Wembley Primary School Newsletter No. 23 – 9 August 2017 Upcoming dates: Wednesday 9 August – 6:00pm 1:1 MacBook Program Information Evening Tuesday 15 August ICAS Maths Monday 21 – Friday 25 August Literacy/Book Week Inc. Author Visits Friday 25 August Book Week Parade Monday 28 August – Friday 1 September Numeracy Week Wednesday 6 & Thursday 7 September Senior School Musical District Athletics Carnival Congratulations to the Wembley Primary School district Athletics team, their coaches and Ainsley Gravett and Kelleigh Evans for the organization of yet another successful carnival. All of our students displayed great sportsmanship, enthusiasm and sporting prowess to bring home the district shield to Wembley Primary School again this year. Witnesses to incident Last Monday, July 31, one of our teachers had their grey Peugeot 207 quite badly damaged whilst it was parked in Hawkhurst Street (on the shop side) during the school day. Unfortunately, the person who caused the damage did not attempt to leave a name and contact number, which is disappointing given the situation. If any parents or local community members saw anything relating to this incident they are asked to contact the school office with the information as soon as possible. Sketchbook Project Years 3 to 6 This project has been adopted world wide with over 160,000 participants across the globe, and Wembley are now on board. 125 of our students have been filling their pocket sized notebooks with drawings, writing, photos, collage and many more ideas. Sketchbooks are due on Friday 18 August to Mr Liederbach, for display during Book Week. Have a chat with your child about their sketchbook. Head Lice Not a pleasant topic to talk about nevertheless one that is always present at school! Throughout the year parents notify their child’s teacher of the office about an outbreak of head lice. Students in classes, where reports have been made, are given a note to take home to parents, alerting them of the problem and requesting that their child’s hair be checked and treated if necessary. Your support in following through with all of this is appreciated. Hopefully, with a concerted effort, we can all help to alleviate this age old, ongoing problem. From the Principals Student Clothing Please ensure that your child’s clothing is clearly labelled with their name and class. This will ensure that, if they accidentally leave a jacket or hat in the playground, it will get returned to them and not end up in the lost property cupboard.

Wembley Primary School · ideas. Sketchbooks are due on Friday 18 August to Mr Liederbach, for display during Book Week. Have a chat with your child about their sketchbook. Head Lice

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Page 1: Wembley Primary School · ideas. Sketchbooks are due on Friday 18 August to Mr Liederbach, for display during Book Week. Have a chat with your child about their sketchbook. Head Lice

Wembley Primary School Newsletter No. 23 – 9 August 2017

Upcoming dates: Wednesday 9 August – 6:00pm 1:1 MacBook Program Information Evening Tuesday 15 August ICAS Maths Monday 21 – Friday 25 August Literacy/Book Week Inc. Author Visits Friday 25 August Book Week Parade Monday 28 August – Friday 1 September Numeracy Week Wednesday 6 & Thursday 7 September Senior School Musical

District Athletics Carnival Congratulations to the Wembley Primary School district Athletics team, their coaches and Ainsley Gravett and Kelleigh Evans for the organization of yet another successful carnival. All of our students displayed great sportsmanship, enthusiasm and sporting prowess to bring home the district shield to Wembley Primary School again this year. Witnesses to incident Last Monday, July 31, one of our teachers had their grey Peugeot 207 quite badly damaged whilst it was parked in Hawkhurst Street (on the shop side) during the school day. Unfortunately, the person who caused the damage did not attempt to leave a name and contact number, which is disappointing given the situation. If any parents or local community members saw anything relating to this incident they are asked to contact the school office with the information as soon as possible. Sketchbook Project Years 3 to 6 This project has been adopted world wide with over 160,000 participants across the globe, and Wembley are now on board. 125 of our students have been filling their pocket sized notebooks with drawings, writing, photos, collage and many more ideas. Sketchbooks are due on Friday 18 August to Mr Liederbach, for display during Book Week. Have a chat with your child about their sketchbook. Head Lice Not a pleasant topic to talk about nevertheless one that is always present at school! Throughout the year parents notify their child’s teacher of the office about an outbreak of head lice. Students in classes, where reports have been made, are given a note to take home to parents, alerting them of the problem and requesting that their child’s hair be checked and treated if necessary. Your support in following through with all of this is appreciated. Hopefully, with a concerted effort, we can all help to alleviate this age old, ongoing problem.

