N.B. : The number denotes marks. Paper I - Theory A. Foundations of Computer Science-I : Discrete Mathematics (30) B. Programming Fundamentals –I : Introduction to Data Structures (30) C. Computer Systems Design-I : Basic Computer Architecture and Organization (30) Computers and Social Sciences-I : Software Project Management (10) Paper II - Practical Programming Labs A. Structured Programming Language-I :The C Programming Language (40) B. Scripting Language-I (General) : Python, Perl or Tcl (20) C. Document Markup Languages : HTML and XHTML (20) KB Sessional Work (20) Paper III – Theory A. Programming Fundamentals- II : Introduction to Algorithms (30) ID B. Computer Systems Design –II : Operating System Concepts (30) SS C. Applied Computer Science -I : Database System Concepts (30) SS D. Computers and Social Sciences-II : Open Source Movement (10) AS Paper IV- Practical Programming Labs A. Structured Programming Language-II : The C++ Programming Language (40) AS B. Database Manipulation Language : SQL (20) SS+KB

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West Bengal State University BCA Syllabus.WBSU - BCA - CMAV - Computer Application

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Page 1: West Bengal State University BCA Syllabus

N.B. : The number denotes marks.

Paper I - Theory

A. Foundations of Computer Science-I : Discrete Mathematics (30)

B. Programming Fundamentals –I : Introduction to Data Structures (30)

C. Computer Systems Design-I : Basic Computer Architecture and Organization (30)

Computers and Social Sciences-I : Software Project Management (10)

Paper II - Practical

Programming Labs

A. Structured Programming Language-I :The C Programming Language (40)

B. Scripting Language-I (General) : Python, Perl or Tcl (20)

C. Document Markup Languages : HTML and XHTML (20) KB

Sessional Work (20)

Paper III – Theory

A. Programming Fundamentals- II : Introduction to Algorithms (30) ID

B. Computer Systems Design –II : Operating System Concepts (30) SS

C. Applied Computer Science -I : Database System Concepts (30) SS

D. Computers and Social Sciences-II : Open Source Movement (10) AS

Paper IV- Practical

Programming Labs

A. Structured Programming Language-II : The C++ Programming Language (40) AS

B. Database Manipulation Language : SQL (20) SS+KB

Page 2: West Bengal State University BCA Syllabus

C. Scripting Languages-II (Web) : Web based Client & Server Side Scripting (20) AS

Sessional Work (20)

Paper V – Theory

A. Foundations of Computer Science-II : Introduction to Automate Theory,

Languages and Computability (30)

B. Applied Computer Science –II : Network and Distributed Computing Concepts


C. Applied Computer Science-III : Software Engineering Using 00A & D (30)

D. Computers and Social Sciences-III : Computer Ethics and Netiquette (10)

Paper VI – Practical

Programming Labs :

A. Structured Programming Language – III : The Java Programming Language


B. Symbolic, Functional & Logic Programming Languages : Liap, ML & Prolog


C. GUL Building Using RAD Tools (20)

Sessional Work (20)

Paper VII- Industrial Training and Internal Software Project

A. Industrial Training (5)

B. Internal Software Project (50)

Paper VIII – Entrepreneurship Development (100)

Page 3: West Bengal State University BCA Syllabus

Syllabus in Depth

Paper – I – Theory

1.1 A. Foundations of Computer Science-I : Discrete Mathematic (30)

Sets and Propositions: Combinations of sets ; Finite and infinite sets; uncountable

infinite sets; mathematical induction; principle of inclusion a exclusion; multisets;

propositions. (3 periods)

Permutations, Combinations and Discrete Probability : Rules of sum and

permutations; Combinations; Generation of permutations and combinations; discrete

probability. (4 periods)

Relations and Functions : Binary relations; Equivalence relations and partitions;

Partial ………

relations and lattices; Chains and ant chains; functions and the pigeon-hole

principle. (4 periods)

Graphs and Planar Graphs. Multigraphs and weighted graphs; Paths and circui

Ghortest paths in weighted graphs; Eulcrian paths and circuits; Hamiltonians paths

and circuits; the traveling salesman problem; Factorn of graph; Planar graphs. (4


Trees and Cut-sets: Trees; Rooted trees; Path lengths in rooted tress; Prefit codes;

Binary search trees; Spanning trees and cut-sets; Minimum spanning trees (4


Analysis of Algorithms : Time complexity of algorithms; Complexity of problem

Introductory remarks on tractable and intractable problems. (3 Periods)

Discrete Numeric Functions and generating functions Manipulation of numeric

functions; Asymptotic Behavior of numeric functions; Generating functions.

