r of other rhll-di .-ii oround n bontlro near her home pfleltSflBy morn¬

lng, she Bccldcntallv f. 11 tfltfl the flatnt-s. When tliootlwr abDdreB BBB the fate of Ihe ehiid they baflflflMfrlghfcned and ian av.t.y. Her sriflflflM attraii'.'d srmr©

liiborors tn tho n©lghl_»rhood, WBfl cunght the chlld npln their arms and amoth-red Oflt tl.e BflBMB. Thochild was found lo l>e frlghtfufly burned, und xvas re-

inox-ed to St. Cntherinc's B.pfBU ln a crltical condi¬tion, and her death Is hourly cxpocted.

» - .-

nro _.n.or,.4n_ arrested.For three weefcs many of the TKnises of peopie who

haxxi spent the watin wj-ather out of town have beonthoroughly ran.aehcd My thlcvcs, who hav© rarriodaxvay pluuder to tho VflJflB of ti ii-.-in.ls" of dollnrs.Althongh th© pollce have been constantly afl thoalert, the thl©ve, havo always escaped wilhoirl d©1cf-tlon. At Tl o'elock yesterday mirnlng, whlle OflVeMCombay and McCot.cghy, of tho IMford-avc. paBeetlon, were patrolllng th.-ir pj.st along South Thlrd-st., th©y saw two men cnter tho dwclllng No. 3_0.The oflicers followed lh© tBIava* hdo tbetMldlBg, andafler a hard flght flllflaM them. They proved to be

twophlladelphla "rrooks," named William F. Iirmsonad D88_p OSIWB. It xvas not untll th:- oBttoti ttm

thclr rcvolver- that th© BBB siilnnitted to arrest. Jus-to.- Knglt* laaMtdflr held IbSM to awalt the aetlou ofthe t-rand Jury on a ch.-.rge <.f tmrfllaiy.

BOTIT OF THEM AtAY CLT IXTO TROVRLE.John Krau.cr, who lives ut No. 2_l F.Iie.y Bbi

chaig '1 his wife Annlc In Justlce Englc'. polii© court

yesterday with bewlt.-hing hlm. Kian.cr said his wlf--lived at No. MB Knlrkert... k.-r av<>. Mrs. Kramer tmrlared that her hu .land l_-at her wh.never IhSf nietmi the stixt-t. and their flflflflflBIBSflS l.ad bflflfl due toBta having two other w1-.es Ilvitig. Tiie SBflfltj afterhcurltig thl- st.iry. told lh© c Bfls to c.i home. Mr-.Kf.iincr Bfll hirdlv h': BM BOBBWrOOM BlMB IVterLoaaeh, sf Bo 141 Bayard :.. appaaiafl anl >i

/that ibgi aiMMii wa* ato alls. Ha had Mantad i r

"Iglilreii year. BfB. Tluv llved together untll BBMy.ar.s ago, w.'.cn she dlsiipix-atx-d, leaving her tv_> *BUdrcu ln his SBfltBty. L8888I sald their daugl.ter .M.i.le,seventeen years old. was now lu Onclda, and that tln-ir

MB ivier, tlftoen years 88. wa» Iivlng wlth hl:n. _Bhnd Bflfl BB * ©onstant .©arch slnr© lier flifc-ht l«i learnwln ro she was, ho aald, but 11 wn_ not untll a te~ daysago that ho found her tn Iirooklyn. Ile aaked to havoher puuUhad lor blsaiur. Juatlco Ko_ta toki Loe**-**


Will commence To-morrow and continue for Four Days-MONDAYTUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY-of thia Week only, a


Every Article marked down regardless of cost and in

PLAIN FICURES.You can roam through our Acres of Show Rooms and see the Pricos

Plainly Marked on eaeh Article.

The Coods offered at this Sale are all Bright and Desirable. Many ofthem will be continued this Fall. At the Prices which we will offer themfyou cannot do better than to avail yourself of this Colden Opportunity.