From the Principals

Student Clothing Please ensure that your child’s clothing is clearly labelled with their name and class. This will ensure that, if they accidentally leave a jacket or hat in the playground, it will get returned to them and not end up in the lost property cupboard.

Page 2: Wembley Primary School · ideas. Sketchbooks are due on Friday 18 August to Mr Liederbach, for display during Book Week. Have a chat with your child about their sketchbook. Head Lice

High Reliability Schools Is Wembley Primary School a High Reliability School? To find out, we need your feedback………. In Robert Marzano’s Handbook for High Reliability Schools: The Next Septs in School Reform he provides a compelling framework for what schools must do in order to move to the next level of effectiveness in ensuring that all students are learning at high levels. Over the last four years, staff have been doing an amazing job in implementing the three big ideas of a Professional Learning Community with the intent of reaching high reliability in the following areas:

· Level 1 - Safe and Collaborative Culture · Level 2 - Effective Teaching in Every Classroom · Level 3 - Guaranteed and Viable Curriculum and · Level 4 - Standard Referenced Reporting

Now we are seeking feedback from students, parents and teachers to find out how effective we have been in achieving high reliability in the first three areas. The first survey we will be seeking feedback on, Level 1. A Safe and Collaborative Culture, addresses the factors considered fundamental to the wellbeing of the school. Namely, do staff, students, parents and the school community feel that the school is safe and maximises collaboration for the enhancement of student learning? This survey will be open from Monday 14 August to Friday 25 August and made accessible via a survey monkey link that will be sent out via Sentral. We invite all families to complete the survey and appreciate the time you take to share your feedback. Podcasting The Podcasting Club is made up of Year 5 and Year 6 students. We interview people on a weekly basis, using digital recordings such as a microphone and tablet, on topics that are important in the past week. During our first week we interviewed parents and teachers in the schoolyard about their thoughts on the newsletter and then downloaded the recordings onto our Podcasting website. Those interviews were then included in now our very first Podcast. Our second podcast includes interviews with our Year 6 teachers, our School Captains and a very talented runner in Year 4! You can listen to the podcast at www.whatupwembley.podbean.com or find us on iTunes! We hope you look forward to our podcasts. By Jasmine Americo 5C Senior School Musical Tickets for the Senior School Musical (Years 3-6) have been available for sale via the QKR app and also the office. Parents are asked to purchase their tickets early to avoid disappointment. At this stage the sale of tickets is limited to four per family. Rehearsals are progressing well with both the lead cast and individual classes.

Page 3: Wembley Primary School · ideas. Sketchbooks are due on Friday 18 August to Mr Liederbach, for display during Book Week. Have a chat with your child about their sketchbook. Head Lice

