Welcome to Your Super Smoothie & Juicing Guide! Welcome to the Sunfood Lifestyle! It’s no secret that raw and fresh fruits and vegetables contribute to a healthier well-being, but did you know that you can maximize your health even more with juicing and smoothies? If you’re new to these methods, you are in for a life changing surprise! Naturally, our bodies crave sugar and salt, which are not harmful cravings to have—until you reach for that chocolate bar or bag of potato chips. Instead of munching on high-calorie, mystery ingredient snacks, satisfy your cravings with delicious juices and mouthwatering smoothies. This simple, low-commitment alternative is your solution to un-healthy eating, and is sure to jump start a new, positive lifestyle change. Foods as Medicine Recent research conducted by The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), has found that world hunger and malnutrition are at tragic all time high. This study resulted in findings which show that 852 million people worldwide are chronically undernourished, with 16 million malnourished in “developed” countries. 1 To most, the thought of malnourished or undernourished cultures, typically represents thoughts of people without adequate access to food or healthcare; sometimes in poverty or starving. Many of us do not step back to consider the alarming undernourishment of our own bodies. Furthermore, a disturbing number of U.S. citizens are unaware that despite eating well and maintaining an average weight, they actually are not receiving proper nutrition from their current eating habits. Modern advertising uses mass marketing campaigns to distribute energy drinks, fast-food and high-calorie snacks resulting in iron and B12 deficiencies, heart disease, body swelling, high cholesterol, depression and a barrage of other health problems that negatively affect the quality of our lives. Is there an answer to this? Can we use fruits and vegetables as medicine? Health professionals world-wide give a resounding, “Yes!” In 2004, the American food documentary, “Super Size Me,” followed independent filmmaker, Morgan Spurlock on a 30 day fast-food only diet which resulted 1 See this study at the UN Food and Agriculture Organization website, http://www.fao.org/docrep/016/i3027e/i3027e00.htm.

Welcome to Your Super Smoothie & Juicing Guide!€¦ · Welcome to Your Super Smoothie & Juicing Guide! Welcome to the Sunfood Lifestyle! Its no secr’ et that raw and fresh fruits

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Page 1: Welcome to Your Super Smoothie & Juicing Guide!€¦ · Welcome to Your Super Smoothie & Juicing Guide! Welcome to the Sunfood Lifestyle! Its no secr’ et that raw and fresh fruits

Welcome to Your Super Smoothie & Juicing Guide!Welcome to the Sunfood Lifestyle! It’s no secret that raw and fresh fruits and vegetables contribute to a healthier well-being, but did you know that you can maximize your health even more with juicing and smoothies? If you’re new to these methods, you are in for a life changing surprise! Naturally, our bodies crave sugar and salt, which are not harmful cravings to have—until you reach for that chocolate bar or bag of potato chips. Instead of munching on high-calorie, mystery ingredient snacks, satisfy your cravings with delicious juices and mouthwatering smoothies. This simple, low-commitment alternative is your solution to un-healthy eating, and is sure to jump start a new, positive lifestyle change.

Foods as Medicine

Recent research conducted by The Food and Agriculture Organization of

the United Nations (FAO), has found that world hunger and malnutrition

are at tragic all time high. This study resulted in findings which show

that 852 million people worldwide are chronically undernourished, with

16 million malnourished in “developed” countries. 1

To most, the thought of malnourished or undernourished cultures,

typically represents thoughts of people without adequate access to food or

healthcare; sometimes in poverty or starving. Many of us do not step back to

consider the alarming undernourishment of our own bodies. Furthermore,

a disturbing number of U.S. citizens are unaware that despite eating well

and maintaining an average weight, they actually are not receiving proper

nutrition from their current eating habits. Modern advertising uses mass

marketing campaigns to distribute energy drinks, fast-food and high-calorie

snacks resulting in iron and B12 deficiencies, heart disease, body swelling,

high cholesterol, depression and a barrage of other health problems that

negatively affect the quality of our lives.

Is there an answer to this? Can we use fruits and vegetables as medicine?

Health professionals world-wide give a resounding, “Yes!” In 2004, the

American food documentary, “Super Size Me,” followed independent

filmmaker, Morgan Spurlock on a 30 day fast-food only diet which resulted

1   See this study at the UN Food and Agriculture Organization website, http://www.fao.org/docrep/016/i3027e/i3027e00.htm. 

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in catastrophic health issues at the end of the project.2 We know that fast food combined with poor diet choices

aren’t good for us, but this knowledge is often overpowered by taste, and convenience. Fortunately, healthy

alternatives are not far from reach, and are far less a hassle than you may think.

Traditionally, food – fruit and veggies in particular, have been used as medicine in numerous cultures, due to

their nutritional potency and natural healing properties. Today, these same practices may be used in modern

medicinal practices, especially for those with chronic health issues due to undernourishment. Know the facts:

Fresh produce is easily accessible. If supermarkets do not appeal to you, try finding a local co-op or farmer’s


1. Affordability. Surprise! The cost of a bundle of bananas or a bag of apples is the same as a generic

unhealthy snack.

2. Fruits and vegetables are delicious. It may take some time to learn what appeals most to your

palette. There are a variety of preparation methods that result in quality tasting meals. Fortunately,

smoothie making and juicing takes some of the legwork out of prep time.

This is your chance to break away from the convenience diet! The greatest contributing factor to the

undernourishment “epidemic” is a lack of vitamins and minerals derived from natural foods. Even the simple

introduction of one juice a day can greatly boost the amount of vitamins, nutrients and minerals you get. The

best way to determine whether or not juices and smoothies are a good health choice for you is to try them.

We’re happy to give you some ideas to get you on the right path!

Smoothies vs. Juicing

Welcome aboard the superfood-train to a healthier you! Now… Smoothies or Juicing? The type of drink you like

best is particular to your own preferences. If you’re looking for something cold, with crushed ice and immediate

sweetness, smoothies could be for you. Juices can also be chilled and very sweet, but often do not have the

consistency you may be looking for, such as the thickness in milkshakes or creamy and sweet, like coffee drinks.

We suggest beginning with both types on a regular basis to decide which one you like best – or better yet,

incorporate a diet program which includes both.

Often, we think that juicing and smoothie making will run a pretty penny. Sure, there are juicers and blenders

that run upwards of $200 - but there are actually very affordable appliances. Don’t set yourself back! Hamilton

Beach prices their least expensive juicer at around $30 , and blenders may run as low as $20 - if you don’t

already have one in your kitchen.

