MEDUMAT Standard 2 A clear new perspective

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Top-level safety in an emergency

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  • MEDUMAT Standard2A clear new perspective

  • 2 MEDUMAT Standard2

    Top-level safety in an emergency

    Every second counts in an emergency. There is no room for error, especially when the patient needs assistance with breathing. Fast

    and correct action can save lives. The demands made on emergency medical services are high in such situations and easy operation

    of the ventilator is indispensable.

    MEDUMAT Standard2

  • 3MEDUMAT Standard2

    New Perspectives: More functions for EMS

    MEDUMAT Standard2 also offers clearly better perspectives

    for flexible use. The integration of a robust flow measurement

    with sidestream capnography and the presentation of curves

    in the display provide ideal monitoring of the patient. With

    optionally available ventilation modes, MEDUMAT Standard2

    can be adjusted to any circumstances and users. In addition to

    IPPV, the device is equipped with CPR (for Cardiopulmonary

    Resuscitation), RSI (for rapid sequence induction), Demand and

    CPAP (optionally with ASB). Users also can activate the optional

    volume-controlled modes SIMV, S-IPPV and inhalation and the

    pressure-controlled modes PCV, aPCV, BiLevel + ASB and PRVC

    + ASB, and a CO2 monitoring mode. All settings are based on

    current requirements such as the ERC Resuscitation Guidelines.

    Settings can be customized upon request.

    See for yourself: You see more

    MEDUMAT Standard2 offers a completely new view of modern

    emergency and transport ventilation. The display provides a clear,

    well-structured overview of all major respiratory parameters

    and optional ventilation curves. The familiar operation, e.g., for

    patient selection, makes intuitive use possible and the initiation

    of ventilation via entry of the patients height ensures a simple

    and guideline-compliant start to ventilation treatment. Clearly

    organized operating elements and symbols, plus effective

    acoustic and visual alarms are additional details that ensure the

    highest level of safety.

    A step ahead: Emergency ventilation today

    Ventilation today can be intuitive and simple. In pre-hospital

    treatment, during the transport of ventilated patients, in the

    emergency or trauma room, the ergonomic and simple operation

    of MEDUMAT Standard2 set a new standard for therapeutic

    safety. This user-friendly perspective on emergency and transport

    ventilation is unmatched.

    Your benefits at a glance


    entry of height or via emergency mode for adults,

    children and infants


    Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation


    induction of anesthesia


    for non-invasive therapy in pre-hospital treatment


    monitoring of ventilation treatment


    during ventilation, resuscitation or induction of

    anesthesia (Mve, Vte, ftotal, fspont, Vleak),

    Curve display


    differentiated ventilation therapy

  • 4 MEDUMAT Standard2

    More than Pure Ventilation

    MEDUMAT Standard2 in real-life use

    Classic emergency ventilators guarantee continuous ventilation. MEDUMAT Standard2 can do much more. Special modes meet the

    newest requirements in emergency medicine. CPAP, for example, leads to a better patient outcome* for certain clinical conditions

    while RSI and CPR optimize treatment procedures. Ventilation with CPR and RSI modes offers many advantages over conventional

    bag-valve-mask application. Capnography and the optional Flow measurement + ASB assist the user with the mechanical ventilation


    Transport ventilation lightened up

    MEDUMAT Standard2 is suitable not only for emergency ventilation,

    but also for ideal care during transport of an already ventilated

    patient. It is the smallest and lightest transport ventilator in its

    class. Equipped with pressure-controlled ventilation modes, mon-

    itoring options such as pressure, flow and CO2 curves and the

    display of major ventilation parameters, MEDUMAT Standard2

    is your compact partner for ground and air rescue services.

