KACfc MA LOCKfORf UNlQIs-SUrt & JOURNAL Tuesday ENTERPRISE OF I M P O R T CHEMISTS PARSONS DRUG CO. INC.—ALWAYS LEADERS IN DRUG L I N E - IN FACE OF GREAT OPPOSITION HAVE MADE NEW FORM OF OLD AND VALUABLE MEDICINE INDISPENSABLE AUXILIARY TO MEDICAL PROFESSION. GOOD NEWS TO AILING PEOPLE RELIABILITY UNQUESTIONED The Genuine HU.H The Kumou-. Blue Center ll'llll ll'ill WESTERN NEW YORK NEWS BRIEFLY TOLD "Has 100 Uses in 1000 Places » * Enterprise is one of the %irtues of our leading druggists. Parsons Drug To,, Inc. Often they have so demon- titrated to the people of Lockport, their ability not only to keep pace with, but to keep ahead of the times, and the people of our city have many times had occasion to be proud of .he way these prominent druggist* have shown themselves to be anion;,- the foremost In the country In adopting for their standard remedies th<j latest- scientific discoveries. With this end In view It Is not strange that Parsons Drug Co.. Inc., •OHM years ago, should have been led to think seriously concerning the use of cod Hvsr oil. Thsy, like hundreds of other druggists, had sold qiririti- tles of this valuable, but nauseating remedy, but over and over again they had to listen totaled of woe by suf- ferers whs would beg them to advise Homenalatahle way they might take the^nvodlelne prescribed for them; and many attempts have been made In the past to enable patients to take this remedy, knowing well that could they succeed In doing so this valuable medicine would be instrumental in re- storing health, and In many cases even In saving life. Theg were obliged, however, to give up obtaining the desired end of dis- guising the taste of this obnoxious, greasy medicine, as many others had to do before them. They found that while It was an easy matter to fool the palate, they could not fool the patient's stomach. Even when it had been made tasteless by being admin- istered in capsules or other forms, the reject It. It waa thsa that Parsons Drug Co.. Inc., learned of the Important discov- ery mads by two French chemists. whose secret had been bought by a large Boston house, and with char- acteristic enterprise Parsons Drug Co., Inc., connected themselves with *hat house and succeeded in making ar- rangements with them directly to handle this new discovery which has fast taken the place of old-fashioned cod liver oil and emulsions. This preparation contains all the curative principles which have given the cod's liver Its great reputation, and the sought-for principles are In a concentrated form free from the. nau- seating, greasy matter that charac tertzes cod liver oil as we have known It. It is positively free from any objectionable odor, taste, or any of the other disagreeable features that have always attended cod liver oil. Above all. Parsons Drug Co., Inc., wish it to be understood that this new preparation is not a patent medicine. It Is known as Vinol, and contains cod liver peptonates with all the medi- cinal value attributed to cod liver oil, but the oil. or useless part. Is elimi- nated. Therefor*. It is the tissue-building, medicinal and curative elements of cod liver peptonates, aided by the blood-making, strengthening qualities of ionic iron, manganese peptones and glycerophosphates contained In Vinol that makes it so successful in buitdim* up strength for all run-down condi- tions, after sickness, for feeble old people, delicate children, and which also makes it such a grand constitu- tional remedy tor chronic coughs, colds and bronchitis. Any one in Lockport who is in need of such a strengthening, revltal- tonic should call at Parsons fo., The., silo* n*«r wfnt ttttr have to say on the subject. The in- formation will cost you nothjng, and will prove of the greatest value to you. Women Offer to Help. Niagara Falls, Feb. 27.—Mrs. S. 1*. Kiiuichot of th*» W o m a n Suffrage As- sociation of Niagara Falls offered the city council last night the co-opera- tion of the association in trying to as- sure a favorable vote on the propos- ed new city Jail at the taxpayers' elec- tion on March 6th. Opposed to Bill. Niagara Falls, Feb, 27.—The city council last night voted to ask State Senator Thompson and Assemblyman Parker to oppose the bill now In the Assembly providing that dog license fees be paid to the county treasurer. In this city the license fees, go Into the police pension fund. Guests Yarrow Kscape, Hornell. Feb. 2".—Guests at the Hotel Delevan In Broadway, got out In a hurry when ore started on the •hird floor at I 'oclock yesterday morning. Offer Jots to Butler. Tona'wanda, Fsb. 22—The directors of the chamber of commerce of the Tonawandas last night voted to offer the position of executive secretary to F. C. Butler, secretary of the James- town board of commerce. The local chamber will send a dele- gation of about 40 men to Uatavia this week.' Batavia la forming % now commerce board. Found Dead In Yard. Nunda, Feb. 27.—William Mc- Keown. who lived alone on the Major Shute farm, three miles east yt Nan- da, was found dead Sunday evening about 8:30 o'clock. The body was ly- ing between the house, and barn and was badly burned, his clothing having in some way ignited, probably from the lantern lying at his feet with the globe partly displaced. UPSOfefaiSOARD Wherever you go, you will probably see this "Made in Lockport" product we sell Upson Processed Board is sold in nearly every city and town of any size in the United States, as well as in many foreign countries. More than 4,000 retail dealers in America are every day recommend- ing this modern building product "Made in Lockport." which is known in the trade as the most DEPEND- ABLE board of America. Board in the United States avi- ation camp on Long Island. Or possibly you noticed Upson Board at the beautiful San Diego Exposi- tion or the splendid Texas fair, or at some other fair throughout the country. Or you may have seen Upson Board in some railroad station, or in some railroad coach, or even on one of the steamers that you took between New York and Jacksonville. You may see Upson Board used for walls and ceilings in every kind of building, new or old. from expensive, lux- Perhaps again you were clever enough to BILL GIVES NEW YORK PLAN FOR FOOD RELIEF ALBANT. If. T„ Feb. 27. — As- sembtyman Pertman of New York to- day Introduced a bill designed to re- lieve food conditions In New Tork. It authorises the mayor of that city to appoint a committee of three to serve without compensation when the board of estimate shall certify that an emergency exists and makes an appropriation to meet the Emerg- ency. The money appropriated Is for the use of commission to purchase necessities. Including food and coal, to be sold at cost. The hill was ad- vanced to the order of final passage and on the request of Assemblyman Callahan was referred to the cities committee for a hearing today. YOUNG HOY SEEKS TO AVENGE DEATHS CAM,* ON PRE9. WII.SO* BY CABLE TO ACT—WAYS PROMINENT ( HITAliO SOCIETY. What Dees Cupid ThlnkT Boms scientists have decided that mistletoe sBost go, for It Is a para* alts, they "ay, sad saps the vttsllty of ths trees oa which it grows. The birds are st fault toe, for they scat- ter the seeds from tree to tree. Will CfjpM ask these wtss people to pro* rids a substitute? Ill SBSSSSSBSSSSSSSBSSBSBSti MJKRUB? GLOSS Shsrw. thsjEnsyWny to Gsjod Houaeksjvpinf LONDON. Feb. 27.