OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA. [Published by Authority at 3'30 p.m.] REGISTERED AT THE GENERAL POST OFFICE, PERTH, POE TRANSMISSION ST POST AS A NEWSpA No. 11.] PERTH: FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 24. [1911. NO. 18684.--C.S.O. Bank Holiday at Donnybrook. PROCLAMATION WESTERN AUSTRALIA, / By His Excellency Sir Gerald Strickland, TO WIT. 5 Count della Catena, Knight Commander of U. STRICKLAND, the Most Distinguished Order of St. 'Governor, M ichael and St. George, Governor in and over the State of Western Australia and [L.S.1 its Dependencies, etc., etc., etc. 1/11. IN pursuance of the provisions contained in the fifth section of " The Bank Holidays Act, 1884," I, the Governor of the said State, do by this my Proclamation appoint Thwrsday, the 2nd March, 1911, a. special day to be observed as a Bank Holiday in the Town of Donnybrook. Given under my hand - and the Public Seal of the said State, at Perth, this 22nd day of February, 1911. By His Excellency's Command, .T. D. CONNOLLY, Colonial Secretary. GOD SAVE THE KING ! ! ! Bank Holiday at Wagin. PROCLAMATION SrERN A uSTI;ALIA, / By His Excellency Sir Gerald Strickland, TO WIT y Count della Catena, Knight Commander of time Most Distinguished Order of St. Michael and St. George, Governor in and over the State of Western Australia and its Dependencies, etc., etc., etc. No. .13680.—C.S.O. Bank Holiday at Greenbushes and Balingitp. PROCLAMATION WESTERN AUSTRALIA, TO WIT. G. STRICKLAND; Governor, [L.s.J 1/11. IN pursuance of the provisions contained in the fifth section of "The Bank Holidays Act, 1884," I, the Governor of the said State, do by this my Proclamation appoint Wednesday, the 8th March, 1911, a special day to be observed as a Bank Holiday in the Towns of_ Greenbushes and Balingup. Given under my hand and the Public Seal of the said State, at Perth, this 21st day of February, 1911. By His Excellency's Command, J. D. CONNOLLY, Colonial Secretary. GOD SAVE THE KING ! ! TO WIT. G. STRICKLAND, liOveruor, [L.S.] 1/11. IN pursuance of the provisions contained in the fifth section of "The Bank Holidays Act, 1584," L. the Governor of the said State, do by th!s my Proclamation appoint. Thursday, the 9th March, 1911, a special day to be observed as a Bank Holiday in the Town of Mount Barker. Given under my hand and the Public Seal of the said State, at Perth, this 21st day,of Fehruary, 1911. By His Excellency's Command, - J. D. CONNOLLY, Colonial Secretary. GOD SAVE THE KING I ! ! G. STRICKLAND, Governor. 1/11. IN pursuance of the provisions contained in the fifth section .of "The Bank Holidays Act, 1884," I, the Governor of the said State, do by this my Proclamation appoint Friday, the 3rd March, 1911, a special day to be observed as a Bank Holiday in the Town of Wagin. Given under My hand and the Public Seal of the said State; at Perth, this 21st day of February, 1911. By His Excellency's Command, D. CONNOLLY, Colonial Secretary. GOD SAVE THE KING ! ! ! By His Excellency Sir Gerald Strickland, Count della Catena, Knight Commander of the Most Distinguished. Order of St. Michael and St. George, Governor in and over the State of -Western Australia and its Dependencies, etc., etc., etc. No. 13681.—C.S.O. Bank Holiday at Mount Bader. PROCLAMATION WESTERN AUSTRALIA, By His Excellency Six Gerald Strickland, 5 Count della Catena, Knight Commander of the Most Distinguished Order of St,. Michael and St. George, Governor in and over the State of Western Australia and its Dependencies, etc.,, etc.,. etc..

WESTERN AUSTRALIA. · Michael and St. George, Governor in and over the State of Western Australia and By His Excellency Sir Gerald Strickland, the Most Distinguished Order of St

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Page 1: WESTERN AUSTRALIA. · Michael and St. George, Governor in and over the State of Western Australia and By His Excellency Sir Gerald Strickland, the Most Distinguished Order of St


WESTERN AUSTRALIA. [Published by Authority at 3'30 p.m.]


No. 11.]


NO. 18684.--C.S.O.

Bank Holiday at Donnybrook. PROCLAMATION

WESTERN AUSTRALIA, / By His Excellency Sir Gerald Strickland, TO WIT. 5 Count della Catena, Knight Commander of

U. STRICKLAND, the Most Distinguished Order of St.

'Governor, M ichael and St. George, Governor in and over the State of Western Australia and

[L.S.1 its Dependencies, etc., etc., etc. 1/11.

IN pursuance of the provisions contained in the fifth section of " The Bank Holidays Act, 1884," I, the Governor of the said State, do by this my Proclamation appoint

Thwrsday, the 2nd March, 1911, a. special day to be observed as a Bank Holiday in the Town of Donnybrook.

Given under my hand - and the Public Seal of the said State, at Perth, this 22nd day of February, 1911.

By His Excellency's Command, .T. D. CONNOLLY,

Colonial Secretary. GOD SAVE THE KING ! ! !

Bank Holiday at Wagin.


SrERN A uSTI;ALIA, / By His Excellency Sir Gerald Strickland, TO WIT y Count della Catena, Knight Commander of

time Most Distinguished Order of St. Michael and St. George, Governor in and over the State of Western Australia and its Dependencies, etc., etc., etc.

No. .13680.—C.S.O.

Bank Holiday at Greenbushes and Balingitp.



G. STRICKLAND; Governor,

[L.s.J 1/11.

IN pursuance of the provisions contained in the fifth section of "The Bank Holidays Act, 1884," I, the Governor of the said State, do by this my Proclamation appoint

Wednesday, the 8th March, 1911, a special day to be observed as a Bank Holiday in the Towns of_ Greenbushes and Balingup.

Given under my hand and the Public Seal of the said State, at Perth, this 21st day of February, 1911.

By His Excellency's Command,

J. D. CONNOLLY, Colonial Secretary.



G. STRICKLAND, liOveruor,


1/11. IN pursuance of the provisions contained in the fifth section of "The Bank Holidays Act, 1584," L. the Governor of the said State, do by th!s my Proclamation appoint.

Thursday, the 9th March, 1911, a special day to be observed as a Bank Holiday in the Town of Mount Barker.

Given under my hand and the Public Seal of the said • State, at Perth, this 21st day,of Fehruary, 1911.

By His Excellency's Command, -

J. D. CONNOLLY, Colonial Secretary.


G. STRICKLAND, Governor.

1/11. IN pursuance of the provisions contained in the fifth section .of "The Bank Holidays Act, 1884," I, the Governor of the said State, do by this my Proclamation appoint

Friday, the 3rd March, 1911, a special day to be observed as a Bank Holiday in the Town of Wagin.

Given under My hand and the Public Seal of the said State; at Perth, this 21st day of February, 1911.

By His Excellency's Command,

D. CONNOLLY, Colonial Secretary.


By His Excellency Sir Gerald Strickland, Count della Catena, Knight Commander of the Most Distinguished. Order of St. Michael and St. George, Governor in and over the State of -Western Australia and its Dependencies, etc., etc., etc.

No. 13681.—C.S.O.

Bank Holiday at Mount Bader.

PROCLAMATION WESTERN AUSTRALIA, By His Excellency Six Gerald Strickland,

5 Count della Catena, Knight Commander of the Most Distinguished Order of St,. Michael and St. George, Governor in and over the State of Western Australia and its Dependencies, etc.,, etc.,. etc..

Page 2: WESTERN AUSTRALIA. · Michael and St. George, Governor in and over the State of Western Australia and By His Excellency Sir Gerald Strickland, the Most Distinguished Order of St



No. 13682.—C.S.O.

Bank Holiday at Narrogin.


By His Excellency Sir Gerald Strickland, Count della, Catena, Knight Commander of the Most Distinguished Order of St. Michael and St. George, Governor in and over the State of Western, Australia and its Dependencies, etc., etc., etc.

1/11. IN pursuance of the provisions contained in the fifth section of "The Bank Holidays Act, 1884," I, the Governor of the said State, do by this my Proclamation appoint

Thur'sday, the 9th March, 1911,

a special day to be observed as a Bank Holiday in the Town of. Narrogin.

Given under my hand and the Public Seal of the said State, at Perth, this 21st day of February, 1911.

By His Excellency's Command,

J. D. CONNOLLY, Colonial Secretary.


No. 13683.—C.S.O.


Stirling Estate Reserve.


WESTERN AUSTRALIA, ( By His Excellency Sir Gerald Strickland, TO WIT. .1 Cotfut della Catena, Knight Commander of

the Most Distinguished Order of St. G. STRICKLAND, Michael and St. George, Governor in and

Governor. over the State of Western Australia and its LL.s.] Dependencies, etc., etc., etc.

4933/10. • WHEREAS by a Proclamation published in the Govern-ment Gazette on the 25th day of November, 1910, the Stirling Estate, near Capel, was declared a Reserve Inc Native Game: And whereas it is desirable that the sail Proclamation should be revoked: Now therefore I, the said Governor, with the advice and consent of the 'Execu-tive Council, do hereby revoke the said Proclamation, and declare that from the publication of this Proclamation in the Government Gazette the Stirling Estate shall cease to be a Reserve for Native Game.

Given under my hand and the Public Seal of the said State, at Perth, this 21st clay of Febru-ary, 1911.

By His Excellency's Command,

.T. D. CONNOLLY, Colonial Secretary.


The Land Act. 1.898.


(Remo: pti o n)


G. STRICKLAND, Governor.


Count della Catena, Knight Commander of

Michael and St. George, Governor in and over the State of Western Australia and

By His Excellency Sir Gerald Strickland,

the Most Distinguished Order of St.

its Dependencies, etc., etc., etc. [L.s.1

9552/08. WHEREAS by Section 9 of "The Land Act, 1898," the Governor may resume, for any of the purposes speci-fied in Section 39 of the said Act, any portion of land held as a Conditional Purchase: Anil whereas it is (loomed expedient that Die portions of the conditional purchases, as described hereunder, should be resumed for one of the purposes specified. du paragraph 12 of Section 39 of the said Act, that is to say, for "Gravel": Now there-fore I, Sir Gerald Strickland, Count della Catena, Gover-nor as aforesaid, with the advice of the Executive Conn-

cil do by this my Proclamation resume those portions of Williams Location 4157 (C.P. 15113/55) and Narrogin Agricultural Area Lot 92 (C.P. 6318/55), respectively, for the purpose aforesaid:—

Schedule. 1. That portion of Williams Location 415,7 bounded

oh the -North-Eastward and North-Westward by lines starting from a point on the North-Eastern boundary of such location situated 12 chains 12 5/10 links from its North corner, and extending 121deg. 32ndu. S eltitins 34 links, and 211deg. 32min. (3 chains; the opposite boun-daries being parallel and equal (15113/55).

2. That portion of Narrogiu Agricultural Area Lot 92, bounded by lines starting from the North-West corner of such .lot, and extending 89deg. 59min 7 chains 51 2/10 links; thence 183deg. 17min. 6 chains 884/10 links; thence 273deg. 17min. 7 chains 49 8/10 links, and thence 3deg. 17min. 6 chains 45 2/10 links to the starting point. (Plan 385A/40.)

Given under my hand and the Public Seal of the said State, at Perth, this 21st day of February, 1911.

By His Excellency's Command,

J. D. CONNOLLY, for Minister for Lands.


Licensing Act, 1911.

PROCLAMATION WESTERN AUSTRALIA, By His Excellency Sir Gerald Strickland,

TO WIT. 5 Count della Catena, Knight Commander of the Most Distinguished Order of St. Michael and St. George, Governor in and over the State of Western Australia and

[L.s.] its Dependencies, etc., etc., etc.

WHEREAS by " The Licensing Act, 1911," it is enacted that the said Act shall come into operation on a day to be fixed by Proclamation: Nov therefore I, the said Goyernor, acting by and with the advice of the Executive Council, do hereby fix the seventh day of April, One thou-sand nine hundred and eleven, as the date on which " The Licensing Act, 1911," shall come into operation.

Givon under my hand and the Public Seal of the swi ll State, at Perth, this 21st day of February, 1911.

By His Excellency's Command,

J. L. NANSON, Attorney General


Tile Land i et, 1898.


.11 Gm Executive Council Chamber, at Perth, this twenty-first day of February, 1911.

,Ptcsen/: His Excellency the Governor.

The lionourables—The Prelnier, The Colonial Secret y.

9951/10. WHEREAS by Section 42 of "The Land Act, 1898," it is Illftde lawful for the Governor to direct that any Reserve shall vest in and be held by any Municipality, Road Board, or other person or persons to be named in the order, in trust for any of the purposes set forth in Section :39 of the said Act, or for the like or other public purposes to be specified iu such order, and with power of leasing for any term not exceeding twenty-one years from the (late of the lease: And whereas it is deemed expedient that Reserve 13257 (Albany) should vest in and be held by the Honourable the Minister for Agri-culture: Now, therefore, His Excellency the Governor, by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council, (loth hereby direct that the before-mentioned Reserve shall vest in and be held by the Honourable the Minister for Agriculture with power to the said Honour-able the Minister for Agriculture to lease the whole or any portion of the said Reserve for any term not ex-ceeding twenty-one years from the date of the lease.

BERNARD PARKER, Clerk of the Council.


G. STRICKLAND, Governor.


G. STRICKLAND, Governor.

Page 3: WESTERN AUSTRALIA. · Michael and St. George, Governor in and over the State of Western Australia and By His Excellency Sir Gerald Strickland, the Most Distinguished Order of St

FRB. 24, 1911.] GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A.. 911

The Roads Act, 1902.


.11 the Executive Council Chamber, at Perth. this four-teenth day of February, 1911.


His Excellency the Governor. The Honourables—The Premier,

The Attorney General, A. Male, M.L.A.

11750/10. WHEREAS by Section 96 of "The Roads Act, 1902," it is provided that. subject to the provisions of "The Permanent Reserves Act, 1899," the Governor may place any Public Reserve under the control and management of a Road Board, and that for the purpose of controlling or managing such Reserve the Board shall have all the power of a Board of Parks and Reserves appointed under " The Parks and Reserves Act, 1895." together with the powers conferred by "The Roads Act, 1902"; And whereas it is expedient that Reserves 9056 (Travel. lers and Stock), 701.5 (water), 1555, 7604, 462A, and 7126 (Water), Katanning, should be placed under the control and management of the Katanning Road Board: :Now, therefore, His Excellency the Governor, by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council, and in exercise of the power conferred by the recited section of " The Roads Act, 1902," doth hereby place the said Reserves under the control and management of the Katanning Road Board.

BERNARD PARKER, Clerk of the Council.

The Land Act, 1898.


At the Executive Council Chamber, at Perth, this first day of February, 1911.



His Excellency the Governor. The ,Ilossou ra I) les—The Premier,

The Colonial Secretary.

WHEREAS by Section 42 of ' The Land Act, 1898," it is made lawful for the Governor to direct that any Reserve shall vest in and be held by any Municipality, Road Board, or other person or persons to be named in the order, in trust for any of the purposes set forth in Section 39 of the said Act, or for the like or other public purposes to be specified in such order: And whereas it is deemed expedient that. Reserve 13266 (Warralllb00, near Paynesville) should vest in and be held by the Hon. Minister for Railways, as a Water Reserve for Railway purposes; Now, therefore, His Excellency the Governor, by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council, doth hereby direct that the before-mentioned Reserve shall vest in and be held by the Him. Minister for Railways; subject never-theless to the powers reserved to me by Section 41 of the said Act.

BERNARD PARKER, Clerk of the Council.


The Treasury, T. 573/11. Perth, 22nd February, 1911.

IT is hereby notified that His Excellency the Governor, with the advice of the Executive Council, has authorised, in pursuance of "The General Loan and Inscribed Stock Act, 1910," the creation and issue of Western Australian Local Inscribed Stock, at par, amounting to £650,000; the said stock to bear interest at the rate of 3% per cent. per annum, and to be redeemable at par on the 1st January, 192G.

FRANK WILSON, Colonial Treasurer.

Treasury, Perth, 22nd February, 1911.

HIS Excellency the Governor in Executive Council has been pleased to make the following appointments:—

Lands Department. E. A. Black to be Certifying and Authorising Officer,

vice H. H. Hamersley. H. F. Miller to be Authorising Officer. R. E. Courtenay to be Certifying Officer.

Colonial Secretary's Department. S. A. Jarman to be Acting Paying Officer, as from

the 21st instant, vice J. Minihan, transferred.

Public Works Department. G. P. Keogh to be Certifying Officer during the ab-

sence of F. H. Young on long service leave, to 31st proximo.

Government Savings Bank. Philip Egerton Warburton to be Assistant Agent,

Kurrawa.ng, vice H. H. Howell, resigned.

L. S. ELIOT, Under T easurer.


Notification of Vacancies.

The Treasury, Perth, 23rd February, 1911.

APPLICATIONS are invited by the Commonwealth Public Service Commissioner from persons qualified for appointment to the positions specified below.

Applicants outside the Public Service are not eligible for appointment to Clerical and General Division vacan-cies, except for positions for which they have qualified by examination.


Under Treasurer.

Position, Locality, Divisions, Class or Grade, and Salary-, and Applications returnable.

Department of Home Affairs. Office Cleaner, Melbourne, £60 to £126. This is in

lien of notification which appeared in Gazette of 11th idem, under heading "Department External Affairs." 25th February, 1911.

Department of Treasury. Typist and Shorthand Writer, Adelaide, £72 to £150.

4th March, 1911.

Postmaster General's Department. New South Wales.

Clerk, Sydney, 4th Class, Electrical Engineer's Branch (telephones), £185 to £2S5. 4th March, 1911.

Queensland. Postmaster, Cloncurry, Grade 5, £260 to £285, less

10 per cent. for rent; - quarters to consist of five rooms, kitchen, bathroom, and wash-house. 4th March, 1911.

Carpenter, Brisbane, Grade 5, £156. 4th March; 1911. Senior Lineman, Brisbane, £144 to £156. Applicants

should be competent cable jointers. 4th March, 1911.

Line Foreman, No. 7 Party, North Coast District, £168. 4th March, 1911.

South Australia. Postmaster, Pinaroo, Grade 6, £185 to £235, less 10

per cent. for rent; present quarters consist of three rooms; new quarters being erected which will consist of five rooms and conveniences. 4th March, 1911.

Tasmania. Postmaster, Gormanston, Grade 7, £120 to £185, less

10 per cent. for rent; quarters: four rooms, kitchen, pantry, and bath-room. 4th March, 1911.

Page 4: WESTERN AUSTRALIA. · Michael and St. George, Governor in and over the State of Western Australia and By His Excellency Sir Gerald Strickland, the Most Distinguished Order of St

912 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A. [FEB. 24, 1911.

Treasury, Perth, 15th February, 1911.

THE following Statement of Goods purchased by the Railway Department, under Section 41, Subsection (c), of the Tender Board Regulations, is published for general information.

L. S. ELIOT, Under Treasurer.

List of Material purchased outside Contracts by Railway Stores. Invoices passed during month of Janwiry, 1911.

Amounts-125 and over.

Date. Name. Material. Rate Per. Amount. Total.

1910-11. £ s. d. £ s. d. Dec. 17 Bon Marche, Ltd. ••• 203 roller towels for 43 16 10 Dec. 19 Bunning Bros. ••• 487 sleepers ... 2s. Id. each 50 14 7 Dec. 15 Do. ••• 1,454 sleepers 2s. ld. each 151 9 2 Dec. 19 Do. ••• 4 piles, 222ft. for 28 7 0 Jan. 10 Do. ••• '2,041 sleepers 2s. I d. each 212 12 1 Jan. 12 Do. ••• 559 sleepers ... 2s. Id. each 58 4 7 Dec. 9 Do. ••• 336 sleepers ... 2s. 1 d, each 35 0 0

536 71. 5 Jan. 10 General Electrical En-

gineering Co. 1 mortising machine for 75 0 0

Jan. 16 Leslie & Coy. 100gals. crucible anti-corrosive paint 5s. Rid. gal 28 10 10

Dec. 15 Millar's Karri & Jarrah 3,600ft. jarrah fot 33 6 0 Co., Ltd.

Dec. 31 Do. 385 sleepers ... 2s. 2d. each 41 14 Nov. Do. 1,501 sleepers 2s. 2d. each 162 12 2 Dec. 14 Do. 5,050ft. jarrah for 30 6 0 Dec, 30 Do. 3,368ft. 3in. jarrah for 27 4 1 Dec. 21 Do. 6,139ft. jarrah for 36 16 8

331 19 1

Dec. Dec.

22 31

Makutz, B.... Stewarts & Lloyds

6 safes for 101ft. 5in. 8in.-pipe, 1 Hopkinson's pat. par. for

slide valve, No. 2017 ; 2 bends, 29 flanges, 4 tees

83 I19 8

14 0 8

Dec. 31 Statham, 120 tons 17cwt. blue metal 7s. ton 42 5 11 Dec. 31 Do. 112 tons 4cwt. 3qrs. blue metal ... 7s. ton 39 5 8 , Dec. 31 Do. ... 108 tons 5 cwt. lqr. blue metal ... 7s. ton 37 17 10

119 9 5 Jan. 12 Adelaide Timber Co. 533 sawn sleepers ... Is. 7d. each 42 3 11 Jan. 24 Britten, W. 1,103.hewn sleepers ... . Is. 4d. each 73 10 8 Jan. 6 Denny Bros. 150ft. Victor steam hose, vein. x 5-ply .. 5s. 77d. ft. 42 6 10 Dec. 16 Dawson, J. 22cwt. Oqrs. 121bs steel castings ... . for 37 11 8 Dec. 9 Do. ... 16cwt. Oqrs. 251bs. steel castings for 27 11 7

65 3 3 Jan. 24 Delaney, M. ••• 2,064 hewn sleepers Is. 6d. each 154 16 0 Dec. The Donnelly Karri Co. 6,593ft. lin. sawn karri for 65 18 7 Nov. 21-28 Dorman, Long, & Co. Ltd. 15tons 16ewt. Oqrs. 7lbs. plates and angles for 159 17 6 Jan. 3 Hoffman Steam Pressed 10,100 bricks 50s. 1,000 25 5 0

Brick Co. Dec. 13 Daniel Lee & Son ... lOcwt. curled horse-hair ... for 69 12 1 Jan. 21 Merritt, T. . 2,181 hewn sleepers ls. 7d. each 172 13 3 Dee. 23 Monier Patent Propy. 17 circular pipes, 4ft. Gin, din. ... 110s.' each 93 10 0

Co., Ltd. Jan. 23 McMahon, T. ... 4,487 hewn sleepers s. 7d. cools 355 4 5 Dec. 23 Noyes Bros. Propy.,

Ltd. 50 Tudor L.B. positive plates 12s. each 30 0 0 !

Jan. 3 Do. 200 8 e.p. 16 volt Osram lamps ... 2s, 11d. each 29 3' 4 59 3 4

26 .*•2 6 Dec. Jan.

24 3

Port, Honey, & Co. Plewright & Mann

718 sleepers ... 3,688ft. 7in. sawn wandoo

2s, each for

71 16 0

Jan. 3 Do. 3,7GGft. Gin. sawn wandoo for 26 13 52 16 1 50 Jan. 10 Summers, H. ... 601 S.B.C. Stone's lamps ... ls. 8d. each 1 8

Jan. 24 Truarn, G. H. ... 1,537 hewn sleepers ls. 4d, each 102 9 4 Dec. 2 Wunderlich, Ltd. 336 steel and zinc panels ... for 191 0 0

3,185 14 2

Crown Law Department, Perth, 22nd February, 1911.

HIS Excellency the Governor in Executive Council has been pleased to approve of the folowing appoint-ments:--

C.L.D. 1411/09.-Messrs. C. S. .1. Baesjou and W. H. Angove, .1! 's.P., to be (with the Resident Magistrate) the Licensing Magistrates for the Plantagenet Licensing District.

C.L.D. 733/03.-Messrs. Richard Gale and Frederick William Ponsonby Cammilleri, 's.P., to be (with the Resident Magistrate) the Licensing Magistrates for the Sussex Licensing District.

C.L.D. 2665/03.-R. Fairbairn to temporarily act as one of the Licensing Magistrates for the Perth Licensing District, vice R. A. Sholl.

C.L.D. 883/09.-Tudor Henry McMinn as Assistant Clerk of Courts, Beverley, as from the 7th instant,

C.L.D. 80/08.-J. I. Stephen as Acting Clerk of Courts, Onslow, during the absence on leave of C. C. Parsons.

C.E.D. 2935/7.,-.T. J. 'Tones as Clerk of the Local Court and Clerk to Magistrates, Pingelly„ during the ab-sence on sick leave of W. Carroll.

C.L.D. 1426/11.-J. G. Wilcox to be acting Electoral Registrar for the Albany Electoral District, vice S. G. Jeffery, transferred. as from the 9th February. 1911.

C.L.D. 1419/11.-S. G. Jeffery, Acting Electoral Re-gistrar for the Coolgardie Electoral District, rice E. Y. Butler, transferred, as from the 14th February, 1911.

C.L.D. 5384/10.-Henry Booth Barron as Acting Clerk of the Local Court and Acting Clerk to Magistrates, Malcolm.

H. G. HAMPTON, 'Under SeCretary for Law.

Page 5: WESTERN AUSTRALIA. · Michael and St. George, Governor in and over the State of Western Australia and By His Excellency Sir Gerald Strickland, the Most Distinguished Order of St

FEB. 24, 1911.] GOVERNMENT GAZETTE. W.A. 913

Crown Law Department, Perth, 22nd February, 1911.

THE Honourable the Attorney General; acting herein under order of the Governor in Council, made the 28th day of March, 1906, under the provisions of "The Con-stitution Act, 1889," has been pleased to make the fol-lowing appointments:-

C.L.D. 2470/07.—Constable Barry as Bailiff of the Local Court, Sandstone, vice Constable McDonald, re-signed, as from the 13th instant.

C.L.D. 5302/09.—Constable 'Connor as Bailiff of the Local Court, Goo:nailing.

H. G. HAMPTON Under Secretary for Law.


Crown Law Department, C.L. 1238/11. Perth, 15th February, 1911.

THE Hon. the Attorney General has appointed, under the, provisions of Section 99 of "The Electoral Act, 1907," the undermentioned Polling Places in the Bun-bury District, at the Election to be held on Wednesday, the 1st of March, 1911:-

Bunbury.--Court House (Chief Polling Place). Australind, School House. East Bunbury, Mr. B. Chamberlain's Resi-

dence. Picton, Public Hall. South Bunbury, Fire Brigade Station.

H. G. HAMPTON, Under Secretary for Law.

Office of Public Service Commissioner, Perth, 23rd February, 1911.

HIS Excellency the Governor in Executive Council has approved of the following appointments:—

Ex. Co. 506; P.S.C. 75/11.. C. R. S. Richardson to be Assistant Lightkeeper, Cape

Inscription, at a salary of £100 per annum, with quar-ters, fuel, and light, and a district allowance of £1.0 per annum, as from 7th January, 1911.

Ex. Co. 405; P.S.C. 1027/10. F. Palmer, Works Supervisor, Public Works Depart-

ment, to be District Inspector of. Works, Albany at a salary of £270 per annum, as from 10th February, 1911.

Ex. Co. 753; P.S.C. 446/10. F. L. Stow, LL. D., to be Assistant Parliament Drafts-

man, Crown Law Department, at a salary of £425 per annum, as from 27th June, 1910.

Ex. Co. 730; P.S.C. 233/11. H. Hamersley, the Book-keeper, Lands and Surveys

Department, to be Assistant to the Under Secretary for Lands, at a salary of £405 per annum, as from 1st March, 1911, vice R. Wigglesworth, deceased.

H. Farmer, Assistant to the -Under Secretary for Lands, to be Officer in charge, Melbourne Agency, at his present salary of £500 per annum, as from 1st March, 1911, vice R. L. Gilbert., transferred.

Ex. Co. 730; P.S.C. 233/11. J. 17. Conway, Technical and Statistical Clerk, Lands

and Surveys Department, to be Assistant to the Under Secretary for Lands, at a salary of £405 per annum, as from lst March, 1911, vice H. Farmer, transferred.

W. P. Odell, Clerk in charge of correspondence, Lands and Surveys Department, to be Clerk in charge of Roads and ReSerVes Branch, at a salary of £270 per annum, as from 1st March, 1911, - vice U. E. Bertoli, resigned.

M. E. JULL, Public Service Commissioner.

Office of Public Service Commissioner, Perth, 23rd February, 1911.

1118 Excellency the Governor in Executive Council has approved of the following reclassification :-

Existing Classification.

Position and Classification. Public Debts Accountant, Examiner, and Statistical Offi-

cer, Treasury—Class.' A"; minimum £405, maximum £450.

Amended Classification. Public Debts Accountant and Statistical Officer—Class. A salary £405.

M. E. JULL, Public Service Commissioner.

Office of Public Service Commissioner, Perth, 23rd February, 1911.

HIS Excellency the Governor in Executive Council has approved of the following amendments to the Public Service Regulations:—

Ex. Co. 781; P.S.C. 237/11. Regulation 4 amended by the substitution of the office

of "Senior Assistant to the Under Secretary for Lands" in lieu of "Chief Clerk, Lands."

Ex. Co. 731; P.S.C. 757/10. Regulation .195 amended by the substitution of the

following clause in lieu of the existing second clause:— "No person temporarily employed, if between 15 and

20 years of age, shall be paid at a higher rate than such person would receive if permanently employed. Persons between 20 and 24 years of age must not be paid at a higher rate than Ss. 4d. per diem. In special cases, if approved by the Commissioner, a salary exceeding these limitations may be paid."

M. E. JULL, Public Service Commissioner.


Colonial Secretary's Office, Perth, 24th February, 1911. -

HIS Excellency the Governor in Council has been pleased to approve the following appointments:-

4036/10.—E. C. Lovely to be Secretary and .Dis-penser, Coolgardie Hospital, vice W. J. Fimister, re-signed.

857/11.—Dr. J. H. L. Cumpston to be Acting President of the Central Board of Health during the absence from the State of the President, Dr. -T. W. Hope.

808/11.—S. G. Jeffery to act as District Registrar of Births, Deaths, and Marriages for the Coolgardie Re-gistry District, to reside at Coolgardie, during the absence on leave of M. Cohn; appointment to date from he 27th February, 1911.

F: D. NORTH, Under Secretary.

No. 13686.—C.S.O.


Colonial Secretary 's Perth, 24th February, 1911.

5028/10. HIS Excellency the Governor in Council has been pleased to confirm the following By-laws made by the-Council of the North Fremantle Municipality.

F. D. NORTH, Under Secretary.

Whereas by Section 179, Subsection 42, of "The Municipal Corporations Act of 1906," the North Fre-mantle Municipality has power to make By-laws for the regulation of traffic in public places: Now, therefore, in pursuance of the powers in that behalf contained in the said Act, the North Fremantle Municipality doth hereby make the following By-laws, and numbered 43:—

Riding and Driving round Corners. etc. 1. No person shall ride on horseback, or drive any

vehicle or machine at a faster pace . than; a walk, round the corner of any public road, or overstreet crossings or footpaths, or into or out of any right-of-Way, or lane; or private premises. Before commencing to turn in any public place, the driver of any machine, or vehicle, or animal shall bring such machine, or vehicle, or animal to a walking pace.

Lights on Vehicles. 2. No person shall drive a vehicle of any k _ d what-

soever through, upon, or in any public place, between sunset and sunrise, without displaying a light on the driving side of such vehicle, visible to persons either meeting or following such vehicle.

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Not to Ride, Drive, or Lcad Of Machine on Footway.

3. No person shall ride, drive, or lead any animal upon or along any fbotway made or set apart for the use of foot passengers, or drive a vehicle or propel any machine or wheelbarrow thereon, except at the entrance to any premises where a proper crossing-place has been provided: Provided that where for any reason the roads are impassable, bicycles, tricycles, or velocipedes may be led along a footway, but in such case care shall be taken not to obstruct the traffic of passengers on the footway: Provided, also, that this shall not apply where such person has obtained the permission of the Council.

Lights to be on Machines.

4. Every person who rides, propels, or uses a machine during the hours between sunset and sunrise in any public place shall carry a lamp. The said lamp shall be attached to the machine, and shall be so constructed and placed as to exhibit a light in the direction in which the rider or driver is proceeding, and such lamp shall be so lighted and kept lighted as to adequately indicate the approach and position of such machine.

Warning of approach to be given.

5. Every person who rides, propels, or uses a machine, and overtakes with such machine any vehicle, animal, or foot-passenger proceeding along the carriage-way in any public place, shall, within a reasonable dis-tance from and before passing such vehicle, animal, or foot-passenger, by a horn, bell, whistle, or other device, give audible and sufficient warning of the approach of such machine.

Rule of the Road.

6. Every person riding, propelling, or driving any machine, vehicle, or animal on any public place shall keep such machine, vehicle, or animal as near as practi-cable to the side of the public place, which is to the left of such person. He shall permit any overtaking machine, vehicle, or animal to pass. When about to stop he shall raise his hand or whip straight up, to warn others fol-lowing.

Duty when overtaking Vehicle or Aniviai. 7. Every person who, riding, propelling, or using a

machine, or vehicle, or animal, overtakes and passes any machine, vehicle, or animal, shall keep on the right or off-side of the machine, vehicle, or animal which he so overtakes and passes.