BROOKLYN FURNITURE CO.,Retail Manufacturers.Furnilure and Carpetings.

559 to 571 Fulton Street, Brookiyn, N. Y.to call on Tuaxhiy with proof o( what he alleged, and a

warrant will bfl laatJBfll for her arrest.¦

AT THE PLAJEOUEBB.The Ajnphlon Academy »w reopenod for the prenent

seiii_.ii last BfBBlBf. and x large audleric. was Bfflatafl at

th- illlllBBBBIB of "My Jack," whlch wai favorably re-

c. Iv d t.y IBWlIB IBBta last soa^n. The play was capablyproncu.-d, and mt tOflaflfl Bflffl vari d and Intercatlng. ltwin ba aaafltaaai all tMa week.

The newly itaatalai I.eo Avenno Academy will reopenIB BHIt.a night with the p .fornianco of "A Fair llcb-l,"whicli waa . marked BBBataa ln New-York, where It has

Ju.t closed a month'a run attho Fourteenth Street Tlx-atro.blneo iw prodn.-tlon In Brookiyn laat ywir It has baaa re-

Wlttaaa Mfl ra*..1, making a aaw prodncMon. The BBBfflca<-t of ebataetata, dM tatBfl flflflaflrjr, ond in fact aii of the

ni- -h_.il.al offeeflt, will bo BBBB ln BroiAlyn aa ln tho New-

Y«.k pi-ductloti of the play.

TBE ELECTRIC CAR COLLTSWStOarvln Ko-\ who was seriously Injured by the colllsion

on Friday b< twe. n an clectrlc car and a br.wery wagon at

Socond-ave. and f/BBlJ flfllflafll. ls still In a crltlcal eon¬

dition at UM Methodlst Kplscopal Ilospltal. Ills skullhaa bata found to be fiactuaod, and fatal renults an: f-irod.

Ho has revlvod xufflciently to mako an ante-mort.m state-

Bttftt. Wl iii tho aaBBBBB ocoirred ho was BtBBfllag on

Bm front platform of the car onoklng. The drlvcr of thebaaa aaffla at, mst Utipafl akaa h« amw tho BMatrM car

gpproachtng, and thon *'id(!enly whlpped ii_> bi- liorsesand Atarted Bflfflflfl the track In front of lt. Tho motoi-

drlvcr BflflBtaai hU barll and put on thfl brukes, but the

acclght ot th. c-.t-s ln tho rear caused the WbflflM to ulldu

along and the mtatot- car cra«h«l into the boer wagon. Mr.

ltoc was lendered unconsoloas by tho colllslon. The

drlvcr of the Bflflfl wagon says that ho had threo ton. ofb»'-r BbBBBB_Uammmm Utmm, ot tho clectrlc rallroad, sald ycsterd.iy

that bB ba-llevcd the drlvcr of tlie beer wagon was whollyto blamc. Ho had sulliclcnt warnlng to get out oi the

way and did not. In fact, tho drlveru of beer WtflBBMthuught their vclilclca were ao flUtlg Uiat they conld

run into anythlng. The wagou bclongcd to Mouroc Eck-

¦BBBB, of Stut_u Island.a-..-¦


The BBBBfl of _rac_ 1're.byt' rlan Chureh, tt Stuj-vcsantQnd Jfllflffia araa, aktok wa« batlt la-st year, iui^ i. tafouml bi bfl BBBBBflj as tlio roof Is too hcavy for the xldc

wall", »nd tliey havo btilged. One wall Is icvernl Inehcsout of pluiiiu. Tho tasill-Inqr ls to b; flMBBfltkaBM", antlwill l)'r clos-d for two Sundays -it 1-a-t. To-day's mtltM*will bo h-id lu tlie Stuyvesaitt Avenue CongrvgattoualChtii-h, iu tlie next Mfl*-. In ord-r to ovold too great. araajjM upon tho »idt w.iis al baa bububibj ti»o __tg_a_plan of plii.-t. rlng .!>¦. Btt-Bg «a* ubaiidoned, und It was

1 with llnliig-hoirds. lt will be BflCaatBfy to BMtie-roda to liMd Uui wall* in place, uule« pillura aid putIu to bupport tho roof.



