1 What are the Determinants of the Protection Motivation Theory Predicting the Willingness to get Vaccinated Against Covid-19? David Gallmeister (s2140160) Department of Conflict, Risk and Safety Supervisor: Dr. Margôt Kuttschreuter Second supervisor: Dr. Peter de Vries June 30, 2021

What are the Determinants of the Protection Motivation

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What are the Determinants of the Protection Motivation Theory Predicting the Willingness to

get Vaccinated Against Covid-19?

David Gallmeister (s2140160)

Department of Conflict, Risk and Safety

Supervisor: Dr. Margôt Kuttschreuter

Second supervisor: Dr. Peter de Vries

June 30, 2021



Vaccines are the most effective way to combat the Covid-19 pandemic. As many people as

possible need to be vaccinated. However, not everyone is willing to get vaccinated in the first

place. To be able to increase vaccination rates, it is relevant to know the reasons for people’s

vaccine hesitancy. Therefore, it is proposed that the Protection Motivation Theories constructs

threat appraisal, response-efficacy, self-efficacy, and costs of adaptive behaviour mediate the

relationship between the individual characteristics’ conspiracy beliefs, vaccine scepticism,

subjective well-being, and self-regulation with willingness to get vaccinated against Covid-19.

To do so, a cross-sectional online survey with 113 participants was conducted. A mediation

analysis was run to test whether the constructs of Protection Motivation Theory can account for

the mediating role. It was found that response-efficacy mediates the relationship between

vaccine scepticism and willingness to get vaccinated. People with higher vaccine scepticism

have lower response efficacy and therefore, lower willingness to get vaccinated. Additionally,

self-efficacy mediates the relationship between subjective well-being and willingness to get

vaccinated. People with lower subjective well-being have lower self-efficacy and therefore

lower willingness to get vaccinated against Covid-19. This study reveals that constructs from

Protection Motivation Theory can be used by policymakers to increase willingness to get

vaccinated against Covid-19 among citizens and deliver valuable insights in tackling further

pandemics and other diseases.


What are the Determinants of the Protection Motivation Theory Predicting the

Willingness to get Vaccinated Against Covid-19?

Every minute, about three humans lose their lives to diseases that could have been

prevented by a vaccine (WHO, 2017). In 2019, Covid-19, which stands for Coronavirus Disease

2019 was discovered following an outbreak in Wuhan, China (WHO, 2020). It was declared a

pandemic on March 11th 2020 (Venkatachary et al., 2020). About 20% of the people infected

develop serious symptoms (WHO, 2020). Until June 2021, there were about 176 million

confirmed cases and about 3.8 million deaths worldwide (WHO, 2021). Especially older

individuals possess a high risk of suffering from severe symptoms (Rod et al., 2020). Covid-19

will not be the only pandemic that humanity has to deal with in the future. Although scientists

are uncertain in the exact probability of possible outbreaks of pandemics, they do agree that

global travel, increased population density, poverty, and megacities as well as closer contact to

animal populations heighten the likelihood of zoonoses (Manheim, 2018). As data shows,

vaccines are the most important tool when combatting infectious diseases (WHO, 2017).

However, in addition to getting vaccinated, several measures have been undertaken by

countries to stop the spreading of the virus. Most measures are preventive measures that aim at

preventing people from getting infected in the first place (Tanaya et al. 2020). These measures

have shown to be effective in lowering the cases of new infections but are not able to defeat the

virus and the pandemic itself (Vardoulakis et al., 2020). Therefore, these measures were always

meant to bridge the time until vaccines against the virus were available. Until February 2021,

there have been more than 50 vaccines in current development or clinical trials to combat

Covid-19. The Pfitzer and BioNTech vaccine shows to be 95% effective after receiving the

second dose (Mahase, 2020). Less than 1% of the participants experienced severe pain due to

the vaccine which mainly showed itself in headaches or feelings of fatigue (Polack et al., 2020).

The development of effective vaccines is a breakthrough in the fight against Covid-19.

However, to stop the transmission of the virus at least between 60-75% of the population need

to be vaccinated (Sallam, 2021). In contrast, in a survey conducted in the UK, 64% of the

participants said that they would get a vaccination against Covid-19 (Sherman et al., 2020). If

everyone who intends to, gets vaccinated, the number of vaccinated people would still be too

low to reach immunity and stop the spread of the virus. Adding to that, only about 50% of

human intentions are translated into actual behaviour (Sheeran & Webb, 2016). Therefore, high

willingness to get vaccinated is important.

Research shows that theory-based interventions are more effective in increasing

vaccination uptake (Stone et al., 2002). One study found that the Protection Motivation Theory


is effective in predicting the intention to get vaccinated in general (Allen & Butler, 2020). Until

June 2021, there is little research available concerning the Protection Motivation Theory and

Covid-19 vaccination combined.

Protection Motivation Theory focuses on explaining health-protective behaviours such

as getting vaccinated. The Protection Motivation Theory was originally founded by Rogers to

understand fear appeals (Conner, Norman, Boer & Seydel, 1996). Later, Rogers altered the

Protection Motivation Theory to emphasize cognitive processes that lead to behaviour change.

