GRANTS REPUBLIC Weekly Webinar #1 Navigating Federal Funding in a Time of COVID-19 [email protected] [email protected] 1

Weekly Webinar #1 - California · 2020-04-28 · Weekly Webinar Survey Thank you for participating in our webinar. GO-Biz and OPR would like your feedback . Webinar Attended Organization

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Weekly Webinar #1

Navigating Federal Funding in a Time of COVID-19

[email protected]

[email protected]


Welcome & ThankYou

Kaina Pereira

Deputy Director, GO-Biz

CalBIS, International Affairs andTrade, and Office of

Permit Assistance


Californians for All Volunteer Service Initiative

During these difficult times, Californians are coming together to help each other like never before. Today, Governor Newsom

announced a new initiative to match interested volunteers with high-need opportunities to safely serve their communities .

You can sign up to join at Californians For All.ca.gov .

Daily Updates and COVID-19 Webpage

• Governor is providing daily COVID-19 updates at noon, live on

both Twitter and Facebook. Follow @CAGovernor.



• Governor’s Office of Business and Economic Development

Trelynd Bradley, Senior Business Development Specialist

• Governor’s Office of Planning and Research

Amy Miller, Federal Grants Administrator

• U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development

Erich Yost, Management Analyst (Community Initiatives)

• Grants Republic

Heather Fukunaga, Partner

Stan Saunders, Partner 4

Weekly Webinars & Program Impacts

• Four Weekly Webinars over four weeks

Partnership with OPR and Federal Agencies in California

Coordinating on sharing new funding opportunities and resources

• Eight Program Impact Videos

Shorter, micro learning videos to be recorded and posted separately

Featuring State & Federal programs in partnership with agencies

Designed to provide deeper dive into program in 15-30 minutes

• All are designed to be flexible given COVID-19

All partners are here to collaborate and provide support 5

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Repon1ng Updates and Trainins Webinar

California Community Reinvestment Grants ...

7 views • 13 hours ago

CA GO-Biz 15 subscribers


Kaina Pereira

IHpuryOirttlor Cal81S,ln lt1matH>NlllAjfait,&­Tradt1, oJr.c.• o/Pnmlt Au im1nco1

COVID-19 EDC Update Webinar - April 2020

92 views • 5 days ago


Kaitlin Lewis

Anistanl fhp<lty Oir«tor Comm11<1i<ollom

EDC Outreach Webinar March 2020

32 views • 1 month ago


CA Future of Work Commission's 6th ...

4 views • 2 months ago


... ... I 8 SIGNIN I



..... California IBank


9A California Locations To ...


-~ Visit California



. -~ ..,, en


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Get the latest information from the CDC about COVID-19. I LEARN MORE

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COVID-19 EDC Update Webinar - April 2020

93 views• Apr 17, 2020 •* 1 .,, 0 ~ SHARE ='+ SAVE

CA GO-Biz 1 5 subscribers ifrHMHI On this GO-Biz COVID-19 update webinar , you will hear updates from our Office of the Small

Business Advocate , Business Investment Services , International and Sustainable Freight and

Goods Movement teams on resources, guidance and state actions taken to assist

businesses impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic .


• Agenda (0:50)

• Office of Small Business Advocate (1:10)

• Small Business COVID-19 Resources (1:28)

• Small Business Center Network (3:28)

• Small Business Covid-19 Resources (4:31)

• Business Investment Services Unit (12:48)

• Essential Infrastructure Workers (13:15)

Weekly Webinar Survey

Thank you for participating in our webinar. GO-Biz and OPR would like your feedback .

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Advantages Industries Newsroom About Apps Search

Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) The Governor's Office of Business and Econom ic Development (GO -Biz) has comp iled helpful information for

emp loyers, emp loyees, and a ll Cal ifornians as it relates to the Coronav iru s (COVID -79) pandemic. For a complete list of

resources, p lease visit the C::9lif9r r1ic1C::9r9r1c1yir \,1$JC::QYIP :l ':3L8~$P9 0 $~11\/~Q$iJ~ .

Subscribe to the GO-Biz .newsletter to receive updates and announcements as they happen, including

information shared by the ~c1lif<>rr1ic:1 p~pc1r~m~r:it<>fj:>lJl:>lic: tt~c1IJt:,.

,(() Important Updates from the Governor '

On Apri l 2, Governor Newsom announced support for California 's sma ll businesses, the backbone of the state eco n omy and the heart o f commun iti es and main streets ac ross Ca liforn ia. C lic_k __ h e re to read more. A new portal to

connect h a rd work in g Cal iforni a n s to j ob opportunit ies was also an nou need , cal led Onwa .rdCA.o rg .

Financial and Technical Assistance for Small Business Resources are ava ilab le throughout Ca lifornia for sma ll businesses impacted by COVID- 79.

GO-Biz COVID-19 Resource Page

• business.ca.gov/coronavirus-2019/


Get the latest information from the CDC about COVID-19.