Duty when Machine causes Animal to become restive. 8. In every ease where a person riding, driving, pro-

pelling, or using a machine in any public place, meets or overtakes any animal or vehicle, and where any animal on such meeting or overtaking becomes restive or alarmed, or ceases or may cease to be under the due control of the person for the time being in charge of the animal or vehicle, the person riding, driving, propelling, or using the machine shall, as speedily as possible, stay the pro-gress of the same and keep it stationary as long as may be necessary to allow of such annual being removed from the proximity of such machine.

Person in charge not to be distant or absent from Vehicle or Animal unless provision duly made for safety.

9. Any person in charge of a vehicle or animal upon any public place shall not be at such a distance from such vehicle or animal as to prevent his having full con-trol over the same; and, if absent. for more than five minutes, shall leave some competent person in charge of such vehicle or animal, or, if absent for not longer than five minutes at one time for some necessary purpose, he shall securely fasten the animal, or lock the wheel of the vehicle, or otherwise make due provision for the control of the animal or vehicle.

Loading to be securely fastened.

10. No person shall in any public place drive or con-duct any vehicle upon which the loading is not safely and securely fastened, and, in the case of timber, so fastened as to prevent flapping or swaying, and, in the ease of loading- extending beyond or overhanging any portion of such vehicle, so loaded as to be parallel to the sides of such vehicle.

Owner to provide good and sufficient Harness. IL No person shall drive any vehicle upon any public

place, unless the animal attached to the same is provided with safe and suitable harness sufficient to enable the driver to guide and control such animal and to regulate Om speed thereof.

Speed of Machines. 12. No person shall ride, drive, propel, or use a

machine along, in, or through any public place at a speed greater than the following:--That portion of Victoria Avenue situated between the vehicular traffic bridge over the Swan River and the Rocky Bay Government Tramway Crossing, six miles an hour. Where not otherwise pro-vided for, 10 miles an hour. When crossing the inter-sections of any public roads, or when turning the corner of any such public road, four miles an hour. No such person shall at any time ride, drive, propel, or use a machine in any public place at such a rate of speed or so recklessly, or negligently, or in such manner as to en-danger the safety of, or frighten or injure any person, animal, vehicle, or property in or upon such public place. Person riding or driving an Animal, a Vehicle, or a Machine, .which, causes injury, to stop a reasonable time.

13. No person riding, driving, propelling, or using an animal, a vehicle, or a machine, which has in any public place caused any accident, injury, or collisiOn to or with any person, animal, machine, or vehicle, or has in any way been concerned in such accident, injury, or collision, shall proceed on his way without stopping to ascertain the extent of any injuries caused, and giving his name' and address to the person injured or to some person on his behalf.

Furious Riding or Driving. 14. No person shall ride or drive through, or on,

any public place so* negligently, furiously, or recklessly as to endanger the safety of, or frighten or injure any person,' animal, vehicle, or property.


15. No person shall loiter upon any footway, road, or public place to the inconvenience of passers-by, or the interruption of traffic, and no person shall obstruct the free passage of the public upon any footway or public place, after being. requested by any servant of the Council or any police officer to discontinue so doing; and any police officer may without any other authority than this by-law, prosecute any person offending against this clause.

Grossing footways with Vehicles. 16. Where provision has not been made for vehicles

to cross glitters and footways to enter laud adjoining a road, any person who desires to rinse vehicles to so cross any gutter or footway shall before doing so apply to the Town Cleric for and obtain a permit. If any damage is caused to the footpath by such vehicles, such person shall repair such damage to the satisfaction of the Corm- cil their authorised servant; and if such damage be not repaired, the Council or such servant may give a. written order to repair it within a specified reasonable time.

P Cis() 115 In (Vel'ei..n! Of St al it oly poet(' tR. Provided that nothing in this (douse shall apply to the

exercise by any body or person. of any statutory power conferred on such body or person.

(Meaning of "Machine" and "Public Road." 17. Throughout this by-law for the regulation of

traffic, the expression "machine" shall extend to and in-chide a bicycle, tricycle, velocipede, motor-cycle, motor-carriage, traction engine, and any other cofotrivance pro-pelled or driven by human or mechanical power; and "public, road" shall include the footway and carriage-way thereof.

Processions or Parades interfering -with Traffic. 18. No person shall, without the written consent of

the Council first obtained, organise any procession or parade of any kind within or along any public road or public place. Any person who shall join or take part in any procession or parade to which the Council's consent has not been obtained shall, if such procession or parade cause any obstruction to the traffic along or through such public road or public place, be guilty of an offence against this By-law.

Penalty. 19. Any person offending against or committing a

breach of any provision of this By-law shall be liable, where mio other penalty is provided, to a penalty not cooling Twenty pounds.

Passed by the Council and sealed with the t_onlinon teal of the Municipality of North _Fremantle, this 20th day of October, .1910.

.1011N Cli 13111 ?, hyor,

W. D. EVAN S, Town Clerk.

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FEB. 24, 1911.]


No. 13687.—C.S.O.


Colonial Secreta ry 's Office, 561/11. Perth, 24th February, 1911.

HIS Excellency the Governor in Council has been pleased to approve the following By-laws made by the Dumble-yung Local Board of Health.

F. D. NORTH, Under Secretary.



WHEREAS by "The Health Act, 1S98," and the Acts amending the same, the Local Board of Health has power to make By-laws: Now, therefore, in pursuance of the powers in that behalf contained in the said Act, and the

- Acts amending , the same, the Local Board of Health cloth hereby make the following By-laws:—


The following words in these By-laws shall be inter-preted as follows:-

" Offensive material " means and includes dust, mud, ashes, rubbish, filth, blood, offal, manure, dung, soil, or any other material which is offensive collected, placed, or found in or about any house, stable, cowhouse, pigsty, lane, yard, street, or place whatsoever.

" House refuse " means and includes all rubbish or waste materials.

" Closet " means and includes water-closets, earth closets, and privies.

C' Approved " means approved by the Local Board.

Cl Foundation " means the solid ground or arti-ficially-formed support on which the footings of a wall rest.

' C Occupier " means the inhabitant occupier of any laud, or, if there be no inhabitant occu-pier, the person entitled to the possession thereof, and shall include leaseholder, or holder under agreement for lease.

"Board" means the Local Board of Health for the District of Dumbleyung.

BY-LAW No. 1. Regulating the removal of dust, ?nud, ashes, rubbish, filth,

hived, offal, manure, dung, or soil collected, placed, Or found in or about any house, stable, cowhousc, pigsty, lane, yard, street, or place whatsoever.

(a.) The occupier or owner of every house or pre-mises shall at least once a week remove therefrom all offensive material found- in or about such house or premises.

(b.) He shall cause such offensive material to be conveyed to such places as may from time to time be appointed by the Board.

Every person who shall convey any offensive material through or along any street or lane shall, previous to and during the whole time of such conveyance, cause such offensive material to be covered with a suitable deodo-rant, or shall adopt such other precautions as may be necessary to prevent the emission of noxious or offensive odours or effluvium tuerefrom, and the same shall not be de-posited in any place other than the place --;et apart by the Board for that purpose.

(0.) He shall, for the purpose of such removal, in every case use or cause to be used a suit-able vessel or receptacle, cart, or vehicle, pro-perly constructed and furnished with a suffi-cient covering so as to prevent the escape of the contents thereof.

(e.) If in the process of such removal any person shall slop or spill or cause or allow to fall upon any footway, pavement, carriage-way,

or public place any such offensive material, he shall forthwith remove such offensive material from the place, whereon the same may have been slopped or spilled or may have fallen, and shall hnmediately thereafter thoroughly cleanse such place.

BY-LAW No. 2.

Requiring the occupiers of houses or premises to provide boxes or other specified receptacles for the temporary deposit of house refuse. (a.) The occupier of every house or premises shall,

on written notice froth the Inspector, and within the time specified in such notice, pro-vide such and so many covered receptacles and of the dimensions and materials required by the Board for the temporary deposit of house refuse.

(b.) The occupier of such house or premises shall daily collect all house refuse from such pre-mises and place the same in the receptacles, and he shall not permit or suffer any such receptacle to overflow, be left uncovered, or become offensive, and shall, when necessary or when directed by the Inspector or officer of the Board, thoroughly cleanse and disin-fect the same forthwith.

He shall keep every such receptacle as afore-said in such place or position as the Inspector may direct, and so as to be convenient for the removal of the contents thereof.

(d.) He shall cause every such receptacle as afore-said to be emptied at least once a week, or as often as the Board may direct.

(e.) He shall, after notice from the Inspector, and within the time stated in such notice, replace by a new and approved receptacle any recep-tacle that the Inspector may deem to be worn out or unfit for use.

He shall cause the contents of every such re-ceptacle to be removed at least once a week, or so much more frequently as the Board may from time to time direct, to the depot set apart for the reception of refuse, and there forthwith effectually destroy the contents by burning, or completely burying the same at least six inches under the surface of the ground.

BY-LAW No. 3. For regulating the times and manner of the cleansing,

emptying, and ?managing of earth-closets, privies.. cesspools, and places for the deposit of nightsoii, offal, blood, or other refuse matter, etc.

(a.) The occupier of ally •premises shall once at least in • every week cleanse every earth-closet or privy belonging to such premises, and he shall at such time cause the floor, seat, and riser of every such earth-closet or privy to be thoroughly cleansed.

(b.) He shall at least once a week thoroughly cleanse every receptacle or place upon. his premises used for the deposit of offal, blood, or other refuse matter.

(e.) Every person transporting nightsoil, offal, blood, or other offensive matter shall use for the purpose efficient, impervious, and air-tight receptacles, and so constructed as to prevent the escape of any of the contents thereof, or of any noxious or offensive odours or effluvia therefrom whilst in transit, and he shall adopt such other precautions as may he necessary to prevent the emission of noxi.ms or offensive odour or effluvium therefrom, and the transported material shall not he deposited in any place within the district other' than the place set apart by the Board for that purpose.

(0.) No person shall remove nightsoil or urine, whether mixed with other substances or not, from. any place or depot duly authorised for the reception, utilisation, or deposit of the



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916 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A.. [FEB. 94, 1911.

same without first subjecting such night-soil or other matter to a heat of not less than 212 degrees Fahrenheit for not less than thirty minutes, and then only with the con-sent, in writing, of the Board.

(e.) Every person depositing, nightsoil, offal, blood, or other offensive material in any depot duly appointed for that purpose shall deposit such material in a trench not exceeding four feet in depth, and shall immediately after making any such deposit cover it completely with a layer of clean earth not less than nine inches thick.

BY-LAW No. 4.

For the rendering the foundation of any new building and the ground over which such building is to be placed dry, sound, and well drained, so that no water soakage shall lodge there from the drainage of uildings.

(a.) Every person who shall erect a new building shall cause the intended site of any such building to be properly and thoroughly drained; he shall also cause any soakage or drainage from the adjoining sites or buildings to be completely diverted from the site of such nei'v building.

(b.) He shall cause the whole top surface of every foundation wall of such new building to be completely covered with an approved damp course composed of impervious and durable materials.

He shall cause such damp course to be placed beneath the level of the lowest timbers of the lowest floors of such new building, and if any breaks are made in the horizontal layers of the damp course such breaks shall be properly connected with damp-proof material.

(d.) He shall cause every part of an external wail of such building which is below the surface of the ground adjoining it and above the damp coarse to be sufficiently protected from contact with the ground by rendering such part with seine approved impervious material, such rendering to extend for three inches above the surface of the ground and three inches below the horizontal damp course.

BY-LAW No. 5.

Requiring all existing cesspools to be cleansed and filled up, etc.

(a.) The owner or occupier of any premises upon which there is an existing cesspool shall, within a calendar month after the service of a notice from the Inspector requiring the cleansing and filling up of such cesspool, remove or cause to be removed from any such cesspool all nightsoil, urine, filth, or other offensive matter that may be' therein, and thereupon completely fill such cesspool with

- approved material.

(b.) No cesspool shall be deemed to be constructed and situated as required by these By-laws un-less it is constructed in accordance with the requirements set out in Schedule "C," and situated at least 20 feet from any dwelling.

BY-LAW No. 6.

Requiring for each closet the supply of a . sufficient number of receptacles for excrementitious matter, etc. (a.) Every owner of a closet shall provide in con-

nection with such closet one or more recep-tacles for excrementitious matter, as required by the Board. He shall cause such receptacles to be constructed out of not less than 22-gauge galvanised iron, and the dimensions of such receptacles shall he 141/, inches high, 13 1/6 inches diameter (inside measurement) when completed. The ring around the top to be made of 1-inch by '4-inch iron, with four holes punched at equal distances apart, and riveted to the body so as to fit same neatly, and be level across the top; the seams of the body shall be folded and grooved and sweated

with solder, two straps to be p,ut across the bottom of the pan made of 20-gauge galvan-ised hoop iron 1% inches wide, and swaged and riveted to the bottom. Handles made of %-inch round iron shall be properly secured to the external opposite sides of the body at five inches below the top of the body, and projecting not more than 2 inches from the side thereof.

(b.) Every owner of a water-closet shall provide such closet with an approved earthenware pedestal, fitted with all proper traps, vents, and flushing tanks.

BY-LAW No. 7.

Determining the mode and frequency of removal of such receptacles and the disposal of the contents.

Every person removing a receptacle from a closet shall at once cover the same with an approved tight-fitting lid, and upo' u every such removal shall place carefully in the pan-stead, of the closet a cleansed pan of the pattern described in By-haw 6 in lieu of the pan removed.

(b.) He shall then remove the closed pan in a cart or other approved vehicle to the depot, and thereupon dispose of the contents of the pan in the manner prescribed in paragraph (e.) of By-law No. 3.

Every occupier shall at least once in every week cause each closet pan with its contents to be removed.

(d.) He shall, if more than six and not more than ten persons use such closet, cause such closet pan with its contents to be removed at least twice a week.

He shall, if more than ten and not more than fifteen persons use such closet, cause the pan to be removed at least three times a week.

He shall, if more than fifteen and not more than twenty persons use such closet, cause the pan to be removed nightly.

He shall not permit any closet on his premises to be used by more than twenty persons.

(h.) All premises licensed under the provisions of the Wines, Beer, and Spirits Sale Act, and any amendment thereof, shall be provided with double the sanitary accommodation re-quired by these By-laws in respect of private premises.

Every occupier shall cause the receptacle to be removed from each closet so much more fre-quently than is prescribed previously in this By-law as the Board may from time to time direct.

Every occupier shall cause to be kept in each closet a sufficient supply of approved deodo-rant, and means for using the same„and shall cause all nightsoil or other matter which may be deposited in the pan of such closet to he immediately deodorised with a sufficient quan-tity thereof.

BY-LAW No. 8.

Fixing the charge which may be made for removing each receptacle and replacing it by a clean one, and for any other sanitary service. (a.) The charge made by any licensed person for

removing nightsoil receptacles and replacing them by clean ones shall be as set out in Schedule "A"; and

\ b.) The charge made by any person for perform-ing any other sanitary service shall be as set out in Schedule "A."

BY-LAW No. 9. Fixing the charge for the removal of trade or house

refuse. (a.) The charge made on any owner or occupier by

any licensed person for removing trade et house refuse shall be as set out in Schedule e(A),






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BY-LAW No. 10. Determining to whom and 04 'What conditions licenses to

remove nightsoil shall be issued.

(a.) Licenses to remove nightsoil shall not be is- , sued to any person unless he first obtains two

approved sureties for the due and proper per- . formanees of his duties.

(b.) The conditions upon which licenses shall be issued shall be those set forth in the follow-ing By-law.

BY-LAW No. 11. -

Imposing penalties on licensees for breach of conditions.

Every licensed nightman shall carry out the require-ments of "The Health Act, 1898, and its amendments, and of these By-laws in relation to his duties, and shall forfeit and pay the penalties set out in Schedule "D" for any breach of the conditions therein.

BY-LAW No. 12.

For the mode of carriage of and precautions lo be ob-served in carrying meat to and from abattoirs or butchers' shops or premises, also for the mode of carriage of and precautions to be observed in the carriage of bread and fruit.

Every person who shall carry, or cause or suffer or permit to be carried, any meat to or from any abattoir or butcher 's shop, or who shall carry, or cause or suffer or permit to be carried, any bread or fruit, shall cause such 'neat or bread or fruit to be carried in a pro-perly covered vehicle, basket, or other recep-tacle, so as to be completely protected from sun, weather, dust, flies, or other source of contamination.

(b.) No person trading in meat, bread, or fruit, shall suffer or permit any person who is suf-fering from any contagious or infectious dis-ease, or who is dirty in his person or cloth-ing, to be employed in the handling, packing, or carriage of meat, bread, or fruit.

BY-LAW No. 13. For the registration annually with the Board of all per-

sons carrying on the trade of cowkeepers, etc. (n.) Every person who carries on the trade of a

cow-keeper, dairyman, or purveyor of milk shall register with the Board; such registra-tion shall be made within three months of the gazetting of this By-law, and afterwards in the month of .January in each succeeding year, by all persons who ate engaged in any such trade at the time of the aforesaid gazetting; and every person who intends to embark or newly carry on any such trade subsequent to the gazetting of this By-law, shall register in manner aforesaid prior to so embarking or carrying on, and afterwards in each succeed-ing year as aforesaid.

(b.) Every such person shall make application for registration in the Form of Schedule "B" hereto, and shall pay the fee set out in Sched-ule "E" hereto.

BY-LAW No. 14.

For the securing of the cleanliness of bakeries, milk stores, smile shops, and of milk vessels, etc.

(a.) No person shall carry on the trade of a baker unless the interior face of the walls of the bakehouse or any other building or part of a building in which he carries on his trade are smooth and impervious throughout, nor unless the ceilings shall be properly celled, nor sin-less the floors shall be hard, smooth, and im-pervious throughout.

(b.) He shall not carry on the trade of a baker unless the bakehouse or any other building or part of a building which he occupies for the purposes of his trade is properly and effectu-ally ventilated by permanent inlets and out-lets, communicating directly with the outer air, in such a way and at such a height as to prevent the entrance into the bakehouse or such other premises of dust and dirt.

No bakehouse or other building occupied by him as aforesaid shall be in direct communica-tion with any coal or other cellar, nor with any ureter-closet, earth-closet, privy, ashpit, ashbin, drain inlet, nor with any washhouse nor with any room, yard, or area, which may be a nuisance, or cause contamination by foul air, dust, or dirt.

(d.) He shall provide, outside the bakehouse, ap-proved conveniences, and sufficient and suit-able materials for personal ablutions:

(e.) He shall cause all troughs, tanks, utensils, machinery, tools and appliances of every kind used in connection with his trade to be kept always in a thoroughly clean condition, in good repair, and to the satisfaction of the Inspector.

(f.) He shall cause all the inside surfaces of the walls of his bakehouse, or of any other build-ing or part of a building occupied by him for the purposes of his trade, and all the ceilings thereof, whether such walls or ceilings be plastered or not, to be either properly painted or washed with lime or other approved ma-terial, or to be partly painted or partly washed; and where limewash is used, he shall cause the same to be renewed every six -mouths, or oftener, if so required by the In-spector, and where paint is used, he shall cause the same to be thoroughly cleansed at least once in every six months, or oftener, if so required by the Inspector; and the paint-ing shall be renewed whenever required by the Board.

(g.) He shall cause the whole of the premises wherein lie carries on his trade to be swept and thoroughly cleansed at least once a day, and he shall, at least once in every week, cause all the floors to be thoroughly cleansed.

BY-LAW No. 15.

For prescribing the time of and the precautions to be taken on the removal of pigwash and other filthy matter. (a.) No person shall remove any pigwash or other

filthy matter between the hours of 9 a.m. and 8 p.m.

(b.) He shall not remove any pigwash or other filthy matter, unless such pigwash or filthy matter be carried in watertight barrels or tanks securely covered to prevent the escape of any of the contents thereof, or the emis-sion of any offensive odour therefrom.

(c.) He shall cause every tank or barrel used for the removal of any pigwash or filthy matter, and every conveyance or vehicle used for the carriage or removal or any such matter, as aforesaid, to be kept in a thoroughly clean condition, and in good repair.

BY-LAW pie. 16.

. For the cleansing of all vehicles and other things used for the carriage of meat to and from abattoirs, butchers' shops, and other places. (a.) Every person who shall carry, or cause or

suffer or permit to be carried, any meat to and from any abattoir, butcher's shop, or other place, shall cause the vehicle, basket, or other receptacle in which such meat is carried to be first thoroughly cleansed and kept at all times in a thoroughly clean con-dition.

(b.) He shall not permit such meat to be wrapped or enveloped in any material, unless such wrapper or envelope is perfectly clean and suitable.

BY-LAW No. 17.

For the precautions to be taken in the carriage of articles of food in vehicles, and other things- for delivery to purchasers, and the way in which such articles shall be carried. (a.) Every person- who shall carry or cause or suffer

or permit to be carried, any article of food in a vi-aide - or other thing for delivery to a. pus.-flaser shall not permit or suffer any such


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article to be carried in a vehicle or other thing that is not perfectly clean, or which has "been used for the carriage of manure, dung, filth, or any offensive matter whatever.

(b.) He shall not suffer or permit any person who is suffering from any contagious or infectious disease, or who is dirty, to he employed in the carriage, handling, or packing of any such article.

(c.) He shall cause all such articles, whilst being carried to a purchaser, to be properly pro-tected from contamination.

BY-LAW No. 18.

For the prevention of the sale of diseased and unwhole-some fruit or fish in markets, warehouses, shops, streets, and other places, and for the destruction of eases and packing materials which have contained or surrounded such fruit or fish.

No person shall sell or expose for sale in any market, warehouse, shop, street, or other place, any fruit or fish which is diseased or unwholesome, and any fruit or fish which in the opinion of an Inspector is diseased or un-wholesome shall be destroyed as the Inspector may direct, and all cases or packing material in which such diseased or unwholesome fruit or fish was contained or surrounded shall also be destroyed as the Inspector may direct.

BY-LAW No. 19.

For the prevention of the storage or keeping of bonedust, etc.

No person shall store or keep any bonedust or artificial or other manure so as to he a nuisance or injurious to health.

BY-LAW No. 20.

For the prevention of the keeping of animals of any kind so as to be a nuisance or injurious to health.

(a.) Every owner or occupier of a building or premises wherein or whereon any horses or other beast of draught or burden or any cattle, swine, or other animals of any kind may be kept, shall provide in connection with such building or premises a suitable receptacle for dung, manure, soil, filth, or other offensive or noxious matter which may, from time to time, be produced in the keeping of any such animal in such building or upon such premises.

(b.) He shall also cause such receptacle to be con-structed in such a manner, and of Such materials and to be maintained at all times in such a condition as to prevent any escape of the contents thereof, or any soakage there-from into the ground or into the wall of any building.

(c.) He shall cause such receptacle to be furnished with it suitable cover, and when not required to be open, to be kept properly covered or roofed in.

(d.) He shall likewise, when so ordered by the Board, provide, in connection with such . building or premises, a sufficient drain con-structed in such a manner and of such materials and maintained at all times in such a condition as effectually to convey all urine or liquid filth, or liquid refuse there-from into a sewer, impervious sump, or other proper receptacle, and lie shall not suffer or permit such sump or receptacle to overflow or become offensive.

He shall also, when so ordered by the Board, provide in connection with such building or premises a sufficient floor upon which any such animal shall be stalled, and such door shall be constructed in such a manner and of such materials and maintained at all times in such a condition as effectually to convey all urine or liquid filth falling or deposited thereon to the drain aforesaid.

He shall also cause all dung, soil, filth, or (f.) other offensive or noxious matter to be collected daily and placed in the receptacle described in paragraphs (a), (b), (e), and (d) of this By-law, and he shall not permit or suffer such receptacle to overflow or be-come offensive.

(g.) He shall at least once in every week, remove or cause to be removed from the receptacles provided in accordance with the requirements of this By-law, all dung, manure, urine, soil, filth, or other offensive or noxious matter produced in or upon such building or pre-mises and deposited in such receptacles.

BY-LAW No. 21.

Defining an area within which swine may not be kept, and determining the conditions under which swine may be kept in any part of the district.

(a.) No person shall keep any swine within 100 'feet of any dwelling house, milking shed, milk room, or any building within which food in-tended for human consumption is prepared or stored.

(b.) The conditions under which swine may be kept shall be those embodied in the By-laws for piggeries.

BY-LAW No. 22.

For the prevention of danger to the public from ino?fit-factories or places for the storage, keeping, or .se of inflammable materials.

(a.) No person occupying any building or pre-mises shall store, keep, or hold for sale any dangerously inflammable materials in excess of 20 cubic feet in measurement, unless such materials are enclosed or surrounded by fire-proof walls, covered by a fireproof roof, and are placed on a fireproof floor.

(b.) Any person who, after four hours' notice from an Inspector, shall neglect to remove from any building or premises occupied by him any inflammable material kept or stored in contravention of the preceding provisions shall be guilty of an offence against this By-law.

.B 17-LA W No. 23.

For the disinfection of owl flu: prevention of nuisance or injury to health front poultry yards, rags, or oilier materials used or stored in marine stores, flock, or bedding, or furniture manufactories.

(ar) No person shall keep any poultry yar ■ I within 25 feet of a dwelling house, or so as to be a nuisance or injurious to health.

(b.) Every person who shall keep a poultry yard shall keep such yard in a clean condition, and shall at least once a week or oftener if so required .by the Inspector, collect and re-move all dung or other offensive matter

face of the yard, and all structures, boxes, therefrom, and effectually disinfect the sur-

perches, fences, or incubators that may be thereon or therein with lime or other approved disinfectant.

Every person using or storing. rags Or other materials in marine stores, flock, bedding, or furniture manufactories, shall keep or store the same so as not to he a nuisance or in. jurious to health.

(d.) He shall, whenever required so to do by an Inspector, disinfect any such materials on the premises in or upon which such materials are kept or stored in the manner directed by the Inspector.

BY-LAW No. 24.

Par regulating the position and manner of construction of privies, earth-closets, and cesspools or urinals.

(a.) No person shall erect any earth-closet, privy, cesspool, or, urinal within 20 feet of any dwelling house, or within 50 feet of any well, stream, or reservoir.

(b.) No person shall erect an earth-closet, privy, or urinal, the walls of which are not of stone, wood, wood and iron, brick, or other approved material. Ventilating outlets shall he also constructed in each such closet, as near the ceiling as practicable, and each such outlet shall IT not less than 50 spuna re i aches in area.

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(c.) He shall provide every such earth-closet or privy with a proper roof, floor, and door, and the door shall be hung so that its bottom edge is at least three inches above the floor.

(d.) He shall cause every earth-closet or privy upon his premises to be fitted in the following man-lier:—

The seat to be hinged so as to lift up for inspection and cleansing.

The riser to be removable and not to come within three inches of the floor.

Guide bars to be inserted so as to insure the pan being placed in exact position.

The top of the pan when in position under the seat to be not more than one inch from the underside of the seat.

A service or trap door to be fitted to en-able the pan to be readily withdrawn from outside.

Unless the floor is constructed of imper-vious materials, a metal safe or tray to be placed under the pan, so laid and fitted that any spillage or leakage from the pan shall be received by it, and be discharged over and clear out-side of the sill of the service door frame.

(e.) He shall cause every urinal erected upon his premises to be so constructed that all urine deposited therein shall be conducted to a re-movable impervious receptacle of approved dimensions and manufacture, or to a septic tank, cesspool, or other approved system of drainage.

(f.) He shall cause every cesspool erected upon his premises to be constructed of impervious and durable materials, and in the manner pre-scribed in Schedule "C."

BY-LAW No. 25. For the prevention of the use of steam whistles at fac-

tories, or other establishments, so as to be a nuisance to any person.

No person, or owner, or occupier of any factory or other establishment shall use, or cause or suffer or permit to be used, any steam whistle so as to be a nuisance to a ny person.

BY-LAW No. 26. Specifying the time which may elapse bet wen the giving

of a notice, and the doing of a thing, required by the Inspector. (a..) In the case of any notice given by an In-

spector under Section 169 of "The Health Act, 1898," the time which shall elapse be-tween the giving of a notice and compliance therewith, shall, if the notice relates to the removal of stagnant water, he two working days, and when the notice requires the removal of manure, dung, soil, or other offensive or noxious matter, the time which shall elapse shall be one working day.

(b.) Under By-law 2, paragraph (a.), seven days shall be allowed, under paragraph (b.), one day, and under paragraph (c.), two days shall be allowed for compliance.

-Under By-law 5, one calendar month shall be allowed for compliance.

Under By-law 14, paragraph (f.), 48 hours shall be allowed for the renewal of limewashing, and seven days for the renewal of painting or varnishing.

Under By-law 18, diseased or unwholesome fish or fruit shall be destroyed within four hours, the cases and packing material within twenty-four hours.

Under By-law 22, paragraph (b.), the time allowed shall be four hours. •

Under By-law 23, paragraph (d.), the time allowed shall be 24 hours.

BY-LAW No. 27. For preventing nuisances arising from any offensive

matter in or running out of any manufactory, brewery, slaughter-house, knacker's yard, butcher's or fishmonger's shop, laundry, or dunghill. (a.) No owner, occupier, or other person shall

suffer or permit any offensive matter from any manufactory, brewery, slaughter-house,

knacker 's yard, butcher 's or fishmonger 's shop, laundry, or dunghill, to escape and flow upon any street, footway, lane, public place or land.

(b.) He shall cause all such offensive matters to be placed in approved covered receptacles, and disposed of as prescribed in By-law 7.

BY-LAW No. 2S. For preventing any person expectorating on any made

footpath in any street or public place, or on any building to which the public have access, or any ap-proach thereto, or on any railway carriage, tramcar, or other public conveyance.

No person shall expectorate on any made footpath in any street or public place, or in any building to which the public have access or any approach thereto, or on any railway carriage, tramcar, or other public convey-ance.

BY-LAW No. 29. And generally for the abatement and prevention of

nuisances not hereinbefore specified, and for securing the healthfulness of the district and of its inhabit-ants. (a.) All receptacles required by "The Health Acl.

1898," or under these By-laws, shall be kept in good repair and in an inoffensive condi-tion, by the householder, occupier, or person having the custody or use of them.

(b.) In the event of death, or any accident, neces-sitating the slaughter of any horse, . cattle, sheep, or other animal, the carcase of such animal shall, if ordered by the Inspector, be removed to the depot, and there thoroughly burned, destroyed, or properly buried by the owner or person in charge of such animal.

(c.) No person shall burn any offal, rags, clip-pings, or parings of leather, or any offensive matter, so as to be offensive to any person or resident in the neighbourhood of such burning.

(d.) No foul or offensive water, or other offensive or putrescible liquid, and no garbage, sweep-ings, or other offensive matter or thing shall be pumped, emptied, swept, thrown, or other-wise discharged or deposited in or upon any street, lane, yard, vacant land, or other place whether public or private, other than the place set apart by the Board for that purpose.

BY-LAW No. 30. That a pan cleansed by superheated steam or some

equally efficient means approved by the Board be left in its place.

Every nightman or contractor for the removal of nightsoil shall cause every closet pan, after the disposal of its contents, to be thoroughly cleansed in a steam-tight box or chamber with superheated steam of a tem-perature not less than 280deg. F., and a superheat not less than 40deg. F., such steam to be applied to the pan- for not less than two minutes; should the steam from any cause be of less temperature, its applica-tion to the pan must be proportionately pro-longed, but in no case shall the temperature of the steam in the box or chamber be used for cleansing purposes if below 212deg. F., and then the pan shall be subjected to its application for not less than 15, minutes; or

(b.) He may cleanse every such pan in the follow-ing manner:—

By thoroughly washing and scrubbing in water, then rinsing in clean water and finally immersing the pan in a bath of disinfecting solution of a strength equal in germicidal value to a five per cent. solution of pure car-bolic acid for not less than five minutes; or

By thoroughly cleansing and disinfecting in some other approved manner.

He shall cause the internal surface of every closet• pan and the underside of the tight-fitting lid to be properly coated with coal-tar that has been twice boiled, and he shall renew such coating whenever necessary and so as to properly protect the whole internal surface of the pan and- the underside - of the lid.



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BY-LAW No. 31.

That individual householders shall not contract for the removal of either nightsoil or any other refuse except in accordance with the By-laws and regula-tions of the Board.

No individual householder shall contract for the re-moval of nightsoil or any other refuse except with the person licensed by the Board and in accordance with these By-laws.

BY-LAW No. 32.

That all buildings be provided with spouting, downpipes and drains sufficient to carry off all storm or rain water.

(a.) Every owner shall cause, when so ordered by the Board, all buildings upon his premises to be provided with spouting and dOwnpipes sufficient to receive without overflowing all rain water flowing into them.

(b.) He shall cause all such spouting to be fixed to the eaves of every roof of every building on his premises so that all rain water flowing from the roof shall be received by such eaves gutters.

(e.) He shall cause proper downpipes to be fixed to each building and connected to the eaves gutters as shall be sufficient for preventing overflow from the said gutters.

(d.) He shall, in connection with his premises, provide and lay such proper drains and with such falls as shall be ,sufficient to carry off from such premises all storm or rain water, and he shall maintain all such spouting, downpipes, and drains in good order and efficient action.

BY-LAW No. 33.

Penalties for breaches of By-laws.

