March 2015 Psalm 8 Divine Majesty and Human Dignity Psalm 8: 1-5 To the leader: according to The Gittith. A Psalm of David. 1 O Lord, our Sovereign, how majestic is your name in all the earth! You have set your glory above the heavens. 2 Out of the mouths of babes and infants you have founded a bulwark because of your foes, to silence the enemy and the avenger. 3 When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars that you have established; 4 what are human beings that you are mindful of them, mortals * that you care for them? 5 Yet you have made them a little lower than God, * and crowned them with glory and honor. I have little or no problem with verse four of the eighth Psalm. More than once I have asked about why God would be mindful of humanity and all of our weaknesses, cruelty and sometimes the fear of truth. When I look at the vastness of the universe and hatred I see in the news and in my own life I wonder if God did not make a mistake. WESTMINSTER PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 125 WEST ONTARIO, PO BOX 237, ROGERS CITY, MI 49779 - PHONE: 989.734.3929 - EMAIL: [email protected] Website: rcwpc.org

WESTMINSTER PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHrcwpc.org/15_03_A Newsletter_ On_Course.pdf · asked about why God would be mindful of humanity and all of our weaknesses, cruelty and sometimes the

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Page 1: WESTMINSTER PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHrcwpc.org/15_03_A Newsletter_ On_Course.pdf · asked about why God would be mindful of humanity and all of our weaknesses, cruelty and sometimes the

March 2015

Psalm 8 Divine Majesty and Human Dignity

Psalm 8: 1-5 To the leader: according to The Gittith. A Psalm of David. 1 O Lord, our Sovereign, how majestic is your name in all the earth! You have set your glory above the heavens. 2 Out of the mouths of babes and infants you have founded a bulwark because of your foes, to silence the enemy and the avenger. 3 When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars that you have established; 4 what are human beings that you are mindful of them, mortals* that you care for them? 5 Yet you have made them a little lower than God,* and crowned them with glory and honor. I have little or no problem with verse four of the eighth Psalm. More than once I have asked about why God would be mindful of humanity and all of our weaknesses, cruelty and sometimes the fear of truth. When I look at the vastness of the universe and hatred I see in the news and in my own life I wonder if God did not make a mistake.


Website: rcwpc.org

Page 2: WESTMINSTER PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHrcwpc.org/15_03_A Newsletter_ On_Course.pdf · asked about why God would be mindful of humanity and all of our weaknesses, cruelty and sometimes the

Then the next verse comes in and shakes everything up. It is hard for me to think of this troubled humanity being made just a little lower than God. Anyone who knows me knows that I am forgetful and absent minded and that was proved yesterday. Tuesday evening my car was parked behind my son's Joe's car and he wanted to make a quick run out to pick something up and asked if he could take the Acadia. I, of course, said yes but hoped he was not going far because I was almost out of gas. Joe assured me he was only going to the store to pick up a few items. He was back within the hour and I thought nothing of it. That was my mistake I thought nothing of it. Wednesday, the next morning, I got up and was getting ready and thinking about the ten o'clock Bible study. I packed up my mind, that is my briefcase full of books and my computer, checked to make sure I had my iPad and feeling content I'd remembered everything went to Grand Lake Community Chapel. I was almost there when I heard a dinging sound and looked at my dash and there my gas gage was sitting below the "e". Then, and only then, I got this sinking feeling about whether I had enough gas to make it there and back to a gas station on 23. Now, this has happened to me before and I always made it to get some fuel. (I think you now know where this story is heading.) Well, I made it to the Chapel and had the Bible study and called Judith and mentioned my predicament. I could hear at the other end of the line Judy thinking; "Here we go again, if it isn't the keys or the iPad or something else it is not looking at the gas gage". I mentioned that she did not have to come and bring gas because I had always made it before. Well, when it was well after three I decided that I should get some gas and as you know there isn't a gas station near the Chapel. So, I called her to say I was leaving. She said she would start coming toward me with some gas. No, says I that will not be necessary. Making a short story short, I made the turn by the township offices and drove about twenty percent of the way to 23 and, as you most likely already know, my car started to slow down and, guess what, no matter how hard I pressed the pedal the car just kept slowing down. I pulled over to the side of the road and called Judy and ate humble pie. Now, she had not gone out and added gas to the can so I could hear this sigh at the other end and something like, "I'll be there as soon as I can." She was not as chipper as I have heard her in the past. There I sat on the side of the road like road kill waiting for more than a half an hour for Judith. :-) Cars and a school bus came up behind me and passed as I kind of looked down at a book hoping they wouldn't stop and I'd have to explain I ran out of gas. The same with cars coming toward me. Luckily only one parishioner coming toward me stopped and I gave a thumbs up sign and breathed a sigh of relief when she gave me the sign back and drove off. There I sat feeling stupid and saying to myself; "Self, when will you ever learn to pay attention." Paul Tillich, a great 20th century theologian, said that one of the most difficult things