G See more resources on Google ~

COVID-19 EDC Update Webinar - April 2020

93 views· Apr 17, 2020

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•·1 4110 ,.. SHARE

Advantages Industries Newsroom About Apps Search

Publications Here yo u can fi nd the GO-B IZ related publications suc h as meeting agendas, meeting minutes, legal and legis lative pub lications, etc. Select the appropriate

program to view the content.

California Competes Tax Credit 0

International Affairs and Trade 0

Permit Assistance 0

Small Business Assistance and Innovation 0

*NEW* COVID-19 EDC Update Webinar

• https://business.ca.gov/about/publications/


Staying Connected & Save the Date

• OPR - Federal Grants in 2020 |10:00AM – 11:30AM | Wednesday April, 29th

• Weekly Webinar #2 | 10:30AM – 12:00PM | Thursday, April 30th

• Weekly Webinar #3 | 11:00AM – 12:00PM | Thursday, May 7th

• Weekly Webinar #4 | 10:30AM – 12:00PM | Thursday, May 14th

• Subscribe to GO-Biz’s YouTube Channel and OPR’s YouTube Channel.

• Follow @CAGOBIZ on Twitter and @CAL_OPR on Twitter

• Subscribe to GO-Biz’s Newsletter and OPR’s Federal Grants E-List


State Clearinghouse Federal Grant Resources

State Clearinghouse and Federal Assistance

Executive Order 12372: Intergovernmental review of Federal programs • Single Point of Contact • “Federal agencies shall provide opportunities for consultation

by elected officials of those State and local governments” • States “develop their own processes”

Assembly Bill No. 1348 • Establishes federal grant administrator role • “Work with… interested parties on applying for and

managing federal grants.” • Summary of federal grant funding

Governor's Office of Planning and Research

· State Clearinghouse Review of environmental documents prepared for CEQA, and resrouces to find, apply and manage federal grants.

Clearinghouses CEQA

Z. CEQA Document Submission

& Federal Assistance


Facts and Metrics Planning and Land Use

C;J CEQAnet r?

Meetings and Events Search

0 Adaptation Clearinghouse 8' Resources to plan for and implement climate adaptation projects.

Federal Assistance

Go-.emor'S omoe or Planning and Research Clearinghouses CEQA Facts and Metri cs Planning and Land Use Meeti ngs and Events Search

Review of Federal Programs • The State Clearinghouse {SCH) serves as the state's Single Point of Contact for the review of federa l assistance applicati ons pursuant to Presidentia l Executive Order No. 12372.

Noti fica tion of all federal assistance applications mus t be provided to the SCH pursuant to Assembly Bill No. 1348 13', which in turn publishes thi s info rmation fo r review and

comment by State and local elected officials . SAM Section 0912 !fl requires that departments submit new federa l funds through the SCH and t hen through Finance th rough a

DF-24 noti ficat ion prior to applying fo r funds.

The SCH does not adm inister grant programs or offe r any grant funding . Please visit grants .gov 13' fo r fundi ng opportu niti es.

Jill App lying for Federal Grants 13' Federal Grant Resources Federal Grants E-List 13'

~<,,~ I:) .,,

. . J'):~--~ Federal Assistance

Go-.emor'S omoe or Planning and Research Clearinghouses CEQA Facts and Metri cs Planning and Land Use Meeti ngs and Events Search

Review of Federal Programs • The State Clearinghouse {SCH) serves as the state's Single Point of Contact for the review of federa l assistance applicati ons pursuant to Presidentia l Executive Order No. 12372.

Noti fica tion of all federal assistance applications mus t be provided to the SCH pursuant to Assembly Bill No. 1348 13', which in turn publishes thi s info rmation fo r review and

comment by State and local elected officials . SAM Section 0912 !fl requires that departments submit new federa l funds through the SCH and t hen through Finance th rough a

DF-24 noti ficat ion prior to applying fo r funds.

The SCH does not adm inister grant programs or offe r any grant funding . Please visit grants .gov 13' fo r fundi ng opportu niti es.

Jill App lying for Federal Grants 13' Federal Grant Resources Federal Grants E-List 13'

~<,,~ I:) .,,

. . J'):~--~ Applying for Federal Grants

Review of Federal Programs

Federal Assistance Application

OPR Home Submissions Registrati on Login

To app ly for a federal assistance program , please up load a copy of your app licat ion cover fo rm (Standard Form 424) t o the SCH. DO NOT send you r full app licatio n package or any other

supplemental informatio n.

In t he appro priate box on Form 424, mark t hat the federa l assistance app licat ion was made avai lab le fo r state review under th e Executiv e Order 12372 process befo re submitt ing your

federal assistance app licat ion to the federa l funding agency.