Where anything is by this part of the By-laws of the Local Board of Health directed to be done or forbidden to be done, or where authority is given to any officer of theirs to direct anything to be done or to forbid anything to be done, and such act so directed to be done remains undone or such act forbidden to be done is done, in every such case the person making default as to such direction and prohibition respectively shall be deemed guilty of a breach of this part of the said By-laws. And every person guilty of a breach of this part of the said By-laws not otherwise specially provided for by or under the authority hereof, shall be liable, for every such offence, besides any costs or expenses which may be incurred in the taking of proceedings against such person guilty of such offence, as well as any costs or expenses which may be incurred in remedying such default as particularly arovided for iu "The Health Act, 1898," to a penalty n,t exceeding ten pounds for every breach of any such Byiaw, or to a penalty not exceeding five pounds for each day during which such breach shall be committed or continued; but the justices before whom any penalty, imposed hereby is sought to be recovered, maY, order the whole or part only (not being less than five shillings) of such penalty to be paid.


Schedule of Charges for Sanitary Work, Rubbish Removal, etc. s. d.

1. For the removal, cleansing, carting, and replac-ing each pan within the district of the Local Board of Health. At per pan ..

2. For the removal and disposing of slops. At per 20 gallons

3. Por the removal and disposal of urine. At per 20 gallons

4. For the removal and disposal of trade refuse, i.e., refuse which may have accumulated on any premises from or through any business, manufacture, or trade carried on on such premises. At per cubic yard or per load

5. For the removal and disposal of household re-fuse. At per calendar month „


Form of application for registration of persons carrying on the trade of cowkeeper, dairyman, or purveyor of

Full name and address of applicant Trade in respect of which registra-

tion is desired Trade or firm name .. Situation of dairy premises Area of land attached to dairy pre-

mises Area of grazing land Situation and description of grazing

land Source of water supply for the

milking herd .. Source of water supply for domestic

use Number of cows in respect of which

registration is sought District or locality in which milk is

purveyed Area of paved, floor in the milking

shed, and nature of paving Area of unpaved floor in the milk-

ing shed Length and size of drains connected

with the floors of the milking shed

Method of disposal of drainage of stables..

Method of disposal of manure and refuse

Describe buildings in which milk and milk vessels are kept

General description of dairy build- ings, and their relative situa-tion to other buildings

Signature of Applicant



Construction of Cesspooki. 1. If for the reception of nightsoil, or of liquid or

other wastes from any establishment coining under Sec-tion 146 of " The Health Act, 1S9S," the construction must be the same as for an approved septic tank instal-lation.

2. 1:.!'or all other purposes the cesspool must be pro-vided with an air-tight cover, an inlet pipe for fresh air and an outlet pipe of the same diameter carried above the level of the ridge of the roof. Neither pipe shall be less than four inches in diameter .

(a.) Where the soil is not suitable for rapid soak-age, or is likely to 'permit accumulation of liquids, the walls and door shall be made impervious and absolutely water-tight.

(b.) In other cases the walls shall he so constructed as to permit soakage and prevent the earth falling in.

3. No cesspool shall be connected directly with any house or rain water tank, but shall he disconnected by • approved gully traps.


Imposing penalties on licensees for breach. of conditions. The penalties to be imposed on licensed nightmen for

breach of conditions of license shall not exceed the following: £ s. d.

Every licensed nightumn shall remove all pans at the time and in the manner pre- scribed in these By-laws, and the penalty for each breach shall not be more than 0 5 0

He shall substitute a clean pan for every pan removed, and the penalty for each breach shall not be more thaff .. 0 5 0

He shall place the substituted pan in its proper position for use, and the penalty for each breach shall not be more than 0 5 0

He shall thoroughly cleanse and disinfect all pans, night carts or other vehicles, and the penalty for each breach shall not

0 5 0 be more than

Page 13: WESTERN AUSTRALIA. · Michael and St. George, Governor in and over the State of Western Australia and By His Excellency Sir Gerald Strickland, the Most Distinguished Order of St

"E." Schedule of Registration Fees for persons carrying on

the trade of a Cowkeeper, Dairyman, or purveyor of Milk. (a.) Any person keeping cows to the number of-

d. 6







0 0


£ s. 1. Not more than two, a fee of .. 0 2 2. More than two but not more

than five, a fee of .. 0 3 3. More than five but not more

than eight, a fee of .. 0 4 4. More than eight but not more

than twelve, a fee of .. 0 6 5. More than twelve but not more

than fifteen, a fee of .. 0 7 6. More than fifteen but not more

than twenty, a fee of .. 0 10 7. More than twenty but not more

than twenty-six, a fee of .. 0 12 8. More than twenty-six but not

more than thirty-five, a fee of 0 15 9. More than thirty-five .. 1 0

(b.) If the person to be registered does not keep cows 0 5

FEB. 24, 1911.] GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A. .921

£ s. d. He shall properly dispose of nightsoil as

soon as it is deposited at the depot, and the penalty for each breach shall not be more than ..

He shall not deposit any nightsoil, slops, or other offensive matters at any other place than the place appointed by the Board, and the penalty for each breach shall not be more than ..

He shall close the door or gate of any yard, or other means of ingress or egress used by the nightman or his employees, or the door or trap of any closet, and the penalty for each breach shall not be more than .. 0 5 0

He shall not permit any night-cart or other vehicle used for removing nightsoil to remain in or pass through the townsite or any part thereof between the hours of 6 a.m. and 11 p.m., and the penalty for each .breach shall not be more than .. 0 10 0

He shall cleanse all public latrines in the manner and at the time appointed for so doing, and the penalty for each breach shall not be more than ..

He shall not spill the contents or any part thereof of any pan within any premises er on any public place, and the penalty fro each breach shall not be more than

He shall immediately comply with any reasonable order of the Board or an Inspector, and the penalty for each breach shall not be more than ..

He shall replace any pan when so ordered by the Board or an Inspector, and the penalty for each breach shall not be inure than .. 0 5 0

He shall not allow any refuse, rubbish, or slops for pigs to be removed in carts or receptacles other than those set apart for that purpose, and the penalty for each breach shall not be more than .. 0 10 0

He shall keep or cause to be kept books in accordance with the direction of the Board, and the penalty for each breach shall not be more than .. .. 0 5 0

He shall not make any charge for work done in excess of the rates specified in Schedule •" A,' and the penalty for each breach shall not be inure than .. 0 10 0


By order of the Dumbleyung Local Board of Health, R. J. CRIDLAND,

1st December, 1910. Secretary.

I certify that these By-laws are not contrary to law. W. F. SAYER,

Solicitor General.

Confirmed by the Central Board of Health for the State of Western Australia, this 5th day of January, 1911.

F. J. HUELIN, Secretary.


BY-LAW No. 1.

Every person who occupies or conducts any private hospital shall, upon the gazetting of these By-laws and - thereafter during the first week in January next, and in each subsequent year during the first week in each year make an application for registration in the form set out in Schedule "A" hereto.

(a.) Every room to be occupied by one or more patients has at least 1,000 cubic feet of air space and 96 square feet of floor area for each patient and the ground floor of every such room is at least nine inches above ground, and the space under every such floor sufficiently ventilated;

(b.) Every such room is separately, sufficiently, and independently ventilated to the external air to the satisfaction of the Medical Officer of Health;

Every such room is sufficiently lighted and not less in any part than 10ft. Gin. between top of floor and underside of ceiling;

(d.) Every such room is so constructed as to be readily isolated;

(e.) That every wall of such room is properly pro-tected by a durable damp course;

(f.) That the inner surfaces of the walls and the ceiling are rendered impervious so that they can without sustaining injury be frequently washed or spray disinfected;

(g.) The joiners' work thrdughout is of the soundest and plainest character;

(ii.) The external walls are weather proof, the roof watertight, and properly furnished with gutters, spouting, and down-pipes;

The drainage of the premises is sufficient and satisfactory;

(j.) The water supply is abundant and wholesome; (k.) The ablutionary appliances ample and suitably

arranged; (I.) A laundry with appliances sufficient to cleanse

and diSinfect all the bedding, body clothing, linen, napery, etc., of the premises is pro-vided;

(m.) At least three-fifths of the area of the site are unbuilt upon and are open to the sky.

BY-LAW No. 4.

Upon the receipt by the Local Board of an applica-tion for the registration of a private hospital, it shall direct inquiries to be made respecting the application, and if, after such inquiry, it appears to the Board that all the conditions and reservations of the preceding By-laws are satisfied, it may grant the application for re-gistration, and issue to the applicant a certificate of registration; subject, however, to any conditions it may think fit to impose with respect to the maximum number of patients that shall be lodged in such hospital at any one time, the number of certified nurses to be employed in such hospital, and the period for which such registra-tion is granted.

WHEREAS by "The Health Act, 1898," and the Acts amending the same, the Local Board of Health has

0 5 0 power to make By-laws. Now, therefore, in pursuance of the powers in that behalf contained in the said Act and the Acts amending the same, the Local Board of Health does hereby make the following By-laws:—

Requiring the aimeal registration of all private'hospitals, 2 0 and specifying the terms and conditions upon which

registration shall be granted and continued, and providing for the revocation or cancellation of any such registration.

BY-LAW No. 2.

Every person who, after the date of the gazetting of 0 5 0 these By-laws, intends to open, occupy, or conduct any

private hospital shall, before opening, occupying, or con-ducting any private hospital, apply for the registration thereof as is provided in By-law No. 1 of this part of

0 5 0 .these By-laws.

BY-LAW No. 3. Such registration shall not be granted to any such 0 5 0 applicant unless—

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922 GOVERNMENT' GAZETTE, W.A. [FEB. 24, 1911.

BY-LAW No. 5.

The certificate of registration granted in the name of the applicant as aforesaid shall be in the form set out in Schedule "B" hereto, and shall not be transferable ex-cept with the consent in writing of the Local Board.

BY-LAW No. 6. •

The Local Board may revoke or cancel any registration of a private hospital if the person conducting such hos-pital, or anyone in the employ of such person, shall com-mit any breach or infringement of or shall neglect or fail to observe any of the By-laws; or such registration may be revoked or cancelled by the Local Board upon the recommendation of its Medical Officer of Health.

BY-LAW No. 7.

For the inspection, drainage, good management, and sanitary regulation of such hospitals.

Every person conducting or in charge of a private hospital shall—


(a.) At all times give access to every part of such premises to the Medical Officer of Health, Inspector, or any person appointed by the Local Board of Health in that behalf, and afford any such officer all reasonable assist-ance that may, for the purpose of inspection, be required of him, and shall permit any such Medical Officer to see and examine any patient in consultation with the medical attendant.


(b.) Flush and disinfect all drains upon the pre-mises at least once in every clay, and cause all such drains to be maintained in good order and efficient action.

Good Management.

Forthwith provide, and all times keep upon such premises, all materials and appliances necessary for the use of the inmates and staff, or that may be directed by the Medical Officer of Health to be furnished.

(d.) At all times exercise a close personal super-vision of such premises and the persons em-ployed therein, and cause all orders or direc-tions of the medical practitioner in charge for the treatment of any inmate to be faith-fully and diligently carried out.


Forthwith carry out all orders or directions that may he given from time to time by the Inspector relating to any sanitary arrange-ments, I he collection or disposal of excremen-titious matters, refuse, and liquid or other wastes.

(f.) At all times maintain the premises in good order and repair, and clean and free from any accumulation of rubbish, filth, or waste matters which may become offensive or in-jurious to health.

(g.) At all times keep all household linen, beds, bedding, furniture, cutlery, crockery, cooking and other utensils, and all other things used in the conduct or management of such hos-pital, thoroughly clean and disinfected.

(Ii.) Not permit persons of different sexes to occupy the same apartments, except married couples or children under the age of ten years.

(i.) Not permit more than one married couple to occupy the same room.

(j.) Cause all refuse and condemned linen or cloth-ing to be burnt on the premises in such a manner as may he directed by an Inspector.

(k.) Provide separate approved airtight pans con-taining a sufficient quantity of approved dis-infectant for the collection, disinfection, and removal of all excrementitious matters from infectious or contagious cases.

BY-LAW No. 8. Requiring the keeping and using of a proper register for

the registration of all cases admitted into or treated in any such hospital, and for the inspection of such register by any officer, inspector, or servant of the Local Board.

Every person conducting a private hospital shall enter is a hook, hereinafter called the case book, particulars concerning all patients received into such hospital, and shall at all times permit the Medical Officer of Health or Inspector of the Local Board to inspect such case book.

(a.) He shall cause to be recorded in such case book the full name, age, sex, and address of every patient, state whether such patient is married or single; also a short history of the patient while in such hospital, giving in particular the date of admission, the nature of any disease manifest at the time of admission or afterwards, any operation performed, with the name of the operator or operators, and the result of such operation, and the date when the patient left the hospital, or, in the event of death occurring, the date of such death.

(b.) He shall also cause to be recorded in such case book, in case of confinement, the date and short history of such confinement, the result of such confinement, the sex and con-dition of the infant, both at the time of delivery and during subsequent stay in the hospital.

(c.) He shall also ca use to be recorded in such case book, in all cases in which a patient has been under professional care of a medical practi-tioner, or under the charge of a nurse, the name and address of the medical practitioner and of the nurse.

BY-LAW No. 9. Providing for the separation or removal of any patients

suffering from any fever or infectious or contagious disease.

Every person conducting a private hospital shall, when-ever any infectious or contagious disease occurs in such hospital, immediately report the fact to the Local Board.

(a.) He shall cause any patient in such hospital discovered or suspected to be suffering from any infectious or contagious disease to he separated or isolated from all other patients in such hospital.

(h.) He shall cause to be provided and maintained a separate service for the removal and des-truction by fire of the excreta. of any patient suffering from infectious or contagious disease.

(c.) He shall, if ordered to do so by the Medical Officer of Health, cause any such patient to be removed to such other place as may be in-dicated, and in the manner directed in such order.

(d.) He shall carry out the requirements of the Local Board, and all such cleansing and dis- infecting as may be directed by it.

Regulating the number of patients to be admitted, and of nurses or assistants to be maintained, or the class or classes of disease or cases to be admitted .into or treated at any such hospital.

BY-LAW No. 10. Every person conducting a private hospital shall not

suffer or permit a greater number of patients to be in such hospital or in any one room at any one time than the number mentioned in his certificate of registration.

BY-LAW No. 11. Every person conducting a private hospital. shall main-

tain at all times a sufficient number of nurses and assist-ants in such hospital.

BY-LAW No. 12. The class of diseases or cases to be admitted into or

treated at any such hospital shall be as follows:--Medical Cases except diphtheria, erysipelas, scarlatina, measles, septicaemia; surgical cases except those suffer-ing from erysipelas.

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BY-LAW No. 13.

PeoaHies for breaches of By-laws.

Where anything by this part of the By-laws of the Local Board of Health directed to be clone or forbidden to be done, or where authority is given to any officer of theirs to direct anything to be done or to forbid any-thing: to be done, and such act so directed to be done remains undone or such aet forbidden to be done is done, in every such case the person making default as to such direction and prohibition respectively shall be deemed guilty of a breach of this part of the said By-laws: And every person guilty of a breach of this part of the said By-laws not otherwise specially provided for by or under the authority hereof, shall be liable, for every such offence, besides any costs or expenses which may be in-curred in the taking of proceedings against such person guilty of such offence, as well as any costs or expenses which may be incurred in remedying such default as par-ticularly provided for in "The Health Act, 1898," to a penalty not exceeding ten pounds for every breach of any such By-law, or to a penalty not exceeding five ,pounds for each day during which such breach shall he 4.iornmitted or continued; but the justices before whom buy penalty imposed hereby is sought to be recovered, may order the whole or part only (not being less than five shillings) of such penalty to be paid.


To the Secretary of the Local Board of Health. , I hereby apply for registration of the following pre-mises as a private hospital under the By-laws of the Local Board of Health:—

Exact situation ............. Dimensions OS ground Materials of building Number of rooms for patients Measurements of each room Number of other rooms Number of storeys Method of drainage Source of water supply Classes of cases to be admitted Full names of applicant Occupation Address

Date Signature


This is to certify that has been granted a Certificate of Registration in respect of those premises situate at as a private hospital until the 31st clay of December next

subjeet to the By-laws of the Local Board of ilealth now in force or hereafter to be made.

By order of ,the Dumbleyung Local Board of Health,

R. J. CRIDLAND, Secretary.

Lst December, 1910.

I certify that the foregoing By-laws are not contrary to law.

W. F. SAYER, Solicitor General.

Confirmed by the Central Board of Health for the State of Western Australia, this 5ffi day of January, 1911.

F. J. HUELIN, Secretary.


Whereas by "The Health Act, 1898," and the Acts amending the same, the Local Board of Health has power to make By-laws. Now, therefore, in pursuance of the powers in that behalf contained in the said Act

and the Acts amending the same, the Local Board of Health does hereby make the. following By-laws:— For preventing the pollution of rivers, streams, water-

courses, wells, or reservoirs within the district.

BY-LAW No. 1. No person shall deposit or cause, suffer, or permit to

be deposited any offensive material or any rubbish upon any place where such deposit is likely to pollute any river, stream, watercourse, well, or reservoir within the district the water of which is used or reserved for drink-ing or domestic purposes.

BY-LAW No. 2. No person shall spill, slop, throw, cast, or deposit any

soapsuds, foul water, slops, offensive liquid, or urine upon any place from which it is liable to flow into, or to pol-lute in any way any such river, stream, -watercourse, well, or reservoir.

BY-LAW No. 3. No perosn shall camp within 100 feet of any such river,

stream, watercourse, well, or reservoir.

BY-LAW No. 4.

No person shall bathe in any such well, stream, water-course, or reservoir, or suffer or permit any dog, pig, or other domesticated animal to enter therein.

BY-LAW No. 5. No person shall establish any offensive trade within

100 yards of any such river, stream, watercourse, well, or reservoir, unless with the consent, in writing, of the Local Board.

BY-LAW No. 6. Penalties for breaches of By-laws.

Where anything is by this part of the By-laws of the Local Board of Health directed to be done or forbidden to be clone, or where authority is given to any officer of theirs to direct anything to be done or to forbid any-thing_ to be clone, and such act so directed to be done remains undone or such act forbidden to be done is done, in every such case the person making default as to such direction and prohibition respectively shall be deemed guilty of a breach of this part of the said By-laws. And every person guilty of a breach of this part of the said By-laws not otherwise specially provided for by or under the authority hereof shall be liable, for every such offence, besides any costs or expenses which may be incurred in the taking of proceedings against such persons guilty of such offence, as well as any costs or expenses which may be incurred in remedy-ing such default as particularly provided for in "The Health Act, 1898," to a penalty not exceeding Ten pounds for every breach of any such By-law, or to a penalty not exceeding Five pounds for each day during which such breach shall be committed or continued; but the justices before whom any penalty imposed hereby is sought to be recovered may order the whole or part only (not being less than five shillings of such penalty to he paid.

By order of the Dumbleyung Local Board of Health, . R. J. CRIDLAND,

Secretary. 1st December, 1910.

I certify that the foregoing By-laws are not contrary • to law.

W. F. SAYER, Solicitor General.

Confirmed by the Central Board of Health for the State of Western Australia, this 5th day of January, 1911.

F. J. HUELIN, Secretary.


Whereas by "The Health Act, 1898," and the Acts amending the same, the Local Board of Health has power to make By-laws. Now, therefore, in pursuance of the powers in that behalf contained in the said Act

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and the Acts amending the same, the Local Board of Health does hereby make the, following By-laws :- —

The Local Board may from time to time make By-laws respecting Common Lodging Houses, etc., etc.

BY-LAW No. 1. No keeper of a common lodging house shall permit a

greater number of persons. to occupy any sleeping apart-ment in such house at any one time than will admit of each such person having at least 500 cubic feet of air space.

(a.) For the purpose of this clause two children under ten years of age shall be counted as one person, and in the case of any room the walls of which do not reach from floor to ceiling, the amount of space in such room shall not be deemed to be greater than if such walls did reach from floor to ceiling.

BY-LAW No. 2. No house shall be registered as a common lodging

house unless each room intended for use as a sleeping apartment for lodgers shall bear a distinguishing number, and the keeper of such house shall cause such dis-tinguishing number to he conspicuously printed in two-inch -figures on each side of the room door.

.BY-LAW No. 3. The Secretary of the Local Board shall issue to every

keeper of a tounnon lodging house a certificate in re-spect of each separate room, and such certificate shall specify the maximum number of lodgers which shall be permitted to occupy each such room respectively as a sleeping apartment at any one time.

(a.) The Local Board may from time to time vary the number of lodgers to be received into any such room, and a notice shall be served on the keeper of such common lodging house, specifying such varied number of lodgers, and such keeper shall not allow a greater number of lodgers into such room than is specified on such notice, after the time stated therein.

BY-LAW No. 4. The keeper of every common lodging house shall at all

times keep the notice mentioned in the last preceding clause exhibited in a conspicuous place in the sleeping apartment in respect of which such notice shall have been issued.

BY-LAW No. 5. No keeper of a common lodging house shall permit any

room to be used as a sleeping apartment for lodgers other than a room certified for that purpose.

BY-LAW No. No keeper of a (»minion lodging house shall make any

alterations to such room except with the consent of the Local Board.

BY-LAW No. 7. No room shall be registered as a sleeping apartment

for lodgers if it be situated in a basement or below the level of the ground, or if it be used as a kitchen, scullery, dining or general sitting room, or unless such room is sufficiently lit by a window having sashes made to open.

BY-LAW No. S. No room shall be certified as a sleeping apartment for

lodgers unless such room is sufficiently ventilated.

BY-LAW No. 0.

No keeper of a common lodging house shall allow persons of different sexes to occupy together the same sleeping apartment, except in the ease of children under the age of tell years, or of married couples, in which latter case no other person over the age of ten years, and not more than one married couple, shall be allowed to occupy the same sleeping apartment at any one time.

BY-LAW No. 10. The keeper of every common lodging house shall:—

(a.) Cause the floor of every room or passage and every stair in such house to be kept thorough-ly clean, and to be at least once a week thoroughly washed.

(b.) Cause the yard and out-premises .o be swept daily, and to be kept at all times clean and free from filth.

Cause the seat and floor of every privy on his premises to be scrubbed and washed daily, and the walls to be limewashed at least every month.

(d.) Cause every window, eve-v fixture, or fitting of wood, stone, or metal, and every painted surface in such house to be thoroughly cleansed at least once a week or as much more frequently as may be directed by an Inspector.

Provide a sufficient number of lavatory ap-pliances, and clean towels, and a sufficient quantity of clean water and soap for ablu-tionary purposes, and in the ease of female lodgers either supplied in their sleeping apartments, and in the case of male lodgers either supplied in their sleeping apartments, or in a convenient room set apart and fitted exclusively for that purpose; and he shall cause all such articles to be kept in good order and clean, and shall renew the supply of water and soap and clean towels as often as may be requisite.

Cause all solid or liquid filth or refuse to be removed from every room once at least in every day before the hour of ten in the forenoon, and every vessel, Utensil, or other-,, receptacle for such filth or refuse shall b,-; thoroughly cleansed at least once in every day:

Cause all beds, blankets, rugs, covets, sheets, towels, and house linen to be kept clean, ';kee from vermin, and in it wholesome condition.

(h.) Cause every sheet and all household linen to be washed at least once in every week.

Furnish every sleeping apartment with a suffi-cient number of toilet utensils and bedsteads, and sufficient bedding so that each bed shall be provided \\lib a mattress, two sheets, a rug, and, in winter time, not less than one additional rug.

(j.) Cause the doors and windows of every sleeping apartment to be opened au kept fully open for at least four hours during each day.

(k.) Cause the bedclothes of every bed to be re- moved therefrom as soon as conveniently may be after each bed shall have been vacated by ally lodger, and such bed clothes and bed to be freely exposed to the air during two hours at least of each day.

(1.) Cause any room together with its contents to be cleansed and disinfected whenever directed so to do by an Inspector or Medical prac-titioner.

BY-LAW No. 11. No keeper of a common lodging house shall cause or

allow any bed in any room which may be used as a sleeping apartment by persons of the male sex above the age of ten years to be occupied at any one time by more than one such person.

BY-LAW No. 12. No keeper of a common lodging house shall cause or

allow any lodger to occupy any bed in such house at any, time within a period of eight hours after such bed shall have been vacated by the last preceding occupant there- „ of, unless such bed shall he provided with fresh bed. f linen.

BY-LAW No. 13. All By-laws received from the Local Board by the

keeper of a coinmon lodging house for the purpose of exhibition, shall be put up or affixed by him in a suitable and conspicuous position that the contents may be clearly and distinctly visible and legible in a common lodging house or room thereof.

BY-LAW No. 14. No keeper of a common lodging house shall suffer or

permit any immoral conduct on his premises.

BY-LAW No. 15. Every keeper of a common lodging house shad permit

an Inspector or any police officer to inspect any part of such house at any time of the day or night, and shall truthfully answer all inquiries made by such Inspector or police officer,

BY-LAW No. 16. Every keeper of a common lodging house shall main-

tain all such means of ventilation as have been approved in good order and efficient action.

BY-LAW No. 17. Every keeper of a common lodging house shall not

absent himself from such house unless he leaves some reputable person in charge thereof.




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BY-LAW No. 18. Penalties for breaches of By-laws.

Where anything is by this part of the By-laws of the Local Board of Health directed to be done or forbidden to be clone, or where authority is given to any officer of theirs to direct anything to be done or to forbid any-thing to be done, and such act so directed to he clone remains undone, or such act forbidden to be done is done, in every such case the person making default as to such direction and prohibition respectively shall be deemed guilty of a breach of this part of the said By-laws: And every person guilty of a breach of this part of the said By-laws not otherwise specially provided for by or under the authority hereof, shall be liable, for every such offence, besides any costs or expenses which may be incurred in the taking of proceedings against such person guilty of such offence, as well as any costs or expenses which may be incurred in remedying such default, as particularly provided for in "The Health Act, 1898," to a penalty not exceeding ten pounds for every breach of any such By-law, or to a penalty not exceeding five pounds for each day during which such breach shall he committed or continued; but the justices before whom any penalty imposed hereby is sought to be recovered inay order the whole or part only (not being less than five shillings) of such penalty to be paid.

By order of the Dumbleyung Local Board of Health, R. J. CRIDLAND,

1st December, 1910. Secretary.

1 certify that the foregoing By-laws are not contrary to law.

W. F. SAYER, Solicitor General.

Confirmed by the Central Board of Health for the State of Western Australia, this 5th day of January, 1911.

F. J. HUELIN, Secretary.

PART V.—OFFENSIVE TRADES. WHEREAS by "The Health Act, 1898," and the Acts amending same, the Local Board of Health has power to make By-laws: Now, therefore, in pursuance of the powers in that behalf contained in the said Act and the Acts amending the same, the Local Board of Health does hereby make the following By-laws:—

Section 1. General. 2. Slaughter houses. 3. Piggeries. 4. Bone mills and bone manure depots. 5. Places for storing, drying, and preserv-

ing bones, hides, hoofs, or skins. G. Fat melting, fat extracting, and tallow

melting. 7. Blood drying. 8. Boiling tripe, ox feet, and trotters, and

extracting neatsfoot oil. 9. Gut scraping, gut spinning, and prepara-

tion of sausage skins. 10. Fellmongeries. 11. Manure works. 12. Wool-scouring establishments. 13. Fish-curing establishments. 14. Fish shops. 15. Laundries. 16. Marine stores. 17. Rag and hone merchants' premises. 18. Penalties.

Section 1.—General. 1. Every person who shall apply to the Local Board

of Health for its consent to the establishment of an offensive trade shall furnish, in the form of Schedule "A" hereto, a true statement of the particulars therein required to be specified.

2. Every person who may have obtained from the Local Board its consent to the establishment of an offen-sive trade shall register such premises at the office of the said Board.

He shall, for such purpose, apply by notice, in writing, addressed to the Secretary of the Local BoarCl, and shall, within a reasonable time after the receipt of such applica-tion by the Secretary, be supplied with a certificate of registration in the form of Schedule "B" hereto.

Section 2.—Slaughter Houses. Every occupier of a slaughter house shall cause

every animal brought to such slaughter house for the purpose of being slaughtered, and confined in any pound, stall, pen, or lair upon the premises previously to being slaughtered, to be provided during such confinement with a sufficient quantity of wholesome water.

2. Every occupier of a slaughter house and every servant of such person employed upon the premises in the slaughtering of cattle shall, in the process of slaugh-tering any animal, use such instruments and applances and adopt such method of slaughtering and otherwise take such precautions as may be requisite to secure the infliction of as little pain or suffering as possible.

3. Every occupier of a slaughter house shall cause the means of ventilation provided in or in connection with such slaughter house to he kept at 'all times in proper order and efficient action, and se that the venti-lation shall be by direct communication with the external air.

4. Every occupier of a slaughter house shall cause the drainage provided in or in connection with such slaughter house to be kept at all times in proper order and efficient action.

5. (a.) Every occupier of a slaughter house shall cause every part of the internal surface of the walls and every part of the floor or pavement of such slaughter house to be kept at all times in good order and repair, so as to prevent the absorption therein of any blood or liquid refuse or filth, which may be spilled or splashed thereon, or any offensive or noxious matter which may he deposited thereon or brought in contact therewith.

(b.) He shall cause every part of the internal surface above the floor or pavement of such slaughter house to be thoroughly .washed with hot limewash, at least four times in every year, that is to say, at least once during the periods between the first and tenth of March, the first and tenth of -hum, the first and tenth of Septem-ber, and the first and tenth of 'December respectively, and at such other times as he may he directed by the inspector. He shall cause every part of the floor or pavement of such slaughter house, and every part of the internal surface of every wall on which any blood or liquid refuse or filth may have been spilled or splashed, or with which any offensive or noxious matter may have been brought in contact; during the process of slaughter-irg or dressing in such slaughter house, to be thoroughly-washed and cleansed within three hours after the com-pletion of such slaughtering or dressing.

6. (a.) An occupier of a slaughter house shall not at any time keep any dog or cause or suffer any dog to be kept in such slaughter house.

(b.) He shall not at any time keep, or cause, "or suffer to be kept, in such slaughtering; house any animal of which the flesh may be used for the food of man, unless such animal be so kept in preparation for the Alughtering thereof upou the premises.

(c.) He shall not at any time keep any cattle, or cause or suffer any cattle to he kept, in such slaughter house for a longer period than may be necessary for the purpose of preparing such cattle, whether by fasting or otherwise, for the process of slaughtering.

(d.) If, at any time, he keep or suffer to be kept in such slaughter house any cattle for the purpose of preparation, whether by fasting or otherwise, for the process of slaughtering., he shall not cause or suffer such cattle to be confined elsewhere than in the pounds, stalls, pens, or lairs provided on the premises.

7. Every occupier of a slaughter house shall cause the hides or skins, fat ,and offal of every animal slaugh-tered on the premises to be removed from the slaughter house within twenty-four hours after the completion of the slaughtering of - such animal.

S. Every occupier of a slaughter house shall cause the means of water supply provided in or in connection with such slaughter house to be kept at all times in proper order a-nd efficient action, and shall provide for use on the premises a sufficient supply of water for the purpose of thoroughly washing and cleansing the floor or pavement, every part of the internal surface of every wall of such slaughter house, and every vessel or re-ceptacle which may be used for the collection and removal from such slaughter house of any blood, manure, gar-bage, filth, or other refuse products of the, slaughtering of any cattle or the dressing of any carcase on the premises.

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9. (a.) Every occupier of a slaughter house shall provide a sufficient number of vessels or receptacles pro-perly constructed of galvanised iron or other non-absorbent material, and furnished with closely fitting covers, for the purpose of receiving and conveying from such slaughter house all blood, manure, garbage, filth, or other refuse products of the slaughtering of any cattle, or the dressing of any carcase in such slaughter house.

(b.) He shall forthwith, upon the completion of the slaughtering of any cattle, or the dressing of any carcase in such slaughter house cause such blood, manure, garbage, filth, or other refuse products to be collected and deposited in such vessels or receptacles, and shall cause all the contents of such vessels or receptacles to be removed and properly disposed of at least once in every twenty-four hours.

(c.) He shall cause every such vessel or receptacle to be thoroughly cleansed immediately after such vessel or receptacle shall have been used for such collection and removal, and shall cause every such vessel or receptacle, when not in actual use, to be kept thoroughly clean.

10. No occupier of a slaughter house shall at any time after the registration of his premises, without the assent, in writing, of the Board, make any change or alteration whatsoever, or permit or suffer any change or alteration whatsoever, to be made in the slaughter house or any of the buildings to which such license applies in respect of the drainage of the seine; or in respect of the flagging or paving of the same, or in respect of the ventilation of the same, or in respect of the supply of water of the same.

11. (a.) Every occupier of a slaughter house shall cause every vehicle and other things used by him for the carriage or transport of meat to be thoroughly cleansed at least once in every day.

(b.) He shall also maintain every such vehicle and such other things at all times in a cleanly state.

(c.) He shall not cause or suffer any meat intended for human consumption to be carried in such vehicles, or such other things, unless such meat is covered with some clean material in such a manner as to completely protect such meat from the sun and dust.

12. Any person who shall remove from any slaughter house any carcase or any portion of any carcase, or any meat for purpose of sale, shall cause the cart, wagon, or other conveyance in which such carcase, portion of a carcase or meat shall be removed to be thoroughly cleansed on each occasion on which it shall be so used before being so used. And any carcase or meat so re-moved shall be covered with clean material, kept solely for such purpose, during the process of removal.

13.. (a.) No occupier of a slaughter house shall keep pigs, or suffer or permit pigs to be kept, except for immediate slaughter, within 100 feet of his slaughter house.

(b.) He shall not keep or stable any horses, or permit or suffer any horses, to be kept or stabled within 100 feet of his slaughter house.

Section S.—Piggeries. 1. For the purposes of this section of these By-laws,

unless the context otherwise requires-" Pigkeeper" means a person who keeps one or

more pigs for the purpose of trade, or who receives on his premises kitchen, butcher, or slaughter house wastes, or other waste food which is intended to be used as pig-feed.