Book Week During the week beginning Monday 21 August, we will be bringing literature and children together in our celebration of Book Week. The theme, Escape to Everywhere gives so much scope for creative and imaginative writing, reading and speaking and listening. During the week, we will also transform our doorways, featuring our favourite books and expressing a love of literature. Book Character Parade A highlight of this week is always the ‘Dress up as a book character’ parade. This year it will be held on Friday 25 August at 9am, on the basketball court in our assembly area. Australia’s Great Book Swap The tubs at the front office are filling with books that students wish to swap. During Book Week, students will have the opportunity to swap a favourite book in exchange for another, for a gold coin donation. All proceeds will be donated to the Indigenous Literacy Foundation who aim to gift 20,000 new books to remote indigenous communities. Please make the most of this fun activity and support this worthy cause. Author Visit We have secured three award winning authors who will be speaking with our students about their writing craft and published books. Further information is provided in this newsletter. Book Week at Home Read, read, read, at home! Parents and Grandparents are encouraged to be part of the celebration by reading with their children or storytelling. You might like to read a book from The Children’s Book Council of Australia Short List 2017. Refer to the website -https://cbca.org.au/short-list-2017 Premiers’ Reading Challenge 2017 Please continue to support your child in participating in the Premiers’ Reading Challenge. To complete the challenge, Children in Prep to Year 2 need to read or experience 30 books. Children in Year 3 to Year 6 must read 15 books. So far, we have read a total of 2402 books and congratulations to the 45 students who have already completed the challenge. We look forward to verifying all books and seeing many names on the online Honour Roll. Create a Cover Competition Students are invited to design a new cover for a book that connects with the theme, ‘Escape to Everywhere’. The competition sheet is included in this newsletter and entries can be handed to your classroom teacher. Entries are due on Friday 18 August. A winner will be chosen from each year level and prizes presented at assembly on Friday 25 August.

Page 4: Wembley Primary School · ideas. Sketchbooks are due on Friday 18 August to Mr Liederbach, for display during Book Week. Have a chat with your child about their sketchbook. Head Lice

Wembley 2017 Book Week Author Visits

Grade Date/Time Author Five Six

Mon 21st August Time/s: 9:50–10:50am 11:00–11:50am 11:50–12:50pm

Bernard Caleo

Three Four

Tues 22nd August Time/s: 9:30 –10:30am 11:00 –12:00pm

Wendy Orr 2017 Shortlisted Book

Prep One Two

Thurs 24th August Time/s: 9:50 –10:50am 11:00 –11:50am 11:50 –12:50pm

Kim Kane

Page 5: Wembley Primary School · ideas. Sketchbooks are due on Friday 18 August to Mr Liederbach, for display during Book Week. Have a chat with your child about their sketchbook. Head Lice


Wembley Primary School’s ‘Create A Cover’ competition In the spirit of this year’s Book Week theme of ‘Escape to Everywhere,’ choose one of your favourite ESCAPE books and create a new cover for it in the space below! Remember to include the book title, author and illustrator. Please hand in your completed cover to your classroom teacher by 18th August 2017. Winners from across the year levels will be announced during the Literacy Week assembly.

Student Name: _________________________ Grade: ___________

Page 6: Wembley Primary School · ideas. Sketchbooks are due on Friday 18 August to Mr Liederbach, for display during Book Week. Have a chat with your child about their sketchbook. Head Lice

Term Three Events Preps will be having their ‘camping’ activity, which will be a stay and play at school on Tuesday 8 August, entitled “Fairy Tale Fiasco”. The senior classes (Years 3-6) will be involved in the Senior School Musical, entitled: “It’s a Jungle Out There”. Some preliminary information regarding the musical is included in today’s newsletter for your information. The Swimming program for students in Prep-Year 2 is booked for the last two weeks of this term, beginning Monday 11 September and concluding on Thursday 21 September (nine days). It will be held at the Maribyrnong Aquatic Centre. Information regarding this will be sent home later in the term. Social Skills As advised previously, all students at Wembley Primary have been participating in weekly Social Skills sessions this year. These sessions focus on a similar topic each week to engage students from Year Prep to Year Six. So far this year students have read texts, played games and drawn/written reflections with their classroom teacher about; Emotional Literacy, Personal Strengths, Positive Coping and Problem Solving. This term, all students are beginning the Social Skills Program with Stress Management. Stress Management: Children and young people experience a range of personal, social and work-related stressors in their everyday lives. Activities within this topic have an explicit focus on teaching positive approaches to stress management. Assisting students to recognise their personal signs and symptoms of stress, and to develop strategies that will help them to deal with stress effectively, will help students cope with future challenges. The activities focus on the ways in which self-calming strategies can be used to manage stressful situations. If you would like to know more about our Social Skills program, the overview is on our website the Sentral Parent Portal.

