Westside Wolverine July Edition PDF

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  • 8/6/2019 Westside Wolverine July Edition PDF


    Westside Wolverine (Free Take One)M o n t h l y N e w s l e t t e r

    Volume 2, Issue 2

    JULY 11, 2011 VOLUME 1, NUMBER 1 GREAT THINGS ARE HAPPENING IN WEST SAVANNAH Mission Statement Westside WolverineMission To have a VOICE. To identify, create,and distribute valuable resources vital toWestside Sustainability. In order to initiate andsustain prosperity for our current andprospective community members, we intend tosupply our community with unique concepts,with the ideas generated from our community;as we develop extensive resources, widespreadsphere of influence, and information pertainingto sustaining our senior citizens, our youth, andour community. In todays world of advancedtechnology, the immediate transfer of decision making information is very criticalin our social structure. Westside Wolverinewill be engaged in the pursuit of providingcomprehensive civic information, tailored toyour specific needs We are on Facebook at:http://www.facebook.com/pages/Westside-



    West Savannah Neighborhood AssociationPresidents Message and agenda for July26, 2011 meeting at Moses JacksonCommunity Center on Richard St: 6:00 p.m.

    I would like to inform you of the activitiesplanned for the year 2011. At each meeting wewill have a speaker from a department of the

    City of Savannah, or another topic of interest tothe residents of West Savannah. We want ourresidents to be informed and be aware of allservices offered in our city. .The West Savannah Community Organization is

    planning to have a membership drive. The duesare $25.00 per year and may be paid ininstallments . We are in need of people to serveon committees, some of which are hospitality,fund raisers and membership.Our meetings are held on the fourth

    Tuesday of each month. Thank you for all you do to make our

    community safe and clean.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    Advertizing rates are

    $10.00 per column inch

    (Example: About thesize of thelettering above) Please call (912) 412-7618,Louis Wilson or email [email protected]

    Still Waiting for a response from ourNew P olice Chief Willie Lovett andour Alderman Van Johnson aboutPoliceman being shot just behind1011 Richards St.

    I have previously said that news about WestSavannah needs to be presented in such a waythat we all in West Savannah can understand andrelate with.For those of you were halfway around the worldon the day that the policeman was shot in WestSavannah, let me give you an account of ourcommunity experience: Upon the date which weexperienced one of Savannahs finest getting shot,and cut in the alley in the 1000 block, betweenRichard and Love Streets, we had one of the mostimpressive police events in Savannahs history.There were at least two helicopters, probablyhundreds of police, with dogs, assault rifles, andnews people, that literally shut the wholeneighborhood down. It seems to me that the initialresponse from the media said something about the

    perpetrator having being stopped and given aticket earlier that day. Then later ended up in thealley, where he got into an altercation with thepoliceman, and resulted in the policeman gettingshot with his own gun and cut. This occurred onJune 9 th . Since then, it seems that every crimesuspect has had his photo in the paper orinternet.. Rewards have been offered, storys havebeen on the news and in newspapers, but not apeep out of our Police, or representatives.(See We care about our community on next

    page)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Wasnt It Great to Finally view theWest Bay Street InfrastructureImprovement.I have been asked: Why not run for StateSenateDistrict 2.. I tested the waters on Facebook,and came away with several encouraging remarks.I replied to the respondents in the followingmanner:Thank you all for those votes of confidence. Moreoften, I have been asked to undertake thisendeavor. I have been running from this forever.Given that I have been very dis-satisfied with theBay St. infrastructure improvement project,in terms of Georgia DOT showing the WestSavannah, Hudson Hill, Woodville, residents aconceptual plan or drawings of Bay St., amongother shortcomings. I think that I rightfully gotupset when our current 2 nd District Senator, Lester

    Jackson, GDOT, along with local representativeshad us show up at Moses Jackson Communitycenter, only to show us a 10 foot long photo* of Bay St. JUST AS IT IS.... As if we did not knowwhat Bay St. looks like already. (See Bay St.Continued-Next page)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Fund raising committee sets sightson raising funds for Senior Citizensand Youth.The fund raising committee of the West SavannahCommunity Center is seeking committee membersto plan and have events to raise funds for ouryouth and senior citizens. Please call chairmanLouis Wilson 412-7618 with ideas to make thishappen. We would like to do something nice Ooohhhh its so good!




    W E

    InternationalLongshoremanLocal 1414

    West BaySt.East


    Kane St.



    Ma MaTs


    Sustainable Fellw ood: Leasing

    The leasing for Sustainable Fellwood is being handled byThe Lane Company , who provides on-sitemanagement.The Sustainable

    Fellwood Local Leasing Line for flats and townhomes:912.209-0628 Visit the Sustainable Fellwood Leasing Office at theentrance just off West Bay Street.

    Permanent Address:1401 Fellwood DriveSavannah, GA 31415912.544.0190

    From Historic Savannah District: .4 miles West on BayStreet to Fellwood Drive

  • 8/6/2019 Westside Wolverine July Edition PDF


    Talent Show Information:A fund raising committee has beenestablished for the West SavannahCommunity Association. We are seekingideas and participants for a talent show tobe planned at Moses Jackson. Concernedor interested parties may contact fundraising chairman Louis Wilson at(912)412-7618 or [email protected] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Greatness lies not in being strong, but in theright use of strength."