At the end of the day, your preference is what matters. We recommend smoothies before work or after exercise,

and juice before or during a workout. It’s best to drink the juice you make as quickly as possible so the ingredients

don’t lose their freshness – so try to juice when you know you’ll have the opportunity to drink it right away.

2   Super Size Me at the Internet Movie Database: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0390521/

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Juice Diets and Meal Replacement

If you run a Google search on juice diets, you’ll see every kind of suggestion imaginable. While some consumers

choose to use juicing and smoothies as full meal replacements, the answer to whether or not this regimen is

for you, is best determined by your health professional. Like any major dietary change, there are may be certain

side effects from replacing all your chewable meals with liquid meals. It is highly suggested to seek professional

advice before taking the all-juice diet plunge.

Our juice and smoothie recipes are intended for those who are aware of their minimal fruit & veggie intake.

Additionally, this system is intended for those who are ready to approach juicing and smoothie making as an

addition to their daily diet rather than a meal replacement. The “cleanse” recipes we share below are well-known

for their full-body benefits. It is important to keep in mind that these recipes will not give instantaneous results,

and are meant to be used over a period of time.

Health Benefits of Juicing

Many of us are brought up to believe that vegetables are a “necessary evil”, the kind of food one does not

truly find appetizing, but is eaten because you know you should. Juicing and smoothie-making challenges the

traditional way of thinking, and offers a tremendously flavorful solution. These two techniques make it simple to

incorporate vegetables in your mix, even if you normally can’t stand the taste. The blend of flavor from fruits and

other ingredients actually mask the “veggie” taste! Don’t worry, if we haven’t convinced you, there are all-fruit

alternatives that are just as delicious (and nutritious!) juicing and smoothie-making is incorporated into your

diet, you’ll start getting a daily boost of vitamins and minerals that are probably missing from the “convenience

diet.” Even one healthy juice or smoothie a day loads our bodies full of good nutrients, and change your diet.

Take a look at some of the nourishment you might be missing in your diet:


Dietary fiber is essentially roughage. When consuming fiber-rich foods, your body doesn’t digest the included

fiber, so it passes through your digestive tract without being broken down. The benefit of this is that other foods

you eat slip through your digestive tract with the fiber, keeping you regular and preventing constipation making

the overall digestive process easier. Including fiber in your diet may also reduce your cholesterol, help control

your blood sugar and control weight.3

Many of us don’t eat the fruits, veggies and legumes that would supply us with much-needed fiber. Juicing and

smoothie making allows you to drink your fiber – particularly helpful to those who don’t enjoy eating veggies

or beans.

3   The Mayo Clinic. “Dietary Fiber: Essential to a Healthy Diet.” http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/fiber/NU00033

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Vitamin A

Many of the vitamins talk about refer to a group of nutrients. Vitamin A contains retinol and carotenoids

(including Beta-Carotene), which promote healthy vision, decrease cancer risk and have antioxidant properties.

If you don’t get enough Vitamin A in your diet, you may be compromising your immune system, along with

noticeable vision issues Generally, Vitamin A is found in high-fat foods such as animal proteins—however juicing

carrots, peppers and other bright colored veggies will also give you the recommended daily dosage. If you’re

not a big fan of eating carrots, juicing them can provide a sweet, hearty drink that even veggie-naysayers will


Vitamin B

Vitamin B, like other vitamins, refers to a grouping of nutrients that may include:

• Riboflavin

• Thiamine

• Folic acid

• Pyridoxine

• Niacin

• Pantothenic acid

• Folic acid

• Biotin

• Cyanocobalamin5

You may know some of these under their more common names – B1 for thiamine, B12 for cyanocobalamin,

B3 for niacin, etc. The most important thing to know about these vitamins is that without them, your body is

unable to break down carbohydrates properly, and you may end up feeling sluggish throughout the day or

become short of breath (pernicious anemia). There are plenty of terrific benefits to getting your B complex

vitamins, and equally scary stories about what happens to folks who don’t get enough… Including bananas in

your smoothie mix is a great way to get the recommended dosage of B-Vitamins every day!

For those who practice a Vegan lifestyle, you may have found it can be difficult to get enough B-12. Normally,

a daily supplement will solve this problem, or you can liven up your B-12 intake by making delicious juices and

smoothies! Accompanied by a well balanced, healthy diet, you will be getting all the nutrients you need!

Vitamin C

Vitamin C (or L-ascorbic acid) boosts immunity and is a powerful antioxidant. Traditionally known for the ability

to keep colds away – Vitamin C is instrumental in healing skin wounds, as well as maintaining bone health &

4   NIH. “Medline: Vitamin A.” http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/002400.htm

5   Discovery Fit & Health. “Ultimate Guide to B Vitamins.” http://health.howstuffworks.com/wellness/food-nutrition/vitamin-supplements/vitamin-b.htm

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keeping the hard tissue in your body intact.

Since Vitamin C is available in so many fruits and vegetables, ensuring your daily intake is easy! Oranges and

other citrus fruits are a major source of the nutrient, along with potatoes, peppers, broccoli and other leafy



Iron is needed to oxygenate your blood and prevent Anemia, an iron deficiency. Anemia can rapidly reduce

your energy, cause frequent bruising, and is responsible for heavy fatigue—or being tired and lightheaded. 7.

Iron is commonly found in meat products, but the recommended daily allowance can also come from juicing

leafy green veggies. In our juicing section, we provide you with a kale and a spinach recipe, sure to fulfill your

recommended daily doses of iron.


Calcium is essential for building & maintaining strong bones and teeth. Although this nutrient is most commonly

found in dairy products, many enriched alternatives also contain the recommended daily allowance of calcium.

In our smoothie section, we suggest a variety of nut milks and dairy alternatives, all enriched with plenty of


Without sufficient calcium, Osteoporosis is more likely to become a health-compromising issue later in life.

Additionally, teeth—among other hard tissues in the body may potentially become weaker without the intake of

Calcium. In order to help prevent bone deterioration and slow the onset of irreversible disorders, Calcium is a

major contributing nutrient to our diets!

These are just a few out of many vitamins and minerals needed to sustain a healthy, balanced diet. Some other

increasing nutrient deficiencies include Vitamin D, which comes directly from the body’s synthesis of sunlight.

Without enough Vitamin D, you will see subtle changes in mood, and sometimes overall daily functioning may

become impaired. Everyone has heard of Vitamin E, but do you know what it does? Vitamin E has a positive

affect on the skin. When applied on cuts, scrapes and dry skin, Vitamin E will maximize the healing process, as

well as make the affected area feel nice and smooth.