In the Protection Motivation Theory, there are response facilitating factors and response

inhibiting factors that are weighted against each other. In terms of maladaptive responses, the

response facilitating factors advantages of maladaptive behaviour are weighted against the

response inhibiting factors severity of the threat and vulnerability of the individual towards the

threat. Advantages of maladaptive behaviour are, for example, not getting vaccinated to avoid

side effects. Severity is the assessment of the threat itself. In this case, how dangerous Covid-

19 is to an individual’s health. Vulnerability is an individual’s assessment of the risk of getting

the disease. In this case, how likely an infection with Covid-19 is. These processes determine

the threat appraisal which means the overall threat of Covid-19 to the individual. In terms of

adaptive responses, the response efficacy and self-efficacy are weighted against the costs of the

adaptive behaviour. Response efficacy means that the individual assesses whether the

recommended behaviour is effective in diminishing the threat (e.g., is the vaccination effective

in protecting from Covid-19 symptoms or contracting the disease). Self-efficacy is the

individuals’ assessment of whether they can perform the recommended behaviour (e.g., actually

getting a vaccination). These processes determine the individual’s coping appraisal. After that,

the threat appraisal and the coping appraisal determine whether an individual has a Protection

Motivation against the threat. The Protection Motivation will lead to either adaptive or

maladaptive coping depending on the individuals’ characteristics in the different factors and,

ultimately, to behaviour (Conner, Norman, Boer & Seydel, 1996). For example, people who

see higher advantages of the behaviour, and value the threat as severe as well as themselves as

being vulnerable towards the disease, will have a higher threat appraisal. If they also score high

on response- and self-efficacy and perceive the costs of the adaptive behaviour as being low,

they will score higher on coping appraisal. High threat appraisal and coping appraisal are

hypothesized to lead to higher protection motivation and, therefore, to adaptive behaviour.

Covid-19 is the threat while getting vaccinated against Covid-19 is the desired behaviour.

Because of that, Protection Motivation will be operationalized as willingness to get vaccinated.


To increase the number of people willing to get vaccinated, more needs to be known

about their reasoning why they do not want to get vaccinated. If their individual reasons are

known, interventions could be targeted more efficiently towards them to decrease the

translation gap between intention and behaviour (Sheeran & Webb, 2016). By that, vaccination

rates could increase. Furthermore, these individual characteristics have shown to be highly

context-specific, thus depending on the disease and its circumstances (MacDonald, 2015).

Implementing the constructs from Protection Motivation Theory as a mediator might allow for

generalisation of the findings to other diseases.

To be able to do that, it is relevant to know the factors that make persons vaccine-

hesitant because these factors can change their vaccination behaviour. Vaccine hesitancy is the

“delay in acceptance or refusal of vaccines despite availability of vaccination services” as

defined by the SAGE working group (MacDonald, 2015). When looking at the intention to get

vaccinated, several factors play a crucial role that can lead to vaccine hesitancy such as vaccine

scepticism, conspiracy beliefs, subjective well-being and self-regulation.

The first factor that may predict the uptake of a Covid-19 vaccine is vaccine scepticism.

Vaccine scepticism is people’s beliefs about the dangers of vaccines (LaCour, & Davis, 2020).

Further, it reflects basic cognitive differences in mortality-related event frequency estimation

(LaCour, & Davis, 2020). Vaccines have saved uncountable lives and have increased life

expectancy, quality of life and decreased suffering and the dangerousness of several diseases

(Chatterjee, 2008). Still, the anti-vaccine movement established a link between vaccinations

and autism to prove their point that vaccines may have adverse consequences for humans

(Chatterjee, 2008). Especially for Covid-19 vaccinations, several factors may cause higher

scepticism towards the vaccine. Regarding people’s scepticism towards vaccines, one worry

that many people have is the relatively short research process of vaccines (Seale et al., 2010).

This reason may be especially relevant for Covid-19 vaccines, as the research and test phases

have been shortened due to the urgency of a vaccine. This leads people to believe that the

vaccine is not well tested and therefore might have adverse consequences. Consequently, people

who have been sceptic towards vaccines may be even more sceptical towards a Covid-19

vaccine due to the shortened research process. However, even people who have not been

sceptical may have become more sceptical than before. This may be related to the reports issued

in March 2021 which established a link between Covid-19 vaccinations and the occurrence of

thromboses in patients (Hunter, 2021). Many European countries stopped the vaccination with

the linked vaccines for a certain period and adjusted their recommendations for certain groups

of people. This event led to many critical comments regarding the safety of this vaccine and


may have caused scepticism among previously non-sceptic people. Vaccine scepticism implies

that people do not believe that vaccines are safe in general. This may translate into low

response-efficacy in terms of the vaccination. Therefore, people will not believe that the

vaccination is effective in combatting Covid-19. This paper proposes that vaccine scepticism

negatively influences response efficacy which ultimately decreases the intention to get


The second factor that may predict Covid-19 vaccine uptake is the belief in vaccine

conspiracy beliefs (Jolley & Douglas, 2014). Conspiracy theories try to explain important

political and social events with secret plots that are conducted by powerful actors (Pivetti et al.,

2021). In terms of Covid-19, these theories include the idea that 5G towers are spreading Covid-

19 or that pharmaceutical companies purposely spread the virus to make money with vaccines

(Pivetti et al., 2021). Covid-19 conspiracy theories are closely related to general conspiracy

beliefs (Pivetti et al., 2021). Furthermore, belief in conspiracy theories has been found to

negatively predict the intention to get vaccinated against Covid-19 (Pivetti et al., 2021).

Especially during the Covid-19 pandemic, conspiracy theories gained prominence (Earnshaw

et al., 2020; Jolley & Douglas, 2014). Therefore, it is less likely to reach the intended minimum

number of vaccinated people in society. Moreover, one factor that has not been researched

extensively is the mediating role of constructs of the Protection Motivation Theory between

conspiracy beliefs and willingness to get vaccinated (Pivetti et al., 2021). This study tries to

shed more light on this question by proposing that constructs of the Protection Motivation

theory can account for the mediating role as well. More specifically, threat appraisal of Covid-

19 is the proposed mediator between conspiracy beliefs and intention to get vaccinated.

Following this line of argumentation, it is not only relevant whether people believe in

conspiracy theories, but also whether they believe the disease to be harmful to them. It is

proposed that belief in conspiracy theories predicts threat appraisal of Covid-19, which in turn

predicts intention to get vaccinated.