Page 3: WESTMINSTER PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHrcwpc.org/15_03_A Newsletter_ On_Course.pdf · asked about why God would be mindful of humanity and all of our weaknesses, cruelty and sometimes the

we do is to accept our own acceptance. I've always thought he was spot on with that comment. It is easier to believe that God has accepted someone else than it is that He has accepted you. Most likely because if we are honest we know of all the hidden failures and weaknesses that are part of our life's journey. As we walk this Lenten journey together we realize how imperfect we are and that there are times when all of us feel weak, numb, saddened, can I say even ignorant. (I would say stupid, but this is a church newsletter.) When we look at God's glory and the mighty wonder of God's creation sometimes we can feel very much alone sitting on the side of the road waiting for rescue. One of the many meanings of the cross is Jesus' cry of dereliction "My God my God why have You forsaken me." But, in that moment we also know that God has not forsaken us and as exasperated as Judy was with her absent minded husband she would come once again and rescue me. If Judy can do that, how much more does God want to stop by our roadside and give us hope, comfort and strength to continue the journey? There can be no resurrection without the cross. As the prayer says "Come Lord Jesus Come"! Yet you have made them (humans) a little lower than God,* and crowned them with glory and honor. Psalm 8:5 Yes God has accepted you just as you are, rejoice and be glad. Rev. Bob Case Interim Pastor

Dear Friends,

We want all our friends in Rogers City to know how much we appreciate the continued interest

in and concern for us. We’ve received numerous cards at thanksgiving and Christmas as well as

at other times. We’re convinced that the prayers are helping us to stay afloat. Anna is

receiving treatment with a new chemo drug. The previous one has worked well for two years

insofar as the cancer is concerned, but she was beginning to develop neuropathy in her feet.

We thank you for your care and concern.

Love, joy and peace,

Anna & Sam

Page 4: WESTMINSTER PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHrcwpc.org/15_03_A Newsletter_ On_Course.pdf · asked about why God would be mindful of humanity and all of our weaknesses, cruelty and sometimes the

Meet Your “Neighbor”…a new addition in the On Course

Let’s meet a neighbor……

Mary Rodewald has been a member of Westminster Presbyterian Church since 1994 when she moved here after her husband's death to be near her daughter, Mary Ann Heidemann. Mary bought the little house at the corner of Woodward and Calcite because of the water views, and became Don McLennan's next door neighbor for more than 10 years. Mary was born and raised in South Carolina, where her dad had a farm and her grandfather was in business. She recalls riding to school on horseback, and also helping her brother on his milk delivery route. A bright student, Mom won the county scholarship to attend college. She graduated from Winthrop, a teacher's college, at that time the only college in the state accepting women. Her field was business education, but instead of teaching she first went into business herself, working at an insurance firm in an era with few women in the work force. Later, she changed jobs and went to work for Southern Railway, where she met my dad, then a railway passenger agent. After World War II, Dad was transferred up North, working in Cleveland, where my sister was born, and then Detroit, where my brother and I were born. Mom dropped out of the work force to raise us, but took courses at Wayne State University when she decided to work again; this time in elementary education. The steady school paycheck helped when my dad started his own business as a travel agent, and summers off meant she could travel with him on occasion. Though she once wanted to be a poet, and to write copy for ad agencies, she took on the job of educating first graders for 16 years, teaching hundreds of children how to read. I still remember the cards, letters and calls from grateful parents. When Mom and Dad retired, they moved to Brevard North Carolina, near one of my mom's cousins, in an area of the Smokies where dad had led travel tours. They enjoyed their Southern phase for more than a decade before dad passed away and mom once again came north. After living by Lake Huron for a decade, mom spent a few years at Independence Village in Petoskey. Currently, Mary is a resident of Tendercare in Rogers City. Mom will turn 100 on April 22. At this year's Tendercare Valentine's Day party, mom was voted Valentine Queen. I have included a photo of her coronation. She is indeed our sweetheart. How fun to learn something new about our neighbors! Thank you Mary Ann for letting us get to know your mother better.