2. No pig-keeper shall keep pigs in sties, pens, or yards within one hundred feet of tiny house or public thoroughfare, or within one hundred feet of any dairy premises or any building or place where food intended for human consumption is prepared or stored, or so as to be a nuisance or injurious to health.

3. (a.) A pigkeeper shall not receive on the premises where his trade is carried on, or suffer or permit to be received, any dead animal or any diseased animal for slaughter.

(b.) He shall not receive on such premises, or suffer or permit to be received, any part of the carcase of a diseased animal, and lie shall not feed his pigs upon the flesh or offal of diseased animals.

(c.) He shall not receive, or suffer, or permit to be received on such premises putrid matter for any pur-pose.

(d.) He shall cause all readily putrescible pig-feed that may be brought upon such premises to be immedi-ately deposited in cooking vessels, which he shall cause to be maintained at such a temperature as to prevent

their contents from putrefying, and shall not remove or permit or suffer such contents to be removed, except to the feeding troughs.

(e.) He shall not receive, or suffer, or permit to be received upon such premises any kitchen, slaughter house, or butchers' wastes or other putrescible pig-feed, unless such materials are contained in galvanised iron receptacles, fitted with air-tight covers.

(f.) He shall provide in every sty upon his pre-mises an approved feeding trough of a pattern that can be readily cleansed, and such trough shall be fixed near the surface gutter of the sty.

4. (a..) Every pigkeeper shall securely fence all his pig-yards and pens, and shall provide in each such yard or pen, sufficient shelter sheds to afford proper shelter for all the pigs that may at any one time be kept in any such yard or pen.

(b.) 'He shall, when so ordered by the Local Board, cause the floor of any pigsty upon his premises to be properly paved and drained with impervious materials. Such floors may be constructed of hard-burnt bricks set in good cement mortar on a bed of concrete, or may be constructed of concrete not less than six inches thick, and every such floor shall have such fall to a surface gutter as is approved; the surface gutter shall be constructed of similar materials, and shall not be less than twelve inches wide and three inches deep in the centre of its width, and shall extend the whole length of the sty, and have such fall likewise as is approved, and shall discharge into an impervious sump of sufficient capacity to receive without overflowing at least one day's drainage from the floors.

(c.) The floor area of every such sty shall be in the proportion of not less than fifteen square feet to every pig that is over two months old that may be kept therein, and no pigkeeper shall keep a greater number of such pigs in any sty upon his premises than in the afore-said proportion.

5. Every pigkeeper shall provide upon the premises where his trade is carried on a sufficient and constant supply of wholesome water, which shall be properly pro-tected against pollution, and be always available for cleansing purpose.

6. (a.) Every pigkeeper shall cause his pigs to 136 fed in enclosed yards, pens, or sties.

(b.) He shall for such purpose provide a sufficient number of approved feeding troughs, and his pigs shall be fed from the troughs only.

7. (a.) Every pigkeeper shall cause all the pigsties, pens, or yards, feeding 'floors, shelter sheds, and troughs upon his premises to be thoroughly cleansed at least once a day, between the hours of sunrise and noon.

(b.) He shall cause all receptacles, apparatus, utensils, vehicles, and tools to be kept clean and in good repair.

(c.) He shall at least once a day cause all dung, liquid filth, and other offensive or noxious matters on such premises to be collected and forthwith removed from the premises, or disposed of as the Board may. di rect.

8. (a.) Every pigkeeper shall cause all floors, im-pervious drains, and receptacles that are upon his premises to be maintained at all times in good order and repair.

(b.) He shall cause all cooking pots and their set-tings and fittings upon such premises to be maintained in efficient action and in good order.

9. A pigkeeper shall not slaughter, or permit or suffer to ho slaughtered any pigs upon his premises unless or until he has obtained a license to do so, under the pro-visions of Section 147 of "The Health Act, 1598."

Section 1.—Bone Mills and Bone Manure Depots. 1. In the construction of this section of these By-laws,

unless the context otherwise requires— (a.) "Bone Mill" shall mean the building and the

machinery used for crushing, disintegrating, pulverising, grinding, or reducing bones, and shall include all out-buildings and land that may be attached thereto.

(b.) "Bone Manure Depot" shall mean the build-ing in which bones or bonedust unmixed with any other manurial ingredient is kept or stored.

"Bone Miller" shall mean the person occupy-ing premises wherein bones are crushed or otherwise reduced by machinery.

(d.) "Bone Manure" shall mean bones or bonedust unmixed with any other ingredient.

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2. (a.) No bone miller shall suffer or permit any bones to be crushed, disintegrated, pulverised, ground, or otherwise reduced upon

disintegrated, premises wherein he

carries on his trade unless such processes are wholly conducted within a building the walls, floors, and ceil-ings, or underside of the roof whereof are constructed of durable and non-absorbent materials, finished intern-ally with smooth surfaces.

(b.) He shall not suffer or permit any bones or bone manure to be kept or stored in such premises except in a building whose walls,

g floors, and ceilings or under-

side of roofs are constructed as hereinbeforebdescribed. 3. (a.) Every bone miller shall cause all milling pro-

cesses to be conducted in air-tight casings, and the pro-ducts of the milling to be conveyed to air-tight receivers or sound bags through air-tight shoots.

(b.) He shall cause every precaution to be taken to prevent at all times the emission of dust or offensive or noxious effluvia from every building on his premises.

4. (a.) Every bone miller shall cause all bones and bone manure received or produced upon the premises where his trade is carried on to be stored in such a man-ner and in such a position as to prevent, as far as prac-ticable, the emission of noxious or offensive effluvia there-from.

(b.) He shall cause all bones or bone manure re-ceived or despatched from such premises to be previously packed in such a manner as to prevent any nuisance aris-ing therefrom during transit.

5. Every bone miller shall cause all buildings upon the premises where his trade is carried on, and all ma-chinery and apparatus to be at all times maintained in good repair and kept clean.

Section 5.—Places for storing, drying, or preserving Bones, Hides, Hoofs, or Skins.

1. (a.) Every occupier of premises in which bones, hides, hoofs, or skins are received for storing, drying, or preserving shall cause all such hoofs, bones, hides, or skins to be stored in a building properly paved with asphalt, concrete, or other approved impervious material, and the floor shall be properly graded to an impervious drain, which shall be connected to a drain inlet or other approved impervious receptacle.

(b.) He shall cause all materials which have been received upon the premises where his trade is carried on to be stored in such a manner and in such a situation as to prevent, as far as practicable, the emission of noxious, offensive, or injurious effluvia dierefrom.

2. (a.) Every occupier of premises in which bones, hides, hoofs, or skins are received shall, at the close of every working day, cause every floor or pavement and every drain upon his premises to be thoroughly cleansed.

(b.) He shall also cause every part of the interior above the floor or pavement of any building upon such premises to be thoroughly cleansed at least four times in every year, and at the same time thoroughly washed with hot limewash, that is to say, at least once during the periods between the first and twenty-first day of Febru-ary, the first and twenty-first day of May, the first and twenty-first day of August, and the first and twenty-first day of November respectively.

(c.) He shall also, at the close of every working day, cause all filth or refuse or decomposed or noxious matters that may be upon his premises to be collected and placed in properly .constructed galvanised iron vessels or other suitable receptacles, furnished with air-tight covers, and he shall cause the several vessels or receptacles, when filled, to be covered, and shall cause such vessels or re• ceptacles, with the contents thereof, to be forthwith re-moved from the premises.

3. (a.) Every occupier of premises at which bones, hides, hoofs, or skins are received for storing, drying, or preserving shall cause every part of the internal sur-face of the walls of any building and every floor or pavement upon the premises where his trade is carried . on to be kept at all times in good order and repair, so as to prevent the absorption therein of any liquid filth or any noxious or injurious matter which may be splashed or may fall or be deposited thereon.

(b.) He shall also cause every drain or means of drainage upon or in connection with his premises to be maintained at all times in good order and efficient action.

(e.) He shall also cause every receptacle for filth or noxious matters to be maintained in good repair and kept clean.

Section 6.—Fat Melting, Fat Extracting, and Tallow Melting.

1. Every fat limiter, fat extractor, or tallow limiter shall cause every process of his business in which any noxious or offensive effluvia, vapours, or gases are gen-erated to be carried on in such a manner that all noxious or offensive effluvia, vapours, or gases shall be effectually destroyed.

2. Every fat limiter, fat extractor, or tallow melter shall cause all material used, or offensive material or refuse from the boiling pans, and all refuse residue, or other matters from Which noxious or offensive effluvia, vapours, or gases are evolved, or are liable to be evolved, to be placed in properly closed receptacles, or to be otherwise dealt with in such a manner as to prevent any noxious or offensive effluvia, vapours, or gases therefrom escaping into the external atmosphere.

3. Every fat melter, fat extractor, or tallow melter shall cause all scraps or litter composed of matters liable to become decomposed to be constantly gathered or swept up and placed in properly covered receptacles.

-1. (a.) Every fat limiter, fat extractor, or tallow limiter shall cause the floor of every- place in which any process of the business is carried on to be kept thorough-ly cleansed, and he shall cause the premises to be con-stantly provided with an adequate supply of water for the purpose.

(b.) He shall cause the internal surface of every wall of any building upon the premises where his trade is carried on to be thoroughly cleansed, and, after being so cleansed, to be thoroughly washed with hot limewash four times at least in every year, that is to say, at least once during the periods between the first and twenty-first day of February, the first and twenty-first day of May, the first and twenty-first day of August, and the first and twenty-first day of November respectively.

(c.) He shall, at the close of every working day, cause all fat, tallow, grease, refuse, or filth which has been spilled or splashed, or has fallen or been deposited upon any floor or pavement upon the premises where his trade is carried on to be removed therefrom by scraping, or some other effectual means of cleansing.

(d.) He shall cause every part of the internal sur-face of the walls of any building, and every floor or pavement upon such premises to be kept at all times in good order and repair, so as to prevent the absorption therein of any liquid filth or refuse, or any noxious or injurious matter which may be splashed or may fall or be deposited thereon.

(e.) He shall cause every drain or means of drain-age upon or in connection with such premises to be main-tained at all times in good order and efficient action.

(f.) He shall cause all receptacles, apparatus, boilers, and implements used upon his premises to be kept clean and maintained in good order and repair.

5. Every fat inciter, fat extractor, or tallow molter shall cause every floor upon wind' any process of his busi-ness is carried on, in any part of his premises, to be pro-perly covered with a layer of concrete or other approved impervious material, laid (in the ease of a ground floor) upon a suitable bottom of at least four inches in thick-ness. He shall cause every such floor to have a proper slope towards a channel or gully, and shall cause every part of his premises wherein any such floor may be con-structed to be effectually drained by adequate drains ninmunicating with a public sewer or other approved impervious receptacle. He shall cause every drain to be properly trapped, and the entrance thereto to be covered with a fixed grating, the bars of which shall not be more than three-eighths of an inch apart.

G. Every fat melter, fat extractor, or tallow melter shall cause Ids premises to be provided with appliances capable of effectually destroying all noxious or offensive effluvia, vapours, or gases arising in any process of his business, or from any material, residue; or other sub-stance which may be kept or stored upon Ids premises.

Section 7.—Blood Drying.

1. (a.) Every blood drier shall cause all the blood which has been received upon the premises where his trade is carried on, and which is not required for immediate use, to be stored in such'a manner and in such a situa-tion as to prevent the emission of offensive or injurious effluvia therefrom.

(b.) He shall cause all blood brought upon his pre-mises to be brought in closed vessels cr receptacles con-structed of galvanised iron or other non-absorbent material.

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928 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A. [FEE. 24, 1911.

(c.) He shall also cause every process of his busi-ness to be carried on in a building properly paved with asphalt, concrete, or other approved impervious material, having walls covered to a height of at least six feet with hard, smooth, and impervious material.

2. Every blood drier shall, at the close of every work-ing day, cause every floor or pavement elsewhere than in that part of the premises where the processes of drying and packing are carried on, to be thoroughly washed.

3. Every blood drier shall, at the close of every work-ing day, cause every vessel or utensil and every imple-ment which has been in use during the day, upon the pre-mises where his trade is carried on, or which is in a foul or offensive condition, to be thoroughly cleansed.

4. (a.) Every blood drier shall cause every part of the internal surface of the walls, and every floor or pave-cent of any building upon the premises where his trade is carried on, to be kept at all times in good order and repair, so as to prevent the absorption therein of any liquid filth or refuse, or any noxious or injurious matter which may be splashed, spilled, fall, or deposited thereon.

(b.) He shall also cause every drain or means of drainage upon or in connection with such premises to be maintained at all times in good order and efficient action.

5. Every blood drier shall cause all blood, blood clots, or any refuse, residue, or other matter from which noxious or offensive effluvia or vapours are evolved, or are liable to be evolved, to be placed in properly covered receptacles, or to be otherwise dealt with in such a manner as to prevent any noxious or offensive effluvia or vapours there-from escaping into the external atmosphere.

G. (a.) Every blood drier shall adopt the best prac-ticable means of rendering innocuous all vapours emitted during the prOcess of drying, from the contents of any pan or other receptacle, or from any kiln or drying floor upon the premises where his itrade is carried on.

(b.) He shall in every case, either cause the vapours to be discharged into the external air in such a manner and at such height as to admit of the diffusion of the vapours without offensive or injurious effects, or shall cause the vapours to pass directly from the pan or recep-'nele, or from the kiln or drying floor through a fire, or into a suitable condeit:,ing, apparatus, or through a suit- able condensing apparel:et and then 1 fire, in such a manner as to effectually consume the vapours, or deprive' the same of all offensive or injorjuis properties.

7. Every blood drier shall cause ,-v r; Hilt, of the in-ternal surface above the door or pavement of every build- ing used for any process of Ins trade be thoroughly cleansed, and at the same time III hot lime:wash at least four times in every year, that is to say, at least once during the periods between the first and tenth day of :February, the first and tenth day of May, the first and tenth day of August, and the first and tenth day of No-vember respectively.

Section S.— Roiling Tripe, Ox cet, and T rollers, and extracting i 7. cats f oot Oil.

I. In the construction of this section of these Bylaws, unless the context otherwise requires:—

" Tripe Boiler" shall mean any I:, NO ❑ 11110 trades in the boiling of tripe, trotters, or ox or calves' feet, ,ts.tractt,:g re:as-foot oil,

2. Every tripe boiler ,,-.!(.11, the eloso every work- ;not day, cause every or pavement: upon the premises where his trade is carried on to be thoromahly washed and cleansed.

3. Every tripe boiler shall, at the close of every work-ing day, cause every bench or table used upon the pro-mises where his trade is carried on for the scraping 01' any tripe or the preparation of other animal substances to be thoroughly cleansed by scrubbing or by some other effectual means.

4. (a.) Every tripe boiler shall at the close of every working day, cause all filth which has been splashed upon any part of the internal surface of any wall of any building 1.1p011 the premises- where his trunk- ti oarrted on to be removed by washing or some ()Mau: ,,,fectilal means.

(h.) He shall also cause every rttrt lttrt interior above the floor or pavement of the loHding to be thoroughly washed with hot lintewash tt,,,,s at least in every year, that is to say, at least ons- :Hiring the periods between the first and tenth day of E, hritary, the first and tenth day of May, the first and tenth day of August, and the first and tenth clay of Not'ember respee-tively, or as more often as the Local Board may direct.

5. (a.) Every tripe boiler , shall provide a sufficient number of vessels or receptacles, properly constructed of galvanised iron, or of sonic other approved non-absorbent material, and furnished with closely fitting covers, for the purpose of receiving and conveying from the pre-mises where his trade is carried on, manure, garbage, offal, filth, or refuse.

(b.) He shall, at the close of every working day, .cause all manure, garbage, inedible offal, filth, or refuse which has fallen or been deposited upon any part of the premises, and which is not intended to be forthwith sub-jected to any further trade process upon the premises, to be collected in the vessels or receptacles provided, and to be removed from the premises with all reasonable despatch.

(c.) He shall cause. the several vessels or recep-tacles, when not in actual use, to be kept thoroughly clean.

6. (a.) Every tripe boiler shall cause every part of the internal surface of the walls of any building, and , , very door or pavement upon the premises where his I,taile is carried on, to be kept at all times in good order and repair, so as to prevent the absorption therein of any liquid filth, refuse, or noxious or injurious matter which may be splashed or may fall or be deposited thereon.

(b.) He shall also cause every drain or means 0P -- drainage upon or in connection with his premises to be maintained at all times in good order and in good action.

7. Every tripe boiler shall adopt the best practicable means of rendering innocuous all vapours emitted, during the process of boiling, from the contents of any pan or other recetilacle upon the premises where his trade is carrie,I on. Ire shall, in every case. either cause the vapours be discharged into the external ail: in such a 111;11111er awl at such a height as to admit of the diffusion of the vapours without offensive or injurious effects, or shall cause the vapours to pass directly from the pan or other receptacle through a fire or into an approved con-

ng apparatus, or through, an approved condensing • t•itatus, and then through a fire, in such a manner as

t (.6: Huice the vapours or to deprive the same (if or injurious properties.

S. Every tripe boiler shall cause all liquid refuse, be- fore 1,,ti .,•harged into any drain, from any part of the prei -, i ,tes where h's trade is carried on, to he cooled in such a manner as to prevent. the emission of offensive or injurious effluvia therefrom.

,50ctio ,9.--0itt Scraping, G ul Spinning, and Prepara-tion of Sausage Skins.

I. (a.) Every gut scraper shall cause all undried guts which have been received from the premises where his trade is carried on, and which :ire not required for imme-diate use, to he placed in suitable vessels or receptacles, properly constructed of galvanised iron, or some other non-absorbent material, and furnished with closely fitting covers.

(b.) He shall cause the several vessels or recep-tacles in which the guts have been placed to be covered, f11141 to lie kept covered until it becomes necessary to re-move the contents for actual use.

(e.) Ti..- shall also cause all undried gets to be treated immediately upon arrival at his premises with an approved deodorant solution.

`1. Every at scraper shall, at frequent intervals during every working day, cause every floor or pavement upon the premises where his trade is carried on to be thoroughly swept, and to be copiously sprinlmled or washed

approved deodorant solution. gut scraper shall, at the close of every

cause every floor or pavement upon the e his trade is carried on to he thoroughly

He shall, at the seine time, dance all refuse, lents of gut, or other matter detached in the pro-of scraping, and all garbage, filth, or other offen-

\ mai kir, 1 o be collected and placed in suitable vessels ur re,-epta, . . .-t, properly constructed of galvanised iron

some other non-absorbent material, and furnished eiosely fitting covers, and containing a sufficient

deodorant solution. c.) Ile shall cause the several vessels or recep-

tacles, when filled, to be covered, and shall cause the vessels or receptacles, with the contents thereof, to be forthwith removed from the premises.

(d.) He shall also cause every vessel or receptacle, when not in actual use, to be kept thoroughly clean.

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FEB. 24, 1911.] GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A. 929

4. Every gut scraper shall, at the close of every work-ing day, cause every bench or table, every tub, vessel, or utensil, and every implement which has been in use during the day upon the premises where his trade is carried on, or which is in a foul or offensive condition, to be thoroughly cleansed with water containing an approved deodorant.

5. Every gut scraper shall, at the close of every work-ing day, cause all filth or refuse which has been splashed upon any part of the internal wall surface of any build-ing upon the premises where his trade is carried on, to be removed by scraping or by some other effectual means.

6. Every gut scraper shall cause the ceiling and the internal surface of every wall above the floor or pave-ment of any building upon the premises where his trade is carried on to be thoroughly washed with hot limewash four times at least in every year, that is to say, at least once during the periods between the first and tenth day of February, the first and tenth day of Slay, the first and tenth day of August, and the first and tenth day of November respectively.

7. (a.) Every gut scraper shall cause every part of , the internal surface ef any walls of any building, alai

every floor or pavement upon the premises where his tra,le i carried on, to he kept at all times in good order a:id repair, so as to prevent the absorption therein o liquid filth or refuse, or any noxious or injurious matter which may be splashed or niay fall or be deposited thereon.

(b.) He shall also cause every drain, or means of drainage upon or in connection with his premises, to be maintained at all times in good order and efficient action.

Section 10.—Fellmongeries. 1. In the construction of this section of these By-laws

unless the context otherwise requires:— (a.) "fellmonger" shall mean a person who buys

or receives skins and prepares them for the use of the leather dresser or converts them into skin mats.

2. A felhnonger shall not cause or suffer any skin which, by reason of decomposition, has become useless for the purpose of leather dressing, to he kept for a longer time than may be necessary in any part of the premises where his trade is carried on.

3. (a.) livery fellmonger shall, at ii:,-close of every Working day, cause every floor or pei,• t upon the pre-

anises where his trade is carried on In be thoroughly swept and cleansed.

(b.) lie shall at the same time, cause all filth et refuse deposited on the floor or pavement to be collected in suitable vessels or receptacles, furnished with closely fitting covers, and to lie forthwith removed therein front the premises.

4. Every fellmonger shall cause the supply of water in every tank or other receptacle used upon the premises where his trade is carried on, for the washing or soaking of any skin, to be renewed as often as may be necessary to prevent the emission of offensive or injurious effluvia from the contents of the tank or other receptacle.

5. (a.) Every fellmonger shall cause every tank or other receptacle used upon the premises where his trade is carried on, for the washing or soaking of any skin, and not being a liming pit, to be emptied once at least in every day.

(b.) He shall cause every part of the tank or other receptacle, when emptied, to be thoroughly cleansed, and shall cause all filth which has been removed there-from to be forthwith conveyed from the premises in suit-able vessels or receptacles furnished with closely fitting covers.

6. Every fellmonger shall cause all waste lime which has been taken .out of any pit upon the premises where his trade is carried On, to be forthwith deposited in ap-proved vessels or receptacles, or in a properly constructed cart or carriage, which, when filled' or loaded, shall be covered in such a manner as to prevent the emission of offensive or injurious effluvia from the contents thereof, and shall, with all reasonable despatch, be removed from the premises.

7. (a.) Every fellmonger shall cause every floor or pavement upon the premises where his trade is carried on, to be kept at all times in good order and repair, so as to prevent the absorption therein of any liquid filth or refuse, or any offensive or injurious matter which rimy fall or he deposited thereon.

(b.) He shall also cause every pad; of the internal surface above the floor or pavement of every building used for any process of his tide to be thoroughly washed with hot limewash at least four limes iu every year, that is to say, at least once during the first week in February. once during the first week in Slay, once during the 1 - week in August, and once during the first week hi November respectively.

(c.) He shall also cause every drain, or means of drainage, upon or in connection with the premises to be maintained at all times in good order and efficient action.

Section 11.—Manure Works. 1. Every occupier of a manure works shall cause all

materials which have been received upon the premises where his trade is carrie41 on, and which are not imme-diately required for use, to be stored in such a manlier. and in such a situation as to prevent the emission of noxious Or offensive effluvia tln-rrleom, or so as not to be a nuisance or injurious to health.

P. (a.) Every occupier of a manure works shall adopt the best practicable means of rendering innocuous all vapours or effluvia emitted during the processes of steam-ing, mixing, removing, stirring. reel' 1g, disintegrating. or other operation conducted open 1- le premises where his trade is carried on.

(b.) He shall, in every cm e, either cause the vapours or effluvia to be discharged into the external air in such a manner and at such a height as to admit of the diffusion of the vapours or effluvia wi'hout offensive or injurious effects, or shall cause the enuours or efilvia to puss directly through a fire, or into e approved con-densing' apparatus, or through an app.cuy ed. condensing

of wraiens and then through a fire, in such a manner as effectually to consume the vapours or effluvia, or to de-prive the same of all offensive or injurious properties.

3. Every occupier of a :UM • works shall store the Inn cure which may be nivel ved or manufactured or pre-pared upon the premises wliere his trade is carried on in such a mariner and in such situ:-dion as to prevent the emission of noxious or offensive effluvia therefrom, or so as to be a nuisance or injurious to health.

4. (a.) 'Every oceopier of a manure works shall cause every floor (or pee-ieeel. and the internal surface of every wall ',loon lie. ,,, , m where here his trade is carried (m. le‘

i ell :laws in good order and repair, and

eons: ce eed .0, as io prevent the absorption therein of any liquid Pith or refuse, or any offensive or injurious matter vlich may be splashed, placed, or may fall or be deposited thereon.

(b.) He shall also cause every drain or means of drainage upon or in connection with the premises, to be maintained at all times in good order and efficient action.

(c.) lie shall also cause all machinery, every IT it den, storage room, and apparatus upon his premises to be maintained in good order and repair and kept at all times reasonably clean.

5. Every occupier of a "Manure Works" shall, at the close of every working day, cause every floor or pave-ment, and the surface of every yard upon his premises to be thoroughly cleansed, and the internal surface of the walks and roof to be washed with hot limewash at least twice in every year, that is to say, at least once during the periods between the first and twenty-first day of February and the ,first and twenty-first clay of August respectively.

Section 12.-11'-01-scouring Establishments. 1. In this section of these 'By-laws the expression

"wool-scouring establishment" shall mean a place where wool is received for the purpose of being cleansed.

2. The premises shall not be situated upon any water supply area, nor in the neighbourhood of any fresh water river, stream, water course, bike

' well, or reservoir, and

!mist be at least 100 feet distant from any dwelling house or place where food intended for human consumption is prepared or stored.

Section 13.—Fish-curing Establishments. 1. (a.) Every fish-curer shall cause all fish refuse pro•

duced upon the premises where his trade is carried 911 to be deposited in galvanised iron or other impervious vessels or receptacles furnished with airtight covers.

(b.) He shall cause every such receptacle to kept closely covered, unless when being filled, emptied, or cleansed.

Page 22: WESTERN AUSTRALIA. · Michael and St. George, Governor in and over the State of Western Australia and By His Excellency Sir Gerald Strickland, the Most Distinguished Order of St

Section 15.—Laundries. occupier of a laundry shall cause all the

ir.s produced upon the premises where his trade lied to be collected and conducted by impervious L•!-; or (Trains to a trapped drain inlet, or sonic

rovul receptacle, or such liquid wastes shall be the Inspector may direct.

a.) Evury occupier of a laundry shall cause every • puvement, and every wall of any building; upon

s where his trade is carried on to be kept ant uood order and repair so as to prevent the

ion therein of any liquid filth or refuse which may spilled, or may fall or be deposited thereon.

930 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A. [FEB. 24, 1911.

(c.) He shall also cause every such receptacle con-taining refuse to be kept securely covered, and, with its contents to be removed from the premises at least daily, and after being emptied, to be thoroughly cleansed.

i. (a.) A fish-curer shall not suffer or permit any de-composing fish to be kept ou the premises where his trade is carried on for a longer period than is reasonably neces-st, ry.

. (b.) He shall cause all such decomposing fish to be otii , td in galvanised iron or other impervious recep-

,Mrnished with airtight covers, and kept securely oven,' until removed from the premises.

.) Every fish-curer shall, whenever any process ng fish for curing is being carried on, cause

iloor or pavement, and the internal surfaces of all Ill where his trade is carried on,

lioroutt•lilt - cleansed at the termination of each ;meld. I .) I I.: shall, for such purpose, provide a stiff-i- d conA ani supply of wholesome water.

Every fish-curer shall cause every part of the surfaecs of the walls of every building, and

• Nvement upon the premises where his fo he kept at all times in good order Pr-vunt the absorption therein of any

or :lity offensive or injurious matter splashed or may fall or be deposited

I also cause every drain or means of upon or in connection With his premises to lie

ul• all tine ., in good order and efficient action. curer cause all filth which has been 2.- pert of the surface of any wall of any

!lie prelolses where his trade is carried ou, seraping, or lly some other effectual

at intervals of not more than one smi he :hall, ai, the same time, cause every part nierior above, the floor or pavement of the build-

honnighly Washed with hot limeWash.

Section 14.—Fish Shops.

1. (a.) Every person engaged in the trade of cooking fish for sale shall conduct such cooking in a closed room provided with mechanical ventilation so arranged that all currents of air in such room shall be in the direction of the cooking fire.

(b.) He shall cause the fireplace of such room to he so constructed that all the vapours and effluvia of such cooking shall be carried direct into a chimney flue of sufficient sectional area.

(c.) He shall also cause the chimney shaft of the fireplace of such room to be carried up at least ten feet sl Dye the level of the roofs of the adjoining houses.

(d..) Ile shall also at all times Maintain such fire-cc,. mechanical ventilation, and chimney shaft and

in good repair and efficient action. (a.) A keeper of a fish shop shall not softer or

y fish which, by decomposing, has become unfit uem food, to he kept in any part of the premises his I code is carried on, nor shall he expose, exhibit, o• such .fish for sale.

.) Every fish shop keeper shall cause all fish or varbage or decomposing fish to be deposited in

iron or other impervious receptacles, furnished irlimlit lids, and shall also cause all refuse deposited

c, on the premises to be collected and deposited receptacles. -I He shall also cause every such receptacle con-relus!' to be closely covered, and with its con-

rvinoved as often as may be necessary from the and, after being emptied, to be thoroughly

(b.) He shall also cause every drain or means of drainage upon, or in connection with the premises, to be maintained at all times in good order and efficient action.

3. No occupier of a laundry shall receive upon the premises where his trade is carried on, any clothing, bed-ding, or drapery for cleansing sent from any house or place in which any person is at the time suffering from any infectious or contagious disease, without first obtain-ing the consent, in writing, thereto of the Local Board of Health.

4. (a.) Every occupier of a laundry shall cause all the buildings, yards, machinery or other apparatus to be kept at all times clean and in good order and repair.

(b.) He shall also cause the ceiling or the under-side of the roof, and the internal surface of every wall above the floor or pavement of any building upon his premises, to be kept thoroughly cleansed.

Section 1G.—Marine Stores.

1. The floors of all buildings and premises used in the purposes of his trade by a marine store dealer shall be properly covered with a layer of concrete or other ap-proved impervious material, laid (in the case of a ground floor) upon a suitable bottom of at least four Inches in thickness. He shall cause every such floor to have a proper slope towards a channel or gully, and shall cause every part of his premises wherein any such floor may be constructed, to be effectually drained by adequate drains communicating with a public sewer or other approved impervious receptacle. He shall cause every drain to be properly trapped and the entrance thereto to lie covered with a fixed grating, the bars of which shall not be more than three-eighths of an inch apart.

2. The yards shall be enclosed with a close fence, at least eight feet in height, any gates required to give access to the yards shall also be eight feet in height.

3. The walls of the buildings used for the purposes of the trade shall be constructed of stone or brick, and the internal surfaces of all walls above the floor or pave-ment shall lie smoothly rendered with good Portland cement mortar.

4. The roofs, if no ceilings are provided, shall be lined with galvanised sheet iron.

5. Sufficient provision for ventilation shall be made by suitable openings in the roof, or otherwise, and every room in the building shall Inn properly connected with one or more of the aforementioned openings.

6. A sufficient and constant supply of pure water shall be provided for cleansing purposes.

7. Every marine store dealer shall cause every floor or pavement, and the internal surfaces of all walls upon the premises where his trade is carried on, to be kept at all times in good order and repair, so as to prevent the absorption therein of any liquid filth or refuse or any noxious or injurious matter which may- fall or be deposited thereon.

S. He shall also cause every part of the internal sur-face above the floor or pavement of every building used for his trade to be thoroughly washed with hot limewash, at least four times in every year, that is to say, at least once during the month of January, once during the month of April, once during the mouth of July, and once during the month of October respectively.

9. Every marine store dealer shall cause every drain or menus of drainage upon or in connection with the premises where his trade is carried on, to be maintained at all times in good order and efficient action.

10. Every marine store dealer shall, at the close of every working day, cause every floor or pavement upon the premises where his trade is carried on, to be thorough-ly cleansed. He shall at the same time cause all filth or refuse, or any decomposing or noxious matter, to be collected in suitable vessels or receptacles, furnished with closely fitting covers, and to he forthAvith removed therein from the premises.

IL No building or premises shall be registered under Section 117 of "The Health Act, 1898," unless the written consent thereto of the Local Board of Health has first been obtained.

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Section 17.—Rag and Bone Merchants' Premises.

1. (a.) Every rag and bone merchant shall cause all materials which have been received upon the premises where his trade is carried on to be stored in such a manner and in such a situation as to prevent the emis-sion or noxious or offensive effluvia therefrom, or so as to be a nuisance or injurious to health.

(b.) He shall cause all rags, old clothes, textile fabrics, old bedding and other material of similar de-scription or manufacture received upon the premises to be immediately disinfected with some effective disin-fectant.

2. Every rag and bone merchant shall, from time to time, as often as may be necessary, cause every floor or pavement, and the internal surface of every wall of any building upon the premises where his trade is carried on, to be thoroughly cleansed.

(a.) He shall also cause every part of the internal surface above the, floor or pavement of every such build-ing to be thoroughly washed with hot limewash at least four times in every year, that is to say, at least once during the periods between the first and twenty-first day of February, the first and twenty-first day of May, first and twenty-first day of August, and the first and twenty-first day of November respectively.

Section 18.—Penalties.

Penalties for breaches of By-laws.