    Your benefits at a glance


    for ground and air rescue services



    range of functions


    by means of the options Flow measurement + ASB,

    capnography and pressure-controlled ventilation



    ventilation parameters


    Thompson, J. et al.: Out-of-hospital continuous positive airway pressure ventilation versus usual care in acute respiratory failure: a randomized controlled trial. In: Annalsofemergencymedicine52(2008),Nr.3,S.232-241

    German Respiratory Society e.V. (pub.): S3 Guidelines: Non-Invasive Ventilation as Treatment of Acute RespiratoryInsufficiency.Hanover,2008

  • 5MEDUMAT Standard2

    CPAP Mode

    Non-Invasive Ventilation

    The proven CPAP mode** allows the patient to breathe spontaneously at an elevated pressure level, e.g., during treatment of cardiac

    pulmonary edema. With MEDUMAT Standard2theCPAPpressurecanbefinelyadjustedatanytime.Theuseralsohastheoptionof

    activating pressure support ASB with settable trigger. During Non-Invasive Ventilation too, the optional volume and CO2 monitoring

    supplement other available information.

    Any leakage at the mask is detected and compensated for by the device. All ventilation parameters can be adjusted over the monitor

    while the patient is being ventilated.

    Your benefits at a glance





    Option Flow measurement + ASB


    volume and respiratory rate


    ideal assistance in Non-Invasive Ventilation



    FlowCheck Sensor






    and adults


    Williams, B. et al.: When pressure is positive: a literature review of the prehospital use of continuous positive airway pressure. In: Prehospital and disaster medicine 28(2013),Nr.1,S.52-60

    Peter, JV. et al.: Effect of non-invasive positive pressure ventilation (NIPPV) on mortality in patients with acute cardiogenic pulmonary oedema: a meta-analysis. In: Lancet367(2006),Nr.9517,S.1155-1163

    S3 Guidelines: Non-Invasive Ventilation as Treatment of Acute RespiratoryInsufficiency.Hanover,2008


  • 6 MEDUMAT Standard2

    CPR Mode

    Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation

    MEDUMAT Standard reliably guides you through Cardio-

    pulmonary Resuscitation. After the quick entry via the CPR button

    and selection of the patient group, the metronome indicates

    the guideline-compliant rate for chest compressions. An

    increasingly louder acoustic signal from the metronome warns

    of an upcoming ventilation pause. Ventilation can be triggered


    using by the ergonomic MEDUtrigger situated close to the

    patient. All critical information, e.g., when the patient was

    last ventilated, duration of CPR, is visible on the monitor. To

    eliminate ventilation-induced artefacts, the user can interrupt

    ventilation during the cardiac rhythm analysis by selecting the



    etCO2 display, emergency medical personnel are provided with

    an important parameter for the quality of resuscitation and

    intubation. Thats a real plus for patient safety.

    Your benefits at a glance








    Ventilationinterruptedduringdefibrillatorsanalysis phase

    UsercanconfigureCPRmode(e.g.,metronome ON/OFF, metronome frequency, algorithm)

    Optional:etCO2 monitoring to check tube position

  • 7MEDUMAT Standard2

    Press CPR button to activate CPR mode




    Manual interaction with defibrillator

    In the cardiac rhythm analysis phase:



    thus permits an artefact-free analysis

    During shock delivery:




    Continuous ventilation


    of etCO2


    ventilation rate by means of pre-set patient height

    Manual ventilation with MEDUtrigger and Double-C grip



    of mask with Double-C grip


    manual triggering with the thumbs

  • 8 MEDUMAT Standard2

    RSI Mode

    Reliable support with rapid sequence induction

    In RSI mode MEDUMAT Standard reliably supports every

    treatment step. First the preoxygenation of the patient occurs

    via the DEMAND function. The operator can see the anesthesia-

    induced apnea on the monitor. MEDUtrigger allows temporary

    manual ventilation of the patient so that access to the airways

    can be checked. Then a switch can be made at any time to the

    pre-set parameters for controlled ventilation. The adjustable

    pressure limit assures the safety of the patient in every situation.

    CO2 monitoring lets the user check the position of the tube,

    a feature that further enhances patient safety.