Harlem aliarc ln the Purk Place dis.i__.ter ls sucha-- Ifl aj.neal strotigly to tho sympnthlos nnd churltyof every one livlnc ln the northern parl of ManhattunMand. Tlio saddest CBflfl Ifl Ihal of the wldow ofOaBiad Sclinildt, who was employed by Ll-bloTMaaaa, tta Baaa at No. ISO Enst one-hnndrcdawl-elghth-st.. and Is still ln bed from lllness BBBflfli hv Ej*shock nf her bflMBBBil t'-iri.le iflBtfe. Hhe has fmi;-

(hlldi-ii, the ol-.-t of wlii.m la foui-tecu yc-irs old,und lhe ynuiii:i -t a babo slx montlts old. i-chnii.tBaa ii)or.ibi.'r of .Vairen LoigB. I. O. 0. F.. nnd ofthe llaruiohk- CBkm Fn)m the latter the wldow e.\-

peetfl to get <100, whlch will bo pald out ln fiinemlc-iK-'Usca.

Llvluj lu tht: sumo tcnement with Mrs. Shmldt Isthe uiDtlici-of JBcafe HflMflOriC-. .She Is ¦ wldow, and

.pporU hfltflfllf bf taktng la araaBl-f t-ho baa tarooliier sons. inie of whom I-, Ciirnlug .i'l a weoU, theother still BttBBal&g BflkflOL Mrs. BOM BaTBB, tliewitlow of John DBTBfl, whoso o<xly was uot iik-nfltied,H~_B ut No. MM F.ast Oiie-huiidi-cd-and foiirieeiitli si.

ll- v.as a tnichmiin, and was in FfltflrBfl-'fl rc-.fatiruiit

araaa UM b-D-lag Mfl, Jie iafl bo InaaiaBaa. Mn.nuiiis now hiu to support her lnvulld mother BBBlthree clilldrcn. ten, tlght nnd two jears OM,bho hus olwnys rontributcd to tho supporfof tho ftinilly by taking in waahtaf.At present 6hc ls without MiTaT Bjf the dciith ofOiistavc Steiner. who was employed K the s.mtliI.ihlislilii.' OO-ipaBy, the Stc-lner famliy bafl thclrmai'i >ui.F|rt- 1H< futhcr Is too old 10 wurb, liismPmJ aatBfl u f--w BoUan ii KBflk iii a laOflf tkap L:iFlfih^t., whlli! liis mother ha. attt-nded to tkfl laousefraak. Tliey lve ut No. i; 11 iBfll OM liundrcd iind-scventh-!>t.

Arninpoment-i have been mude by lhe Harlem llrnncliof Hm Taaag Mob_ C-rlatJaa Aaaarlatloa to partirijiate in th IkM B-BBBl BBtflBBlflB °f the CBBBtaB-(BB DafOI «f tlil. city. Tlu- Iron ttflBBWr Sirius willl-ive the clty e.-irly on lataBB.f BfMraaaB, septeni-bar 7. .'md sall np the lludson paaat-f tho HlgBMlMflhv inoonlii-'ht. Wh-u OffOBtM W«-st MBl B fBBJto ofthlrteen guus will t_o flred so thnt tkfl MMBlMBB partfti ay bBBB MM wondcrful flflkOflfl ln tlils st-'tioii of theriver.

