Welcome to the Season of Grace

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Page 1: Welcome to the Season of Grace
Page 2: Welcome to the Season of Grace

Welcome to the Season of Grace

Welcome to Advent

Jesus is our example of grace and our role model. We welcome this time of reflection on God’s grace especially shown through Jesus.

The pandemic of COVID-19 and the shelter in place should have been a panacea for writers, but it wasn’t. It became a time of reflection, but mostly difficult writing. We do, however, have reflections and these writings show us grace during these times.

Because there were not as many entries for the 27 days, I included some poems or songs that reflect grace and the season of advent. Thank you Rev. Munchinsky for your many suggestions.

Editing this Booklet has been an education for me. To see God’s grace in everything was a blessing. I hope you will be uplifted by the offerings.

I wish to thank all the people who contributed to this project and especially to my editor and second reader, Jim Ripley. His tweaks were central to the project.

Pam Ripley

…I come to you

To share His love as He told me to

He said: ‘Freely, freely, you have received

Freely, freely give

Go in My name, and because you believe

Others will know that I live.

(words and music by Carol Owens)

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November 29, 2020

Grace and Peace to You!

by Rev. Bob Mitchell

And the Word became flesh and lived among us, and we have seen his glory, the glory as of a father’s only son, full of GRACE and truth (John 14:1, NRSV).

“BY GRACE ALONE!” has been a rallying cry for churches that trace their origins back to the Protestant Reformation in the early 16th century. Perhaps the most familiar proof-text declaring the primacy of GRACE is Ephesians 2:8-10:

(8) For by GRACE you have been saved through faith, and this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God— (9) not the result of works, so that no one may boast.

GRACE, as we understand it, finds its greatest biblical champions in the writings of Paul and his followers, probably because before his Damascus Road experience, Paul understood himself to have been the chief of sinners (1 Timothy 1:15). The word “GRACE” occurs some 75 times in the Pauline writings, and the greeting in every one of Paul’s letters, with the sole exception of Ephesians, includes the word “GRACE.” The word “GRACE” is always combined with another word (“GRACE and peace” or “GRACE, mercy, and peace”), but GRACE always come first! Paul’s first desire for all the individuals and congregations to whom he writes is GRACE!

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Every Christmas Eve Service at which I have officiated has included John 1:14, which declares Jesus, the Word made flesh, to be “full of GRACE and truth.” Surprisingly, John is the only Gospel in which the word “GRACE” appears, and all of its appearances occur in the first chapter–verses 14, 16 (two times), and 17. For the author of John’s Gospel, GRACE is preeminently understood in terms of the Incarnation of Jesus.

Most of us Christians, and I include myself, hear the word “GRACE” and think immediately of the GRACE of God or God’s gift of GRACE through Jesus Christ, and rightfully so! But the author of Ephesians demands what sounds like the height of audacity when he demands of his readers, “Be imitators of God”! And Paul writes to the Corinthians Christians, “Be imitators of me, as I am of Christ” (1 Corinthians 11:1).

We are to be imitators of the God of GRACE and of Jesus Christ, the gift of God’s GRACE, who was himself full of God’s GRACE! When we proclaim the riches of God’s GRACE and the fullness of Jesus ’GRACE, we are also declaring the Bible’s insistence that we imitate and embody that GRACE in our own lives! When we declare GRACE as God’s unmerited favor toward us while we showed animosity toward God, we are also declaring God’s desire for our relationships with others; God desires us to bestow our unmerited grace on others, even when they express animosity toward us!

This Advent/Christmas season, may your life embody the GRACE of God in all that you say, do, or think about others, even, maybe especially, those who are hostile toward you!

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🎶 “Love Devine, All Loves Excelling”. #384 in UMC Hymnal


Dear Creator,

Instill in us the grace You have given to us in Your Son, Jesus. Show us the way to give Your unmerited grace to others even when we know their dislike and even hate toward us. Amen.


November 30, 2020

For Such a Time as This: A COVID diary

by Pamela Ripley

Read: Esther 4:14

(For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for

the Jews will arise from another place, but you and your

father’s family will perish.) And who knows but that you have

come to your royal position for such a time as this?”

We have come as Christians for such a time as this.

And with God standing by us, we dare not fail.

May the Grace of God be with us.

At such a time as this,

We must partner with a world wanting and in need of justice.

Extend your hand with all your brothers and sisters to set a


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Raise a ruckus

In a true partnership of love.

At such a time as this,

Can we partner with a world that needs reforms?

Social, criminal, mental health, education

With partnerships help us avert storms.

Make new norms.

At such a time as this,

Bold steps are necessary from us all.

We must not condone mass incarceration.

One simple law- Love

Would bring the end of corruption, brutality

And bring justice for all.

At such a time as this,

White America must examine their part in unearned


Enslavement must stop,

Economic and educational reparations beget more jobs.

Our leaders should reflect us all.

Every child needs the keys to a productive future…


Their time has come.

At such a time as this,

We need to live to our potential.

Our history, written by our children

Must not remember us as villains.

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People, step up

Love, action, care,

Stand together.

Our time has come.

🎶” “For Such a Time as This” by Wayne Watson


Dear Father,

Help us remember that those to whom much is given, much

is required. (John Winthrop) Sanctify our actions with Your

trust. Look kindly on our efforts. Give us knowledge to be

successful. Give us grace to do what is required. Amen.


December 1, 2020


by Bobby Stein

Read: Romans 8:28

It was early January and I was excited about the new year. I had read several spiritual books about blessings and I really thought that was how the year was beginning to unfold. For the first 2 1/2 months, it did, I was making new friends, seemingly almost daily, getting back in shape playing basketball and just generally getting a lot of exercise and feeling a lot better. Then March 11th hit with the pandemic and it seemed almost instantaneously that the world was changed forever.

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We, as a family were locked down and other than Costco runs and a few other things were very limited to what we could do. Out of this, in a way that seems only God could do, came some really good things. We, as family, by suggestion of the home owners association, made beautiful “chalk art” on the sidewalk and all over the neighborhood, neighbors wrote Bible scriptures on the sidewalk. It was beautiful, those sacred words and the imaginative creative pictures! I loved that month between March 11th and Easter.

Also because so many people were off work, many people were out walking their dogs and playing with their kids at just about any time during the day. It was very festive and unifying and it felt like God’s amazing grace and the Romans Scripture 8:28. It seems God always has a higher purpose and can bring good from the apparent bad anytime He wants!

🎶 “Love Lifted Me” Alan Jackson’s “Love Lifted Me.” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mEsgA_TgDas Dear Lord, Thank You for letting me see Your love and grace all around me, even in these times. We ask You to grant Your grace to all at this time. Amen.