* Organizat ion Name

* Email Address

* Cata logue of Federal Domest ic Assistance (CFDA)

* Name of Federal Agency

Applying for Federal Grants

Rev ew al Programs



* Zip Code


United States of Amer ica

* Proposed Project Start Date

* Form 424Attachment

No File Selected


OPR Home Submissions Registration Login

* Proposed Project End Date


Applying for Federal Grants

Review Login of Federa l Programs OPR Home


Federal CFDA Assembly Senate Stai

Applicant Tl Email Tl SF-424 Form Tl Agency l! Number Tl City{Town Tl County T ! Distrid Tl Distrid Tl Dat,

San Francisco Art eisaacson@~fyli,~~':l WS00469858-SF424 2_1- U.S. 84.424 San San 17 -1

Inst it ute V2.1.pd f Departme nt Franc isco Franc isco

of Ed ucat ion

Pacific Union College [email protected] u SF424_2 1-V2.1 Pacific Union Departme nt 00.000 Angw in -1 3

College CFDA 84 425ESF.pdf of Education

if . Los Angeles County [email protected] WS00469915-SF424 2_1- Departme nt 97.075 Los Angeles Los Angeles 51 24

Met ropo li tan V2.1.pdf of Home land

Transporta ti on Secur ity-

Auth or ity FEMA

Californ ia State [email protected]::PP.,~~.~. SF424 - Cal Poli'. Pomona.NSA Nati onal 12.905 Pomona Los Angeles -1 29

Polytech nic 04 212020.pdf Security

Univers ity, Pomona Agency

Golden Valley Health 11!rnrr.:i~ti:@gyh<:.,2rn !:I.AB H RSA 20 067 SF4~4,P<:!f DHHS; HRSA 93.918 Merced Merced 21 12

Cente rs If HIV/AIDS


The San Diego !i.9J9.l.~.ll@Yilh99,<:.9.m Form 424.pdf 11! HUD (The 00.000 San Diego San Diego 78 39

Applying for Federal Grants

Review of Federal Programs

* First Name

* Email


Middle Name

Select an area to request email not ifi cati ons of submitte d appli cations fo r federa l assistance in you r regio n.

0 Assembly

0 Senate

O city

0 County

* Password * Confi rm Password

OPR Home

* Last Name



Applying for Federal Grants

Email Address

* Password

[ Reset Passwo rd



Applying for Federal Grants

Go-.emor'S omoe or Planning and Research Clearinghouses CEQA Facts and Metri cs Planning and Land Use Meeti ngs and Events Search

Review of Federal Programs • The State Clearinghouse {SCH) serves as the state's Single Point of Contact for the review of federa l assistance applicati ons pursuant to Presidentia l Executive Order No. 12372.

Noti fica tion of all federal assistance applications mus t be provided to the SCH pursuant to Assembly Bill No. 1348 13', which in turn publishes thi s info rmation fo r review and

comment by State and local elected officials . SAM Section 0912 !fl requires that departments submit new federa l funds through the SCH and t hen through Finance th rough a

DF-24 noti ficat ion prior to applying fo r funds.

The SCH does not adm inister grant programs or offe r any grant funding . Please visit grants .gov 13' fo r fundi ng opportu niti es.

Jill App lying for Federal Grants 13' Federal Grant Resources Federal Grants E-List 13'

~<,,~ I:) .,,

. . J'):~--~ Federal Grant Resources

's Office of Planning and Research

Clear inghouses CEQA

fl \.....,

Facts and Metrics Planning and Land Use


Meetings and Events Search

Learning Federal Grants ►

Events and Trainings ►

Applying for Federal Grants ►

Managing Federal Grants ►

Federal Grant Regulations ►

Federal Grant Audits ►

Federal Agencies with Grant Opportunities ►

~<,,~ I:) .,,

. . J'):~--~ Federal Grant Resources

's omce of C!!l Planning and Research

Clearinghouses CEQA Facts and Met rics Planning and Land Use


Meetings and Events Search

Learning Federal Grants ...

► How to Use grants .gov pdf [El I powerpoint [ti ► Grants for Small Businesses c?

► Introduction to Grants.gov video series c? ► Grant Events and Trainings c?

► Grants Leaming Center c? ► 2019 Summary of Federal Grant Funding Ill

► Grants 101 c? ► 2018 Summary of Federal Grant Funding Update CE!

► Federal Grants Training 101 Modules (Free) c? ► 2017 Summary of Federal Grant Funding Ill

Events and Trainings ►

Applying for Federal Grants ►

~<,,~ I:) .,,

. . J'):~--~ Federal Grant Resources

's omce of C!!l Planning and Research

Clearinghouses CEQA Facts and Met rics Planning and Land Use


Meetings and Events Search

Learning Federal Grants ...

► How to Use grants .gov pdf [El I powerpoint [ti ► Grants for Small Businesses c?

► Introduction to Grants.gov video series c?

► Grants Leaming Center c? ► 2019 Summary of Federal Grant Funding Ill

► Grants 101 c? ► 2018 Summary of Federal Grant Funding Update CE!