Tho Hurlem nepuhlican Club Is ¦BMtfllBlBg Its repu-tntion a« ono of the Ilveilent clubs north of One-

Iniiidred-iindtenth-^t.. in splte of the siitnnier w-at!i ¦[.

tho aniiuiil iiutlng and dBBB._M whlch is toInlte pUice nt I_ui-hinoiit. IsptBBBbflr -¦ nud the (.rcatta-'lrtll pUBfl of tht- II.i-I. ni I'roi.i I'oil Tin I.atot.liiut-. wlihh cotiu-s olf early In sept iiiIht. the club

Bt -iir t ) play n howling n-ntcii. The nmtch willtv.eeii tkfl Hflf-UB Hepuhliean Ilowllng Citib nnd

tlm M_Mp" llowllng .luh. Tho contest will __BI'.i.- aa Monilny, nt 8 p. m.. In Uiei.iuhng nlk-y ">f tkfl llnrlem Hoptihlirau Chlb.Efrt-Bi-BBM over lhe I'tot -tlon Tin I'hite (.littit

-! ri piBM i>tiv MflfBBBM .. . tkfl ifl.¦ BppatBtai,tortlie inif !i diaws near. TIk. lollowiuj.' addtttoBBl vol-

hive aakaaatkfli _;»t;*.- i<? mTttV E Loac0, F.. .fferri't. WBBBlBllflB *REmX»} H. OOBBbB, *, H.

BBBfTi F. A. iUehiiiond. Dr. Fonu »n. ll.-irnllt .:i

BSBWB, 11.11. Ki-tchain. K. ('. Key.ainlT LOBB-BIoB.Tho Washington < luh, ln One htui«In-d rind liftv-soc-

m.'i -I.. licw Am-ti-rtl,iiu av .., |. -till ncflvolv t-ueiiretllu piulilng on the pn-fataUiry wo.k for a rflBBBBf caui-

pulgn ln tlio fall. Arrangemcntu havo already becumada ta bold a uiast uieetlug two or. at tho latctt. flva

days after tho Bepnbllcan Stato Convention. Thomeetlng will bo held ln the Athonacum, In Ohc-hun-drod-uhd-flfty fifth-st.. near Amsterdain-ave., where lt lsexpected that at least one of tho candldate- noinlnatcdby tho convention will he present and addrcss thomeetlng. A torchllght paiadc, prcredetl by a band ofmu-lc, will Mka plaoo before the meeting. This willbo d_-ne to tfttract tho attentlon of Reptihllcans as wellas lndepcndents, as lt Is believed that many Itopub-llcans have recently moved Into this disttrict who am

not yet awnro of the cxlstence or homes of tho Eepub-llcan club..

The flght In tho Jaeksou Democratte Club has beencarrtcd Into the pollce conrts. Tlfla Is flM of tholargest Demoeratlc clubs ln Harlem, Its membershipbelng over .100. Thero has beon a bltter feellpg amongseveral members of tho club over stneo tho recent elec¬tlon of ofliccrs. The candldates for presldent wero

Alfred J. .lolmsnn and Frank A. Condon, the tormerbelng elected by a small majorfty. Tho bltterncss cn-

P'lideretl in the canvass. however. did not eiid with thoelection. On Weducsday lt culmlnated ln un BBBB.Mon Mr. Johnson, sr., tho fathcr of the cluh's presldent,who was very actlvo in the canvass. and to whom thoBaaCBBB <t his son's candldacy ls attrlbu'ted, by FrankA. Condon and his brother. David P. Condon. Tliocaso was brought before Justice Meadc _i tho Har'.emPollco Court Friday. where It was " lix.d up." and theussallants wero dlschargcd.

Harlem ls bccotnlng notcd for the nnmber of Itsclubs. Tho West Sido Demooi-allc Club with 107cnrollcd memt _rs cumo Into exlitenc. on Weduesdayevenlng ai No. 1,___ Elghth-nvc. Tlae offieersolected, wHoso term of oflice will c.xplro January 1,1808, f.reTliomtvi P. Klngrton. prenld-nt: John Oolden,vite-prcsident; Willlam F. Fclleman, trcasurer; El-moro Coh.n, BCeifltary, C H. Edwards, s-Tgoant-at-B..B. A eommitteo waa --ippolntod to rent a sultablobulldlng Bflar the W<*t »ni.-l)undrcd-and -twenty-flfth-rt. dflaalei rallroad tftatlon On Fridaiy* they-ceurcd tho iippcr part of the house, No. 2,350 Elgbth-ave. Tho chib will bo composed largely of Countylx-uwrnioy n>cn.