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December 2, 2020

One Day

by Mary Wichmann

Read: 2 Corinthians 9:8-10 For God is the one who provides seed for the farmer and then bread to eat. In the same way, He will provide and increase your resources and then produce a great harvest of generosity in you. Trumpeter Hibiscus was a late season gift from a new friend who was thinning her flower beds and shared her bounty. After inhabiting your place of honor as the greeter at our front door, you were too beautiful to just dump with the other flowerpots so on a busy fall clean up weekend I wrapped a large garbage bag around you so, your leaves wouldn’t make a mess and placed your bagged body in the basement next to the walk out windows for light. Maybe every week or two if I’d pass by I would add a little water and often an encouraging word. But in the back of my mind I knew the garbage bag could easily be pulled up around you if I decided you were too much fuss if you attracted bugs or if I simply no longer wanted to be responsible for you.

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So, in the winter with your limited nutrition only your leafless twig remained peeking out. Hibiscus twig had geranium twigs nearby to share air and light and my infrequent attention. In the spring the geraniums went out into the yard to join the bird feeders and decorate the blue spruce, but you hibiscus had a slow start on the front step. First tiny rice sized deep red buds developed but dropped unopened petals to the red brick steps below. I wondered if a Ruby-throated hummingbird approached your pistil and its contact caused your buds to drop. Or did your immature bud drop after having second thoughts about continuing life. Or knowing its beauty, its potential had the tender bud given up or even fainted in amazement of itself? It’s something I’ll ponder at night before sleep. But only days later, on that magnificent Monday a fully developed strawberry licorice red trumpet flower lay on the front step alter. I cheered at your progress! Full birth, early detachment from your lifeline but breathtaking for that day. Did the Deja Blu Hosta hear it fall? Did the Bleeding-Heart weep? Your blossom obit would read: Trumpeter blossom born of hibiscus and bee; God’s beauty today came to full life & end. Baby blossom had this one day of brilliance, opened its tender blossom, exposed its stamen and bravely became a part of the universe.

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And within days multiple flowers emerged. Even with lack of attention, limited nourishment, some neglect and abuse I celebrate that you made it. (And I celebrate that all of Jake & Lorraine’s children made it. And I’m sorry Jake, Jr. that you’re having a slow start.)

🎶 “All Creatures of Our God and King” #62 UMC Hymnal https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9tevVTnYvss Dear Lord, We appreciate new life in You and through Your Son. Thank you for the beauty and lessons from “the flowers and fruits that in Thee grow.” Lead us in all the seasons of life and grant us Your grace in all our seasons. Amen. _________________________________________

December 3, 2020


by Jane Rizzo

READ: Hugs, an anonymous poem

We are proud that we as a nation can take people from all

corners of the world and give them a place to live, work,

worship and pursue happiness.

The pandemic has altered our world. A leisurely walk on a

path in the mountains, on the beach or desert has become

mind blowing.

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Wear a mask, do not wear a mask. Only wear a mask if you are

within 6 feet of someone, or if you pass them on the trail or in

the parking lot. Wait, they did not put on a mask while passing

me. They do not care. Who doesn't care about their fellow

human being?

No church. No sweet surrender for an hour a week. No sitting,

listening, singing. Only on my phone. Video chats with sweet


Video chatting with my mother wrought with dementia. She

sees me, that I am sure of, but the heartache of trying to keep

the conversation going, is brutal. She is distracted by every

sound around her. She comes back to me occasionally, but she

leaves me within 15 seconds. I care about you mom; we just

cannot hold hands and sit together like before.

I lay in bed at night asking for forgiveness for not being a good

daughter, mother, wife, grandmother, Christian, person, pet

owner. I am told, soon you can see people, but no touching.

What happened to the thought that we all need 12 hugs a day

for good mental health? Don’t tell me to hug myself, it is not

the same.

My daughter indulged me on Thursday, June 18, 2020. We

wore masks, turned our heads and hugged for 3 seconds.

What joy! I also hugged my son, his wife, and my two cousins.

That is 6 hugs in 4 months. I am such a warrior! I am missing

100 days ’worth of hugs or 1194. Will I ever catch up? No

wonder there is chaos in the world, everyone is missing hugs!

I am overloaded with information. I am angry and I cannot

blame anyone for my angst and anger. I will not be defeated

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with this illness and resulting fallout. I will cling to hope and

light. I will not go down the rabbit hole of despair. The end to

life is not death, but life and at the very least hugs and reunion.

I am confident we will come out the other side of this illness a

more resilient and loving people. People who are tolerant and


Come faster Balm.

🎶 “There is a Balm in Gilead” in UMC hymnal #375


Dear Lord,

We need Your loving balm today more than ever. Please lay

Your hands of love and grace upon us. Give us ways to meet

our quota of hugs. Help us to have hope, be tolerant and kind

to all we encounter. Amen.

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Author Unknown

It’s wondrous what a hug can do.

A hug can cheer you when you’re blue.

A hug can say, “I love you so,”

Or, “Gee, I hate to see you go.”

A hug is “Welcome back again!”

And “Great to see you!”

Or “Where’ve you been?”

A hug can soothe a small child’s pain

And bring a rainbow after rain.

The hug! There’s just no doubt about it,

We scarcely could survive without it.

A hug delights and warms and charms,

It must be why God gave us arms…

Hugs are great for fathers and mothers,

Sweet for sisters, swell for brothers.

And chances are some favorite aunts

Love them more than potted plants.

Kittens crave them. Puppies love them.

Heads of state are not above them.

A bug can break the language barrier.

And make the dullest day seem merrier.

No need to fret about the store of ‘em.

The more you give, the more there are of ‘em.

So stretch those arms without delay

And give someone a hug today!

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December 4, 2020

An Overwhelming Need

by Steven Anglin

. . .As Jesus and his disciples, together with a large crowd,

were leaving the city, a blind man, Bartimaeus, was sitting by

the roadside begging. When he heard that it was Jesus of

Nazareth, he began to shout, “Jesus, Son of David, have mercy

on me!”

Many rebuked him and told him to be quiet, but he shouted

all the more, “Son of David, have mercy on me!”

Jesus stopped and said, “Call him.” . . . “What do you want me

to do for you?” Jesus asked him. The blind man said, “Rabbi,

I want to see.”

“Go,” said Jesus, “your faith has healed you.”

(Mark 10: 46-49, 51-52)

Her name is Allison, and when I first met her she was just five

years old. She was a student in the class for severely

handicapped and medically fragile children that I worked in.

Allison was already wise beyond her years. It didn't take long

for me to know that she was hip to almost everything in the


She had an impish smirk and a contagious laugh that let me

know that a joke was brewing and that I was to be the butt of

it. I quickly learned that I should not turn my back on her for

fear of what might be thrown at me or spilled on my back,

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all in good fun. Allison’s red hair was long, her eyes were

green, and in her hands you would often find a “My Little

Pony” toy clutched. I fell for this child almost at once.

Halfway through the school year, Allison suffered a cardiac

arrest. It was caused by a tumor in her heart. She has tumors

growing throughout her body. They grow out of her nails and

on her face, in her kidneys, lungs, and brain. Allison has a

condition called Tuberous Sclerosis. She was diagnosed with

it when she was a baby after months of seizures that were

difficult to control. They give her Depakote which is keeping

it mostly under control, but the medicine is causing problems

of its own.