► Federal Grants Training 101 Modules (Free) c? ► 2017 Summary of Federal Grant Funding Ill

► Federal Grant Eligibility 8"

Events and Trainings ►

Applying for Federal Grants ►

~<,,~ I:) .,,

. . J'):~--~ Federal Grant Resources

Office of

Planning and Research Clear inghouses CEQA

fl .,>

Facts and Metrics Planning and Land Use


Meetings and Events Search

Events and Trainings ...

Links shared here are not endorsements of an organization or its commercia l products . These are prov ided as a service to the grants community .

► Apr 8, 2020 I Back to Basics: Allowability Under the UGG 13' Webinar

► Apr 20, 2020 I 2020 Philanthropy California Policy Summit 13' Virtual/ Webinar.

► Apr 28- 29, 2020 I Grant Proposal Boot Camp 13' Sacramento

► Apr 29, 2020 I OPR Presents: Federal Grants in 2020 - Whafs New and What's Proposed for the Uniform Guidance. 13' FREE! Webinar.

► May 11- 13, 2020 I Budget Analyst's Essential Guide to Formulation, Justification, and Execution 13' San Diego

► May 13- 14, 2020 I Internal Controls forthe Federal Grants Community 13' Webinar

► May 13- 14, 2020 I Grant Writing Class. 13' San Diego.

► May 14- 15, 2020 I Grant Writing Class. 13' Merced .

► Ma 18- 19 2020 NSF Grants Conference ~ Minnea olis

► May 27, 2020 I OPR Presents: Grant Writing Under the Uniform Guidance. 13' FREE! Webinar.

~<,,~ I:) .,,

. . J'):~--~ Federal Grant Resources

Search for a Funding Opportunity C? ► Tips for Writing & Submitting Proposals for Federal Grants ~

► How to Apply for Federal Grants C? ► Guidelines for Writing Grant Proposals ~

► Grants .gov Youtube channel C? ► GrantSpace: Introduction to Proposal Writing C?

► Applicant Training Resources and Videos for Grants.gov C? ► Webinar Recording: Federal Grant Writing 101 (Free) C?

► Grants .gov Support 8' ► Webinar Recording: Federal Grantmaking and Grant Management (Free) 8'

► Federal Service Desk C?

Managing Federal Grants ►

Federal Grant Regulations ►

Federal Grant Audits ►

Federal Grant Resources

Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS) C3'

► Department of Agriculture (USDA) Food and Nutrition Service C?

► Department of Agriculture (USDA) US Forest Service C?

► Department of Agriculture (USDA) Rural Development C?

► Department of Agriculture (USDA) National Institute of Food and Agriculture C3'

► Department of Agriculture (USDA) Natural Resources Conservation Service [?

► Department of Agriculture (USDA) Farm Service Agency C?

► Department of Agriculture (USDA) Agricultural Marketing Service C?

► Department of Agriculture (USDA) Farmers .gov C?

► Department of Agriculture (USDA) Programs for Individuals and Small Businesses C?

► Department of Commerce (DOC) C3'

► Department of Defense (DOD) C?

Federal Grant Resources

Go-.emor'S omoe or Planning and Research Clearinghouses CEQA Facts and Metri cs Planning and Land Use Meeti ngs and Events Search

Review of Federal Programs • The State Clearinghouse {SCH) serves as the state's Single Point of Contact for the review of federa l assistance applicati ons pursuant to Presidentia l Executive Order No. 12372.

Noti fica tion of all federal assistance applications mus t be provided to the SCH pursuant to Assembly Bill No. 1348 13', which in turn publishes thi s info rmation fo r review and

comment by State and local elected officials . SAM Section 0912 !fl requires that departments submit new federa l funds through the SCH and t hen through Finance th rough a

DF-24 noti ficat ion prior to applying fo r funds.

The SCH does not adm inister grant programs or offe r any grant funding . Please visit grants .gov 13' fo r fundi ng opportu niti es.

Jill App lying for Federal Grants 13' Federal Grant Resources Federal Grants E-List 13'

~<,,~ I:) .,,

. . J'):~--~ Federal Grants E-List

up for Federal Grant Updates

Updates on federal grant opportunities . news, and train ings.

• Email

First Name

Last Name

S1gn Up

~<,,~ I:) .,,

. . J'):~--~ Federal Grants E-List

As California's Single Point of Con tact for federal grants, the Governor's Office of Planning and Research [OPR) is here to share the latest on

federal grant opportunities, workshops, and events.

Submit notice of your application for federal assistance online .

New Federal Grant Opportunit ;·es

Many mo re opp ortun ities are a t gran ts.gov .

USDA COVID-19 Response Grants

Distance Learning and Telemedicine Grants

To suppo rt the use of telecomm unica tions­enab led info rma tion, aud io and video equ ipmen t, and related ad vanced tec hnolog ies by studen ts, teac hers, med ica l pro fessiona ls, and rura l residen ts.

Due: July 13, 2020

Learn mo re

Other Grant Opportunities

California Cultural and Paleontological Resource Management

To estab lish pa rtnerships tha t co llabo ratively enco urage the pub lic to learn abo ut and engage with heritage resources in Ca lifornia, with the goa ls of build ing a mean ing ful conse rvat ion stewardship legac y through expand ing public access fo r rec rea tion op portunities on pub lic lands.