Recurrence Relations and Recursive Algorithms; Recurrence relations; Linear

recurrence relations with constant coefficients; Homogeneous solutions; Total

Solutions; Solution by the method of generating Functions. (4 periods).

Page 4: West Bengal State University BCA Syllabus

Reference : Elements of Discrete Mathematies by C.L – Liu (TMR)

Chapters 1,3,4,5,6,8,9 and 10.

Discrete Mathematics by Jonh……………………….

Discrete Mathematical Structures by Kolmn at al. (PHI)

1.2 B. Programming Fundamentals-I : Introduction to Data Structures


Arrays Abstract data types ; Array as an ADT; Implementations of arrays; One

dimensional and multi-Dimensional arrays; Sparse arrays. (3 periods)

Stacks Stack as an ALT ; Implementation of stacks; Example – Infix, postfix and

prefix; Recursion; Simulating recursion using stacks. (4 periods)

Queues and Priority queues: Queues as an ADT; Implementations of queues and

implementations of These (4 periods)

Linked Lists : Single Linked Lists; Double linked lists; Circular Lists;

implementations of these (4 periods)

Trees : Binary trees; Implementation of binary trees; Example-Huffman Algorithm;

Trees traversals.

(3 periods)

Sorting : Insertion, Selection, Bubble, Quick, and Merge sort (4 periods)

Searching: Binary search trees; B trees – only description. ( 4 periods)

Hashing : Implementation of Hashes; …… functions – Perfect hash function and

Universal classes of hash functions. ( 2 periods)

Graphs : Definitions of directed and undirected, acyclic graphs, paths, cycle,

connectivity and bi-connectivity; Graph traversals; Example – Minimum spanning

tree, Kruskal’s and prilas algorithm.

(4 periods)

Reference : Fundamentals of Data Structures in C++ by horowitz, Sahni and Mehta

: Data Structures Using, C and C++by Tenenbum et al. (PHI)

: Data Structures and Algorithms Aho, Nopcroft and Ullman (AW)

: Data Structures and Problem solving using C++ by Wciss (AW)

Page 5: West Bengal State University BCA Syllabus

1.3 C. Computer Systems Design-I : Basic Computer Architecture and

Organisation (30)

Digital logic Circuits: Logic Gates; Boolean Algebra.; Map simplification;

combinatorial circuits;

(Flir-Flops-SR, D, JK , T Flip-flops; Sequential circuits. ( 6 periods)

Digital components Decoders; Multiplexors; Registers; Shift Register; binary counter;


Unit (6 periods)

Data Representation; Octal, hexadecimal, decimal and alphanumeric representation;

1’s complement and 2’ s-complement; Fixed-point representation; floating- point

representation. ( 6 periods)

Micro-operation: Binary adder; Binary adder-sub tractor; Logic micro-operations;

shift micro-operations; Arithmetic logic shift, unit. ( 6 periods)

Computer Organization and design : Instruction codes; Computer Registers;

Computer instructions; Timing and control; Instruction cycle and pipeline; Design of

basic computer –

Control logic control of registers and memory, control of single flip-flops, control of

common us.

(6 periods)

Reference : Computer System Architecture Mano (PHI) [Chapters 1 to 5]

Structured Computer Organization by Tanenbum (PHI)

1.4 D. Computers and Social Sciences-I : Software Project Management


Programming Style and Coding Standards (1 period)

Introduction to Software Project Management. (2 periods)

The dependence of time of completion on the quality, count and constitution of Project

team -Inadequacy of man-month concept. (2 periods)

Organization of Software Projects: Statement of mission, Role of Producer/manage,

role of Technical director/architect, Schedule, Division of labour Interference

definitions of modules. (2 periods)

Page 6: West Bengal State University BCA Syllabus

Cores-principles in good software management. (2 periods)

Introduction of Industrial Standards much as ISO 9002. ( 1 period)

Reference : The Mythical Man-Month by Brooks (PE)

Programming Pearls by Rentley ….

