What are herbs and spices? Plant products that are added to food or drink to provide flavor • Herbs: Generally herbaceous part of plant: leaves or stems, fresh or dried • Spices: dry seeds, fruits, bark, roots

What are herbs and spices? · What are herbs and spices? Plant products that are added to food or drink to provide flavor • Herbs: Generally herbaceous part of plant: leaves or

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Page 1: What are herbs and spices? · What are herbs and spices? Plant products that are added to food or drink to provide flavor • Herbs: Generally herbaceous part of plant: leaves or



• Herbs:Generallyherbaceouspartofplant:leavesorstems,freshordried

• Spices:dryseeds,fruits,bark,roots

Page 2: What are herbs and spices? · What are herbs and spices? Plant products that are added to food or drink to provide flavor • Herbs: Generally herbaceous part of plant: leaves or


•  TurkishcontrolofsupplyroutesforspicesfromAsialedtoPortugueseandSpanishexploraDontogettoIndia,China,SpiceIslands

•  Portuguese,thenDutch,controlledSpiceIslands(Moluccas);cloves,nutmeg,mace,blackpeppernaDvetotheseislands

•  Controlofspicesledtogreatwealthandpower

•  FinallyFrench,BriDsh.andSpanishsmuggledplantstocolonies,breakingmonopoly,greatlyreducingcostofspices

Page 3: What are herbs and spices? · What are herbs and spices? Plant products that are added to food or drink to provide flavor • Herbs: Generally herbaceous part of plant: leaves or

• ChemicalsresponsiblefordisDnctflavors,smellsofspicesorperfumesareessenDaloilsorvolaDleoils

• Oilsusuallysequesteredinspecializedpocketsorglandsonplants;oilsproducedbyplantasaSractantsorrepellants(somecompoundsbothaSractsomevisitorsandrepelothers)

• Weusesmallamountsmixedwithfoodforpleasant,ratherthandeterrenteffect

• CompoundsmustbeoffairlylowmolecularweighttovolaDlizeandbeperceivedasodor

• Smellis80%ofwhatwecalltaste

Page 4: What are herbs and spices? · What are herbs and spices? Plant products that are added to food or drink to provide flavor • Herbs: Generally herbaceous part of plant: leaves or

Selection for longevity, yield, loss of odor (and thus flavor in foods like tomatoes)

Page 5: What are herbs and spices? · What are herbs and spices? Plant products that are added to food or drink to provide flavor • Herbs: Generally herbaceous part of plant: leaves or



Page 6: What are herbs and spices? · What are herbs and spices? Plant products that are added to food or drink to provide flavor • Herbs: Generally herbaceous part of plant: leaves or


•  Basil(Ocimumbasilicum):domesDcatedinIndia;sacredplanttoHindus,veryimportanttoancientGreeks

Page 7: What are herbs and spices? · What are herbs and spices? Plant products that are added to food or drink to provide flavor • Herbs: Generally herbaceous part of plant: leaves or


•  Mint(Menthaspicata—spearmint;Menthapiperita—peppermint;otherMenthaspeciesusedtolesserextent):fromdamphabitatsofEuropeandAsia

Page 8: What are herbs and spices? · What are herbs and spices? Plant products that are added to food or drink to provide flavor • Herbs: Generally herbaceous part of plant: leaves or


•  Oregano(Origanumvulgare):Mediterraneangenusofplants;usegreatlyincreasedinUSa[erWWII,withintroducDonofpizza

Page 9: What are herbs and spices? · What are herbs and spices? Plant products that are added to food or drink to provide flavor • Herbs: Generally herbaceous part of plant: leaves or


•  Marjoram(Origanummajorana):milderflavorthanoregano

Page 10: What are herbs and spices? · What are herbs and spices? Plant products that are added to food or drink to provide flavor • Herbs: Generally herbaceous part of plant: leaves or


•  Rosemary(Rosmarinusofficinalis):woodyshrubcommoninMediterraneandryscrublands

Page 11: What are herbs and spices? · What are herbs and spices? Plant products that are added to food or drink to provide flavor • Herbs: Generally herbaceous part of plant: leaves or


•  Sage(Salviaofficinalis):usedmedicinallyfromclassicalGreekthroughMiddleAges;richinterpenesthujoneandcamphor,whicharetoxicathighconcentraDons

Page 12: What are herbs and spices? · What are herbs and spices? Plant products that are added to food or drink to provide flavor • Herbs: Generally herbaceous part of plant: leaves or


•  Thyme(Thymusvulgaris):Mediterraneangenus;GreeksuseditasanaromaDcinburntsacrifices.PhenoliccompoundthymolusedasanDmicrobialagentinmouthwashesandcreams.

Page 13: What are herbs and spices? · What are herbs and spices? Plant products that are added to food or drink to provide flavor • Herbs: Generally herbaceous part of plant: leaves or


•  Lavender(Lavenduladentata,L.angus?folia):naDveofMediterranean;driedflowersmorecommonlyusedforperfumesthaninfood;tradiDonalingredientinherbsdeprovence.