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We hope all of you will answer the following questions and return to the church secretary or mail to 125 W. Ontario, PO Box 237, Rogers City, MI 49779.


1. How did you come to be in Rogers City or at Westminster?

2. Name 3 things people may not know about you.

A Minute for Mission

The Mission Committee is asking for your assistance in providing for the Food Pantry

“Extra Daily Essential” items.

For the babies: For the Family

Diapers Hygiene products

Bibs Toothbrushes & Toothpaste

Toddler clothing (onesies) Combs, Brushes, Deodorant

Baby wipes Soaps

Baby lotions Hand Lotions

So when you are shopping next time, please remember how great the need is for the families and individuals

who come to the Food Pantry.

This will be an on-going project for the Mission Committee and there is a large plastic container in the Narthex

to collect these products and we will be leaving the tote there for an extended length of time.

If you have any questions, please contact Marcia Tuma, Vonnie Gleason, or Gail Stoutenburg.

On behalf of the Mission Committee, we thank you very much for your thoughtfulness and kindness.

Blessings, Gail

------------------------------------------------------ Spring is coming!

Barb and Ken Rasche wanted us to know that there is hope that

we will see robins soon! Thanks Barb and Ken!

Page 6: WESTMINSTER PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHrcwpc.org/15_03_A Newsletter_ On_Course.pdf · asked about why God would be mindful of humanity and all of our weaknesses, cruelty and sometimes the

Shoes in Church

I showered and shaved, I adjusted my tie. I got there and sat, in a pew just in time.

Bowing my head in prayer as I closed my eyes, I saw the shoe of the man next to me

touching my own. I sighed.

With plenty of room on either side I thought, “Why must our soles touch?” It

bothered me, his shoe touching mine but it didn’t both him much.

A prayer began: ‘Our Father’, I thought, ‘this man with the shoes, has no pride.

They’re dusty, worn, and scratched. Even worse, there are holes on the side!’

‘Thank you for blessings,’ the prayer went on. The shoe man said a quiet ‘Amen.’

I tried to focus on the prayer, but my thoughts were on his shoes again.

Aren’t we supposed to look our best when walking through that door?

‘Well, this certainly isn’t it,’ I thought, glancing toward the floor.

Then the prayer was ended, and the songs of praise began.

The shoe man was certainly loud sounding proud as he sang.

His voice lifted the rafters, his hands were raised high.

The Lord could surely hear the shoe man’s voice from the sky.

It was time for the offering, and what I threw in was steep.

I watched as the shoe man reached into his pockets so deep.

I saw what was pulled out, what the shoe man put in.

Then I heard a soft ‘clink’ as when silver hits tin.

The sermon really bored me, to tears, and that’s no lie.

It was the same for the shoe man, for tears fell from his eyes.

At the end of the service, as is the custom here.

We must greet new visitors, and show them all good cheer.

But I felt moved somehow and wanted to meet the shoe man.

So after the closing prayer I reached over and shook his hand.

(Continued on next page)

Page 7: WESTMINSTER PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHrcwpc.org/15_03_A Newsletter_ On_Course.pdf · asked about why God would be mindful of humanity and all of our weaknesses, cruelty and sometimes the

He was old and his skin was dark and his hair was truly a mess.

But I thanked him for coming for being our guest.

He said, ‘My name is Charlie, I’m glad to meet you, my friend.’

There were tears in his eyes, but he had a large, wide grin.

‘Let me explain,’ he said, wiping tears from his eyes.

‘I’ve been coming here for months and you’re the first to say ‘Hi.’

‘I know that my appearance is not like all the rest.’

‘But I really do try to always look my best.’

‘I always clean and polish my shoes before my very long walk.’

‘But by the time I get here they’re dirty and dusty, like chalk.’

My heart filled with pain and I swallowed to hide my tears.

As he continued to apologize for daring to sit so near.

He said, ‘When I get here I know I must look a sight.’

‘But I thought if I could touch you then maybe our souls might unite.’

I was silent for a moment knowing whatever was said

Would pale in comparison, I spoke from my heart, not my head.

‘Oh, you’ve touched me,’ I said, ‘and taught me, in part’

‘That the best of any man is found in his heart.’

The rest, I thought, this shoe man will never know.

Like just how thankful I really am that his dirty old shoe touched my soul.

Maundy Thursday Worship Service

April 2, 2015

7:00 p.m.

Here at Westminster with Grand Lake

Community Chapel as our guests

Let’s Brunch!