—Demand that United State* svenge his mother'*, and slater's death was made in a cable des- pstcbed to President Wilson today by Austin Yeung Hey. He requested the President to grant him permission to b<* the first volunteer In case an Ameri- can citizen army was raised and said otherwise he expected to enlist In the | Hrltlah army. Or. Albert Harris Hoy who lost his wife and daughter tn the Lacenls sink- ing, was stricken down with grief over his loss as he talked over the telephone to the United Press ofllce today. He was removed to his room and put under a physician's care. CHICAGO. Feb. 2*7.—Mrs. Albert H. Hoy and daughter Elisabeth whs died of exposure in open fioats after the La- con fa waa torpedoed were prominent^ In Chicago society. They had spenr*^Ble winter here visiting and were oa thVir wsy to rejoin Dr. Hey sad hit sen, Aus- tin, In London. The Heys C U M to Clilcsgs from Pu- rine, Wis., seventeen yesrs age. Five yesrs ago, they moved to London where Austin Hey represents the Sullivan Ma- chinery Co. lira. Hoy snd her dsughter were guest* at the Congress Hotel while hers. During the Christmas holidays tfeey were entertstsed st the home of Mr. sod Mrs. Oeorge W. Blossoms at Hubbard Woods. Eves sfter their removal to London, the Hoys maintained their social rela- tions here and were frequent visitors St many Chicago homes. POl Tour r u r a l t o r s . Piano, woodwork. Automobile, Finish- ed Floors. *aad *J1 Varnished •arfeeae. Clear, pare and JuVaoT TJt^r dust, as It gives a hard, dry. **«•• f ries*; a brighter ustre than wax and sler to use, .GArOl To ftrs sa« tire saUsfae-i flea or year tfWMs? WASHINGTON HOTEL EMPLOYEES ON STRIKE OFFICIAL RECORD Niagara County Clerk's Office. Lockport, Feb. 26, 191T. Deeds. Holard L. Trelchler and wife et al to Howard L. Trelchler, Wilson, 81. Angelo F. Rcalxo, Ref. to Max M. Oppenheim. Niagara Falls, 81. ,.,-—,< Frederick "L. to-vemes lad wlfw to the Niagara Falls Power Co., Niagara Falls. $1. Hays Mercantile Agency to Augus- tus liurkhardt and one, Niagara Falls, IT. William^B .Harmon et al to Edward Gold and one; Niagara Falls. $1. Hampton Oasaway and wife to Ma- mie Elizabeth Krell, Niagara Falls, 81. John C. gtvleker and wife t o A n - thony A. Hartman, Niagara Falls, 81. Sophia Kopp to Frank S. Kopp, N. Tonawanda, 81. Elizabeth J. Townaend to John C. Strieker, Niagara Falls, 81. William F. Gunther \o Adelbert U Perkins, Lockport, 81. Mortgages. Bruno Scrufari and one to Joseph C. C Foss, 8*00. Mary T. Davy to Niagara County Savings Bank, 81000. Edward Gold and wife to the N. P. S. A- L. Assn., 84040. John S. Goszka and wife to the Niag. Per. S. ft L. Assn., 8130. Clarence C. Locke and wife to the N. P. S. & L. Assn.. 8390. Ellen Padden to Ellin Mary Erlck- lln, 81000. Kanora Keefe Burke to Clark Ship- ton and one, 85000. Francis A. Miller and wife to the N. P. 8. * L. Assn., 8280. Fred W. Burdick and wife to the N. P. 8. ft L. Assn.. |1S00. Mamie Elisabeth Krell to Hanfpton Gasaway, 8347.46 • Mamie Elisabeth Krell to the N. S. P. ft L Assn., 81680. James N. Moakler and wife to Ni- agara Co. Sav. Bank. 84000. Dennis A. Densllnger and wife to the N. P. 8. A L. Assn., |I»60. W. James Brady and wife to MarHe W. Randall, 8800. Adelbert L, Perkins to the Farms. ft Mech. Sav. Bank, 8600. •lodgments, Daniel W. Ross, Elisa Hood and the Orchard Machinery Mfg. Co. In favor of the First Nat Bank of Gasport, 8282.89. John K. CreaTry In favor of Arthur Root, 8370.St. 14s l*c Bidets*. Fred Penwrlght and one against Louis A. Toting. urious edifices like the Gedney Farms Hotel, the Maplewood Hotel, Metropolitan Museum of Art, or some of the many other famous structures in which it has been used —to simple, inexpensive homes, garages, farm buildings, stores and factories. You may have seen Upson Board in some of the hundreds of department stores who use it in a score of different ways every day. At Wanamaker's you may have admired the beautiful model house which waa made of Upson Board, or one of the beautiful windows finished in some artistic way in Upson Board, or some of the dainty French Shops which were Upsonized to give an air of exclusive distinctiveness. Or you may have seen it at the beautiful Halle store in Cleveland, where it is used in combination with solid mahogany trim for individual display rooms, furniture back- grounds and in many other ways. notice it in the construction of some furni- ture or on some outdoor bulletin board like the ones on the top of the buildings in Buffalo. Or on some advertising cut out like the famous Firestone Tire Display, or as a backing for the display of some article like Ingersol watches. In fact, your are almost sure to see this "Made in Lockport" product used in almost every conceivable way in every part of the country. Sl'I'KKMK aii'KT vii,.,,, TY. 8TATB0T KRW*"^* COCKT- ..„„.„, ,., , , , « OK NKW YORK u >'*' Carlatrem. individually Tad aTi 1 -"*?'' Ijtrator of th.- i»t e f '%*-lE U ' Carlatrem, n»c»a»,-,i ....... _ "WMMI, the relief demanded i" t , l , "'' > r Trial to be held In the County vlsPZ*- Stats ef New Tork - Nl4 iS«» Dated. December Hth, ist« OIBO \V KNOX. Plaintiff - * Atloriisy * V,,° AdsEea, .. •uck Huiidui* '" '».1TT. nil Sav. The foregoing"luamTuVi l " **!*** Office M. _,*. MiiKnrn Full* To GldAn Carlatrem and OuaVdi. bis and Tr U Kt. Cemt.anv. p, f.S Thai #*»» t . , i> *»!. ..... _. * •'"SB yeu without pursuant to au erd-r of ll.-rb-rt P nu' sell. Justice of thp Sut.i.•m- r 0 „„**; tn« z*th ibiv of led with the >o asid State, dated ber. 191«, and HI _ herein In the efflce ourt »t DSaea. of the ri 2 tt 2M u>t County of Niagara, at Lo, LorL ± State, December SOth. IMS *'""'• *•« Dated, December snth. imn OHO. \V. KNo'x. Pislntlff'i. Attorney Office & p. o Addresa Olurk BullaiM J .8.iU0. 2 7^3- N s!t?.Vo a " ,,k|lT - »as>sssassiwsssssssi ••..—assasoai• i , STATE OF NEW TOHK—WrPRSatr COURT^NIsgar. County^-Abhte"? Lswrence. Plsiatift, against CaL j McLsod and Others. DefeudaaiT L virtue and in purauance of H \£S. of forecloaura and sale duly asaaBi. the above entitled actlsn and^stLS la the office ef ths Clerk of -• ""* County on the 31st day of 1918, and an order of resale granted February ith.l91T. I, ths signed, duly appointed referee hvaali judgment for that purpose, will asfl i, public auction st the IHW office of VM D. Moyer la the T y l e r Hirtir | n the <Sr Yet there are dozens of uses for Upson. Board for you people right here in Lockport. If you are going to build or repair—if your ceiling is unsightly or unsafe—by all means, come in and let us show you how Upson Processed Board and our famous Mellotone "Flat Paint" can be used to beautify your building—reduce the cost of maintenance— and make your walls and ceilings more sanitary and more attractive. Ot m Marshall Field & Company in Chicago where it is used for window and store dis- plays, partitions, flooring and many othet ways. N A ' estate! OctlEIr* ! "* ussar- of Lockport, N. Y.. on the ;2nd AsV" M March. 