Miss fctolla Jolinston gave a plfflB party to sov-

'j-al fi-icnds on Friday. «t her home In Amsterdam-avc, near Fort Ooorgc. Miss Josephino McAdaracntertaln- tho company with sclectlons on tho harpa.rd violln, whllo a r.umbcr of songs wero glven byMi>s Klla o'Lcnry, John P. Koldack and Mrs. Johnston.Among the guests were Miss Amy Harrtson, Mr.and MfB. Louls isoany. Mts_ Efllo Ktclte. Ji-mcs I.ewi 100-,Mrs. T. II. Y:. .lderstc'tu, Miss V"unlderstcln aud LoulsJolinston.H is reported on tho West fTffe Ihal Mlchael J. Mc-

LaefkBB, who hnd a plumber stor.- ln West Oue-

lni:idred-and-twi.ity-third-st., will bfl thfl Rcptiollrancaridlduto lu tkfl XlXth Illstrlct, elther for Aldermanor HlBMIlbljaUII Mr. McLungltUn h_s llved all hisllf- in Mnnhnttanvillc, and reccived his educatlon lnMankatton Coik-p*.The trafltaaa of fhe Harlem avings liank will mect

on SoptcmtT 8 to eleet a BfaaMfl.I ln plae. of W. il.r.ilweil, who died two weeks ago. Mr. CotweU was

tor in. i;\ jreart b braaBaa aaal traa etoetctl presldent oftte baak about a y>-nr before he died.

Tlu- fliiiil llvo-mllc club race of tte Rlvorsldo Wheol-men will ba- held ou Septcinber 5, on tho Englewood-T.nallv course.

Last Sanda. thfl Rev. Willlam t. M'-EIvcen, postorof the North Now York OoogregaUoaal Chureh,preat bad on the flre at Macc's factory. This raornti gln will preach oa -The Po-slblUty of tho Chil '¦i.jkeni«. to tlia Father." In the evenlng hc win _c-iivei- a tannon on tlie Park Place at.aiter.

Many of tho clty odictals h_.vo tnk.n adx-antag. oftte <iuti aeaaon to apend a ihot. Mbm ln ibe country.Inspector fonlln i. tpeedtna Ma vwctUAon at Morich--s.I,. I.. -md Captaln McCallaak, of tlio Twenty-thlnl|__rinct al Ibe CaUkUk_ Captaln Westervelt, ol thaTu-iitv-nltitli Prerlnef, also |a away on his viratlon.Street Com_i_aa|oner Louls J. Helnta,"bowet.r, prefentbe eltv ai.d lt- ilno bowling-nlloys fo country fareami hofj-1 bflda.

Loupold Worms-r. Mrs. V/ormtt r nii'J farnlly, wliohave been flammerlng nt tte Cataklll MoBBtokm( havontiinu-d to tlielr lionio at No. 1!) Wo-. One hu:idrt-J-i_r:i<I twcnlv-fourtll-sl.

Mi-^ .ili.l F.lio, of Ilnrlem. ami MIs^ Annie M.ilos. of Yonkera, N. Y., are ipeodlnfl a few «raeka w-iiurelat-Vea at MMdlctown, Ooan.

t ,'iarirs F.. lliiiiiua aud lamlly. of Fjst. Ono hun-d!-'-d-aiid-lwi.-nty->ii_.tli-st., are nt BBbbBtb Kay l\jlnt,Laltt- Cicorgc.