The reason I am writing about Allison is because she reminds

me of Bartimaeus. Bartimaeus was determined to get his sight

back even though there were those who “were sternly telling

him to be quiet.” But Bartimaeus just kept crying out, “Son of

David, have mercy on me!” Jesus gave Bartimaeus his sight

back that day.

Like Bartimaeus, Allison is fighting the crowds and she is

calling out for God to touch and heal her. The cardiac arrest

should have killed her and would have, if not for the fact that

her father was home at the time. Allison’s father was a medic

in Vietnam and a respirator therapist. He saved her life.

Allison fought her heart condition and re-entered school the

following year. Over the next sixteen years, I witnessed Allison

bravely do battle with whatever Tuberous Sclerosis could

throw at her. Her seizures would get worse and Allison would

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lose some of her words and fight back and get what was

rightfully hers. I have sat with Allison when she was in

Intensive Care with a strep infection that would have killed

most healthy adults. She was in a coma with it for twelve days.

With God’s grace she won that battle as well and came out of

her coma on her birthday.

Allison’s life is replete with such stories. God has used Allison

to teach me more about life than anyone else I have ever


When I look at the stories in the Gospel like the one in the

Book of Mark I see overwhelming need. The crowds were all

around Jesus and they all had needs. In our world today there

is great need as well. There is so much pain and sorrow that it

seems we cannot do anything about. As human beings we have

only so much time and ability to minister to people.

But God is not calling us to meet the needs of everyone. God

puts people in our lives like Bartimaeus. He will make it plain

to us the needs we are to meet. It would have been impossible

for Jesus to miss the cries of Bartimaeus, though the disciples

almost did.

In my line of work there is an overwhelming need and I cannot

do as much as I would like to. But God is not asking me to. I

know God has called me to be part of Allison’s life! I am at

times still overwhelmed by how much need still arises in her

life. Just recently Allison was diagnosed with diabetes and

osteoporosis. The diabetes runs in her family and the

Depakote she takes to control her seizures caused the

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osteoporosis. At 21 she has the bones of an 80-year-old

woman. I am looking for God in this and I know someday I

will find Him.

God is calling us all to minister to the needs of someone. It

might be a lonely co-worker who just needs someone to listen

to his story. Or God might be calling you to buy a hamburger

for that homeless man or woman you pass by every day on

your way to work. The important thing is to be open to what

God is calling you to do and hear the voices of those calling for

God’s healing touch.

🎶 “ Give me Eyes that See” by Heidi M. Fuller



Grant us the ability to hear Your voice in the clamor of voices

in this world, so that we might do the good works You have

prepared for us to do. Give us eyes to see Your grace. Amen.

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December 5, 2020

Grace & An Advent Promise

To Give All God’s Children A Brighter Future

by Rev. Cecil Lackore, Pastor Emeritus

First United Methodist Church of Mesa, AZ

Scripture reading: John 1:1-18 (The Message)

In a world that has been living with the reality of Covid 19 in our daily lives, day in and day out, it has sometimes felt like a time of “stolen identity” a loss of life as we have known it.

For me, I identify myself as a “child of God”, then as a son, adult [meaning you have stamped your name on ALL of your past, taking responsibility and accountability for it], husband, father, grandfather, and great grandfather.

What is your identity? How do you define yourself as a follower of Jesus this Advent season? John says Jesus identity is as the Life-Light…He has gifted us, every one of us, with the light that shines thru the darkness. As followers of Jesus in these days of isolation and separation He brings his light into our lives and thereby offers us His generous bounty (GRACE).

Grace defines our identity as followers of that Light. Think of all the ways you can be the kind of light that overcomes darkness.

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One way might be to take time right now to MAKE AN ADVENT PROMISE to give all children of God a brighter future. John says “The Word became flesh and blood, and moved into the neighborhood”. (John 1:14 - The Message)

The source of light and life for you, your family, and neighborhood is Jesus. John 16:18 tells us “We all live off his generous bounty (ie, GRACE), gift after gift after gift. Translate that as GRACE AFTER GRACE AFTER GRACE. We all live by grace alone.

🎶 “The Prayer” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nexnnrYyTmc

Also for children: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cg6W76q6a2E

Prayer: God of Grace,

As we celebrate the Light of Life-Jesus ’coming with singing and praise, we MAKE A PROMISE TO GIVE ALL GOD’S CHILDREN A BRIGHTER FUTURE by giving the grace of a smile and friendly greeting to all persons we meet – not only today, but through all the days ahead you give us to live by Your grace. AMEN.

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December 6, 2020


By Peggy Ferrell

Read: “For I have learned, in whatever state I am, to be content.” Philippians 4:11 RSV

Really, Saint Paul? Content? In whatever state or condition you’re in? God can still use you?

Fast forward about 2,000 years to 1966. Orthopedic ward. Lakewood hospital. My operation was a spinal fusion to correct a congenital spondylolisthesis. I’m 36 years old. I can’t move. Nurses have to turn me periodically. My mind is okay. My toes feel the bed sheet. I guess everything is connected

from head to toe and will eventually work. Flat on my back for two weeks. Hospitalized for three. Then home to my husband and three little daughters. Wow, Saint Paul. Will I be content? Can God use me?

My 12-year-old roommate arrives. The nurses tell me she “raised hell” in the children’s ward two years ago. That’s why they’ve decided to put her in the adult ward. She’ll have an

operation for a severe scoliosis. A few years ago, she and her family moved from the Appalachian Mountains to Cleveland’s west side. She trusts her family. She doesn’t trust strangers, doctors, nurses, or other adults. Soon I witness this.

A young intern enters. “Hello,” he says kindly. No answer. Repeat. No answer. He switches to questions. No answers. She’s awake, glaring, and determined to say nothing. He finally gives up. She wins.

Surprisingly, she talks to me. I’m a body in the next bed. Helpless. Totally non-threatening. I sense she sees me stuck here just like she is. We’re equals.

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The night before her operation I tell her step by step about preparations, how they’ll move her, where they’ll take her, what things happen and look like. All the details. She returns

to our room the next day and triumphantly tells me, “It was just like you said!” She trusts me.

Now we talk a lot. She has questions about everything. I answer as honestly as I can. It’s a marathon interview for several days. We are friends.

Soon, she’s discharged. Her surgeon comes over to thank me for helping her. I’m amazed and humbled he truly believes this. So, Saint Paul, you’re right. Yes! It is possible to be content and for God to use a body in the next bed.

🎶 “Make Me an Instrument (channel) of Your Peace” Susan

Boyle sings St. Francis’ prayer


Dear God,

Thank you for sharing Your grace with us. May we share that grace throughout our lives for others. Help us to show Your love. At this Advent season, we are blessed by the gift of Your Son. Amen.