    Position check of tube


    of the airway access with MEDUtrigger and the etCO2



    continuous ventilation at the press of a button





    of volume and frequency monitoring (optional)


    Manual triggering of ventilator breath with MEDUtrigger


    with use of Double-C grip and MEDUtrigger

  • 9MEDUMAT Standard2






    with volume monitoring


    check or in an emergency for mask ventilation



    pressure-controlled ventilation

    Optional:MonitoringofetCO2 parameters for

    reliable check of intubation

  • 10 MEDUMAT Standard2


    More Freedom with More Options

    MEDUMAT Standard2 offers more flexibility than ever. The number of functions has been significantly increased.The device can be specifical-ly configured to meet yourneeds.

    Option Flow measurement + ASB

    Monitoringofexpiratorytidaland minute volume and respiratory rate

    PressuresupportinCPAPandSIMV modes to provide ideal assistance with Non-Invasive Ventilation

    Individualsettingsofinspirationand expiration triggers


    Option Pressure-controlledventilation modes

    Requirement: Option Flow measurement + ASB and Option Curve display are installed!

    Transportofventilatedpatients improved with use of ventilation modes PCV, aPCV, BiLevel + ASB and PRVC + ASB

    Clearlystructuredmonitoringbythe display of pressure and flow curves


    Option Capnography

    Displayofend-tidalCO2 as numeric value and as curve

    Improvedmonitoringof ventilation treatment and assistance with CPR and RSI

    CO2 measurement without currently administered ventilation


    Option Curve display

    Requirement: Option Flow measurement + ASB is installed!

    Displayofpressureandflow curves help you monitor the patient

    SIMV mode

    Usethismodetosynchronize the patients spontaneous breathing efforts with MEDUMAT Standard2

    S-IPPV mode

    MEDUMATStandard2 responds to every spontaneous breathing effort with a mandatory ventiltor breath

    Inhalation mode for every response

    Canbeusedwithstandard inhalation interfaces

    Precisesettingsof1to10liters of oxygen per minute

    RapidswitchtoCPAPmode or invasive ventilation when inhalationisnolongersufficient

  • 11MEDUMAT Standard2

    Service directly from the Manufacturer

    (1)YoucanusetheremovablerechargeablebatteryforbothMEDUMATStandardand MEDUCORE Standard to simplify your logistical processes and device handling during use.

    Service data: MEDUMAT Standard2

    Manufacturers warranty two years

    Maintenance interval every two years

    Automatic function check with brief summary

    Time for function check about30seconds

    Software update can be made by operator/user

    User training without O2 consumption (Free simulation software in the device/on PC)

    Password-protected operator menu

    Removable rechargeable battery system(1)

    Battery status Display on battery itself


    External charging unit for removable battery optionally available

    Service reminder in device display e.g., scheduled maintenance

    Remote diagnosis (Telesupport) Safety and reliability day after day

    With the fast and simple function check, you can assure yourself at any time that your device is trouble-free and ready for use. In less than 30 seconds MEDUMAT Standard conducts theautomatic function check and provides the user with a status report. When a device malfunction occurs, its cause may not be immediately apparent. For reporting purposes, MEDUMAT StandardletsyoustoretheservicefilesfromthedeviceonanSDcardandsendthefilestoourservicespecialistsviae-mail.Ideally, the service files will be enough to allow the servicetechnicians to resolve the problem with you via telesupport.

    Never miss a safety check again

    MEDUMAT Standard gives you reliable help with the planning of required maintenance. Every device reminds you in good time of due maintenance dates. At the end of the function check, the device tells the user the exact date of the upcoming maintenance. If the recommended interval is exceeded, MEDUMAT Standard displays a small screwdriver symbol on the start-up screen. With these reminders, MEDUMAT Standard assists you with your responsibility as device operator.