Although we have covered some of the more vital points, it is always best to assess your own diet, and seek

advice from your, health professional about areas where you may not be getting enough nutrients. It is also

important to discuss vitamin and mineral toxicity with your health advisor, and address proper, responsible use

of supplements. Remember to transition into juicing and smoothie making at the rate that feels right for your

body, and always talk to your health professional about changes in diet.

6   NIH. “Medline: Vitamin C.” http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/002404.htm

7   NIH. “Medline: Iron.” http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/iron.html

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Equipment and PrepTo ensure safe, easy and happy juicing and smoothie making—it is important to utilize the correct tools and

equipment. Some of the equipment may already be present in your kitchen, while other things will need to be

bought. Keep in mind that you do have the option to invest in expensive equipment, but we recommend trying

lower end equipment or looking for used equipment until you’re sure you’ll stick to a routine. Owning a $100+

juicer is nice, but it will just take up counter or cabinet space if you don’t use it regularly.

Smoothie Materials


For starters, making smoothies requires a good blender. As mentioned, you can find a mid-range blender for

about $20 at your local department store. Blenders and other kitchenware are the type of thing many people

are looking to get rid of when they move, so you can also try secondhand stores and yard sales to look for a

blender. You don’t necessarily need a top-of-the-line expensive blender, but you do need something with multiple

functions. Some of the recipes below call for various types of nuts, and if you don’t have a food processor, you’ll

need to make sure your blender has the power to crush the nuts down a bit. All blenders should at least be able

to crush ice. If you have a blender that takes several minutes to do a basic ice crush, you’ll likely lose the desire

to make smoothies fairly quickly.

Soup spoon or Rubber Spatula

Every now and then, smoothie ingredients like chia seeds or certain nuts will creep up the side of the blender

and not become pulverized properly. In this case, you won’t want to reach into the blender and cut yourself on

the blades. A butter knife will be too thin, so a soup spoon or rubber spatula (cake-froster) is perfect for pushing

stray ingredients down.

Tumbler Glasses

Tumblers are perfect for pouring smoothies, whether you choose a glass or plastic tumbler is personal

preference. If you use a tumbler to measure out your fruits, you’ll know what to expect in terms of leftovers.

We always recommend drinking your delicious smoothie as soon as it is made to ensure ultimate freshness,

although it is still perfectly okay to refrigerator the leftover contents if needed. Or, try pouring the leftovers into

a formed ice cube tray as a yummy frozen snack!

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Juicing Materials


If you have a $30-50 range juicer, you may need to chop your fruits and vegetables up into smaller chunks

and feed them through the juicer by the handful. More powerful ($100+) juicers are known for being able to

process whole segments of apples, stalks of celery or whole carrots. A general rule of thumb is that the starchier

and heavier your fruits and veggies are, the more care you’ll need to take processing them. The best way to

gauge your juicer’s motor power is to experiment, starting with small handfuls of fruits or veggies and casually

increasing the amount until it feels right to you. Another good source for information is online reviews. Amazon

is a great place to look for a juicer because people share such a mixed bag of experiences. Even expensive,

high-end juicer listings have reviews from customers ranging from dissatisfaction with substandard parts to

poor customer service. If you are planning to make a high-end investment in a juicer, it’s worth it to do your

homework. Clean up is another important thing to consider. Many people juice for the convenience, but if you

feel like you’re disarming a robot every time you take apart your juicer for cleaning, you might have made the

wrong investment. Make sure to take a look at how easy clean-up is in the reviews you’re reading.

Juice pitcher

Most juicers come with some type of pitcher to store your juice. We highly recommend drinking your juice as

soon as you make it to retain maximum freshness; however we understand busy schedules sometimes get in

the way. When storing leftover or excess juice, we suggest glass or plastic pitchers with an easy pour spout.

Tumbler Glasses

As with smoothies, the right plastic or glass tumblers are important. You want to make enough juice to get the

nutrients you need, so a small glass isn’t going to cut it. Many people have a favorite “juice glass” they use – so if

you don’t have anything that fits the bill in your cupboard, it might be time to invest in a tumbler set.

Now that you have all the right equipment, you’re ready to start juicing and making smoothies! Next, you’ll learn

30 delicious smoothie and juice recipes that are so good, you’ll hardly believe they’re healthy. Enjoy!

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Sunfood Superfood Smoothie RecipesSmoothies are a great alternative to many day to day sweet drinks—if you find yourself craving a milkshake, cold

coffee drink or sweet ice refreshments, smoothies are healthy answer for you! Quick, convenient and delicious,

smoothies please adults and children alike. Treat yourself to a combination of delectable fruits and vegetables

in a daily smoothie. With these recipes, you are always in for a fresh, rejuvenating smoothie experience!

When Making Your Smoothies

All the smoothie recipes you see below start with a full glass of ice. Add half a glass of the milk of your choice

(dairy, soy, almond, hemp milk, etc.) and one banana. The glass size used for smoothies is based simply by

personal preference; however we do recommend a glass tumbler between 12oz – 16oz, as it will fulfill your

smoothie craving. Generally, whatever you blend should fit into the size of the glass you choose.

Other Smoothie Ideas

Smoothies are great refrigerated – but if you find you’re making too much at a time, you can also freeze them

for later consumption. Our smoothie recipes can also double as:

• Popsicles

• Specialty ice for use in a chilled dairy or fruit beverage

• Frozen yogurt or slush – store in the freezer, thaw slightly, crush with a spoon and enjoy!

• Some can incorporate coffee for a homemade, healthier frozen coffee drink

Each of the following smoothie recipes are designed to make 1 full serving. For calorie information, we encourage

visiting a site such as myfitnesspal.com to determine the caloric value of each individual friend and ingredient.

In each recipe, you’ll see several substitutions – feel free to tailor your smoothie experience to the recipe that

best suits your palate!

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1. Good Day Sunshine SmoothieThis “creamsicle” style smoothie is a great alternative to sugar-laden morning drinks, milkshakes or popsicles.

An added boost of all-natural orange is a great source of Vitamin C. Adding vanilla extract provides an extra level

of flavor that will reduce the need for more sweeteners.

You’ll need:

• Ice

• Milk of your choice (soy, almond, hemp milk, etc.)

• One Banana

• One orange

• ½ - 1 tsp Sunfood Organic Camu Camu Powder

• ⅛ tsp Sunfood Purely Raw Vanilla Powder

• Sunfood Organic Amber Agave Nectar (Dark Agave or Coconut Palm Nectar)


1. Prep your ingredients and peel your orange. It’s best to ensure your orange is peeled completely, as you

don’t want to deal with the residuals from the orange skin getting into your smoothie.

