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Welcome to

Your Prescription Benefit Program

Welcome to Magellan Rx Management Magellan Rx Management provides a wide range of prescription benefit programs that emphasize quality and cost-effective healthcare solutions, driven to improve overall health. We’re pleased to welcome you to your prescription benefit program.

To fill your prescription needs, we offer more than 64,000 pharmacies, representing major chain regional pharmacies and independent stores. To locate a pharmacy, you can visit our website at magellanrx.com or contact one of our Customer Service agents at 1-800-711-4550.

Please present your identification card along with your prescription to any participating pharmacy to receive your medication. If you have any questions regarding your prescription benefit program, please call Magellan Rx Management Customer Service at 1-800-711-4550. We are open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

An Introduction to Your Prescription Benefit Program Your prescription benefit program is designed to help you and your eligible depen- dents obtain prescription medications conveniently and at reasonable prices. We are committed to:

• Providing a quality prescription benefit program that meets your needs and the needs of your family.

• Promoting the use of safe, cost-effective and clinically appropriate medications.

• Helping you save money and providing convenient access to your prescription medications.

• Helping you achieve the best possible health outcomes.

This booklet is an important resource — along with the Magellan Rx Management website (magellanrx.com) and our Customer Service Department at 1-800-711-4550. We encourage you to review this booklet and visit our website to educate yourself about your prescription benefit program. Understanding how your program works will help you get the most out of your benefit.

Maximizing Your Benefits Generic Medications There are now many generic products available to you on the market. Generic medications provide quality, cost-effective alternatives to brand medications. One or more of your prescriptions may be filled with a pharmaceutically equivalent generic product. We use generic equivalents, whenever possible, in order to reduce costs to you, your Plan and the health care system — unless otherwise directed by your physician. These medications have met the standards established by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The FDA approves a generic equivalent if its safety, purity, strength and effectiveness are proven to match that of the brand-name product. Please refer to the label on your prescription container to determine if you have received a generic equivalent.

In general, most plans require the use of generically equivalent products to obtain savings for their members. You may request a brand-name medication by notifying us on your prescription order. The brand-name product may be subject to a higher cost or copay as determined by your Plan.

Over-the-Counter (OTC) Products Some brand-name drugs previously available by prescription-only are now available over-the-counter (OTC). For example, drugs such as Claritin®, Prevacid®

24HR, Prilosec OTC®, and Zyrtec® no longer require a prescription and are the same strength as their prescription versions. These OTC products may represent a reasonable therapeutic alternative to other medications in the same class of drugs that still require a prescription. In consultation with your physician, consider an OTC product as it may be a lower cost option to treat your condition. If your Plan provides OTC coverage, you may be eligible for additional benefits.

Online Resources Health Tools and Information are Just a Click Away Our website, magellanrx.com, is a fast, easy, and secure way for you to compare medication pricing, review prescription benefits in real time, manage your prescription benefit and more-any time of the day or night. This new tool is part of our continued effort to be your “one-stop” shop for all of your healthcare and prescription drug needs.

Online tools available at magellanrx.com include: Prescription History, Find a Pharmacy, Drug Information, Drug List, Member Health Education, Drug Pricing Tool, and Medication Reminder.

Mail Service The Mail Order Pharmacy makes ordering maintenance medications easy and can save you both time and money compared to a retail pharmacy. Using your mail order benefit may enable you to receive up to a 90-day supply at a discounted price. Plus, shipping is at no cost to you — so you do not have to drive to your local pharmacy.

Mail service benefits include: • Saving time • Saving money • Convenient door-to-door service

Taking Your Medications As Directed Taking medications exactly as prescribed is one of the most important things you can do to enhance your health and prevent medical complications. Missing doses, stopping medication early or swapping medications with other people can lead to serious problems.

Here are a few tips to help you get the greatest benefit from your medications:

• Read labels carefully before taking each medication.

• Ask your physician or pharmacist what to do if you miss a dose.

• Take each medication as prescribed by your physician. For example, take the

correct number of doses each day, at the correct time of day.

