KEY CLUB TIMES The Official Western High School Key Club Newsletter | September/October 2012 Division 30 South | Region 3 | CNH Volume 1, Issue 4 SERVICE: It’s what we DO.

Western Key Club September/October 2012 Newsletter

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Western Key Club September/October 2012 Newsletter

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Page 1: Western Key Club September/October 2012 Newsletter


ESThe Official Western High School Key Club Newsletter | September/October 2012

Division 30 South | Region 3 | CNH

Volume 1, Issue 4

SERVICE: It’s what we DO.

Page 2: Western Key Club September/October 2012 Newsletter


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[key club pledge]

I pledge on my honor, to uphold the objects of Key Club International, to build my home, school and community, to serve my nation and God, and to combat all forces which tend to undermine these institutions.

Welcome back to school, new and old Key Clubbers! I’m so excited to get to know all of you, and to see you participate in our service projects this year. What I’m even MORE excited about is attending my very first Fall Rally this November at Six Flags! Whether this is your first time going, or your fourth time going to Fall Rally, make it count (do the Key Club cheers!). Attend as many service projects as you can and be a shining Key Club member, and you might just see your face on this newsletter. We also have our very own Key Club website, thanks to our Tech Editor, Ana Chavez, so be sure to check that out and keep yourself updated. That’s all for now, see you around school!a message from


[SERVICE PROJECTS]English Department Car Wash....................................................................3“Blackout Rises” Setup.................................................................................4Portfolio Walk................................................................................................4

[OTHER HAPPENINGS]Light the Night & September DCM............................................................5Club Rush......................................................................................................6Western Key Club’s First Meeting...............................................................7Key Club: In the Eyes of the Historian........................................................8Selling Apples & Otter Pops........................................................................9

Board Member Spotlight: Secretary.........................................................10September’s Top Five.................................................................................10Contact Us..................................................................................................11

The Official Western High School Key Club Newsletter | September/October 2012 Page 1

what WE


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KEY CLUB collage




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E N G L I S Hdepartment


The Official Western High School Key Club Newsletter | September/October 2012 Page 3

Hose? Check. Soap? Check. Cookies? Check. Lemonade? Check. Signs? Check. Cars? Check. Volunteers? Check! On Saturday, September 22, 2012, Western High School’s had a car wash to raise money for the English Department. Our goal? Two hundred cars. We may have aimed high, but it kept volunteers moving towards it. At 7 AM, early-rising volunteers showed up to help with the set up. Chairs were brought to the waiting area—a patch of grass—and tables, soap, hoses, buckets, sponges were decked out on the sidewalk; all awaiting the incoming cars. With shouters stationed at the street corners, cars began to roll in around 9 AM. Volunteers, ready to plunge into their duties, readily awaited them.

Trucks, vans, small cars, big cars, Mustang, Toyota—we washed them all. The more dirt-crusted they were, the more excited we were to wash them! Cooperation and teamwork played a huge part, and we definitely nailed them. It was like an assembly line. There were those ready with the hose; those who were ready with sponges; those who were ready with Windex and windshield wipers; those who were ready with towels of all colors and shapes. There were teams of eight or seven working on one car at a time! Familiar faces showed up as well; teachers and parents came to help contribute to the school. Our librarian brought her adorable children and they too helped washing cars! I truly felt the spirit of giving back to our school; especially since this was my first car wash. These volunteers were willing to come out of bed early in the morning and stay until 3 PM to help raise money on a Saturday, when they could be sleeping in or spending time on Facebook or YouTube. Although I had to leave early, I heard many left later on in the day with aching arms and weariness, but they left knowing they contributed to their school and community. THAT is the power of service.

kim truong, HISTORIAN

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blackout RISES [setup]

How much more dedicated a person can be to wake up early on a Saturday morning, to help set up her high school back to school dance? A few other Key Club members and me! This event was rather an important event to me because this is when my position as Vice President of Key Club really went into play. I recorded the minutes, due to the absence of our secretary, and whenever a Key Club member arrived at our school, they would come to me and ask me what do they need to do, or what is going on. I started to begin new bonds with our Key Club members that I never really talked to before. Hopefully, this makes our Key Club environment a lot closer than it already is, and hopefully, by showing my “openness” to these dedicated members, they will not hesitate to come ask me about anything Key Club related. We were assigned jobs from the ASB members, and our Key Club members seemed to be the actual group who were the driving force that day! Whenever a job was finished, we tried finding something else to do right away, and helped wherever possible. Good job, Key Club!

