Welcome to PHYS2002! Physics I – Done! We are now all experts in mechanics. Mechanics Mass Interaction: 1 2 2 mm F G r = M 2 M 1 r 11 2 6.67 10 / G Nm kg = × We never said what mass is, only how it behaves. r We are concerned with something called charge. Electricity Charge New Semester New Semester Electricity Charge *And just like in mechanics, E&M will not tell us what charge is, but only how it behaves. Like mass, charge is an intrinsic property of matter, and it comes in 2 types: 1 Positive and Negative

Welcome to PHYS2002!jzhang/Chap18.pdfChap. 18 – Electric Forces and Electric Fields 18 118.1 – El t i itElectricity Review the standard model of the atom: Nucleus *The SI unit

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Page 1: Welcome to PHYS2002!jzhang/Chap18.pdfChap. 18 – Electric Forces and Electric Fields 18 118.1 – El t i itElectricity Review the standard model of the atom: Nucleus *The SI unit

Welcome to PHYS2002! Physics I – Done! We are now all experts in mechanics.

Mechanics → Mass

Interaction: 1 22

m mF Gr

=M2M1r 11 26.67 10 /G Nm kg−= ×

We never said what mass is, only how it behaves.


We are concerned with something called charge.Electricity → Charge

New SemesterNew Semester

Electricity → Charge

*And just like in mechanics, E&M will not tell us what charge is, but only how it behaves.

Like mass, charge is an intrinsic property of matter, and it comes in 2 types:



Positive and Negative

Page 2: Welcome to PHYS2002!jzhang/Chap18.pdfChap. 18 – Electric Forces and Electric Fields 18 118.1 – El t i itElectricity Review the standard model of the atom: Nucleus *The SI unit

Chap. 18 – Electric Forces and Electric Fields

18 1 El t i it18.1 – Electricity

Review the standard model of the atom:

Nucleus *The SI unit of charge is the Coulomb [C].



Proton charge is positive: +1e = +1.602 × 10-19 C

Electron charge is negative: 1e = 1 602 × 10-19 C


Electron charge is negative: -1e = -1.602 × 10 19 C

Neutrons are neutral: No charge

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18.2 Charged Objects and the Electrical Force

*In nature atoms like to have equal numbers of protons and electronsIn nature, atoms like to have equal numbers of protons and electrons, so that their net charge is zero.

These atoms are electrically neutral.

Electrical charges can be transferred between different objects.

For example: If we remove an electron from a neutral atom, we

We can transfer electrons between to objects by touching them together:

o e a p e e e o e a e ect o o a eut a ato , eare left with a positively charged ion.

Hard rubber / Animal fur → Electrons are transferred from the fur to the rod

The rod becomes negatively charged, and the fur positively charged.

Glass / Silk → Electrons are transferred from the glass to the silk



The silk becomes negatively charged, and the glass positively charged.

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When objects become electrified, it results only from a transfer of charge, not a creation of charge:of charge, not a creation of charge:

Charge can neither be created or destroyed

Law of Conservation of Electrical Charge

Or the net electrical charge of an isolated system remains constantOr, the net electrical charge of an isolated system remains constant.

Electrical Force

Take any two objects: Since they have mass, they exert a force on one another → Gravitational Force

It’s always attractive!


Objects with excess charge will also exert forces on each other:

An Electrical Force

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But unlike the gravitational force, the electrical force can be either attractive or repulsive.

Opposite charges attract

Like charges repel

Hanging charged pith balls:

++ -- -+

Charged objects exert forces on one another. This is a new force called the Electrostatic Force.

Forces overcome an object’s inertia and produce accelerations.

∑ = maF Newton’s 2nd Law


∑*Electrostatic forces can accelerate charged objects

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18.3 Conductors and Insulators

Not only can electrical charge reside on the surface of an object but itNot only can electrical charge reside on the surface of an object, but it can also move through it.

Charges move through some materials more easily than others:

• Charge moves easily: Conductori.e. copper, silver, aluminum (metals)

• Charge can’t move: Insulatori.e. wood, paper, rubber, plastic,

*Charge can stick on the surface of insulators, but it doesn’t really move.

Electrical Wire



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What determines whether a material is a good conductor or insulator?

Ultimately it’s the atomic structureUltimately, it s the atomic structure.

*The outer most electrons (valence electrons) in an atom are more weakly bound to the nucleus. They can “break free” and move through the y g

material. These are called conduction electrons.