Especially in times of a pandemic where a lot of people are in lockdown, experience

less social interaction, cannot follow all of their pre-pandemic activities and may experience

physical health issues in case of an infection, subjective well-being may be impacted negatively.

Subjective well-being is made up of three components (Diener, 1984). The first one is that it is

entirely subjective which means that it is based upon the experiences of each individual.

Furthermore, subjective well-being includes positive measures. This implies that it is not the

sheer absence of negative experiences. The last component is that subjective well-being

includes an overall assessment of an individual’s life which means that it tries to grasp as many


aspects of one’s life as possible (Diener, 1984). If more people experience impaired subjective

well-being, more people may be hesitant to get vaccinated because of the pandemic. A study

conducted in the UK found an increase in suicidal thoughts in the population during the

pandemic (O'Connor et al., 2020). Their study shows that especially women, people from the

age 18-29, lower socioeconomic status groups, and people with a history of mental problems

experienced a decrease in mental well-being. Additionally, during the influenza pandemic,

subjective well-being was found to influence influenza vaccination (Bock et al., 2017). This

may be because subjective well-being is associated with health preventive behaviour (Bock et

al., 2017). Self-efficacy describes people’s assessment of their ability to perform the health

preventive behaviour, which is why self-efficacy may mediate the relationship between

subjective well-being and willingness to get vaccinated.

Fourthly, self-regulation is the “effort by the human self to alter any of its own inner

states or responses” (Vohs & Baumeister, 2016). This means that self-regulation is, on the one

hand, the actual control one has of their own inner states like emotions. On the other hand, self-

regulation measures the sheer attempt itself to control these inner states. Also, self-regulation

was found to impact the willingness of taking short-term sacrifices to achieve long term benefits

(Bock et al., 2017). In case of a possible Covid-19 vaccination, these short-term sacrifices may

be side effects or taking the risk of a shorter research process of the vaccines. One major side

effect discovered in March 2021 is the occurrence of thrombosis due to the AstraZeneca

vaccination (Hunter, 2021). Furthermore, a long-term benefit is being vaccinated against

Covid-19, thus being less at risk for a severe infection and less at risk for getting infected in the

first place. Moreover, it is being debated whether people that have been vaccinated should get

several advantages like being excluded from showing negative corona tests to get into

restaurants. If there are fewer restrictions for people who are vaccinated in the future, a

vaccination would offer a major long-term benefit in that respect. People who have high self-

regulation may be more likely to accept possible short-term sacrifices to achieve long term

benefits. Applying the scenario to the current pandemic, this means that people with high self-

regulation would be more likely to get vaccinated and accept short-term risks like side effects.

This is similar to the concept of costs of adaptive behaviour from the Protection Motivation

Theory. That is why costs of adaptive behaviour may mediate the relationship between self-

regulation and willingness to get vaccinated.

For every vaccine and its corresponding disease, the determinants that predict vaccine

uptake may be different because the factors are usually context-specific and different for every

vaccine (MacDonald, 2015). This means that influences like conspiracy theory beliefs may be


relevant for one disease in addressing vaccine uptake but may not be relevant in another disease.

By applying four individual factors that may be relevant for Covid-19, this paper tries to identify

disease-specific factors that explain Covid-19 vaccine uptake. Furthermore, Protection

Motivation Theory has not widely been tested in regards to Covid-19 and whether it can predict

vaccination behaviour for this disease. Applying Protection Motivation Theory to the Covid-19

pandemic may, on the one hand, lead to more insights on why people do get, or do not get

vaccinated, and on the other hand, it may help policymakers for efficient vaccination campaigns

to increase the number of people that are willing to get vaccinated. Consequently, this paper

may contribute to a more efficient communication and strategy in combating vaccine hesitancy

and ultimately, defeating Covid-19. This would make it easier to adjust to new diseases in the

future and decrease vaccine hesitancy by actively focusing interventions on specific factors

from the Protection Motivation Theory.

Following the determinants of people’s intention to get vaccinated, the hypotheses

below are proposed:

H1: People with higher conspiracy beliefs have a lower threat appraisal and therefore

a lower willingness to get vaccinated than people with lower conspiracy beliefs.

This hypothesis is based on the assumption that people believing in conspiracy theories

are in general less likely to get vaccinated (Pivetti et al., 2021). Furthermore, some conspiracy

beliefs revolve around the idea that Covid-19 was introduced by higher powers for several

reasons (Pivetti et al., 2021). This could lead people to believe that Covid-19 is not as dangerous

as said. People who have lower threat appraisal would have less motivation to get vaccinated

because they do not think they would have to protect themselves against the disease.

H2: People with higher vaccine scepticism have a lower response efficacy and therefore

a lower willingness to get vaccinated than people with lower vaccine scepticism.

Hypothesis 2 is based on the assumption that people with higher vaccine scepticism do

not trust efficacy of vaccines and their ability to protect against a disease (Chatterjee, 2008).

People who do not believe in Covid-19 vaccines effectiveness are therefore assumed to have a

lower willingness to get vaccinated.

H3: People with lower subjective well-being have lower self-efficacy and therefore a

lower willingness to get vaccinated than people with higher subjective well-being.

This hypothesis is based on the assumption that higher subjective well-being was found

to positively influence health-protective behaviour (Bock et al., 2017). The ability to protect

oneself against a disease is also health-protective behaviour and therefore, it is assumed that

lower subjective well-being leads to lower self-efficacy. Lower self-efficacy is thought to


negatively impact willingness to get vaccinated. This means that people with low subjective

well-being will likely be less willing to get vaccinated against Covid-19.

H4: People with higher self-regulation have lower costs of adaptive behaviour and

therefore a higher willingness to get vaccinated than people with lower self-regulation.