~«---_, ... .,,

. . J'):~---.-~ Federal Grants E-List

• •

COVID-19 lnfo1rmalion

One-stop state website: www.covid19.ca.gov

CA State Treas ure r's Office COVID-19 Resources

USDA Rural Resource Guide

• Uni te d States Conference of Mayors CARES Act Resource Center

• Government Finance Officers Association COVID-19 Response Resource Center

• Committee for a ~esponsible Federal Budget COVID Money Tracker

Webinar Wednesdays

OPR presents a series of FREE webinars on best practices for federal grant applications and administration

Apr 29: Federa l Grants in 2020

May 27: Grant Writ ing Under the Uniform Guidance

Jun 24: Evaluat ion and Logic Models

More to come ...

Upcoming Grant Workshops and Events Unks shared here are not endorse ments of on organization or its

commercial products . These are provided as a service to the grants


Ap r 29. OPR Presents: Fede ral Grants in 2020 - Wha t' s New and What' s

Proposed fo r the Uniform Guidance . FREE! Web inar.

May 11-13. Budget Ana lyst's Essentia l Gu ide to Formula tion , Justificat ion,

and Exec ution . Web inar.

May 13-14. Interna l Con trols fo r the Fede ral Gran ts Commun ity .

Web inar.

May 27: OPR Presents: Gran t Writi ng Unde r the Uniform Guidance . FREE

Web inar.

May 28-29. Grant Writing Class . Redd ing.

May 29. Grantw riting Fundamenta ls . Bayside (Humbo lldt County).

Jun 4-5. Gran t Manage ment Class . Camari llo.

Jun 5. How to App ly fo r Project Gran ts? Sacramento.

Jun 10. Int roduction to Proposa l Writ ing . FREE! San Franc isco.

~<,,~ I:) .,,

. . J'):~--~ Federal Grants E-List

Contact Us

(916) 445-0614

[email protected]

Federal Grants During the COVID-19 Crisis

April 23, 2020

Erich Yost Management Analyst (Community Initiatives)

U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Office of Field Policy & Management

Los Angeles Field Office


Take-Aways During COVID-19 Crisis

1: Searching for Federal Grants

2: COVID-19 CARES Act Grants

3: Federal Grant Deadlines during COVID-19

4: Creating a Federal Grants Action Plan

5: Grant Cycle and Ensuring Successful Application

Federal Grants during COVID-19 Crisis 36

26 Granting Federal Agencies

Thousands of Grants Annually

Subject to Annual Federal Appropriations and

Legislation (Such as CARES Act)

Federal Grants 37


Searching and Applying for a Federal Grant 38

Grant Searching and Alignment

All successful grant recipients have an action plan

A GRANT ACTION PLAN What are the needs or your organization?

How do we search for Federal Grants?

Which Federal Grants should we Submit?

How do we Apply for a Federal Grant?

During COVID-19 Crisis:

Find $ Fast for Greatest Needs whether CARES Act funding or other Federal Grant

Federal Grants Action Plan 39


How to Apply for Grants: Getting Started

Learn Go to ttle Grants Leaming Center for an overview of grants.

Check Make sure you are eligible before applying

p Search Find federal grants that align with your work.

Register Sign up with Grants gov to apply using Workspace

Apply Complete and submit your application using Workspace

Track Enler your Grants gov tracking number(s) for submission status.

Getting Started

Getting Started to Apply for Federal Grants 40

Getting Started Checklist

Familiarize yourself with the grants lifecycle

Identify the right types of funding opportunities for you

Learn about the reporting requirements that you will need to

comply with if awarded

Search for the specific grant you will apply for

Confirm your eligibility

Register with grants.gov

Apply for the grant

Searching for Federal Grants 41

] ] ] ] ] ] ]

Notice of Funding Available (NOFA)

• Program details and purpose

• Eligible applicants

• Amount available for funding

• Acceptable activities

• Application process and requirements

• Pre-established factors used to evaluate funding request

• Selection process

Searching for Federal Grants 42

p Search



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JIJdicia l Educat ion

BU .1 CA sta: 1:wice Ab andcn ed Mi1e Lend ~ Rec.Jc:11 c:1'.ior· Pr J i~d

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HHS·ACL POSt :!d 04 12Z/Z020 Oo/221202 0

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no~- PM f~d OlO:>O O?O o nmwo :::o ARPAE

C>OC·Dfll ro3 bd 0412212020 03106/2020

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USD~- Po-;:t?d Ol /22/20 20 0 3101/2 020 FAS-OP-


00 [ - ro3 t?:d 04/22/2020 Oa/0 512020 .~ RPAE

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FJ1 Poshd 0-10 100?0 OFi0:>0 0?0

Federal Grants Searching Tips

Getting Started to Apply for Federal Grants 43

p Search


.,:::- GRA N T S GOV " SEARCH ----- GO


GRANTS GOV ) Seattn Grant~


BASIC SEARCH CRITERIA: Ke,-d{ s) ,--------, 0.,I Oppoft unity Numbe r.

