Summer 2016 2016 Directors Council Group Photo Welcome to our Summer Edition Quarterly Report! Dear Friends, In Head Start, we strive to provide quality comprehensive services to strengthen the lives of children and families. The twogeneration approach allows families enrolled in Head Start to pursue opportunities they might otherwise not have had. Children are able to increase academic and social skills for school readiness, receive guidance for health/mental health care, families can benefit from needed services including education and housing, and so much more... all in a personalized supportive way, tailoring to the needs of each family. We have chosen not to provide Head Start's outcomes data and statistics in this edition, rather to share a few personal stories of Head Start's impact, and let them speak for themselves. I join you to read these personal accounts, and to reflect not only about how Head Start helped them, but also perhaps view the converse... What would life be like for so many children and families with the absence of Head Start? We would like to showcase more of our Virginia Head Start success stories, and we encourage you to submit your own. You can view past stories and submit your own on the headstartva.org website. Issue: 7 Visit us on ... Upcoming events Health & Family Institute November 24, 2016 Stonewall Jackson Hotel Staunton, VA Registration is now open Annual Conference April 46, 2017 Hotel Roanoke Roanoke, VA Call for Proposals will be out in October Directors Council June 2022, 2017 Wyndham Hotel Virginia Beach, VA

Welcome to our Summer Edition Quarterly Report! · Welcome to our Summer Edition Quarterly Report! ... She attended Paul D. Camp Community College in Franklin and ... poverty area

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Page 1: Welcome to our Summer Edition Quarterly Report! · Welcome to our Summer Edition Quarterly Report! ... She attended Paul D. Camp Community College in Franklin and ... poverty area

Summer 2016

2016 Directors Council Group Photo

Welcome to our Summer Edition QuarterlyReport!Dear Friends,

In Head Start, we strive to provide quality comprehensive services to strengthen the lives of children and families.  The two­generation approach allows families enrolled in Head Start to pursue opportunities they might otherwise not have had.  Children are able to increase academic and social skills for school readiness, receive guidance for health/mental health care, families can benefit from needed services including education and housing, and so much more... all in a personalized supportive way, tailoring to the needs of each family. We have chosen not to provide Head Start's outcomes data and statistics in this edition, rather to share a few personal stories of Head Start's impact, and let them speak for themselves.  I join you to read these personal accounts, and to reflect not only about how Head Start helped them, but also perhaps view the converse... What would life be like for so many children and families with the absence of Head Start? 

 We would like to showcase more of ourVirginia Head Start success stories, and weencourage you to submit your own.

You can view past stories and submit yourown on the headstartva.org website.

Issue: 7

Visit us on ...

Upcoming events

Health & Family Institute

November 2­4, 2016 Stonewall Jackson

HotelStaunton, VA 

Registration is now open

Annual Conference

April 4­6, 2017 Hotel Roanoke Roanoke, 

VA Call for Proposals 

will be out in October

Directors Council

June 20­22, 2017 Wyndham Hotel

Virginia Beach, VA

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Danielle's StoryMy Early Head Start story began with prenatal visits during my sixth month of pregnancy. Early Head Start in Orange County presented me with opportunities to not only learn about my pregnancy, but to begin preparing for the birth of my daughter Lei'Lani. Robin Hensley, my home visitor from Early Head Start, greeted Lei'Lani and I the day we returned home from the hospital. For 18 months after Lei'Lani was born, we received home visits each week from our new home visitor, Emily Smith.

Lei'Lani and I created relationships and trusting bonds with everyone we came into contact with at Early Head Start. During Lei'Lani's first 18 months of her life, I attended college online through University of Phoenix.

Furthering my educationAs most parents know, a toddler creates very interesting obstacles for progression with important tasks, such as attending college online. At this point in my relationship with Early Head Start, I decided that transitioning Lei'Lani from weekly home visits to a classroom setting would not only further Lei'Lani's education, but afford me the opportunity to continue my mine. 

Transitioning to the classroomLei'Lani is now 3 years old and is progressing very well in her Early Head Start classroom. She loves her teachers and her friends. Early Head Start has given me the opportunity to not only obtain my Associates Degree at University of Phoenix, but has offered me CPR and First Aid classes, as well as given me the opportunity to become a substitute for the Early Head Start and Head Start classrooms. Lei'Lani will transfer to a Head Start classroom next year and I will be continuing my education to obtain my Bachelor's Degree. 

Early Head Start has been a major part in my life, as well as Lei'Lani's life. We are eternally grateful for this program and the amount of help and resources that they offer to the community.

Rekitia's StoryRekitia Ricks-Jordan, a resident of Sedley, is a Head Start success story from her first days in the program up to her current employment as a Head Start teacher at the Children's Center.