Page 7: Wembley Primary School · ideas. Sketchbooks are due on Friday 18 August to Mr Liederbach, for display during Book Week. Have a chat with your child about their sketchbook. Head Lice

Chess Club Chess Club is held in the staffroom on Tuesday afternoons and there are vacancies for Semester 2 for any student who would like to join. Karl, the tutor offers a free session to children to come along and try it out. The first meeting of the Chess Club will be next Tuesday at 3.30pm with our tutor Karl. Drama Club Drama Club, with Suzanne will commence again this Friday. Enrolments for both groups can be made by contacting Suzanne at Schmazzole directly. Year 6 Health and Puberty As part of the Victorian Curriculum, Year Six students will be participating in a Puberty and Sexuality incursion in Term Three. We have invited Family Planning Victoria to run the sessions as they bring a wealth of knowledge and professional respect to the topic. If you would like to know more about this organisation, their website is www.fpv.org.au

Student Sessions: Students will then participate in 3 x 90 minute sessions over three weeks. The dates for these sessions are: Thursday 10 August, 17 August and 24 August 2017. Classroom teachers will be present during all sessions to hear lesson content so as to follow up any subsequent student questions.

The Great Book Swap! Wembley Primary School is holding a book swap to raise funds for the Indigenous Literacy Foundation. (Not to be confused with the Bookfair). Did you know that only 25% of Indigenous students in very remote areas are at the minimum reading standard, compared to 90% of non-Indigenous students? We are set to change the stats, but we need your help!

Have you read a good book? Want to read another good book? Please bring in a loved book to swap and a gold coin (or more) and take home another book to enjoy reading. You can donate books right next to the front office in the tubs provided or take them straight to Miss. Crozier in 4A. Donations may also be me made online at

https://indigenousliteracyfoundation.secure.force.com/CICD__Fundraise?id=701A0000001Inwn The Great Book Swap will be held in week 6 during Literacy Week. All proceeds will be going towards the Indigenous Literacy Foundation who hopes to raise more than $200,000 to gift 20,000 new books to remote Indigenous communities. Thank you for all your support!

Page 8: Wembley Primary School · ideas. Sketchbooks are due on Friday 18 August to Mr Liederbach, for display during Book Week. Have a chat with your child about their sketchbook. Head Lice

Bookfair is coming up! (Not to be confused with the Great Book Swap)

During the week of the 14th August, Wembley will be having it's very first book fair! (At least the very first in a long while!) On Tuesday 15th & Wednesday 16th August, the students will be able to go to the bookfair to see what is on offer, then on Thursday 17th & Friday 18th August both at lunchtime and after school students will be able to purchase books and take them home straight away! As a parent, you are also invited to come to the book fair and have a look at all the wonderful books that the kids will really enjoy reading. A percentage of the sales we make will be given to the school, which will be going towards buying much needed medical equipment. So not only will your kids have a tonne of fun reading their new books, your book purchase will help towards buying of a life saving device for our school community. More information will be coming home with your children next week, so be on the lookout for that. To make the book fair the best ever we are looking for volunteers to help at various times during Tuesday 15th to Friday 18th August. So if you can help out even for just an hour, please email Simone on [email protected]

Page 9: Wembley Primary School · ideas. Sketchbooks are due on Friday 18 August to Mr Liederbach, for display during Book Week. Have a chat with your child about their sketchbook. Head Lice


The Senior School Musical ‘It’s A Jungle Out There’ will be HELD on the evenings of the 6th and 7th of September at the Quin Auditorium of Caroline Chisholm Catholic College in Braybrook. Each class will represent an animal or an assortment of animals and students will need to provide their own relevant coloured pants and top.