    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Call for all your Photography, AndPrinting Needs. (912)412-7618 [email protected] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    Marcus Daniels has invited you to the event

    Woodville-Tompkins High Hom ecoming 2011:

    The Re-Birth of Woodville-Tompkins High

    School September 3, 2011 all day

    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~To resist the frigidity of old age, one must combinethe body, the mind, and the heart. And to keep thesein parallel vigor, one must exercise, study, andlove.~ Alan Bleasdale~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Letters to the editor: (300 words or less)

    To submit letters to the editor:[email protected]

    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We care about our community continued

    I called Chief Lovett about a week ago to inquireabout these understandably intriguing events inour community. I did not get to speak to himpersonally, but spoke at great length with hisrepresentative. I mentioned that we were veryconcerned about these events and why thereseemed to be no communication with us fromanyone. I requested that he call me back. I havenot heard from him. I also sent this letter to our


    Dear Van, I just got off the phone with Cheif

    Lovetts office. Consituants are very concernedabout policeman getting shot about thirty feetfrom my house. There has been a sudden calmin the reporting of this t roubleing event. Noreward,composite drawing,picture,news, orotherwise. As you know, I was a very strongadvocate for Cheif Lovett. Now I am faced withinquiries of his commitment. The opportunity forheroic intervention is available...This is now aminiscule snowball. I hope that someone withinthe scope of these events will desire toundertake the inquiry of the lack of communication to us relative to the nature of events leading up to this psychologicallytraumatizing event. I would appreciate youfollowing up on this effort to calm the minds of this highly speculative circumstance. You mightadd that the atmosphere in the meeting the daybefore Michael Browns announcement of hisresignation and the announcement of thepermanent appointment was highly charged, andsupportive of the appointment... I might add thatI told Mr. Brown at that meeting that thepreceding Chief had an awful lot of baggage I have not gotten a reply from either party todate.I would like to have them speak at our nextneighborhood association meeting Perhaps thiswill dispel the unsavory rumors as to what wasreally going on in that alleyway, and rejuvenateour trust in our Police Department

    Classes offered at Moses JacksonCommunity Center:

    Introduction to computers

    Do it yourself Web Page

    Resume Writing I

    Basic Computing

    Smart Cents Budgeting Workshop

    Interviewing I

    How to make money online

    DYI Web Design

    Resume Writing I

    Starting a business: Is it for you?

    Starting a home based business

    Job Training Certification~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    Ongoing ActivitiesEvery Mondayand Wednesday 6:30pm-7:15pm Shape it Up - Exercise

    Every Wednesday 1-2pm Learn to Cook Meals inMINUTESLocation: Moses Jackson AdvancementCenter1410B Richard St.For more info, or to register call (912)525-2166

    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Please Support our Community Businesses!!!

    Buy one adult ormatinee ticket, getthe same or lesservalue ticket freeLimit one per coupon.

    Must present coupon. (Clip out purple area)

    Offer expires on August 26, 2011~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bay St. (continued)Maybe that's what we elect our Reps. for... Maybenot.... I ended up writing lots of letters and emailsconcerning Georgia Department of Transportation's obstinate manner of "Encouraging Citizen Participation" as mandatedby the Federal Highway Administration. Aftercontacting Administrator - Victor M. Mendez,GregNadeau Federal Highway Deputy Administrator.and Jeffrey F. Paniati, Executive Director of theFederal Highway Administration (FHWA), We weregiven a VERY GRAND presentation by GeorgiaDepartment of Transportation at the MosesJackson Community Center. Myself, in addition toabout 200-250 in attendance were impressed withthis VERY COMPREHENSIVE display... Ourneighborhoods are important too.. We want to beinformed, and are concerned with developmentswhich will inevitably impact our community.Now... Those are two distinct results, 10 foot mapshowing what bay street looks like presently,(with smoke and mirrors) or with the vast displaywhich came as a result for someone fightingpainstakingly through the snares and thorns andthistles, to get us the proper RESULTS. I amready, with your support, we can resolve issueswhich YOU and I feel need addressing. West

    Savannah needs direly someone who is accessibleand will listen to their concerns. Downtown direlyneeds someone to listen to their concerns andinterests. Southbridge needs someone to LISTENto their interests, and effect their agenda. Thank you again for your show of confidence. This hasreally been no life-long, or immediate aspiration.But you feel, based upon your experience in lifewith me that I am qualified, and I KNOW I am, Iwill be making up my mind as these talks develop.Thank you for your support!!

    Replies:Good for you Louis...you have my support!!! I think youwill serve your constituients well.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~lets talk... i would like to see it.

    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~It is amazing what these times have pushed ordinarycitizens to do. I applaud your zeal and commitment. Thepoliticians of today are being replaced by citizens that aretired of the status quo. I applaud you and support yourefforts. Let me know what I can do to help.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    This space is available.This edition of the

    Westside Wolverine is not the final copy.The deadline for ads inthe final copy is July19, 2011 at 7:00 P.M.The final edition willbe distributed at themonthly meeting atMoses Jackson on7/26/11 at 6:00 p.m.

    in addition to ILA 1414, Mamma TsRestaurant, andvarious other places of businesses.