1 Aston Pre-sessional 2019 English for Academic Purposes Student Handbook Centre for English Language and Communication at Aston

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Aston Pre-sessional 2019English for Academic Purposes

Student Handbook

Centre for English Language and Communication at Aston

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PROGRAMME INFORMATIONAims 4Learning Outcomes 4Typical Weekly Timetable 5Programme Structure 6



ASSESSMENT AND FEEDBACKInformal Assessment 8Formal Assessment 8Pass Marks & Marking of Assessments 8Written Assessment Deadlines 9Feedback 9Academic & Personal Tutors 9

RULES AND REGULATIONSPunctuality 9Late arrivals 10Sickness and absences 10Attendance and Leave of Absence 10Mobile phones 11Smoking 11

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COMMUNICATIONTutorials 11E-mail 11Blackboard 12Class Representatives 12Social Representatives 12

STUDENT SUPPORT SERVICESThe Hub 13Cashier’s Office 14International Student Advisers 14Students’ Union 15Accommodation 15Campus Safety 15Emergency and First Aid 16Fire Safety 16

RESOURCES & FACILITIESSocial & Study Spaces 17Library Services 18IT Services 18Sports Centre 18Martin Luther King Centre 19




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WelcomeWelcome to Aston University and the Aston Pre-sessional programme in English for Academic Purposes. This programme will help you gain the relevant language and academic skills necessary for success on your future course here at Aston.

The programme is delivered and managed by the Centre for English Language and Communication at Aston (CELCA), which is located on the 5 th

floor of the Main Building.

This Student Handbook tells you about the Pre-sessional programme and provides you with practical answers to many of your questions. Please look carefully at the information and keep the handbook for future reference.

If you have any further questions the CELCA staff will help you in whatever way they can.

This handbook is available on Blackboard, Aston University’s Virtual Learning Environment, which is a central resource for learning, information about your course content and extra learning materials.

We hope your time with CELCA will be productive and that you enjoy the programme.

About CELCA CELCA is a teaching unit within the Centre for Learning Innovation and Professional Practice (CLIPP). It was established over 20 years ago to provide English for Academic Purposes programmes and support tutorials for international students whose first language is not English.

We now offer a wide range of preparatory and year abroad/exchange credit-bearing programmes at pre-undergraduate, undergraduate, pre-postgraduate and postgraduate level. We also offer English language tutorials to support students who are already studying for Bachelor’s, Master’s and Doctoral degrees.

A number of our staff specialise in the field of intercultural communication and deliver modules on degrees at undergraduate and postgraduate level at Aston University. Some also contribute to modules focusing on Academic and Professional Communication, Applied Linguistics and TESOL.

All our staff are friendly, well-qualified, experienced and committed to helping international students succeed on their academic programmes and achieve their personal goals.


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Ania Bailey - Head of CELCA

Kate Wakeman – Programme Director

Jacquie Harding - Deputy Programme Director

Robert Fox – Teaching Fellow

Chantal Burden – Teaching Fellow

Branka Visnjic - Teaching Fellow

Emily Waibel - Teaching Fellow


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Alison Payne - Teaching Fellow

To find out your class tutor’s contact details ask them directly or please refer to the CELCA staff webpage: https://www2.aston.ac.uk/clipp/english/celca-staff/index .If you have any problems or queries at the start of the programme, please speak to any member of the programme staff. We are here to help you.


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Programme Information

AimsThis programme aims to help you develop the language and academic skills which you will need to study your degree subject in English. You will also develop your communication skills so that you feel more confident in a cultural environment which is different to your own.

Learning OutcomesThe programme will enable you to:

understand the organisation and language features of lectures in English, e.g. identifying the parts of a lecture, recognising linking phrases, guessing the meaning of unfamiliar words from context.

understand the organisation and language features of academic texts in English, which may include texts related to your future degree subject, for the purpose of research.

use the Library catalogue and electronic sources of information effectively.

critically evaluate academic sources. understand the importance of avoiding plagiarism and copying from

other writers, and use an appropriate referencing system. express yourself in speech and in writing in an appropriate academic

style. deliver effective individual and group presentations in English. produce coherently written academic texts, e.g. essays and reports in

English. work effectively as part of an intercultural team.