It was fifteen minutes after school when my president called me asking for help with the portfolio walk. I gathered up a few friends and we made our way around the school to English teacher's classrooms to pick up boxes of portfolios. Each teacher had about five to six boxes. it would've been such a hassle for them to carry, making several trips down to the English office and back so I'm really glad that we do the Portfolio Walk to help our teachers out. Each person could only carry one box so it would've taken a while but fortunately, I found a wagon and loaded the boxes onto it, speeding up the process. We ended up finishing in half the time. We brought all the portfolios back to the English office which was cool because no students are allowed in there. Anytime my key club president needs me, I am always up and ready to help serve! It was my English teacher who needed help, and she was one of my favorite teachers on campus, so I was delighted to help her. Even though we only received about fifteen minutes of community service, I didn’t mind. There were about eight of us Key Clubbers there to help all of the English teachers, so I hope that the faculty at Western High School knows that they can rely on one of the most active clubs on campus to help them with anything! Even though I didn’t really get a hang of pulling the wagon filled with the portfolios, it was nice to help out and serve the faculty at Western.

English portfolio walk

miranda phan, VP

denne tiengthong, TREASURER

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light the NIGHT ��� �� �� ����� �� �� ���������� �������

Western Key Club volunteered at Light the Night on September 29th, 2012 at the Angel Stadium. This was definitely was on the events that I was looking forward to especially since I didn’t get to participate last year. When we got to Angel’s Stadium you could tell that it was Light the Night. There were balloons everywhere, every inch in front of the two baseball caps was filled with booths, and complimentary food was everywhere. We went to the volunteer booth to sign in and after we went to get our orange volunteer shirts. Unfortunately, there weren’t any more smalls or mediums so most of the volunteers were sporting an extra large. The coordinators of the event were wearing purple shirts and they told all the volunteers to stand in a general area so whenever they needed volunteers they would just grab them. I got put into a group of 10 and we were guided through the stadium. As we went through the stadium, they placed two people at every turning point. The volunteers’ jobs were to cheer on and guide the walkers down the path. The event had an intense amount of energy! Throughout the stadium all you could hear was echos of cheering and clapping. It was inspiring to see the individual groups walk for that special someone that they unfortunately lost to leukemia. All the volunteers would hi-five the little kids and wave their blue clappers back and forth. Walkers were holding the red balloons with the lights in it. I really hope that people get to experience this event at least once in their life. It was a way for everyone to come together and to show everyone’s support and to show that “We care.”

jennifer tarm, PRESIDENT

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Why does Key Club still exist? Well, members are what we need most; that’s how we still exist. How will we get those members? Club Rush. Western High School Key Club—decked out in yellow—stormed Club Rush with spirit and, of course, persuasive skills. Our purpose to create a service savvy club is our main drive, but what will we do without our President, Jennifer Tarm, and our VP, Grishma Patel, donned in Sun Suits and belting Key Club cheers? Secretary, Hillary Tran, and bulletin editor, Mercy Tran, running through the crowd with Key Club posters, pins, and stickers? Our historian, Zayrha Lizzeth, with her camera at arm and a bedazzled key for anyone willing to show their spirit? Energy reverberated through the crowds of students. Our booth , covered by our Tech Editor, Ana Chavez, and me, was open and ready for any questions. Soon, sign-up lists were quickly filled up, pages of stickers quickly disappeared, and pins were quickly given out. Day one was complete as the lunch bell sounded. However, we were all in it again for day two the following day. With the same amp of giddiness, energy, and spirit.


kim truong, HISTORIAN “Ain’t no party like a sunshine party! WOOSH WOOSH!” was exactly what my President and I were cheering at lunch for 30 whole minutes, as a flood of new students signed up to be apart of our home club! The day of our Club Rush was a very hot and sunny day, perfect to represent our division mascot! Thankfully, we had an awesome and big EZ up to shade our members from the sun, as they signed to be apart of our family! As a Western tradition, Key Club decorated our booth with more yellow than the sun! The clubs have a competition for the best decorated booth for the year, and Key Club definitely wanted it! As all our members were dressed up in yellow, my president and I represented the division mascot as we wore our sun suits around cheering for people to join key club! Not only did we get a lot of attention, but we had plenty of people wanting to take pictures with us, or asking us where our booth was, as we ran around with our costumes! We weren’t the only active board members walking around campus to promote Key Club, our historians were walking around with giant glitter keys, and took over hundreds of pictures of people holding them! They were later uploaded to our Facebook page, as a publicity tactic! Many members enjoyed the spirit of our board as we encouraged students to join our club! We were definitely one of the loudest clubs there! As more and more students came to our booth to join, we began running out of candy to give them, but many of them did not care for the candy, but cared about joining a club to help serve the community. Seeing their eager faces to sign up for Key Club made my President and I super excited for our fun filled and devoted year!