Sunday, March 15, 2012

12:30 pm

Kortman’s Restaurant

Please sign up on the sheet on the desk in the

narthex. All welcome. Questions? See

Jeanette Long (734-3852).

Page 8: WESTMINSTER PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHrcwpc.org/15_03_A Newsletter_ On_Course.pdf · asked about why God would be mindful of humanity and all of our weaknesses, cruelty and sometimes the

The Session has voted to sell the manse. The home will be

offered to the congregation or friends of the congregation from

March 1, 2015 until March 31, 2015. If a sale is not pending at

that time, the manse will be listed with Real Estate One on April 1,

2015. For more info, please call the church (734-3929).

Notes from Christian Education Committee

Adult Bible Class has resumed on Tuesdays, at 4:00 p.m. in

the church library.

The Christian Education Committee is seeking additional

members to plan for and guide the spiritual life of our congregation. Anyone

interested…yes even MEN are welcome..please see Pastor Bob, Ann Bennett,

Cheryl Hansen or Lois Allum.

Seeking the names of 2015 Graduates…High School and/or

College. Please let a committee member or Linda (church office)


News for Youth……. Bible Camp

Some Bible Camp deadlines are coming up soon. If you have a child that would like to attend

Bible Camp we would like to get them registered. All registrations turned in by March 15 will

receive $15 off. Fees vary from camp to camp and a full payment is not necessary to register,

only a down payment. The rest of the fee is required much closer to the camp date. For more

information about camp, look up Camp Westminster on Higgins Lake online. We have money

available to help with camp fees, and intend to do a couple more fundraisers this year. Let

Cheryl know if you are planning to have your child attend camp 734-7163.

Will Work For Camp Money

The youth of Westminster are still willing to work hard for camp donations. If you

have any jobs that the youth can do for you, they would greatly appreciate having the

opportunity to raise money for Bible Camp. (The parents appreciate it too!) Call

Cheryl (734-7163) and she will get it arranged.

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◄ Feb 2015 ~ March 2015 ~ Apr 2015 ►

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 9:45 am Sunday School

10:00 am Choir

11:00 am Worship

12:00 n Coffee Time

3:00 pm AA Meeting

2 8:00 pm AA Meeting

3 2:00 pm Worship/Music

3:00 pm GS Troop 4133

4:00 pm Bible Study

5:30 pm Women’s AA

7:00 pm Deacon’s

4 9:30 am Food Pantry

5 9:00 am TOPS 1106

3:30 pm Pounds Aweigh



8 9:45 am Sunday School

10:00 am Choir

11:00 am Worship

12:00 n Coffee Time

3:00 pm AA Meeting

9 8:00 pm AA Meeting

10 3:00 pm GS Troop 4551

4:00 pm Bible Study

5:30 pm Women’s AA

7:00 pm Session

11 9:30 am Circle I

12 9:00 am TOPS 1106

3:30 pm Pounds Aweigh



15 9:45 am Sunday School

10:00 am Choir

11:00 am Worship

12:30 pm Let’s Brunch

3:00 pm AA Meeting

16 8:00 pm AA Meeting

17 3:00 pm GS Troop 4133

4:00 pm Bible Study

5:30 pm Women’s AA

7:00 pm PNC Meeting

18 9:30 am Food Pantry

19 9:00 am TOPS 1106

3:30 pm Pounds Aweigh



22 9:45 am Sunday School

10:00 am Choir

11:00 am Worship

12:00 n Coffee Time

3:00 pm AA Meeting

23 8:00 pm AA Meeting

24 4:00 pm Bible Study

5:30 pm Women’s AA

25 7:00 pm Circle IV

26 9:00 am TOPS 1106

3:30 pm Pounds Aweigh



29 Palm Sunday 9:45 am Sunday School

10:00 am Choir

11:00 am Worship

12:00 n Coffee Time

3:00 pm AA Meeting

30 8:00 pm AA Meeting

31 4:00 pm Bible Study

5:30 pm Women’s AA


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Westminster Prays Use this in your prayer time for our Westminster family and loved ones. To include someone in the prayer list please make a note on

the “Attendance Registration” pad or email us at [email protected]. We normally print names for one month.


Westminster Members

For Larry Syrett and family as they mourn the loss of Phyllis on February 25. Funeral services will be held here

at WPC on Monday, March 2, at 11:00 a.m.

For Art Getzinger and Jon Getzinger, both recovering from surgeries.

