Welcome home Christmas Atticus!

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Christmas Atticus is the most precious dog in the world to our family! He is kind and sweet and everything a family needs in a dog. We are so happy to everyone that helped us rescue our dog. Thanks to the Woodway Police Department, South Bosque Vet. Dr. Roberts, and The Animal Shelter in Waco Texas and The awesome Rescure Organization Good Shepherd Rescue. Thank you so much for recognizing Atticus for the Gentle Spirit he is and for saving his life! ... Stay tuned for more exciting news about Joseph and his dog.

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Thanks  to  everyone  who  helped  keep  our  family  together;  and,  to  our  father  Jesus  Christ  who  continued  to  keep  a  watchful  eye  out  on  Atticus  and  Joseph  to  reunite  them  and  bring  Atticus  Home.    Sincerely,  Kim