This hypothesis is based on the assumption that higher self-regulation is associated with

accepting short-term costs to gain long-term benefits (Bock et al., 2017). Therefore, it is

hypothesized that higher self-regulation will lead to lower costs of adaptive behaviour.

According to the Protection Motivation Theory, lower costs of adaptive behaviour predict

health preventive behaviour, thus getting vaccinated.

Figure 1

Graphic depiction of hypotheses

2. Method

2.1 Design

The study was a cross-sectional survey as it measures individual characteristics at one

point in time without manipulating either of the variables.

2.2 Participants

The participants were recruited using non-probability convenience sampling. The

original dataset consisted of 167 responses. However, 34 responses were excluded from the

analysis because they were responses from participants that were vaccinated already. A total of

15 responses were excluded as they did not fill out the questions regarding the Protection

Motivation Theory, while 5 responses did not answer all the questions which led to a final

dataset of N = 113 of which 69 were female, 41 male, 1 non-binary/third gender and 1

participant who did not want to specify their gender. The samples mean age was M = 23.

Furthermore, most of the participants were students (81%) while 12% were employed full time.

The same percentage of participants was employed part-time (12%). This was possible because


multiple answers were allowed as can be seen in Table 1. Finally, most of the participants were

not thinking of a specific vaccine while filling out the survey (66%). However, if participants

were thinking of a vaccine, most of them thought of Biontech/Pfitzer (22%), followed by

AstraZeneca (8%). Moderna and Johnson & Johnson were each reported by one participant.

Three participants thought of another vaccine that was not specified further.

2.3 Materials

During the study, a questionnaire created with the online survey platform Qualtrics was

used. The questionnaire consisted of 60 questions. The questions asked for consent, the

demographic variables age, occupation, and gender. Furthermore, the independent variables

measured were subjective well-being, self-regulation, vaccine scepticism, and conspiracy

beliefs. Additionally, self-efficacy, response efficacy, costs of adaptive behaviour, and threat

appraisal were the mediating variables from the Protection Motivation Theory that were

measured. Lastly, the dependent variable willingness to get vaccinated and the filter variable

vaccination status were measured as well.

2.4 Instruments

For the assessment of vaccine scepticism, a shortened version of the vaccine scepticism

scale consisting of 9 items was adapted from LaCour and Davis (2020). Items were reworded

so that they would fit the topic at hand. Furthermore, responses were recorded on a 5-Point-

Likert scale (1 = Disagree strongly to 5 = Agree strongly). Participants had to answer questions

regarding the safety of Covid-19 vaccines (e.g., “Covid-19 vaccines can lead to allergies”) and

about the role of higher powers regarding Covid-19 vaccination (e.g., “People have been

deceived about Covid-19 vaccine safety”). The scale for vaccine scepticism showed good

reliability (𝛼 = .88) and meritorious validity (KMO = .89; Bartlett Test = .0).

To assess conspiracy beliefs, a shortened version of the Generic Conspiracist Beliefs

scale consisting of 7 items was used (Brotherton et al., 2013). Participants had to answer

questions regarding their conspiracy believes (e.g., “The power held by heads of state is second

to that of small unknown groups who really control world politics” or “Technology with mind

control capacities is used on people without their knowledge”). This shortened scale showed

good reliability (𝛼 = .86) and meritorious validity (KMO = .84; Bartlett Test = .0).


Table 1


Characteristic Full sample

n %


Female 69 61.1

Male 41 36.3

Non-Binary/third gender 1 0.9

Prefer not to say 1 0.9

Other 3 2,7

Current occupation level

Employed full time 13 11.5

Employed part-time 13 11.5

Unemployed looking for work 2 1.8

Unemployed not looking for work 0 0

Retired 1 0.9

Student 92 81.4

Other 2 1.8

Vaccine control

Biontech/Pfitzer 25 22.1

AstraZeneca 9 8

Moderna 1 0.9

Johnson & Johnson 1 0.9

Other 3 2.7

No specific vaccine 74 65.5

Further, to assess subjective well-being, a shortened version consisting of 13 items from

the BBB subjective well-being scale (BBC-SWB) was used (Pontin et al., 2013). The scale of

Pontin et al. (2013) dealt with the domain’s psychological well-being (e.g., “I feel depressed or

anxious”), physical health, well-being (e.g., “I am happy with my physical health”), and

relationships (e.g., “I am happy with my friendships and personal relationships”). The scale

showed good reliability (𝛼 = .88) and meritorious validity (KMO = .83; Bartlett Test = .0).

Furthermore, a shortened version consisting of 10 items of the Self-regulation

Questionnaire (SRQ) from Pichardo-Martinez et al. (2014) was used. The scale measured goal

setting (e.g., “I set goals for myself and keep track of my progress”), perseverance (e.g.,” I have


a lot of willpower”), and decision making (e.g.,” When it comes to deciding about a change, I

feel overwhelmed by the choices”). The scale showed good reliability (𝛼 = .83) and meritorious

validity (KMO = .84; Bartlett Test = .0).

The scales used to test the constructs of the Protection Motivation Theory were adapted

from Lwin and Saw (2007). The items have been rewritten to fit the topic of Covid-19

vaccinations. The response efficacy scale consisted of 3 items (e.g., “Getting vaccinated against

Covid-19 will help prevent me from getting infected with Covid-19”) and yielded acceptable

reliability (𝛼 = .7) and mediocre validity (KMO = .62; Bartlett Test = .0).

The scale used to measure self-efficacy consisted of 5 items (e.g., “I am confident of my

ability to get vaccinated against Covid-19”) and showed acceptable reliability (𝛼 = .7) and

mediocre validity (KMO = .63; Bartlett Test = .0).