    Active support of your quality management and documentation processes

    Important information is automatically saved and quickly and easily made available for export from the SD card. Data include:



    Error-freestandardization:Customizeddevice configurationscanbetransferredviaSDcardfromone device to another

    Make software updates yourself Yourbenefitsasoperator Alwaysup-to-datewiththenewestsoftware


    no waiting

    Remainreadyforusenoneedtoshipdevice for update


    password-protected operator menu


    Manufacturers serviceHotline:+4940881896122

  • 12 MEDUMAT Standard2

    Intuitive Operation for Greater Safety

    1. Ideal monitor layout for best view of all measurements and settings

    2. Easy access to all connections on device front for MEDUtrigger and connection cable to FlowCheck sensor

    3. Optional device input filter filtersthedrawn-inambientair

    4. Storage & Updates You can store data and make software updates yourself with the help of the SD memory card

    5. User-friendly operation quick operation of function keys for simple and fast use

    6. Connection for ventilation hose connects the device to the patient hose system

    7. Connection for measurement hose measures pressure and CO2 and manages PEEP

    8. Li-ion removable rechargeable battery withoperatingtimeofupto10hours

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    MEDUMAT Standard2 Videos Learn about MEDUMAT Standard2 at: weinmann-emergency.com/downloads/multimedia

  • 13MEDUMAT Standard2

    LIFE-BASE Portable Systems

    1. LIFE-BASE 3 NG robust portable system with accessory bag for storage and transport of required accessories

    2. MEDUCORE Standard Defibrillator/Monitoringsystem,componentfor LIFE-BASE portable system

    3. MEDUMAT Standard2 Ventilator, component for LIFE-BASE portable system

    Portable system LIFE-BASE 3 NG with oxygen cylinderYour mobile system if you need direct access to your oxygen cylinder WM 9410(WM9415withMEDUCOREStandardPro)

    Portable system LIFE-BASE 1 NG XSLess is more. Professional ventilation and ideal storage space if you can do without the combination with other devices, but still use a WEINMANN Emergency wall mounting BASE-STATION WM 9870

    Portable system LIFE-BASE light XSYour mobile solution if you can do without wall mounting systems, accessories and combinations with other devices WM 9895

    4. Oxygen cylinder Cylinderforupto400litersofoxygen

    5. OXYWAY pressure reducer withandwithoutoxygeninhalation(upto15l/min)

    6. MEDUtrigger to manually trigger a ventilator breath in CPR mode or RSI mode

    Portable system LIFE-BASE 1 NG XLYour mobile system if you want to mechanically ventilate patients with an external oxygen source WM 9400(WM9405withMEDUCOREStandardPro)

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  • 14 MEDUMAT Standard2

    Reusablepatienthosesystem WM28860 without flow measurement, without CO2 measurement, 2 mDisposablepatienthosesystem WM28865 without flow measurement, without CO2 measurement, 2 mReduceddeadspacedisposable WM28867 patient hose system without flow measurement, without CO2 measurement, 2 mReusablepatienthosesystemwith WM29197 flow measurement, without CO2 measurement, 2 mDisposablepatienthosesystemwith WM29195 flow measurement, without CO2 measurement, 2 mReduceddeadspacedisposable WM29194 patient hose system without flow measurement, without CO2 measurement, 2 mReusablepatienthosesystemwithout WM28905 flow measurement, with CO2 measurement, 2 mDisposablepatienthosesystemwithout WM28907 flow measurement, without CO2 measurement, 2 mReduceddeadspacedisposable WM28904 patient hose system without flow measurement, with CO2 measurement, 2 m1. Reusablepatienthosesystemwith WM29190 flow measurement, with CO2 measurement, 2 m2. Disposablepatienthosesystemwith WM29192 flow measurement, without CO2 measurement, 2 m3. Reduceddeadspacedisposable WM29199 patient hose system with flow measurement, with CO2 measurement, 2 m

    4. ReusableFlowChecksensor WM288355. MEDUtrigger,2m WM289926. ConnectioncabletoFlowChecksensor WM32508 with MEDUtrigger, 2 m7. ConnectioncabletoFlowChecksensor WM32506 without MEDUtrigger, 2 m8. Deviceinpurfilter WM287459. Batterychargingstation WM45190 100-wattpowersupply WM2893710.Battery WM4504511.Inhalationadapter WM2826312.SDcard WM29791 Software Options:OptionFlowmeasurement+ASB WM28959OptionCurvedisplay WM28963OptionPressure-controlledventilationmodes WM28970OptionSIMVmode WM28916OptionS-IPPVmode WM28915OptionInhalationmode WM28920