• Talk to your physician or pharmacist before you stop taking a medication. Do not stop taking a medication just because you feel better.

• Talk to your physician or pharmacist before crushing or splitting tablets; some medications need to be swallowed whole.

• Keep a record of all your current medications, including their names and

regimens (dose, time and other instructions).

• Write down any problems you have with your medications, and discuss them with your physician or pharmacist.

• Keep medications away from heat, light and moisture. Never store medications in the bathroom.

• Make taking your medications a part of your daily schedule.

• Properly discard all outdated medications. Call Customer Service, visit magellanrx.com, or review FDA guidelines* for information on how to properly discard your outdated medications.

*Food and Drug Administration, “How to Dispose of Unused Medicines,” October 2009. http://www.fda.gov/ForConsumers/ConsumerUpdates/ucm101653.htm

Magellan Rx Management Formulary A Prescription Drug List, or formulary, is a list of brand-name and generic medications that have undergone a careful review by a committee of practicing physicians and pharmacists. This committee reviews new and existing medications for safety and efficacy, and decides which medications provide quality treatment at the best value.

The formulary is updated several times a year as new medications become available and is subject to change. For the most up-to-date information, or for a full formulary listing, visit magellanrx.com.

While the formulary is intended to provide a comprehensive coverage of your prescription medication needs, there are some products that are not covered or have limited availability. For medications that are not on the formulary or are not covered by your prescription benefit program, talk to your physician about alternative medications.

How Can I Find Out What Medications are On My Plan’s Formulary? The Magellan Rx Management Prescription Drug List is updated several times every year as new medications become available. The list is subject to change. For the most up-to-date information, visit magellanrx.com or call Customer Service at 1-800-711-4550.

For specific coverage and limitations information, as well as details about your copay, please refer to your benefit plan documents.

Magellan Rx Management Quick Reference Formulary Most Commonly Prescribed Medications All generic medications are listed on the Magellan Rx Management standard formulary. Please use this quick reference list when you receive a prescription. To receive maximum prescription drug benefits, ask your doctor to prescribe a medication on this formulary. Remember, if a preferred drug from the formulary is prescribed, your copay may be less than if a non-preferred drug is prescribed for you. To see the complete Magellan Rx Management standard formulary, visit magellanrx.com, or call toll-free 1-800-711-4550.

Drugs are listed alphabetically by brand name.

Key Lowest Copay = (generics) Middle Copay = Preferred Brand Highest Copay = Non-Preferred Brand*

Abilify Accu-Chek: Aviva Plus,

Nano SmartView Accu-Chek Kit Fast Clix Activella* (estradiol/

norethindrone) Actonel* (risedronate

sodium) ActoPlus Met (piogli-

tazone/metformin) Actos* (pioglitazone) Advair, HFA Alphagan P* (brimoni-

dine) Altace* (ramipril) Amaryl* (glimeperide)

Ambien* (zolpidem) Amoxil* (amoxicillin) Androderm AndroGel* (testosterone

td gel 1%) Antara* (fenofibrate

micronized) ApexiCon E Cream*

(diflorasone diacetate emollient base)

Apriso Aricept* (donepezil

hydrochloride) Arixtra* (fondaparinux) Asacol Asmanex

Astelin* (azelastine HCL) Astepro* (azelastine hcl


Augmentin* (amox/clav) Avalide* (irbesartan-

HCTZ) Avapro* (irbesartan) Azopt Azor Benicar, HCT Betagan* (levobunolol)

Betopic S Boniva* (ibandronate) Breo ellipta Brilinta

Byetta Bystolic Calan, SR* (verapamil, SR) Canasa Carac Cardizem* (diltiazem) Cardura* (doxazosin) Ceftin* (cefuroxime) Cenestin Cialis Cipro* (ciprofloxacin) Ciprodex Climara* (estradiol patch) Climara Pro Colcrys Combigan Combivent Respimat Coreg* (carvedilol) Coreg CR Corgard* (nadolol) Cosopt* (dorzolamide-

timolol) Coumadin (warfarin) Cozaar* (losartan) Creon Crestor Cymbalta* (duloxetine