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December 7, 2020

He Restores My Soul

by Jim Ripley

Read: 23rd Psalm. I memorized the King James Version as a boy. And what stuck through the years were the words and phrases that frightened me: “… I walk through the valley of the shadow of death…fear no evil…You prepare a table before me in the presence of mine enemies.” In a Sunday School class a year or so ago, we were spending some time on the Psalms and the 23rd Psalm came up. But this time I was guided to different words and phrases. Words and phrases that shown a light on a dark time in my life that had occurred more than a decade earlier. Words and phrases that helped me understand a turning point in my life when God’s grace was poured out on me. Amid the Great Recession of 2008 the newspaper industry was imploding. Advertisers were pulling out of newspapers because of financial hard times and because the internet was giving them cheaper ways to reach customers. Newspaper publishers were desperate to cut expenses and expensive newsrooms were in the bullseye. As the top newsroom executive at the East Valley Tribune, I had already been under pressure month after month day after day to reduce staff and payroll. Through letting positions go dark I had reduced newsroom staffing to 120 journalists. Take it down more, I was told. No sooner had I come up with a plan for a newsroom of 90 journalists, than I was given a budget that would support 45 journalists. Massive lay-offs in my department and others

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were inevitable. And it was my job to figure out who stayed and who went. I put my own name at the top of the lay-off list. That was easy. I was close to retirement age and I was tired. My mind had lost its edge as had my drive. Much harder were the other 44 names. Many journalists see their jobs, as not a job, but a mission. They were society’s watchdogs. Their mission was, as one slogan put it, “to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.” Losing a job was not just losing a paycheck it was losing a purpose and the opportunity to make a difference in the lives of others. So what’s this got to do with the 23rd Psalm? After I left the newspaper, I did some paid freelance work and some unpaid civic work. But I was unhappy. I needed to make a clean break with my professional past and follow an interest that had emerged long ago in the bird feeders that had sprung up in my yards, first in Dayton, Ohio, then in Mesa, Arizona. In Sunday School class that day nearly a decade after I had become an amateur bird photographer, I stared at different lines in the 23rd Psalm: “He makes me lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside still waters; he restores my soul.” (NRSV) My mind drifted back many years to Coon’s Bluff. I remembered “discovering” the National Forest park just 20 minutes from home. I could see myself standing there with my binoculars and camera among mesquite and giant cottonwood trees. In the middle of the desert, I was surrounded by green. The trees bordered the quiet waters of the Salt River. And bird calls filled the air.

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God had led me to the green pastures and still waters. He had restored my tired soul. And my Sunday School class had, for me, forever redefined the 23rd Psalm.

🎶 The Lord’s My Shepherd, I’ll Not Want”. UMC :Hymnal #136 Also : The Lord is My Shepard” by Stuart Townsend https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pN4tPkX0MG0 Dear Lord, We are blessed that You lead us beside the still waters and restore our souls. At this Advent time we are blessed that You have sent us Your Son and our comforter to lead us, show us the way of grace and how to live in the “valley of the shadow of death.” Amen. _________________________________________

December 8, 2020

The Grace of Grandpa

By Gail Hoag

Read: Isaiah 4:13 I am the Lord Your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear, I will help you.

He was 18 on January 19, 1918, hale and hearty, a healthy young man was helping his father on their family farm of 40 acres in mid-state Wisconsin. His brother, Erby, worked alongside. They had dairy cows and grew some crops, both for cash and for the animals. The closest towns of Iola and Scandinavia were 3 miles and 2 miles away respectively. Church every Sunday was a given. Other trips were few, mainly for supplies. The extended family was large and most lived in the general vicinity. Friends ’farms adjoined their fence lines.

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He was a young man who later, in 1925, married “the girl on the next farm over” and raised four children. The farm sustained them over the next several decades. The Depression was especially hard. Taxes were hard to come by. The blessing was that they could grow their own food, and, occasionally have a chicken in the pot when they were no longer “good layers.”

That young man was my grandfather; my mother, his third child. I remember that I always knew when he was coming or was in the house. He had a “drop foot” that made to me a familiar pattern. Step – clomp, step – clomp. As a child it was a given, I never really thought about it. However, as I became older I asked my grandmother why grandpa walked that way.

She said in 1918 a terrible flu was everywhere. It was dangerous and many people died. My grandfather contracted it in the late summer/early fall of 1918. He had a very high fever and was delirious much of the time. When his fever broke and he got better he learned that his brother Erby had contracted the flu after him and had died and was buried before he regained consciousness.

The aftermath for my grandfather was that he was partially paralyzed on the left side. His left arm and hand had limited motion and he was left with the partially inoperative left foot. Grandma related that friends and family watched over his family by bringing food and supplies. They laid it where the road and the lane to the house started. Then those family members not sick would go gather it up. They could not leave the farm for any reason as they were under quarantine. The doctor had to certify the disease was gone before they were allowed to leave again.

Whenever I am weary with the current pandemic bickering about who is right and who is not, who is wearing masks, and who is not, who is following guidelines and who is not, I think about this gentle man who lost his brother, lost the perfect mobility of his left side, and yet never railed against life’s unfairness, never lost his faith, never talked about how it was harder for him to work because of the disability imposed on

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him from the “Spanish flu”. I don’t know if he grappled more with it, when he was young. But as an older man, as grandpas are won’t to be, he never mentioned it nor the circumstances. He persevered working the farm, raising four children, living through the terrible Great Depression, making sure he made church every Sunday. Life was to be lived as best one can. I think of him and I have hope.

Living life like Grandpa, is the essence of Grace.

🎶 “Put Your Hand In the Man…. By Anne Murray https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SY-2XHqKGuw Dear Heavenly Father, Help us, Your children to live a life of grace. Help us keep our hands in the hands of Jesus. Therefore, in Your hands. Help us live Your life of grace for us. Amen. _________________________________________

December 9, 2020

The Meaning of Grace

By Michael Elliot

Read: John 15:13

As I write this in the summer of 2020, the world seems in turmoil—the Covid 19 pandemic, an already nasty and uncivil election season, and seemingly endless racial strife fueled by breakdowns in proper law enforcement procedures by white officers when dealing with black detainees, too often resulting in the deaths of the persons being held.

Everything appears to be out of control. One might call it a world gone slightly mad, graceless if you will.

This morning I came across a wonderful piece in the sports section of the Republic that lifted my spirits, to my great surprise and pleasure. It’s a story about the great Hall of Fame ballplayer Al Kaline of the Detroit Tigers. It seems

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that fifty years ago he was playing a game in Milwaukee at his right field position, when a fly ball was hit between right field and center.

In chasing down the fly, Kaline was in a violent collision with the center fielder, Jim Northrup, and fell straight down to the turf, immobile. Northrup immediately got up and tried to render aid along with a couple of other players nearby. Kaline’s jaw was clenched open and he was turning blue and his eyes were turned to the side as he choked.

At this point, his teammate Willy Horton, a great player in his own right, ran over from left field to help. Horton did a chest compression, “grabbed the back of his jaw and pried open his mouth . . .” He then was able to move Kaline’s tongue out of his airway, keeping his mouth open until the trainer arrived. These were emergency procedures Horton had learned as a Golden Gloves boxer.

The team revered Kaline who was always the consummate gentleman to everyone, the picture of grace on the field and graciousness in life. There can be little doubt that his teammate and friend, Willie Horton, an African American, saved Kaline’s life that day out on the field. It struck me that this story is about grace in action, God’s grace at its most powerful, expressed best in love and caring for our fellow human beings, and using one’s strength and power to minister to them in their hour of need.