1»1T. at ten o'clock In thelat*. noon of that day. the following dsaeSh ed real property: All that tract^TSr. eel of lend situate in the Town at £ . fans. County ef Niagara and StaiaTn New York, bounded and described mitl- lews: ^Belng psrt of lot numbw tkrer section number fourteen in theTE of teenth township and sixth range's* tt. Holland Laud Company* Land, so enM snd described an follows Bt- glnnlng st the northeast comer af Ihs said !*• a u n k i r »!•»*•• i k .... aoutaaril- Or perhaps you may have seen Upson able "Made in Lockport" product with its national reputation can be used to your profit and advantage. We also have a sample and some interest' ing printed matter for you. bounded ginning i . aald let number three; then. along the east line of the „ a ._ ^ j-, chains, fifty one links: thenca we« nai- sllel with the north line of the sahtku forty-six ehsini). sixty-eight links ta (L middle ef a certain highway. thsastSsS twenty-one degrees fortv minutet SSM along the middle of (he said highway sieves chaina alxty-one links ts tte north line of said lot, theme east aiau aald north Hue fifty-one chains, tweiT- ty-four links to the place of begiaaia» containing nfty-one acres and 45-100 g an acre, be the name more or ies» Dated, Feby. 6, 1917. BURT G. STOCK WELL, n. noyau. _, lteferef FRED D. MOVI ^^yJeTBWg fyler Bldg.. Lockport, X. T. J-«,lI,JO.IT*;.*{-6.l3..'Oc WALKER & STANNARD, 45-47 N. Transit Street. jT-f. HHimitlllHmtHilt)H't!lrlHtrimi1lllltHH.It Widely Imitated—But Never Koualled ll1IHII!!l!IHIII!l!lllll[!llli!lll!l AMUSEMENTS « Eighth Triumphant iMonth st The Hippodrome Thestre, New York City i This week Charles Dillingham's tri- umphant spectacle "The Big Show* which now Includes Annette Keller- raann and her sensational aquatic feature "The Queen of The Mermaids" besides the countless other colossal novelties, will enter upon the eighth successful month of Its unparalleled run. This past week witnessed the passing of its 300th performance, and in the progress of the first three cen- turies at this unique institution, the exact number, of patrons who attend- ed the Hippodrome reached the sur- prising total of 1,355.400 since the sea- son began. This patronage is greater tnan that of all the other musical pro- ductions in New York comMned and establishes a nrw record evelj^ at the world's greetest and most wonderful playhouse. New features are Intro- duced weekly, and those who have al- ready seen "The nig Show" will find renewed pleasures and new surprises whrn they go again, while any who have not attended this pageant of wonders are. assured that here, at the lowest scale of drlces. Is to be found the biggest amusement attraction In town. Matinees are given daily. Among these are Robert Peyton Car- ter, David Torrence, Fred Tyler, James L. Carhart, Wallace Jackson, Charles Gay and Mrs. Ada Boshell. As In "Peter Pan," children con- tribute much to the success of "A Kiss for Clndrella." There are Ave young- ctcrj, in this latest Barrle success in New York. Four are supposed to be war orphans. Cindrella's wards, and the fifth Is a thermometer boy—a ty- pical lEmrrie conceit. At the Gayety. Nothing better In the way of higher grade burlesque, clean, crisp comedy and tuneful music has been presented at the Oayety Theatre, Buffalo, this season than is being offered there this week by the Million Dollar Dolls. The production Is strictly tasteful and high class In every particular, and the east includes Lew Hilton, AUce Lar.ar, Bob Kerns, I Slim Kellam, Harry Man- del, Patricia Baker and Grace Sey- mour. There Is a superb chorus of S8 handsome girls. Coming to the Oayety Theatre next week are the Olobe Trotters. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Pursuant to an order of Hon. Norman D. Fish, Surrogate of Niagara county, notice ta hereby given, to all persons hav- ing claims or demands against Bridget Brady, late of the Town of Royalton, Niagara County, N. Y., deceased, to ex- hibit tl>* same, with the vouchers thereof, to the subscriber, the Kxeeutor ef the estate of aald deceased, at the law office of William S. Cston. 3S Msln atrset. In the City of Lockport tn said County, oa or before the ltth dsy of July. 1917. Dated. Jan. lr.th, 1917. PATRICK DURKIN. Executor. W. b. CATON, Atty. for Exr., 38 Main St., Lockport. N. Y. » l-U-mo7-l«-l7Tue NOTICE TO CKMUTOas. Pursuant to an order of Hon. Nor- man D. Pish, Surrogate of Xiagata County, notice is hereby given, to all persons having claims or demands against Miles W. "Rockwell, late of the Town ot Newfane, Niagara Coun- ty, N. Y., deceased, to exhibit the seme, with the vouchers thereof 4* the .subscribers, the esecutora ot tha Bast Will snd Testament of said de- ceased, at the law office of Hopkins « Brim, Adklns Block, in ths City U Lockport, in said County, on or beta* the 22nd day of March. 1»17. Dated September 18. 1»1«. PRANCENA A. STOCKWEU CICERO F. STOUT. Exrs. it HOPKINS It BRIM Attorneys for Exrs., Adklns Block. Lockport, N. T. c8-l»-toS-13-Tues WASHINGTON, Feb, 27— With Washington hotels crammed to burst- ing wUh,lh.iugural visitors from every section -of the country, cooks and other kitchen employees of the more preten- tious hostelr'es and restaurants took todsjjr as the most propitious and pscy- olog1'4mi""llme to demand better reg- ular wages, extra pay for over-time and a day off each week. The visitors are Just, ss much eon* cerrted as the hotel men and restaura- br not only are the hotels fill- there Is not a hoarding hnu»c In t o w n that hasn't guests sleeping In the halls. ' vi rn"'i e tc wayfo ed, hut TERRIBLE SORES No Matter How Chronic Parsons' Drug Co. Guarantees San Corn Ointment to Give Relief and Often Perma- nent Cure. Mia* Mauds Asame at ths. Empins Theatre, New York City Not since "Chantecler" has Miss Maude Adams been surrounded by so lsrgr a supporting csst as in her new f'arrlc play, "A Kiss for Clndrella," M;tny of the players who were with jMi**; A d a m s in "Peter Pan" "The Ultie Minister," "What Every man Knows, "Quality Street and "The Legend of U'noro,' are now Interpret- ing plcture*.«iuo roles in the new "fnncy,"^ us the nuthor describes it. ARSCftSOR'R NOTICB. "Notice la Hereby Olven, That the as- sessment of the expense of the I-oca I Improvement, being local Improvement number 7«3, and being the local Im- provement ordered in snd by sn Ordl- nsnee sdopted by the Common Council of Lockport, en the 25th day of Sep- tember, 19U, entitled an ordinance for grading, curbing and psvtng of Market street snd Ijtke avenue, between the N. Y. C. * H. K. II. Co. tracks and the old Niagara Road, has be^n complete**-, and that the roll thereof will renmln In the hsnds of the ctrv Clerk of snld c\tv, at his office, in the City Building, Pine street, Lockport, N. Y. fer inspection by all persons interested, for five btisl- *.. -Si"*''* days nest following the dsy of the * v °- j hrst publication. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Pursuant to an order of Hon. Norman D. Flab. Surrogate of Niagara County, notice ts hereby given te all presons having claims or demands against Char- les A. Taylor, late of the City of Lock- pert, N. Y., deceased, to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, to the sub- scriber, the executor ef the last Will and Testament ot aald deceased, at the law office o* Roy H. Ernest, No. 52 Main street, in the City of Lockport, In said County, on er before the 7th day of July, 1017. Dated, December 3ftth, 1911. LOUISA 8. CLARK. Executrix. ROY II. KRNE&T, Attorney for Execu- trix. 52 Main St., Lockport. N. Y. l.*t*«-!«o Dated, Ix>ckport N. oIlN Y„ Feb. 37, 1917. JOHN F. WHALEN. As Special assessor named tn said Or- dinance snd by whom said assessment was m»de. 2-27-1 THE MORTIMER CO., % Jjorost Stwel. OfLBsarino thai*. It Is claimed that to Colorado thara is enough oil-hearing shale to supply > 2,000.000.000 barrels of gasollQjs, Dickson's Boilers, Monuments, aad rHan. MovingVons s Isifcaraaw 1 dpoelsHy Transfer ir Office, 52 Market St. SLW3-F-3 1 "My daughter wss troubled for over a year with a fever sore on her ICK and waa helpless tn bed for three months. To the great surprise of an. Including the four doctors who ha.J attended her, San Cure Ointment heal ed the great sore in less than six weeks."—J, t>. Hood. Townville, Pa. Karl C. Hanks, of the Atlantic Re- fining Co., of Pittsburgh, had a sore on his ankle for a year. He doctored, and tried various remedies, without re- lief. He sa*,s: "San Cure Ointment worked like a chttrm. reduced the swelling and healed the sore in tw.> weeks." Bear In mind, that besides sore*. Hun Ctira ointment I.* lined with Bjre,u success In e?csema, boils, carbuncle**, sale rheum, tetter, also itching, bleed- ing snd protruding piles. In cases of burns, sen ids, euts snd bruises, S*n Cum Is most msiuabie. The pries is I only 25 cents snd 60 cents a Jar, and»| Parsons' Drug Co. gunrsntees H, M LOCKPORT BUSINESS DIRECTORY NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Pursuant to an order of Hen. Norman D. Fish, Surrogate of Nlagsra County, notice Is hereby given, te sll persons having claims or demands against Charles Mack, late of the City Of Leek- port, Niagara County, N. Y.. deceased, to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, to the subscriber, the Adminls< to the subscriber, the trator ef said dercttsed, at bis o »03 I), h. Morgan Building, in the City the ee, No. *• C on er before of Buffalo. Erie County, 30th day of July. 1317. Imted, January 19tt>. 1117. WILLIAM R. DANIELS. Administrator, 903 P. H. Morgan Bldg., Tues—1-13to 7-17 Buffalo NT T. aper rOMFI.HXION' *0.\f». If you want a lovely complexion, with soft, velvety sktn. free from ptfhr* plea and blnekhesdn, use San Cur« Moan, the eft-eat antiseptic >.xl skin purifier. 3t cents a e*ke at Parsons' bim Co. SELL TOUR WASTE* PAKE. EEWSM1-EIIS, MMUISES, EOOKS AXL sUKIsS WASTE MATERIAL mihL «AnrDM EQUDHEKI WiPJlIW.lO(IPORT 107 MAIN ST, OS*. Cylinders Re-bored if DDAMA Pistons Fitted J. DKUNA Oxy-acetylcne Welding!' . B r ^3£?£j-* p SHOES MADE LIKE HEW J. M. WJLAM I M BViTAieo str.' fc mm f^m. U NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Pursuant to nn ordnr of Hen. NortWSS P. Klsh, Surrognlc of Niagara Qounty, notice lx licrciiy given, to sll persona having cinlms nr demands against •Tworge Hates Thompson, late er the City of I,(H kport. Ni„Kers County, N, Y., deceased, to exhibit the ssSJe, wit* the vouchers thereof, to the subscriber, the executor of the T,«sf Will and Testa- ment ef **ld decoBsed, at the law oflioe ef lisvtd Tlce, ss Hsvlngs Hank Bldg. In the •* ' • "- T " -- on or 1RI7. Dated. February ISth, 1917. Swomam A. BROCK. city of Uickport Tn said County, before the t«th dsy of August, Tues 2-1 Hto «• Executor. AOT1CE TO CRBDITORa. Pursuant to nn order of Hon. Norman !>. Klsh, hurrogate ef Niagara County, notl«e Is herebj given, to all persons hav- ing claims or demsnds agslnst Norman P. Keck, late of the Cltr of lockport, Nlagsra County, N. Y., deeeassd, te ea- hiblt the same, with the vouchers there- of, to the subscriber, the executor ef the •stale of said deceased, at the law efflce •f Mickey, Thompson snd Hold. Savings Bank HulMlng. in the City of Lorkpert, la said county, on or before lis first day of August. 1917. Dated, Jairunry IS. 1»17. NORMAN J. KJ HTCKBV. THOMPSON * rK)Lf>, Ally's «or Kxeeutor, M-kpoft, M.T, i-is-i7to7-i*.i7 Tues NOTICE TO CRKUITOBa. Pursuant to an order of Hon. Nor* man D, Kish. Surrogate of N'iar»r* CfOUnty, notice is hereby given, to t'.l persons having claims or demand! against Martha M. Hichle. late of th* City of Lockport. Niagara County, N. Y., deceased, to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, to the subscrib- er, ths Administratrix of the Goods. Chattels and Credits of said deceased, at the law office of poty, Stockwell k Lelbold. 87 Main Street, in tha City of Lockport, in said County, on or of for* ths ISth day of April. 1917. Dated Ootobar Sth. l»li. MARY E. BASSETT, Administratrix, DOTT, STOCJCWELL A LBRBOLD, Attorneys aV Counsellors at law, Attys for Adrurx. 87 Main St. Loekport. N, T. olO-l 0t/j4-t-Tuss NOTICE TO CmBJy-fTORs, Pursuant to aa order of Hon. hw- man t>. Wsh, Sorrogats of NIMW County, aotlce is hereby *m% to wj persons having claims or «•»*»•; Gainst Margaret Hackstt IMS* lockport. N. Y., deceased, to tihIM ths asms, with the •Rsff.'B to ths subscribers, the AdminlftnUon of said deceased, at ths J*%<™?? ef Judson A Hoiley. over the NjaPj County National ** n *-.l J ? e 11f, f „ oa or hsdora March l i s t t»". Dated Ssptsmbsr II. i ;„__ CATHBRINE CRAMER THO8. O. CRAMBR. _ ^ ^ Adminlsws»«* JTJDtON * MOLLEY. Attys for Admi*. Lockport, N. T. o».ifo|-t0-Toas —. NOTICE TO CREWWiW- Pursuant to so order o r W J J | man D. Fish. Burrosate ot * ^ County, notics is hersby *}*•*£# psrtons having **^ h c \Jfit% Gainst Michael IX Mack. »Jts "J Village of Cktsport, ^ / ^ B * N. 7, dsssased. to sshibi 1 * • "»>r with ths vouchsrs t^T^iVJSS don. in ths V" 1 *** °; " .as is) aW said County, on or hsfors t»s i« ar of May, !•»»•. ,.,„ ,,,, Eis«st* f ' aaoss HT TM OOODTVAR mom RICJ .uHuro ' Mrs, A. M. stpears, Chad wick, N. T., saya: "About s year s g t I WSJ suffsrtnf frem Indigestion, ' *" soella. Th» food f the stomach I tried a number sf meal cine* but enthlng did me mitcb S j N fjn, til I began taking chamberlains n%4*te- Thev helped me a» e«ce snd tws bottles sf them cures roe. MM by all drag gists blllnusssss asd dtsef I ate mads me SMh st led s number sf meal- OEOROE R. W" 1 *^!' Attornsy far Bascutor. Mlddleport. N. T. ell-llto4-84>Tuss none. w,cw«S saaa ft Fish. laftosTats °* CouniyV sstles is A*"'" £ **T,M m having elslws or ^ ,M ssasv g ^ saatast O"'*' ™^«'cs»»5 Nevetaber.lJ. AVonhTa*.. he EBSftttrls Tsstaatei SdtfS Sf Dated, WSTTOI •aeestria tsment of R 1st George RTLBT, win »•; jf OsrsTsw. 1 atrhiW 1 ^. , S?-• W f.^lss^d , hs•'»'* r,,, •" Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com