Where anything is by this part of the By-laws of the Local Board of Health directed to be done or forbidden to be done, or where authority is given to any officer of theirs to direct anything to be done or to forbid any-thing to be done, and such act so directed to be done remains undone, or such net forbidden to be done is done, in every such case the person making default as to such direction and prohibition respectively shall be deemed guilty of a breach of this part of the said By-laws: And every person guilty of a. breach of this part of the said By-laws not otherwise specially provided for by or under the authority hereof, shall he liable, for every such offence, besides any costs or expenses which may be incurred in the taking of proceedings against such person guilty of such offence, as well as any costs or expenses which may be incurred in remedying such default, as particularly provided for in "The Health Act, 1898," to a penalty not exceeding Ten pounds for every breach of any such By-law, or to a penalty not exceeding Five pounds for each day during which such breach shall be committed or continued; but the justices before whom any penalty imposed hereby is sought to be recovered may order the whole or part only (not being less than Five shillings) of such penalty to be paid.


Form of application for the consent of the Local Board of Health to the establishment or carrying on of an offensive trade establishment.

To the Secretary of the Local Board of Health. , of , do hereby apply

for the consent of the Board to the establishment (or carrying on) of an Offensive Trade Establishment, namely and I do hereby declare that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, the par-ticulars specified herein are true in respect of the premises in which it is proposed to establish or carry on the offensive trade before mentioned. Boundaries, area, and description of

the premises .. Nature, position, form, superficial

area, and cubical contents of the several buildings therein comprised

Extent of paved area in such build-ings, and materials employed in such paving

Mode of construction of the internal surface of the walls of such buildings and materials to be employed in such construction .

Means and source of water supply, position, form, materials, mode of construction and capacity of the several cisterns, tanks, or other receptacles for water con-structed for permanent use on the premises .

.11 earls of drainage, position, size, materials, and mode of construc- tion of the several drains .

Means of lighting and ventilation

Means to be used in the disposal of liquid and other refuse ..

Description of machinery to be used on the premises

• • Witness my hand this day of

Signature of Applicant,


Address of Applicant, J1


Certificate of Registration of Offensive Trade Eetabli ment.

This is to certify that , being the owl (occupier) of certain premises, being situate , has registered such premises ' an Offensive Trade Establishment for the year endi 31st December, 19 , pursuant to "The Health A 1898," and its amendments, and subject to the pi visions contained in the said Act and the By-laws the Local Board of Health, is entitled to use such 1):: mises for the above period for the purpose of earl' ing on the trade, business, or occupation of a

Registration fee £


Date, , 19

Adopted, by order of the Local Board of Health, 1 December, 1910.

R. J. CRrDLAND, Secretary.

I certify that these By-laws are not contrary to la iv.

W. F. SAYER, Solicitor General.

Confirmed by the Central Board of Health for f Eq:11 of Western Australia, this 5th, day- of Jamm ry. 1911.

F. J. HUF,L IN, Secretary.

Approved -1-)Y" ITie Excellency the overnor , tive Council, this 14th day of February, 1911.

BERNARD PARKER, Clerk of the Council.

Page 24: WESTERN AUSTRALIA. · Michael and St. George, Governor in and over the State of Western Australia and By His Excellency Sir Gerald Strickland, the Most Distinguished Order of St



Department of Lands and Surveys, Perth, 23rd February, 1911

E undermentioned Allotments of Land will be offered for Sale, at Public Auction, on the dates and at the places bitted in the Schedule below, at 11 o'clock, a.m. ; excepting Bridgetown and Meekatharra at 10 mm. ; Donnybrook at J:t; Kojonup, Brookton, Pingelly, Tambellup, Cranbrook and Katanning at 3 p.m.; Narrogin and Wagin at 4 p.m.


COLLIE. March lst.—At the Warden's Office. Collie Town 406,

£12; 743; lr. 24p., £12 10s.; 595, la., £5.

ALBANY. March 2nd.—At the Government Land Agent's Office: tnmark Sub. 1614, 4a. Or. 7p., £30; t629, 4a. 3r. 39p., 3; t631, 4a. 3r. 38p., £30; t632, 4a. 3r. 38p., £25; 33, 4a. 3r. 35p., £23; t634, 4a. 3r. 38p., £22; 1649,

2r. 31p., £28; t650, 4a. 2r. 1p., £28. Gledhow Sub. 7, 9a. Or. 18p., £9. Torbay t150, 4a. 3r. lip., £45.

BEVERLEY. March the Government Land Agent's Office: .mirsiling Sub. '49, 4n. 2r. 18p., £15.

BRIDGOTOWN.. \larch :rid.—At the Government Land Agent's Office:

riiighl own Sub. '230. -la. 2r. 31p., £10; *397, 3a. lr. 3p., £10. Boyup P,rook Town 40, lr. 14p., £10.

KAT,GOORLIE. March :tuti.---At, the (toverniheut Land Agent's Office:

lalgeoille Town 1475, Jr., £9 (plus £112 improvements). outh Itunkter Town 13301', lr., £9 (plus £57- improve-n-nts).

PERTH. March 3rd.--A1 this Office: Mundijong Sub. *96, 4a.

r. 1.2p.. £10; '97, 4a. Sr. 111p., £9; *161, 4a. lr. 1.8p., ' Is. 1r. Sp.. £9. Lion Mill Sub. *45, 7a. !p., ViSt '71 and *72, 5a. each, 212 each; *96, 4a. 3r. 1p., 1:12 ; :1.8a. Or. 10p., £30; *187, 7a. lr. 14p.,

Watheroo Town 25, lr., £15. Gingin Sub. *57, la., Wungong Sub. '36 and *17, 5a. each, £32 each.

:tockingharn Sub. *1.30, 5a., :M.

GERALDTON. March 3rd.—At the Government Land Agent's Office:

Arrino Town. 12 and 13, 1 r. each, £5 each; 57 and 58, Ir. each, £10 each. Na nsoit Town 4, ir. 16p., £5; 6, lr. 4.1p.. £10; 7, .8, and 9, 1r. 4.1p. eme,h, £5 each; 12, lr. 1.5p,, t:5; 16, lr. 2.Sp., £7. Denison Town 50 and 51, Jr. each, £1.0 each.

SOUTHERN GROSS. Ararell 3rd.—At the Government Land Agent's Office:

Southern Cross Town 76. Er., £30; 378, 434, and 435, r. each, :£1.5 each.

NARROGIN. March Sth.—At the Government Land Agent's Office:

Narrogin Town 744, 2r. 24 C2 u., £20; Darkan Town 106, Ir., £12.

NORTHAM. March 9th.—At the Government Land Agent's Office:

Burracoppin Town 58, 1r., £10; 59, lr., £10.

BROOKTON. March 9th.—At the Government Land Agent's Office:

Brookton Town 149 and 150, 3r. 2p. each, £15 each; 203, lr., £12.

MEEKATHARRA. March 9th.—At the Warden's Office: Meekatharra.

Town 124, ir., £10 (plus £150 improvements).

RAVENSTHORPE. March 10th.—At the Warden's Office: Ravensthorpe

Town 214, lr., £20; 271, lr., £15 (plus £60 improve-meats).

WAGIN. March 10th.—At the Government Land Agent's 011ice:

Wagin Sub. *728, 5a. lr. 23p., 111.

- LEONORA. March 14th.—At the Warden 's Office: Leonora Town

8S2, lr., £25.

KELLERBERRIN. March 14th.—At the Government Land Agent's Office:

Kellerberrin Town 214, 1.r., £7; 215, lr., £S.

PINGELLY. March 15th.—At the Government Land Agent 's

Pingelly Sub. *500, la. Sr. 23p., £14; '548, 3a. ;tr. £20.

KOJONUP. March 17th.—At the Government Land Agent 's Office:

Kojonup Sub. *172, Ga. lr. 34p., £12; *173, 7a. lr. 113p., £14; *174, 8a. lr. 28p., £16; *175, Ga. 2r. 33p., £13; *192 and 1'193, 5a. Or. 1p. each, £10 each.

ALBANY. March 20.—At the Government Land Agent 's 011ice:

Denmark Sub. 1334, 37a. 2r. 30p., £121; 1370, 23a. Or. 30p., £380; Torbay Sub. t164, 24a. lr. 20p., £20.

BROOME. March 20.—At the Resident Magistrate 's Office:

Broome Town 78, 2r., £20.

WICKEPIN. March 31st.--At the Government Land Agent's Office:

Wickepin Town 42 and 73, lr. each, £10 each.

Suburban for cultivation 5 years. iSuburban for cultivation, 10 years. Plans and further particulars may be obtained at this Office, or at the office where they are to be sold.

N.11—Laud bold to a depth of 200 feet below the natural surface, except in Mining Districts, where it is granted to a depth of 40 feet only.

CECIL CLIFTON, Under Secretary for Lauds.


(near Marvel Loch). Department of Lands and Surveys,

54/ 1 )11. Perth, 24th February, 1911. 11 IS Excellency the Governor in Executive Council has heel: pleased to approve, by virtue of the powers given him I " The Laud. Act, 1898." of the setting apart of the area described hereunder as Town and Suburban to Hum a townsite in the Yilgarn Goldfield, near Marvel

1 - (nuleil by lines starting from the North-West corner of C.M.L. 558; thence about 10 chains South-South-Easterly along West boundary of 858; thence about 3,156 licks South; thence 3,000 links West; thence 1,350

links North; thence 950 links West; thence about 4,750 links North to the Southern side of surveyed road from Southern Cross to Nevoria; thence South-Easterly along said side of road to the West boundary of G.M.L.- 1-197; thence Southerly along said Western boundary to its South-West centre; thence North-Easterly along South-ern boundary of G.M.L. 1497 to its intersection with Southern side of aforesaid road; thence South- Easterly along said side of road to the Western boundary et' G.M.L. 1562; thence South-South-Easterly along said boundary to South-West corner of G.M.L. 1562; thence North-Easterly along South boundary of G.M.L. 1562 to the starting point.

11 CECIL CM. It"l'ON, Under Secretary for Lands.

Page 25: WESTERN AUSTRALIA. · Michael and St. George, Governor in and over the State of Western Australia and By His Excellency Sir Gerald Strickland, the Most Distinguished Order of St

FEB. 24, 1911.] GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A. 935


Department of Lands and Surveys, Perth, 24th February, 1911.

HIS Excellency the Governor in Executive Council has been pleased to set apart as Public Reserves the lands described in the Schedules below, for the purposes therein set forth:-

8464/08. AVON.-No. 11575 (School site).-Bounded on the

North and West by lines starting from the North-West corner of Avon Location 5715, and extending East five chains, and South four chains; the opposite boundaries being parallel and equal. 2 acres. (Plan 378A/40 South, Diagram 37948.)

15344/08. SUSSEX.-No. 12497 (Gravel).-Bounded by lines

starting from a point on the Eastern side of Road No. 2182, situate West 2 chains 72 4/10 links, and North 14 chains 72 links from the South-West corner of Sussex Location 937. and extending 33Sdeg. 36min. 10 chains 741,!: links; thence East 16 chains 21/, links, South 10 chains, and thence West 12 chains 10 links to the start-in°. point. 14 acres. (Plan 413/80, Diagram 36740.)

NARROGIN A.A.-No. 12582 (Gravel).-That por-tion of Narrogin Agricultural Area Lot 92 bounded by lines starting from the North-West corner of such lot, and extending S9deg. 59min. 7 chains 51 2/10 links; thence 183c:tog% 17min. 6 chains 88 4/10 links; thence 273:1e. 17miM 7 chains 49 8/10 links, and thence 3deg. 17min-. 6 chains 45 2/10 links to the starting point. 5 acres. As surveyed and shown on Diagram 38183. (Plan 385A/40.)

WILLIAMS.-No. 12583 (Gravel).-That portion of Williams Location 4157 hounded on the North-Eastward and North-Westward by lines starting from a point on the North-Eastern boundary of such location situated 12 chains 12 5/10 links from its North corner, and ex-tending 121deg. 32min. eight chains 34 links, and 211deg.

six chains; the opposite boundaries being parallel and equal. 5 acres. As surveyed and shown on Diagram 38184. (Plan 385A/40.)

580/11. WELLINGTON (22-Mile Pool, Harris River).-No.

13233 (Water).-Bounded by lines starting from a North-West corner of Wellington Location 2331. and extending South two chains 50 links along a Western boundary of the latter; thence West 9 chains 28 links to the W(eternmost boundary of location aforesaid; thence North to an old sandalwood track, and thence East-South-Eastward along the latter to the starting point. About 2% acres. (Plan 383/80, Diagram 38686.)

17228/10. WILLIAMS.-No. 13243 (Racecourse and Recrea-

Bon).-Bounded by lines starting from the. South-West corner of Reserve 9549 (school site), and extending 269deg. :58min. about 35 chains; thence North about 32 chains, EaSt to the Western side of Road No. 2110; thence 147deg. 44min. to the North-East corner of Re-serve 9549 aforesaid, and thence West and South along the latter's North and West boundaries to the starting point. About 100 acres. (Plan 384/80.)

598/11. KYARRA (near Meekatharra).-No. 13245 (Water,

under Act 57 Victoria, No. 20).-A square block of land having its boundaries in the meridian and at right angles thereto, with bore well 'In centre; said bore well being situate about 127deg. 37 chains from the most Easterly corner of Gold Mining Lease 913N. 25 acres. (Reserve 949 is hereby reduced.) (Record L66 and Plan

9706/10. KUNUNOPPIN.--No. 13252 (Water).-Lot 35. 100


17056/10. BROOKTON.-No. 13254 (Church site, Church of

Christ) .-Lot 275. 1 rood.

9951/10. ALBANY.-No. 13257 (Agricultural Department Cool

Storage site).-Lots .02 and 669. About 3% acres.

18203/10. KALUWIRI (near Sandstone).-No. 13265 (Water.

under Act 57 -Viet., No. 20).-Late G.M.L. 211B. 12 acres. (Plan 42/300, Record L104.)

17925/10. WARRAMBOO (near Paynesville).-No. 13266

(Water, Railway Department).-Late Mining Lease 41451. 6 acres. (Plan 54/300, Record L53.)

17987/10. ILBADJI, TAMARIN (Cockatoo Tank).-No.

1326$ (Water, under Act 57 Viet.' No. 20).-Bounded

by lines starting at the 29-mile post on the Strawberry-Parker 's Range Road; thence South-Easterly along the boundary of said road for 40 chains; thence South-Westerly and at right angles to Road for 30 chains;- the opposite boundaries being parallel and equal. 120 acres. (Plan 19/300.)

17107/10. WILLIAMS.-No. 13270 (Church site, Baptists).--

Bounded on the South and West by lines starting froM the North-West corner of Williams Location 7710, Mid-extending East along the North boundary of the *latter for a distance of about 9 chains, and North - 2 chains 17 links along the West side of a surveyed road to the South side of Road No. 3224; the opposite boundaries -being parallel and equal. About 2 acres. (Plan 385B/ 40.)

6588/03. MURRAY.-No. 13274 (Timber).-Location 486. 100

acres. (Late H.F. 2854/74.) 13193/10. QUAIRADING.-No. 13275 (Railway, Station-

master's Residence).-Lots 24 and 69. 2 roods. 13909/10. SUSSEX.-No. 13276 (Road Approach, ford):thca-

tion 1097. 3a. 3r. 23p. (ex road). 14643/10. WAG-IN.-No. 13279 (Protection of Na Game).--

Lot 897. About 260 acres. 405/92. KOJONUP.-No. 13280 ( Water ) .-Location HO.

100 acres. (Reserve 1996 is hereby cancelled.) , R. CECIL CLIFTON,

Under Secretary for Lands.


Department of Lands and Surveys, Perth, 24th February, 1911.

HIS Excellency the Governor in Executive Council has been pleased to approve of the Areas and Boundaries of the following Reserves being amended as described in the Schedules below, for the purposes therein set forth ; the Areas and Boundaries previously published in the Government Gazette being hereby 'cancelled:----;

2322/10. VICTORIA (Junah Thicket Tank).-No. 655 (Water).

-Bounded on the East and South by lines starting from a point situate West about 50 chains and South abbut 20 chains from the 45-mile post on the Northampton-.- Roebourne telegraph line, and extending North about 120 chains and West about SO chains; the opposite boun-daries being parallel and equal. (1,000 acres.) (Plan 192/80.)

529/06. HAMPTON (Broad Arrow).-No. 10363 (Rifle Range,

Rifle Club).-Bounded by lines starting from a' point situate about 18 chains South and about 32 chains East from the South-East corner of Reserve 2382 (Hospital), and extending North-East 10 chains; thence South 46 chains, North-East 6 chains 50 links, South-East 91 chains; thence South-West 23 chains, North-West 91 chains, North-East 6 chains 50 links, and thence North-West 46 chains to the starting point. (255 acres.) (Plan 71/80.)

8693/08. MOORA.-No. 11585 (Public Hospital).-Lot 113. (5,

acres 3r. 10p.) (Diagram 39022.) (Reserve 2329 is hereby reduced.)

10475/09. AVON (near Talbot Brook).-No. 12434 (Water).-

Bounded by lines starting from the North-East corner of Avon Location 11021, and extending 75deg. 47min. 16 chains 29 links; thence 197deg. 46min. 13 chains 98 links, 27Odeg. 2min. 11 chains 531/2 links, and thence Odeg. 2min. 9 chains 31 links to the starting point. (15 acres.) (Plan 2C/40, Diagram 37170.)

Page 26: WESTERN AUSTRALIA. · Michael and St. George, Governor in and over the State of Western Australia and By His Excellency Sir Gerald Strickland, the Most Distinguished Order of St

acres. 1,000

97-1 I t250 .9511) +2501 0603


0 Ill 999 ' 0 15

0 15

1,00., 0 14

115 0 e 11

sus 0 5

s. d. 010 01 Nil 010 0 Nil

0 S ; Nil

0 9 , Ail

0 Nil

0 Nil u

,2,50 o 0 0 Nil o Nil

936 • GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A. [FEB. 24, 1911.

2400/10. VICTORIA (Yuba).—No. 12698 (Water).—Bounded

by lines starting from a point on the Western side of a surveyed road situate West 1 chain, and 178deg. 5min. 5 chains from the South-West corner of Victoria Lo-cation 4259, and extending 268deg, 5min. 21 chains 1. link; thence 358deg. 5min. 21 chains 68 links, 88deg. 5min., and thence 17Sdeg. 5min. 21 chains 68 links to

the starting point. (451/2 acres.) (Plan 160/80, Dia- gram 38821).

11294/10. AVON. (Na-mbadilling).—No. 13042 (Water).—Loca-

Pion 16874. (40 acres.) (0.P. Avon 1391, Plan 344/80.)

16921/1.0. PITZG ERALD (Norseman-Esperance Road).—No.

13209 (Water, under Act 57 Vie., No. 20).—Bounded on the West and South by lines starting from a point siinate \V, ii 10 chains and South 40 chains from the 79-mile post on the Norseman-Esperance Road, and ex-fending North about 113 chains nail East about 80 ,haills; the opposite boundaries being parallel and equal.

hoo t aeres.) (Plan 11/300.)

R. CECIL CLIFTON, Under Secretary fur Lands.



Stirling Estate.

Department of Lands and Surveys, 9108/10. Perth, 17th February, 1911.

IT is hereby notified Ilirtt His Excellency the Governor in ive con nci 1 11, L been pliiaseil to approve of Stirling Esi.de Ie l _its being withibruv,-ta from selection and :inn 10:idi• :1\ 1,101,-r die prodsions of "The \ g,

(Ira I Lards Pureliase .\ et. 1909," on and after 7f1, Mandl, P111. H. a price of ,21 12s.

per ii., re, subject to IL- improvements (amount- ing 1,, ;Timid 1:..12 5s.( added to the price of the 1:11).1, se,11 paid within 60 days of the approval ,,,-

.\ 1,1We:dicer- alas, L. 1n11,2cif at the Office of the Gov- ernment I ianil I 'ifinimry. and may be lodged be- fore the dale specifieii. 1,111 (ill be treated as having i„,„„ „ j, arpoi, . lily. Area 17 acres

21.1p. Phin sfirling

cEl IL CLIFTON, Under Secretary for Lands.

\\TIN1 ES, 1.11.:1.11:. A NI) SPIRIT SALES ACT .1 \TEN OM ENT ACT, 1909.

P., ion of Section 2.

Deparlmen, lands and Surveys, 15.1S7/10. 17th February, 1911.

is hereby notified. for general information, that in ereise or life power conferred by the provisions of

Section 2 Th, \Vincs. li, nd Spirit Sales Act Amendimml Aci. 1909," !lie Excellency the Governor,

adviee ,,1 the -Executive Council, has sus-pended (he open:lion (a: Suction 2 of the said Act in the following plac, namely, Blocks 119 and 120 of the Bullfinch Townsitc.

R. CECIL CLIFTON, Under Secretary for Lands


artment of Lands and Surveys, Perth, 9th February, 1911.

FILES 410S/10 and 15645/10.—It is hereby notified, for general information, that Gazette notices rendering Williams Location 9746 at Lake Gran available for selection on the 31st of January, 1911, and Melbourne lineations 2117 and 2138 available for the 14th inst., in hereby cancelled, and such lands are hereby with-drawn from selection.

PILE 7360/07.—It is hereby notified, for general in-formation, that Avon Location 10760 is withdrawn from selection, and the notification rendering it available for the 31st ulti en is hereby cancelled.

R. CECIL CLIFTON, Under Secretary forLauds.

LAND OPEN FOR SELECTION. Department of Lands and Surveys,

Perth, 24th February, 1911. frf is hereby notified, for general information, that His Excellency the Governor iu Executive Council has been pleased to approve of the areas scheduled hereunder being made available for selection under " The Land Act, 1898," and its amendments. The selector of a Homestead Farm from any location available under Part VIII. must take the balance thereof under Con-ditional Purchase, and a selector of a portion of any location available under Part VI. must take the balance of same under Grazing Lease conditions.

The locations available under Part VI. are marked with an asterisk.

Applications must be lodged at the Office of the Gov-ernment Land Agent for the District.

The date fixed as showing when subdivisions are avail-able deludes that applications may be lodged before such date, but will be treated as having been received on the appointed day, and should there be any loca-tions not applied for after the date specified, such will continue available until applied for or otherwise dealt with.

The locations with amounts set against them in the fourth column are available subject to the special con-dition that an expenditure of not less than one-fourth of the amount set out in such column shall be made on prescribed improvements in each of the first four years of the lease; but this shall not release the holder from any covenant in the Agricultural Bank Mortgage re-quiring the improvements to be made at an earlier date. The advance mentioned is subject to the usual con-ditions governing a loan from the Agricultural Bank, particulars of which may be had on application from the Managing Trustee.

Applications for advance must be accompanied by a fee of one per cent. on the amount applied for.

There shall be an interval of at least seven days between the closing of the date for applications and the date on which the Board sits. Immediately after the closing of the date, notice will be given in the Govern-ment Gazette, and at least one newspaper, advising the applicants for the blocks in any subdivision (for which there is more than one applicant) of the date, time, and place of the meeting of the Board, to deal with the matter; but it shall not be obligatory on the Department to give any other notice.

He may then, if he wishes, apply to Head Office for a Certificate to the Railway Department, which on presentation at the nearest Railway Station, will entitle him to a Return Ticket at Excursion Rates to the place where the Board will sit, available for seven days from date of issue.


Avon District (near Lake Wallambin). Corr. No. 12713/09. Open, under Parts V., VI., and VIII., -on and after

Wednesday, 1st March, 1911. (Plan L. Wallambin.)

Location Price per No. • Acre.

Amount of Agricultural Brink Advance to Approved


11285 14340






0 ,9

Under Part V.

The above blocks are made available subject to the condition that the Government retains the right- to re-sume, within two years of the date on which the blocks :11., made available, any land required for railway pur-p,,ses, without compensation, except for the actual value a' any statutory improvements that may have been

,•Ifect ed on the land resumed.

Page 27: WESTERN AUSTRALIA. · Michael and St. George, Governor in and over the State of Western Australia and By His Excellency Sir Gerald Strickland, the Most Distinguished Order of St

Location No. Price per

Acre. Area.

£ s. d. 1 0 0 16904

102 2

Area. Priceper acre.

Locatdo No.

FEB. 24, 1911.] GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A. 937


Victoria District (near Nugadong).

Corr. No. 15159/10.

Open, under Parts V., VI., and VIII., on and after Wednesday, 1st l',[arch, 1911. (Plan 89/80.)


Cor. No. 8564/10. Nelson- District (near lituirtown).

Open, under Parts V. and VIII., on and after Tues-day, 7th March, 1911. (Plan Warren River, Sheet 3.)

Location No.

Area. Price Amount of Agricultural Bank per acre. Advance to Approved Applicant.

Location No.

Price Area. ;' per acre. Amount of Agricultural Bank

E Advance to Approved Applicant.

acres. ; £ s. d. 1

4900 acres.


s. d.

0 18 0 I Nil 4264 320 ' 1 1 0 ! £100.

4901 `714 0 0 Nil 4902 *930 0 8 0 Ni] 4911 *995 0 9 0 Ni] 4917 ... '912 0 5 6 Nil NARROGIN LAND AGElY 1918 .1 1'1001

*830 0 9 0 Nil Williams District.

t Under Part V.

The above locations are made available subject to the Government retaining the right of resumption for railway purposes, railway stations, or townsites, water supply, or other public purposes, any land required; such right to exist for 12 months after the permanent survey of the railway has been completed, and no compensation to be given for resumption except for the actual value of any improvements that may be resumed.

Corr. No. 8861/09.

Avon District (near Trayning Siding).

Open, under Parts V. and VIII., on and after Wed-nesday, 8th March, 1911. (Plan 34/80.)

! Price Amount of Agricultural Bank " per acre. j Advance to Approved Applicant.

a. r. p. s. d. 11865

824 0 0 1 1 0 1 £300.

Avon District (near Traymino Siding).

Corr. No. 8861/09. Open, under Parts V. and VT11., on and after Wed-

nesday, 8th March, 1911. (Plan 34/80.)

Location Area. Price Amount of Agricultural Bank No. I per acre. Advance to Approved Applicant.

acres £ s. d. 11868 721 0 14 0 Nil. 11869 484 0 17 0 Nil. 11871 969 0 15 0 Nil. 11364 ... 999 0 17 0 £400.

(;rear Chedaring.) Corr. No. 412/10. Open, under Parts V. and VIII., on and after Wed-

nesday, 8th March, 1911. (Plan 2A/40, Al.)

Amount of Agricultural Bank Advance to Approved Applicant.

a. r. p. £ s. d. 6910 7385 487 0 0 0 15 0 Open as one block.


Aron, District (near Crass Valley). Corr. No. 13695/03. Open, under Parts V and VIII., on and after Wed-

nesday, 15th March, 1911. (Plan 270/40.)

(Reserve 3203 is hereby reduced.)

Corr. No. 7513/10. Open, under Parts Vl.*\711., and VIII., on. act

Tuesday, 28th February, 1911. (Plan Wa

Location No.


Are a " !

acres. 100

"rice per acre.

£ s. d.

Amount of Agricultural J34,4, advance to approved' Applie, ;it .

Excepted from salM 13258

9924 932 0 14 0 £350 *9925 9583

'250 0 8 0 Nil. *9926

1. t200 '567 0 8 6 Nil.

9927 834 0 16 0 £300 9930 811 0 12 0 £250 9931 782 0 14 0 14100 if taken with 9933 9042 844 0 13 0 £400 if taken with 9914 0034 874 0 12 0 See 9931 9941 790 0 16 0j Sce 9932 99:5 87'.;j 0 16 0 Nil.

a. r. p. 993- 106 3 0 0 16 0 J Nil.

;:4 450 0 12 0 I Nil. 99.11 240 0 12 0 .0190 if tuL u iti; 9915 00:5 905 0 12 6 j See Loc. 9944

*mon 596 0 8 0 I Nil,

t Part V. The above blocks are made available subject to the

condition that the Government retains the right to re-sume, within hvo years of the date on which the blocks are made available, any land required for railway pur-poses, without compensation, except for the actual value of any statutory improvements that may have been effected on the land resumed.


Open, Tuesday,

Location No.

No. 6420/10. Williams District

under Parts V., 7th March, 1911.

Area. Price per acre.

(East of Geetarning). VI., and VIII., on and after

(Plan Kulinn, Sheet 4.)

Amount of Agricultural Bank 1 Advance to Approved Applicant.

acres. £ s. d. 9848

10071 ••• 949

236 0 0

17 0 19 0

; £300. I £350, if taken with Loc. 10072.

10072 ••• 898 0 12 6 ! See 10071. 10071 ••• 1,000 0 10 0 ; Nil 10074 ••• 1,000

; 0 14 0 j £300.

10075 10076



1,000 1,000

0 0

13 0 15 0

; £550. ! £300.

10077 1,000 ' 0 13 0 ; £300. 10078 ••• 1,000 ! 0 12 0 ! £300. 10079 • •• 900 ! 0 12 0 , Nil. 10080 10081*



1,000 0 200

13 0 £300.

* 5 0 800 1 7 6 Nil.

10082 ••• 1,000 j 0 10 0 £300. 10081 ••• 819 j 0 16 0 £400, if taken with Loc. 10084. 10034 800 0 11 0 See Loc. 10083. 10089 1,000 I 0 12 0 £400, if taken with Loc. 10098. 10090* 1,387 j 0 5 0 Nil. 10094 802I 0 17 0 ; £400, if taken with Loc. 10095. 10095 900 j 1 0 0 ! See 10094. 10096* t350 ?

'973 5 0 7 6 ! Nil. 10098 1,000 ; 0 10 0 ; £400, if taken with 10089. 10099 1,000 ! 0 15 0 ! £300.

t Part V.

Subject to the condition that the Government retain the right to resume, within two years of the date on which the land is made available, any land required for townsites and railway purposes, without compensa-tion, except for the actual value of any- statutory im-provements that may move been effected upon the land resumed.

Location No.

Page 28: WESTERN AUSTRALIA. · Michael and St. George, Governor in and over the State of Western Australia and By His Excellency Sir Gerald Strickland, the Most Distinguished Order of St

Area. Price per acre.

Location No.

938 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A. [FEB. 24, 1911.


Avon District (near lilt. Arrowsmith).

Corr. No. 5530/10. Open, under Parts V., VI., and VIII., on and after

Tuesday, 7th March, 1911. (Plan 345/80.)

Lot No. Area. Price

per acre. Amount of Agricultural Bank

Advance to Approved Applicant.

acres. £ s. d. 16241 ... 999 0 14 0 £300, if taken with 17192. 16242 *949 0 8 0 No advance. 16243 ... *716 0 9 0 £350 if taken with 16249. 16244 599 0 13 0 £350 if taken with 16246. 16245 397 0 10 0 £350 if taken with 17190. 18246 999 0 18 0 £350, if taken with 16244. 10247 ... 1,000 Reserved for future requirements. 16218 ... 1,000 0 10 6 No Advance. 102.19 ... 1,000 0 16 0 £350, if taken with 16243. 10250 ... 1,000 0 19 0 £400, it taken with 17191. 17100 1,000 0 19 0 £350, if taken with 16245. 17101 1,000 0 19 0 £400, if taken with 16250. 17192 . 1,000 0 11 0 £300 it taken with 16241. 17101 1,000 0 16 6 £350, if taken with 17194. 17101 1,000 0 14 0 £350, if taken with 17193. 17101 953 0 10 0 No advance. 17196 950 0 19 0 £350, if taken with 17198. 17198 954 0 15 0 £350, if taken with 17196. 17199 994 0 15 6 £350, if taken with 17200. 17200 994 0 18 6 £350, if taken with 17199. 17201 986 0 16 0 No advance.


.1//u, District (near Talbot Brook).

,tv or n, under Part V. (Plan 2C/80.)

The a ,,1 ewe}, ri,ed within the closed road passing :ibuig ,\,• ■■ rill boundary of Avon Location 4515 and the Kist boundary of Location 1101S.

Open ,,nl■ 10 owners of land abutting thereon, at £1 per acre.


Avon District (near Kurrenkutten).

Corr. No. 6421/10.

Open, under Parts V. and VIII., on and after Tucs-lay, 1-Ith March, 1911. (Plan Kurrenkutten, Sheet 3,

::101 :111/80.1

Location No. Area. Price

per acre.

acres. £ s. d. 16880 631 1 1 0 16881 1,000 0 19 0 16885 847 1 0 0 16586 591 1 1 0

The above locations are made available subject to the (Thvernment retaining the right of resumption for railway purposes, railway stations, or townsites, water supply, or other public purposes. any laud required; such right to exist for 12 months after the 7,rel1anevt survey of ine railway has been completed, and no compensation to be given for resumption except for the actual value of any improvements that may be resumed,


Williams District (near Bullock Hills).

Corr. No. 12196/10.

Now open, under Part V. (Plan 408D/40.)

The area comprised within the closed road passing along the East and part of the South boundaries of Wil-liams Location 4259, from its North-East corner to the North-West corner of Location 6603, at per acre.

Open only to owners of land abutting thereon.


Williams District. Corr. No. 5091/10. Open, under Parts V., VI., and VIII., on and after

Tuesday, 28th February, 1911. (Plan Lake Grace, Sheet 2, and 407/80.)

Amount of Agricultural Bank Advance to Approved Applicant.


9780 1781 9782 9783 9181 9785 f

2, 9786 '9787 f

9788 .1- 2

9789 ... 9790 9791 9792 {

9793 ...

2794 ...

9795 5- 2,

acres. 1,000 (ex Lak 308i


1,000 1,000 1250 } 750*

400 t650 } 350*

1,1t739° 5 .? * 5

1,000 1,000

398 t350 / 858* .5

1,000 (9x Lake) 1,000

(ex Lalia)

1,0t83* 150 1

ti s. d. 0 12 6

0 13 6 0 10 6

Reserved 0 13 0 0 12 6

0 7 0

0 6 0

0 9 0

0 7 0

0 9 6 0 11 0 0 11 0

0 7 6 0 11 0

0 13 0

0 6 0

£350 if taken with 9780 £350 if taken with 9779 No advance for water £350 £350 No advance

do. .0300

No advance. £300 £350 5350 if taken with 9792 £350 if taken with 9791 £400 if taken with 9794

£400 if taken with 9793

No advance

t Under Part V.