Page 14: What are herbs and spices? · What are herbs and spices? Plant products that are added to food or drink to provide flavor • Herbs: Generally herbaceous part of plant: leaves or




Page 15: What are herbs and spices? · What are herbs and spices? Plant products that are added to food or drink to provide flavor • Herbs: Generally herbaceous part of plant: leaves or


•  Celery(Apiumgraveolens):naDveofdampEuropeanhabitatsnearsea;disDncDveflavorfromcompoundscalledphthalides

•  CorianderorCilantro(Coriandrumsa?vum):naDveofMiddleEast;maincomponentofodorisdecenal,whichisveryvolaDle;thus,usedmoreasuncookedgarnish;leavesusedascilantro,driedfruitsusedascoriander.CulDvatedmorefordriedfruitswithfloralandlemonflavor;commoninmanyIndiandishesanddisDnguishingflavorinAmericanhotdogs

•  Parsley(Petroselinumcrispum):naDvetoSEEuropeandwesternAsia;disDncDveflavorduetocompoundmenthatriene;leaveshighinvitaminsAandC.ReveredbyearlyGreeksassymbolsofvictoryanddeath.

•  Dill(Anethumgraveolens):naDveofsouthwestAsiaandIndia;commoninGreekcooking.Seedsusedtoflavorcucumberpickles.

Page 16: What are herbs and spices? · What are herbs and spices? Plant products that are added to food or drink to provide flavor • Herbs: Generally herbaceous part of plant: leaves or


•  Caraway(Carumcarvi):naDvetoEurope;disDncDveflavorduetoterpeneD‐carvone;Ryebread,componentofScandinavianalcoholaquavit

•  Cumin(Cuminumcyminum):NaDvetoSWAsia;enjoyedbyGreeksandRomans(Greekskeptitatthetableinitsownbox).DisDncDvearomafromunusualcompoundcuminaldehyde.

Page 17: What are herbs and spices? · What are herbs and spices? Plant products that are added to food or drink to provide flavor • Herbs: Generally herbaceous part of plant: leaves or


•  Anise(Pimpinellaanisum):NaDvetocentralAsiaandvaluedsinceancientDmes;highcontentofphenoliccompoundanethole,whichisaromaDcandverysweet(13Xsweeterthantablesugar).UsedasaflavoringinPernodandouzo.Notethatstaranise,whichalsoproducesanethole,istotallydifferent;itisatreethatiscloselyrelatedtomagnolias.

Page 18: What are herbs and spices? · What are herbs and spices? Plant products that are added to food or drink to provide flavor • Herbs: Generally herbaceous part of plant: leaves or


•  Fennel(Foeniculumvulgare):NaDveofMediterraneanandSWAsia;disDncDveflavorfromanethole;seedsdisDncDveingredientsinItaliansausages,chewedinIndiaasa[er‐mealbreath‐freshener.

Page 19: What are herbs and spices? · What are herbs and spices? Plant products that are added to food or drink to provide flavor • Herbs: Generally herbaceous part of plant: leaves or


•  Pungencyfromsamecompoundsasinleaves,sulfurousdefensecompoundscalledisothiocyanates

•  WhengrounduprawtheyareirritaDng;whencookedtheytendtobebiSer

Page 20: What are herbs and spices? · What are herbs and spices? Plant products that are added to food or drink to provide flavor • Herbs: Generally herbaceous part of plant: leaves or


•  Mustard:NamecomesfromoriginalEuropeancondimentofwinemixedwithmustardseeds

•  Blackmustard(Brassicanigra):naDvetoEurasia;highinconcentraDonofdefensecompoundsinigrinandthushighinpungency

•  Brownmustard(B.juncea):hybridofB.nigraandB.rapathatiseasiertoculDvateandharvestthanB.nigra,alsolesspungency.Europeansmustardsusuallyusebrownmustard.

•  Whiteoryellowmustard(B.alba):EuropeannaDvewithsinalbinasdefensecompound,whichislessvolaDlethansinigrin.CommonlyusedinUS;yellowcolorcomesfromaddiDonofturmeric.

Page 21: What are herbs and spices? · What are herbs and spices? Plant products that are added to food or drink to provide flavor • Herbs: Generally herbaceous part of plant: leaves or


•  Horseradish(Armoraciarus?cana):NaDvetowesternAsia;fleshywhiterootscontainsinigrin,graterawrootstoreleasepungency

Page 22: What are herbs and spices? · What are herbs and spices? Plant products that are added to food or drink to provide flavor • Herbs: Generally herbaceous part of plant: leaves or


•  Wasabi(Wasabiajaponica):NaDveofJapanandSakhalinIslandwhereitgrowsbymountainstreams.Notaroot—actuallytheenlargedstemthataccumulatessinigrinasdefense.Difficulttogrow;mostwasabiservedinrestaurantsisactuallydriedhorseradishpowdercoloredgreenandmixedwithwater.Truewasabihasmixtureofpungent,oniony,green,andsweetflavors.

Page 23: What are herbs and spices? · What are herbs and spices? Plant products that are added to food or drink to provide flavor • Herbs: Generally herbaceous part of plant: leaves or

Cinnamon: one of oldest and most valuable spices; ancient Egyptians used it in embalming.

Cinnamon is from the phloem of Cinnamomum cassia, C. zeylanicum (Lauraceae); native to Sri Lanka and China. Two year old stems and twigs are cut, the outer bark (xylem) is removed, leaving quills (cinnamon sticks) of phloem. Phloem contains protective oil cells imparting distinctive aroma

Distinct spicy odor from phenolic compound, cinnamaldehyde (shown to inhibit mold growth in paper we read)

Tropical spices

Page 24: What are herbs and spices? · What are herbs and spices? Plant products that are added to food or drink to provide flavor • Herbs: Generally herbaceous part of plant: leaves or

Black and white pepper (Piperaceae): Climbing vine native to tropical coastal mountains of southwest India

Most widely used spice; once very precious commodity

Dried fruits (berries) of Piper nigrum

Black pepper: whole fruit dried; white pepper: outer fleshy fruit layer removed before drying

Pungency from piperine

Tropical spices