For Cuba Skurow on the death of her brother John (Jack) Heidenreich.

Healing for Ed Kreft, Larry Syrett and Al Parris.

Friends and Family

Prayers for Anna Wright as she undergoes cancer treatment.

For Vic Kuhlman, Joel Petz Lori Hincka Chenoweth, Gordon Barg, Jackie Bosch Fulekey, Audrey Gordon

Schepler and Paul Smolinski, all undergoing treatment for cancer.

For Heidi Scranton, daughter of Linda and Terry Scranton, diagnosed with heart problems.

Prayers for those in the Military

Prayers for those who are less mobile

Mary Rodewald, Marion Graberstein


Choir Fund

In memory of Diane Monnier by Richard & Jeanette Long


Ways to Let Your Spirit Soar (continued from last month) Soothe the soul each and every day by Salley Shannon

5. Read local religious newspapers. See how the faith of others is helping to build your

community. You may find a new ministry.

6. Write a note to a friend going through a difficult time. Even if she lives down the

block, put your thoughts in writing. Tell her five things you cherish about her, so she can

read the note again and again. Address it, stamp it and mail it right away.

7. Set your alarm clock or stove timer to go off every day at the same hour. Doing

so will remind you to pray for a friend or family member struggling with illness or adversity.

Tell him you pray for him every day at 6 p.m. on the dot.

8. Set your spiritual goals. We need them to keep us from getting lazy, just as we need

other life objectives. What are yours for this week? This year?

(Watch for more ways next month in the On Course.)

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Kids Coloring Page

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March 1, 2015 Owen Lamb and Dave Nadolsky


March 1, 2015 Don McLennan

March 8, 2015 Bill Hanson

March 15, 2015 Beach Hall

March 22, 2015 Grace Mitchell

March 29, 2015 Molly Zielaskowski


March 1, 2015 Kerry & Hannah Viegelahn, Claire Storms

March 8, 2015 Gail Stoutenburg, Carol Lyberg & Doris Sabin

March 15, 2015 Beach & Kellie Hall, Kathy Hogan

March 22, 2015 Sadie Lucas, Vonnie Gleason, Maggie Morley

March 29, 2015 George & Joan Smart, Marci Schefke

Children’s Time Leaders

March 1, 2015 Pastor Bob

March 8, 2015 Pastor Bob

March 15, 2015 Pastor Bob

March 22, 2015 Pastor Bob

March 29, 2015 Pastor Bob Acolyte

March 1, 2015 No Acolyte March 8, 2015 Hailyn Clark

March 15, 2015 Brody Clark

March 22, 2015 Nina Hansen

March 29, 2015 Jadyn Hanson

Coffee Hour

March 1, 2015 Doris Sabin & Carole Erickson

March 8, 2015 Kathy Hogan

March 15, 2015 Let’s Brunch

March 22, 2015 Dawn Simpson & Carrie Lohmann

March 29, 2015 Gail Stoutenburg


March 1, 2015 Owen & Marion Lamb, Kellie Hall

March 8, 2015 Richard & Jeanette Long, Sadie Lucas

March 15, 2015 Owen & Marion Lamb, Lois Allum

March 22, 2015 George & Joan Smart, Becky Hanson

March 29, 2015 Sadie Lucas & Pat Erfurdt

Page 13: WESTMINSTER PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHrcwpc.org/15_03_A Newsletter_ On_Course.pdf · asked about why God would be mindful of humanity and all of our weaknesses, cruelty and sometimes the


Ministers All of our Members [email protected]

Interim Pastor Rev. Dr. H. Robert Case [email protected]

Organist Ann Bennett [email protected]

Choir Director Karl Heidemann

Church Secretary Linda Scranton [email protected]

On Course Editor Becky Hanson

Clerk of Session Beth Getzinger

Church Historian Kay Morrill


Elders, Class of 2015 Beth Getzinger Clerk

George Smart Stewardship & Finance

Ann Bennett Christian Education

Elders, Class of 2016 Owen Lamb Building & Grounds

Jeanette Long Worship & Music

Don McLennan Personnel

Elders, Class of 2017 Gail Stoutenburg Mission

David Nadolsky Membership/Fellowship & Outreach

Bill Hanson Nominating


Deacons, Class of 2015 Deacons Class of 2016 Deacons Class of 2017

Joyce Lewis Pat Erfurdt Lois Allum

Carol Lyberg Marcia Tuma Dana LaBar

Joan Smart Dawn Simpson Jerry Tuma


PO BOX 237