Furthermore, the scale measuring costs of adaptive behaviour consisted of 3 items (e.g.,

“It is time-consuming for me to get vaccinated against Covid-19”) and showed unacceptable

reliability (𝛼 = .35) and miserable validity (KMO = .55; Bartlett Test = .04). Therefore, a factor

analysis was performed to check whether there are more constructs measured by this scale.

Results showed that this scale has one underlying factor as can be seen in Table 2.

The scale measuring threat appraisal consisted of 2 items (e.g., “I am at high risk of

becoming seriously ill from COVID-19”) and has been adapted from the construct’s severity

and vulnerability. This scale showed good reliability (𝛼 = .82) and miserable validity (KMO =

.5; Bartlett Test = .0).

Lastly, the scale measuring willingness to get vaccinated consisted of 2 items (e.g., “I

intend to ensure that I get vaccinated against Covid-19”) and showed excellent reliability (𝛼 =

.93) and miserable validity (KMO = .5; Bartlett Test = .0).

Table 1

Factor Analysis

Costs of adaptive behaviour item Factor loading


Costs of adaptive behaviour

It is time-consuming for me to get vaccinated against Covid-19 .68

It is not convenient for me to get vaccinated against Covid-19 .74

Vaccination leads to me suffering from side-effects .55

Note. N = 113. Factor loadings above .30 are in bold. Reverse-scored items are denoted

with (R). Adapted from “Lwin, M. O., & Saw, S. M. (2007). Protecting children from

myopia: a pmt perspective for improving health marketing communications. Journal of

Health Communication, 12(3), 251–68 (https://doi.org/10.1080/10810730701266299)“


2.5 Procedure

After the study has been reviewed and accepted by the ethics board of the University of

Twente, the survey was published on the website SONA, which gives students from the

University of Twente access to several studies. Furthermore, participants were recruited via

social media, more specifically Instagram and WhatsApp. When starting the survey,

participants were informed about the topic of the research first. They were given a text with

more information about the purpose of the research, possible harms, and the researchers' contact

information. They were also informed that they are allowed to withdraw from the study at any

time without giving any reason. After they were informed about the confidentiality of their data,

participants were asked to give their active consent. For participants who did not agree to take

part in the study, the survey ended here. If participants gave their consent, they were asked

demographic questions about their age, gender, and current occupation. In the following,

participants were asked to what extent they agreed with statements about their subjective well-

being, self-regulation, vaccine scepticism, and conspiracy beliefs. All answers were recorded

using a 5-Point-Likert scale. Next, participants were asked whether they have already been

vaccinated against Covid-19. If yes, the survey ended for them. For those participants that

answered no, questions testing constructs of the Protection Motivation Theory were asked.

Those constructs include response-efficacy, costs of adaptive behaviour, self-efficacy, threat

appraisal and willingness to get vaccinated. In the end, participants were asked to state whether

they have thought of a specific vaccine, and if yes, which one, while filling out the survey to be

able to control for a possible effect of the vaccine on the willingness to get vaccinated. After

that, participants were thanked for their participation and told that their response has been

recorded and that they may close the survey.

2.6 Statistical analysis

In order to test the hypotheses, a simple mediation analysis was performed using the

SPSS add-on PROCESS. Furthermore, a correlational analysis has been carried out to display

the correlations between the instruments themselves.

3. Results

3.1 Instrument means

Vaccine scepticism has a mean of M = 2.1 (SD = .8). Furthermore, conspiracy beliefs

show the lowest mean (M = 1.9, SD = .8). The mean for subjective well-being is M = 3.5 (SD

= .6) while the mean for self-regulation is M = 3.4 (SD = .7). The mean for response efficacy is

M = 3.8 (SD = .9) while the self-efficacy mean is M = 4.1 (SD = .6). Costs of adaptive behaviour


has a mean of M = 2.1 (SD = .7). Additionally, threat appraisal has a mean of M = 2.3 (SD =

1.1) while willingness to get vaccinated shows the highest mean (M = 4.4, SD = 1.0).

These values suggest that vaccine scepticism, conspiracy beliefs and costs of adaptive

behaviour are relatively low in this sample. This shows that this sample has a generally high

willingness to get vaccinated. Furthermore, the sample’s means on the scales that are

hypothesized to increase willingness to get vaccinated (subjective well-being, self-regulation,

response efficacy and self-efficacy) are relatively high compared to the means on the scales that

are hypothesized to decrease willingness to get vaccinated (vaccine scepticism, conspiracy

beliefs and costs of adaptive behaviour). However, the mean of the scale measuring threat

appraisal is in between these two different groups and shows the highest standard deviation.

3.2 Correlational analysis

To be able to get an overview over the correlations between the different items, a

correlation analysis was carried out. Vaccine scepticism has a significantly negative correlation

with response efficacy (r = -.5, p < .001), and willingness to get vaccinated (r = -.77, p <. 001).

As can be seen in Table 3, conspiracy beliefs has a significantly negative correlation willingness

to get vaccinated (r = -.56, p < .001). It does not significantly correlate with threat appraisal (r

= -.01, p = .89). The correlation analysis reveals that subjective well-being has a significantly

positive correlation self-efficacy (r = .32, p < .001). Also, subjective well-being does not have

a significant relationship with willingness to get vaccinated (r = .1, p = .31). Self-regulation

does not show any significant correlations with costs of adaptive behaviour (r = -.08, p = .42)

or willingness to get vaccinated (r = -.06, p = .50). Response efficacy has a significantly positive

correlation with willingness to get vaccinated (r = .53, p < .001) while costs of adaptive

behaviour has a significantly negative correlation willingness to get vaccinated (r = -.41, p <

.001). Lastly, self-efficacy correlates significantly positive with willingness to get vaccinated

(r = .51, p < .001).