🎶 “Love Devine, All Loves Excelling”. #384 UMC Hymnal


Dear God, Our Father,

No matter our position or station in life, help us work in love through Your abiding grace. Help us keep the “golden rule” in the heart of our souls. Amen.

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December 10, 2020

God’s Grace in a Sandstorm

by Pamela Nelson

Read: Matthew 8:23-39

It was the summer of 1959 in Los Angeles, CA. My dad was a CEO at Lear Singles at the Santa Monica airport. The company had single engine Bonanza that he could borrow anytime. He had a twin engine license. All our relatives lived in Rockford, IL. So every year we spent the 4th of July and Christmas holidays there.

One time in 1959 on our way back from there, were were having a bad headwind. Dad decided to land in Wichita, KS and send our luggage on ahead to lighten our load.

Everything was going fine until we got to Albuquerque, NM. We came across a huge sandstorm. Dad found the water tower, the one at the end of the runway. It had the distinct logo for Purina Dog Chow, wrapped in a big red and white checkerboard pattern. It was just about all that was visible.

We flew around it, but the wind would throw us up 1,000 feet and drop us down 1,000 feet. The stall engine light would come on and then go off….repeatedly. Dad called the tower let them know we wanted to land and sought clearance. They said, “No, we couldn’t land until the other two commercial airlines landed. They contained a lot more people than we did. With more lives at steak, dad understood. But he was upset and I heard under his breath a few “choice” words.

Finally, after more buffering around a bit more, he had finally had enough. He radioed in and said, “I’m coming in!”

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We landed “right tight” behind the first plane. That plane taxied off to the right and toward the terminal. So we turned left toward the small plane hangar. We could see huge headlights right behind us. It was the other airliner.

It was only by the “Grace of God” that dad kept control of the plane, keeping it in just the right movement for our safety.

About eight men, faces obscured by bandanas, ran over to help us get to the office. They braved that sandstorm, as the sand stung our arms and legs. After our heart rates recovered in that office, and our breath slowed, the adrenaline surge disappeared and dad called a cab to get us to our hotel.

🎶 “Put Your Hand in the Hand”. By Elvis Presley, another version from Anne Murray.


Dear Lord,

Sandstorms, ice storms, rain and snow cannot separate us from Your love and grace. Thanks for sending Jesus to hold our hands. We especially need Your grace that come through Jesus’ words. We are blessed during this Advent season to know You through him. Amen.

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December 11, 2020

My God…Your God

By Jane Rizzo

Read: Isaiah 25:1

Is found in a butterfly lightly exploring a flower.

Hearing a baby’s laugh. Laughter bubbling up from a little fat


Seeing the majesty of the Rocky Mountains in October, blue

skies, jagged mountains and big white clouds.

Touching the hand of the elderly. Hands that have held babies,

changed diapers, washed tiny bodies, wiped tears, provided

comfort and security. Hands that give pats of encouragement

on the shoulders and bottoms.

My God…Your God

No matter the name is the Source of Life, the Golden Thread

running through all. Creator, Redeemer, Life Force.

We share much from our Creator, life.

We share much from our Redeemer; a sense of purpose,

learning and growing from mistakes. Moving forward.

We share much from the Spirit, Life Force; our souls, love,

care, kindness, our holy humanity.

My God…Your God

Is found in hospital waiting rooms. Waiting to hear news of

success or not. We depend on the knowledge and skill of

strangers to care diligently for our loved ones.

My God…Your God

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Is found in church singing a hymn, smiling at people, shaking

a hand, blessed by a sermon.

Is found in a family meal. Plenty of food, laughter, joy, parents

and grandparents with guiding wisdom.

Is found in a home. Soft beds, sweet pets, siblings and parents.

My God…Your God

Creator, Redeemer, Life Force.

Created us in our mother’s womb. Created us for good, joy,

laughter. We are to love, care for, touch the heart of and hold

the hand of God’s creations.

🎶 “Morning Has Broken” #145 UMC Hymnal


My God, Your God,

Help us praise Your mornings, Your creatures and praise all

You’ve created.


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December 12, 2020

No Strings Attached

by Peggy Ferrell

Read: 2 Corinthians 12:9 But He said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore, I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me.

Some things are beautiful, outright gifts. We just cannot earn them. Two of the most wonderful, generous, and important are God’s Love and God’s Grace. They’re fundamentally woven into the fabric of life like the “warp” and “woof” in a piece of cloth.

Daily we experience God’s Love, such as life itself. That’s totally impossible to earn!

Additionally, no one is perfect. We all make mistakes. We intentionally or unintentionally sin. Can God and others forgive us? Is there any mercy? Yes, there is! Our unearned forgiveness is called God’s Grace. Why can’t it be earned? Because it’s something we have previously been given and is already ours! With a humble and contrite heart, we choose to admit our guilt; then we’re freed to openly accept God’s gift of Grace and discover the grace to additionally forgive ourselves.

Quickly, we realize that both God’s Love and Grace are so amazing, unlimited, overwhelmingly undeserved, and truly life changing that we could never do enough to earn them, no matter how hard we’d try. With great Love, Christ made it clear: miraculously, in spite of out faults, God constantly loves

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each of us, and God’s Grace is fully available to all of us. We have to learn we’re simply not always “in charge” nor are we always “right”; but we are always God’s loved and forgiven children. We are blessed.

No wonder we celebrate Christ’s birth and His coming to earth. He brought God’s Love and Grace to us in a special way! Fantastically, we’re not forever “stuck” with our transgressions here on earth; or worse yet, for an eternity after we’re through with these bodies of clay. Christ brought humankind's very best Christmas gifts…the good news and reality of God’s eternal Love and Grace!

Rejoice during this yuletide season. Humbly and gratefully, accept God’s gifts of Love and Grace. They’re for each of us. They come with an “eternal lifetime guarantee” and with “no strings attached”!

🎶 “Love Devine, All Loves Excelling” UMH #384


Dear Heavenly Father,

We thank You for Your all forgiving grace and love to us with no strings attached. And thank You for Your gift of Jesus, to show us about Your love and grace.


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December 13,2020

“This Little Light of Mine”

Personal Adaptation

by Susan West

Read: Genesis 1:1-3

In seven days, GOD created the world to shine o’er the land

and all humanity. As a testament of His“ Amazing Grace,”

God’s LIGHT of LOVE has shined throughout my world of


On MONDAY, GOD blessed my FIRST STEPS: Both my

parents believed in the credo, “What you are, is God’s gift to

you,” Throughout my bloom of youth, I felt loved and adored

with God’s light shining on me.

On TUESDAY, GOD’s ROD and STAFF comforted

me: During my collegiate studies, I met Dave, the love of my

life. With God as our shepherd, He led us through the still and

blowing waters - mountains of triumph, valleys of travail.

On WEDNESDAY, HE showed me BLISS: Likened to a joyful

noise, Dave and I became proud parents upon the birth of our

Christmas bundle of joy, followed a few years later with our

whopping Valentine. Our daughter and son were nurtured

and loved from infancy to adulthood with GOD’s presence

amid our world of days.