Negatively charged

Positively chargedee-5 C +13 Ccharged

objectcharged object

Good electrical conductor

ee-5 C +13 C

Let’s say the object on the left starts out with a charge of -5 C, and the object on the right starts out with +13 C.

Electrons will continue to flow until the charge on each object is….?EQUAL!

And, each must end up with a charge of +4C, since the total (+8C) must remain constant!

7Electrons can “flow” through a good conductor.

*There would be no charge flow if the bridge above was an insulator.

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18.4 Charging an Object

Ch i b t tCharging by contact:

Touching a metal sphere with a negatively charged rod can give the sphere a negative charge.

- - - - - -- - -

- - - -- - -

Similarly if we started with a positively charged rod:Similarly, if we started with a positively charged rod:


++++ ++++++

8This is charging by contact.

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Charging by Induction:

We can also charge a conductor without actually touching itWe can also charge a conductor without actually touching it.

Bring a negatively charged rod close to the surface of an electrically neutral metal sphere:

- - - - - - ++++



-*The free charges separate

on the sphere’s surface.

Now attach a metal wire between the sphere and ground:p g




- Grounding strape-

This leaves the sphere +++

++++ +++

- - - -

-The electrons travel down

the strap to ground

pwith a net positive charge +++


the strap to ground.

This is charging by Induction.

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*Charging by induction doesn’t work for insulators, since the charge can’t move through the material or down the grounding strap.

B t it d h ff tBut it does have an effect….

Bring a negatively charged rod close to the surface of an insulating sphere:

*Even though the electrons can’t move through the insulator, the g ,positive and negative charge in

each atom separates slightly and forms dipoles, since the positive

protons in the atoms are attracted


pto the rod, and the negative

electrons are repelled.

This is called Polarization.

*However, due to the separation of charge, the surface does acquire a slight positive

h d i th tt t d t th d


charge, and is thus attracted to the rod.

This is the process that produces static cling.D

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Object A is metallic and electrically neutral It is charged by induction so

Clicker Question 18-1

Object A is metallic and electrically neutral. It is charged by induction so that it acquires a charge of -3.0 × 10-6 C. Object B is identical to object A

and is also electrically neutral. It is charged by induction so that it acquires a charge of +3 0 × 10-6 C Which object now has a greater mass?a charge of +3.0 × 10 C. Which object now has a greater mass?

1 Obj t A1. Object A2. Object B3. They have the same mass


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18.5 Coulomb’s LawSo charged objects exert forces on one another:

Let’s consider two positive point charges separated by some distance r:

Point charges: the charges are much smaller than the distance between them.


q1 q2


*Since they are like charges, they repel each other, and Newton’s 3rd Law tells us they do this with equal and opposite force.

So what do we know about this force?

1 It grows weaker with distance1. It grows weaker with distance.2. It gets stronger for increasing charges.

3. It’s directed along the line containing the two charges.

12Coulomb determined that:2


rqqkF =

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This is Coulomb’s Law2


rqqkF =

k is a constant:2







108.85 2



o ×=ε This is the permitivity of free space.mN ⋅

Coulomb’s Law, like Newton’s Universal Law of Gravitation, is an inverse square law. 2


rmmGF =

*Nature likes inverse square laws. They will show up again.


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A +2.0-C point charge is located 2.0 m to the right of a -2.0-C point h Wh t i th it d f th l t t ti f ti th

Clicker Question 18-2

charge. What is the magnitude of the electrostatic force acting on the +2.0 C charge?

1 0 N1. 0 N2. k N3. 2k N4 16k N

+2.0 C-2.0 C

4. 16k N

2.0 C2.0 C+-

2.0 m


rqqkF = kk == 22



r 2

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In the previous problem, what is the direction of the force that acts on the +2 0 C charge?

Clicker Question 18-3

the +2.0 C charge?

1 → (right)1. → (right)2. ← (left)3 ↑ ( )3. ↑ (up)4. ↓ (down)

+2.0 C-2.0 C F+-

2.0 mF


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Coulomb’s Law with more than two charges:

S if h th t h h d l l t th it dSo if we have more than two charges, how do we calculate the magnitude and direction of the force on a third (or more) charge(s)???

Let’s consider 3 positive point charges in a plane:








What is the magnitude and direction of the net force on q3?

q feels a force from both q (call it F ) and q (F ):q3 feels a force from both q1 (call it F1) and q2 (F2):

Both of these forces are repulsive since all the charges have the i


same sign.

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r12+ Thus, the net force is the

VECTOR SUM of the two other f !