2. Ensure you remove all seeds from the orange and segment it. The orange will blend more easily if all

the seeds are removed, and you don’t put the orange in whole.

3. Add ice, milk, banana, camu camu and vanilla extract directly into the mix. Pulse on your blender’s high

setting until well mixed.

4. Try out your smoothie for flavor before adding sweetener. Many find that sweetened milk reduces the

need to add more sweetener – but if you need to add more, that’s okay! Add a little at a time and sample

until you get the right flavor.

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2. Chocaholic SmoothieFor many of us, the biggest challenge to eating healthier is how much we love chocolate. Incorporating chocolate into a smoothie gives you that kick of sweetness you might be craving - without the guilt! Plus, dark chocolate and cacao have healthy heart and other benefits you won’t necessarily get from that candy bar at the store.

This smoothie is a great mix of chocolate, coconut, and almond. Cacao powder boosts the antioxidant potential, but will require more syrup or sugar to balance the sweetness.

You’ll need:

• Ice

• Milk of your choice (soy, almond, hemp milk, etc.)

• One Banana

• ½ Cup Sunfood Raw Organic Cacao Powder

• 1 tbsp. Sunfood Organic Coconut Oil

• 1 tbsp. Dried, shredded Coconut

• 1 handful Sunfood Raw Organic Almonds

• Sunfood Organic Coconut Palm Nectar (Amber/Dark Agave Nectar)


1. Prep your ingredients by first pulsing your almonds in the blender. If you can soak them for a few hours before you make your smoothie, you’ll find they blend a lot easier - but this is not a necessary step.

2. Add ice, milk, banana, cacao powder and coconut to the almond mixture. Pulse on your blender’s high setting until well mixed.

3. Try out your smoothie for flavor before adding sweetener. Keep in mind that the darker your cacao, the more sweetener you’ll need. A shredded bar of dark chocolate may actually be better for you than ordinary store-bought cocoa powder, so make sure to check your labels.

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3. Goji Strawberry Patch SmoothieCreamy, delicious strawberries are summer seasonal and perfect for smoothies. They’re also known to boost your immune system, fight disease and promote healthy vision- and they are absolutely delicious!

You’ll need:

• Ice

• Milk of your choice (soy, almond, hemp milk, etc.)

• One Banana

• Three Strawberries

• ¼ cup Sunfood Organic Goji Berries

• ⅛ Sunfood Purely Raw Vanilla Powder

• Lemon Juice

• 1 tsp Sunfood Mesquite Powder

• Sunfood Organic Amber Agave Nectar or Sunfood Organic Coconut Palm Nectar


1. Prep your ingredients by rinsing and cutting the green part off your strawberries.

2. For this recipe, add all ingredients into your blender at the same time and blend well.

Try out your smoothie for flavor before adding sweetener. We recommend honey for this particular recipe - many say it goes along well with the natural sweetness of the strawberries and the freshness of the lemon.

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4. Mixed Berry Smoothie with GinsengMixed berries are full of B vitamins and taste out-of-this-world good! Frozen or fresh berries can be used for this

smoothie, but we recommend fresh as they always seem to have something a little extra for your taste buds.

You’ll find that this smoothie energizes you - it’s great for a long day before work or taken before you exercise.

You’ll need:

• Ice

• Milk of your choice (soy, almond, hemp milk, etc.)

• One Banana

• Mixed Berries (Strawberries, Raspberries, and Blackberries - any type of berry you want!)

• 3-4 drops Ginseng Extract (You can often buy this in the bottle at the health food store)

• 1 tbsp Sunfood Organic Maqui Berry Powder

• 1 tbsp Sunfood Organic Acai Powder

• Sunfood Organic Dark or Amber Agave Nectar


1. Prep your ingredients by thoroughly rinsing your berries. If your berries are frozen, a rinse under warm

water will help prep them for the blender.

2. For this recipe, add all ingredients into your blender at the same time and blend well.

Try out your smoothie for flavor before adding sweetener. Berries tend to have a lot of sweetness, so the less

sweetener the better with this particular recipe.

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5. Mango DreamMangos are in season at different times throughout the US, but they’re a dreamy, tropical fruit worth getting your hands on when you can. Soft mangoes are ripe and delicious, and a desirable addition to any smoothie. Cashews are full of protein. If you’re able to soak them for several hours or overnight, they’ll very quickly blend with the rest of your ingredients. If you don’t have time to soak your cashews, you’ll have leftover nut residue – but some folks prefer the residue as part of their smoothies!

You’ll need:

• Ice

• Milk of your choice (soy, almond, hemp milk, etc.)

• One Banana

• A handful of mango chunks (fresh is best)

• ¼ - ½ cup of Sunfood Whole Raw Organic Cashews

• 2 tbsp Sunfood Raw Lucuma Powder

• Sunfood Amber Agave Nectar or Sunfood Organic Coconut Palm Nectar


1. Put in the cashews (soaked or unsoaked) first, and blend those.

2. Add your fruit and milk, and blend everything together.

3. Stir in sweetener to taste. We recommend agave with this recipe!

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6. Watermelon Fresh SmoothieSeasonal watermelon is amazing when enjoyed in the morning with other fruit. This smoothie gives you the ability to do just that – and paired with even more crisp, cool watermelon eaten raw, you have a delicious breakfast in store! Best of all, watermelon is good for your health, providing hydration and helping to refresh your bladder and kidneys.

Many people add flavored salts to raw watermelon. Adding sea salt to taste to this smoothie is a great way to give it that added kick – or you can enjoy it plain, as directed.

You’ll need:

• Ice

• NO milk for this particular recipe

• One Banana

• One handful Sunfood Whole Raw Organic Cashews (Do NOT Soak!)

• ½ - ¾ Cup Watermelon chunks

• 1 tsp Sunfood Organic Acai Powder

• 1 small pinch Sunfood Fine Kalahari Salt

• Sunfood Organic Amber Agave Nectar


1. Remove seeds from watermelon chunks before adding.

2. Toss all ingredients into the blender together.

3. Blend on high.

4. Add sweetener of your choice to taste.

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7. Spicy Blueberry MagicThere’s just something about blueberries – we love blueberry pancakes, drinks, and wolf down handfuls of raw blueberries. It’s definitely good stuff. For those of us who are crazy about spicy flavors, blueberries, and ginger go well together.

Ginger powder can be bought at a health food store, or you can buy ginger raw and grind it yourself in the blender. You don’t have to peel it before you grind it. Keep in mind that ginger is naturally spicy, so eating it raw may not be an option unless you like your food really spicy.