The Practice of Programming by Kornishan (PE)

GNU Coding Standards (E-text)

File Hierarchy Standards (E-text)

2 Paper II – Practical

2.1 Programming Labs

2.1.1 A. Structured Programming Lab, usage I: G Programming Language


Constants, Types, Expressions, Statements, Functions and procedures, Array (single

and multi

Dimensional), Structures and Unions, Pointers, Input/Output prime number


Some of series calculation, Calculation of exp(x), log(x), sin(x), cos(x) to arbitrary

many decimal

Digits, Calculation of factorials of large number.

Newton Raphson’s method of finding roots, Gauss’ elimination method for solving


Equations, Gaues-Siedel method for finding roots, Simpson’s method for numerical


Linear regression, Polynomial fitting.

Knapsack and towers of Hanoi problem.

Minimum spanning tree of a graph, transportation and ……….. problem.

At least ten Lab assignments.

Independent Programming Project in C-Complex Data Structure implementation.

Page 7: West Bengal State University BCA Syllabus

Reference :The C programming Language by Kernighan and …….. (PBI)

Numerical Recipes in 0 by W.P. Preas et al.

Operation Research by H. Taha.

2.1.2 B. Scripting Language –I (General) : Python/Perl/Tel (30)

Types, Expressions, Statements and Functions.

Scripting language lab problem should concentrate mainly on input/output filters,

analysis of input

Files and summary generation, structured input parsing, and configuration files


At least five Lab assignments.

Reference : Python – Programming Python by Lutz (0’ Reilly)

Perl - Programming Perl by Larry wall (0’ Reilly)

Tel/Tk – Tel/K Toolkit by John S. Ousterhout (PE)

2.1.3 C. Document Markup Languages HTML & XHTML (20)

Simple web page designing - all basic elements including tables except forms.

Reference: HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide by Musciano et al. (0’ Reilly)

2.2 Sessional Assignments (20)

Home Assignments. (5)

Programming Assignments on Data Structures. (5)

Term Paper of Software Project Management. (5)

Term Paper on Current Developments: Fuzzy Logic, Neural Networks, virtual

Reality, Data Mining,

Embedded Systems, Computer Graphics. Animation, Multimedia, and other similar

current topics. (5)

Page 8: West Bengal State University BCA Syllabus

Student should become familier with a suitable office suite similar to Microsoft office,

start office, Lotus smart suite or open office.

Paper III- Theory

2.1 A. Programming Fundamentals-II : Introduction to Algorithms (30)

Mathematical Foundations Introduction, Growth of Functions, Summations,

Recurrences. (4 periods)

Sorting and other Statistics: Reap sort, quick sort, Sorting in Linear time, mediations

and other

Statistics. (6 periods)

Design and Analysis Techniques: Divide and conquer; Dynamic programming; reedy

algorithms; Backtracking - Alpha-beta pruning & Branch and bound; local search. (4


Advanced of Data Structures: Red-Black trees, B-Trees-Implementation. (4 periods)

Graph Algorithms; Elementary grand’s algorithms (breadth first search, depth first

search, topological

Sort and connected components), Minimum spanningtrees, shortest paths. (10


Computational Geometry: Convex halls, Closet pair of points. (2 periods)

Reference : Introduction to Algorithm by do men et al. (PHI)

[Chapters 1,2,3,4,7,8,9,10,14,16,17,19,23,24,25,26 and 35.]

The Design and analysis of Computer or Algorithms by et al. (PE)

The Art of programming by Knuth. (3 Volumes) (PE)

A Bundle of Algorithms in C++ by Sedgawiek (5 volumes) (PE)

3.2 B. computer Systems Design-II: Operating System Concepts (30)

Structure of Operating Systems: Systems Components; Operating system service on

Systems Calls;

System Programs; System Structure; Virtual machines. (2 periods)

Page 9: West Bengal State University BCA Syllabus

Processes and Threads: Concept; Operations on processes; Cooperating processes

threads; Interprocess

Communication. (3 periods)

Scheduling : Basic concepts; Scheduling criteria; scheduling algorithms; Multi-

processor scheduling;

Real-time scheduling. (3 periods)

Process synchronization: Concepts; Critical-section problem and its software and

hardware solutions;

Semaphores; Monitors; Atomic transactions. (3 periods)

Deadlocks Characterization; Prevention; Avoidance; Detection; Recovery. (3 periods)

Memory Management: Logical vs. physical address space; Swapping; paging;

Segmentation. (3 periods)

Virtual Memory: Demand Paging; Page replacement; Thrashing; Demand

segmentation. (3 periods)

File Systems: Concept; Access methods; Directory structure; Allocation; Froo-space


(2 periods)

Input/output Devices: Disk structure; Disk scheduling; Dist Management. (2 periods)

Protection: Goals of protection; Domains; Access matrix; Capability based systems.