R. CECIL CLIFTON, Under Secretary for Lands.


Department of Lands and Surveys, Perth, 9th February, 1911.

IT is hereby notified, for general information, that the lands as described hereunder will be available for selec-tion on and after Tuesday, 28th February, 1911.

Applications must be lodged with the Government Land Agent for the District in which the land is situated.

Applications may be lodged before the day specified, but will be treated as having been received on the appointed day, and if there are more than one applicant the matter will be decided by the Land Board.

If it becomes necessary that any application should go to the Land Board for decision the applicant will receive a notice from the Head Office informing him of the date, place, and time of the sitting of the Board.

He may then, if he wishes, apply to the Head Office for a certificate to the Railway Department which on presentation at the nearest Railway Station will entitle • him to a Return Ticket at Excursion Rates to the placa where the Board will sit, available for seven days from the date of issue.

(Open under Parts V. and VIII of the Land Act and its Amendments.)

NORTHAM AGENCY. Avon District.

Corres. 17999/10. Avon Location 16294, as surveyed, containing 995 acres,

at lls. per acre. (Plan Nunajin, Sheet 2.) About 22 miles South from Merredin.

Corres. 15527/10. Avon Location 16289, as surveyed, containing 999

acres, at 15s. per acre. (Plan Locations near Nunajin, Shed 2.)

About 22 miles South from Merredin, about 21 miles South-East from Hines' Hill.

KATANNING AGENCY. Williams District.

Corres. 16783/10. Williams Location 9761, as surveyed, containing 1,000

acres, at 14s. per acre. (Plan Locations near Nampup.) About 33 miles North-East from Katanning, and about

22 miles South-East from Dumbleyung. Agricultural Bank Advance, £350.

Page 29: WESTERN AUSTRALIA. · Michael and St. George, Governor in and over the State of Western Australia and By His Excellency Sir Gerald Strickland, the Most Distinguished Order of St

FEB. 24, 1911.] GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A. 939


Sussex District. Corres. 6646/10. That parcel of land, being a strip 28 chains 28 links

wide, adjoining Sussex Location 962, and having a front-age to the North side of surveyed Road No. 114, and shown on plan as Sussex Location 960, containing 160 acres. Subject to classification and pricing. (Plan 413/SO, P3.)

About 14 miles South-East of Busselton.


Williams District. Corres. 6865/04. Williams Location 4928, as surveyed, containing 160

acres, at 13s. per acre. (Plan 385A/40.) About 3 miles East of Narrogin.

Wellington District.

Corres. 10686/10. That parcel of land starting from the South-West cor-

ner of Wellington Location 1741, running thence due South about 3S chains to meet the North bOundary of Wellington Location 1877; thence due East about 32 chains to the West boundary of Wellington 1961; thence North about 38 chains to the South boun-dary of Wellington Location 1741; thence West about 32 chains to the starting point. Containing about 122 acres; subject to classification and pricing. (Also avail-able under Part VI.) (Plan 410/80, E3.)

About 41/2 miles South of Darkan Railway Station.

ALBANY AGENCY. Plantagenet District.

Conies. 1506S/10. That parcel of land starting from 237-mile post on

the Albany Road, running thence due East about GO chains; thence South about 29 1/, chains; thence West about 48 chains to the Albany Road; thence about 32 chains along such road to the starting point. Contain-ing 160 acres. (Plan 451/80, B3.)

About 9 miles South of Mt. Barker.

Corres. 4078/05. Plantagenet Location 1700, as surveyed, containing 160

acres, at 25s. per acre, being H. Farm 6576/74, for-feited by John Allen. (Plan 445/80, B4.)

Improvements to the value of £62 10s. exist on this block.

About 4 miles East of Mt. Barker.

R. CECIL CLIFTON, Under Secretary for Lands.

LAND OPEN FOR SELECTION. Department of Lands and Surveys,

Perth, 15th February, 1911. IT is hereby notified, for general information, that the lands as described hereunder will be available for selec-tion on and after Tuesday, 7th March, 1911.

Application must be lodged with the Government Land Agent for the District in which the land is situ-ated.

Applications may be lodged before the day specified, but will be treated as having been received on the appointed day, and if there are more than one applicant the matter will be decided by the Land Board.

If it becomes necessary that any application should go to the Land Board for decision the applicant will receive e notice from the Head Office informing him of the date, place, and time of the sitting of the Board.

He may then, if he wishes, apply to the Head Office for a certificate to the Railway Department which on presentation at the nearest Railway Station will entitle him to a Return Ticket at Excursion Rates to the place where the Board will sit, available for seven days from the date of issue.

(Open under Parts V. and VIII. of the Land Act and its Amendments.)


Avon District. Corres. 11565/07. Avon Location 7153, as surveyed, containing 160 acres,

at 20s. per acre, being H. Farm 9907/74 forfeited by A. W. Fowler. (Plan 3/80, D4.)

One and a half miles South-East of Kulbelling Sta-tion, Greenhills-Quairading Line

Corres. 10425/05. Avon Location 8186, as surveyed, containing 160 acres.

55. 6d. per acre, subject to value of any existing im-provements being added. Late H. Farm 7341/74 for-feited by S. Topliss. (Plan 3/80, E4.)

About two miles South-East from Quairading.

Corres. 3073/10. That parcel of land starting at South-West corner of

Avon Location 7126; thence along the Southerly boundary of that location for about 50 chains; thence South-Easterly for about 100 chains; thence South-Westerly for about 50 chains to join Avon Location 7274; thence North-Westerly along the Eastern boundaries of Avon Locations 7274, 7273, and 5659 to starting point; oppo-site sides being equal and parallel, and including Avon. Location 10129 as surveyed; containing about 500 acres, subject to classification and pricing (open also under Part VI. of the Land Act). (Plan 343A/40, Cit)

About 30 miles East of Beverley.


Melbourne District. Corres. 8620/10. That parcel of land enclosed by Melbourne Locations

1342, 2076, 2207, 1330, 1329, and 929, containing abont 260 acres. Subject to classification and pricing. (Plan 63/SO, E2.) (And also available under Part VI.)

About 12 miles South-East from Watheroo.


Nelson District. Corres. 905/11. Nelson Location 4223, containing 256 acres, at 18s.

per acre. (Plan Warren River, Sheet 2.) About 30 miles South of Bridgetown. Agricultural Bank advance £200.


Under Secretary for Lands.


Reserve 12717 at Bannister.

Department of Lands and Surveys, Perth, 17th February, 1911.

LT is hereby notified that His Excellency the Governor in Executive Council has been pleased to approve of Re-serve 12717, Location 9365, on the Williams River at Bannister, being made available for leasing under Section 41a of "The Land Act, 1898," under an annual tenancy renewable, at the will of the Hon Minister for Lands, at a rental of £3, on and after the abo4e date.


Under Secretary for Lands.

Page 30: WESTERN AUSTRALIA. · Michael and St. George, Governor in and over the State of Western Australia and By His Excellency Sir Gerald Strickland, the Most Distinguished Order of St

940 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A. [FEB. 24, 1911.


Department of Lands and Surveys, Perth, 23rd February, 1911.

IT is hereby notified, for general information, that the lands as described hereunder will be available for selec-tion on and after Tuesday, 14th March, 1911.

Applications must be lodged with the Government Land Agent for the District in which the land is situated.

Application may be lodged before the day specified, but will be treated as having been received on the appointed day, and if there are more than one applicant the matter will be decided by the Land Board.

If it becomes necessary that any application should he Land Board for decision the applicant will receive

a notice from the Head Office informing him of the date, pH•O. :'nd time of the sitting of the Board.

I I o mat: then, if he wishes, apply to the Head Office for a certificate to the Railway Department which on presentation at the nearest Railway Station will entitle hint to a -Return Ticket at Excursion Rates to the place where the Board will sit, available for seven days from

Die date of issue.

1 Op. Paris F. and FM. of the Land Act and its Amendments.)

PERTH AGENCY. Fitzgerald District.

Thai. pa reel of land starting from the North-West zgerald Location 74, and running about

, elm i cs North; thence about 130 chains East to join I,,,, I in !)., thence South to the South-West corner

Lae:, lien OS; thonce West to Location 74; thence Nevi hotly by •::111-.erii boundary of Location 74 to • s North-Hasi nil thence West to the starting

: eputaining -hold 1,000 acres. Subject to classi- tiealic, it and pricing. (Plan 402/80, B1.)

bou I five miles West from Grass Patch.

GERALDTON AGENCY. Victoria District.

10034/10. pria Location 5054, as surveyed, containing 1,000 at Ns. per acre. (Plan Balla.)

,;ricnItural Rank advance to approved selector, ti00. .\10111- 24 miles North-East of Northampton.

Cccres. 10176/10. Victoria Locations 4701, 4702, 4703, and 4704, as

surveyed, each containing 1,000 acres, at 16s., 8s., 18s., and 8s. 6d. per acre respectively. (Plan Ajana, Sheet '2.)

Location 4703 carries Agricultural Bank advance of £200 to approved selector.

About 20 miles North of Northampton.

ALBANY AGENCY. Plantagenet District.

Corres. 1781/09. That 160 acres having a frontage to Wilson Inlet and

lying between Plantagenet Locations 761 and 1935, being Homestead Farm 12247/74 abandoned by Irene Bastow. (Plan 52/80, E4.)

About two miles East of Dennis rk.

Corres. 6173/09. That parcel of land bounded by lines starting from

the South-East corner of Plantagenet Location 2164, and running about 50 chains North; thence about 22 chains East; thence about 50 chains South, and thence about 22 chains back to the starting point. Containing about 110 acres, being portion of abandoned Homestead Farm 12760/74W, by Ernest Smith. (Plan 452/80, E 3 and 4.)

About four miles North-East of Denmark.

KATANNING AGENCY. .Kojonup District.

Corres. 7612/0S. That parcel of laud including Kojonup Location 3138,

surrounded by Kojonup Locations 4193, 2864, 2283, 1855,

2423, 3137, and 4192, containing about 496 acres, sub-ject to classification and pricing. (Plan 416B/40. D2.)

About 14 miles West of Katanning.

Corres. 9700/10. Kojonup Location 56S7, as surveyed, containing 366

acres, at 10s. per acre. (Plan 437/80, Bl.)

NORTHAM AGENCY. Avon District.

Corres. 16626/10. Starting from a point 10 chains North of the South-

West corner of Avon Location 8753, and running thence East about 90 chains; thence North about 170 chains; thence East about 30 chains to join Avon Location 13109, and thence by Avon Locations 13109, 6234, 8754, and 8753 back to the starting point. Containing about 1,000 acres. (Also available under Part VI. of the Land Act.) (Plan 25/80, A and 131.)

About 14 miles North of Kellerberrin.

Melbourne District. Corres. 1103/11. Melbourne Locations 2178 and 2177, containing 892,

and 906 .acres respectively, at 16s. and 15s. per acre respectively. (Plan Dalwallinu, Sheet 4.)

Agricultural Bank advance to approved selector of 2177 is £300.

About 32 miles East of Moore.

Victoria District. Corres. 9221/08. Victoria Locations 4451 and 445G, as surveyed, con-

taining 1,000 and 978 acres respectively, at 5s. 6d. and 13s. per acre respectively.

Location 4451 available under Part VI. of Land Act, also. (Plan Jibberding.)

Avon District, Corres. 12902-3/10. That parcel of land starting from the North-East

corner of Avon Location 12569, and running thence East to join Location 14935; thence South and East by Loca-tion 14935 to South-West corner of Location 11255; thence South to proposed Road 11316/08; thence West by such road to meet Avon Location 12569, and thence North by the East boundary of the said location to the starting point. Containing about 660 acres; and open also under Part VI. of the Land Act. (Plan 56/SO, C3.)

About 38 miles North-East of Dowerin.

Corres. 11983/09. Cowcowing A.A. Lot 128, as surveyed, containing 13214

acres, at lls. 6d. per acre. About 30 miles North-West of Dowerin.

Ninglatu District. Corres. 15444/10. That parcel of land starthig from a point 30 chains

South of the North-East corner of Ninghan Location 693, and running thence 100 chains South; thence 100 chains East; thence 100 chains North; thence 100 chains West back to the starting point. Containing 1,000 acres.

Also that parcel of land starting from the North-East corner of Application 6122/68 (shown on Plan as Location 17723), and running thence 40 chains East; thence 40 chains South; thence 40 chains West; thence 40 chains North back to the starting pOint. Containing 160 aeres., (Plan 56/80, D2.)

Also available under Part VI. of the Land Act. About 40 miles North-East of Dowerin.


Corres. 14622/10. Nelson Location 5111, as surveyed, and containing 330

acres. (Plan Warren River, Sheet 2.) Agricultural Bank advance to approved selector, £200. About 30 miles South of Bridgetown.

R. CECIL CLIFTON, Under Secretary for Lands.

Page 31: WESTERN AUSTRALIA. · Michael and St. George, Governor in and over the State of Western Australia and By His Excellency Sir Gerald Strickland, the Most Distinguished Order of St

FEB. 24, 1911.] GOVE1 NN NT GAZETTE, W.A. 941

THE LAND ACT, 1898. Forfeiture of Residential Lease No. 21/4303.

Department of Lands and Surveys, Perth, 15th February, 1911.

NOTICE is hereby given that Residential Lease No. 21/1303 of Leonora Lot 488 is absolutely forfeited, the same having been used for business purposes in breach of the conditions prescribed by the regulations under which the said lease was granted.

JAMES MITCHELL, Minister for Lands.


WHEREAS the Nellerberrin Road Board, by resolution passed at a meeting of the Board, held at Kellerberrin im or about the 21st day of ,Tune, 1910, resolved to open the mad hereinafter described, that is to say:-

Ifellerberrin Road District. 8247/09. No. 3935.-A strip of land, one chain wide, leaving

the South-West corner of Kwollyinn A.A. Lot 320, and extending East . along and inside its South boundary and as surveyed along the South boundaries of Lots 314 and 90 to a surveyed road at the Tatter's South-East corner.

About 5 acres 3r. 24p. being resumed from Kwollyinn Lot 320. (Plan Kwollyinn, Sheet 2.)

WHEREAS the Tambellup Road Board, by resolution. passed at a. meeting of the Board, held at Tambellup on or about the 27th day of March, 1909, resolved to open the road hereinafter described, that is to say:-

l'ambellup Road District. 3418/07. No. 3970.-A strip of land, one chain wide, leaving

Road 1999 at the North-West corner of Kojonup Loca-tion 2374. and extending Eastward as surveyed along the North boundaries of Locations 2374, 2538, 2605, and 2536; thence South-Eastward to the South-West corner of Kojonup Location 2842; thence again Eastward as surveyed along the North boundaries of Kojonup Loca-tions 2324, 5435, 2093, and 2375 to the latter's North-East corner; thence as surveyed, Diagram 38114, East-ward through Locations 2453 and 2704 to Road 2053.

4 acres 3r. 2213. being resumed from Kojonup Loca-tion 2704.

2 acres 2r. 17p. beinirb resumed from Kojonup Loca-

tion 2453. (Plans 436 and 437/80.)

WHEREAS the Drakesbrook Road Board, by resolution passed at a meeting of the Board, held at Drakesbrook on or about the 10th day of October, 1910, resolved to open the road hereinafter described, that is to say:-

.Drakcsbrook Road District. 6413/09. No. 3980.-A strip of land, one chain wide, leaving

the East boundary of Murray Location 542 near its South-East corner, and extending as surveyed, Diagram 37305, South-Westward to the North boundary of Mur-ray Location 63$; thence South-Westward and North-Westward through the latter to its said North boundary; I hence North-Westward and Northward through said Location 542 to its North boundary.

7 acres Or. -8p. being resumed from Murray Location 542.

1 acre lr. 27p. being resumed from Murray Location 638. (Plan 383/80.)

WHEREAS the Moorumbine Road Board, by resolution passed at a meeting of the Board, held at Moorumbine on or about the 10th day of February, 1910, resolved to open the road hereinafter described, that is to say:-

Mooranibine Road District. 1643/10. No. 3983.-A strip of land, one chain wide, leaving

a surveyed road at the South-West corner of Avon Loca-tion 6247, and extending East as sur\ eyed, Diagram 37949, along its South boundary and the South boun-dary of Location 54(i4 to the latter's East boundary, extending in width at the latter to five chains and-nine links to avoid granite rocks.

5 acres 3r. 11p. being resumed from Avon Location 5161. (Plans 378A and B/40.)


WHEREAS the Lapel Road Board, by resolution passed at a meeting of the Board, held at Lapel on or about the 1st day of July, 1908, resolved to open the road hereinafter described, that is to say:--

Capel Road District. (3672/06. No. 3984.-A strip of land, one chain wide, leavi

the West side of Elgin Road, and extending as survey,-1. _Diagram 26746, South-Westward and 'Westward a Mug the South-Eastern and Southern sides of the nib in :Sid-ing; thence as surveyed, 50 links wide, along the southern side of the Boyanup-Busseltou Railway Reserve to the North-West corner of Boyanup A.A. Lot t,5.

1 acre lr. being resumed from Boyanup _ Lot 85. (Plans 411D and 414A/40.)

WHEREAS the Geraldton Road Board, I iv solut ion passed at a meeting of the Board, Mid at iieralaton on the 27th day of October, 1910, resolvm i to omm Is rond hereinafter described, that is to say:-

Geraldton Road District. 15461/10. No. 3986.-A strip of land, one chain wing Pa -;eiith-

Eastern side starting froin the Northern coo cross- ing over the Geraldton-Cue Railway Reserr , :. boundary of Victoria Location 2447, and extimiling hurl h-Eastward along the North-Western side of Reserve to the East boundary of Location 2509; thence North along the latter and onwards to a point ion. elm in beyond its North-East corner;- thence West mdalli4 to and one chain from its North boundary, and the East boundary of Victoria Location 4490.

About 5 acres 3r. 28p. being resumed from Victoria Location 2509. (Plan 156/80.)

WHEREAS the York Read Board, by resolution pm-sm at a meeting of the board, held at York on or al,,,H1 the 7th clay of D:m 1909, resolved 'to 'open road hereinafter des.obs., , that is to say:-

Fork Road District. 7216/08. No. 3989.-A strip of laud, one chain wide, leavi

a surveyed road on the North-West boundary of C.P. 47/554, and extending as surveyed, O.P. Avon 1228, i a general North-Easterly direction, passing through (.'.P. 47/554, Avon Location "q," Avon Loc3atibil "part of Q," and again as surveyed, Diagram 37181. through "q," to the Western side of the Great Southern way Reserve, thence Southward along the latter to a crossing at the Southern end of the Gilgering Siding Reserve.

33 acres Or. 28p. being- resumed from Avon Loca-tion Q.

12 acres 2r. 38p. being resumed from Avon Loca-tion "part of Q." 2c4/4a0c.1):es lr. 6p. being resumed from C.P. 47/554. (Plan

WHEREAS the Wagin Road Board, by resolution passed at a meeting of the Board, held at. Wagin on or about the 19th day - of August, 1910, resolved to open the road hereinafter described, that is to say: -

Wagin Road District. 13424/10. No. 3991.-A strip of land, one chain wide, leaving

a surveyed road at the North-East corner of Williams Location 6987, and extending South inside and • along the East boundaries of said Location 6987 and Location 6492 to the latter's South-East corner.

About 3 acres 2r. 21p. being- resumed from Williams Location 6987.

About 5 acres 3r. 30p. being resumed from Williams Location 6492. - (Plan 408A/40.)

WHEREAS the Goontalling 'Road Board, by resolution passed at a meeting of the Board, held at Goomalling: on or about the Sth day of October, 1910, resolved to open the road hereinafter described, that is to say:-

Goa/nailing Road District. 15130/10. No. 3996.-A strip of land, one chain wide, leaving

a surveyed road at the West corner of Avon Location 4237, and extending as surveyed North-Eastward along

Page 32: WESTERN AUSTRALIA. · Michael and St. George, Governor in and over the State of Western Australia and By His Excellency Sir Gerald Strickland, the Most Distinguished Order of St

942 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A. [FEB. 24, 1911.

its North-Western boundary; thence as surveyed, Dia-gram 37438, along the North-Western boundary of Loca-tion 6519 and through Location 15013; thence East along the latter's North boundary; thence South-Eastward as surveyed along the South-Western side of a Reserve to the West boundary of Location 9967; thence North-Eastward through the latter (along the South-Eastern side of Granite Rocks) to its North boundary; thence East inside and along the North boundaries of Loca-tions 9967 and 9968 to join a surveyed road at the lat-i is North-East corner.

About 5 acres lr. 16p. being resumed from Avon oration 9967.

About 2 acres 2r. 27p. being resumed from Avon 1 ,,,oition 9968. (Plans 32 and 57/80.)

W HEREAS the Geraldton Road Board, by resolution passed at a meeting of the Board, held at Geraldton on

28th day of October, 1910, resolved to open the road 1,•ri inaiter described, that is to say: -

Geraldton Road District. 1 /10. ,

i. 4016.-A strip of land, one chain wide, leaving Rotel on the East, boundary of Reserve 945, and HI -tiling South along and inside the latter's East boun-

1ory In the North-Western boundary of the Gerahlton-M oilowo Railway Reserve; thence leaving the Eastern side of the above at the North-West corner of Kockatea Siding, Reserve, and extending North-Eastward and South-Fast ward as surveyed along the North-Western and -.storth-Eastern boundaries of the latter, and again North-East ward along the North-Western side of the Gerahlton-Thillewa, Railway Reserve to the Northern end of a cross-;o, iu cola,iimation of Road 397.

.\1, out 1 acre lr. being resumed from Wollya Estate Lot L (flan 156/80.)

WII Eillt.IAS the Greenhills Road Board, by resolution passed at a meeting of the Board, held at Greenhills on

;Wont the 5th day of November, 1910, resolved to open i road hereinafter described, that is to say:-

Green/ails Road District. 1:-)‘!4:1.i /10. Vin. 1024.-A strip of hind, one chain wide, its North

ci i, leaving Road 2849 at the South-East corner of Avon 1.: ,•11 ion 6672, and extending West along its South boon-dttry and the South boundary of Location 10411 to the East boundary of Location 10869; thence South along 'art of the East boundary of the latter and West along o South boundary to Road 2806. About 3% acres being resumed from Avon Location

11334. (Plan 343/80.)

WHEREAS the Warren Road Board, by resolution passed at a meeting of the Board, held at Balbarrup on or about the 5th 'day of December, 1910, resolved to open the road hereinafter described, that is to say:-

IF-m.1.o/ Road Board. 16726/10. No. 4026.-A strip of land, one chain wide, its East

side leaving the South-Western side of Road 3818 in prolongation North of the East boundary of Nelson Location 2374, and extending South along the latter ti a point one chain South of the South-East corner of said location- thence West parallel to and one chain front its South boundary to the East boundary of Loca-tion 2375.

3 acres Or. 33p. being resumed front Nelson Loca-tion 2374.

2 acres beim,• resumed from Nelson Loca thm 3807. (Plan 442/880.)

WHEREAS the Cuballing Road Board, by rt'Sahlt 011

passed at a meeting of the Board, held at Cuballing on or about the 17th day of December, 1910, resolved to open the road hereinafter described, that is to say :-

'Cuboding Road Dish riot. 18159/10. No. 4028.-A strip of land, one chain wide, its North

side leaving the North-East corner of Williams Location 5305, and extending East along part of the South boun-dary of Williams Location 5304 to its South-East cor-ner; thence South-Eastward to the South-West corner of Location 6414; thence East along the latter's South

boundary to its South-East corner; thence North along part of its Eastern boundary to a point opposite the South-West corner of Location 3830; thence East and North along the South and East boundaries of the latter, and part of the East boundary of Location 3700, to the North-West corner of Location 8572; thence North-East-ward to the South-West side of Road 1243.

About 2 acres 3r. 29p. being resumed from Williams Location 3831.

About 2 acres 3r. Gp. being resumed from Williams Location 8572. (Plan 378D/40.)

WHEREAS the Rockingham Road Board, by resolution passed at a meeting of the Board, held at Rockingham on or about the 20th day of December, 1910, resolved to open the road hereinafter described, that is to say:-

Rockinaho in Road Board. 13535/99. No. 4029.-A strip of land, one chain wide, its Wes5-

ern side leaving the Northern side of Road 313 at t' West boundary of Cockburn Sound Location 349, and extendinc. North along the East boundary of Location 18 to the South side of Road 3691; leaving the rZorth side of the latter in prolongation South of the '''East boundary of Location 96, and extending North along the latter to its North-Eastern corner; thence West one chain alone. its North boundary to the Western side of a surveyed''road; thence along the latter Northward and Westward to join Road 1123.

About 2 acres Or. 11p. being resumed from Cockburn Sound Location 349. (Plan 341/80.)

WHEREAS the Dumbleyung Road Board, by resolution passed at a meeting of the Board, held at Dumbleyung on or about the 5th day of October, 1910, resolved to open the road hereinafter described, that is to say:-

13m mbleyang Road District. 10085/10. No. 4034.-A strip of land, one chain wide, its East

side leaving the Southern side of a surveyed road at the North-East corner of Williams Location 5876, and extending South along its East boundary and an East boundary of Location 6832 to the North boundary of

-Location 5874; thence West and South along part of the North boundary a nd along the West boundary of Looa thin 5871 to a surveyed road at its South-West corner.

A bout 6 acres 2r. 22p. being resumed from Williams Location 6833.

About 3 acres 2r. 34p. being resumed from Williams Location 5876. (Plan 408/807)

S the Armadale-Kelinscolt Road Board, by t,solution passed at a meeting of the Board, held at

A rmadale on the 21st day of November, 1910, reseed to open the road hereinafter described, that is to so., .•

ob./nodule-Kan/se°Toad District. 16630 /111. Ni. 4035,-A strip of land, one chain wide, its South-

Eastern side extending along part of the South-Eastern boundary of Canning Location 31 from its intersection with the Eastern side of the Perth-Albany Road to a point one chain North-Eastward from the North corner Gf Canning Location 23.

About 2 acres 1r. Sp. being resumed from Canning Location 31. (Plan 311/80.)

WHEREAS the Upper trivia Road Board, by resolution passed at a meeting of the Board, held at Mingenew on the 19th day of February, 1910, resolved to open the road hereinafter described, that is to say:-

Ppper Irwin Road Dist rict. 671,10. No. 4037.-A strip of land, one chain wide, leaving

a t.yed road at the North-West corner of Victoria Location 4520 (Merkanooka Subdivision), and extend-ing. as surveyed, Diagram 3S600, North-Westward through Victoria Location 2015 to join Road 1910.

14 acres Or. 29p. being resumed from Victoria Location 2015. (Plan 128/80.)

Page 33: WESTERN AUSTRALIA. · Michael and St. George, Governor in and over the State of Western Australia and By His Excellency Sir Gerald Strickland, the Most Distinguished Order of St

Area or Locality. Loc. or Lot Nos. Where Board Sits.

Bowes Estate 5101, 5102, 5111, 5112, 5113, 5114, 5117, 5330, 5331, 5334, 5335, 5336, 5341, 5346, 5348, 5349, 5350, 5351, 5352, 5353, 5354, 5356,5359, 5360, 5361, 5362, 5364, 5365, 5366, 5369, 5370, 5371, 5372, 5373, 5375, 5376, 5377, 5378, 5379, 5380, 5381, 5383, 5385, 5386, 5389, 5390, 5391, 5392, 5393, 5394, 5395

Vacant land on Plan Uneurveyed 160/80

illorowa, Sheet 2

4082, 4083, 4087, 4103, 4108

Locations, near Mttl- I 5181, 5182, 5180, lewa' (late State 5183, 5181, 5185 forest)

Morowa, Sheet 1 ... I. 3906

Court House, Co,tLit11. ,, ,, commencing 10 :1.111. wi the moaning of Thurs- day, the 23rd,.. ∎∎ d 0,11-

tiniliilg to 2511, roof, if necessary.

Court House, on 27th inst.

Court House, 11,trildton, on 27th; Agricultural Department on March 2.

Court House, Ceralitton, on 27th and 28th ; Agri-cultural Department on March 2.

Court House, Geraldton, on 27th and 28th; Agri-cultural Department on March 2.

FEB, 24, 1911.] GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A. 943.

And whereas his Excellency the Governor, pursuant to Section 17 of "The Public Works Act, 1902," by notices published in the Gaverameitt Gazette, declared that the said lands had been set apart, taken, or re-sumed for the purposes of the said roads, and that plans cf the said lands might be inspected at the Depart-ment of Lands and Surveys, Perth.

And whereas the said Boards have caused a copy of the said notices to be served upon the owners and occu-piers of the said lands resident within the State, or such of them as can with reasonable diligence be ascer-tained, either personally or by registered letter posted to their last-named place of abode.

And whereas the Governor in Executive Council has confirmed the said resolutions, it is hereby notified that the lines of communication described above are roads within the meaning of "The Roads Act, 1902," subject to the provisions of the said Act.

Dated this 24th day of February, 1911.

R. CECIL CLIFTON, Under Secretary for Lands.

THE ROADS ACT, 1902. WHEREAS Emily Morgan, being the owner of laud over or along which the undermentioned road in the Albany Road District passes, has applied to the Albany Road Board to close the said road, which is more parti-cularly described hereunder, that is to say:-

1116/07. A5.—The surveyed road, from Road 3924 North along

the East boundary of Plantagenet Location 1929 to its North-East corner. (Plan 457/80.)

WHEREAS Joseph Cooper, being the occupier of land over or along which the undermentioned road in the Upper Chapman Road District passes, has applied to the Upper Chapman Road Board to close the said road, which is more particularly described hereunder, that is to say:-

6205/08. C29.—The surveyed road along the North and -West

boundaries of Victoria Location 3121. (Plan, Classn. 4.)

WHEREAS David E. Grant, being the owner of land over or along which the undermentioned road in the Geraldton Road District passes, has applied to the Ger-aldton Road Board to close the said road, which is more particularly described hereunder, that is to say: -

14632/08. G60.—That part of a surveyed road deviated from and

passing through Victoria Locations 2074 and 370. (Plan 12GA/40.)

WHEREAS John Pollard and John Storer, being the owners of land over or along which the undermentioned road in the Harvey Road District passes, have applied to the Harvey Road Board to close the said road, which is more particularly described hereunder, that is to say:-

12359/09. H4.—Crowther Road from Clifton Road to Harvey

A.A. Lot 107. (Plan 3S3/80.)

And whereas such applications have been duly pub-lished in the Government Gazette:

And whereas the said Boards have assented to the said applications:

And whereas the Governor in Executive Council has confirmed the said assents:

It is hereby notified that the said Roads are closed. Dated this 24th day of February, 1911.

R. CECIL CLIFTON, Under Secretary for Lands.

THE ROADS ACT, 1902. Proposed Additional Ward in the dandakot Road

District. Department of Lands and Surveys,

1882/91. Perth, 17th February, 1911. IT is hereby notified that it is the intention of His Excellency the Governor, after, the expiration of 21 days from the date of publication of this notice, to divide the present West Ward of the Ja.ndakot Road District into two Wards, the South portion taking the name of South Ward and the Northern portion to be known as the West Ward.

R. CECIL CLIFTON, Under Secretary for Lands.

THE ROADS ACT, 190c_:.

.Proposed Addition to the Gosn, 11i; Pew'


Department of Lands :tail Stir\ Perth, lirdi 11,1,ra:try, 1911.

IT is hereby notified that it is the lot sittie f His cellency the Governor in Executive ounitil, ii (tor expiration of 21 days from, the di: i this notice, to include in the Gosnells Hitt 11 part of the Perth-Albany Road passing Location 40, from its South-Easrern to its N ern boundaries.

R. CECIL C.I if'Tnit1. Under Sec rerary 0 1 Uuids.

THE ROADS , ACT, 1902.

The proposed Amalgamation of Ike To,!•, i; 7 Mintilya Road Distri,

Department of Lands and Soli\ 399/04. Perth, 10th. Ftiliruityv, I 9 - I I.

IT is hereby notified, for general informtoiciii, 11119 is the intention of His Excellency the Governor in Exi eu- tive Council, on and after the expirtitiou 21 days I I the publication of this notice, to amalgamate 1 lie Lower Gascoyne and Mini lya Road Districts ; such Dist ri it r be known as the "Gascoyne-Minilya Road Distritd.'

R. CECIL CLIFTON, Under Secretary for Lands.


Department of Lands and Stave. S406/11. Perth, 24th February. 1911.

IT is hereby Ymotified, for general inform:I:Mit, the Government Land Board will sit at the undermentioned places and dates to deal with applications for rho fol-lowing areas of land:—

J. LYALL, Secretary Land Board.


The Surveyor General's Office, Perth, 3rd February, 1911.

IT is hereby notified, for general information, that the Examination for Candidates for Licensed Surveyors will be held in Perth, commencing on Monday, the Gth March, 1911. Intending candidates must lodge their applications, together with Plans, Field Notes, and a fee of £5 5s., with the undersigned, 10 days before such date. Further particulars and copy of the regulations governing exam-inations may he obtained on application to

C. G. MORRIS, Secretary Land Surveyors' Licensing Board, W.A.

Page 34: WESTERN AUSTRALIA. · Michael and St. George, Governor in and over the State of Western Australia and By His Excellency Sir Gerald Strickland, the Most Distinguished Order of St

Lessees. Goldfield. District. No. of Lease. j Name of Lease. Name of person to whom prior

right of application is granted. - -

\\Talton's Reward Walton, Harry Grant ... Pope, Fred The Centre ... 1 North, John Robert ... Bolger, Frank

East Murchison Lawlers

1052 (58.i)

Wiluna 447 (1010)

944 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, T • [FEB. 24, 1911.


