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West University Press (Editura Universităţii de Vest - EUV)

Academically oriented, the West University Press (Editura Universităţii de Vest - EUV), is one of the most

important university presses in Romania. It was founded in 2001 in order to contribute to raising the

prestige of the West University of Timisoara. EUV places a particular emphasis on the scientific value of its

books, which are meant to add to Romanian and international scholarship. It sets out to bring to market

authors who have the potential to become landmarks for both academic and professional communities, in

whatever research fields they might represent.

In order to ensure content quality, EUV selects its books by a rigorous peer-review process. The General

Catalogue of the West University Press includes over 600 titles, covering a wide range of study and

research fields: Anthropology, Ethnology, Philology, Philosophy, Physics, Mathematics, Psychology,

Sociology, Cultural Studies, Communication Sciences, Educational Sciences, Economic Sciences, Political

Sciences, Theology, Translation Studies.

The books published by EUV address the needs of BA, MA and PhD students, researchers, academics and

professionals in the socio-economic environment. In their pages, they will all encounter various aspects of

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Title: Studying America in the 21 th Century

Student Essays on Contemporary U.S. Issues

Author: Cristina Chevereșan

Domain: American Studies

ISBN : 978-973-125-413-5

Pages: 246 pp.

Format: 16x24 cm

Publication year: 2014

The volume is a collection of essays written exclusively by American Studies M.A. and Ph.D. students at

the West University of Timișoara, comprising seventeen projects focused mainly on American literature and

culture. From sports and politics to advertising and video-games, from the artistic and social manifestos of

the 20th century’s most heated public and private debates to the provocative tenets of postmodernist

experiments, the reader is offered a moving panorama of the United States, as reflected by some of the main

discourses it has produced in time.

CRISTINA CHEVEREȘAN (editor). Assistant Professor, PhD. She teaches modern and contemporary

American Literature, Culture and Civilization at the West University of Timişoara, Romania. She is also

assistant director of the English Department’s American Studies M.A. Program and a member of several

European and American scientific societies and professional associations (MLA, EAAS, ESSE, The Philip

Roth Society, The Romanian Writers’ Union a. o.) She is the past recipient of fellowships from the Salzburg

Global Seminar (2012), UCD Clinton Institute for American Studies (2008), the School of Criticism and

Theory (2007), as well as a Fulbright Senior scholar (research grant on ethnic American literature(s),

Harvard University; 2010/2011), and a Fulbright Ambassador (2013). She has published four books (critical

essays, interviews, book reviews) in English and Romanian, as well as numerous articles in national and

international journals, collected volumes, and the Romanian cultural press. She has translated and edited

several other volumes (memoirs, poetry, conference proceedings, essay collections).

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Title: The Salvaged Memory II

Authors: Smaranda Vultur, Adrian Onică

Domain: Anthropology

ISBN: 978-973-125-265-0

Pages: 306 pp.

Format: 15x23 cm

Publication year: 2009

The book edited by Smaranda Vultur and Adrian Onică is exemplary, as it proves a continuity of

documentary efforts and an outstanding devotion to the recovery of historical truth, no matter how painful it

may be. Whoever saves a life saves the entire world, says the Talmud. This ancient idea dominates the tens

of pages recording tragic episodes in the biographies of Jewish deportees, as well as of the ones who chose

to stand by them. No less dramatic are the testimonials which, like a kaleidoscope, recompose fragments in

the life of the Jewish community from the Banat region. Caught in the grip of a convoluted history, which

shapes their special destiny, several community members remember the days of harmony and serenity,

alongside the troubled, distressing and, to some, irreversibly tragic ones. At the end of the book, the young

reader in particular cannot but meditate on the perils to which one might be exposed by the – left or

right-wing - extremisms of our world. This profound message is, therefore, yet another factor which makes

this an exemplary book.