Rekitia attended Head Start in Courtland as a child and admits she was "one of those babies that cried all day.""At first my grandma stayed with me in Head Start the entire day," Rekitia said. "But I saw the patience that my teachers took with me. I owe a lot to them. If it wasn't for them, I don't think I would be the person I am today. They took a child that was spoiled rotten and got me used to being around someone other than my grandmother. As the year went on,I came to school by myself and didn't need to rely on her as much."After Head StartRekitia went on to graduate from Southampton High School. She started working at the Children's Center as a substitute teacher. She attended Paul D. Camp Community College in Franklin and earned an Associate Degree in Early Childhood Education. She then was hired to teach in the classroom she had been subbing in.Recently, Rekitia was promoted to Head Start teacher. "That is something I really wanted to do. My whole goal was to be a Head Start Teacher," she said.

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Continuing her educationRekitia starts classes soon at Ashford University to earn her Bachelors degree, all while working two jobs. Meanwhile, she will use what she experienced in Head Start to teach her new classroom.

"Nurturing love is very important for them. You never know what a child has been through. When they come to school they feel that love from that teacher," she said. "From an educational standpoint, I want to make sure they have those skills that get them ready for the school system."

Chrystal's Story ­ in her own wordsAs a former student in Head Start, parent of Head Start children, parent volunteer, teacher assistant, and now lead teacher, I have completed a cycle of education that would not have been possible without the support of the Lee County Head Start Program and its emphasis on families and education.

As I stated, I have completed a cycle in Head Start that brings me from student to teacher. The educational opportunities offered through the Lee County Head Start Program has made a great difference in my life and family. Without the Head Start support, guidance, and opportunities, my life would be one today of no job and perhaps on welfare taking care of my grandchildren.

I am happy to report that my grandchildren will be attending Lee County Head Start this year.

The  educational  opportunity  provided  to me  has  provided my  family  a higher  standard  of living  and opportunities for them to seek additional educational goals for themselves and their children.

After volunteering in the Head Start Program, I was encouraged by the Lead Teacher,Shelia Clark, to get my associated degree in Early Childhood and apply for assistant teacher. 

Ms. Sheila Clark's guidance and encouragement assisted me with a turning point that changed my family and their attitude toward the benefits that education provides. I live in a generational poverty area and I am an example of how one in poverty can attain goals and lifelong learning benefits.

Hiyam's Story - in her own words

I am a mother of 5 children. In 1994, my husband's business filed bankruptcy. My best friend's children were enrolled in Head Start at the time. With hesitation, I went and completed my application. During the process, we had started to lose all our savings, car, and our home. We were homeless for 6 months. I remember that I cried the day I learned my youngest child was accepted into Head Start. They were tears of joy. That gave me the opportunity to work and get back to being a normal family. I have to admit that I never used or abused our government systems. I was truly grateful for this opportunity.

As I started taking my child to Head Start, I became very involved. I was also elected to the Policy Council, and later went on to be the secretary and the chairperson. These roles made me feel so good about myself because someone appreciated and welcomed me to volunteer.From there, I became the state of Va. Representative, I also was involved in all sorts of committees.

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Due to my involvement, I was soon asked to work hourly at the main office. Without the knowledge and support of being on the Policy Council, I would not have been encouraged to get this job. My first day on the job was April 4, 1994... I remember driving home sobbing with gratitude, and I have been with Head Start since.When a permanent position became available, I applied, and the rest is history. I was the Health Assistance for few years, then a Family Services Assistance. I was also promoted to Family Services as a Technician, designing and doing our program database. I attended several conferences learned even more throughout the years. In addition, my manager approached me to see if I would represent our program with our Office for Children. Then I was accepted for one year with the Fairfax County Public Schools Leadership Cohort. I truly enjoyed it and gained more knowledge. The list goes on...

As I have continued with program.. my baby daughter.. the only one of my five kids got to attend Head Start, is now grown and wants to give back and choose a path in education. She's on her way to getting her BS to become a teacher. Both of us have been significantly affected by Head Start's impact.  There have been several people in our Head Start community who have helped us along the way, too many to name. There's simply not enough words to express everything.  We are blessed.  

Scholarship Congratulations and Announcements

Infant & Toddler Scholarship winners:Silvia Burton - Orange County Head Start

Lynette Painter - STEP, Inc. Elisabet Minter - STEP, Inc.

Scholarships continue with the generous support of the Head Start Collaboration Office.

Thank you for your continued support of our mission to speak with a unified voice for the betterment of Head Start children and families in Virginia.

Dawn AultExecutive Director