CFOA: ========;;, Q EARcK._J



Search r ips I Export Oela1led Data I MMMM SORT BY: Poi,led Dale (C>Ncen<iog) ~ Update Sort DATE RANGE: Al Av ailable ,.. ]~ dat e Date Ra ni!_]

1 25 OF 2993 MATO IING RESULTS .. Prev101Js O 2 3 4 5 6 120 Next •

Opportu n,ty Number Opportur11ty TlUe Opportunny

Status Posted Date • Close Date

Federal Grants Searching Tips

Simple Search Tips: COVID-19 / Coronavirus Grants:

1. Use Keywords of Interest 1. Use Keyword “COVID-19” then filter by eligibility

2. Then filter by Eligibility

2. Use Keyword “Coronavirus” then

filter by eligibility

Getting Started to Apply for Federal Grants 44

p Search

Federal Grants with Opportunity Zone Benefits

Benefits to Grants Applications in California

1. California has 879 Opportunity Zones, designated low-income census tracts

eligible for not just tax incentives for investors but also for Federal benefits for

Federal Grants

2. To date 225 Federal grants form 16 Federal agencies have offered

Opportunity Zone benefits to Applicants who focus efforts in Opportunity

Zones or work in collaboration with Opportunity Zone investments in the


3. Currently there are 68 Federal grants open with Opportunity Zone benefits.

4. The comprehensive list of all Federal grants and programs with Opportunity

Zone benefits is posted on www.OpportunityZones.gov

5. However, grants are posted daily so it is important to search Grants.gov for

the most current open Federal grants.

Federal Grants Benefits for Californian’s Opportunity Zones 45

p Search

Federal Grants during COVID-19 Crisis

Key Observations about Federal Grants during COVID-19 Crisis

• Many Federal agencies are extending their grant deadlines.

• No simple way to be notified of grant deadline extensions. Diligently check

deadline dates on Grants.gov.

• Many of the CARES-Act discretionary grants are have rolling deadlines, thus

subject to available funding. Apply now.

• Some Federal grants are being released with Appropriations Authority for

disaster efforts.

• As with existing Federal grants many agencies as directed by the CARES Act

are offering waivers for uses of funds. Important to also check to see if

respective agency has offered waivers for open grants similar to existing


COVID-19 Federal Grant Observations 46

The Life of a Grants.gov Application Package

----­~tu&taitorla, ... --.o,p..t,uiy ....... (JOll)

Ctntn ULilhN f-• fiowMI la Grub.- Fora ..,_.,"'l' le ...-.. to -41,odn Pecbo• fo, tpad8c gout -rtudlY

+ Cmatn pabtiallH •ft)l.(utlt■ ~, ........ opportady •• Gr.ant&.t"


c,aattt ,wi.w. appllatl on pa<b90

Cm•tn MW:cb •ad ■otlftt• oppllcu1~tnalffanl

GRab.- KrttU ap,IICAtioa

-'•• ""ttcblul •n•n c .... 'Wlr■ t) .... , G'ONaitt PKhe• i. trantor .... q


• - & FIND ~ Antkut ..talu Cr&llb-41ev to u Flad Crut Opportuaitieo

A,s,Uanl 9,u llow!mtodwilh ,-~ <,..i.in.t I• oordtr to subnlt •Pl>llatlGa packa90)

Aps,11-•--_ ............ Qflll-'t• pact..- (thhp- ca■-..._,..,._,

APPLY A,pUcut Nlrmltt coaplou4 applladot1 padt"9t Vil Gn■t.,c,¥

Federal Grant Application Cycle 47

The Life of a Grants.gov Application Package

Ctaatn IILilhN f-• fiowMI la Grub.- Fo,_ ..,_.l"'l' le ...-.. tt -41,odn Pl<bo• fo, tpad8c gout -rtu,ity

+ Cmatn pabtiallH •ft)l.(utlt■ ~, .. ..,..1 opportady •• Gr.ant&.t"


c,aattt ,wi.w. appllutl on pa<b90

Cm•tn MW:cb •ad ■otlftt• oppllcut~tTUlffanl

G ................. .,,,UCAtioa

-'•• ""ttcblul •n•n c .... 'Wlr■ t) .... , "'-'" PKhe• i. trantor .... q

A,s,Uanl 9,u llow!mtodwilh G_...,_ (r.<i.in.t la oordtr to subnlt •Pl>llatlGa pack•ve)

Aps,11-t--_ ............ Qflll-'t• pact..- (thh,_ ca■-..._,..,._,

APPLY .-,,ucut Nbmltt coaplou4 applladot1 padt"9t Vil Gn■t.,c,¥

Federal Grant Application Cycle 48


Grantor (Federal Government)

Grantee (Applicant)

• Administration of grant • Oversight/Accountability

• Review progress and • Expenditures for eligible process activities

• Conduct compliance • Implementation inspection procedures

• Record-keeping • Reporting

Federal Grant Application Cycle 49

The Life of a Grants.gov Application Package

Cmatn pabtiallH •ft)l.(utlt■

~'°''"'"" opportady •• Gr.ant&.t"


Gsaatot ,wi.w. appllatlon pa<b90

Cm•tn MW:cb •ad ■otlftt• •Pllilcut~•-· .......