(2 periods)

Security: Concept of security; Authentication; Program threats; System throats;

Encryption. (2 periods)

Case Studies – UNIX, Match and Windows. (2 periods)

Reference: Operating System Concepts by Silborschatz et al. (Wiley)

Modern Operating System by Tenenhaum (PHI)

Operating System : Internal and Design Principles by Stallings (PHI)

3.3 C. Applied Computer Science –I: Database System Concepts (30)

Introduction Database Theory: Data models – Entity-Relationship model,

Relational model, Network model, Hierarchical model, Objects-oriented model; Data


Page 10: West Bengal State University BCA Syllabus

Languages; Data manipulation languages; Database manager; Database

administrator; Database users

(6 periods)

Relational Databases: SQL; Query by examples; Integrity constraints domain,

constraints, Referential constraints, functional dependencies, assertions, triggers.

Relational –database design – Normalization,

1NF, 2NF,3NF, BCNF. (6 periods).

Object based Database and XML: Object-oriented databases; Object-relation

database; XML (6 periods).

Data storage and Querying: Storage and File Structure – File organization,

sequential files, data dictionaries, buffer management; Indexing – BTree, B-Tree;

Hanins – static and dynamic; Query

Processing; Query optimization (6 periods).

Transaction management: Transactions – storage model, deadlock handling,

transaction definition in SQL;

Concurrency control – Schedules, Serialized Lock based protocols, time-stamp based

protocols, validation

Techniques multiple Aranularity, multiveration schemes; recovery system. (3



Security and Integrity: Security and Integrity violations; Authorization and views;

Security specification

In SQL; Encryption. (3 periods)

Reference : Database System Concepts by Silberachatz et al. (MH.)

Chapters 1 to 17.

Database Systems: The complete Book by Ullman

3.4 D. Computers and social Sciences-II: Open Source Movement (10)

Hacking vs Cracking. ( 1 period)

Brief History of Mackerdom. ( 1 period)

Definition of Open Source Software. (1 period)

The concept of open Sources, Pros and cons of pop open source software, Pros and

cons of

Proprietary software. (2 periods).

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The Cathedral and basaar models of software development. (2 periods)

Case Studies – BSD, GNU, Linux. (1 period).

Salient Feature of different types of Licenses – open and proprietary. (1 period).

Future of open Source Movement. (1 period).

Reference : Open Sources Voices from the Open Source Revolution

Edited by Mark Stone et al. (0’ Reilly)

The Cathedral and The Bazaar by Bric S. Raymond (0’ Reilly)

Halloween Documents I to VI annotated edited.

Or written by Eric S. Raymond (E-text only)

Paper IV- Practical

Programming Labs

1.1 A. Structured programming Language-II : C++ Programming

Language (40)

Classes and objects.

Modularization – Namespaces- Abstraction – interface and implementation.

Encapsulation – public, protected, private declarations.

Inheritance – Base classes and derived classes.

Polymorphism - Virtual functions.

Constructors, Destructors, Copy constructors.

Operator Overloading.

Templates – Class & function templates.

Try, catch & raises constructs

Ten Lab assignments.

Independent programming project inn C++ Complex Algorithm implementation (e.g.


…… Network/Polygon Triangulation/Graph Planarity Testis Travelling Salesman


Isomorphism/Maze Searching/Time Table Scheduling/Project Scheduling,


Reference : The C++ Programming Language by B. Streustrup (AW)

The Annotated C++ References Manual by Ellis

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4.1.2 Database Manipulation Language: SQK (20)

SQL SERVERS – Simple Forms, Queries and Reports using a SQL Server

(Postgre/Oracle Microsoft

SQL Server/MySQL Server)

At least Five lab Assignments.

Independent database programming Project – A database application (e.g. Financial


Student (Fee or marks)/ Company Stock and Inventory/Sal Personnel Database).