IflSh TAKKS.There has been a tjuict flekflBM on foot for somo

time to lwvo a grand Natlonal Ouard donionstrr.tionat the World's Fair tn 131 _!, and to have tlie M|PB|enciiinptnetit of Natlonal ouardsmen which lias overbBBB seen in this country ot thfl -trne placo In 1803.Tkfl si home was put on foot by E. C. Culp, the BflCtB-tnry of th. eommitteo on ccrcmonlcs of the ColtimblanI_\posltltm. He starti.-d lt by wrltln'g to (iein-calQaorflb \\. Wing-.ite, tho piaM.BBM) Bfl tho Natlonalt.-.iaiil AaaaetB.0.i alioitt haMlBg the convention of theBBflOClBfltoa in Ctilcago ln next Sept«?ml)cr fnr the per-po-.o of constiltlng QflMBBl Milea aud otlicifl ubout theidMBBBa

Oenernl Wlnpate wrote to the diffenmt delcgatesto the Natioriiil ouard Aa.soclatlon tlie rontents nfMr. Ctiip's cotnmunl<at!on. He hna recelvcd Nf.flBfrom ull <<f them and tliey were unaniinons In tlieopinion that It would be liup-asslble for the NntrmalOitnr.l A-<o.-latlon to enrry ont nny *ur|| plnn. ThetroahM Ifl thal UM aaaaaaattoa mizht reromniend tiwndvifahll'fv of snch u selieme from n<iw nntll doonmdayund yet it mlght not Ih) cnmled out. The ofliccrs ofthat, n-sK-lation are not In nnthority and rntinot speakoflicially for the ndlutaut-genernls of the dlfferentBtaaea. Bflaaral winmite *-nt tho na___| of his in-qulrles to Mr. Cnlp, and It ia now believed tiiat com-

innr.lcfltlons will ln- sent tn tlio pnox-r olllrlnl; to noe

how many men could bfl fBl tOffl-MnTho Idcn ls to have n Jolut otu ampment wtth the

rogular troops BBfl t) have n dispUiy of tbe rcgttltirBBd inllita force. of tlio country.

titirral Mlles ls aaid »trnjdy to favor the projectaud will co-operale with the Kxposltion flSflflflfl Mibrlng abont t!n- BBBBaapflBflBt, lt will bo some tlmo^.i MMfB bbjIMBI dfiimt. will be known.. af eaeh_dJiita_nt-0»Mier_l mnat bo comuiunlcalcd with «<-p_-

i-utlv ahout thfl B hflBM. v» Mr I Idlng tho flaMOMlOtiartl Aa»tMlatlon cnnvcntlou iu Chlca^o this f»U. ou

miv other pietcxt Uian tiie o*e t*a arrange the plani(bfl a nillltarj' dUplay at tbo Woriri'f Fair. tk-ucralWlugate tolfl Mr. CulD that it wonld be a wastu of Uiue

DENNIN'SCERTAIN CUREFor IiheuniatisBj aod (.out

Cen.ln, rtuie and _peedv, xvheiher Aente, a.b-Aeata,or C'hronic.

The euro cxhlblta its most cxtraorllnarr powers larelteving ln a few daya the Rheuinatlc palna whieh haveguaw.il .nd agonlzed for years. Sold by dr.iggtata, mwlll Le scnt by oxpi_*a pafd to ai.y addrea. at 81 60 Bflflbottle or *7 80 per half doien.

(IURLES DFXm, Tbe Pharwieifa,I ir,f flace, cor. tourni, liroohir.. B. T.