The magnitudes of F1 and F2 are just calculated using Coulomb’s Law:


calculated using Coulomb s Law:


311 r

qqkF =



322 r

qqkF =

18.6 The Electric FieldThe earth exerts a force on the moon and vice

versa, even though they are 240,000 miles apart.

Likewise, two charged objects located far apart exert forces on each other too.

17How can they do this if they are not in physical


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In the case of the earth/moon system, we say that the earth fills all space with a gravitational field, and the moon feels the effect of this field.

Masses feel forces in gravitational fields.

Similarly, a charge creates an electric field that fills all space Any other charge in that field will feel a forcespace. Any other charge in that field will feel a force.

Other charges will feel forces in these electric fields.

Stationary charges create electric fields that fill all space.

Ot e c a ges ee o ces t ese e ect c e ds

Think of the electric field as a real physical entity!

Let’s say we have a positive point charge Q sitting somewhere in space:This charge creates an electric field (E) that fills all space, so any

other charge should feel a force due to the field


other charge should feel a force due to the field.Bring a small positive charge qo (often called atest charge), near Q:

The test charge will feel a force F directed




qo+ The test charge will feel a force, F, directed

away from Q since they are like charges.F


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We define the electric field as:

oqFE = *The electric field is a vector!

oqi.e. the electric field is force per unit charge:





⎢⎡ NForce


⎦⎢⎣ CeargCh

If we place a charge q in an electric field, it will feel a force given by: EqF =will feel a force given by: EqF =

*Note: E is created by other charges, not q.


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What is the acceleration of a proton placed in an electric fi ld h it d i 10 5 N/C?

Clicker Question 18-4

field whose magnitude is 10.5 N/C?

1 2 5 m/s21. 2.5 m/s2. 5.0 × 105 m/s2

3 1 0 109 / 23. 1.0 × 109 m/s2

maqEF == (Newton’s 2nd Law) pEqa

m/s2 m/s2 m/s2

0% 0%0%Thus,p


ma =

qp = proton chargemp = proton mass

19 )510)(106021( m× −


2.5 m

5.0 ×

105 m

1.0 ×

109 m



27 100.1)1067.1(

)5.10)(10602.1(sma ×=


= −

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Electric field of a point charge

Can we find an expression for the electric field of a point charge?p p g

Place a charge q at some distance r from a point charge Q:

QQ qr

There is a force on q due to the electric field that Q creates:There is a force on q due to the electric field that Q creates:

qEF =

But, we can also calculate the force on q using Coulomb’s Law:

2rqQkF =r

These must be equal:2r

qQkqE = 2rQkE =


r r

This is the electric field of a point charge.

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Two identical point charges are fixed to opposite corners of a square.

Clicker Question 18-5

What position should a third charge be placed so that it experiences a greater force?

1. At the center of the square

2 At f th th2. At one of the other empty corners.

0%0%+ + What is the force on a charge placed at the center?

Does the sign of the third charge matter?


of th

e s...

f the o

ther e


22At the c


At one



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18.7 Electric Field LinesSo a charged object fills all space with an electric field. Can we visualize the field???

Yes!!! And we can do this by using a positive test charge.

Let’s start simple and try to map out the field lines around a positive point charge:



Move the test charge around the point charge and note the direction of the force on it.





+Continue this process:


*Notice that the force vector arrows get shorter as we go

farther away from the charge


farther away from the charge, since the force gets smaller. Now let’s connect the arrows!!!...

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*The electrical field lines of a positivepoint charge point radially outward

away from the charge and fill all space.+ y g p

Spherical in 3 dimensions!!!

By a similar construction, we can show that the field lines around a negative

-that the field lines around a negative

point charge look like this:


i.e. the field lines around a negativecharge point radially in toward the


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Electric field lines always start at and are directed away from positive charges and always end at and are directed toward negative charges.charges and always end at and are directed toward negative charges.

But what would the electric field look like in a region of space with more than one charge???p g

Consider an electric dipole: Two equal but opposite charges separated by some distance r.

Due to their structure, many molecules have a dipole moment. For example, water:

O 2O-2

H+ H+


+q -qrWhat would the field lines look

like for the dipole?


*Note: The lines start at the positive charge and end on the negative one.

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Electric Field Lines

1. Start from positive charges and end on negative charges.

2. The electric field vector at some point in space is always tangent to the field line at that point….field line at that point.

+q -qrThe more field lines you have per unit volume (density), the

stronger the field.

3. The number of field lines leaving a positive charge or going into a ….negative charge is proportional to the magnitude of the charge.