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On THURSDAY, HE watched me BOW and PRAY: Sadly, the

last decade of the 1900’s closed with “Sleep well, our lambs of

God.” Both my parents had earned their just rewards, united

together in Heaven. With steadfast faith and love, we prayed

their “souls for God to keep.”

ON FRIDAY, He graced me with STRENGTH and

ACCEPTANCE: Our marital vows “in sickness and in health”

came to light as Dave and I grappled with the ebbs and tides

of our golden years. May God’s GIFT of LOVE sustain us.

On SATURDAY and SUNDAY, HE granted me

WISDOM: What my life reflected in my world of days returns

as my gift to God. Thank you, God, for shining Your LIGHT of

LOVE on me!




🎶 “This Little Light of Mine”. UMC Hymnal #585


Dear Lord,

Grant us wisdom to live a life full of Your grace and love.

Light up our lives. Amen.

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December 14, 2020

God’s Grace is Sufficient: A COVID Diary

By Dana Tramba

Read: Luke 10:38-42

Mark 6:31

The 2020 pandemic hit. I got a message from Dignity that all my Healthy Living classes were cancelled. Suddenly, my calendar was empty. My quarantine began by spending hours reading through prayer journals, writing blogs for my web page, scanning photos and reminiscing. I sorted through old files, finding awards I had received through my nursing career.

I also wrote the first draft of my memoir. Making Peace with the Pieces. I realized, for the last 50 years I lived a busy life working too many hours and was involved in too many activities. I was a busy Martha. (Luke 10:38-42)

I started paying attention to the tugging of my heart. Working on things I have wanted to do but not taken time. Making end-of-life decisions. Completing my ethical will, I started ten years ago. While sheltering in place, I came across Mark 6:31.

“Come away with me by yourselves to a quiet place and rest awhile.”

I was reminded of the talents God gave me and the importance of sharing them. I realized how desperately I needed this time for myself and my writing and to sit quietly at God’s feet. I came to my senses and realized I could not organize the rest of my life now. I needed to live in the present and listen to whispers from God. Only then would I be able to face the uncertainty of the future with God's hand in mine.

My half-sister, Sue, loaned me Grandma Vi’s Bible. I spent time exploring her writing in the margins, obituaries, and

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poems. Suddenly I found myself identifying with the spirit of Mary.

This Advent, I realize “God’s grace is sufficient for me.” I have learned to take a day at a time. There is no need to worry about the future. I choose to pause and enjoy His presence, continuing to trust Him at all times. I hope you will join me as together, we continue to find our new normal remembering that “God’s grace is sufficient.”

🎶 Be Still, My Soul…UMC Hymnal #534

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pwkPsKe-39Y Dear Lord,

When I am lost in confinement, help me realize I can rest in Your grace and find time for the rebuilding of my soul and finding hope for the future. AMEN.


December 15, 2020

You Are Not a Mistake

by Jane Rizzo

Read: John 1 :1-5

You are not a mistake, no random act of cosmic gases. No wizardry. But a deliberate formation of star stuff, created and mysteriously prepared for Earth. Creation’s desire for the perfect, continues to lovingly move toward that end.

You are not an anomaly of nature. You desire perfect harmony and peace. Peace of mind, peace for others and creation.

Our souls move back and forth like the sea dancing with the moon. Sunshine falls on us and God’s earth; all white like

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clouds and sea foam and at once all black like every color blended into space and soothing night.

We have affirmed that our Creator does not make mistakes or errors. Our Creator is our life force, the one who never changes but because we continue to seek perfection is perpetually changing.

We meet on this plane for a moment. We dance together, laugh together, cry together and learn together. Commingling is our purpose. Sharing our God Experience, growing wise, marveling at our “Aha” moments, sitting back for small spaces of time and smiling at our differences and sameness.

You and I were meant to meet exactly when we did. We are dancing and singing together at exactly the right time and exactly the right space.

We rejoice in each other as our Creator rejoices in us. You can feel the Creator dancing with us and hear the song the One sings.

As we purposely enter a physical space we also travel through it and leave it. Our act of entering, moving and leaving is the Perfect Dance of Life. Our dance and song are all a part of the God in us, the Golden Thread that is eternal.

We rejoice, dance and sing with a new birth because it is not an accident, mistake or error. Your birth into this cosmic plane is purpose filled. You touch and inspire the universe with every second of your life.

We rejoice, sing and dance when we leave this plane because we have continued to move mankind forward in understanding. We have, through our existence, brought us closer to perfection. We will never reach perfection until we have moved through this life. At that time, when our physical self, the self we touch is spent, our real self, the part of the Creator is reveled to us.

For now, I will dance and sing, smile and laugh, love and care for all the Star Stuff that comes my way. Will you?

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🎶 “O Come and Dwell in Me #388 UMC Hymnal

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lP_OlsR6byg Dear Lord,

We know by Your grace that we are not mistakes. You don’t make mistakes. We look for validation, but Your approval is never waning. We are where we are supposed to be in place and time. Thank You. Amen.


December 16, 2020

An Example of Grace in my Life

By Lynn Wolf

Read: Matthew 22:39 the Golden Rule

My husband and I were moving into our rental home in Mesa, AZ to begin our retirement life. Boxes of all sizes were stacked all through the house after the movers delivered them.

We were exhausted and unsure just where to begin. In what room do each of the boxes go? What should go into a storage unit? It was hot, we were sweating and feeling overwhelmed.

Our emotions were still a bit raw from leaving our beautiful home and property we loved for 35 years and in which we raised our children.

However, we didn’t need the large home and property for the new chapter of our lives and the proceeds of the sale would fund a large part of our retirement. We didn’t know where exactly we wanted to buy a home so we decided to rent a home.

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As we were working to unpack many boxes scattered about the house, the doorbell rang. There stood a woman who was smiling from ear to ear with a large bouquet of

flowers, for us! She introduced herself and said “Welcome!” We felt overwhelmed by her unexpected thoughtfulness and grace. We decided then that we were home, and later bought it.

🎶 Jamie Kimmett - "Love Your Neighbor"


Dear God,

We thank you for Your Son, whose birth we celebrate at this special season. Help us to remember His words, the words of Jesus’ greatest commandment, and to live the golden rule in our lives every day. Amen.


December 17, 2020


By Pamela Ripley

Read: Luke 11:2 and Matthew 5:5-13

When I can’t sleep, I am reminded of this Hawaiian forgiveness prayer. I find it a gift of God’s grace.

A neighbor sent me this as an email. I found an explanation of this prayer on Pinterest and explored it for myself on various links. I have used it to pray my chaplet at times. I have edited it for my prayer life.

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In this prayer, called Ho’oponopono, I ask God to help align me with His grace:

I’m Sorry.

I acknowledge my culpability in the harm I do to others and myself. Marshal my emotions to Your will and grace.

Forgive me.

Help me to make amends for any harm I have caused both knowingly and unknowingly.

Thank You.