HCL) Detrol, LA* (tolerodine) Diabeta* (glyburide) Differin Diflucan* (fluconazole) Dilacor XR* (diltiazem CR) Dipentum Diovan

Diovan HCT (valsartan HCTZ)

Divigel Duac* (benzoyl peroxide-

clindamycin) Dutoprol Dyazide* (triamterene/

HCTZ) Edarbi Effexor* (venlafaxine) Effexor XR* (venlafaxine

XR) Effient Epipen Estrace* (estradiol) Evista* (raloxifene hcl) Exforge, HCT FemHRT* (estradiol/

norethindrone) Finacea, kit Flomax* (tamsulosin) Flonase* (fluticasone) Flovent, HFA Foradil Fosamax* (alendronate)

Fosrenol Glucophage, XR* (metfor-

min, ER)

Glucotrol, XL* (glipizide) Glucovance* (glyburide/

metformin) Humulin Humalog, mix Hyzaar* (losartan HCT) Imdur* (isosorbide


Imitrex* (sumatriptan) Inderal LA* (propranolol

LA) Indocin, SR* (indometha-

cin, SR) Invokana Isoptin, SR* (verapamil,

SR) Isordil* (isosorbide

dinitrate) Janumet, Janumet XR Januvia Jentadueto Juvisync Keflex* (cephalexin) Kombiglyze Lamictal* (lamotrigine) Lanoxin (digoxin) Lantus Lasix* (furosemide) Levaquin* (levofloxacin) Levemir Lexapro* (escitalopram) Lialda Lidoderm Linzess Lipitor* (atorvastatin) Lopid* (gemfibrozil) Lopressor* (metoprolol) Lotensin, HCT* (benaz-

epril/HCTZ) Lotrel* (amlodipine/

benazepril) Lovaza* (omega-3-acid) Lunest* (eszopiclone)

Maxzide* (triamterene/ HCTZ)

Metaglip* (glipizide/ metformin)

Mirapex* (pramipexole) Myrbetriq Nalfon* (fenoprofen) Namenda Naprosyn* (naproxen) Nasonex Natazia Niaspan* (niacin tab CR) Nitro-Dur (nitroglycerin

patch) Nitrostat Norpramin* (desipra-

mine) Norvasc* (amlodipine) Novofine needle Novolin Novolog, mix Nuvaring OneTouch: Ultra 2,

UltraMini, Verio IQ Onglyza Ortho Evra* (norelge-

stromin-ethinyl estradiol td)

Ortho-Est* (estropipate) Ortho Tri-Cyclen Lo Pamelor* (nortriptyline) Pentasa Plavix* (clopidogrel) Pradaxa Prandin* (repaglinide)

Premarin Prempro, low dose Premphase Prinivil* (lisinopril) Prinzide* (lisinopril/hctz) Pristiq ProAir HFA Protonix* (pantoprazole) Provera* (medroxy-

progesterone) Prozac* (fluoxetine) Pulmicort QVAR Ranexa Remeron* (mirtazapine) Renvela* (sevelamer

carbonate) Requip* (ropinirole) Restoril* (temazepam) Serevent Diskus Seroquel* (quetiapine) Seroquel XR Singulair* (montelukast) Spiriva Strattera Symbicort Symlin Synthroid (levothyroxine) Tenormin* (atenolol) Testim* (testosterone td

gel 1%)

Timoptic XE* (timolol, XE) Toprol XL* (metoprolol


Tradjenta Travatan Z* (travoprost) Trental* (pentoxifylline) Tricor* (fenofibrate) Trilipix*/choline

fenofibrate cap DR Trusopt* (dorzolamide) Uloric Vagifem Vascepa Ventolin HFA Verelan* (verapamil SR) VESIcare Vigamox Vivelle Dot Voltaren* (diclofenac) Voltaren Gel