Note: Aston’s Pre-sessional programme is monitored by an External Examiner from a different Higher Education institution to make sure that our standards are in line with other UK universities. We are also inspected and accredited every four years by BALEAP (formerly British Association of Lecturers in English for Academic Purposes).


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Typical Weekly Timetable30-week Pre-sessional onlyDay  11-1pm 2-4pm 4-6pm


Class Class  Private study


Class Class  Private study


Class   Private study

 Private study


Class Class  Private study


Class Class  Private study

18-week, 12-week, 6-week Pre-sessional Day  10 am-12 noon 1.30-3.30 pm 3.30-6 pm


Class Class Additional activities will be timetabled at certain times of the course 


Class Class


Class Class Practise your English


Class Class

Private study Friday 

Tutorials Practise your English

This is a guide only and may change.

Each week you will receive between 16-18 hours of direct tuition, increasing to 22 hours at certain points. In addition, you will be expected to carry out a number of hours of private study (self-study) each day. You will also have regular one-to-one and group tutorials to discuss your academic progress.


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Programme StructureFor the start and end dates of the Pre-sessional programmes, click on this link: "Course dates and fees".There are some public (national) holidays in early May, late May and the end of August. The university also has some additional holidays, e.g. at the end of August. Please note that the University will be closed for all these holidays.

The Pre-sessional programme is divided into 4 modules. If you are on the 30-week course, you will take all four modules. If you are on the 18-week programme you will take three, and for the 12-week module you will take two. On the 6-week course, you will take just one module. You must pass every module that you take to successfully complete the Pre-sessional programme.

Modules 1 and 2 concentrate on developing your grammar, vocabulary and communication skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing), as well as academic language and skills. Modules 3 and 4 focus more on academic skills and subject-specific English that is relevant to your degree programme.  

The week numbers for the Pre-sessional work backwards: the first week of Module 1 (30-week Pre-sessional) is called week 30, the next week is week 29, etc. The final week of the programme is called week 1.


30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 2120 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 1110 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

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Trips and Social Events

A number of field trips will be scheduled during the programme. They are excellent opportunities for you to get to know the UK and its culture better. Please check the Scheme of Work for details.

We can also offer some sports activities, which may include badminton and five-a-side football on campus. If you would like to get involved with organising social events for all the Pre-sessional students, please contact Jacquie Harding, Deputy Programme Director.

Practising your Spoken EnglishConversation/speaking classes are arranged as part of your programme. See your weekly timetable/scheme of work for details.


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Assessment and FeedbackWe test all your language skills in several ways.

Informal Feedback You will get feedback from your tutor on your progress, but this does not count towards your overall mark. You may receive feedback on:

your participation in class activities and projects (see weekly timetable for details)

your intercultural team-work ability  completion of homework and other self-study tasks (see weekly timetable for

details) drafts of written work (see weekly timetable for dates).

Your tutor may also comment on your attendance (min. 90% required), punctuality and general time management.

Formal Assessment This is where you are given a score, which goes towards your overall mark for the course.  A range of activities are used to test your abilities, including:

Written class tests  Reading tests  Speaking tests  Listening tests  Group or individual presentations  Coursework assignments, for example essays or projects. 

Your module tutor will explain the assessments to you at the start of each module.

Pass Marks & Marking of AssessmentsAll assessments are marked according to the Aston Pre-sessional programme marking criteria. Your tutors will discuss these criteria with you for each assessment. They will be available on Blackboard.

To successfully complete the Pre-sessional programme you must pass all your modules. 

In order to pass each module, and the Pre-sessional programme, Aston’s Schools expect you to achieve the following overall scores: 

Undergraduate students: 40% Postgraduate students 50%.

If you are concerned about your scores, please talk to your academic tutor. You will be offered support to help you improve your performance.


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Written Assessment DeadlinesIt is very important that you hand in your work on time. You will lose 10% of your marks for every day, or part of a day, that you submit work late. This is standard university procedure.

You will need to submit some of the assessments electronically, on Blackboard. Your tutor will give you clear guidelines for each assessment.

If, for any reason, you have problems submitting to Blackboard, please tell your academic tutor or personal tutor immediately.

IMPORTANT! You must be here for all assessments. For more details about Attendance and Leave of Absence, see the Rules and Regulations section below.