Reference : SQL in a Nutshell by Kline et al. (0’Reilly)

Postage SQL by Bruce Momjian (AW)

4.1.3 C. Scripting Languages – II (Web): Web Client and Server Side

Scripting (20)

Client side scripting (JavaScript)

Server side scripting including CGI (PHP/Python/Perl)

At least five lab assignments.

Independent web programming project – A server-client application (e.g. Guest book


Ordering form/Remote database management/Remote software


Web mail).

Reference JavaScript : The Definitive Guide by Flanagan (0’Reilly)

4.2 Sectional Assignments (20)

Home Assignments. (5)

Programming Assignments on Algorithms, Operating System (Jinx Signals,) threads.


Files operations, Forks and pipes in Unix or Windows A in Windows). (5)

Term Paper in Open Software. (5)

Page 13: West Bengal State University BCA Syllabus

Independent Programming project on 2D Graphics Programming-Open


X-Windows, Multimedia Programming (e.g. a single RPG/RTS/FPS game an

Educational Multimedia Presentation). (5)

Reference : Advanced programming in the Unix Environment by R. Stevens (PE)

Linux Programmer’s Guide (MPG) from Linux Documentation Project

Interactive computer

graphics: A top down approach with OpenGL by Angel et al.

Computer Graphic Principles and Practices in G by Floyd et al.

Computer Graphics, C Version by Hearn and Baker.

Paper V- Theory

5.1 A Foundations of Computer Sciences-III: Automata Theory, Languages

and Computability(30)

Central concepts of Automata Theory: Alphabets, Strings, Languages and Problems.

(2 periods).

Finite Automata: Deterministic finite automata; Nondeterministic finite automata;


Of Deterministic finite automata and Nondeterministic finite automata; Finite

automata with

Epsilon-transitions; Elimination of epsilon-transitions. (14 periods).

Formal languages: Introduction, type-8, type-1, type-2 and type-3 languages. (2


Regular sets and regular grammars: Regular expressions; Operators of regular

expression; Finite automata and regular expressions – Converting deterministic

finite automata to regular expressions

Converting regular expression to finite automata, Algebraic laws for regular

expressions; Pumping

lemma for regular languages: Statement and applications, no proof. (6 periods)

Context, free languages: Context free grammars – Definition; Derivations using a


Parse trees; Ambiguity in Grammars and Languages; Pumping lemma for context

free languages: Statement and applications, no proof. (4 periods).

Page 14: West Bengal State University BCA Syllabus

Pushdown automata: Definition; Equivalence of pushdown automata and context free


Deterministic pushdown automata. (4 periods).

Turing machines and Linear bounded Automata: Definition The language of Turing

Machine; Halting

Problem, Equivalence of one type and middle type Turing machine; Non-

deterministic Turing

Machines. (4 periods).

Computability: Undecidability and intractability; The Classes P and NP; NP-

Complete problems;

NP-Completeness of SAT problem; NP- Completeness of 3SAT problem by


reduction to SAT. (4 periods).

Reference : Theory of Computer Science (Automata. Languages and Computation) by


Chandrasekhar an (PHI)

Introduction to automata Theory, Languages and Computation by


and Ullman.

Elements of the Theory of Computation by Lewin and Papadimitiron.

5.2 B. Applied computer Science-II: Network and Distributed Computing

Concepts (30)

Evolution : Single user systems to networks; peer-to-peer and client-server concepts;


Server and application server. (2 periods).

LAN/MAN-bus, tree, star, ring topology; transmission media-UTP, coaxial and

optical fiber,

Wireless transmission; circuit switching and packet switching; Network devices, nics,


hub, repeater, bridge, router and gateway. WAN-network of networks. (2 periods).

Internet-basic idea, IP addresses and classification. Basic idea of TCP/IP, E-mail,


FTP, WWW, and browsers; accessing and downloading. (2 periods).

Data encoding : Amplitude, frequency and phase shift keying. (2 periods).

Unix Communication protocols – TCP, UDP. (3 periods).

Page 15: West Bengal State University BCA Syllabus

Berkeley sockets: TCP and UDP sockets-socket connect, ….. listen, ……… function.


Client-server example-TCP Echo server and client. Input/output multiplexing using

select and

Poll system functions, UDP client-server example- UDF Echo server and client. (4


Name and address conversion-gethontbynams, gethosthyaddr functions. (2 periods).