• 3A & 3D – Owls – Earthy colours, e.g. grey, brown • 3B, 3C, 4A, 4D, 5A & 5D – Assorted Animals – Black • 4B & 4C – Birds – Bright colours, e.g. red, blue, yellow • 5B & 5C – Frogs – Green • 5/6A & 6A – Monkeys – Brown • 6B & 6C – Lions – Yellow, Orange, Brown

If you would like to donate any clothing, which may suit other classes, please leave it at the office. If you are unable to source an outfit/costume for your child, please contact Miss Tan. The following classes will be performing on Wednesday, 6 September: 3A, 3B, 4A, 4B, 5A, 5B, 5/6A and 6B These classes will be performing on Thursday, 7 September: 3C, 3D, 4C, 4D, 5C, 5D, 6A and 6C Students are only expected to attend on the night of their performance. The performance is planned to start at 6.30pm and students will need to be dropped at the venue by 6.00pm. It will conclude at approximately 8.00pm and students can be collected at this time from their classroom teacher. Information regarding the purchasing of tickets will be available in the coming weeks. Rehearsals are well underway and parents can expect a night of excitement and fun! Best wishes

Regina Tan (Performing Arts Teacher)

Page 10: Wembley Primary School · ideas. Sketchbooks are due on Friday 18 August to Mr Liederbach, for display during Book Week. Have a chat with your child about their sketchbook. Head Lice

Wembley Primary School Numeracy Week SketchUp Design Competition This competition is open to all Wembley students in years 4, 5, and 6. It is a chance for you to apply your knowledge of measurement and geometry in a fun and practical way. You will have the chance to create various 3D designs using the program “SketchUp” which can be downloaded from the internet for free. If you do not have the program on your computer, please download it using the following link: https://www.sketchup.com/download/all (download “SketchUp Make 2017” for Mac OS X) Rules

1. You must design everything in your submission yourself (nothing can be downloaded from the 3D warehouse)

2. You may use a design that you started previously as long as everything in the design has been created by you.

3. You may submit multiple entries, but you may only submit one entry in each category.

4. All submissions are due by Monday August 28th at 9am. If your entry is submitted late, it will not be considered.


• Best Home- External (Structural design features, external design) • Best Home- Internal (Floor Plan, furniture, appliances, etc...) • Best Public Recreation Area (Park, Skate Park, Playground, Footy Oval/ Sports

Field, Swimming Pool/ Water Park, etc...) • Best City Plan • Best Non-Architectural Design (Machines, toys, furniture, cars, etc…)

Prizes A prize will be awarded to the best design in each category as determined by the judges. Additional judges choice prizes may be awarded depending on the number and quality of the entries. The winners will be announced during the Friday assembly at the end of Numeracy week. How To Enter Your Design Into The Competition To enter your design in the competition, join the google classroom with the code: vcviio Once you have joined the classroom, you can submit your work on the appropriate assignment. There is a template attached to each category that you must use to attach screenshots of your design.

Page 11: Wembley Primary School · ideas. Sketchbooks are due on Friday 18 August to Mr Liederbach, for display during Book Week. Have a chat with your child about their sketchbook. Head Lice

How To Use SketchUp

If you are in grade 5 or 6, you will have used SketchUp during various geometry lessons. If you are in year 4 or would like to refresh you knowledge of the program, refer to the video links on the Google Classroom page. See the announcement titled: Intro to SketchUp

2017 Camping Program at Wembley The camping program at Wembley enables students to further their learning and social development in a non-school setting. It is designed to assist with the gradual development of independence and responsibility by providing engaging, challenging and educational experiences beyond the classroom, for all students. The program has been sequentially planned to enable all students from Prep through to Year 6 to participate in. To assist parents with future planning the following dates of camps for 2017 have been confirmed. Year 4-Sovereign Hill, Ballarat-Monday 27 to Wednesday 29 November (3 days, 2 nights) Year 3-The Island, Phillip Island-Wednesday 29 November to Friday 1 December (3 days, 2 nights) Year 1-Games, dinner and movie at school-5.00-November-December, date to be decided Prep-Stay and Play-afternoon tea and games at school, adjacent to school day, November-December, date to be decided. Further information will be sent home to each year level regarding their camping activities, closer to the date. If you have any questions regarding the Camping Program at Wembley, please direct them to Annmaree Jones.