26+Q +2Q

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Parallel Plate Capacitor

Consider a metallic plate with a total charge +qp g qdistributed uniformly over its surface.

+ + + + + ++ + + + + +

If the face of the plate has a surface area A thenq

=σ+ + + + + +

+ + + + + + If the face of the plate has a surface area A, then


where σ is the surface charge density.






Now let’s take two identical metal plates, one with total charge +qand one with total charge –q.

+ + + +++ So the magnitude of σ is q/A for each plate.





*In between the plates there exists a uniform electric field that points from the positive plate to the negative one.


This is called a parallel plate capacitor.q σ


-qThe electric field between the plates is given by:

oo AqE



Notice: The field does not depend on the distance from the charged plates! It’s uniform!

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An electron is released from rest at the negative plate of a parallel plate capacitor What happens?

Clicker Question 18-6

capacitor. What happens?

1. Nothing2. The electron moves

right.3. The electron moves

up.4. The electron moves




281.5 × 10-2 m

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If the charge per unit area on each plate is σ = 1.8 × 10-7 C/m2, d th l t t d b di t f 1 5 10 2 h

Clicker Question 18-7

and the plates are separated by a distance of 1.5 × 10-2 m, how fast is the electron traveling when it strikes the positive plate?

1. 1.0 m/s2. 1.0 × 103 m/s3 1 0 × 105 m/s3. 1.0 × 10 m/s4. 1.0 × 107 m/s



291.5 × 10-2 m

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Clicker Question 18-7 (continued)


From kinematics we know that: axvv of 222 += ax2=

qETo solve for vf we need a: maqEF ==

mqEa =⇒


E of a capacitor.

xqσ2 7

mqExv f

22 =⇒mxq


= smv f /100.1 7×=⇒


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One more note on parallel plate capacitors: The field is only uniform near the middle of the plates.

+*This is a fringing


effect. Also called the fringe field.


18.8 Electric Field Inside a Conductor

Remember that charges can easily move through the interior of a conductorRemember that charges can easily move through the interior of a conductor.

Let’s place a bunch of electrons at the center of a solid conducting sphere:

Repulsion spreads the electrons out!

--- - ---

epu s o sp eads t e e ect o s out

They move as far away from each other as they can. Thus, they move to the surface.they can. Thus, they move to the surface.

*At equilibrium under electrostatic conditions, any excess charge resides on


conditions, any excess charge resides on the surface of a conductor.

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But what about the interior of the conductor?There are still electrons there, but they are compensated exactly by the positive charges in the interior. Thus, the interior is electrically neutral.

Since the charges are static, i.e. not moving, the force on them is zero, thus E must be zero inside the conductor!

E 0 i id d tE = 0 inside a conductor.

Let’s place a conducting sphere in a uniform electric field:


--- +

No field lines penetrate the sphere, since E=0 inside a conductor.











+ The field lines end or begin at the surface charges!

E = 0

+ -g

Cut out a cavity in the sphere interior:

E 0 i id ! Wh t t i id th


E=0 inside! Whatever we put inside the conductor will be shielded from electric fields.

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This is a static condition, so once the surface charges are induced, they don’t move.

This tells us something special about the electric field at the g psurface of a conductor: It must be perpendicular to the surface!

E If the electric field was not perpendicular to the surface, then there would be a component of the field along the surface, and

- - - -- -


p g ,thus a force on the charges along the surface.



This is not correct!







33E must be perpendicular to the conductor’s surface!

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Let’s look at a solid conductor with a hallowed out cavity inside:

Now let’s place a positive point charge inside the cavity:p p p g y

This induces a net negative surface charge of –Q on the inside surface of the cavity.

- +









-- *Thus, a net positive surface charge is induced

on the outer surface of the conductor.++


The electric field lines would++


The electric field lines would then look like the following:

The electric field lines look j t lik th fi ld li fjust like the field lines of a positive point charge if the

sphere wasn’t there!

18.9 Electric Flux


Flux is a measure of how much field passes perpendicularly through a surface.

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Given a surface of area A, the electric fluxpassing through the surface is given by: AEAEE )cos( φ==Φ ⊥

h Φ i th,

where ΦE is the electric flux.

[ ] ⎤⎡ ⋅mN 2

Units? [ ] ⎥⎦



CmNa)Field)(Are (Electric

**Note: φ is the angle between E and the



φnormal to the surface!



Thus, Ecosφ gives us the perpendicular component of Eperpendicular component of E passing through the surface.