Welchol Wellbutrin, SR* (bupro-

pion) Wellbutrin XL* (bupro-

pion XL) Xalatan* (latanoprost) Xarelto Zantac* (ranitidine) Zenpep Zetia Zithromax* (azithromycin) Zocor* (simvastatin) Zoloft* (sertraline) Zomig, ZMT* (zolmitrip-


Zyprexa* (olanzapine) Zyprexa Zydis*

(olanzapine ODT)

Note: This is a partial list of medications that changes periodically. To ensure you have the most current version of the standard formulary, visit magellanrx.com, or call toll-free 1-800-711-4550. Inclusion of a medication on this formulary is not a guarantee of coverage. Please refer to your plan of benefits for coverage limitations and exclusions. Not all benefits plans in all states are subject to quantity limits. For details regarding quantity limits for your particular benefits plan, contact Customer Service at the telephone number listed on your identification card.

Additional Requirements for Coverage or Limits on Certain Medications May Include: Prior Authorization Your prescription benefit program may have a prior authorization process for certain medications. Prior authorization is a requirement that your physician obtain approval from your health plan to prescribe a specific medication for you. Without this prior approval, your health plan may not provide coverage for your medication.

If your physician prescribes a medication requiring a prior authorization, you will need to go through a prior authorization process. We review requests for these selected medications to help ensure appropriate and safe use of medications for your medical condition(s). Your physician can call, fax, or submit prior authorization requests electronically. For a list of select medications that require prior authorization, please contact Customer Service at 1-800-711-4550.

Quantity Limits and Step Therapy Your Plan may have additional requirements for coverage or limits for select prescription medications. These requirements and limits ensure that members use these medications in the most effective way and also help the Plan control medication costs. A team of practicing physicians and pharmacists developed these requirements and limits to help your Plan provide quality coverage to members. Please consult the formulary on our website for more information.

Quantity Limits For certain medications, your Plan may limit the amount of the medication that will be covered per prescription or for a defined period of time. For example, your Plan may provide up to 30 units per 30-day period for a formulary medication.

Step Therapy In some cases, your Plan requires you to first try one medication to treat your medical condition before it will cover another medication for that condition. For example, if Drug A and Drug B both treat your medical condition, your Plan may require your physician to prescribe Drug A first. If Drug A does not work for you, then your Plan will cover Drug B.

You can find out if the medication you take is subject to these or other additional requirements or limits by looking in the current formulary on magellanrx.com, or by calling Customer Service at 1-800-711-4550.

Magellan Rx Management Contact Information Departments/Services for Members

Website magellanrx.com

Customer Service 1-800-711-4550

Customer Service National TRS, Dial 711 (For the hearing impaired) (Provide 800# above)

Departments/Services for Physicians Prior Authorization Phone: 1-800-711-4550, Press option 4

Fax: 1-800-424-3260

Electronically magellanrx.com

Department Hours Customer Service 24 hours a day, 7 days a week

In Case of Emergency In the event of an emergency or natural disaster, contact Customer Service for assistance. We will help you obtain an immediate refill at a local pharmacy if needed.

Medications List Allergies to Medications Use the chart below to list all medications, both prescription and nonprescription, to which you are allergic.

Medication Type of reaction, such as rash or breathing difficulties.

Prescription Medications Use the chart below to list all brand name and generic prescription medications you currently take. Be sure to fill in all the information for each medication. The amount of medication in each pill appears on the prescription label in milligrams (mg). The dosage is the amount of medication in each pill multiplied by the number of pills you take at one time.


Prescribing doctor

Reason for taking the



How often? (such as 3x/




doctor Reason for taking the



How often? (such as 3x/


About Magellan Rx Management We’re providing a smarter approach to pharmacy benefits – our integrated solution combines comprehensive prescription benefits management (PBM) services with specialty pharmacy expertise. We help members by providing safe and effective prescription drugs at the lowest total cost. Welcome to a unique vision of care. Welcome to Magellan Rx Management.

How to Find Information About Your Plan For the most up-to-date information about your prescription benefit program, visit us online at magellanrx.com or call Customer Service at 1-800-711-4550.


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