Page 12: Wembley Primary School · ideas. Sketchbooks are due on Friday 18 August to Mr Liederbach, for display during Book Week. Have a chat with your child about their sketchbook. Head Lice

Prep A Caelan G For his confidence and enthusiasm when counting forwards and backwards. Keep up the great work!

Prep B Gabriel A For confidently identifying and understanding the difference between fiction and non-fiction texts. Keep up the awesome effort. Well done, Gabby!

Prep C Summer E For her beautiful listening, as well as her careful stretching of the sounds in words. Keep up the fantastic effort, Summer!

Prep D Dawud K For displaying effort and persistence when re-reading his writing to check that it makes sense.

Prep E Danika T For her interesting and engaging ‘Fascinating Fact’ presentation and for showing great confidence. Well done, Danika and welcome to Wembley!

1A Ted B For displaying resilience and persistence towards all learning tasks. Great work, Ted!

1B Coen T For demonstrating excellent focus and stamina when writing his retell of ‘The No Goat Zone’. Amazing work, Coen!



2A Rafael F For his amazing show and tell presentation. Your video of your procedural text was clear, concise and well spoken. Well done, Rafael!

2B Christina T For demonstrating reflective thinking when working on skip counting during maths. Awesome work, Christina!

2C Riste T For his incredible efforts with consistently practicing his reading every night! Amazing!

2D Jake O For his exceptional effort when telling the time on both analogue and digital clocks, and for his interesting and engaging ‘Fascinating Fact’ presentation. Awesome work, Jake!

2E Thomas R For your fantastic work telling the time on analogue and digital clocks. Well done, Thomas. Keep it up!


3B Dior M For consistently setting a great example for her peers and following the Wembley Values. Well done, Dior!

Page 13: Wembley Primary School · ideas. Sketchbooks are due on Friday 18 August to Mr Liederbach, for display during Book Week. Have a chat with your child about their sketchbook. Head Lice

3C Zidane A For his hard work and the use of good problem solving strategies when working with money and when finding change using the “shopkeeper method.” Keep up the great work!


4A Ellie M For her wonderful efforts to improve her handwriting this semester. She is making her writing much easier and clearer to read. Well done, Ellie!

4B Chloe T For her effort to apply many of the features of a Narrative to create a beautiful story that captured the audience. Well done, Chloe!

4C Mohammed S For consistently being a helpful member of 4C. Great job, Mohammed on always making better learning choices in Term Three. Keep up the good work!

4D Georgia P For applying a great deal of effort to her reading tasks this week. Good job!

4D Lila S For her increased focus on working independently. This has helped you to produce a higher standard of work. Awesome job!

5A Amber P For working towards and achieving her fraction goals and her consistent display of the Wembley Values. Great work, Amber!

5B Alana G For having a positive approach to Fractions and building on her understanding of fraction patterns. Great start to our Learning Cycle, Alana!

5C Lucas C For making wonderful improvements in all areas of his learning to begin Term Three. Your brilliant attitude, contribution to discussions and outstanding determination has been great to see!

5D Avina H For using her inquisitive nature to achieve success when working through challenging Maths problems.

5/6A Luc A For his incredibly enthusiastic approach to learning - whatever the task. Well done for always challenging yourself and working to the best of your ability. You’re a brilliant Podcaster too!

6A Oliver S For his improved effort and participation across all subject areas, along with his steadfast dedication to individual reading. Keep up the great work, Oliver!

6B Rook B For his outstanding focus, attitude, hard work and effort that he puts into his learning. Well done on another great start to the term, Rook. Keep it up!

6C Oscar F For his inquisitive nature and cooperation when working in teams to create his storyline for our films. Well done Oscar, we are looking forward to seeing what you produce!