G ................. .,,,UCAtioa

-'•• ""ttcblul •n•n ( .... W'■t) u., l>'ON&ill PKhe• i. trantor .... q

A,s,Uant 9,u llow!mtodwilh G_...,_ (r.<i.in.t la oordtr to subnlt •Pl>llat!Ga packa90)

Aps,11-•--_ ..... • tnat QflllGKII• pact..-(thh,-u■-...,_,...,._,

APPLY .t,,Uuat Nbmlu coaplou4 appllcodot1 podt"9t Vil Gn■t.,c,¥

Applying for a Federal Grant 50

The Life of a Grants.gov Application Package

0 --.--­~tu&taitorla, ... --.o,p..t,uiy ....... (JOll)

Gsaatot ,wi.w. appllatlon pa<b90

Cm•tn MW:cb •ad ■otlftt• •Pllilcut~•-· .......

G .......... .. ..... .,,,UCAtioa -'•• ""ttcblul tn on ( .... W'■t) u., l>'ON&ill PKhe• i. trantor .... q

A,s,Uant 9,u llow!mtodwilh G_...,_ (r.<i.in.t la oordtr to subnlt •Pl>llat!Ga packa90)

Aps,11-•--_ ..... • tnat QflllGKII• pact..-(thh,-u■-...,_,...,._,

APPLY A,pUuat Nbmlu coaplou4 appllcodot1 podt"9t Vil Gn■t.,c,¥

Applying for a Federal Grant 51

The Life of a Grants.gov Application Package

0 --.--­~tu&taitorla, ... --.o,p..t,uiy ....... (JOll)

(7 Gsaatot ,wi.w. u appllutl on pa<bg,o

G ................. .,,,UCAtioa -'•• ""ttcblul tnon c .... 'Wint) .... , "'-'" PKhe• i. trantor .... q


A,pUcu.t Nbmlu coaplou4 &ppllcodot1 podt"9t Vil Gn■t.,c,¥

Applying for a Federal Grant 52

Grants.Gov Process

Obtain a DUNS Number

• Call 1-866-705-5711 or http://fedgov.dnb.com/webform/displayHomePage.do

• 1-2 business days

Register with System Award

Management (SAM)

• https://www.sam.gov

• Authorizing official of organization and Employer Identification Number (EIN)

• 7-10 business days (2 more weeks for EIN)

Create a grants.gov username and


• Need organization’s DUNS number • Same day

EBiz POC authorizes grants.gov roles

• EBiz POC log into grants.gov to confirm roles request

• Same day

Track Role Request Status

• Grants.gov Applicant Center welcome box

• Same day

Applying for a Federal Grant 53

The Life of a Grants.gov Application Package

0 --.--­~tu&taitorla, ... --.o,p..t,uiy ....... (JOll)

Ctntn IILilhN f-• fiowMI la Gruu.- Fo,_ ..,_.,"'l' le ...-.. to -41,odn Pecbo• fo, tpad8c gout -rtudlY

+ Cmatn pabtiallH •ft)l.(utlt■ ~, .. ..,..1 opportady •• Gr.ant&.t"

Csaattt ,wi.w. appllatl on pa<b90

Cm•tn MW:cb •ad ■otlftt• •Pllilcut~•-· .......

,,...._..,. ocrttu .,,,Ucatloa -'•• ""ttcblul tn on c .... 'Wint) ... , G'&Naitt PKhe• i. trantor .... q


• - & FIND ~ Antkut ..talu Cr&llb-41ev to u Flad Crut Opportuaitieo

A,s,Uant 9,u llow!mtodwilh ,-~ <,..i.in.t I• oordtr to subnlt •Pl>llatlGa packa90)

A,pUcut Nlrmltt coapltu4 opplladot1 padt"9t YI& Gn■t.,c,¥

Applying for a Federal Grant 54

The Life of a Grants.gov Application Package

0 --.--­~tu&taitorla, ... --.o,p..t,uiy ....... (JOll)

Ctntn IILilhN f-• fiowMI la Gruu.- Fo,_ ..,_.,"'l' le ...-.. to -41,odn Pecbo• fo, tped8c gout -rtudlY

+ Cmatn pabtiallH •ft)l.(utlt■ ~, .. ..,..1 opportady •• Gr.ant&.t"