FeedbackYou will be given regular, detailed feedback, written and face-to-face, by your class tutors throughout the course. We will arrange regular one-to-one and group tutorials for you. Feedback from your assessments is normally given between the end of one module and the beginning of the next.

Academic & Personal TutorsYou will be assigned an academic/personal tutor at the start of each module. This tutor will discuss your progress with you, help with your study plan, and give advice about how to focus your private study. You tutor will also be available to discuss general matters or give advice on personal issues.

Rules and Regulations

PunctualityYou are expected to arrive in time for your class. Aim to arrive 5 minutes before the start. Any lateness will be noted on the register and be considered as an unauthorised absence. It will count towards your 90% attendance requirement. If you are regularly late for class, you will be contacted by the Programme Director to discuss the matter. 

If, for any reason, you think you will be more than 10 minutes late for class, please contact the Programme Director or Deputy Programme Director by email or telephone. Please do this before 10.00 am whenever possible. This will be regarded as an absence and you may be asked to provide evidence to support your reason.


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Late arrivalsPlease note that the University cannot be held responsible for late arrivals to the course, including visa delays. For this reason, we do not refund any part of the Aston Pre-sessional fees if you arrive later than the advertised start date.

Please also note that if you arrive late, you are expected to catch up with the work that you have missed. See your Academic tutor for advice.

Sickness and absencesIf you are sick and cannot attend class, you must contact the Programme Director or Deputy Programme Director by email or telephone before 10.00 am.

Please make sure you provide the following details in your email:

your name and student ID your group name your contact telephone number the reason why you are absent how many days you think you will be absent

Important: If you are absent for more than one day, you will need to provide a medical certificate or other relevant document/s before you go back to class.

If you do not explain your absence you will contacted by the Programme Director and asked for your reasons for non-attendance, and the relevant documents.

Attendance and Leave of AbsencePlease Note: UKVI (UK Visas and Immigration) require evidence that you are attending your course of study. This is why we monitor and check your attendance, and keep a record of face-to-face engagements, such as tutorials.

IMPORTANT!Please do not arrange any holidays during the Pre-sessional course. If you need to return home during the Pre-sessional programme for a legitimate reason, you must tell the Programme Director, BEFORE you leave the UK. You will need an ‘authorised leave of absence’ letter from Aston University in order to re-enter the UK.

All decisions for authorised absence and acceptable documents are final and may be checked by the UKVI (Home Office). 

PLEASE NOTE: Regular absence from class, or a period of 10 days without


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authorised absence, may result in your visa being withdrawn and you will then be required to leave the UK.

IMPORTANT!Do not make any appointments during class time. If this cannot be avoided, you will need to provide evidence of your appointment.

The following are not considered satisfactory reasons for absence from class, and will not be authorised:

moving house/changing accommodation family and friends visiting studying for an exam or preparing a class task bank appointments.

Mobile phonesMobile telephones must be set to SILENT during class times. Please note, it is not acceptable to send or receive phone calls, emails or text messages during class time.

SmokingUnder UK law, ALL public areas are NO SMOKING areas. Please look for information on the University website for designated outdoor smoking areas. 


TutorialsYour tutor will give you details of important announcements during Friday morning tutorials. Make sure you are there on time.

E-mailRemember to check your Aston email every day as your programme staff will use this to communicate with you. Also, use your Aston e-mail when communicating with other people in the university.

If you need an appointment with the Programme Director or Deputy Director, you should email them first to make an appointment. If you come to the office without an appointment, you will not be given a meeting. To avoid disappointment, you are recommended to follow this procedure.


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BlackboardBlackboard is Aston University’s Virtual Learning Environment. Here you will find the learning materials and resources for your courses. We also post important announcements about assessments and activities on Blackboard. Make sure you check it every day.

Class RepresentativesEach class will elect a student representative. Their role is to communicate to the Programme staff any questions the students have, or points they would like to discuss regarding their academic study. Representatives will meet on a regular basis with the Programme Director or Deputy Programme Director.

Social RepresentativesEach class will elect a social representative. The role of the representatives is to help organise social activities as requested by the students.