Page 14: Wembley Primary School · ideas. Sketchbooks are due on Friday 18 August to Mr Liederbach, for display during Book Week. Have a chat with your child about their sketchbook. Head Lice

Invites all parents, guardians, teachers from the Wembley Community to a

Social Evening

11 August 2017 from 7.30pm

Come along for a catch up, have a chat, meet others from the school, have a few drinks and a boogey on the dance floor may not be out of the


Stay for a drink, an hour or the evening, it is entirely up to you. We just hope to see you there.

Bar135 @ The Yarraville Club

Refer to our Facebook Page & Event for full details


Page 15: Wembley Primary School · ideas. Sketchbooks are due on Friday 18 August to Mr Liederbach, for display during Book Week. Have a chat with your child about their sketchbook. Head Lice

Victorian Interschool Snowsports Championships Mt Buller 21th - 23th August 2017 We are looking to enter a team in the Interschool Snowsports at Mt Buller in August. Grade 1 to 6 students who can already ski or board are encouraged to enter.

Any ability level is okay, the emphasis is on fun and participation.

Events for skiers are on Monday 21th and/or Tuesday 22th August. Events for snow boarders are all on Wednesday 23th August. All students must be accompanied by a parent/guardian.

For those who are interested please contact:

Damien Waddington, Parent representative: [email protected]

You can also check out the Victorian Interschool’s website: www.vicinterschools.com.au

Page 16: Wembley Primary School · ideas. Sketchbooks are due on Friday 18 August to Mr Liederbach, for display during Book Week. Have a chat with your child about their sketchbook. Head Lice

On Monday 14 August 2017 we will be launching an exciting School Banking competition with prizes to win and an incredible game experience. Your school will receive more details soon, so stay tuned.


Exciting reasonsto keep saving with School Banking.

Things you should know: Full terms and conditions found at commbank.com.au/schoolbanking Competition is open to Australian residents aged 4–13 years only with parent/guardian permission, who have an active CBA Youthsaver account and participating in CBA’s School Banking program. Competition starts 23/1/17 and ends 11.59pm AEST 29/9/17. Max 1 entry/person. Draw takes place at L3/11 Harbour St, Sydney NSW 2000 at 12pm AEDT 11/10/17. Winner’s details published in The Australian 17/10/17. Prize details: 1 x 5-night trip for 2 adults + 3 kids (aged 13 and under) to Tokyo, Japan, valued up to AU$22,855. Commonwealth Bank of Australia, ABN 48 123 123 124, of Level 3C, 11 Harbour Street, Sydney NSW 2000. Permits: NSW LTPS/16/07099; ACT TP16/01759; SA T16/1590.

Welcome back to school for Term 3. It’s great to see School Bankers showing continued saving efforts through the fi rst half of the year.

Don’t miss out on the Grand Prize competition ending this termTo be in the running for a family trip to Tokyo Disneyland, children need to make 15 or more School Banking deposits between 23 January 2017 and the end of Term 3.

New reward items available in Term 3After making 10 School Banking deposits, children can now choose to redeem the Smiley Emoji Keyring or the Volt Handball.

Keep track of savings and tokens with the CommBank Youth appTo help enhance the fi nancial education of children, we’ve introduced the CommBank Youth app, available on any iOS 9.0+ device from the App Store. This innovative banking app gives kids hands-on experience in learning real-life money skills in a safe and fun digital environment. It also provides a new way for School Bankers to keep track of their Dollarmites tokens.

More information about CommBank’s School Banking program and the CommBank Youth app is available at commbank.com.au/schoolbanking

CBCON3941 SBC School Banking Newsletter FA.indd 1 17/7/17 11:27 am

Page 17: Wembley Primary School · ideas. Sketchbooks are due on Friday 18 August to Mr Liederbach, for display during Book Week. Have a chat with your child about their sketchbook. Head Lice