Smaranda Vultur is an Associate Professor, PhD at the West University of Timişoara’s Romanian Studies

Department (Faculty of Letters, History and Theology). Some of her published volumes are: Infinitul

mărunt. De la configurația intertextuală la poetica operei/ Small infinity. From Intertextual Configuration to

a Poetics of the Work (Editura Cartea Românească, 1992) – Romanian Writers’ Union award for debut in

essay, history and literary criticism; Istorie trăită – istorie povestită. Deportarea în Bărăgan. 1951-1956/

Lived History, Narrated History. The Deportation to Bărăgan. 1951-1956 (Editura Amarcord, 1997),

Germanii din Banat prin povestirile lor/ The Germans in the Banat in their Own Voice (Editura Paideia,

2000), Memoria salvată: evreii din Banat, ieri şi azi/ Salvaged Memory: the Banat Jews, Yesterday and

Today (Editura Polirom, 2002), Din radiografia represiunii: deportarea în Bărăgan 1951-1956/ A

Radiography of Repression: The Deportation to Bărăgan. 1951-1956 (Editura Mirton, 2009), Basarabeni și

bucovineni în Banat/ Bessarabia and Bucovina Natives in the Banat (Editura Marineasa, 2010), Francezi în

Banat, bănăţeni în Franţa: memorie şi identitate/ French in the Banat, Banatians in France: Memory and

Identity (Editura Marineasa, 2012).

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Title: Romanians in the Right-Wing British Press

Author: Irina Diana Mădroane

Domain: Cultural Studies

ISBN : 978-973-125-415-9

Pages: 410 pp.

Format: 16x24 cm

Publication year: 2014

Romanians in the Right-Wing British Press: A Critical Discourse Analysis Approach explores patterns

of representation in the major pro-Conservative UK newspapers, around the topics of intercountry

adoption legislation in Romania and Romanian economic migrants, at key moments before the

country’s accession to the European Union.

Irina Diana Mădroane’s research is conceived as a contribution to the understanding of the discursive

mechanisms that shape the construal of Romania in the British media of right-wing orientation. The

patterns and trends identified in the book have continued in the years following Romania’s EU

integration, with a renewed focus on immigration in the period 2013-2014.

Irina Diana Mădroane holds a PhD in Philology from the West University of Timişoara and an MA

in Sociology from Lancaster University. She is a lecturer in the Department of Modern Languages

and Literatures, West University of Timişoara. Her fields of specialisation are critical discourse

analysis and the social sciences, in particular media studies. Irina Diana Mădroane’s research has

been published in prestigious journals and international volumes (Cambridge Scholars Publishing,

Routledge, Sage, Taylor & Francis).

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Title: ExCENTRIS. Marginals, Eccentrics, Rebels

Coordinators: Cristina Chevereșan, Ciprian Vălcan

Domain: Cultural Studies

ISBN: 978-973-125-390-9

Pages: 236 pp.

Format: 15,5x23 cm

Publication year: 2012

As active members of the academic and cultural communities, the editors of this volume have meant to

extend an invitation to all those who, throughout their professional and research activities in various

fields, have become interested in topics, characters, events, discourses, attitudes placed, one way or

another, “at the edge”. Given both the subjectivity and the ineffability of the “border” as a concept, the

articles this collection reunites approach a whole variety of topics, wherein the eccentricity refers to

physical, mental or spiritual spaces and the rebellion – to constraints of the body, soul and, more

importantly, mind. Literature, philosophy, the humanities meet in the sphere of the constructive dialogue

and interdisciplinarity that characterize contemporary cultural studies, trying to provide valid answers.

Well-documented, creative, provocative, the proposed analyses prompt the reader to reflect, to imagine,

to react and to understand.

Cristina Chevereșan (editor). Assistant Professor, PhD. She teaches modern and contemporary

American Literature, Culture and Civilization at the West University of Timişoara, Romania. She is also

assistant director of the English Department’s American Studies M.A. Program and a member of several

European and American scientific societies and professional associations (MLA, EAAS, ESSE, The

Philip Roth Society, The Romanian Writers’ Union a. o.) She is the past recipient of fellowships from

the Salzburg Global Seminar (2012), UCD Clinton Institute for American Studies (2008), the School of

Criticism and Theory (2007), as well as a Fulbright Senior scholar (research grant on ethnic American

literature(s), Harvard University; 2010/2011), and a Fulbright Ambassador (2013). She has published

four books (critical essays, interviews, book reviews) in English and Romanian, as well as numerous

articles in national and international journals, collected volumes, and the Romanian cultural press.