Daemon processes and instead super server sysload daemon, syslog function daemon-

init function

,inetd daemon, daemon-incited function. (4 periods).

Nonblocking I/O using non blocking connect and accept. (2 period).

Uncasing, Broadcasting and multicasting in LAN/MAN. ( 2 period).

Threads : TOP Echo server using threads. (2 periods).

Interposes communication using Remote procedure calls. (4 –periods).

Reference : Computer Networks by A.S. Tanenbum.

Data and Computer Communication by William Stallings

Unix Networks Programming (Vol.1 and II) by Richard Stevens

TOP/IP Illustrate ( 3 volumes; by Richard Stevens (PE)

Compute Networking: A Top Down Approach Featuring the inter by

Kuruse (….)

Internetworking with TOP/IT (3 volumes) by Comer et al.

5.3 C. Applied computer Science-III: Software Engineering Using Object

Oriented Analysis and

Design (30)

System Development Models: Waterfall or Linear Cycloid, Staged Development


Evolutionary Development or spiral Model. ( 1 period).

Stages of System Development: Feasibility study, Requirement Analysis, System


Structured System Design, System Development, System Verification, System


Page 16: West Bengal State University BCA Syllabus

System Tasting, System Maintenance, Documentation. (3 periods).

Introduction to Object-Oriented Analysis and Design, The Object Model, Classes and


And Classification of Classes. (2 periods).

The Method of Object-Oriented Analysis and Design Class diagrams, Statistic

transition diagrams,

Object Diagrams, Interaction Diagrams, Module Diagrams Process Diagrams. (12


The Micro and Macro Development Process. (6 periods).

Unified Modeling Language Introduction (4 periods).

Case Studies. ( 2 periods).

Reference : Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with Spplications by Grady Brooch


Object-Oriented Modeling Language User Guide by Booch (AW)

The Unified Modeling Language User Guide by Booch (AW)

The Unified Modeling Language Reference Manual by Rumbaugh.

Introduction to System Analysis and Design by Hawryszkiewy Software


A Practitioner’s Approach by Presame System Analysis and Design by

Kondall and


5.4 D. Computers and Social Sciences-III: Computer Ethics and Netiquettes


Introduction to computer ethics. (4 periods).

Philosophical and professional ethics. (2 periods)

Ethics and the Internet: Privacy, Property rights, Accountability. (2 periods).

Ethics and the Internet: Social Implications and social values. (1 period).

Page 17: West Bengal State University BCA Syllabus

Netiquette basics Core rules of netiquette, Netiquette for electronic miles, Netiquette


Discussion groups, Rules of Flaming, Netiquette for information retrieval, Violations

of netiquette.

(2 periods).

Business Netiquette Electronic mail at work. Netiquette related to Company and


(1 period)

Social netiquette Netiquette at home and school. (1 period)

References : Computer Ethics by Johnson (PE)

Netiquette by Virginia shes (E-text also available)

Computer Ethics and Social Values by Johnson and Nissenbaum (AW)

A Gift of fire: Social, Legal and Ethical issues for Computers and the


by Saara Baase (AW)

Paper VI- Practical

Programming Labs

6.1.1 A Structured Programming Language-III: Java Programming

Language (40)

At least ten labs assignments.

Independent programming project in Java-A client-server application (Network


Railway reservation/Bank accounts/simple network game).

6.1.2 B. Symbolic, Functional and Logic Programming Languages:

Lisp/ML/Prolog (20)

At least two labs assignments in each languages very basic Programming.

Independent programming project in Liap, Prolog or ML-A simple expert system.

6.1.3 C. GUI Building Using RAD Tools (30)

At least five labs assignments.

Independent programming project-a configuration tool for any application.

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Reference : Java in a Nutshell by Flanagan (0’ Reilly)

Core Java (2 Volumes) by Horstmann et al. (…)

Programming languages by Ravi Sethi (AW)

Concepts of Programming Languages by Sebesta (AW)

Lisp by P.H. Winston and B.K. Paul /Horn (AW)

Golden Lisp by G.L. Steel.