Table 2

Descriptive Statistics and Correlations for Study Variables

Variable M SD 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

1. subjective


3.5 .6 —

2. self-


3.4 .7 .57** —

3. vaccine


2.1 .8 -.21** -.04 —

4. conspiracy


1.9 .8 -.22* -.12 .65** —

5. response


3.8 .9 .16 -.02 -.50** -.45** —

6. costs



2.1 .7 -.07 -.08 .45** .42** -.18 —

7. self-


4.1 .6 .32** .17 -.62** -.46** .44** -.40** —

8. threat


2.3 1.1 -.21* -.07 -.10 -.01 .21* -.11 -.06 —

9. willingness

to get


4.4 1.0 .10 -.06 -.77** -.56** .53** -.41** .51** .21** —

*p < .05, two-tailed. **p < .01, two-tailed.

3.3 Mediation effects analysis

As can be seen in Figure 2, Hypothesis 1 states that people with higher conspiracy

beliefs have a lower threat appraisal and therefore a lower willingness to get vaccinated than

people with lower conspiracy beliefs. Results show that conspiracy beliefs have an insignificant

direct effect on threat appraisal (𝛽 = -.02, p = .89). Conspiracy beliefs show a significant direct

effect on willingness to get vaccinated (𝛽 = -.67, p < .001). Threat appraisal has a significant

direct effect on willingness to get vaccinated (𝛽 = .18, p = .01) which is also in line with the

hypothesis expecting that low threat appraisal leads to lower willingness to get vaccinated. The

total effect of conspiracy beliefs on willingness to get vaccinated is similar to the direct effect

of conspiracy beliefs in willingness to get vaccinated (𝛽 = -.68, p < .001). The indirect effect of


conspiracy beliefs on willingness to get vaccinated was found to be statistically insignificant

[𝛽 = -.00, 95% C.I. (-.04, .05)]. The Sobel test yielded insignificant results (Sobel test = -.15; p

= .88). Therefore, the hypothesis that the effect of conspiracy beliefs on willingness to get

vaccinated is mediated by threat appraisal is rejected.

Figure 2

Results of testing Hypothesis 1

As can be seen in Figure 3, H2 states that people with higher vaccine scepticism have a

lower response efficacy and therefore a lower willingness to get vaccinated than people with

lower vaccine scepticism. The original direct effect of vaccine scepticism on willingness to get

vaccinated shows a significant direct effect (𝛽 = -.81; p < .001). Vaccine scepticism’s direct

effect on response efficacy is significant as well (𝛽 = -.55; p < .001). This effect is in line with

the hypothesized effect as high vaccine scepticism predicts low response efficacy. Response

efficacy also shows a significant direct effect on willingness to get vaccinated (𝛽 = .21; p = .01)

which is also in line with the hypothesis as low response efficacy leads to lower protection

motivation. The total effect of the model is larger than the direct effect of vaccine scepticism

on willingness to get vaccinated (𝛽 = -.93, p < .05). This means that there is mediation, but only

partial as the original direct effect is not equal to zero. The indirect effect of vaccine scepticism

on willingness to get vaccinated via moderation was found to be statistically significant [𝛽 = -

.11; 95% C.I. (-.26, -.02)]. Additionally, the Sobel Test yielded significant results (Sobel test =

-2.51; p = .01). Therefore, the hypothesis that high vaccine scepticism leads to low response

efficacy, which in turn leads to lower willingness to get vaccinated, is accepted. However, the

mediation is only partial as vaccine scepticism’s effect is only reduced in size and not equal to



Figure 3

Results of testing Hypothesis 2

As can be seen in Figure 4, H3 states that people with lower subjective well-being have

lower self-efficacy and therefore, lower willingness to get vaccinated than people with higher

subjective well-being. Subjective well-being has a significant direct effect on self-efficacy (𝛽 =

.31, p < .001) which is in line with the hypothesized effect that lower subjective well-being

leads to lower self-efficacy. Self-efficacy has a significant direct effect on willingness to get

vaccinated (𝛽 = .84, p < .001) which also corresponds with the hypothesis which states that

lower self-efficacy leads to lower willingness to get vaccinated. Furthermore, subjective well-

being has an insignificant direct effect on willingness to get vaccinated (𝛽 = -.11, p = .41). The

total effect of the model is larger than the direct effect of subjective well-being on willingness

to get vaccinated but shows to be insignificant (𝛽 = .15, p = .31). The indirect effect of

subjective well-being on willingness to get vaccinated was found to be statistically significant

[𝛽 = .26, 95% C.I. (.12, .45)]. The Sobel test yielded significant results as well (Sobel test =

3.04; p < .05). Therefore, the hypothesis that the effect of subjective well-being on willingness

to get vaccinated is mediated by self-efficacy, is accepted.

Figure 4

Results of testing Hypothesis 3

As can be seen in Figure 5, H4 states that people with higher self-regulation have lower

costs of adaptive behaviour and therefore a higher willingness to get vaccinated than people

with lower self-regulation. Self-regulation has a statistically insignificant direct effect on costs

of adaptive behaviour (𝛽 = -.09, p = .42). Furthermore, self-regulation has a statistically


insignificant direct effect on willingness to get vaccinated (𝛽 = -.13, p = .30). Costs of adaptive

behaviour have a statistically significant direct effect on willingness to get vaccinated (𝛽 = -

.55, p < .001) which is in line with the hypothesis that lower costs of adaptive behaviour lead

to higher willingness to get vaccinated. The total effect of the model shows to be insignificant

and lower than the original direct effect (𝛽 = -.08, p = .54). The indirect effect of self-regulation

on willingness to get vaccinated was found to be statistically insignificant [𝛽 = .05, 95% C.I. (-

.08, .17)]. The Sobel test yielded insignificant results as well (Sobel test = .81; p = .42).

Therefore, the hypothesis is rejected.