Ciprian Vălcan. An Ecole Normale Superieure fellow (Paris, 1995-1997), he held a French

government study grant between 2001 and 2004. BA and MA in philosophy at the Universite Paris IV –

Sorbonne. Professor at the Law Faculty of the Tibiscus University in Timișoara. Doctor in Philosophy,

Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca (2002). Doctor in Philology, West University of Timișoara

(2005). Doctor in Cultural History, Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes, Paris (2006). Published volumes:

Recherche autour d’une philosophie de l’image (1998), La concurrence des influences culturelles

françaises et allemandes dans l’oeuvre de Cioran (2008), Teologia albinoșilor (cu Dana Percec, 2010),

Elogiul bâlbâielii (2011), Logica elefanților (2013, with Dana Percec), All, București.

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Title: Victorian England. A Cultural History Guide

Authors: Dana Percec, Andreea Șerban, Andreea Verteș Olteanu

Domain: Cultural Studies

ISBN: 978-973-125-369-5

Pages: 304 pp.

Format: 17x24 cm

Publication year: 2012

The central topic of this book is social history – everyday life, recipes, entertainment –, which cannot take

shape without the help of conventional history – politics, economy, legislation, military history –, meant to

bring to light the forces that propel the quotidian. The combination of the two defines the main goal of the

volume: to explain the historical circumstances behind the major experiences of the society, as well as the

minor, individual ones, the public and the private. But, more importantly, the aim of the book is to clarify

as many as possible of the erroneous perceptions and stereotypes built around the Victorian Era, which was

neither an exclusively idyllic, peaceful, beneficial and elegant period, nor one of smog, abused women and

consumptive children, but rather a mixture between all these and many other things.

The dictionary-like format includes alphabetically-ordered chapters which, in turn, contain key terms, also

arranged in alphabetical order. Items are no longer than a page, in which the most important data

concerning the respective event, concept, object or individual is succinctly presented.

Dana Percec is an Associate Professor, PhD and Dean of the Faculty of Letters, History and Teology at

the West University of Timișoara. Published works: Practica psihopedagogică pentru limbile moderne

(Psycho-pedagogical Training for Modern Languages) (main author), Editura Universităţii de Vest,

Timişoara (2010), Caiet de practică psihopedagogică (Psycho-pedagogical Training Workbook)(main

author), Editura Universităţii de Vest, Timişoara (2010), The Albino Theology (co-author), Editura

Napoca Star, Cluj (2010), Welcome to Romania. Romanian Civilisation Handbook (co-author), Editura

Mirton, Timişoara (2010). Victorian England: A Cultural History Guide (main author), Editura

Universităţii de Vest, Timişoara (2012).

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Title: Christine de Pizan. Essays

Author: Reghina Dascăl

Domain: Cultural Studies

ISBN: 978-973-125-169-1

Pages: 211 pp.

Format: 17x24 cm

Publication year: 2008

„Christine de Pizan Essays” is a remerkable book about a remarkable woman, who wanted to take on the

responsabilities of man in a man’s world. Christine de Pizan is rediscovered by Reghina Dascăl as a

modern feminist fighter, advocating a strong social role for women and fighting against misogyny in a

period when women had no legal rights at all. Although the majority of modern medieval scholars have

shown extensive attention toward the male authors of the time, Reghina Dascăl prefers to analyze the way

in which a woman, centuries ago, undermined the power differential and gender hierarchy of the male

world. Her energetic exploration of Pizan’s work sharpens the readers’ conceptual grasp of the Middle

Ages and refines their appreciation of modern feminist issues.

Reghina Dascăl teaches British Studies and Gender Studies at the English Department of the University

of Timisoara, Romania and she has so far published five books. She is Director of the Interdisciplinary

Centre for Gender Studies at Timisoara University and over the years she has presented and published

papers in the country and abroad and has also edited and co-edited several publications.

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Title: Between the jazz age and postmodernism: F. Scott Fitzgerald

Author: Virgil Mihaiu

Domain: Cultural Studies

ISBN: 973 -8433-33-9

Pages: 268 pp.