WESTERN NEW YORK UPSOfefaiSOARDfultonhistory.com/Newspaper 18/Lockport NY Union Sun Journal/Loc… · Or you may have seen Upson Board in some railroad station, or in some railroad

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Page 1: WESTERN NEW YORK UPSOfefaiSOARDfultonhistory.com/Newspaper 18/Lockport NY Union Sun Journal/Loc… · Or you may have seen Upson Board in some railroad station, or in some railroad






T h e G e n u i n e HU.H The Kumou-. Blue Center ll'llll ll'ill


"Has 100 Uses in 1000 Places » *

Enterprise is one of t h e %irtues of o u r leading druggis ts . P a r s o n s Drug To,, Inc. Often they h a v e s o demon-titrated to the people of Lockport, the ir abil i ty not only t o keep pace wi th , but to k e e p a h e a d of t h e times, and the people of our c i ty h a v e many t i m e s h a d occasion to be proud of .he w a y t h e s e prominent druggis t* have s h o w n t h e m s e l v e s to be anion;,- the foremost In the country In adopt ing for their standard r e m e d i e s th<j latest-scientific discoveries.

With this end In v i e w It Is not strange that Parsons D r u g Co.. Inc., •OHM years ago, shou ld h a v e been led t o think seriously c o n c e r n i n g the use of cod Hvsr oil. T h s y , l ike hundreds of other druggists , h a d sold qiririti­t les of this valuable , but nauseat ing remedy, but over and over a g a i n they had t o listen t o t a l e d of w o e by suf­ferers w h s wou ld b e g t h e m to advise H o m e n a l a t a h l e w a y t h e y m i g h t take the^nvodlelne prescr ibed for t h e m ; and m a n y a t t empts h a v e been made In the past t o enable pa t i en t s to take th i s remedy, k n o w i n g we l l t h a t could they succeed In doing s o th i s valuable medic ine would be i n s t r u m e n t a l in re­storing heal th , and In m a n y cases even In sav ing life.

Theg were obliged, h o w e v e r , to give up obtaining the des ired e n d of dis­guis ing the tas te of t h i s obnoxious, greasy medicine, as m a n y o thers h a d to do before them. T h e y found t h a t whi le It was an easy m a t t e r to fool the palate, they c o u l d n o t foo l the patient 's s tomach . E v e n w h e n it had been m a d e taste less by b e i n g admin­istered in capsules or o t h e r forms, the

reject I t . It waa thsa that Parsons Drug Co..

Inc., learned of the Important discov­ery mads by two French chemists. whose secret had been bought by a

large Bos ton house , and wi th char ­acterist ic enterprise Parsons D r u g Co., Inc., connec ted t h e m s e l v e s w i t h *hat house and s u c c e e d e d in m a k i n g ar­rangements w i t h t h e m direct ly to handle th i s n e w discovery w h i c h h a s fast taken the place of o ld - fash ioned cod l iver oil a n d emuls ions .

Th i s preparat ion c o n t a i n s al l the curat ive pr inc ip les w h i c h h a v e g iven the cod's l iver Its great reputat ion , and the s o u g h t - f o r pr inc ip les are In a concentra ted form free from the. nau­seat ing , g r e a s y mat ter t h a t charac tertzes cod liver oil a s we have k n o w n It. I t is posi t ively free from any ob jec t ionab le odor, taste , or a n y of t h e o ther d isagreeable f ea tures t h a t have a l w a y s a t tended cod liver oil.

Above all . Parsons D r u g Co., Inc., w i sh it to be unders tood t h a t th i s n e w preparat ion is not a patent medic ine . It Is k n o w n a s Vinol , and c o n t a i n s cod liver p e p t o n a t e s wi th all the medi ­c inal va lue at tr ibuted to cod liver oil, but the oil . or use less part. Is e l imi ­nated.

Therefor* . It i s t h e t i s sue-bui ld ing , medic ina l and curat ive e l e m e n t s of cod l iver peptonates , a ided by the b lood-making , s t r e n g t h e n i n g qual i t ies of i o n i c iron, m a n g a n e s e p e p t o n e s and g l y c e r o p h o s p h a t e s conta ined In Vinol that m a k e s it s o success fu l in buitdim* up s t r e n g t h for all r u n - d o w n cond i ­tions, a f t er s i ckness , for feeb le old people , de l i ca te chi ldren, and w h i c h a lso m a k e s it s u c h a grand cons t i tu ­t ional r e m e d y tor c h r o n i c coughs , co lds and bronchi t i s .

Any one in Lockpor t w h o is in need of s u c h a s t reng then ing , rev l ta l -

tonic s h o u l d ca l l a t P a r s o n s f o . , The., silo* n*«r wfnt t t t tr

have to say on the subject. The in­formation will cost you nothjng, and will prove of the greatest value to you.

Women Offer to Help. N i a g a r a F a l l s , F e b . 27.—Mrs. S. 1*.

Ki iu ichot of th*» W o m a n Suffrage As­soc iat ion of N i a g a r a F a l l s offered the city c o u n c i l last n i g h t the co-opera­tion of the a s s o c i a t i o n in trying to as ­sure a f a v o r a b l e v o t e on the propos­ed n e w city Jail a t the taxpayers ' e l ec ­t ion on M a r c h 6 th .

O p p o s e d t o Bil l . N i a g a r a Fal l s , F e b , 27 .—The city

counci l last n i g h t voted to ask State Senator T h o m p s o n and A s s e m b l y m a n Parker to o p p o s e the bill now In the A s s e m b l y p r o v i d i n g t h a t dog l icense fees be paid to t h e county treasurer. In th i s c i ty the l i cense fees , g o Into the pol ice pens ion fund.

G u e s t s Y a r r o w Kscape, Hornel l . F e b . 2" .—Guests at the

Hote l D e l e v a n In Broadway , got out In a hurry w h e n ore s tar ted on the •hird floor at I 'oc lock y e s t e r d a y morning .

Offer Jots t o But l er . Tona'wanda, F s b . 2 2 — T h e directors

of the c h a m b e r of c o m m e r c e of the T o n a w a n d a s last n i g h t voted to offer the pos i t ion o f e x e c u t i v e secre tary t o F. C. Butler , s ecre tary of the J a m e s ­town board of c o m m e r c e .

T h e loca l c h a m b e r wi l l send a de le ­ga t ion of about 40 m e n to Uatavia th i s week.' B a t a v i a la forming % now c o m m e r c e board .

F o u n d D e a d In Yard . N u n d a , Feb . 2 7 . — W i l l i a m Mc-

K e o w n . w h o l ived a l o n e on the Major S h u t e farm, t h r e e m i l e s east yt N a n -da, w a s found d e a d Sunday e v e n i n g about 8:30 o'clock. T h e body w a s ly­ing b e t w e e n t h e h o u s e , and barn a n d w a s badly burned , h i s c l o t h i n g h a v i n g in s o m e w a y igni ted , probably f r o m the lantern l y i n g a t h i s fee t w i t h t h e g lobe part ly d i sp laced .

UPSOfefaiSOARD Wherever you go, you will probably see this "Made

in Lockport" product we sell Upson Processed Board is sold in nearly every city and town of any size in the United States, as well as in many foreign countries.

More than 4,000 retail dealers in America are every day recommend­ing this modern building product "Made in Lockport." which is known in the trade as the most DEPEND­ABLE board of America.

Board in the United States avi­ation camp on Long Island. Or possibly you noticed Upson Board at the beautiful San Diego Exposi­tion or the splendid Texas fair, or at some other fair throughout the country.

Or you may have seen Upson Board in some railroad station, or in some railroad coach, or even on one of the steamers that you took between New York and Jacksonville. You may see Upson Board used for

walls and ceilings in every kind of building, new or old. from expensive, lux- Perhaps again you were clever enough to


ALBANT. If. T„ Feb. 27. — As-sembtyman Pertman of New York to­day Introduced a bill designed to re­lieve food conditions In New Tork. It authorises the mayor of that city to appoint a committee of three to serve without compensation when the board of estimate shall certify that an emergency exists and makes an appropriation to meet the Emerg­ency. The money appropriated Is for the use of commission to purchase necessities. Including food and coal, to be sold at cost. The hill was ad­vanced to the order of final passage and on the request of Assemblyman Callahan was referred to the cities committee for a hearing today.




What Dees Cupid ThlnkT Boms scientists have decided that

mistletoe sBost go, for It Is a para* alts, they "ay, sad saps the vttsllty of ths trees oa which it grows. The birds are st fault toe, for they scat­ter the seeds from tree to tree. Will CfjpM ask these wtss people to pro* rids a substitute?


M J K R U B ? GLOSS Shsrw. thsjEnsyWny to

Gsjod Houaeksjvpinf

LONDON. F e b . 27.—Demand that United State* svenge his mother'*, and slater's death was made in a cable des-pstcbed to President Wilson today by Austin Yeung Hey . He requested the President to grant him permission t o b<* the first volunteer In case an Ameri­can citizen army was raised and said otherwise he expected to enlist In the | Hrltlah army.

Or. Albert Harris Hoy who lost h is wife and daughter tn the Lacenls sink­ing, was stricken down with grief over his loss as he talked over the telephone to the United Press ofllce today. He was removed to his room and put under a physician's care.

CHICAGO. Feb . 2*7.— Mrs. Albert H . Hoy and daughter El isabeth w h s died of exposure in open fioats after the La-con fa waa torpedoed were prominent^ In Chicago soc ie ty . They had spenr*^Ble winter here visiting and w e r e oa thVir w s y to rejoin Dr. Hey sad hit sen, Aus­tin, In London.