Department of Mines, Perth, 23rd February, 1911.

It is hereby notified that, in accordance with the provisions of " The Mining Act, 1904," His Excellency the Governor in Exeoutive Council has been pleased to deal with the undermentioned Leases and Applications for Leases, as shown below.

11, S. KING,

Secretary for Mines.

Gold Mining Leases.

The undermentioned applications for Gold Mining Leases were approved, subject to survey :-


District. Nos. of Applications.

1:road Arrow ...

1429w, 1430w, 1431w, 1432w, 1433w, 1434w. ]437w, 1438w, 1440w, 1442w, 144.3w, 1444w, 1445w, 1447w, 1448w, 1449w, 1455w, 1460w, 51463w,1465w, 1467w, 1468w, 1409w, 1472w, 1473w, 51474w, 1478w, 1479w, 41180w, 1487w, 1489w, 1490w, 1492w, 14113w, 1494w, 1497w, 1498w, 1502w, 1504w, 1506w, "1508w, 1509w, 1511w, 1512w, 1513w, 1514w, '1515w, .1518w, 1524w, 1527w, 51528w, 1529w, 1530w, 1531w, 1532w, 1533w, 1534w, 1535w, 51536w, 1537w, 51538w, 51539w, 1540w, 51541w, 1542w, 1511-4w, 154.9w.

4421, 1124, 1125, 1126. 1133. 115j, 116.1. 1796. 5476D. 1082x, 1083N, 1085a. 162. 163, 104. 722. 1337, 1569, 1598, 1047, 1648, 1652, 1671, -4 1 8 0 5 ,

1819, 1896, 1897, 1898, 1899, 2020, 2050, 2001, 2067,'2068, 2009, 2070.

• Conditionally.

Coolgardie Dundas East Murchison


Phillips River Pilbara Yilgarn

Lawlers Wiluna Cue Day Dawn Nanuine

The undermentioned applications for Gold Mining Leases were refused:-

Goldfield. District. Nos. of Applications.

East Murchison Wihtna 117.1. Yilgarn 1338, 1008, 1909.

The surrenders of the entioned Gold M ininv ses were accepted:-

Goldfield. District. No. of Lease. Name of Lease, Lessees.

Coolgardie . Columbia Park 826s ; Kookaburra,

Murchison a!,-net... 1 1011n Railway View IOl7st ,! Mount View

Yilgarn ' 1109 ; Amazon East 11.10 ... , Amazon North ... 1175 ! Quandong South ... 1322 Amazon South

Walsh, Arthur ; Linkson, Edward Woodgate, William Cash, Thomas Cash, Sam uel ,1 oh n Morris, May Morris, May Morris, May Morris, May

• Conditioinlly.

The undermentioned Gold Mining Leases were declared forfeited for breach of labour conditions, and prior right of appli-cation is granted under Section 105, Suhsection (1) :-

Page 35: WESTERN AUSTRALIA. · Michael and St. George, Governor in and over the State of Western Australia and By His Excellency Sir Gerald Strickland, the Most Distinguished Order of St

FEB. 24, 1911.] GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A. 943

THE MINING ACT, 1904—continued.

lfsssc, at Leases.

The Lessees of the undermentioned Mineral Lease were fined the sum set opposite the same as an alternative to forfeiture of such lease for breach of labour conditions. In the event of such fine not being paid within the period mentioned hereunder, then the Lease to be forfeited forthwith :—

Goldfield. District. I No. of Lease. Lessees. Fine. j Applicant for Forfeiture. Period within which fine

is to be paid.

Phillips River


Connolly, Reginald ;

£20 j De 1\tadort, Thomas Van 24th March. 1011 Kingsmill, Walter John ; 1FIollow, Joseph 1

diners' Homestead Leases.

The undermentioned applications for Miners' Homestead Leases were approved, subject to survey ; to date from 1st January, 1911 :— The undermentioned application for a Miner's Home-.

stead Lease was refused :—

Name of Goldfield. District.

East Coolgardie

Nos. of Applications.

167E, 169E, 174E, 175E, 176E, 177E, 180E, 193E, IKE


Mt. Margaret ...

District. No. of Application. „

Mt. Malcolm ... 128c



Department of Mines, Perth, 23rd :Eolith:try, 1911.

HIS Excellency the Governor in Executive Council has been pleased to make the following appointments :—

2177/03.—Stanley G. Jeffrey as Acting Mining Regis-trar, Coolgardie Goldfield, during the absence of the Mining Registrar on leave; to date from 14th February, 1911.

690/1E—William EL Vouthien as Acting Deputy Alin-ing Registrar, Siberia.

728/11.—T. N. Quick as :Deputy hieing Registrar, 11)0- line.

Ii. S. KING, Secretary for M i nes.

THE MINING ACT, 1904. Notice of bitteldien to cancel Leases for N oit-oomplianct

with Conditions. Department of Mines,

Perth, 16th February, HilL 2470/05, 3074/07, 38/08.

1.1N1 accordance with the provisions of " The Mining `Act, 1904," notice is hereby given that unless the pro-visions of the Said Act are complied with on or before the 31st day of March, 1911, it is the intenHou of the Governor to cancel such leases for breach of covenant.

HENRY GREGORY, Minister for Mines.

BAST COGLGARDIE GOLDFIELD. Miners' Homestead Leases.

No., Name of Lease, and Lessee. 124E—Dawes' Homestead ; Dawes, William. 103E—Doreen; Ahern. Charlotte Edith.

PEAK T1 ILL GOLDFIELD. 20P—Blue Well; Smith, Charles.

^ - TEl MINING ACT, 1904.

Postponement f Deviling kith Gold no .Leas o.

Department of )1 thes. 3745/09. Perth, 23ri i Val in - 1911.

HIS Excellency the Governor in Execui idincil has been pleased to postpone dealing with a pplication for Gold Mining Lease 1403W, Broad Arrow Goldfield, for n period of 12 months from isi .January, Jul I, :In l to

grant to the applicants permission, in the meantime, to

work any reefs or lodes on the land applied for, on the terms and conditions, as to rent and otherwise, as the applicants would hire been subject to if the lease hail been granted, and subject also to the privileges in- ferred on miners by Section 07 of " The Mining Acr, 1904."

H. S. KING, Secretary for Mines.


Southern. Cross Root'sioll

Sealed Tenders (marked on_ the outside " Ten ler for Southern Cross Bookstall Rights") will be received by the undersigned until noun on Thursday, 2nd March, 1911, for the leasing of the Bookstall Rights at South-ern Cross for a period commencing on the 13th March, 1911, and terminating on the 31st May, 1913.

Rent will be payable quarterly in advance, and a deposit equivalent to one quarter's rent must accom-pany each tender.

1l'orms of Tender and full particulars can be ob-tained from the Station-master, Southern Cross, or from the undersigned.

No tender will necessarily be accepted.

.10EN T. SHORT, Cormnissioner of Railways.

Perth, 13th February, 1911.


Public Works Department, No. 664. Perth, 23rd February, 1911.

'[HE following list of Tenders, recently accepted, is published for general balormation

Date of Acceptance, Annie of Contractor, Description of Contract, and Amount.

Feb. 20.-11. W. Do b u—Dwellingup, Tent School, ,1100 1.0s.

21.—G. McInnes—Day Dawn School, Additions sad, ' Repairs, D.07.

21.—C. Cossens—K a lgoorl ie Rifle Range, Target Store, .59 17s. 10.

23.—Fairchild & Ives—Albany Defences, Renova-tions and Repairs, £83 18s. 20.

Be order of the Honourable the Minister for Works,

F. L. - STRONACH Under Secretary for Public Works.

Page 36: WESTERN AUSTRALIA. · Michael and St. George, Governor in and over the State of Western Australia and By His Excellency Sir Gerald Strickland, the Most Distinguished Order of St

1911. (Noon on Tuesdays.) 28th February ...

28th February ...

28th February ...

28th February ...

28th February ...

28th February ...

28th February ...

28th February ...

28th February ..:

28th February

28th February

28th February

28th February

28th February

28th February

• ••

28th February ...

28th February ...

28th February ...

28th February .

Fremantle Police Buildings-Renovations

Metropolitan Sewerage- Reticu-kdion Area No. 20, Contract No. 54,

Desmond (Elverdton) Tent School Quarters

Albany-Kent River Bridge and Approaches

Meekatharra Hospital-- Addi-tions

28th February

7th March

7th March

7th March

7th March

Coolgardie tions

Range-Addi- 7th March



Belmont School Quarters-Addi- H 7th tions

Woodanilling School Quarters- 7th Additions

91 11 11,1

9th 161.

Ith Feb.

9th Feb.

9th Feb.

9th Feb.

9th Feb.

9th Feb.

28th Jan.

9th Feb.

15th Feb.

16th Feb.

16th Feb.

16th Feb.

16th Feb.



Nature of Work. 1.).-W3 of 1 Notice.

Date of Closing. Where and when Conditions of Contract, etc., to be seen.

711i ( 1- Sapply, Delivery, and Erection of Electric Pumping Machinery,

P0 I. aontract No. 75 261-11

1 1 , 11Dr urn Hospital-Trellis to Ver- ainlahs

26111 .la(, ',Wyndham Police Quarters-Ad- : dill ms

Si;111 ), , rby Court House-Fencing ...

2 ■ ;111 1)..rby. Hospital and Residency-


,6t11 Jan. /Marble Bar-School

9th 14.rth Newcastle Street School- Renovations

9t D;ivyhurst Post Office-Painting

Boulder Detective Office-Re-moval of Paddington Police Quarters

Perth ,Defences-)Aragon Shed for A.A..M.C. Vehicles

Forth Defences-Harness Room f; w Signallers

1111;1,nd Junction Police Station - -Additions

Ler4ahire Valley School

Cunderdin School-Additions ...

Horton's Siding Tent School ...

Midland Junction Old Manual Training Room-Sale and Removal

Boyup Brook School and Quarters-Lining and Reno-vations

Perth Police Riding School ...

Cowcowing-Tent School ...

16th Feb. Redcliffe Park School Quarters- 7th March . Additions

16th Fib. Arcadia Tent School

h March

16th Feb. li Kalgoorlie Infants' School- Renovations

16th Feb. I Northam Police Quarters-Reno- 7th March vations

23rd Feb. 1 Fremantle HarbOur Works, Cliff 7th March Street-Wood Paving

Contractors' Room, Perth, on and after 31st October, 1910.

Contractors' Room, Perth ; P.W.D. Office, Broome, and Court House, Port Hedland, on and after the 7th February, 1911

Contractors' Room, Perth; P.W.D. Office, Broome, and Court Houses, Wyndham and Port Hedland, on and after the 7th February, 1911.

Contractors' Room, Perth ; P.W.D. Office, Broome, and Court Houses, Derby and Port Hedland, on and after the 7th February, 1911.

Contractors' Room, Perth ; P.W.D. Office, Broome ; and Court Houses, Derby and Port Hedland, on and after the 7th February, 1911.

Contractors' Room, Perth ; P.W.D. Office, Broome ; and Court Houses, Port Hedland and Marble Bar, on and after the 7th February, 1911.

Contractors' Room, Perth, on and after the 14th February, 1911.

Contractors' Room, Perth ; P.W.A.D. Office, Kal-goorlie; Court House, Boulder ; and Police Station, Davyhurst, on and after the 14th February, 1911.

Contractors' Room, Perth ; P.W.A.D. Office, Kal-goorlie; and Court House, Boulder, on and after the 14th February, 1911.

Contractors' Room, Perth, on and after the 14th February, 1911.

Contractors' Room, Perth, on and after the 14th February, 1911.

Contractors' Room, Perth, and Court House, Mid-land Junction, on and after the 14th February, 1911.

Contractors' Room, Perth ; P.W.A.D. Office, Gerald-ton ; and Police Station, Moora, on and after the 14th February, 1911.

Contractors' Room, Perth; Court House, Northam ; and Police Stations, Kellerberrin and Cunderdin, on and after the 14th February, 1911.

Conti actors' Room, Perth, P. W.A.D. Office, Albany, and Court House, Wagin, on and after the 14th February, 1911.

Contractors' Room, Perth, and Court House, Midland Junction, on and after the 14th February, 1911.

Contractors' Room, Perth, and Court Houses, Bun-bury and Busselton, on and after the 14th February, 1911.

Contractors' Room, Perth, on and after the 14th February, 1911.

Contractors' Room, Perth ; Court House, Northam, and Police Station, Goomalling, on and after the 14th February, 1911.

Contractors' Room, Perth, and Court House, Fre-mantle, on and after the 14th February, 1911,

Contractors' Room, Perth, on and after 7th February, 1911.

Contractors' Room, Perth ; P.W.A.D. Office, Albany, and Court House, Ravensthorpe, on and after the 14th February, 1911.

Contractors' Room, Perth, and Court House, Albany, on and after the 21st February, 1911.

Contractors' Room, Perth; P.W.A.D. Office, Gerald-ton ; and Court Houses, Cue and Aleekatbarra, on and after the 21st February, 1911.

Contractors' Room, Perth ; P.W. N.D. Office, Kal-goorlie ; and Court Houses, Coolgan lie and Boulder, on and after the 21st February, 1911.

Contractors' Room, Perth, and Court House, Midland Junction, on and after the 21st February, 1911.

Contractors' Room, Perth ; P.W.A. D Office, Albany ; and Court House, Wagiu, on sad alter the 21st February, 1911.

Contractors' (loom, Perth, and Court dHouse, Midland - Junction, on and after the 21st Fehruarv, 1911. Corsi ractors' Room, Perth, and Court. Houses, Northam,

Kollorberrin, and Southern Cross, on and after the 21st February, 1911.

Contractors' Room, Perth ; P.W.A.D. Office, Kal-goorlie ; and Court House, Boulder, on a id after the 21st February, 1911.

Contractors' Room, Perth, and Court House, Northam, on and after the 21st February, 1911.

Contractors' Room, Perth, on and after the 28th February, 1911.

Page 37: WESTERN AUSTRALIA. · Michael and St. George, Governor in and over the State of Western Australia and By His Excellency Sir Gerald Strickland, the Most Distinguished Order of St

FEB. 24, 1911.] GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W .A. 947


Date of Notice. Nature of Work. Date of Closing. Where and when Conditions of Contract, etc., to be seen.


8th Feb.

16th Feb.

16th Feb.

23rd Feb.

23rd Feb.

23rd Feb.

23rd Feb.

23rd Feb.

23rd Feb.

23rd Feb.

16th Feb.

*Katanning-Nfampup Railway-Nampup Contract

Coolgardie Police Station—Reno-vations

Menzies Police Quarters—Reno-vations and Fencing

Barton School—Erection

Northam School Teacher's s tar-

Fimiston Post Office—Renova- tions

East Perth School—Renovations

Commonwealth Electoral Branch —53 Cabinets for Electoral Registrars

Kalgoorlie Senior School— Asphalting

Mourambine Roads District, Westbrook Road--Bridge over Nimbedilling Brook and Ap-proaches

g Broome—Engine Shed, Coal Stage, and Stable

1911. (Noon on Tuesdays 14th March

14th March

14th March

14th March

14th March •

14th March

14th March

14th March

14th March

14th March

28th March

• •

Contractors' Room, Perth, and the Court House, Katanning, on and after the 14th February, 1911.

Contractors' Room, Perth ; P.W.A.D. Office, Kal- goorlie ; and Court Houses, Boulder and Coolgardie, on and after the 21st February, 1911.

Contractors' Room, Perth ; P.W.A.D. Office, Kal- goorlie ; and Court Houses, Menzies and Boulder, on and after the 21st February, 1911.

Contractors' Room, Perth ; P.W.A.D. Office, Albany ; and Court Houses, Wagin and Katanning, on and after the 28th February, 1911.

Contractors' Room, Perth, and Court Houses, Northam and York, on and after the 28th February, 1911.

Contractors' Room, Perth ; P.W .A.D. Office, Kalgoorlie ; Court House, Boulder ; and Police Station, Fimis-ton, on and after the 28th February, 1911.

Contractors' Room, Perth, on and after the 28th February, 1911.

Contractors' Room, Perth, on and after the 28th February, 1911.

Contractors' Room, Perth; P.W.A.D. Office, Kal- goorlie ; and Court Houses, Boulder and Coolgardie, on and after the 23th February, 1911.

Contractors' Room, Perth, and Court House, Pingelly, on and after the 28th February, 1911.

Contractors' Room, Perth, and Court House, Broome, on and after the 2nd March, 1911.

*Copies of plans and specifications can also be obtained on payment of three guineas (.23 3s.) each.

a Copies of plans and spegifications can also be obtained on the payment of ten shillings and sixpence (10s. 6d.).

b TeleoTaphic tenders similarly addressed and marked will be received up to the same hour, provided that written tenders ij'due form have previously been lodged with the Public Works Officer, Broome, or the Resident Magistrate at Port Hedland.

cTelegraphic tenders similarly addressed and marked will be received up to the same hour, provided that written tenders in due form have previously been lodged with the Public Works Officer, Broome, or the Resident Magistrate at Wyndham or Port Hedland.

dTelegraphic tenders similarly addressed and marked will be received up to the same hour, provided that written tenders in due form have previously been lodged with the Public Works Officer, Broome, or the Resident Magistrate at Derby or Port Hedland.

eTelegraphic tenders similarly addressed and marked will be received up to the same hour, provided that written tenders in due form have previously been lodged with the Public Works Officer, Broome, or the Resident Magistrate at Derby or Port Hedland.

.fTelegraphic tenders similarly addressed and marked will be received up to the same hour, provided that written tenders in due form have previously been lodged with the Public Works Officer, Broome, or the Resident Magistrate at Port Hedland or Marble Bar.

g Telegraphic tenders similarly addressed and marked will be received up to the same hour, provided that written tenders in due form have previously been lodged with the Resident Magistrate at Broome.

Tenders are to be addressed to " The Hon. the Minister for Works," and will be received at the Public Works Office, Perth. The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted.

By order of the Hon. the Minister for Works,

F. L. STRONACH, Under Secretary for Public Works.


740/11. SEPARATE Tenders (marked on the outside with the name of the Contract) for the undermentioned con-tracts for a period of twelve months (12 months) ending 31st March, 1912, will be received by the Acting Chief Harbour Master until noon 1Stli March, 1.911:-

1. Leasing Wyndham Jetty, Goods Shed, Cattle Yards and Race.

2. Leasing Fortescue Jetty. 3. Leasing Dongara Jetty and Goods Shed, 4. Leasing Quindalup Jetty. 5. Leasing Esperance Jetty and Goods Shed. 6. Leasing Eucla Jetty and Goods Shed.

Telegraphic Tenders (similarly marked and addressed) will be received until same date, provided that written tenders in due form have been lodged with:-

1. Resident Magistrate, Wyndham; 2. Resident Magis-trate, Onslow; 3. Landing Waiter, Dongara; 4. Resident Magistrate, Busselton; 5. Resident Magistrate, Esper. ante; 6. Landing Waiter, Eucla.

Conditions of contract may be inspected at the Offices of the above-named, and the Harbour Office, Fremantle.

The highest tender will not necessarily be accepted.

By order of the Hon. the Colonial Secretary,

F. WINZAR, Acting Chief Harbour Master.

Harbour and Light Department, Fremantle, 10th February, 1911.

Page 38: WESTERN AUSTRALIA. · Michael and St. George, Governor in and over the State of Western Australia and By His Excellency Sir Gerald Strickland, the Most Distinguished Order of St



Tenders for Government Supplies.

'renders, addressed to the Chairman, Tender Board, Perth, will he received for the above-mentioned sup- plies until 2.15 p.m. on the dates of closing.

Tenders must be properly indorsed on envelopes, otherwise they are liable to rejection.

Tender forms and full particulars may be obtained on application at the Tender Board Office, Pier Str,-et, Perth.

No tender necessarily accepted.

Date of advertising. Supplies required. Date of


1911. Feb. 21


Positive Water Meters, Brass Lined, in. and

Machinery and Material, etc., for the Lithographic Depart-ment

1911. March 2

March 2

100 cords Firewood for Tin March 2 JA.S. THOMPSON,

.Ian. 10

Dressing Plant at Green- bushes (Bunbury end)

1.128 Engine Tires for the Rail- March 9

Chairman Tender Board

24th February, 1911.

way Department Fol ■ . Firewood for No, 7 Pumping March 9

Station at Gilgai (recalled) Jan. 1'. 10 tons Galvanised Iron Line March 16

Wire, 40011)s., for the Railway Department

Ted Baltic Deal, 30,000 lin. feet March 30 LAND AND INCOME TAX ASSESSMENT ACT, 1907. Gin. x din., and 1,200 pieces various sizes Notice under Section 53.

Pct Solid Drawn Copper Pipe for March 30 the Railway Department LAND TAX AND INCOME TAX.

Felt 12 Class "K " Copper Firebox April 6 Tube Plates NOTICE is hereby given that, by virtue of Section 53

Jan. 26 20 Class " E " Locomotives for April 6 of the abovenamed Act, and of every other pcwer en- the Railway Department abling me iu that behalf, I, the Commissioner of Taxa-

tion under the said Act, appoint the days mentioned BI-ENNIAL CONTRACTS, 1911- below to be the days on which the following Taxes shall

1913. respectively he due and payable, that is to say :

Feb. 2 Cocks and Valves, Schedule 7 Nails, Staples and


Tacks Nature of Tax. when due and Assessment Numbers. Dapayable.

Enamelware 9 Ti n ware 10 Black and Galvanised 11 Iron Manufactures "

Mar. 2 First Assessment. Income Tax ... 10,089 to 10,126 ... 30th July, 1908

Brass, Lead, Tin, Wire, „ 12 etc.

Land Tax ... 19,129 to 19,142 ... 30th July, 1908

Lamps and Lampware „ 14i J Second Assess- Feb. 9 India Rubber Goods, Packing, Mar. 2

etc., Schedule 13 ment.

Income Tax ... 8,929 to 9,016 ... 30th June, 1909 Feb. 9 Clocks, Cutlery, Schedule 15

U.S. and E.B. Ware

Land Tax ... 15,468 to 15,523 30th June, 1909,

and 30th Jan., 1911

Paints 16 Varnishes, etc. ... 17 Third Assessment. Painters and Glaziers' „ 18 Income Tax ... 8,136 to 8,260 30th March, 1910

Ware 8,271 to 8,286 30th March, 1910 Tents, Tarpaulins, 21 8,028 to 8,066 30th Jan., 1911 .

Canvas, Canvas 8,261 to 8,270 30th Jan., 1911 Hose, Cords,

Fishing Lines, Twine, Sacks and Mar; 9

8,287 to 8,300 30th Jan., 1911


Basketware, Brooms, 24 and Brushes


Brass Wood Screws 26 First Asscssnic,i I. Iron Wood Screws 27 Income Tax ... 5,931 ... 30th Dec., 1910 Wrought Iron 28 8,981, 9,619, 6,355 j 18th Jan., 1911

Tubes and Fit-tings Second. Assess-

Feb. 14 Bricks. Fireelay 1.9 ment. and Pottery Income 'Fax 798, 8,860, 6,185 30th Dee., 1910

Ship Chandlery ... „ 20 J .,914, 6,433, 5,431 18th Jan., 1911 Feb. 16 Bones, etc., Schedule 22

Cement, Lime, Plaster of Third, Assessment. Paris, and Calcium Carbide, Schedule 35

March 9 Income Tax ... 7726/8,7,953,7,815, i 30th Dec., 1910 7,790, 5,017

Files, Schedule 25 ... 6,595 ... ... 4th Jan., 1911 Feb. 21 Rope, Schedule 23 ...

Netherton, Crown, Best Iron, Schedule 39

Catgut and Leather Belting, Schedule 31

Bob s and Nuts, Bolt Ends, etc. Schedule 32

6,559, 8,009, 5,140, 7,934, 7,834, 8,005, 7,968, 7,693, 7,971, 5,671

375, 6,727, 8,138 ... 36, 8,012, 6,808,

4 , 8 1 0, 7,803 / 4,

14th Jan., 1911

I 17th Jan., 1911 j 20th Jan., 1911

Explosives, Schedule 33 Wheelbarrows and Sack Trucks,

Schedule 39. rch 16

3 ,987, 3,973,.

3,971 /2

7,792, 6,491, 2,676 24th Jan., 1911 Axle Grease, Tallow, etc.,

Schedule 36 Charcoal and Culte, Schedule 37 The said taxes shall be payable to me at my office, the Galvanised Iron „ 40 Taxation Department, Howard Street, Perth. Drapery, etc. 45 Stationery and Apparatus,

Pooh s and Publications for EDGAR T. OWEN,

Education Department Commissioner of Taxation.

Taxation Department, Perth.

Page 39: WESTERN AUSTRALIA. · Michael and St. George, Governor in and over the State of Western Australia and By His Excellency Sir Gerald Strickland, the Most Distinguished Order of St

- - Tender

Board N. ------- •-

903/10 941/10

- ,

Date. Contractor.

: 28/1/11 . Agent General- - 11 /2/11 Do. •



Brass Boiler Tubes-Schedule 231k Material for Construction of 10

Class ". C" Locomotives-Schedule 242k, Items 1576, 1578 to 1614, 1616

941/10 11/2/11, G. Wills &t,co. Item 1577 21/11 14/2/11 McLean Bros. & Rigg Glazing

3,750 Glazino. Bars ..

922/10 13/2/11 G. Wills & Co. ... 1.000 pairs and Wagon Finished Wheels and Axles

106/11 16/2/11 Harris, Scarfe, & Co.,! 50 Bottles of Quicksilver, each Ltd. 751bs. nett

84/11 18/2/11 Power Bros. ... 300 Tin Dishes ...

25/11 18/2/11 j May &,,Morgans . Cartage for Saltwater Gully Battery--

Item. 1 ... 2 ...

„ 4 at per consignment ... „ 5 and 6 at per consign-

ment 28/11 22/2/11 J. & E. Ledger, Mortar Boxes-Schedule 15n, 1911

Department concerned.

Railways do.


£62 OS. 6d. por t„ n. Rate on appliea-

i tion.

do. £21 9s. 3d. per ton:

do. is. 2.19d. per ft.

do. £11 19s. 3d. per pair.

.Mines £8 7s. 6d,

Aborigines Depart-. c 6d. each. ment


ls. 2s. 3s. 4s. 7s. 6d.

Mines £56 each.

FEB. 19



Accepted Tenders.

THE following Accepted Tenders are,pablished for general information,:,,

THE following Contracts have been completed:-

Contracts Completed.

Tender Board No Date. Contractor. , Particulars.


692/09 692/09 692/09

9th February,,1911 ... i, G. P. Harris, Scarfe, & Co., Ltd.

13th February,,1911 • do. do. ... Do. Frost & Shipham ...

19th January, 1911 ... 1 Bessell-Browne & Co....

Schedule 11, item 320.

Schedule 11, item 469. Schedule 73,-item 2934. Schedule 66, item 1901.

JAS. THOMPSON, 24th February, 1911. Chairman, W.A. Government Tender Board.

Agric. No. 825111; _Ex. Co. No. 603. HIS Excellency the. Governor in Council has lo•it 1 leased to approve of the appointment, of Mr. William H. Reid as a temporary Inspector under "The I nseci Pests Amendment Act, 1898," as from 27th, :January, 1:111.

T. S. McNULTY, Under Secretary for Agriculture and Industries.

15th February, 1911.

Agrie. No. 308/11; Ex. Co. No. 605. HIS Excellency the Governor in Council has been pleased to approve of the appointment of Mr. R. A. Willoughby as a temporary I nspecti». Under " The I nsect , Pests Amendment Act, 1898, ' ' as from. 4th,,February, 1911.

T. S. MeNUITY, ruder Secretary for Agriculture and Industries.

15th February, 1911. •

Agric. No. , 787/11; Ex. Co. No. 604. HIS Excellency-the Governor in Council has been pleased to approve, of the appointment of .Mr. Edwin Johnes as a temporary - Inspector „ under "The Insect Pests - Amendment Act, 1898," • as from 23rd January, 1911.

• T. S. MeNULTY, Under Secretary for Agriculture, and .Industries.

• 15th February, 1911.

Agric. No. 321/09; Ex. Co. No. 606. HIS Excellency; the Governor in Council has been pleased to approve of the appointment of Mr. William G. Mar-tin as an Honorary Inspector under "The Noxious Weeds Act, 1904. "

T. S. McNULTY, Under Secretary for Agriculture and Industries.

15th February, 1911.

Agrie. No. 306/11.

HIS Excellency the Governor in Council has been pleased to approve of the appointment of Mr. T. Craike as temporary Inspector under " The Insect Pests Amend-ment Act, 1898," as from the 31st .Tanuary, 1911.

T. S. Mc,NULT )7, Under Secretary for Agriculture and Industries.

15th February, 1911.

:MS' Excellency. the Governor in Council has been pleased to approve of .the appointment of Francis Herbert Harri- son as teroporary.,Inspector under "The Insect Pests Amendment Act, 1898," as from 26th January.

T. S. MCA' ULTY, Ruder Secretary for Agriculture and industries.


NOTICE is hereby given that, in accordance with the , provisions of "The Water Boards Act, 4904," the Anna-dale Water Board intends. to, proceed with -the extension of Mains at Armadale, for the supply of water for domestic and other purposes within the Armadale Water Area..

Plans, specifications, and books of - reference nay inspected at the Road Board Office, Arimulale,, between the hours of 2 and :5 p.m., on Mondays and Thursdays.

By order,

S. W. TURNER, Secretary.'

Armadale, 26th January, 1911.

Page 40: WESTERN AUSTRALIA. · Michael and St. George, Governor in and over the State of Western Australia and By His Excellency Sir Gerald Strickland, the Most Distinguished Order of St

for Year ended

£ s. d. 492 10 9 588 1 0 71 9 6

294 0 0 1 0 0

10 0 0 46 5 0 65 18 5

£1,569 4 8

£ s. d. 19 5 5 0

15 0 14 6 3 3 3 6 8 4 0 0 0 0

15 8

• •

• •

• •

144 5 3

19 108

72 52

348 261 553

950 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A. [FEB. 24, 1911.


NOTICE is hereby given that under the powers conferred by "The Water Boards Act, 1904," the Broome Water Board has ordered a rate of One shilling and three pence (1s. 3d.) in the £ for the year ending the 31st day of December, 1911, to be made and levied upon and from all rateable land within the Broome Water Area and entered in the Rate Book.

TI le above rates will be payable in equal moieties as on he 1st clay of January and the 1st day of July, 1911, at the Water Board Office at Broome.

iX()TICE'is hereby given that the Rate Book of all lands aml prymises now liable to be rated has been made up, a !HE may be inspected at the Water Board Office at Broome.

HUGH D NORMAN, 25th January, 1911. Chairman.


';tateinent, of Receipts and Expenditure 31st December, 1910.

Receipts. Cr. balancr, 31st December, 1909 Entos, current .. Shipping Pe:trlers Plumbers' licenses Plumbers' deposits Water sales .. Connections


Salaries Auditors Office expenses .. Printing, etc. .. Maintenance ConstruCtion Connections Interest Sinking fund .. Cr. balance, 31st

Total . £1,569 4 8

HUGH D. NORMAN, Chairman.

THOS. W. TAYLOR, Secretary.

Audited and found correct. W. A. BEAUMONT, JNO. MATHIESON,

Auditor'. Broome, 18th January, 1911.

APPOINTMENTS (under Section 5, Subsection 5, of "The Registration of Births, Deaths, and Marriages Amendment Act, 1907").

Registrar General's Office. Perth, 23rd February, 1911.

IT is hereby notified, for general information, that Mrs. M. Gibbons has been appointed to act as Deputy Assist-ant District Registrar of Births, Deaths, and Marriages for the Swan Registry District, to reside at Mundaring, Tice Miss R. L. Fauckner; appointment to date from 21st February, 1911.

IT is hereby notified, for general information, that Mr. A. E. Tonkin has been appointed to act as Deputy As-sistant District Registrar of Births, Deaths, and Marri-ages for the Perth Registry District, to reside at May-lands, vice Miss S. Howe; appointment to date from 21st February, 1911.

IT is hereby notified, for general information, that Mr. Frederick Gray has been appointed to act temporarily as Deputy Assistant Distriet Registrar for the Mount Margaret Registry District, to reside at Laverton, vice Mr. G. Horgan; appointment to date from the 24th February, 1911.

MALCOLM A. C. FRASER, Registrar General.



(Section 75.) Application No. 222/1911.

NOTICE is hereby given that pursuant to the direction of the Commissioner of Titles in this behalf it is in-tended on the 25th day of March next to issue to William Corley Butler William Thomas Isaac Thomas Maughan William Duncan Toy Charles James Gunter John Alex-ander Todd Albert Edward Bartlett and William Stephen Ashton Trustees of the Methodist Church of Australasia Kalgoorlie Special Certificates of Title to the land de-scribed below the duplicate Certificates of Title having as is alleged been lost.

Dated 16th day Of February 1911.

A. Y. GLYDE, Assistant Registrar of Titles.

The land referred to.