You’ll need:

• Ice

• Milk of your choice (soy, almond, hemp milk, etc.)

• One Banana

• A handful of blueberries

• A handful of Sunfood Organic Raw Almonds

• 1 tsp Ginger Powder

• 1 tsp Sunfood Organic Camu Camu Powder

• 1 tsp Merlin’s Magical Elixir

• 1 tsp Sunfood Mangosteen Powder

• Sunfood Organic Yacon Syrup

For a softer smoothie without the crunch, you can soak the almonds overnight. You might also want to remove the skins from the almonds once they’ve soaked. You can do this with your fingers. It can be a little tedious, but blanching your own almonds can be good for you. Your digestive system can’t process the almond skins.


1. Add the almonds and all ingredients together and blend.

2. Sweeten to taste.

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8. Smokey Mayan ZingerChocolate and spice work well together! If your sweet tooth also needs a little kick, you can get your fulfillment as well as health benefits from this smoothie. Cacao has great antioxidant benefits while ginger can help soothe an upset tummy.

The cacao and ginger make a sweetener essential for this one. Pick whatever sweetener you like, and as with the rest of our recipes, sweeten to taste. For this particular smoothie you might want to combine two different kinds of sweetener to even out the taste.

You’ll need:

• Ice

• Milk of your choice (soy, almond, hemp milk, etc.)

• One Banana

• 1/2 cup Sunfood Raw Organic Cacao Powder

• 1 tsp Sunfood Shilajit Powder

• ½ tsp Sunfood Purely Raw Vanilla Powder

• 1 tsp ginger powder (to taste)

• 1 pinch chili powder

• Sunfood Organic Dark Agave Nectar or Sunfood Organic Yacon Syrup


1. Blend the cacao, banana, milk and ice.

2. Add ginger and chili powder by the pinch, blending between each addition. Taste after each blend to see if you’re getting it too spicy. Keep in mind ginger can be overwhelming, so add it to taste.

3. Add sweetener at your discretion.

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9. Blueberry Pancake SmoothieWe’ve talked about how incredible blueberries are. If you’re trying to eat healthy, heavy morning meals can be a challenge. Delectable blueberry pancakes aren’t that good for you, but it’s possible to replicate the taste with this delicious, healthy morning smoothie.

It’s always best to buy pure maple syrup when possible. Much of the synthetic syrup you see in stores has a ton of added sugar or corn syrup. Real maple syrup can be expensive, but buying a small bottle will last you for some time, as you only need a dash of syrup for this smoothie.

You’ll need:

• Ice

• Milk of your choice (soy, almond, hemp milk, etc.)

• One Banana

• A handful of blueberries

• ¼ cup Sunfood Whole Maqui Berries

• ¼-1/2 cup of pecans or walnuts (best if they’re not soaked)

• ¼ Cup Sunfood Raw Lucuma Powder

• A pinch of Sunfood Purely Raw Vanilla Powder

• A few drops of lemon juice (fresh is best)

• ¼ Cup Sunfood Organic Dark Agave Nectar

• Sunfood Coconut Palm Sugar


1. For this particular smoothie, don’t pre-soak the nuts as the added crunch of them enhances the flavor.

2. Throw your ingredients in at the same time and blend until the nuts are finely chopped.

3. This is a sweet smoothie, so add sweetener to taste.

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10. Coffee Break SmoothieIf you can’t live without your morning coffee, you’re not alone. This Irish Cream coffee smoothie recipe will give you a healthy dose of nut proteins and fruits while incorporating some of your favorite flavors.

Irish cream syrup can often contain processed sugars and empty calories, so don’t forget to read labels when you buy your syrup. We don’t recommend any particular brand – buy the bottle that best suits your dietary needs.

This smoothie tastes great with a sweet, creamy milk. We recommend coconut milk as an alternative, or a sweetened almond or soy milk.

You’ll need:

• Ice

• Milk of your choice (soy, almond, hemp milk, etc.)

• One Banana

• A handful of Sunfood Whole Organic Raw Cashews

• ½ cup Sunfood Raw Organic Cacao Powder

• 1/8 cup Sunfood Raw Organic Carob Powder

• 1 tsp Sunfood Shilajit

• 1 tsp Sunfood Raw Lucuma Powder

• Irish Cream Syrup (your choice of brand) – or Sunfood Coconut Palm Nectar combined with 1 tbsp Coconut Oil

• Sunfood Organic Amber Agave Nectar or Sunfood Organic Coconut Palm Nectar


1. Add all your ingredients together, leaving out the Irish cream syrup.

2. Add the syrup to taste as a second step.

3. A lower calorie syrup won’t have a good bit of sugar, so sweeten to taste.

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11. Choco Mint SmoothieLove chocolate chip ice cream? This smoothie has some of the same kick. Much of the mint you’re getting in ice cream and other sweets comes from peppermint extract, which is inexpensive and goes a long way.

This smoothie, when done correctly, is a refreshing peppermint snack that can help cool you off during a hot day.

You’ll need:

• Ice

• Milk of your choice (soy, almond, hemp milk, etc.)

• One Banana

• 1 cup Sunfood Raw Organic Cacao Nibs

• 1 tbsp Sunfood Cacao Butter (softened)

• ⅛ tsp Sunfood Pure Vanilla Powder

• A few drops of peppermint extract (to taste)

• Sunfood Organic Coconut Palm Nectar

• Peppermint leaves (garnish, if desired)


1. Add all ingredients together; mix.

2. Keep in mind that the mint extract can be overpowering, so it’s best to add more or less after the initial blend as needed.

3. Add sweetener to taste. You may need a good bit of sweetener for this one, as both the cacao and mint are strong flavors.

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12. Super-Goji Power SmoothieGoji Berries are “superfood”. Their incredible health benefits make them a highly desired healthy snack. With antioxidant properties and the highest concentrate of Vitamin C on earth, Gojis can give you daily energy and boost your immunity. They have a full range of amino acids and contain a spectrum of vitamins.

Because Goji berries typically come vacuum-sealed and dried, it’s important to soak them before eating them or using them in a smoothie. Soaking them softens the texture and gives them a wonderful flavor – you may find yourself eating them as you make this smoothie!

You need:

• Ice

• Milk of your choice (soy, almond, hemp milk, etc.)

• One Banana

• A handful of Sunfood Raw Organic Goji Berries

• 1 tsp Sunfood Raw Organic Camu Camu Powder

• 1 tsp Sunfood Raw Lucuma Powder

• Sunfood Organic Amber Agave Nectar


1. Soak your Gojis for at least five minutes prior to making your smoothie.

2. Add all ingredients and blend.

3. Sweeten to taste. Gojis tend to be very sweet, so use sweetener sparingly during your first pour.

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13. Peach Cobbler SmoothiePeaches taste incredible and their all-natural sweetness can help you make better food choices. Case in point: our peach cobbler smoothie, which blends the sweetness of peaches with nut proteins and other all-natural ingredients.