6.2 Sessional Assignments (20)

Home Assignments (5)

Programming Assignments on Unix Tools e.g. Flex, Bison, Network and Distribute

(Server/Client). Programming using BSD Sockets/RTC/CORBA/CCM/NET/JINI (5)

Term Paper on Computer Ethics. (5)

Assembly, Installation (Linux/Windows – Partitioning and stup), Configuration

(Local Aroa Network, Web Server, Network File Server, Network Print Server, Web

Server, Mail Server, Password Server, Firewall, Proxy Server, News Server,

FTP/Telnet Server, Domain Name Server, DHCP Server) and maintenance (Backuy

File System Consistency Checking, Defragmentation) of PGs. (5)

Reference : System Administrator’s Guide (SAG) and Network Administrator’s

Guide (NAG) from Linux Documentation Project.

7. Paper VII – Industrial Training and Internal Software Project

7.1 A. Industrial Training (50)

Industrial Training should be of at least two months duration during the third year

at any IT concern /organization which will give a report at the end of training.

The students are to submit at least two copies of the industrial training report to the

College at the time of Part –II examination. The report show duly certified by the

concerned authorities of the organization where the underwent training. There will

also be an oral presentation of the report the structure followed by a Viva-Voce


7.2 B. Internal Software Project (50)

Page 19: West Bengal State University BCA Syllabus

The student has to give an oral presentation on the internal software project followed

by a Viva-Voce during the Part-II examination.

The students are supposed to submit two copies the project reports to the college.

The report should be duly certified by the project guide and the concerned authorities

of the College.

It in suggested that the students do their internal software project or current topics

of Public utility.

General Programming Guidelines for Linux/Posix Platform

For Unix projects the preferable platform will be Linux, GNU-Hurd, Free Solaris, or

Cygwin. The students should preferably do the project mean sing Make file, version

control using RCS/CVS/SCCW, automatic configuration script generation using

Autosoaf,, software Configuration should be by startup scripts and documentation

using SQPL Tools/Dock book (preferred) Latex. Software expendability and

modularization, if required, might be Provided using embedded interpreters (… or

Python). Programming Language should be

Preferably C/C++/Java/Lisp/Scheme/Prolog/SQL whichever is suitable. It is

suggested Further that portability platform or ……. Of products. For C or C++ either

GNU coding Standard of Linux kernel.

Style (essentially same as Kerighan and Ritchio) and for other language on acceptable

coding standards can be followed by students. For other purpose such as versioning,

behavior and documentation, the program any suitably adhere to GNU standards

and Dehian policies.

General Programming Guidelines doe Windows Platform.

Proper Project Maintenance and Version Control could be provided for by the

software application by using appropriate tools. Documentation should be done

preferably in HTML and Programmingpackage should preferably be Visual

Studioo/Borland’s C++ Bualder/Delphi RAD platforms.

8 Paper VIII – Entrepreneurship Development (100)

The syllabus of entrepreneurship development is left uncharged to remain


With other streams having it as a common paper.

Page 20: West Bengal State University BCA Syllabus

9. Recommended Setup of Computer Laboratory

At least one Computer per student at the time of practical’s exams, should be made

available. Similarly, for the required software packages, there should be at least one

package per student at the time of practical’s and exams. A LAN is highly

recommended. A Printer to the LAN for every five students will suffice the needs.

I is suggested to have at least a few Intel processor computers of current technology,

in the labs. All these are commended to be dual booting in Linux and Windows. It is

also recommended that Linux be installed as a development system with as many

development librarian and tools as possible.

Internet connectivity is recommended for downloading useful public domain software

and Libraries from source code repositories, and also some needed reference


10 General Notes and Instructions

The distribution of marks for the lab examination papers will be as follows:

Lab examination problems 40 (there will be three problem with make

divided as 20 “ 10+ 10 proportional to periods allotted), Viva-voce 20,

Discussion 10, Lab/project reports 10, Sessional work/term papers 20. The

duration of lab Examinations shall not exceed six hours including suitable

time for discussion and Viva-voce.

It is suggested that at least the first year labs proceeded by a theoretical discussion

of the C Programming language (around 10 periods). The other language labs may

require only a minimal discussion. It is further suggestion that Data structure be

started after these preliminary classes of the C programming language. The students

are encouraged to pick up as many popular general purpose computer programming

languages as possible, on their own during he three year course.

It is advisable that the students complete all their Laboratory work as well as term

papers and projects before the commencement of their theory exams. On various