grishma patel, VP




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“I call this meeting to order at,” were the first words spoken by Jennifer Tarm at our very first Key Club meeting of the year. All the new and excited faces, ready to devote their time to serve their community through the beauty of our Western Key Club just made our entire board happy. As the secretary and I counted the amount of students in the room, more and more students kept coming in which filled up the room more than it could hold! The meeting consisted of the introduction of our board, and an overview of what Key Club is about and our upcoming events. As our president sped through our full agenda, we found that many students were eager to be a part of Key Club, so eager that we ran out of membership application! Of course we told them we would have more soon. Next on our agenda was

the tradition of every Western High School’s very first club meeting, to nominate a Senior to run for Homecoming King and Queen. As our president called on our members to nominate people, we finalized our king choices down to three, and then to one. Our nominated King, was our very own Treasurer, Denne Tiengthong! Next was on to the Queen, as my Co-Vice President and I wrote the names and numbers down while our President counted, a familiar sounding name was nominated. Rather surprised, I was writing my own name on the board as a nominated queen! I felt very honored to be nominated, yet didn’t believe I would receive enough votes to be chosen. Yet again, even after a tiebreaker, I was once again shocked and honored to be nominated as Key Club’s choice of Homecoming Queen. Ultimately it was a nice way to end the meeting, knowing that our very own members felt as if my best friend, Denne Tiengthong and I were worthy of such royalty on our campus!

western’s first KEY CLUB meeting

grishma patel, VP

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As an active Key Clubber, officer, and Division Coordinator, it’s my responsibility to think of new projects or service events and it’s not an easy task. For example, when there are limited spots for volunteers, you call the organization and fill those spots or often, fight for them. Or sometimes, the events are far from our own community and it can be difficult for volunteers to find a ride. But, like with most conflicts, there’s always an alternative. I’ve noticed that most of the projects we volunteer for emphasize on our community more than on global. Of course, it’s imperative that we take care of our community but the rest of the world is just as important so we need to support this realization. In other words, I’m trying to think more globally. Most importantly, poverty and global warming are becoming serious issues in our world making it a concern for everyone. Volunteering is not only about service hours and helping out at festivals or Anaheim events. We could donate, visit shelters, make meals for people less fortunate than us, make blankets for needy children, plant trees and plants, recycle and contribute to an abundant amount of other services. Organizations like the O.C. Food Bank and the L.A. Mission are the best places to start. Poverty is increasing in American while our planet is getter weaker thanks to the greenhouse effect but if Key Clubbers focused on the issue a little more, it would still bring rewards no matter how small. Furthermore, interacting with these types of people would also bring amazing benefits. A short conversation with them can tell us what they need most or which specific obstacles they face daily. As a person, it could make us more appreciative of what we have and push us to make a bigger difference. Our organization promotes caring and we always show it! Remember, like President Jennifer Tarm chanted during Club Rush, “Key Club is not about making keys, it’s making a difference in the world!”

in the EYES of a KEY CLUBBER

“Thinking Globally”

zayrha arambula, HISTORIAN

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Summer has ended, school has started and it was still pretty hot. As treasurer it is my responsibility to think of ways to fundraise for our club. The vice president of my club and I decided to sell otter pops after school. I learned from my treasurer workshop at OTC that selling these little popsicles would make a lot of profit. I decided it was a good idea, and plus it was a refreshing way to fundraise. I planned to sell it from Wednesday through Friday so we would sell it all. I bought two hundred otter pops from smart and final for a very low price, so I knew that we would make some profit. Unfortunately, I didn’t think ahead and believed that the otter pops would freeze in one night. The night before we were going to sell them, I put all the otter pops into my freezer. When I woke up it still wasn’t frozen. I told my mom to drop it off during the afternoon at my school, hoping that it would freeze by then. When my mom dropped it off, it still wasn’t frozen, and the key club board and I had to work with what we had. About only a fourth of them were frozen and the rest weren’t, which was my fault. I know next time to freeze the otter pops ahead of time. After school, students started coming towards are table wanting to buy some. We sold out of all the frozen otter pops, and ended up making twenty dollars profit. I guess it wasn’t so bad, we still made profit. Next time I am determined to make sure they are frozen, and also will make sure we sell out!