You can get your peaches in a can, but it’s better to use sliced frozen peaches for this particular recipe. If you have time to use raw, skinned peaches, those work as well. Peach cups you can buy at the supermarket typically have added sugar and preservatives. The more natural you can get your peaches, the better your smoothie will be for you.

You’ll need:

• Ice

• Milk of your choice (soy, almond, hemp milk, etc.)

• One Banana

• ½ cup sliced peaches (best frozen or raw)

• 1 handful Sunfood Whole Raw Organic Cashews

• 2 tbsp Sunfood Raw Lucuma Powder

• 1 tsp Sunfood Sacha Inchi Powder

• 2 tbsp Sunfood Coconut Palm Sugar

• Sunfood Organic Amber Agave Syrup or Raw Honey (We recommend Sunflower Organics)


1. Soak the cashews for about 20 minutes before making your smoothie – or you can put them into a container and soak them overnight.

2. Add all ingredients and blend.

3. Add sweetener at your discretion. This is meant to be a sweet smoothie. We recommend honey as it goes well with the peaches.

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14. Ultimate Chia SmoothieIf you’ve tried some of our recipes, you already know how great a berry smoothie can taste. Adding chia gives your smoothie a whole new flavor profile. Chia is also super good for you as it provides a natural, healthy energy boost when ingested.

You may be familiar with popularly advertised chia plants. You can eat the seeds whole, but they’re great in liquid because they tend to develop a slippery feel that goes down easily and aids in digestion. You can buy chia in whole packs at health food stores.

You’ll need:

• Ice

• Milk of your choice (soy, almond, hemp milk, etc.)

• One Banana

• One cup Pineapple chunks

• ½ cup of mixed berries (your choice)

• 2 tsp Sunfood Sun is Shining Green Superfood Blend

• 1 tsp Sunfood Raw Organic Acai Powder

• ½ cup of Chia seeds

• Sunfood Organic Coconut Palm Nectar


1. Pour a cup of water and add your chia seeds. Soak them for about 15 minutes.

2. Reduce the water from your cup of seeds, then add the chia seeds and the rest of the ingredients to your blender.

3. Blend and stir. You may find that the seeds creep up the sides of the blender as they mix. Push them back down once the blender is off.

4. Sweeten to taste.

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15. Cashew Milk SmoothieIf the sweetness fruit provides is a little overwhelming, you can make smoothies without using fruit. This cashew milk smoothie uses only milk and nuts and is super healthy for you. Plus, you can actually make your own cashew milk by soaking cashews overnight, then blending them until you have a watery substance.

For this smoothie, you can use another kind of nut milk and add cashes until they’re pieced, or you can simply create and sweeten nut milk from your own cashews. Try both to see which you like better!

You’ll need:

• Ice

• Milk of your choice (soy, almond, hemp milk, etc.)

• One Banana (this is optional for this recipe)

• ½ cup Sunfood Whole Raw Organic Cashews

• 1 tsp Sunfood Raw Lucuma Powder

• ½ tsp Sunfood Organic Mesquite Powder

• 1 tsp Chia Seed Powder

• ½ tsp Sunfood Pure Raw Vanilla Powder

• Sunfood Organic Coconut Palm Nectar or Sunfood Organic Amber Agave Nectar


1. Soak cashews overnight to get the right consistency for this smoothie.

2. If you’re creating nut milk out of your cashews rather than using a prepared milk, start by soaking, then pulsing ½ additional cup of cashews until you get a thick liquid.

3. Add the rest of your ingredients, pulsing until the cashews are pieced.

4. Add sweetener to taste.

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Sunfood Super-Juice RecipesThere’s no dispute that juicing is good for you. If you can’t get the kind of nutrition from eating fruits and veggies that you’d like, juicing can be a fairly inexpensive alternative. Plus, you can take juices with you everywhere and enjoy them throughout your day. When it comes to creating your juice, we recommend you follow your juicer manufacturer’s instructions. No two juicers are alike, so this should save you some hassle in learning how to juice.

Making JuicesThe juice recipes below are much better executed with cold foods. If you chill your fruits and vegetables before juicing, chances are you won’t need to add ice to your juice.

Don’t forget to wash your fruits and vegetables thoroughly before juicing. You can use a veggie and fruit wash, or simply rinse and thoroughly dry your foods off with fresh, cold water. It’s likely you’ll have some juice left over. Keep in mind that juiced foods go bad just like veggies do, so the sooner you can drink your juice, the better.

As with our smoothie recipes, we recommend a 12 - 16oz. tumbler for your juice.

What Do I Do With the Pulp?After your juice is made, you’ll very likely have a good amount of vegetable and fruit pulp left. Many folks despair at throwing the fibrous pulp away. If you’d like, you can keep the pulp in a container and use it to feed your animals, bake it into muffins or savory pies or add it to other types of baking. Leftover pulp tastes great after a few hours in a food dehydrator, and can make a rich, flavorful veggie burger. We recommend experimenting with pulp to find the best use.

Get your daily boost!Many juice and smoothie bars propose a “Free Boost” in their drinks, but too often these “boosts” are sugary, and not as beneficial as we are made to believe. Sunfood Superfoods offers wonderful, healthy, mineral and nutrient rich powders and supplements that will really boost your life! Take a look at what we recommend for your daily superfood boost:

Acai: Contains a complex bled of antioxidants, essential fatty acids, amino acids & is rich in protein and fiber. Acai contains impressive traces of polyphenols and flavonoids. Immune Support, Respiratory Support, Cardiovascular Health, Skin Health, Alkalinity

Camu Camu: Contains more Vitamin C than any other known botanical source, including 30x more than oranges! It is also rich in calcium, amino acids and antioxidants. Liver Health, Skin Health, Respiratory Support, Brain Function, Vision, Cardiovascular Health

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Cacao: contains polyphenols, catechins and epicatechins which help the body to fight off harmful free radicals. Cacao also contains zinc, manganese, copper, magnesium & Omega fatty acids. Energy, Cardiovascular Health, Weight Loss, Brain Function, Circulatory Health

Carob: Contains 3x more calcium than milk! This superfood contains protein, and is rich in B2 and B6 vitamins. Carob is favorite by many for it’s astounding content of magnesium, iron, manganese, copper and zinc. Bone Support, Joint Support, Brain Function, Endurance, Immune Support