The Heys C U M to Cl i lcsgs from Pu­rine, Wis. , seventeen yesrs a g e . F ive y e s r s ago, they moved to London where Austin Hey represents the Sullivan Ma­chinery Co. l i r a . Hoy snd her dsughter were guest* at the Congress Hotel while hers. During the Christmas holidays tfeey w e r e entertstsed s t the home of Mr. sod Mrs . Oeorge W . Blossoms at Hubbard Woods .

E v e s sfter their removal to London, the H o y s maintained their social rela­tions here and were frequent visitors St many Chicago homes.

POl Tour r u r a l t o r s . Piano, woodwork. Automobile, Finish­ed Floors. *aad *J1 Varnished •arfeeae.

Clear, pare and

J u V a o T T J t ^ r dust, as It gives a hard, dry. * * « • •

fries*; a brighter ustre than wax and

sler to use,


To f t rs sa« tire saUsfae-i flea or year



OFFICIAL RECORD Niagara County Clerk's Office.

Lockport, Feb. 26, 191T. Deeds.

Holard L. Trelchler and wife et al to Howard L. Trelchler, Wilson, 81.

Angelo F. Rcalxo, Ref. to Max M. Oppenheim. Niagara Falls, 81. ,.,-—,<

Frederick "L. to-vemes lad wlfw to the N i a g a r a F a l l s P o w e r Co., N i a g a r a Fa l l s . $1 .

H a y s Mercant i l e A g e n c y to A u g u s ­tus l iurkhardt a n d one , N i a g a r a Fa l l s , IT.

W i l l i a m ^ B . H a r m o n e t al t o E d w a r d Gold a n d o n e ; N i a g a r a Falls. $1 .

H a m p t o n O a s a w a y a n d wi fe t o M a ­mie E l i z a b e t h Krel l , N i a g a r a Fa l l s , 81.

J o h n C. g tv leker a n d wi fe t o A n ­t h o n y A. H a r t m a n , N i a g a r a Fa l l s , 81.

S o p h i a K o p p to F r a n k S. K o p p , N . T o n a w a n d a , 81 .

E l i zabe th J. T o w n a e n d to J o h n C. Strieker, N i a g a r a Fa l l s , 81.

W i l l i a m F. G u n t h e r \o Ade lber t U Perk ins , L o c k p o r t , 81 .

M o r t g a g e s . B r u n o Scrufar i a n d one to J o s e p h

C. C F o s s , 8*00. Mary T. D a v y to N i a g a r a County

Sav ings B a n k , 81000 . E d w a r d Gold a n d w i f e to the N. P .

S. A- L. Assn . , 84040 . J o h n S. G o s z k a a n d wi fe t o t h e

N i a g . Per . S. ft L. Assn. , 8130. Clarence C. L o c k e and wi fe t o t h e

N. P. S. & L. Assn. . 8390. E l l en P a d d e n to E l l i n Mary Er lck -

lln, 81000. K a n o r a K e e f e B u r k e to Clark S h i p -

ton and one , 85000 . F r a n c i s A. Mi l l er a n d wife t o t h e

N. P. 8. * L. Assn . , 8280. F r e d W . B u r d i c k a n d wi fe t o t h e

N. P . 8. ft L. Assn . . | 1 S 0 0 . M a m i e E l i s a b e t h Kre l l to Hanfpton

G a s a w a y , 8347.46 • M a m i e E l i s a b e t h Kre l l to t h e N. S.

P . ft L Assn . , 81680. J a m e s N. M o a k l e r and wi fe to N i ­

a g a r a Co. Sav. B a n k . 84000. D e n n i s A. D e n s l l n g e r and wi fe t o

the N. P . 8. A L. Assn. , | I » 6 0 . W. J a m e s B r a d y and wife to MarHe

W . R a n d a l l , 8800 . A d e l b e r t L, P e r k i n s to t h e F a r m s .

ft Mech . Sav. Bank , 8600. • l o d g m e n t s ,

D a n i e l W. Ross , E l i s a H o o d and t h e Orchard M a c h i n e r y Mfg. Co. In favor of the F ir s t N a t B a n k of Gasport , 8282.89.

J o h n K. CreaTry In favor of Ar thur Root , 8370 .St .

14s l*c Bidets*. F r e d P e n w r l g h t a n d one a g a i n s t

L o u i s A. Tot ing .

urious edifices like the Gedney Farms Hotel, the Maplewood Hotel, Metropolitan Museum of Art, or some of the many other famous structures in which it has been used —to simple, inexpensive homes, garages, farm buildings, stores and factories.

You may have seen Upson Board in some of the hundreds of department stores who use it in a score of different ways every day. At Wanamaker's you may have admired the beautiful model house which waa made of Upson Board, or one of the beautiful windows finished in some artistic way in Upson Board, or some of the dainty French Shops which were Upsonized to give an air of exclusive distinctiveness.

Or you may have seen it at the beautiful Halle store in Cleveland, where it is used in combination with solid mahogany trim for individual display rooms, furniture back­grounds and in many other ways.

notice it in the construction of some furni­ture or on some outdoor bulletin board like the ones on the top of the buildings in Buffalo. Or on some advertising cut out like the famous Firestone Tire Display, or as a backing for the display of some article like Ingersol watches.

In fact, your are almost sure to see this "Made in Lockport" product used in almost every conceivable way in every part of the country.

S l ' I ' K K M K a i i ' K T v i i , . , , , TY. 8 T A T B 0 T K R W * " ^ *

COCKT- . . „ „ . „ , ,., , „ , , « OK NKW YORK u >'*' Carlatrem. individually Tad aTi1-"*?'' Ijtrator of th.- R« i»t e „ f '%*- lE U ' Carlatrem, n»c»a»,-,i . . . . . . . _ "WMMI,

the relief demanded i" t , l , "'' > r

Trial to be held In the County vlsPZ*-Stats ef New Tork u£ -Nl4iS«»

Dated. December Hth, ist« OIBO \V KNOX. Plaintiff-* Atloriisy

* V,,° AdsEea, .. •uck Huiidui*

'" '».1TT. nil Sav.

The foregoing"luamTuVi l " **!***


M. _ , * . MiiKnrn Full* To GldAn Carlatrem and OuaVdi.

b i s and TrUKt. Cemt.anv. p , f.S T h a i #*»» t . , i> * » ! . . . . . . _ . * •'"SB

yeu without pursuant to au erd-r of ll.-rb-rt P nu' sell. Justice of thp Sut.i.•m- r 0 „„**;

tn« z*th ibiv of led with the >o

asid State, dated ber. 191«, and HI _ herein In the efflce

ourt »t DSaea.

of the ri 2tt2Mu>t

County of Niagara, at Lo, LorL ± State, December SOth. IMS *'""'• *•«

Dated, December snth. imn OHO. \V. KNo'x. Pislntlff'i. Attorney

Office & p. o Addresa O l u r k BullaiM

J.8.iU0.27^3-Ns!t?.Voa",,k|lT-»as>sssassiwsssssssi • • . . — a s s a s o a i • — i ,

STATE OF N E W TOHK—WrPRSatr COURT^NIsgar . County^-Abhte"? Lswrence . Plsiatift, against CaL j McLsod and Others. DefeudaaiT L virtue and in purauance of H \ £ S . of forecloaura and sale duly asaaBi. the above entitled actlsn a n d ^ s t L S la the office ef ths Clerk of - • ""* County on the 31st day of 1918, and an order of resale granted February ith.l91T. I, ths • signed, duly appointed referee hvaali judgment for that purpose, will asfl i , public auction s t the IHW office of V M D. Moyer la the Tyler Hirtir | n the <Sr

Yet there are dozens of uses for Upson. Board for you people right here in Lockport.

If you are going to build or repair—if your ceiling is unsightly or unsafe—by all means, come in and let us show you how Upson Processed Board and our famous Mellotone "Flat Paint" can be used to beautify your building—reduce the cost of maintenance— and make your walls and ceilings more sanitary and more attractive.

