WFHS Rat Investigation Report

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WFHS Rat Investigation Report

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  • *the numbers in parenthesis indicate the number of the corresponding photo*

    Samantha Blair performed complaint investigation at WFHS on 10/06/2015. Spoke with Principal Mrs.

    Dippery upon arrival and explained that we had received several complaints and would need to do a

    walk-through of the school. During my investigation I found significant evidence of a rodent infestation.

    I found two sizes of rodent feces which may indicate both rats and mice, or perhaps rats of multiple life

    stages. I did not see any live or dead rodents during my investigation.

    First, I went to Mr. Mayfields art classroom, which was mentioned in one of the complaints. I spoke

    with him about where he had seen the rat. He stated that he saw one run through his office and into a

    small hole under the cabinets (1). The hole in question had the grime found around rodent holes due to

    the oils on their bodies. He said he had also seen them crawl down the pipe running from the ceiling

    behind TV (2). I was unable to check his crawlspace above the office because the ladder is broken and

    screwed shut. One of his trashcans in the room also had evidence of rodents chewing through it (3). I

    had him take me to the art storage cupboard under the stairs and the large art storage closet. I did not

    see any obvious signs of rats in these two locations.

    In the hallway between the cafeteria and the student centers, I was able to find some rodent droppings

    near some pipes (4).

    In the student center that serves food, I was able to find droppings on the floor near the gate (5), along

    the edge of the walls (6), and on a wall ledge (7). Spoke with janitor Tony and asked whether he had

    seen any. He stated that one of the maintenance workers set traps for them and that he sees them

    running up the pipes into the ceiling.

    I then went into the kitchen and spoke with the kitchen manager. She stated that they had seen them

    but they had not gotten into the food or dry storage at all. There I met up with the maintenance

    worker, Mr. Fetterly, who walked around with me for the rest of the inspection. I first checked the dish

    room. I found rodent droppings on the floor (8) (9), especially near the wall under the sink. The hot

    water heater closet had significant water damage which could allow rodents access (10) (11). There

    were rodent droppings found in this space. The drain cover under the dish sink has been damaged and

    may allow rodents access via the drainpipe (12). In the rest of the kitchen I found a small amount of

    droppings mostly around the exterior walls, under one wire shelf I did find a spot where a rodent had

    died previously, but the outline of the rodent was still visable (13). There was one rat trap set along this

    wall. In the dry storage room I did not find any evidence of rodents. The door to the room has a tight

    door sweep installed and the ceiling is not made of the drop in tiles so the room is not easily accessible

    by rodents which is great. The dumpster area outside (14) was dirty and does need to be power washed

    or cleaned in some way as per the Texas Food Establishment Rules. A clean dumpster area will

    discourage rodent activity. The walk-ins had no evidence of rodent activity.

    Next we went to the basement/fallout shelter. There was a large amount of rodent feces present on the

    stairs (15). Large amount of rodent feces was found throughout the basement area (under stairs, on

    tables, on old cot, across whole floor, etc. (16)) and possible old nesting sites were found. In the old

    motors, there were rags that appeared to have been pulled in by the rats to nest (18) (19). The were

    several uncovered drains or drains whose covers had been damaged enough to allow rodent access (17).

    The large water runoff drain (20) (not really sure what it was, very large drain hole with water and

    pumps near the SW corner of the building) had a lid that was off which the maintenance worker put

  • back on. Depending on what this pipe is and where it lets out it could potentially be a rodent access

    point. There was also a broken window, which could allow rodent access (21).

    Next we walked along the wall in the cafeteria and found rodent droppings. One rear door near the

    cafeteria had daylight showing through where the door sweep did not fit tightly (22).

    We went back stage and briefly swept through the seating area of the theatre and did not see evidence

    of rodents. There was a possible rodent hole in the door jamb for the downstairs theatre storage closet


    In the ISS room I found a grape in the corner that appeared to have been eaten by a rodent (24).

    We then went to the athletic training room. Coach Dolley stated that they sometimes see a rat that

    runs out of their pipe (25) and then across the air duct. I found rodent droppings in the corner behind

    the bikes (28). There were holes in the ceiling tiles above the duct (26) and another near one of the

    lights (27). I also found a possible hole under the mop sink (29).

    Next, we went to the volleyball locker room. The coach present stated that she had not seen any in the

    locker room but that she had seen them on several occasions in her classroom, room 121. Found no

    droppings in the locker room, but I did see a small hole in a ceiling tile in the office (30).

    Next we went to the old weight room. Saw no evidence of rodents, but did find an area where the

    rubber mat does not lay flat that may provide access under the foundation (31)(32), and a hole in a wall


    Then we went to the new weight room. We saw no evidence of rodents; however, the small space

    between the outside of the school wall and the laundry facility was littered with old trash and old

    equipment and may provide a nesting area (34).

    On the second floor, we checked Mrs. Bronaughs office because she said she had had problems

    previously. I did not find any evidence of rodents or any obvious access points for them. We then

    checked the AV room. The man in the AV room stated that he often saw rats running down the pipes

    coming from the ceiling (35).

    On the third floor, we first checked Mr. Thurmans room as it was mentioned in one of the complaints.

    Mr. Thurman stated that he did not normally have problems with rats though some of the neighboring

    classrooms did. He did state that one time a few days ago a rat had ran up the pipes to the ceiling.

    There was evidence that a rodent had chewed or scratched at a ceiling tile above the outlet near the

    pipes (36). Mr. Thurman stated that Mr. Inniss across the hall had had a lot of trouble with rats and that

    the lady right next to him had a hole in her floor and could hear rats in the ceiling sometimes.

    In Mr. Inniss classroom I found rodent droppings on the floor behind his desk (37)(38) and a hole in the

    ceiling tile around the pipes (39). He stated that he has had ongoing problems and that they had already

    caught some in his classroom.

    The classroom next to Mr. Thurmans did indeed have a whole in the floor (40) but no additional rodent


  • Back on the first floor, I checked the nurses office last before leaving. The nurses stated that they had

    not found any evidence of rats in their office, but that in the mornings when they come in their office

    smells strongly of rat.

    Mrs. Dippery was not present when I finished my investigation. I told one of the ladies in her office that

    I would get ahold of her some other way to convey my findings. I told the maintenance man who had

    walked around with me that I would give him a copy of the reported findings and photos so that he

    could address the issues we had found. While there was evidence of rodent activity in the kitchen, I felt

    the cafeteria workers had a handle on the situation and since they had no issues with rodents damaging

    food I did not feel the kitchen needed to be closed at that time. When I returned to my office, I emailed

    Mrs. Dippery and told her I would be writing up a full report of my findings and sending it to her.

    There is a rodent problem at Wichita Falls High School that needs to be addressed. I recommend

    contacting your pest control specialist and developing an integrated pest management plan to combat

    the issue. The Wichita Fall-Wichita County Public Health District will be available to answer any

    questions you may have during this time.

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