www.MoveToAmend.org Welcome! July 10, 2017 The webinar will begin in a few moments. Take Action Webinar: We the People National Lobby Month

Welcome! [movetoamend.org] · Welcome! July 10, 2017 The webinar will ... RickNolan (MN) Barbara Lee (CA) John Conyers (MI) ... • Dress appropriately (no jeans, sandals, flip flops,

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July 10, 2017The webinar will begin in a few moments.

Take Action Webinar:We the People National Lobby Month


Webinar Orientation & Participation Tips

• You should be hearing audio now: turn up your computer speakers OR use conference call line (long distance charges apply):• Number: 863-208-0120 | Attendee Access Code: 533 997 180#

• Questions: Type your questions - chat bar at bottom.

• If you have any technical difficulties viewing the webinar, type your question using the chat bar. If that isn’t enough, please e-mail support at [email protected]


Agenda1. Quick Overview of Move to Amend 2. August is We the People Lobby Month3. Lobby Tips4. How to Get Started5. Questions 6. Next Steps



Move to Amend is a coalition of hundreds of organizations and hundreds of thousands

of individuals committed to social and economic justice, ending corporate rule, and building a vibrant democracy that is genuinely accountable to the people, not

corporate interests.



• Pass the We the People Amendment to make clear that artificial entities do not have Constitutional rights and that money is not speech.

• Provoke discussion and organizing about how to make real the promise of American democracy through Constitutional renewal.


Our Principles & Values

1. Anti-Oppression and Solidarity Organizing

2. Coalition and Movement Building

3. Grassroots Organizing

4. Dedication to Political Education

5. Keep Our Political and Economic Independence


Amending the Constitution

• Congress• 2/3 of both houses (House and Senate) must pass

amendment resolution• 3/4 of states must ratify (38 states)

• Constitutional Convention• 2/3 of state legislatures call for a Convention to

propose amendment (34 states)• 3/4 of states must ratify (38 states)


Strategy• Primary target is American people at this time (not Congress)

to build a movement for power

• Coalition building – reaching out to other organizations working on issues affected by corporate power

• Building a broad and diverse, multi-racial & inter-generational movement – reaching out to those most affected by corporate rule

• Community organizing, not just activism • Focus on grassroots organizing to pass local and state

resolutions calling for amendment


Move to Amend Structure• Grassroots• Move to Amend Affiliates• We the People Amendment Working Groups

• National• National Leadership Team (Board) & Staff• National Committees• Issue/Sector Caucuses


August is We the People National Lobby Month

• Congress on recess and available to meet with constituents

• Affiliates will be visiting District and Senate offices in their states

• New volunteers can organize District meetings too• All Move to Amend supporters will be calling

offices we’re visiting all month long


2017 Strategic Plan Goals for We the People Amendment in Congress

1. Reintroduction in House of Representativesü Introduced by Rick Nolan (MN) on 1/30/17

2. 35 Co-Sponsors in House by December 2017ü 44 as of today!

3. Introduced in the Senate with 5 sponsors

More info at www.MoveToAmend.org/plan


Purposes of Lobbying

• Educate an elected official about an issue • Identify whether she is a supporter of your

position, an opponent, or undecided • Move a supporter to be a champion, or an

undecided individual to be a supporter • Soften or neutralize an opponent


Our Targets and Our “Ask”

• U.S. House of Representatives need to co-sponsor House Joint Resolution 48 (the We the People Amendment)

• U.S. Senators need to introduce companion bill to House Joint Resolution 48


Current Co-Sponsors of HJR 48Rick Nolan (MN) Barbara Lee (CA) John Conyers (MI) Eliot Engel (NY)

Betty McCollum (MN) Paul Tonko (NY) Jamie Raskin (MD) Ro Khanna (CA)

Matt Cartwright (PA) Michael Capuano (MA) Ted Lieu (CA) Donald Norcross (NJ)

Keith Ellison (MN) Janice Schakowsky (IL) Donald Beyer (VA) Jose Serrano (NY)

Mark Pocan (WI) Jared Huffman (CA) Danny Davis (IL) Derek Kilmer (WA)

Mark Takano (CA) Suzanne Bonamici (OR) Alma Adams (NC) Pramila Jayapal (WA)

Earl Blumenauer (OR) Eleanor Norton (DC) Marcia Fudge (OH) Tim Walz (MN)

Peter DeFazio (OR) Elijah Cummings (MD) Ron Kind (WI) Tulsi Gabbard (HI)

Louise Slaughter (NY) Peter Welch (VT) Jackie Speier (CA) Walter Jones (NC)

Beto O’Rourke (TX) Suzan DelBene (WA) Seth Moulton (MA) Marcy Kaptur (OH)

Raul Grijalva (AZ) James McGovern (MA) Karen Bass (CA) Ed Perlmutter (CO)


Top Priority Senators

Jon Tester (MT) Sheldon Whitehouse (RI)

Sherrod Brown (OH) Kamala Harris (CA)

Jeff Merkley (OR) Tammy Duckworth (IL)

Elizabeth Warren (MA) Ed Markey (MA)

Al Franken (MN) Amy Klobuchar (MN)


Move to Amend Will Provide

üTalking PointsüEducational Information to Leave with Your

Legislator(s)ü List of Petition Signers in Your District (if you

request)üConnect you with others in your state üTroubleshooting and support


What You’ll Need to PrepareüDecide Who You Will Target

• Existing Co-Sponsors: Thank and Ask for Additional Support

• New House Members: Educate and Ask to Co-Sponsor• Senators: Educate and Ask to Introduce Companion Bill

üSchedule the Meeting(s)üResearch Your Representative(s)ü List of Endorsing Organizations in Your District


Before Your Meeting

• Get familiar with talking points (Move to Amend will provide)

• Practice telling your story – why do you support the We the People Amendment?

• Learn more about your Representative(s) –do a little research


At Your Meeting

• Dress appropriately (no jeans, sandals, flip flops, or tshirts)• Be prepared to meet with legislative assistant

• Stay on topic – a little chitchat is ok, but remember your time is limited

• Solicit your legislator’s views on this issue• Conclude the meeting – leave educational info, your

contact info, offer to be a resource

• Take a picture! Especially if you are a group, take your picture with your legislator or their staffer.


Tips• Don’t make statements that assume that

others share your political views.• Be respectful when talking about all political

leaders.• Stay focused on Move to Amend.


After Your Meeting

• Complete Report Form before you leave (Move to Amend will provide)

• Transcribe Report Form online• Send a thank you letter as soon as you get

home (Move to Amend will provide template)• Plan to follow up by telephone early


Get Started


• Go to www.MoveToAmend.org/we-people-lobby-2017 and sign up

• Familiarize yourself with materials• Schedule your meeting(s)• Recruit friends to join you!• Let Move to Amend know your plans!




Next Steps

• Complete the survey at the end of this webinar (you will automatically be directed there after we end)

• Contact Move to Amend if you have any questions• [email protected]• (916) 318-8040

• Next Take Action webinar is August 14: RSVP at www.MoveToAmend.org/webinars