Brookirtn _Hicflt.es.AMPHION,** H.-dford-axT., near nroadwav, Rrooklrn, N. Y.EDWJX K\()wr,l_s.". Role 1'rop. and MMflflflt

The handsomcat, eoob-at theatre ln Brooklyn.W'eok eomroenclng MOXDAY BVBBl_f<_r, AiiguK BL

MATXBZC8 WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY.Waltcr Sanford's Superb Productlon,


Commencing Mouday, fieptcroter 7, Mntlne. Monda*(Labor Day), KATE CLAXTOX AND CHAULESA. _TEVEN_ON IN THE TWO_ORPI1A_NS._T EE-AVE. ACADEMY.AA Opening of tbe «>_-_rn Mooday, August 31, With agraud prod in. ti uu or


SIxty peopie ln the east.UATuaeta wed, and kat.

_>©pt. 7--COKA TANNER._..,........ ¦ .-.-.j

and money. The eonvontlon must b*» held ln AVash-lngton whlle Congrees 1s ln sesBtbn, so that the conven¬tion's actlou would bo brr.ught promlnently to tlie at-tentlon of the members of Congress.Tho Naval mtlltla idca Is taklng stroug hold all over

tho eouutry. Ex*on Vermont. wlth only Lake Cham-plain as a posslblo plaee to excrclse, ls coming for¬ward. The Lcgl-lsture of that state is dlscnsslng ahill for formlng su.-h an organlzatioa. ConsldcrablaInformatlon on tho subject ls glven ln tho followlngodltorlal, wlrtch appeared ln "Tho Lurilngton FraaPress" on August 27

Tho Introdnctlon of a bill ln the Legtslatnro provld-lng for the cstnbllshmeut of a Naval mllitla ln tblaStu'to dlrects attenttdn aucw to a subject which Da.11*88-3* baaa pr__eiited t-> th© readcrs of 'The Freol'ress." TMs is a project which has found consldcr-ablw favor ln other state-, and, lu view of onr proxim-Ity to flio f*.nadlan boundary, and tb* cxpo.ure ofwestern V. rmont t:> atta-'k by way of water, It ls notwithont importanee to Vermonters. The advantage.arNing from tho prcsence of a Naval mllitla as anucfeui In case of an outbreak of hostllltles on onrn -them boundary <!o not need to be reconntcd atIthis tim©, th© Idea being essentlally the 6am© as thalwhich bbBmBbb tho formation of the Natlonal GuanL

Tlie prlnclpal objectlon to tho Inceptlon of Uieprojoel comes from outsldo the State ln the shape oian ©dltortal paragraph In "Thp Springfield Republlcan."In this relatlon "The Republlcan" says:

The retli-.d uaxal ofllcer at Rratt'.boro, Vt, who ts f»tdto entertaln the sehenie of 0-janl/.ln^' % naxal mllitla, foreeIn U.e towns on the Vermont shor© flf LaJce Champlaln nay

ablo to cnllst Uie aupport uf the State clhclalr ai.d flfflSlhi* pSBBjaaa. but, b.xlng his n.x-al _v_crv»! creoteJ, he wlllcxperien.e mnch dlflleulty ln ai.ordlng the men ..ultxbl.- op-portunl-fe. for tralnlng. Arcordlng to au srrjngemeia !>.>tVBflB the United fctta-ea and ONM Hrltatu ¦*> .ted ia 13If.nclth'r voveriimout can malntaln on Lake Chainplsin moro

than one anred VBflflflt, and that craft sl.aJl not BBBBfll 100tona ln Lurden, and lt shtill be anned xvith but an elghteen.ponr.d cannon. Smh a VBaaS. ln thes© d_>« would hard!/be ad T|u:i. for the drill ©f onr nax-al r. .e-ve, however mod-BM its oru'anl/ntl.i'i and e<pilpmcnt mlght be. Tbe he. t thalcould bo dnn© under a.ich ctrcu.nstan- os would be to drlil Uunaval :. Int.-im.n on land, und tl_ot would not '-ti_i to aruua-

IBfl flaBaalMM n'-ccBaary for the cont.i...-. exlB'.ence of »u«hu bui^r.