Portion of Kalgoorlie Town Lot 42 being the un-transferred portion of the land comprised in Certificate of Title Volume LXVIII. Folio 118 and

Kalgoorlie Town Lot 440 and being the whole of the land comprised in Certificate of Title Volume CCXVII. Folio 199. Stone Burt, 514 Hag Street, Perth, Solicitors for the



Application No. 878/1909. TAKE notice that Frieda Mary Lukin of Beverley in the State of Western Australia married woman has iihade application to be registered as the proprietor of an estate in fee simple in possession in the following parcels of land situate in the Avon District and being:—

A von Locations 98 162 and 213 containing in the aggregate 60 acres

Bounded by lines starting from the South-West corner of Location 10462 and extending North-West along the South-West boundary of Location 10462 for 20 chains 4 links thence South-West for 25 chains 2 links along the South-East boundary of Location 1582 and part of the South-East boundary of Location 4795 thence along boun-daries of Location 11570 as follows South-East 11 chains it link South-West 3 chains 20 links and South-East 13 chains thence along boundaries of Location 11571 as fol-lows North:East 17 chains 80 links North-West 4 chains and North East 10 chains 42 links to the starting point.

And further take notice that all persons other than the applicant claiming to have any estate right title or interest in the above parcel of land are hereby re-quired to lodge in this Office on or before the 25th day of March next a caveat forbidding the same from being brought under the operation of the Act.

A. Y. GLYDE, Assistant Registrar of Titles.

Land Titles Office, Perth, 16th February, 1911.

Parker 4' Parker, Howard Street, Perth, Solicitors for the Applicant.


Applications No. 44/1911. TAKE notice that Hannah Mary Laslett of Pinjarra in the State of Western Australia married woman has made application to be registered as the proprietor of an estate in fee simple in possession in the following parcels of land situate in the Town of Pinjarra and 'being --

Pin juice Town Lots 5 and 10 containing together 3 roods and 34 perches.

Bounded on the North-West by 1 chain 281/2 links of Murray Street

On the North-East by the South-West boundaries of Lots 11 and 4 measuring together 7 chains 50 links

On the South-East by 1 chains 281/2 links of George Street and

On the South-West by the North-East boundaries of Lots 6 and 9 measuring together 7 chains 50 links.

Expenditure. • •

• • .. • •

December, 1910 ..

Page 41: WESTERN AUSTRALIA. · Michael and St. George, Governor in and over the State of Western Australia and By His Excellency Sir Gerald Strickland, the Most Distinguished Order of St

FEB. 24, 1911.] GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A. 951

And further take notice that all persons other than the applicant claiming too have any estate right title or interest in the above parcels of land are hereby re-quired to lodge in this Office on or before the 25th day of March next a caveat forbidding the same from being brought under the operation of the Act.

A. Y. GLYDE, • Assistant Registrar of Titles.

Land Titles Office, Perth, 16th February, 1911.

Unmack 6- Thomas, Fothergill's Buildings, High Street, Fremantle, Solicitors for the Applicant.

TRANSFER OF LAND ACT, 1893. Application No. 310/1911.

TAKE notice that the Western Australian Trustee Ex-ecutor and Agency Company Limited Barrack Street Perth in the State of Western Australia has made appli-cation to he registered as the proprietor of an estate in fee simple in possession as executor of will and two codicils thereto of Sir George Shenton late of "Craw-ley" near Perth aforesaid Knight deceased in the foi-

1 lowing parcel of land situate in the Town of Geraldtou and being:— Port.s of Gcraldton Suburban- Lots 31 and 32 containing

together 4 acres 3 roods 32 perches Bounded on the North by the South boundary of

Suburban Lot 30 measuring S chains On the East by 3 chains 49 4/10 links of Chapman

Pond and by 12 chains S 6/10 links of the West boundary of the parts of Suburban Lots 31 and 32 resumed for the purpose of the Geraldton-Northampton Railway

On the South by 42 links of the South boundary of Suburban Lot 32 and

On the West by high water mark of the Indian Ocean and a straight line between the West ends of the North end South boundaries of Suburban Lot 31 measuring 4 chains 02 0/10 links.

And further take notice that all persons other than the applicant claiming to have any estate right title or interest in the above parcel of land are hereby re-quired to lodge in this Office on or before the 1st day of April next a caveat forbidding the same from being brought under the operation of the Act.

A. Y. CLYDE, Assistant Registrar of Titles.

Land Titles Office, Perth, 23rd February, 1911.

A. H. du Boulay, Marine Terrace, Geraldton, Solicitor for the Applicant.

TRANSFER OF LAND ACT. 1593. Application No. 1461/1910.

TAKE notice that Arthur Robert Foreman of Bunbury in the State of Western Australia merchant and Ellen Elizabeth Hayward of Perth in the said State widow have made application to be registered as the proprietors of An estate in fee simple in possession as tenants in com-mon in equal shares in the following parcel of land situate in the Town of Busselton and being:-

Busselton Town Lot 149 containing 2 roods

Bounded on the Northward by one chain of Duchess Street •

On the Eastward by the Western boundary of Lot 150 measuring five chains

On the Southward by 1 chain of Kent Street and On the Westward by the Eastern boundary of Lot 148

measuring five chains. And further take notice that all persons other than

the applicant claiming to have any estate right title or interest in the above parcel of land are hereby re-quired to lodge in this Office on or before the 1st day of April next a caveat forbidding the same from being brought under the operation of the Act.

A. Y. GLYDE, Assistant Registrar of Titles.

Land Titles Office, Perth, 23rd February, 1911.

Stanley, Money, Walker, Banbury, Solicitors for the Applicants.


Summary of Receipts and Expenditure ending 31st October, 1910.


Cr. balances forward from 1909 Rates collected for year .. Dairy fees Offensive trades fees

£135 12 6

Expenditure. :Expenses for levying Health rate Secretary's salary Inspector's salary Health officer Office expenses Stationery, etc. Treatment of infectious eases Audit fees .. Bank charges .. Cr. balance at W.A. Bank

Certified. correct, A. BULGIN,

E. NEWMAN, Auditors.

20th December, 1910.


Bunbury Municipal Electric Light.

Proposed Loan of £5,000.

NOTICE is hereby given that, in accordance with "The :Banbury Electric Lighting Act of 1911," the Council of the Municipality of Banbury proposes to borrow a sum of £5,000 to be expended on additions to Electric Lighting Buildings, Extension of Cables, and further additions to existing plant.

Plans and Specifications of such works may be seen at the Office of the Council during all business hours, for the space of one month from this date.

The amount is proposed to be raised by the issue of Debentures of £100 each., bearing interest at the rate currency of the loan to be for twenty years front date of issue.

rhe debentures and the interest thereon to be payable at the Council Chambers, Bunbury.


E. WILLIAMS, Town Clerk.

Banbury, 18th February, 1911.


Proposed Loan of £3,000.

NOTICE is hereby given that the Council of the Muni-cipality of Bunbury proposes to borrow a sum of Three thousand pounds (£3,000), to be expended on Drainage and other works in the Municipality.

Plans and specifications of such works may be seen at the Office of the Council, during all business hours, for the space of one month from this date.

The amount is proposed to be raised by the issue of Debentures of £100 each, bearing interest at the rate of £5 per centum per annum, payable half-yearly, at the Council Chambers, Bunbury; the currency of the loan to be for twenty years from date of issue.


E. WILLIAMS, Town Clerk.

Banbury, 18th February, 1911.

for the yeai

s. d. • . 13 11 7 .. 63 7 1 .. 2 15 6 .. 55 18 4

s. 5 9 6

• • 25 0 0 • • 50 0 0 • • 20 0 0 • • 10 2 5 • • 3 8 0 • • 3 18 0 • • 9 2 0 • • 1 1 0 • • 14 11 7

£135 12 6

Page 42: WESTERN AUSTRALIA. · Michael and St. George, Governor in and over the State of Western Australia and By His Excellency Sir Gerald Strickland, the Most Distinguished Order of St

952 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A. . [FEB. 24, 1911.


ANNUAL Statement showing operations and transactions of the Board for financial year ended 30th day of June, 1910.



Particulars. s. d.

Credit Balance at commencement of year-- Balance at Treasury ... 277 10 5 Balance at Western Australian Bank ... 124 4 1 In hands of Secretary ... 6 4 0




104 9

5 34


s. d.

18 6

6 1

0 0 2 0

0 0 7 10

0 0

leneral Rate-- (I. Current Rates collected during year ... (2. Arrears of Rates collected during year

Licenses,- ,„ (a.) Cart and Carriage ... b,) Bicycles ...

(c.) Dog ... .. (3.) Camel

Lines and Penalties Income from Property and Plant (owned orcon-

trolled by the Board) ... Contractors' Deposits llovernment Grants--

Annual Grant for Maintenance and Con- struction ...


89 21

40 38 22


10 16

10 15 15


1 0

0 0 0 0

£831 14 5


Pa rt i altars. £ Expenses for Levying General Rate--

Collection, commission, etc. ... Salaries Office Expenses (Rent, Postage, Petty Cash, etc.) Advertising Legal Expenses Stationery and Printing Grant to Norseman Hospital Plant and Tools (purchased during yea

Tools, Plant, etc. Refunds of Deposiis to Contractors Bank Charges (including interest on Bank Over-

draft) . Insurances ... Maintenance Works (front Revenue inc

Gov6rinnent Grants)— (a,) On Main Roads, as peratt cited detailed

statement ... ... 16 (b.) Ou Minor Roads, as per attached de.

tailed statement-, ... 36

s. d.

3 3

11 6

4 78 14 12 5 2


1 42

1 3


425 32


s. d.

13 3 0 0 0 0

10 0 5 0

13 9 0 0

6 0 710

1 0 0 0

17 9

5 8 9 3

4 11

Construction Works (from Revenue, including Government Grants)—

(a.) On Main Roads, as per attached detailed statement ... ..„.. 240

(1,) On Minor Roads, as per attached de- tailed statement .,. 160

(e.) Bike pads ... 24


14 9


2 3

All other expenditure (not otherwise specified) Balances nt end of year--

To credit of Board at Treasury ... 63 To credit of Board at Western Australian

Bank ... ... 70 In hands of Secretary .. 12


0 4


11 7

Total £831 14 5

57 11


8 3 0 0 9


Pa et Ic alum

Outstanding Accounts Contractors Deposits or Trust Accounts Balance of Assets over Liabilities ..

Total ... ,102 17 It


Particulars. Credit Balance at .Treasury Credit Balance at Western Australian Bauk

Cash in hands of Secretary ... General Rates )outstanding)—

Arrears of Rates Estimated Current Value of .Property

Board-- Movable Plant and Tools Furniture, etc. ...

Total „.

I certify having examined the books of the Dundas Road Board, and compared the above statements of "Receipts and Expenditure " and " Assets and Lia-bilities,",and found same correct.

(Sgd.) HY. J. ASH, Government Auditor.

Expenditure OIL Roads for the Year ending 30th Tune, 1910.

Construction. Maintenance. Name of Road,

Main. Minor.

s. (1,1 State Battery Scholey's Farm Dam 85 5 Lady Miller ... State Battery-Viking Norseman-Mararoa 98 10 8 Lady Mary ... 104 0 6 Esperauce 411 7 9 1 Royal-Causeway 1 15 9 Robert St., North Wahai Norseman-Royal

160 14 2

16 :1 3


£ Construction ... 100 16 5 Maintenance ... 52 17 9 Bike pads ... 24 9 3

£478 3 5

S. FREARSON, Secretary.

Norseman, Oct. 29, 1910.

levied on the rateable property within the district, on the basis of annual value, in accordance with the pro-visions 'of " The Roads Act, .1902."

(Sgd.) WILLIAM ISAIAH. COLEMAN, DItairman 'West Kimberley Road Board.

Derby, 12th July, 1910.

.1- A ND AKOT ROAD BOARD. .mutual. and E., I raordinary Election.

NOTICE is hereby HV011 that ail Election to fill three vacauc i es e:to:ed le- Annual retirement, and one extra-ordinary vacancy 'mused by the resignation of A. T. Skeet; and one auditor.

chief Polling Place: Rua d Board Office, Forrest Road, and .landakot Agricultural Han

P. W. MARTIN, Returning Officer.

If it appears that there are more than .four candidates for the four vacancies. a ballot will take place, com-mencim;r at .10 'dock in the morning of the day of the oh-Tido:1, and closing at 7 o 'clock in the afternoon of the same day.

'Phe following polling places tare hereby appointed::—

Road Board 011ice, Laverton (Chief Polling :Place). Wesley Church, ,Beria. Mine Office, Ida IT. Public -Hall, Burtville.

(Signed) W. -I)/ CKEY,, -Returning Officer.

20th February, 1911.

222 12 10 owned by

12 0 0 22 0 0

£402 17 9

31.10 0

£240 2 3

554 0

s. d. 37 17 4

145 0

a s. d.



9 8 3

117 6

£ s. d. 7 6

5 0 0

36 14 6

6 5 0 10 14 0 10 3 0

1 5 0


AT a meeting of the West Kimberley Road Board, held On the 12th day of July, 1910, it was resolved that a General Rate of One shilling- in the pound should be


Al;. Margaret Road Board.

n cal Election of Three dlembers and Extraordinary

Election of One Membey.

AN person desirous of being a candidate fur election its it Member ,of the Mt. Margaret Road Board shall, by

3. s. d, himself or his agent, give notice in writing of such his

... 6:3 19 5 desire, addressed to the Chairman of the Board, at least,

... 70 011 seven ■ •IES r days before the day of such election. u 4.

12 4 7 Date of the election : llitlt March, 1911.

Page 43: WESTERN AUSTRALIA. · Michael and St. George, Governor in and over the State of Western Australia and By His Excellency Sir Gerald Strickland, the Most Distinguished Order of St

24,'1911.] GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A. 953



To whom -it may concern.

IT is my intention to close the track through my Block 137806, Three Springs, running from Dudewa through this block towards Three Springs, same to be closed when fencing is completed.



1, ROBERT WHEATLEY, being the owner of land over or along which the portion of road hereunder described passes, have applied to the Tipper Blackwood Road Be.ard to close the said portion of road, viz.:—

5253/06. B106.—That portion of Road No. 1.400 extending South-

ward through Tweed A.A. Lot 885, from its North-West" corner to the North-Western side of Road No. 2549.


I, W. Treloar, on behalf of the Upper Blackwood Road Board, hereby assent to the above application to close the road therein described.

W. J. TRELOAR, Chairman Upper Blackwood Road Board.

31st December, 1910.

I, THOMAS TOZER, of Pingelly, being the owner of land over or along which the portion of road hereunder described passes, have applied to the Wandering Road Board to close the said portion of road, viz.:-

13861/10. W101.--The surveyed road along part of the South

boundary of Avon Local 6387, from its South-East corner Westward to the East earner of Location 17378.

Also that along the North and part of the East boun-daries of Avon Location 6603, and the North and East boundaries of Location 10965, (Plan 379/80.)


.1, W. E. Kemp, on behalf of the Wandering Road Board, hereby assent to the above application to close t he road therein described.


Chairman Wandering Road. Board. 3rd February, 1911.

I, R. E. EDWARDS being the owner of land over or along which the portion of road hereunder described passes, have applied to the (1i:iglu Road Board to close the said portion of road, viz.:-

15206/10. G61.--The surveyed road starting from one chain West

of the South-East corner of Swan Location 1183, :Ind extending 'West along its South boundary- to its Sontle West corner. (Plan 28/80,)

(Sgd.) R. E. EDWARIX7'..

I, W. H. J. Horan, on behalf of the Gingin Raad Board, hereby assent to the above application to c'ose the road therein described.

(Sgd.) W. H. J. HORAN, Chairman Gingin Road Board.


'NOTICE is 'enaile-- given, in accordance with "The Reads Act, 1902," Secticn Phti, that the above Board intends to close a track running through Canning Location 558; the said track having been superseded by Road Nes. 183 and 3172, known as Croydon Road.

S. W. TURNER, Secretary.

Arm ale, 15th February, 1911,

THE COMPANIES ACT, 1893. 'Babylonian Gold Mining 'Company (No-Liability).

NOTICE is hereby given that the Registered Office of the above:named company is situated at Sirius Street, Southern CroSs, and that the said office is accessible to the public between the hours of 10 in the forenoon and d-in the afternoon en week-days (with the exception of Saturdays), and on 'Saturdays between the hours of 1n in the forehoen and 12 noon.

Dated this 7th day of February, 1911.

J. MOSS SOLOMON, Solicitor for Robert Bothwell Pettigrew-, The Attorney of the above-named Company.

United Distributing Companies, Limited.

NOTICE is hereby given that the Office or place of busi-ness of the above company in Western Australia is situ-ate at 14 and 15 Forrest Chambers, St. George's Terrace, Perth; that Samuel Johnson Haynes; Robert Thomson Robinson, Charles Baxter Cox, and Charles Townsend Russell are its joint and several Attorneys in the State of Western Australia, a-ad that the office will be open to the general public between the hours of 9 nan. and 5 pan. on week-days, except Saturdays, when the office will be closed at 12 o'clock noon.

Dated this 4th day of February, 1911.

HA.YNES, ROBINSON, & COX, Solicitors for the said Company.

Southern Sales, Limited. NOTICE is hereby given that it is the intention of the above company to cease carrying on business in Western Australia after the 24 fit day of May next.

Dated this 4th day of February, 1911.

. MARTIN N. MADDERN, Attorney for Southern Sales, Limited.

Haynes, Robinson, 6- Cox, Solicitors, Perth.

Pine Hill South Gold Mining Company (No-Liability).

NOTICE is hereby given that the Registered Office of the above-named company is situated at 11 Antares Street, Southern Cross, and that Richard Bullock An-drews is the Attorney therefor.

Dated at Southern Cross this 14th day of 'February, 1911.


Antares Street, Southern Cross, Solicitor for the said 'Company.

The Million Gold Mining Co. (No-Liability). A LL shares on which the Third Call of 6(1. per share Ohm 8th October, 1910) remains unpaid, are forfeited, and trill be sold by auction by Messrs. Masterton. & Co., at their Auction Rooms, McPherson Street, Nannine, on Saturday, the 11th of March, 1911, at 3 p.m., unless pre-viously redeemed.

G. A. HUNTER, Secretary.

In the (natter of the Magland.s Hall Company, Limited, and of '` The Companies Act, 1893."

AT an extraordinary general meeting of the shareholders of the Maylands Hall Company, Limited, duly con-vened and held on the 10th day of February, 1910, at the registered office of the said Company, the following special resolution was duly passed:—

" That the Company he wound up voluntarily under the provisions of "The Companies Act, 1893." and Mr. (ffiarles Edward Chappell be appointed .Liquidator, and that his remuneration be fixed at five per cent."



D. ROYLANCE, Secretary.

Page 44: WESTERN AUSTRALIA. · Michael and St. George, Governor in and over the State of Western Australia and By His Excellency Sir Gerald Strickland, the Most Distinguished Order of St

954 GOVERNMENT - GAZETTE, -W.A. VEB. 24, 1911.

Star Option Syndicate (No-Liability).

NOTICE is hereby given that the Registered Office of the above-named company is situated at 11 Antares Street, Southern Cross, and that Richard Bullock An-drews, of Southern Cross, is the Attorney therefor.

Dated at Southern Cross this 20th day of February, 1911.

R. B. ANDREWS, Solicitor, Antares Street, Southern Cross.


In the matter of The Companies Act, 1893," and in. the matter of The Westralia Mount Morgans Gold Mines Company, Limited.

HIS Honour Mr. Justice Burnside has, by an order dated the 14th day of February, 1911, appointed Alfred Edward Morgans, of Perth, Mining Engineer, to be Official Liquidator of the above-named Company.

Dated this 21st day of February, 1911.

H. D. MOSELEY, Associate.

Gawler, Hardwick, & Forman, Solicitors, St. George's Terrace, Perth.

In the matter of "The Companies Act, 1893," and in the matter of the Westratia Mount Morgans Gold Mines Company, Limited.

THE creditors of the above-named company are required, on or before the 30th day of June, 1911, to send their names and addresses, and particulars of their debts or claims, and the names and addresses of their solicitors (if any) to Alfred Edward Morgans, of St. George's Terrace, Perth, Western Australia, Mining Engineer, the Official Liquidator of the said company; and, if so re-quired by notice in writing from the said Official Liquid-ator, are, by their solicitors or otherwise, to prove their debts or claims at No. S1 St. George's Terrace, Perth aforesaid, the office of the Official Liquidator, at such time as shall be specified in such notice, or in default thereof they will be excluded from the benefit of any distribution made before such debts are proved.

Thursday, the 20th day of July, 1911, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, at the said office, is appointed for deter-mining as to the allowance of the debts and claims.

Dated this 18th day of February, 1911. A. E. MORGANS,

Official Liquidator.

Gamier, Hardwick, f- Forman, Perth, Solicitors for the Official Liquidator.

PUBLIC NOTICE. THE Registered Office of the undersigned will be situated at 312 Murray Street, Perth, on and after Monday, the 27th inst., and will be open for business from the hours of 9 a.m. to 12 noon, and 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. on all week-days, with the exception of Saturday, when same will he open from 9 a.m. to 12 noon.

For Ockerby, Lehmann, & Co., Ltd., C. THOM PSON,


in the smatter of "The Companies Act, 1893." (56 Vict., No. S.)

NOTICE is hereby given that, under the provisions of Section 20 of the above Act, a Certificate of Incorpora-tion, as a Limited Company, has this day been issued to Wilgarrup Karri and Jarrah Company, Limited.

Dated this 16th day of February, 1911. F. A. MOSELEY,

Registrar of Companies.

Supreme Court Office, Perth, W.A.

In the matter of the Powers of Attorney Act, 1896 (60 Vict., No. 3).

NOTICE is hereby given that the Power of Attorney granted by Clara Ann Morley, of 204 Carr Street, Perth, widow, to Jessie Emma Bentley, of 206 Carr Street, Perth (wife of H. Bentley, contractor), and filed in the Supreme Court Office on the 29th day of November, 1909, has this day been revoked.

F. A. MOSELEY, Registrar Supreme Court.

Supreme Court, 20th February, 1911.


In the Will of Thomas Henry Williams, late of Clare-Mont, in the State of Western Australia, and for-merly of Meadowbanle, near the City of Sydney, in the State of New South Wales, Aecountaid, de-ceased.

NOTICE is hereby given that all claims against the above estate are to be rendered to the undersigned on or before the 27th day of March, 1911.

Dated this 22nd day of February, 1911.

NORTHMORE & HALE, Solicitors for Frederick Coady,

The Executor of the Will of the above-named deceased.

In the Estate of Robert Thomas Oswald Baird, late of Collie, in the Slate of 111es-tern Australia, Miner, de-ceased, intestate.

NOT ICE is hereby given that all claims against the above estate must be rendered to the undersigned on or before the third day of April, 1911.

Dated this 22nd day of February, 1911.

NORTHMORE & HALE, Solicitors for Susannah Baird, of Collie,

the Administratrix of the Estate.


la the matter of "The Banlrttptey Act Amendment Act, 1898," and in the matter of Joshua James Harwood and Jame.s. John Grunt, formerly of Fremantle, con-D•actors (trading as "Harwood & Grant"), Debtors.

Notice of intended Dividend. NOTICE is hereby given that it is intended to declare a first and final Dividend in the above matter, payable On and after the 20th day of March, 1911, at the offices of Messrs. If. R. Coombs & Co., Harper's Building, Howard Street, Perth, to those creditors only who have proved their claims and assented in writing to the deed of assignment.

Dated this 20th day of February, 1911.

I L.s..1

H. R. COOMBS, Trustee,

Harper's Building, Howard Street, Perth.


In the -matter of "The Bankruptcy Act Amend-meat Act, 1598," and in the matter of Michael William Kavanagh, of 167 Hag Street, Subiaeo, Storekeeper, a Debtor.

NOTICE is hereby given that a Meeting of Creditors of Michael William Kavanagh, of 167 Hay Street, Subia.c., Storekeeper, will be held at the offices of I'yc, Burkett, r & Coy., W(1,1 Chambers, Saint George 's Terrace, Perth, uu Mondt;y. he sixth day of March, 1911, at the hour of a quarter past three in the afternoon.

Dated this twenty-third day of February, 1911.

[a.s.1 .1. F. BURKETT, Agent for the Debtor.

Pye, Burkett, & Coy., Public Accountants, fifth/. Cham-bers, St. George's Terrace, Perth.


.the matter of "The Bankruptcy Act Amendment Act, 1898," and in the matter of William Trezise Eddy, of Coolgardie, trading as "The Golden West Cash Store," a Debtor.

NOTICE is hereby given that the above-named Debtor has executed a deed of assignment under the provisions of "The Bankruptcy Act Amendment Act, 1898," and that the Caine is now lying for inspection and execu-tion- tit the office of James Lewis Berkley Weir, of Hats-bury Chambers, Howard Street, Perth.

Dated this 23rd day of February, 1911. M. M. MOSS,

Official Receiver in Bankruptcy.

Page 45: WESTERN AUSTRALIA. · Michael and St. George, Governor in and over the State of Western Australia and By His Excellency Sir Gerald Strickland, the Most Distinguished Order of St

Debtor's Name. Address. Description. Court. Num-ber.

William Draper Gwalia Labourer ... Supreme Court, Perth

96 of 1908

Andrew Edward Lawlers . Storekeeper... do. 101 of Baxter 1908

John Young Bridgetown... Wheelwright do. 95 of Miller 1909

Margaret Pater-son

Leederville Widow do. 101 of 1909

I 19th day of Bankrupt's discharge be suspended for two years, and December, that he be discharged as from the 19th day of

1910 ' December, 1912 do. ... do.

Date of Order.

do. Discharged unconditionally

do. do,

Nature of Order made.

FEB. 24, 1911.] GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A. 955


Orders made on Application for Discharge.

Debtor's Name. Address. Descrip-tion, Court. No. Date of Order. Nature of Order made.

Joseph Badge ... Southern Cross Mining Engineer

Supreme Court, Perth

88 of 1903 19th-day of Decem- ber, 1910

Conditionally upon consenting to judgment for £300, and £1 10s. costs of judgment.

John William Warner Boulder ... Hotel- keeper

Do. 12 of 1905 Do. Discharge suspended for three years, and that bankrupt be discharged as from the 19th day of December, 1913.

Selby Walter Muusie Kalgoorlie , Miner ... Do. 36 of 1905 Do. Conditionally upon consenting to judgment for £20 and £1 10s. costs of judgment.

Andrew Petalas (of the Do. Fruiterer firm of " Andrews and Black ")

Do. 27 of 1906 Do. Discharge suspended for two years, and that bankrupt be discharged. as from the 19th day of December, 1912.

Receiving Orders.

Debtor's Name. Address. Description. Court. No. of Date of Date of Matter. Order. Petition.

Act or Acts of Bankruptcy.

Albert Edward Loughlin Golden Gate, near Prospector ... Kalgoorlie

Supreme Court, Perth

12 of 1911 16th day of 14th day of February, i February, 1911 1911

Debtor's petition.'

Arthur Powell . 56 Wilson Street, Storekeeper Do. 14 of 1911 18th day of 16th day of Do. Kalgoorlie and Mining

Tributer February, February, 1911 1911

Joseph Bernard Tully Holyoake, and lately Baker... residing at Fre- mantle, Nauman, aniT

Do. 15 of 1911 18th day of 13th day of February, February, 1911 I 1911


Pinjarra James Patterson Campbell Sandstone ... ... I Blacksmith ... Do. 17 of 1911 22nd day of 16th day of Do.

February, February, 1911 1911

First Meetings and Public Examinations.

Debtor's s Decri '- Address. I Name. Lion, Court. Date of

Number. first Meeting.

Hour. I Place. I I

Date of Public Ex- amination.

Hour. Place.

Date of ordei (if any) for

Summary Ad ministration.

Ofred Charles Mount Sunman Malcolm

I Edward Henry ; W idgieniool-

McMahon 1 t h a, a u a formerly of Coolgardie


Sandalwood getter and Wood


Supreme Court, Perth

Do. ...

6 of 1911

9 of 1911

21st day of March,

1911 Do. ...

3 p.m.

3'30 p.m.

Supreme Court, Perth Do. ...

21st day 10*30 a.m. of March,

1911 Do. ... 10'30 a.m.

Supreme Court, Perth

Do. ...

23rd day of February, 1911.



Debtor's Name. Address. Description. N Court. No. of Matter. Date of Order. Date of Petition.

Benjamin Brown .. Vivien, near Lawlers Miner Supreme Court, 110 of 1911 Perth

13th day of February, 1911

6th day of February, 1911

Albert Edward Lough-lin

Golden Gate, near Kalgoorlie

Prospector Do. 12 of 1911 16th day of February, 1911

14th day of February, 1911

Arthur Powell ... 56 Wilson Street, Kal-goorlie

Storekeeper and Mining Tributer

Do. .14of1911 18th day of February, 1911

16th day of February 1911

Joseph Bernard Tully Holyoake, and lately residing at Fre- mantle, Nammp, and

Baker Do, 15 of 1911 do. 14th day of February, 1911


Orders made on Application for Discharge.

23rd day of February, 1911. M. M. MOSS, Official Receiver in Bankruptcy.

Page 46: WESTERN AUSTRALIA. · Michael and St. George, Governor in and over the State of Western Australia and By His Excellency Sir Gerald Strickland, the Most Distinguished Order of St

956 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A. [FEB. '24, 1911.


NOTICE is hereby given that the partnership hitherto existing between William Andrew Trevenen and Frank Birt Trevenen, carrying on business as Farmers at "Glen Trevor." 14-Mile Brook, in copartnership as "Trevenen Brothers," has been dissolved by mutual consent as from the first day of January, 191.1. All debts due to and owing by the late firm will be received and paid, respectively, by the said William Andrew Tre-venen.

Dated the 18th day of February, 1911.

(Sgd.) W. A. TREVENEN, (Sgd.) F. B. TREVENEN.

Witness to signatures of the said William Andrew Trevenen and Frank, Birt Trevenen,-

W. F. ANDREWS, Solicitor, etc., Narrogin.

THE PARTNERSHIP ACT, 1895. NOTICE is hereby given that the partnership hitherto existing between Thomas Anderson Hardie and Alexander Edward Hardie, carry on business at "Rosedale," near Narrogin, in copartnership as Partners and Graziers, under the 'firm name of "Hardie Brothers," has been dis-solved, so far as the said business at Rosedale is con-cerned, by mutual consent as from the 1st day of Feb-ruary, 1911. All debts due to and owing by the late Finn will be 'received and paid, respectively, by the said Thomas Anderson Hardie.

Dated this 17th day of February, 1911.

(Sgd.) T. A. HARDIE. (Se.) A. E. HARDIE.

Witness to signatures of the said Thomas Anderson Har-die and Alexander Edward Hardie,-


F. ANDREWS, Solicitor, etc., Narrogin.


NOTICE is hereby given that the Partnership between Florence Edith D'Alton and Florence Lillyman, trading as "The Farmers' Supplies Agency," Avon Terrace, York, is dissolved by mutual consent, as from the thirty-first day of January, 191.1., and that the said business will he carried on by Florence Edith D'Alton.


NOTICE is hereby given that the Partnership heretofore subsisting between Henry Thomas Matheson and Frederick William Haberley, both of Narrogin, carrying on business as butchers under the name or style of

Matheson" & Co.," has by mutual consent been dissolved as from the 18th day of February, 1911, and all claims against the partnership shall be sent and all accounts paid to the said Henry Thomas Matheson, whose receipt will be a sufficient discharge, and who will in future earl?: on the said business upon his own account, under the same name and style as heretofore.

Dated this 18th day of February, 1911.


Witness to both signatures— D. COMVN SCOTT, Solicitor, Narrogin.

DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. TEIE Partnership existing between C. F. Mouritzen and T. F. Jolly, in the Hotel Perth, corner Murray and Bar-rack Streets, has been dissolved by mutual consent from the 31st January ult. All moneys owing to and all accounts owing by the said 'firm are to be paid to and by the said C. F.' Mouritzen.

Perth, February 1, 1911.

NOTICE is hereby given' that the Partnership hitherto existing between John Dunbar Dobson and Herbert Julius Steinberg, 'carrying on business at No. 169 Murray Street, Perth, as 'Manufacturing Jewellersi has been dis-solved by muhial consent as from the 14th day of Febru-ary, 1911.

All debts due to or owing by the said late film will be received and paid by the said Herbert 'Steinberg, who will continue the said business.,

As witness our hands this.14th day of .Fehruary, 1911. .1. .0. DOBSON,

H. J. STEINBERG. Witness to both signatures,--

GARNET ET BLACK, Clerk to Martin & Phillips, Solicitors, Perth.


Agriculture, Department of ... Bank Holidays Bankruptcy Colonial Secretary's Department Companies .•• Crown Law Department Deceased PerSori-i''Estates Electoral Game Act General Loan and Inscribed Stock Health Boards ... Income Tax ... Jetty Leases ... Land and Income Tax Land Titles ... Lands Department Licensed Surveyors ... Licensing Act proclaimed Local Courts ... Marriages .4

Mines Department Mining' Companies Municipalities ... Orders in Council Partnerships dissolved Proclamations ... Powers of Attorney ... Public Service Commissioner (Commonweal Public Service Commissioner (State) .,. Public Works Department ... Railways Registrar of Companies ... .. Registrar General Road Boards (see also under " Lands'

"Public Works" Departments) ... Ponders accepted ... Penuer Board ... Tenders invited Transfer of Land Preasury Water Boards ...


949 - f',,f• 909-10 _. 954-5

909-31 ._ 953-4 916,912-3

954 912--3

910 911

913,915,951 948 947 948

950-1 910-11,933-43

943 910

912-3 913,950

944-5 953-4

913,951 910-11

956 909-10

951 911

913,932 945-7

912,945 954 950

952-3 5, 949 948-9 945-8 950-1 911-2


By Authority : FRED. WM. SIMPSON, Government Printer, Perth.