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Student Support Services

The Hub

The Hub brings together all Aston’s key student support departments to ensure students can get answers to their most frequent questions quickly and efficiently. The Hub has an Advice Zone and a Finance Zone.

The Hub’s Advice Zone includes: Registry Advice for EU & International Students Visa Compliance Student advice (about academic issues, academic finance, income tax and

council tax, housing and money advice, funding) Counselling & Mental Wellbeing Service The Enabling Team

The Hub’s Advice Zone is also the place to collect University letters pre-ordered on MAP.

Location:The Hub is located just off the Upper Foyer on the ground floor of the Main Building. From the University reception go up the first flight of stairs, and turn right.

Opening Hours:Term time: 9.30 am to 5 pm (10 am to 5 pm on Wednesdays)Vacation time: 10 am to 4 pm

Contact details:http://www.aston.ac.uk/current-students/hub/Email: [email protected]: 0121 204 4007


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The Hub’s Finance Zone is the place to pay accommodation fees and tuition fees.Opening Hours Term Time: 09:30 - 15:30 Monday to FridayVacation Time: 10:00 - 12:00                    14:00 - 15:00 Monday to Friday 

Contact details: Email: [email protected]: 0121 204 4355

Cashier’s OfficeEmail: [email protected] 0121 204 4353 or 4371

International Student AdvisersThe University has specialist International Advisers to assist students with a range of issues including immigration advice about student visas and work permits, cultural and social activities, and English language support sessions.

For more information contact the International Student Advisers by telephone:+44 121 204 4567 or email: [email protected] or visit the website at: https://www2.aston.ac.uk/current-students/hub/iss/index


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Students’ Union

The new Aston Student Union building.

The Students’ Union is there to support you as an international student. It provides advice on a number of issues such as your studies; finance; accommodation; employment rights and visas. It also co-ordinates many clubs and societies, which will help you integrate into university life and mix with home students. More information about this, and all the services, can be found at www.astonsu.com .

AccommodationIf you require accommodation, or have any queries concerning your existing campus accommodation, you must contact the university Residential Services directly. Information can be found at http://www.aston.ac.uk/accommodation/For students already living on campus you can speak to your residence officer who has an office in the reception area of your residences.

Campus SafetyCrime on the Aston University campus is very low (the lowest of any Midlands university) and our security measures and friendly, ‘family’ atmosphere help to keep it that way.Our fully trained security staff and porters are always on hand to help ensure our safety and security. Our campus is covered by extensive CCTV and security patrols. We also enjoy excellent relations with the local West Midlands Police, with officers covering the campus beat. We have a dedicated


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police officer, Tracey Pickering. If you need her help, find her on Twitter:

Tracey Pickering@BrumUniWMP .

Emergency and First Aid In case of an Emergency, an accident or anyone becoming unwell, contact Security on 2222 at Main Reception or our First Aider, Robert Fox on 3177 in office MB560D. If you are in class, inform your tutor immediately.

Fire SafetyIt is important to become familiar with the Aston University Fire Procedures.


o Don’t use the lifts if there is a fire alarm;o Walk quickly to the meeting point at Car Park 12

(under the football pitch).

We ask you to watch the video and read the instructions below carefully:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=owvq6e9KJgA&feature=youtu.beFire Safety Instructions – Main Building and Wings

1. IF YOU DISCOVER A FIRE • Immediately break the glass on the nearest fire alarm call point • From a place of safety contact Security by dialling:

2222 from any internal phone 0121 359 2922/0121 204 4803 from a mobile or outside line DO NOT DIAL 999

• Only fight the fire if you have been trained to do so • Evacuate the building immediately using the nearest available fire exit (see evacuation procedure in paragraph 3 below).

2. IF YOU HEAR AN INTERMITTENT SINGLE TONE FIRE ALARM (accompanied by a female voice in most areas) • Anticipate a full evacuation by ceasing normal work activities, storing any hazardous materials safely and switching off all power tools. • Do not enter a zone where a continuous two-tone fire alarm is sounding • Do not attempt to use the lifts while an alarm is sounding • If you are in a lift when the alarm sounds, you will be taken to the Ground Floor where the lift will terminate.