II Bm BaaaMtoflB bad taken tho tnmble to asecrtaluJust what the inethod and meuns of tminllig a navalmlllfla are, It would not bave mado the abox'o stat©-ment ln opposltlnii to ihe e«tabllshm©nt of such af.irco ofl _M VennOBl (bflflfl of Lake < hnmplaln. A*baa already been itated ln time coIbmd-l the naval¦i.ll-1I.i nre pmvlded wlth faclllMt lor tralnlng In thoibape of medeb of the dltfcrent pnrts of a shlp. includ-It.g a broud-ddc. and also wtth meuns of Ituti-uctlon I.itlie diitles of -allors nnd gunncrs, wlthout actuallyptaetag them on shlpboord. Nor ls thls oll. The mennre s.nt to Q_ew-Yo*k or Boston for a «-*rtaln p©rtod©aeh ye.r for n.-lual BlBeBofl and Instntction on b'>ard:i vessel of war. and aro thns phiccl ln a very falrondltloji uf tnitnlng for servlce. .o much for tha

fcafllMllfr of cstabllsbfng n naval mllitla In Vermont.Tiie West has come forward xvith a erheme for

'.na-unnllrlng" the mllltnty forces of the differentStates. It origlnated among some Army ofTlcers nt St.Lou*s. it 188888. In talklng about the plan put forwardby these oflicem veste. lay. General George \V. Wlugalosald lt w-.is rldlculons to thlnk thnt C,c:g_'s- could boUtot 1 BJ fls*P*flB8lB_i anv su.-h MM a« fll.i .Hi a \eor

br aaflb aflBBBBBf of slxty men flt BMBBi as pflopaflfljbv BMfll i.I'.ic---. lt t/vik liftccn 188*8, he mlA. t-. getCoogres* to ituiva-c tbe appi-opnuiion for Uie wholeNatlonal Guard from BtOOjOOO to t.o<'.OK) a jraar, Hodld not thlnk It would bc a gxnl thiug flajaflf IIsmh a aeb*8M r.,uld Ile got thn.ugh longre.s. ltWOflM ba u bad plan to have tlte pr©-cnt mt© forroat ,i elotely under tbe lOpervtfltoa of rhe Federal dofl.crnment; they were better ot? ns Uiev were u. w.

TBM, VICIORIA CBOSS.From Tlw Mancbe.ter Exai'iituer.Tho questlun has ben aaked-apropo* of t__e hooar

conlenvd on Major Gr.uit, of Thobal h_ine~how maayothcrs aio ©ntltled t> wear the \lctxiiia Croast I amable to an.wer the BBBflBOB, Tho mere atalemeiit oliiiimlicr rtvcals »t once tho excluslvo chur.irter of uiisi.xrar.1 for valor. No less, however, than Ihlrty ulr.ogeneral oitleers are cntitled lo -©ar It-an Indlcatiotinf the fa.-t that promollon to exalted mllltary rank luBngtand ha. lu u graal many ca-e* b©©n th© rewa.d orhei-olc ni. rlt. Thlrty eoloaeli and Itoetoaaal rolonelaao etitlth-d t wear tl.e d©c .-..t-.m txventv two majors,leven rapMlu, e__7lt llinter.mfs and Bve .|uart<r-masUi-. i>o*.s.--4 the s/une prtvlles©. lifiv-nltie .a _*emedak, however. ai-« latkl bv non < .niinis,loii..i olluvra

ci.-rgvman p6a_*«_-i the medal. and tbe aet whlct. w.-n

the K>. r for the H©v. .. W. Adims. wbo wy lw*Meijrattaehefl »o the Bengii .-eto-_aii©_l o"*»h>l**\n»" .,*¦"a.i:n n^.i '(> inu ui.-ui-» .-.-_-,-...--. P ., «,oue of Hie most berole ln tho aimal. of KnglUheblvatay.Sann-c Inn atatlon ln ___*.**?_ «n4o^h»"J^°«^

vt» New-York CantnO. Through aleaper*. »_>. tWMubkw