Figure 5

Results of testing Hypothesis 4

4. Discussion

This study aimed at identifying whether constructs from Protection Motivation Theory

can account for the mediating role between individual characteristics and the willingness to get

vaccinated against Covid-19. The individual characteristics of vaccine scepticism, conspiracy

beliefs, subjective well-being and self-regulation were investigated in a sample of 113

individuals via an online study. Protection Motivation Theory is a widely used model in

determining whether people would protect themselves against a certain threat. However,

especially pandemics have been found to be context-specific, thus individual characteristics and

threat assessment vary between different threats. On the one hand, specific influences on

people’s willingness to get vaccinated can be uncovered by applying Protection Motivation

Theory. On the other hand, applying factors from Protection Motivation Theory may also allow

generalisation as the model can be applied to different threats. In this sample, self-efficacy and

response-efficacy were identified as mediators in determining people’s willingness to get


When looking at the hypotheses, Hypotheses 2 and 3 are confirmed. Hypothesis 2 states

that people with higher vaccine scepticism have a lower response efficacy and therefore a lower

willingness to get vaccinated than people with lower vaccine scepticism. This means that people

who are more sceptical of vaccines, in general, do not trust the efficacy of vaccines and their


ability to protect them against Covid-19. This, in turn, leads to them being less willing to get

vaccinated than people who are less sceptical of vaccines. Also, response efficacy acts as a

mediator between vaccine scepticism and willingness to get vaccinated. Especially during the

Covid-19 pandemic scepticism might have been higher than for other diseases as the research

process of the vaccine was shorter. Additionally, issues were reported in March 2021 regarding

the occurrence of thromboses in vaccinated people (Seale et al., 2010; Hunter, 2021). Therefore,

possibly fewer people are willing to get vaccinated against Covid-19. This study examined the

characteristics and beliefs causing such behaviour.

Hypothesis 3 states that people with lower subjective well-being have lower self-efficacy

and therefore, a lower willingness to get vaccinated than people with higher subjective well-

being. As this hypothesis is confirmed as well, it is apparent that people who experience lower

subjective well-being have a lower self-efficacy, which translates into a lower willingness to

get vaccinated. This result is in line with findings from the influenza pandemic in which

subjective well-being was found to impact willingness to get vaccinated (Bock et al., 2017). As

higher subjective well-being is associated with health preventive behaviour, higher subjective

well-being translates into self-efficacy. During the Covid-19 pandemic, mental health was

found to be decreasing among citizens (O'Connor et al., 2020). This shows that higher

subjective well-being seems to be an important factor when wanting to increase people’s

willingness to get vaccinated. Furthermore, self-efficacy was found to partially mediate the

relationship between subjective well-being and willingness to get vaccinated. This shows that

subjective well-being still has a strong direct impact on willingness to get vaccinated. Self-

efficacy can only account for some part of the relationship between subjective well-being and

willingness to get vaccinated.

Hypotheses 1 and 4 were rejected. Hypothesis 1 states that people with higher

conspiracy beliefs have a lower threat appraisal and therefore a lower willingness to get

vaccinated than people with lower conspiracy beliefs. It was proposed that people who believe

in conspiracy beliefs are more likely to adopt conspiracy theories revolving around Covid-19.

Therefore, they might perceive the threat as small and decrease willingness to get vaccinated

against Covid-19. However, threat appraisal does not mediate the relationship between

conspiracy beliefs and willingness to get vaccinated. People believing in conspiracy theories do

not have a higher threat appraisal than people who do not believe in them. At the same time, in

line with previous findings, conspiracy beliefs were found to have a direct influence on

willingness to get vaccinated (Pivetti et al., 2021). The fact that threat appraisal does not account

for the mediating role, might be because conspiracy beliefs do not necessarily imply that people


rate the threat as being lower. For example, believing in the conspiracy theory that Covid-19

was purposely released by the pharmaceutical industry does not say anything about the actual

threat. So, people might think that the disease was released on purpose, but also think that the

threat is actually higher. In fact, from their point of view, it could also make sense to rate the

threat of the disease as high because more dangerous diseases would lead to more profit for

pharmaceutical companies.

Hypothesis 4, which states that people with higher self-regulation have lower costs of

adaptive behaviour and therefore a higher willingness to get vaccinated than people with lower

self-regulation, was not confirmed in this sample. The proposed hypothesis was based on the

association of self-regulation with accepting short-term costs for long-term benefits which

would then translate into a higher willingness to get vaccinated (Bock et al., 2017). However,

this effect is not mediated by costs of adaptive behaviour in this sample. This might be caused

by self-regulation being associated with accepting short-term sacrifices to have long-term

benefits. Consequently, possible side effects might not be seen as short-term sacrifices due to

an often relatively short time of suffering from side effects (if even). Also, long-term benefits

are not clearly defined regarding their time frame. For Covid-19 vaccinations, long-term

benefits may already occur a few days after vaccination, causing some protection against severe

courses of infection. Therefore, the short-term sacrifices are minimal compared to the benefits

that often occur after a few days.

Even though this study produced several significant results, there are some limitations

to the study. Firstly, this study made use of only a few constructs of the Protection Motivation

Theory and not all of them. Protection Motivation Theory takes into account all of the constructs

to determine protection motivation. In this study, singular constructs were picked and predicted

protection motivation with every one of them individually. Furthermore, willingness to get

vaccinated does not equal the number of people actually getting vaccinated as there is an

intention-behaviour gap (Sheeran & Webb, 2016). Therefore, only the intention could be

measured and not whether the intention will be translated into real-life behaviour. To account

for that in further studies, a follow-up questionnaire could be added, asking participants whether

they got vaccinated. By comparing this to their willingness to get vaccinated it can be measured

how effective Protection Motivation Theory is in predicting vaccination behaviour.

Additionally, this study worked with a very young and educated sample as the average age was

23 years and about 80% of the sample were students. This decreases the generalisation of the

results onto older and less educated people. Therefore, a wider range of age groups and

professions should be included in following studies.