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3. IF YOU HEAR A CONTINUOUS TWO TONE FIRE ALARM (accompanied by a male voice in most areas) • If you have a Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan (PEEP), you should follow the instructions in it. Otherwise: • Leave the building using the nearest available fire exit and make your way to Lakeside Parade to await further instructions • If you are on the upper floors, if possible use one of the protected escape routes to exit the Building. The protected escape routes are the stairways at each corner (A, C, E, G corners) of the Main Building and the stairways at either end of the North and South Wings. • Take responsibility for any visitors and take them with you • Be vigilant and consider the needs of anyone you see in difficulties • Do not stop to collect belongings • Do not attempt to use the lifts while an alarm is sounding • If you are in a lift when the alarm sounds, you will be taken to the Ground Floor where the lift will terminate • Do not re-enter the building until authorised to do so.

4. IF THE ALARM STOPS • If you heard a continuous alarm which was then silenced, continue your evacuation. Leave the building using the nearest available fire exit and make your way to Lakeside Parade to await further instructions. • If you heard an intermittent alarm which was then silenced, you may carry on as normal.

5. IF YOU GET INTO DIFFICULTIES DURING THE EVACUATION • Within the protected stairways, there is a red emergency telephone or a flashing green communication box (South Wing only) located on each floor. Red phones automatically dial security when hand set is lifted and the communication boxes dial Security when the green flashing button is pressed. • Contact Security (ext: 2222 from an internal phone or 0121 359 2922 from your mobile telephone) and tell them your location. • Security will advise you what to do next. • If you are unable to contact Security directly, ask someone to relay your exact location to a Security Officer once they are outside the building.

Resources & Facilities

Social & Study Spaces

Study spaces such as rooms MB561, MB563, MB565 are open to all students and are situated in the Main Building on the 5th floor near CELCA.


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Library Services

Do you have questions about using the printers, finding a book, the best resources for your specific subject, or about your Library account? There is someone there to help you.

IT Services

Everyone has problems with, or questions about, computers or software. IT Services will help you with problems with Blackboard & MAP logins, uniCard (ID card), printing and much more. Find the IT Helpdesk in the Main Building East room G16.

Sports Centre

The Sports centre has everything you need to help keep you fit and healthy. It offers a 100+ Station State of the art Gym, Sports Halls, Squash Courts, Fitness Classes, Yoga Classes, a Swimming Pool, Sauna & Steam Rooms, Martial Arts & Dance Studios and several football pitches.


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Martin Luther King Centre

The centre organises events for the enjoyment of students and staff, to enrich their experience of the University. The MLK staff work closely with the University, Aston Student Village, the Students' Union and the faith-based student societies to support the wellbeing of staff and students. The Centre caters for all faiths or none.


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Who to talk to…


I have academic questions related to my studies, progress & level & need study advice. I have some personal issues

Your class tutor

I have questions related to the pre-sessional programme.

The Pre-sessional Programme Directors

I have general queries about the university, my welfare & my Visa

The Hub

I have a question about my accommodati

Unite Students

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Useful NumbersInternal:

Unite Students Accommodation 0117 302 7358

The Hub0121 204 4007

Finance Centre0121 204 4355

Chaplaincy (Martin Luther King Centre)0121 204 4279

Security (Emergency)External 0121 359 2922Internal 2222

Students’ Union 0121 204 4855

IT Services0121 204 3445

Sports Centre 0121 204 4623

Library Services 0121 204 4525


National Express Coaches0871 781 8181

Birmingham International Airport0871 222 0072

National Rail Enquiries03457 484950

Visit Birminghamwww.visitbirmingham.com

Accident & Emergency DepartmentCity Hospital, Dudley Road B18 7QH0121 507 4770

Halcyon Medical CentreUnit 8, 24 Martineau PlaceBirmingham B2 4UH0121 203 999

Boots NHS Walk-in Centre66 High StreetBirmingham B4 7TA0121 411 0363Opening timesMon – Fri 08.00 – 18.30Sat 10.00- 14.00Sun 11.00 – 14.00


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Complaints ProcedureThe University believes in communicating openly with students.  As part of this, we have a Student Complaints Procedure for suggestions, comments and complaints available through this link: http://www.aston.ac.uk/academic-services/for-staff/a-to-z-of-academic-services/complaints-procedure/ .

Aston Pre-sessional

Centre for English Language and Communication at Aston



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