I want to give thanks and praise for Your earth, Your people, my family and friends, Your Word.

I love You.

Please show me Your ways of grace so that I might serve my neighbors. I love this chance in my life to make Your world a more perfect place.

🎶 ”Spirit of God, Descend Upon My Heart” UMC #500

Dear Lord Jesus,

I’m sorry.

Please forgive me.

Thank You.

I love You.


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December 18, 2020

In a Feed Box, In a Stable

suggested by Rev. Mel Miloslav Munchinsky

Read: Luke 2 In a feed box, in a stable, Jesus slept upon the hay; So, our God, you came among us, Bringing grace on earth that day. Beautiful upon the mountain! Christ, you bring us God's shalom; May we share Your love and justice In each land and town and home.

In a shelter, poor and homeless, Sleeps a child upon her bed; In a basement hides a family, Bombs exploding overhead. Jesus, you knew want and hunger; Your own family fled the sword. May we see you, may we hear you, In each one oppressed or poor.

In the church, we seek Your presence; Prince of Peace, you meet us here: See! A person seeking shelter. See! Another filled with fear. See! A world where lives are broken; Give us strength and help us care, Till our love for every neighbor fills each thought and act and prayer.

🎶 Tune: John Zundel, 1870 ("Love Divine, All Loves Excelling") (MIDI) Text: Copyright © 1998 by Carolyn Winfrey Gillette. All rights reserved. Copied from Gifts of Love: New Hymns for Today's Worship by Carolyn Winfrey Gillette (Geneva Press, 2000). Email: [email protected] New Hymns: www.carolynshymns.com/

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Dear Prince of Peace, We welcome Your presence this Advent season. Come to us that we may see the grace You bring us from the Father. Give us the mercy to see and care for others now and forever. Amen.


December 19, 2020


by Sue Kilgore

Read John 3:16

How does one define ‘grace?’

For starters, let us look to the Bibles’ New Testament and the book of John. John 3:16. For God so love the world that He gave His only Son, Our Lord, that whosoever believed in Him would have everlasting life. Wow.

This sums it up pretty well. Ok, so how? Where? Or what do we as individuals understand or know “Grace” when we experience this?

Grace freely given comes in many forms, for example-even angelic or persons, prayed for, or totally unexpected. The good Lord sends many gifts of love to us, in many ways and times we do not always recognize. This I like to consider little treasures that I am thankful to be blessed with. Many at “just the right time.”

There was a time at Sky Harbor Airport, I momentarily set my tickets down heading for security check-in for a flight. Then I realized, oops my tickets. As I retraced my steps, an airport worker was heading my direction…security vest and

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all. In his hand…my tickets. I profusely thanked him and turned toward the security check-in. Then….I noticed the man was gone. That angel to me had vanished. A form of Grace? I thank you, Lord.

Or how about the time I was feeling out of sorts. I love chocolate, moist especially fudge. Lo and behold a dear friend appears at my door, tin-in-hand saying, “Here for you.” Inside it was filled to the brim with fudge. Ah, there for sure was God’s Grace in the form of an angel-friend bearing fudge.

Another time a friend dropped me at an appointment. I don’t walk well these days and use a cane. A woman, seeing my struggle, came up to me and said, “Here, let me help you inside.” I thanked her and headed to my appointment. But again when I turned back to her, she had disappeared. My friend, still in the car, saw what had happened and noticed the quick vanishing of the good Samaritan. An angel/Grace?

What about all the times we are in a time crunch and all the lights turn green just in time for us?

O what about that necessary parking place near to an entrance where we were headed?

Maybe when we remember the groceries on the list, despite leaving the list at home.

Perhaps these subtle happenings are a reminder of God’s Grace and love. A Grace that knows no limits. Is this how He wants us to recognize His everlasting love and blessings? The list of possibilities is endless.

Then there are the times when stuff happens to other folks and we can honestly say, ”there, but for the Grace of God, go I.”

As the Christmas season approaches, we are reminded of God’s love, when He sent his only Son to us that first Christmas. Think of the impact on our lives then, and now.

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God’s Grace surrounds us in so many forms. It truly boggles our minds and our imaginations just how blessed we are.

🎶 There’s a Wideness in God’s Mercy” #121 UMC Hymnal

Dear Lord,

We are blessed by the grace You showed us sending by Jesus to show us what grace looks like. Our angels are abundant. Our cup does truly runneth over. Amen.


December 20, 2020


by Jane Rizzo

Read Genesis 1:2

She has grace. He is gracious. Say grace before you eat. We have gratitude. Does God’s Grace mean the same? Gracious God. Do you feel that? Even now amid sickness, where we sit day after day, unable to touch and hold those so dear to us. Do you feel grateful? Let me help you.

I stand silent with my hands open and ready. My breath is steady. I wait in anticipation. There, one drop on the top of my head, then two. The drops flow down my hair to my face. More have joined the two and trickle over my cheeks.

The muscles relax. The drops of love hit my shoulders, travel down my arms to my open hands. Puddles form in my palms. I can feel the drops racing down my back, down my legs to my feet. Pools form at my feet.

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I am not wet, yet I stand in pools. Pools of Grace, refreshed, renewed, ready to drop the Grace that has puddled in my hands onto your head.

Drops of Grace not only cleanse my outer body but seep into my soul, the sacred place where I meet God. There we mingle. God cleanses the impurities and causes me to shine like pure gold.

I breathe in the Grace and my mind is once again calmed. I listen and hear Grace in the singing of the great congregation, birds, children laughing, storms raging and in silence.

I want to drop my few drops of Grace on you and watch you transform too. I know that what I lack in volume, God provides in abundance.

Wait for it patiently, calmly, expectantly. God never disappoints. I can see the river of Grace coming. I can feel the soft breeze almost blowing through me.

We stand and wait.

“Grace Like a Wave” by the Elevation Workshop https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n22DM3swHqI

Dear Lord,

Help me live with Your grace within my soul. Wash our souls so we may wash others. Amen.

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December 21, 2020

God of Grace and Glory

Submitted by Rev. Mel Miloslav Munchinsky Read: Luke 2:14-15

Praise the God of grace and glory for the wonders of his love;

angels tell of his great mercy in giving us his Son.

Through the Holy Spirit's power, Christ our saviour comes to birth,

bringing glory to the Father and hope to all the earth.

Glory to God in the highest heaven, peace on earth, mercy for all!

See how the gift of love is given: Christ the Lord is born for us.

God is veiled in human weakness, born to bear our grief and sin.

Grace and truth draw near to save us in Christ the humble King.

Praise the God of restoration for the gift of Christ our King Join the angels' celebration, come, worship him and sing:

Glory to God, glory to God Glory to God, glory to God.

🎶”Glory Be to the Father” UMC Hymnal #71 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hc7_GLCRLkI Dear God, Thank you for Your great mercy when you sent us Jesus the Christ to teach us, love us, and celebrate Your great glory. Amen.

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December 22, 2020


by Joyce Salvatori

Read: Luke 2:1-20

Do we enter the Advent/Christmas season church services and gatherings expecting an encounter with God? Do we like children seeking signs of Santa on his way look and listen. Do we look and listen for Jesus, for God, for the Holy Spirit?