Selling apples for Key Club literally changed my life. Before this, I never thought I could sell anything to anybody; I always had the mentality that people don’t like to donate or spend money on things they don’t really need. My task was to ask nine teachers if they wanted to buy half a box of apples for $23 or a whole box for $46. I thought, “Man, nobody is going to buy that many apples. What would they do with them? I wouldn’t buy that many. I can’t even finish a full apple in one sitting!” I was very reluctant to ask teachers to buy the apples; I felt like I was begging them to do something for me, and I was afraid of rejection. But I was terribly wrong. The first person I asked was my English teacher from last year, Ms. Pryor. I didn’t think she would need so many apples especially since she didn’t have any kids, but sure enough, she agreed to buy half a box. I thought it was a miracle. Still, I convinced myself that she was just a rare buyer, and that I’d get many more rejections. I was wrong again. The second person I asked was my assistant principal, Mr. Nease. For sure I thought he would say no; he, too, didn’t look like he would need 50 apples, let alone 100. When I asked, however, he gladly filled out the form and ordered 50 apples. I was astonished; I didn’t know if people liked apples, or if I was convincing. I figured people just liked apples, especially since Halloween and Thanksgiving are coming up. I was on a roll. I asked my AP Physics teacher next. I was definitely expecting a rejection here; she did not seem like the type who would buy anything from a fundraiser; she seemed like a person who kept to herself. But sure enough, I got her to buy half a box of apples without further question. She signed the form, paid with a check, and that was that. Something about these apples must be magical. And so this cycle went on with four more people. Not one rejection yet. I still have two more people to ask at this point, but I am seven for seven. Doing this gave me the confidence to speak to people and developed my business and communication skills, and it helped me to realize that people do want to donate to Key Club. I realized that Key Club’s reputation is very high, and that to call myself a Key Club Bulletin Editor is an honor.



denne tiengthong, TREASURER


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board member SPOTLIGHT

Hello world! This is hillz and I am the secretary of our wonderful Key Club! As a person, I love to joke around and giggle with mah homies. LULZ. I’m an absolute nerd who spends her weekends doing one variable statistics and physics. I love my calculator; it’s the only reason why I can stand school and homework. Outside of school, I tend to go to star bucks but nowadays, I prefer Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf. That place is so duh good. I really want an ice blended drink but it’s so far. Sigh. I always jump on Mercy’s bandwagon! She is my idol. LOL. Another drink that I absolutely love is milk tea with boba. Boba has changed my life and is the reason for my existence. I think food in general is why I love life. I can eat anything I want anytime! Right now, I really want chipotle and yogurt land. YUM. I can talk on and on about what I like to eat but I don’t have enough time for that. I also participate in clubs and other extracurricular activities but you can ask me about those later. I only have time for food and sleep. RAWR. Next year, I think I’m getting my acceptance letter to UCLA because I am a part of Key Club and RSVP. Life is good. AHHAHAHAHA.

hillary tran, SECRETARY





Jennifer Tarm, 13 hours

Denne Tiengthong, 12.8 hours

Miranda Phan, 8.9 hours

Kim Truong, 8.6 hours

Warren Kim, Diane Huynh, 8.3 hours

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CONTACT US!2012-2013 Western High School Key Club Board

The Official Western High School Key Club Newsletter | September/October 2012 Page 15

PRESIDENT, Jennifer Tarm [714] [email protected]

VICE PRESIDENT, Grishma Patel [714] [email protected]

VICE PRESIDENT, Miranda Phan [714] [email protected]

SECRETARY, Hillary Tran [714] 797-4843 [email protected]

TREASURER, Denne Tiengthong [714] [email protected]

PUBLICIST, Ericson Tang[714] [email protected]

PUBLICIST, LanVi Nguyen [714] [email protected]

HISTORIAN, Kim Truong [714] [email protected]

HISTORIAN, Zayrha Arambula [714] [email protected]

TECH EDITOR, Ana Chavez [714] 515–[email protected]

BULLETIN EDITOR, Mercy Tran [562] [email protected]

ask us how we


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a Kiwanis-family member

keyclub.org | cnhkeyclub.org

8360 RED OAK STREET #201 RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CA 91730 ~ 909.989.1500

THANK YOU FOR READINGThe Official Western High School Key Club Newsletter

Thank you to Ms. Rittel, Mr. Carter and Mr. Barry for supporting Western Key Club.