    Accessories and Replacement Parts

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  • 15MEDUMAT Standard2

    Technical Data

    MEDUMAT Standard2

    Device dimensions W:206mmxH:137mmxD:130mm

    Weight, including battery about2.5kg

    Product classe according to Directive93/42/EEC


    Operating conditions Temperaturerange: -18Cto+50CHumidity: 0%RHto95%RHwithoutcondensationAirpressure: 540hPabis1100hPaAltitudeabovesealevel: to5000meters

    Rechargeable battery Operatingtime: upto10hrs(dependingondeviceandoptions)Chargingtime(0%-95%): 3.5hrs

    Display TFTcolordisplay 5-inch

    Data storage Internal and on SD card

    Ventilation modes Volume-controlled: IPPV,CPR,RSI,SIMV(withOptionSIMVmode), SIMV + ASB (with Options SIMV mode and Flow measurement + ASB), S-IPPV (with Option S-IPPV mode), Inhalation (with Option Inhalation mode)Pressure-controlled: PCV,aPCV,BiLevel+ASB,PRVC+ASB (with Option Pressure-controlled ventilation modes)Spontaneousbreathing: CPAP,CPAP+ASB(withOptionFlowmeasurement+ASB)

    Operating gas Medical-gradeoxygenorconcentratoroxygen(93%O2)

    Operating pressure range 2.7barto6bar

    Monitoring Displayedmeasurements: pPeak,pPlat,pMean, Vte, MVe, f, fsp, Vleak (with Option Flow measurement + ASB), etCO2 (with Option Capnography)Curves: Airwaypressure(withOptionCurvedisplayorOptionCapnography), Flow (with Option Curve display), CO2 (with Option Capnography)Gauge: pressuregauge

    Maximum outlet flow 80l/minatinputpressureof4.5barinAirMixandinnon-AirMixoperation

    Ventilation rate 5min-1to50min-1

    Inspiration pressure 3-60mbar(withOptionPressure-controlledventilationmodes)

    Pressure support ASB 0-30mbar(withOptionFlowmeasurement+ASB)

    Inspiration trigger 3 levels (with Option Flow measurement + ASB)

    Expiration trigger 3 levels (with Option Flow measurement + ASB)

    I:E 1:4-4:1(withOptionPressure-controlledventilationmodes)

    Tidal volumes 50mlto2000ml

    Pressure limit (Pmax) 10mbarto65mbar

    PEEP 0mbarto30mbar

    Standards used EN60601-1,EN1789,EN794-3,ISO10651-3,RTCADO-160G

    Made in GermanyWe reserve the right to make changes to


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    Simply Professional

    WEINMANN Emergency is a family-owned, internationally active medical technology company. With our mobile system solutions for emergency, transport and disaster medicine, we set standards for saving human lives. In close collaboration with professional users in emergencymedicalservices,hospitalsandarmies,wedevelopinnovativemedicalproductsforventilationanddefibrillation.Formorethan100yearswehaveofferedourcustomersahighdegreeofreliability,extensiveexperienceandqualitymadeinGermany.

    Made in Germany WEINMANN-Emergency.deSimply Professional

    Germany WEINMANN Emergency MedicalTechnologyGmbH+Co.KG Frohbsestrae12 22525HamburgGermany T: +4940881896-0 HeadOffice F:+4940881896-480HeadOffice T: +4940881896-120CustomerService T: +4940881896-122 TechnicalServiceE: [email protected] Center for Production, Logistics and Service WEINMANN Emergency MedicalTechnologyGmbH+Co.KG Siebenstcken14 24558Henstedt-Ulzburg Germany

    China Weinmann (Shanghai) Medical Device Trading Co. Ltd. T: [email protected] France WEINMANN Emergency France SARL Paris-Igny T: [email protected] Russia WeinmannSPbGmbHSt.Petersburg T: [email protected] Singapore Weinmann Singapur PTE, Ltd. T: [email protected] Spain WEINMANNEmergencyMedicalTechnologyGmbH+Co.KG T: [email protected]