Caught up in festivities we listen for carols and watch for notice that Handel’s Messiah will be performed by the local symphony or famous choir on at a particular time and place. Scanning the internet do we seek the signs of God’s presence? In the excitement of planning and doing is the working presence of God calling us to a precious moment with him?

In hurricane, monsoon and tornado seasons we are given warnings (Watches). A possibility of storm is noted with minimal action taken by us. We go about our day UNTIL the warning becomes a WATCH (Warnings).

Heightened senses alert to the storm move us to action. We listen for the expected sounds and hear them. We see the stirring air. We feel the change in pressure, humidity and temperature. We smell the electric currents of lightning. We touch the rain, the snow and things important to us. We respond.

Most of us heed the news that the storm is coming. We take action. So we should also respond each time we enter church, gather to worship, sing hymns of praise and pray. Why? We, on participating in these actions, have entered the presence of God.

First watching for Him, warned, we should expect a personal encounter with God. Glimpses of heaven transcendent are revealed by the Holy Spirit in amazing ways. Watching,

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listening, smelling, hearing and touching our worship environment is a perfect opportunity to experience the presence of the Holy Spirit. God in response to us. We encounter Him.

Think. Did the sound of a child’s cry during the singing of O, LITTLE TOWN OF BETHLEHEM move you? Did the smell of pine, greens, flowers and candles trigger a special joy? Did the light grow bright during the service or dim at the close for you? Did you touch the hand of a loved one? Be alert. Each moment provides an extraordinary opportunity to encounter God’s presence. Warned it is time to watch. (Watch and be warned.)


Submitted by JMS as paraphrased from an essay by Dr. Dale Adelmann , St. Phillips Episcopal Cathedral, Atlanta, GA.

(Editor’s note: The US Weather Services first call watches before warnings. Because this is a paraphrase of Dr. Adelmann’s work, I did not change it, but instead added the parenthesis.)

🎶. “O Little Town of Bethlehem” #230 UMC Hymnal

Dear God,

We pray for Your peace. We pray for Your grace to know we are prepared for what is coming. Your grace is always around us. Thanks for sending Your Son to show us Your ways. Amen.

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December 23, 2020

Christmas Amazing Grace

suggested by Rev. Mel Miloslav Munchinsky

Although not mentioning the word "grace" this contemporary song: Christmas Amazing Grace, would certainly bring that to mind.

Read: Luke 2:15-20

This holy child is born to us

For all the world to see.

Peace on the earth, good will to men

To God all glory be.

This couple traveled from afar,

arrived in Bethlehem

and in the inn they sought to stay

There was no room for them.

They found a stable filled with hay,

A manger for a bed.

God’s Son was born this winter night

Just as the angels said.

The shepherds left to see this boy,

they wandered through the night.

The angels led the way to Him,

A savior wrapped in light.

A star shone bright up in the east,

The wise men following.

They brought him gifts of gold and myrrh,

To honour Christ the King.

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Jesus grew into a man,

He died for you and me.

But in three days He rose again

With us He’ll ever be.

🎶 Christmas Amazing Grace | Caleb + Kelsey https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4lnwn1ks-mY

Dear God,

We give You all the glory for sending Jesus to us. Many people

in years past and now are blessed by the grace He shared with

us. That grace is from You and begins with You. Thank You.



December 24, 2020

Grace at Christmas

by Rev. Mel Miloslav Munchinsky

Read : Luke 1:28

Christmas 2006 brought serendipitous grace my way - again! Theologically I can define “grace” as “unmerited favor” which seems lofty but often has difficulty touching the depth of our being unless it is experienced in some way. So, as I opened a Christmas card from the Czech Republic with a letter stuffed in its middle, I was about to be reminded of a previous graceful moment which happened on August 1st of that year.

The card was from my Great Aunt Miroslava who was the youngest child of twelve children on my Grandmother’s side. When my Grandmother, along with her family, said “goodbye”

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in May 1939, it was a permanent “Goodbye.” I was not there but I can well imagine them thinking, “perhaps we’ll never see each other again.” Indeed that is what happened. In August of that year, World War II began and so communication was severed for at least six years.

Was Miroslava’s family alive or dead? Speculation gave way to relief when they received a letter in 1946 stating that the family had moved from what is now Rivene, Ukraine to Lovosice, Czech. Two years later separation continued when the Iron Curtain went up with the only way to communicate was through censored letters once every year or two.

It was an hour drive from my hotel to Miroslava’s place but my cousin was pleased to provide a car for my historic moment. As we drove, my cousin said, “Miroslava has been waiting in front of her house since 8:30 this morning. She is planning to stand there until you arrive.” Puzzled, I said, “But we’re not to arrive until 10:30! Is she going to stand in front of her house all that time?” “Yes,” said my cousin, “I told her that I would bring her a chair to sit down but she insisted that she would get it herself if she wanted it. She won’t admit that she will be turning 80 this year!”

Eventually we turned down a hilly dirt road and turned into a yard. Both of us were anticipating this moment! I got out of the car and we embraced and wept together for a very long time. Finally, 67 years later, these two branches of the family had a face-to-face encounter! This was a graceful moment; a grace-filled experienced moment which I did not deserve but nevertheless received. I’m sure that my Grandmother longed to hug her sister again since they were very close growing up, but my hugs had to provide the healing which was needed so that we all might feel together again.

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That Christmas, her card reminded me of the Mary finding her way to visit her cousin, Elizabeth, prior to Jesus ’birth. An angel announced to Mary “Greetings, you who are highly favored! The Lord is with you” (Luke 1:28). Perhaps that is what “grace” is all about, being “highly favored” during those times when you least anticipate it or even deserve it.

🎶 “The Face of Grace” From Mercy’s Well. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ycx1xXz5Mzg

Mary rocked her baby boy there among the hay

He wrapped His fingers tight around her thumb

Cradled in her arms she held the Word who was and is

As she kissed the nose of Him who's yet to come

She was the first to see Emmanuel

And as she gazed upon Him Mary could tell this was

The Face of Grace…

Dear Lord,

We know we are “highly favored” in Your sight. You always give us our needs. Help us realize Your grace to us. Amen.

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December 25, 2020


by Peggy Ferrell

Read: Matthew 1:18-24

We hear God’s wondrous message In the Christmas angel’s song:

“Good news! Great Joy! Your Savior’s here! With you, your whole life long!”

“How can this be? How can I know?”

We ask of God in prayer. “My child,” God says, “Fear not! You’re loved!

You’re always in My care.”

Assured that all God does is best, No matter what we face,

We are forever truly blessed By Christ, God’s Love, God’s Grace!

🎶” O Sing a Song of Bethlehem” UMC Hymnal #179 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4W0wI2MQ7p0 Dear Creator, Grant us peace, wisdom, hope and grace this day. May we spread Your grace to this world. Help us show we are Christians by our love. Amen.

🎶 “They’ll Know We Are Christians by Our Love” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ugQwh-phnZY

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