O t m Marshall Field & Company in Chicago where it is used for window and store dis­plays, partitions, flooring and many othet ways. N


' estate! OctlEIr*

!"* ussar-

of Lockport, N. Y.. on the ;2nd AsV" M March. 1»1T. at ten o'clock In thelat*. noon of that day. the following dsaeSh ed real property: All that tract^TSr. eel of lend situate in the Town at £ . fans. County ef Niagara and StaiaTn New York, bounded and described mitl-lews: ^Belng psrt of lot numbw tkrer

section number fourteen in theTE of teenth township and sixth range's* tt. Holland Laud Company* Land, so enM

snd described an follows Bt-glnnlng s t the northeast comer af Ihs said !*• a u n k i r »!•»*•• i k . . . . aoutaaril-

Or perhaps you may have seen Upson

able "Made in Lockport" product with its national reputation can be used to your profit and advantage.

We also have a sample and some interest' ing printed matter for you.

bounded ginning i . aald let number three; then. along the east line of the „a._ ^ j - , chains, fifty one links: thenca we« nai-sllel wi th the north line of the sahtku forty-s ix ehsini). sixty-eight links ta (L middle ef a certain highway. thsastSsS twenty-one degrees fortv minutet SSM along the middle of (he said highway s i e v e s chaina alxty-one links ts tte north line of said lot, theme east aiau aald north Hue fifty-one chains, tweiT-ty-four links to the place of begiaaia» containing nfty-one acres and 45-100 g an acre, be the name more or ies»

Dated, Feby. 6, 1917. BURT G. STOCK WELL,

n. n o y a u . _, lteferef FRED D . MOVI

^ ^ y J e T B W g fyler Bldg.. Lockport, X. T. J-«,lI,JO.IT*;.*{-6.l3..'Oc

WALKER & STANNARD, 45-47 N. Transit Street.


HHimitlllHmtHilt)H't!lrlHtrimi1lllltHH.It Widely Imitated—But Never Koualled ll1IHII!!l!IHIII!l!lllll[!llli!lll!l


Eighth Triumphant iMonth s t The Hippodrome Thestre, New York

City i This week Charles Dillingham's tri­

umphant spectacle "The Big Show* which now Includes Annette Keller-raann and her sensational aquatic feature "The Queen of The Mermaids" besides the countless other colossal novelties, will enter upon the eighth successful month of Its unparalleled run. This past week witnessed the passing of its 300th performance, and in the progress of the first three cen­turies at this unique institution, the exact number, of patrons who attend­ed the Hippodrome reached the sur­prising total of 1,355.400 since the sea­son began. This patronage is greater tnan that of all the other musical pro­ductions in New York comMned and establishes a nrw record evelj^ at the world's greetest and most wonderful playhouse. New features are Intro­duced weekly, and those who have al­ready seen "The n ig Show" will find renewed pleasures and new surprises whrn they go again, while any who have not attended this pageant of wonders are. assured that here, at the lowest scale of drlces. Is to be found the biggest amusement attraction In town. Matinees are given daily.

Among these are Robert Peyton Car­ter, David Torrence, Fred Tyler, James L. Carhart, Wallace Jackson, Charles Gay and Mrs. Ada Boshell.

As In "Peter Pan," children con­tribute much to the success of "A Kiss for Clndrella." There are Ave young-ctcrj, in this latest Barrle success in New York. Four are supposed to be war orphans. Cindrella's wards, and the fifth Is a thermometer boy—a ty­pical lEmrrie conceit.

At the Gayety. Nothing better In the way of higher

grade burlesque, clean, crisp comedy and tuneful music has been presented at the Oayety Theatre, Buffalo, this season than is being offered there this week by the Million Dollar Dolls. The production Is strictly tasteful and high class In every particular, and the east includes Lew Hilton, AUce Lar.ar, Bob Kerns, I Slim Kellam, Harry Man-del, Patricia Baker and Grace Sey­mour. There Is a superb chorus of S8 handsome girls.

Coming to the Oayety Theatre next week are the Olobe Trotters.

NOTICE T O CREDITORS. Pursuant to an order of Hon. Norman

D. Fish, Surrogate of Niagara county, notice ta hereby given, to all persons hav­ing claims or demands against Bridget Brady, late of the Town of Royalton, Niagara County, N. Y., deceased, to e x ­hibit tl>* same, with the vouchers thereof, to the subscriber, the Kxeeutor ef the estate of aald deceased, at the law office of William S. Cston. 3S Msln atrset. In the City of Lockport tn said County, oa or before the l t t h dsy of July. 1917.

Dated. Jan. lr.th, 1917. PATRICK DURKIN. Executor.

W. b. CATON, Atty. for Exr., 38 Main St., Lockport. N. Y. »

l - U - m o 7 - l « - l 7 T u e

NOTICE T O CKMUTOas . P u r s u a n t to an order of Hon. Nor­

m a n D. Pish, Surrogate of Xiagata County , not ice i s hereby given, to all persons hav ing claims or demands aga ins t Miles W. "Rockwell, late of the T o w n ot Newfane , Niagara Coun­ty, N . Y., deceased, to exhibit the s e m e , w i t h the vouchers thereof 4* t h e .subscribers , the esecutora ot tha Bast Wi l l s n d Testament of said de­ceased , a t the l aw office of Hopkins « B r i m , Adklns Block, in ths City U Lockport , in said County, on or beta* the 22nd day of March. 1»17.

D a t e d September 18. 1»1«. P R A N C E N A A. STOCKWEU CICERO F. STOUT.

Exrs. i t H O P K I N S It B R I M

At torneys for Exrs., A d k l n s Block.

Lockport , N. T. c 8 - l » - t o S - 1 3 - T u e s

W A S H I N G T O N , Feb , 27— W i t h W a s h i n g t o n hotels crammed to burst ­ing wUh, lh . iugura l v i s i tors from every sec t ion -of the country, cooks and other k i tchen e m p l o y e e s of the more pre ten­t ious hoste lr 'es and res taurants took todsjjr a s the most propit ious and pscy -olog1'4mi""llme to demand bet ter reg ­ular w a g e s , ex tra pay for o v e r - t i m e and a day off each week.

T h e v i s i tors are Just, s s m u c h eon* cerrted a s the hotel m e n and res taura-

br no t only are the hote l s fill-there Is not a hoarding hnu»c

In t o w n that hasn't g u e s t s s l eep ing In the halls .

' vi rn"'i e tc wayfo ed, hut


No Matter How Chronic Parsons' Drug Co. Guarantees San Corn Ointment to Give Relief and Often Perma­nent Cure.

Mia* Mauds Asame at ths. Empins Theatre, New York City

Not s ince "Chantecler" has Miss Maude Adams been surrounded by so l srgr a supporting c s s t a s in her n e w f'arrlc play, "A Kiss for Clndrella," M;tny of the players w h o were wi th jMi**; Adams in "Peter Pan" "The U l t i e Minister," "What Every m a n Knows , "Quality Stree t and "The L e g e n d of U'noro,' are n o w Interpret­ing plcture*.«iuo roles in the new "fnncy,"^ us the nuthor describes it.

ARSCftSOR'R NOTICB. "Notice la Hereby Olven, That the as­

sessment of the expense of the I-oca I Improvement, being local Improvement number 7«3, and being the local Im­provement ordered in snd by sn Ordl-nsnee sdopted by the Common Council of Lockport, en the 25th day of Sep­tember, 19U, entitled an ordinance for grading, curbing and psvtng of Market street snd Ijtke avenue, between the N. Y. C. * H. K. II. Co. tracks and the old Niagara Road, has be^n complete**-, and that the roll thereof will renmln In the hsnds of the ctrv Clerk of snld c\tv, at his office, in the City Building, Pine street , Lockport, N. Y. fer inspection by all persons interested, for five btisl-

*.. -Si"*''* days nest following the dsy of the *v ° - j hrst publication.

NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Pursuant to an order of Hon. Norman

D. Flab. Surrogate of Niagara County, notice ts hereby given te all presons having claims or demands against Char­les A. Taylor, late of the City of Lock-pert, N. Y., deceased, to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, to the sub­scriber, the executor ef the last Will and Testament ot aald deceased, at the law office o* Roy H. Ernest, No. 52 Main street, in the City of Lockport, In said County, on er before the 7th day of July, 1017.

Dated, December 3ftth, 1911. LOUISA 8. CLARK.

Executrix. ROY II. KRNE&T, Attorney for Execu­

trix. 52 Main St., Lockport. N. Y. l .*t*«-!«o

Dated, Ix>ckport N. oIlN

Y„ Feb. 37, 1917. JOHN F. W H A L E N .

As Special assessor named tn said Or­dinance snd by whom said assessment was m»de. 2-27-1


% Jjorost Stwel .

OfLBsarino thai*. It Is claimed that to Colorado thara

is enough oil-hearing shale to supply > 2,000.000.000 barrels of gasollQjs,

Dickson's Boilers, Monuments, aad rHan.

MovingVons s Isifcaraaw 1 dpoelsHy Transfer

i r

Office, 52 Market St. SLW3-F-3

1 "My daughter w s s troubled for over a year with a fever sore on her ICK and waa helpless tn bed for three months. To the great surprise of an. Including the four doctors who ha.J attended her, San Cure Ointment heal ed the great sore in less than six weeks."—J, t>. Hood. Townville, Pa.

Karl C. Hanks, of the Atlantic Re­fining Co., of Pittsburgh, had a sore on his ankle for a year. He doctored, and tried various remedies, without re­lief. He sa*,s: "San Cure Ointment worked like a chttrm. reduced the swelling and healed the sore in tw.> weeks."

Bear In mind, that besides sore*. Hun Ctira ointment I.* lined with Bjre,u success In e?csema, boils, carbuncle**, sale rheum, tetter, also itching, bleed­ing snd protruding piles. In cases of burns, sen ids, euts snd bruises, S*n Cum Is most msiuabie. The pries is

I only 25 cents snd 60 cents a Jar, and»| Parsons' Drug Co. gunrsntees H,



NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Pursuant to an order of Hen. Norman

D. Fish, Surrogate of Nlagsra County, notice Is hereby given, te sll persons having claims or demands against Charles Mack, late of the City Of Leek-port, Niagara County, N. Y.. deceased, to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, to the subscriber, the Adminls< to the subscriber, the trator ef said dercttsed, at bis o »03 I), h. Morgan Building, in the City


ee, No. *• C

on er before of Buffalo. Erie County, 30th day of July. 1317.

Imted, January 19tt>. 1117. WILLIAM R. DANIELS.

Administrator, 903 P. H. Morgan Bldg.,

Tues—1-13to 7-17 Buffalo NT T.


rOMFI.HXION' *0.\f». If you want a lovely complexion,

with soft, velvety sktn. free from ptfhr* plea and blnekhesdn, use San Cur« Moan, the eft-eat antiseptic >.xl skin purifier. 3t cents a e*ke at Parsons' bim Co.



107 MAIN ST, OS*.

Cylinders Re-bored if DDAMA Pistons Fitted J . D K U N A

Oxy-acetylcne Welding!' . B r ^ 3 £ ? £ j - * p SHOES MADE LIKE HEW

J. M. W J L A M I M BViTAieo str. ' fc mm f^m. U

NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Pursuant to nn ordnr of Hen. NortWSS

P . Klsh, Surrognlc of Niagara Qounty, notice lx licrciiy given, to sll persona having cinlms nr demands against •Tworge Hates Thompson, late er the City of I,(H kport. Ni„Kers County, N , Y. , deceased, to exhibit the ssSJe, w i t * the vouchers thereof, to the subscriber, the executor of the T,«sf Will and Testa­ment ef **ld decoBsed, at the law oflioe ef lisvtd Tlce, ss Hsvlngs Hank Bldg. In the •* ' • "- T " - -on or 1RI7.

Dated. February ISth, 1917.

Swomam A. BROCK.

c i t y of Uickport Tn said County, before the t«th dsy of August,

Tues 2-1 Hto «• Executor.

AOT1CE TO CRBDITORa. Pursuant to nn order of Hon. Norman

!>. Klsh, hurrogate ef Niagara County, notl«e Is herebj given, to all persons hav­ing claims or demsnds agslnst Norman P. Keck, late of the Cltr of lockport , Nlagsra County, N. Y., deeeassd, te ea-hiblt the same, with the vouchers there­of, to the subscriber, the executor ef the •stale of said deceased, at the law efflce •f Mickey, Thompson snd Hold. Savings Bank HulMlng. in the City of Lorkpert, la said county, on or before l i s first day of August. 1917.

Dated, Jairunry IS. 1»17. NORMAN J. KJ

HTCKBV. THOMPSON * rK)Lf>, Ally's «or Kxeeutor, M-kpoft , M . T ,

i- is-i7to7-i*.i7 Tues

NOTICE TO CRKUITOBa. Pursuant to an order of Hon. Nor*

man D, Kish. Surrogate of N'iar»r* CfOUnty, notice is hereby given, to t'.l persons having claims or demand! against Martha M. Hichle. late of th* City of Lockport. Niagara County, N. Y., deceased, to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, to the subscrib­er, ths Administratrix of the Goods. Chattels and Credits of said deceased, at the law office of poty, Stockwell k Lelbold. 87 Main Street, in tha City of Lockport, in said County, on or of for* ths ISth day of April. 1917.

Dated Ootobar Sth. l» l i . MARY E. BASSETT,


Attorneys aV Counsellors at law, Attys for Adrurx.

87 Main S t . Loekport. N, T.

olO-l 0t/j4-t-Tuss

NOTICE TO CmBJy-fTORs, Pursuant to aa order of Hon. hw-

man t>. Wsh, Sorrogats of NIMW County, aotlce is hereby *m% to wj persons having claims or «•»*»•; Ga ins t Margaret Hackstt I M S * lockport . N. Y., deceased, to tihIM ths asms, with the • R s f f . ' B to ths subscribers, the AdminlftnUon of said deceased, at ths J*%<™?? ef Judson A Hoiley. over the NjaPj County National **n*-.lJ?e11f, f „ oa or hsdora March l i s t t»".

Dated Ssptsmbsr II. > » i ; „ _ _ CATHBRINE CRAMER THO8. O. CRAMBR. _ ^ ^ Adminlsws»«*

JTJDtON * MOLLEY. Attys for Admi*.

Lockport, N. T. o » . i f o | - t 0 - T o a s — .

NOTICE TO CREWWiW-Pursuant to s o order o r W J J |

man D. Fish. Burrosate ot * ^ County, notics is hersby *}*•*£# psrtons having **^h

c\Jfit% Gainst Michael IX Mack. »Jts " J Village of Cktsport, ^ / ^ B * N. 7 , dsssased. to sshibi 1 * • "»>r with ths vouchsrs t ^ T ^ i V J S S

don. in ths V"1*** °; " .as is) aW said County, on or hsfors t»s i« ar of May, !•»»•. , . ,„ , , , ,


a a o s s H T T M OOODTVAR mom RICJ .uHuro '

Mrs, A. M. stpears, Chad wick, N. T., saya: "About s year s g t I WSJ suffsrtnf frem Indigestion, ' *" soella. Th» food f the stomach I tried a number sf meal cine* but enthlng did me mitcb S j N fjn, til I began taking chamberlains n%4*te-Thev helped me a» e«ce snd t w s bottles sf them cures roe. MM by all d r a g gists

bl l lnusssss asd dtsef I ate mads me SMh s t led s number sf meal-

OEOROE R. W " 1 * ^ ! ' Attornsy far Bascutor.

Mlddleport. N. T. el l - l l to4-84>Tuss

n o n e . w , c w « S saaa ft Fish. laftosTats °* CouniyV sstles is A*"'" £ **T,M

m having elslws or ^ ,M

ssasv g ^

saatast O " ' * ' ™ ^ « ' c s » » 5

Nevetaber.lJ. AVonhTa*..

he EBSftttrls Tsstaatei SdtfS Sf


•aeestr ia tsment of

R 1st



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