Format: 14,5x23 cm

Publication year: 2003

„The thesis from which the author starts is that Fitzgerald, totally identifying himself with the spirit of

the era he lived in, got ahead of it in many respects: on the one hand, by aspiring to achieve in his prose a

sort of synthesis of the arts, on the other hand – by somewhat anticipating postmodernism, so that his

work can still be read nowadays, at the beginning of a new millennium, with active interest and vivid

engagement. Placed at the convergence point of discourses about various arts, the monographic study of

Scott Fitzgerald's work conducted by Virgil Mihaiu sets out, as a working hypothesis, to extract new

meanings from the work of the American novelist, by examining it in a plural artistic context, wherein

music, particularly jazz, plays an important part. An undeniable merit of the book resides in the fact that

it never loses sight of the social, ideological and artistic context of the world of the arts during the first

third of the past century, and that it constantly inserts therein references to similar Romanian realities,

establishing connections between the main themes of Fitzgerald’s universe and certain autochtonous

creative or critical choices. The result is the complex, cultural studies-informed placement of Fitzgerald's

work on a map of the arts where, for the first time in the exegesis dedicated to this important writer of

American modernism, the Romanian voice can be distinctly heard” (Virgil Stanciu, Contribuţie

românească în fitzgeraldistică, „România literară” No. 12, 2005.

Virgil Mihaiu (b. 1951) – Writer, lecturer on Jazz Aesthetics at the Music Academy in Cluj, an editor of

„Steaua” cultural magazine, member of the Romanian Writer’s Union and PEN-Club, member of the

international editing board of Down Beat (the world’s foremost jazz publication), member of the F. Scott

Fitzgerald Society andof the American Jazz Journalists’ Association. Author of 12 books of poetry and

essays. Included in anthologies, author of radio & TV programmes, lectures, jazz-poetry recitals, art

films, music collages for theatre-dance performances, and participant in congresses and festivals in

Romania and abroad. Prizes and awards from the Romanian Writers’ Union, Poland’s Ministry of

Culture, The Transylvanian Business Centre, The Romanian Broadcasting Corporation, The Cluj

Romanian Opera House. Grantee of Portugal’s and Germany’s Ministries for External Affairs,

Switzerland’s International Radio Service and England’s Arts Council.

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Title: The Creative Obsession in George Bacovia’s

and Georg Trakl’s Works

Author: Laura Cheie

Domain: Philology

ISBN : 978-973-125-418-0

Pages: 224 pp.

Format:16x24 cm

Publication year: 2014

In her research, Laura Cheie goes beyond the similitudes in imagery and atmosphere between the works

of George Bacovia and Georg Trakl, which could be determined by the context of the era which

shaped the two poets’ „expressionist style”. Their imagination and creation processes, however, can

be further explained by the way in which the creative obsession operates, transforming the persistent

use of recurrent images into an art of metamorphosis.

The approach is interdisciplinary, touching on Freud’s and Jung’s psychopathology or the aesthetics

of movement and behaviour in art and in modern expressive dancing. The result is a valuable attempt

at emancipating literary interpretation from the self-imposed limits of particularism.

Laura Cheie defended her doctoral thesis, Die Poetik des Obsessiven bei Georg Trakl und George

Bacovia, in 2000, at the Innsbruck University (Austria). It was published in 2004 by Otto Müller

Verlag, Salzburg. In 2010 she published the volume Harte Lyrik: zur Psychologie und Rhetorik

lakonischer Dichtung in Texten von Günter Eich, Erich Fried und Reiner Kunze, at Studienverlag in

Innsbruck. Her studies on the aesthetics and psychology of creativity in Symbolism and Expressionism

and on the rhetoric and psychology of literary laconicism have appeared in numerous journals from

Romania and abroad (Austria, Germany, France, Hungary, Slovenia).

She was a lecturer and, later, a visiting professor at the Institute for Romance Languages of the University

in Vienna (Austria). Between 2007 and 2009 she was first secretary for cultural and educational issues at

the Romanian Embassy in Vienna. At present, she works as an Assistant Professor at the West University

of Timişoara, where she teaches German literature and culture.

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Title: The Body's Tale. Some Ado about Shakespearean Identities

Author: Dana Percec

Domain: Philology

ISBN: 978-973-7608-85-7

Pages: 318 pp.

Format: 15x23cm

Publication year: 2006

A central preoccupation of this book will be for the constant attention paid by Shakespeare to the

overwhelming figure of Elizabeth Tudor, the woman who had – among other ambitions – that of proving

that monarchy is not gendered masculine. In discussing Shakespeare’s plays, the present project will

closely look at a series of the most representative portraits of herself that Queen Elizabeth ordered and

approved in her lifetime, as well as at some of the official speeches made by the Queen at crucial

moments of her reign, such as the defeat of the Spanish Armada at Tilbury in 1588. The „bodies” taken

into consideration in the four chapters of this book indicate social realities ranging from every-day eating

habits and the domestic role assigned to women, to the place occupied by foreigners in the Elizabethan

world and the part played by war in the lives of the people in the post-feudal era. Altthough some parts

of the project are tributary to the feminist critique, with more insight into the female body, the feminine

sexuality, and the embodied experience of an early modern European woman, an equal share of attention

at the level of the entire project will be given to masculine social hypostases.