Maca: Contains fiber, phosphorus, copper, manganese, and potassium. It is known for endurance and strength support. Maca comes in three potencies: Maca (low potency), Red Maca (medium potency), and Maca Extreme (high potency). Bone Support, Energy, Reproductive Health, Hormone Balance, Brain Function, Immune Support

Mangosteen: Contains powerful antioxidants, and acts as a natural anti-inflammatory. Mangosteen contains Xanthones, which protect the body from free radical damage. Immune Support, Respiratory Support, Cardiovascular Health, Brain Function, Bone Support

Maqui Berry: Contains vitamin C, vitamin A, potassium and calcium. Maqui berries even contain more antioxidants than blueberries! Detoxification, Cardiovascular Health, Immune Support, Brain Function, Weight Loss, Energy

Mesquite: Contains protein, calcium, magnesium, potassium and zinc. Mesquite is also rich in the amino acid, lysine. Energy, Bone Support, Immune Health, Endurance, Weight Maintenance

Sacha Inchi: Contains all 18 essential amino acids. Sacha Inchi contains high levels of Omega fatty acids. Brain Support, Muscle Support, Cardiovascular Health, Skin Health, Joint and Bone Support

Shilajit: Contains fulvic acid, humic acid and amino acids. Shilajit contains over 85 vitamins and minerals including calcium, iron, magnesium, manganese, chromium and potassium. Digestion, Edema, Mental Stress, Overall Immune Health, Arthritic Relief, Energy Sun is Shining: Probiotic Green Superfood- contains a powerful array of nutrient dense and mineral rich Superfoods. Full body wellness in a tablespoon! Detoxification, Digestion, Energy, Immune Support, Longevity, Brain Function, Clarity, Weight Loss, Reproductive Health, Cardiovascular Health, Liver Support, Circulatory Health

LOW GLYCEMIC SWEETENERS / SWEETENER ALTERNATIVES: Yacon Syrup, Amber Agave Nectar, Dark Agave Nectar, Coconut Palm Nectar, Coconut Palm Nectar.

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Energy Cleanse JuiceMany people who start juicing are doing so to replace food. This kind of diet is often about getting more energy into the body or cleansing the digestive tract. Before going on any kind of diet or incorporating juice into your current diet, we recommend talking to your doctor.

This juice is a satisfying overall cleanser and energy booster. It’s great for breakfast, or enjoyed before a workout. You can even take the juice with you when starting an exercise regimen.

You’ll need:

• Two apples

• A handful of carrots (sliced or baby carrots)

• One half-dollar sized chunk of fresh ginger root


1. To prepare apples for juicing, you’ll need to core them and slice them into chunks. Never put an entire apple or piece of fruit into your juicer. You don’t have to peel the apple.

2. Ginger has a tendency to get stuck in the juicer, so juice this first and add small pieces of your ginger chunk unless you have a higher-end juicer. The rest of the ingredients should juice fairly easily, but feel free to chop them up as needed.

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Cooling Summer JuiceIf summer continues on the way it has been, we can all expect to be sweating throughout those June-August months. This cooling juice gives your body a break from the heat and is also quite filling. Cucumber is great for rehydrating and taking inflammation out of the body. The lemon gives an extra boost of flavor and neutralizes the taste of the apples and cucumbers. This juice can be energizing so is best enjoyed in the morning or afternoon.

You’ll need:

• Two apples (cored)

• One cucumber

• ½ Lemon


1. The easiest way to juice cucumbers is to peel the skin length-wise, then chop the cucumber into small chunks. Add chunks by the handful to your juice.

2. When it comes to your lemon, don’t add the lemon rind – simply hand-squeeze the juice into your mixture as the last step in the process. It always helps to purchase a citrus tool that will help you de-seed your lemon and get more lemon liquid into your juice.

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Beautiful Beet JuiceMany of us shun beets growing up, but beet juice can be a different story altogether. Natural beet sugar is a product in many healthy foods these days. Beets are good for you and super-energizing – plus all these vegetables and fruits contain plenty of fiber.

When you add the sweetness of fruits to hearty juiced vegetables, you’ll love the result. Even people who don’t typically enjoy veggies or vegetable juice find them more palatable with even one added fruit. Try this combo and see how it suits your palate!

You’ll need:

• A handful of carrots (baby carrots or sliced)

• ½ beet (without the skin)

• One apple (cored, sliced)


1. There are no special methods here – just juice all three of these together in any order. This particular combination is an antioxidant bomb and good for your liver.

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Three Apple Ginger BlendThere’s something delicious about the combination of apple and ginger. If the taste weren’t enough, it’s so good for you. Ginger is a great way to calm your stomach. Try this combination if you’re feeling a little nervous or have a tough day ahead.

You’ll need:

• Three apples (red or green, cored)

• Ginger chunks


1. Put in as much ginger as you can stand. Remember that ginger can be very spicy, so you’ll want to add the ginger second so you can put in a little bit at a time.

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Veggie Bloody Mary StyleIf you’re a fan of Bloody Mary drinks – or even of straight-up spicy vegetable juice – this is the drink for you! It tastes great, and the fiber content can help meet your needs throughout the day.

The extra tones of citrus will help cut into the bitter taste and strength of the vegetables, so don’t leave that out! Note that the sea salt and cayenne flavor should be mixed in at the end – you don’t want to put those things into your juicer.

You’ll need:

• Three celery stalks

• Three carrots (sliced or baby)

• Three tomatoes

• Lemon or lime juice

• Sea salt

• Cayenne pepper


1. It’s important to save the lemon or lime for last and not juice those. Simple cut them in half and add that to the mix after you’ve used the juicer. Use the sea salt and cayenne pepper to taste.

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Workout BlendJuice is so perfect for a great workout. If you eat too soon before working out, you could get the dreaded side or stomach cramps that get in the way of getting your exercise in. Juice gives you the boost you’re looking for without the heaviness of a full meal.

You can also cut this juice with water and take it with you to the gym! Keep in mind that you’ll want to cut your celery or any other stalk heavy vegetables rather than feeding them in whole. Use your best judgment based on the motor power of your juicer.

You’ll need:

• Three apples (any color, cored)

• Three celery stalks (without the leaves, cut into pieces)

• Lemon juice from ½ lemon


1. Again, remember that you don’t want to juice a lemon – add the juice at the end rather than putting the whole fruit through the juicer.

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Peña Colada Style JuiceTropical drinks can make you feel like you’re sitting on a beach, but they often contain high sugar content when you buy prepackaged drinks. Take the sugary edge off with our Peña Colada style juice!