Regarding the limitations of the study, further research should apply the whole

Protection Motivation Theory on willingness to get vaccinated to account for all of the

constructs of Protection Motivation Theory. This could enable a better overview of which

factors influence willingness to get vaccinated the most. Furthermore, further research should

also focus on determining the intention-behaviour gap for Covid-19 vaccination as this might

translate to future pandemics as well. By doing so, a rough estimate of the gap could emphasise

the percentage of people needed to be willing to get vaccinated to reach the minimum number

of people who actually get vaccinated to reach herd immunity. Further research should also take

different age groups into account. This sample was very young and therefore, the findings may

not apply to other age groups as well. For example, this study found subjective well-being to

be an important factor when determining willingness to get vaccinated. However, a prior study

found that especially women and younger people experienced decreased mental well-being

during the pandemic (O'Connor et al., 2020). Therefore, subjective well-being in this sample

may have been lower and more influential compared to other samples. Furthermore, this sample

was highly educated. Less educated samples may deliver different results. If people in higher

educated samples are prone to believe in conspiracy theories, they may be able to distinguish

that from reasonable arguments speaking in favour of getting vaccinated. For example, if

someone believes that Covid-19 was released purposely to gain financial profit, they may still

be able to perceive the disease as a threat nevertheless and get vaccinated. This may not apply

to samples with lower education as they might not be able to distinguish between credible and

unreliable sources as well. Furthermore, as this study tested every mediation effect separately

instead of testing the complete model, future studies should test the complete model. The

purpose of this study was to test whether the variables themselves have an impact on willingness

to get vaccinated. Further studies should test the whole model based focusing on the relevant

variables, in this case, vaccine scepticism, subjective well-being, response-efficacy and self-

efficacy. Lastly, further research should focus on determining whether Protection Motivation

Theory can predict willingness to get vaccinated for other pandemics and diseases. This could

show whether the finding that Protection Motivation Theory can partially account as a mediator

between individual characteristics and willingness to get vaccinated are generalisable.

There are several implications of this study for practice. Firstly, this study showed that

Protection Motivation Theory constructs can partially account as a mediator for the relationship

between individual characteristics such as vaccine scepticism and willingness to get vaccinated.

Subsequently, Protection Motivation Theory can be used to determine whether people would

get vaccinated in case of a pandemic or against a certain disease. Therefore, policies should


focus on the constructs response-efficacy and self-efficacy when trying to convince more

people to get vaccinated against Covid-19. If governments aim at increasing these two

constructs, overall willingness to get vaccinated would increase. These two constructs could

also be highly relevant for future pandemics if Protection Motivation Theory shows to apply to

other diseases. Consequently, politics could improve the efficiency of their vaccination

campaigns which would lead to fewer cases of infections and fewer deaths worldwide.

Moreover, this study found subjective well-being as being highly relevant for people’s

self-efficacy. If governments aim to increase subjective well-being in society (during the

pandemic), self-efficacy could improve and, therefore, willingness to get vaccinated would

increase. However, this is probably a long-term plan as increasing subjective well-being takes

time. If future research finds that subjective well-being is relevant for other diseases or

pandemics as well, politics could focus on offering more and better help to citizens at the

beginning of a pandemic already. This would lead to more people wanting to get vaccinated as

soon as a vaccine is available.

Furthermore, vaccine scepticism was found to influence response efficacy and,

subsequently, willingness to get vaccinated. Politics should focus on decreasing vaccine

scepticism in society to increase response efficacy to make more people willing to get

vaccinated. If vaccine scepticism shows to be influential for other diseases as well, politics

should aim interventions at decreasing scepticism in the population. However, this study only

examined scepticism towards Covid-19 vaccinations which makes the results less generalisable

as scepticism could be less for different vaccinations. Especially since it was declared that

vaccinations could lead to an increased risk of thrombosis may lead to more vaccine scepticism

towards Covid-19 vaccinations (Hunter, 2021) in March 2021. Following, politics first

prohibited vaccinations with the given vaccine, only to allow vaccinations again shortly after.

This may have increased vaccine scepticism as well. Politics should focus on more efficient

crisis communication in these events to decrease vaccine scepticism and, therefore, increase

response efficacy and willingness to get vaccinated.

In conclusion, this study showed that the constructs of the Protection Motivation Theory

can explain the relationship between individual characteristics and willingness to get vaccinated

during the Covid-19 pandemic. Response-efficacy and self-efficacy have been found to be

influential on people’s willingness to get vaccinated. These findings can be utilized by

policymakers in their vaccination campaigns. Moreover, if these findings show to apply to

future pandemics, politics may be prepared better in terms of their knowledge of what

influences people’s willingness to get vaccinated. Furthermore, subjective well-being has been


found to influence self-efficacy and vaccine scepticism has been found to influence response-

efficacy. These findings can also be used to increase willingness to get vaccinated if policy

focuses on decreasing subjective well-being among citizens. The same accounts for vaccine

scepticism, which needs to be reduced to increase response efficacy and, thus, willingness to

get vaccinated.



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Table 4

Psychometric Properties for Scales

Scale M SD KMO Bartlett Test Cronbach’s α

Vaccine scepticism 2.1 .8 .89 .0 .88

Conspiracy beliefs 1.9 .8 .84 .0 .86

Subjective well-being 3.52 .63 .83 .0 .88

Self-regulation 3.42 .69 .84 .0 .83

Response efficacy 3.84 .88 .62 .0 .7

Self-efficacy 4.1 .62 .63 .0 .7

Costs of adaptive behaviour 2.08 .74 .55 .04 .35

Threat appraisal 2.26 1.1 .5 .0 .82

Willingness to get vaccinated 4.43 .97 .5 .0 .93