Dana Percec is an Associate Professor, PhD and Dean of the Faculty of Letters, History and Teology at

the West University of Timișoara. Published works: Practica psihopedagogică pentru limbile moderne

(Psycho-pedagogical Training for Modern Languages) (main author), Editura Universităţii de Vest,

Timişoara (2010), Caiet de practică psihopedagogică (Psycho-pedagogical Training Workbook)(main

author), Editura Universităţii de Vest, Timişoara (2010), The Albino Theology (co-author), Editura

Napoca Star, Cluj (2010), Welcome to Romania. Romanian Civilisation Handbook (co-author), Editura

Mirton, Timişoara (2010). Victorian England: A Cultural History Guide (main author), Editura

Universităţii de Vest, Timişoara (2012).

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Title: The Romanias in Romania. Autarchic Individualism,

Trans-generational Value Patterns and Social Autism

Author: Alin Gavreliuc

Domain: Psychology

ISBN: 978-973-125-338-1

Pages: 227 pp.

Format: 16 x 23,5 cm

Publication year: 2011

Revolving around a conceptual nucleus grouping the most consistent resources of collective identity –

social behaviours, attitudes and values –, the present volume introduces an aggregate of „states of

affairs” into the register of inter-ethnic and inter-regional rapports, of self-articulation, confidence

networks and tolerated deviance, of cultural dimensions, inherited values and implicit norms.

Conceived as a synthesis-project that reunites the last decade’s main research studies on social realities

in the Banat region, this knowledge-based approach attempts to capture the identity lines of continuity,

despite the sometimes drastic repositionings which accompanied post-communist transition.

Alin Gavreliuc is a Professor at the West University of Timișoara’s Faculty of Psychology and

Sociology, holding a PhD in social psychology from the University of Bucharest. Single author of six

books, of which two - De la relaţiile interpersonale la comunicarea sociala. Psihologia sociala si stadiile

progresive ale articularii sinelui (From Interpersonal Relationships to Social Communication. Social

Psychology and the Progressive Stages of Self-Articulation) (2007) and Psihologie interculturala.

Repere teoretice şi diagnoze românești (Intercultural Psychology. Theoretical Landmarks and Romanian

Diagnoses) (2011) – published at Editura Polirom. He is a member of the International Association of

Intercultural Psychology (Asociația Internaționala de Psihologie Interculturală) IACCP and Executive

President of the Young Romanian Academics Society (Societatea Tinerilor Universitari din România)


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Title: The theory of culturemes, the theory of translation

Author: Georgiana Lungu-Badea

Domain: Translation Studies

ISBN: 973-8433-48-7

Pages: 288 pp.

Format: 15x23,5 cm

Publication year: 2004

To demonstrate the existence of the cultureme, alongside other great concepts of linguistics, to shape it in

order to make it an operational concept, to demonstrate its mode of operation is the particular stake of this

exciting book. This investigation affirms its constructive ambition and its originality from the very

beginning. The density of the approach is an important characteristic of the volume and it originates in the

richness of its major themes and readings. Apart from translation-oriented works, numerous studies in

linguistics, cultural theory, philosophy, stylistics and semiotics are cited. Observing closely the often

sinuous chrystallisation of this territory which fascinates various categories of researchers, wherein the

relationship between language, literature and culture is particularly active, Georgiana Lungu-Badea has

focused her attention on the „inter-translational space”, the place where culturemes manifest themselves

and, simultaneously, where one may discover the greatest victories, as well as the bitterest failures of

translation practice.

Georgiana Lungu-Badea is a Professor, PhD at the West University of Timişoara’s Department of

Romance Languages (Faculty of Letters, History and Theology). She is the chief-editor of the „Dialogues

francophones” and „Translationes” journals, founder and director of the Research Centre ISTRAROM-

Translationes (The History of Romanian Translations). She is a member of the CIEF (2005) and Septet

(2005) professional associations. Her fields of interest include translation studies, theoretical and practical

translation issues, literary translation, literature. She has published numerous specialized books at Editura

Universității de Vest din Timișoara.