You’ll need:

• Two oranges (peeled and cut into sections, de-seeded)

• A handful of pineapple chunks

• One apple (green is best, cored)


1. It’s important to make sure that seeds don’t get caught in your juicer as they can damage the motor. Make sure to get all the seeds out before you juice.

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Skin Cleanser JuiceMany people fight under eye bags or tired eyes with cucumber slices. This juice has the same soothing, hydrating effect. The combination of cucumber and honeydew melon also do great things for your skin from the inside. Enjoy!

You’ll need:

• One cucumber (peeled, sliced)

• One apple (green is best)

• ½ honeydew melon (peeled, in chunks)


1. Juice everything together, and you’re done! This simple drink can improve your skin after a few weeks of ingestion.

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Blood Cleanser JuiceHaving oxygen-rich blood is so important. Ailments such as iron and pernicious anemia can make us tired, weak and more vulnerable to illness. This juice can help refresh your body and improve your concentration and energy levels.

You’ll need:

• Three apples (red or green are fine)

• ½ a beet, peeled and chopped into chunks

• A thumb-sized piece of ginger root


1. Juice all the ingredients – it’s not necessary to peel the ginger root before using it in your juicer.

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Green MonsterSo many of us struggle to get our daily fruit and vegetable intake. Your recommended daily intake of fruit is at least 2-3 pieces, with vegetables suggested “in abundance”. The more you get the better – and if you don’t particularly like vegetables, juice can help you get there. Green juice is a particularly popular drink among people who juice, and apples and lemon juice add a kick of sweetness to the drink. If you haven’t tried it and feel a little dubious about making it, this particular recipe will convert you!

You’ll need:

• Three apples (green are best)

• A few handfuls of spinach (raw or prepackaged)

• Two celery stalks

• Lemon or lime juice


1. Again, remember to add the citrus after the juicing process. Remember to rinse your spinach and other vegetables before making this juice, even if it’s prepackaged.

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Super Melon JuiceFresh, juicy and seasonal, melons are a great way to get rehydrated. They also contain essential B Vitamins that can influence your energy levels and your nerve and brain function. If you’re a vegetarian, you may lack B vitamins that could keep you at optimal functioning.

B vitamins are split into a group of different water soluble substances that, when working together, can help you better break down carbohydrates in your body. If you’re feeling sluggish or slow, making sure you get your B Vitamins can help.

You’ll need:

• A handful of Honeydew (peeled and chopped)

• A handful of Cantaloupe (peeled and chopped)

• A thumb-sized piece of ginger


1. Again, don’t worry about peeling the ginger. Add the ingredients you see above to the juice, and you have a delicious B Vitamin-rich drink that is both nourishing and flavorful. Plus, the water content in the melons is hydrating, which can help you get rid of headaches.

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Cucumber Pineapple JuiceThis skin-hydrating and nourishing juice is perfect for people who love pineapples. The addition of peppers gives the juice a little kick and adds extra fiber. This juice is best with red or yellow peppers.

You’ll need:

• One cucumber (peeled and sliced)

• A handful of pineapple chunks (sliced)

• One whole red or yellow pepper (de-seeded and sliced)


1. Juice all ingredients. If you taste this juice and feel it’s too pepper-heavy, feel free to add more pineapple chunks.

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Digestion & Joint JuiceEvery now and then, we all have a few eating habits we aren’t proud of. Juicing is truly food as medicine. This juice tastes great and helps with digestion. If you’re having tummy troubles, this juice is a great one to try.

If you have joint pain or inflammation, turmeric can be a powerful healer. The combination of ginger and turmeric together are age-old body and joint stiffness aids. The key is the ginger – add as much “as you can stand”, as it can be strong. The more ginger, the better!

You’ll need:

• One apple (red or green – cored)

• Ginger chunks (as many as you can stand!)

• A pinch of turmeric


1. India turmeric or all-natural turmeric are best. You should be able to get these at any health food store. Don’t juice the turmeric – add a pinch or about half a teaspoon in at the end and enjoy!

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Orange Power JuiceOranges and carrots make a great combo. This juice is a great place to start for juicing beginners with a picky palate. Oranges are chock full of Vitamin C. Carrots contain beta carotene, a compound that has antioxidant properties and Vitamin A, which is essential to good eyesight.

You don’t have to buy baby or bagged carrots. Local farmers’ markets are great places to find heirloom carrots of all colors. You can chop these yourself and add them to your juice.

You’ll need:

• Two oranges (peeled and de-seeded, then segmented)

• A handful of carrots. Use whatever kind of carrots you like.


1. If you don’t use the leafy part of a whole carrot in your juice, feel free to tear it by hand and include it in your pulp. As long as the leafy green part of the carrot is in good shape, it’s fibrous and edible as well if you include it in your pulp pile.

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King Kale JuiceIf you’re not a big fan of kale, that might be because you don’t know how delicious it is. You can make your own kale chips at home in the oven or food dehydrator, and they’re often good enough to make you lose your love of potato chips.

Kale can help with chronic inflammation and has a high amount of flavonoids, which can help reduce the chance of stroke, asthma, heart problems and other ailments. This “king of the greens” is packed full of vitamins and minerals and is also delicious when in a salad or by itself.

You’ll need:

• Two apples (green are best – cored)

• Half a beet (peeled and sliced)

• Several handfuls of fresh, washed kale

• Lemon juice


1. As with the other juices, add the lemon juice in at the end. The citrus is really necessary for beginner juicers who don’t enjoy the taste of vegetables. Since it can be difficult to get a good volume of juice out of kale, juice the kale at the same time the apples are going in. This can increase the amount of juice you get.

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Thank You for Getting Healthy With Us!We’re so excited that you’ve chosen Sunfood Superfood products to enrich your health and well-being! We’re sure these recipes will enhance your family’s use of enjoyment and fresh produce for years to come.

None of the information we include here should in any way replace the advice of a qualified medical professional. Before changing your diet, eating habits or lifestyle in any way, we urge you to visit your personal healthcare professional and discuss the potential changes you will experience from beginning a juicing or smoothie regimen.

Juicing is something that can benefit your life – for the rest of your life. Getting healthy doesn’t have to be about changing your behaviors all at once. A little at a time can make a huge difference! This lifestyle change isn’t just about losing weight or looking better – it’s about your quality of life. You deserve to be as healthy as you can be! By incorporating juicing and smoothies slowly into your diet, you will be adding unparalleled nourishment to your overall health.

Thanks so much for allowing us to share our recipes with you!

To Your Health,

The Sunfood Superfoods Family