Csaattt ,wi.w. appllutl on p,<bg,o

Cm•tn MW:cb •ad ■otlftt• appllcut~ tTUlffanl

,,...._..,. tcrttu .,,,Ucatloa

-'•• ""ttcblul •n•n c .... 'Wint) ... , G'ON&ita PKhe• i. trantor .... q


• - & FIND ~ Antkut ..talu Cr&llb-41ev to u Flad Crut Opportuaitieo

Applying for a Federal Grant 55

The Life of a Grants.gov Application Package

----­~tu&taitorla, ... --.o,p..t,uiy ....... (JOll)

Ctntn ULilhN f-• fiowMI la Grub.- Fora ..,_.,"'l' le ...-.. to -41,odn Pecbo• fo, tpad8c gout -rtudlY

+ Cmatn pabtiallH •ft)l.(utlt■ ~, ........ opportady •• Gr.ant&.t"


Csaattt ,wi.w. appllatlon pa<b90

Cm•tn MW:cb •ad ■otlftt• oppllcu1~tnalffanl

,,...._..,. ocrttu .,,,Ucatloa -'•• ""ttcblul tn ora c .... 'Wint) ... , G'ONaitt PKhe• i. trantor .... q


• - & FIND ~ Antkut ..talu Cr&llb-41ev to u Flad Crut Opportuaitieo

A,s,Uanl 9,u llow!mtodwilh ,-~ <,..i.in.t I• oordtr to subnlt •Pl>llatlGa packa90)

SUCCEED Gnat _,.,4•ll

Applying for a Federal Grant 56

The Life of a Grants.gov Application Package

----­~tu&taitorla, ... --.o,p..t,uiy ....... (JOll)

Ctntn ULilhN f-• fiowMI la Gruu.- Fora ..,_.,"'l' le ...-.. to -41,odn Pecbo• fo, tpad8c gout -rtudlY

+ Cmatn pabtiallH •ft)l.(utlt■ ~, ........ opportady •• Gr.ant&.t"

c,aattt ,wi.w. appllatl on pa<b90

Cm•tn MW:cb •ad ■otlftt• oppllcu1~tnalffanl

GRab.- O<rttU ap,IICAtioa

-'•• ""ttcblul tnon c .... 'Wlr■ t) .... , l>'&Naitt PKhe• i. trantor .... q


FIND Antkut ..talu Cr&llb-41ev to Flad Crut Opportuaitieo

A,s,Uant 9,u llow!mtodwilh ,-~ <,..i.in.t I• oordtr to subnlt •Pl>llatlGa packa90)

Aps,11-•--_ ............ Qflll-'t• pact..- (thhp- ca■-..._,..,._,

SUCCEED Gnat _,.,4•ll

Applying for a Federal Grant 57

The Life of a Grants.gov Application Package

0 --.--­~tu&taitorla, ... --.o,p..t,uiy ....... (JOll)

Ctntn IILilhN f-• fiowMI la Gruu.- Fo,_ ..,_.,"'l' le ...-.. to -41,odn Pecbo• fo, tpad8c gout -rtudlY


c,aattt ,wi.w. appllatl on pa<b90

Cm•tn MW:cb •ad ■otlftt• oppllcu1~tnalffanl

GRab.- O<rttU ap,IICAtioa

-'•• ""ttcblul •n•n c .... 'Wlr■ t) .... , G'ONaitt PKhe• i. trantor .... q


• - & FIND ~ Antkut ..talu Cr&llb-41ev to u Flad Crut Opportuaitieo

A,s,Uant 9,u llow!mtodwilh ,-~ <,..i.in.t I• oordtr to subnlt •Pl>llatlGa packa90)

Aps,11-•--_ ............ Qflll-'t• pact..- (lhhp- ca■-...,_,..,._,

APPLY A,pUcut Nlrmltt coaplou4 applladot1 padt"9t Vil Gn■t.,c,¥

Applying for a Federal Grant 58

The Life of a Grants.gov Application Package

----­~tu&taitorla, ... --.o,p..t,uiy ....... (JOll)

Ctntn ULilhN f-• fiowMI la Grub.- Fora ..,_.,"'l' le ...-.. to -41,odn Pecbo• fo, tped8c gout -rtudlY

+ Cmatn pabtiallH •ft)l.(utlt■ ~, ........ opportady •• Gr.ant&.t"

,, ..... _ kNtt tk• ~--~·--1 ........... 4 .... , ..

, .................. .,,.u .. t1oa -'•• ""ttcblul •n•n (.,., .tr■,) o4 "'-'" PKhe• i. trantor .... q


FIND Antkut ..talu Cr&llb-41ev to Flad Crut Opportuaitieo

A,s,Uanl 9,u llow!mtodwilh ,-~ (r.<i.in.t I• oordtr to subnlt •Pl>llatlGa packa90)

Aps,11-•--_ ............ Qflll-'t■

pact..- (thhp- ca■-..._,..,._,

APPLY A,pUcut Nlrmltt coapltu4 &ppllcodot1 pedt"9t Vil Gn■t.,c,¥

SUCCEED Gnat _,.,4•ll

Applying for a Federal Grant 59

The Life of a Grants.gov Application Package

----­~tu&taitorla, ... --.o,p..t,uiy ....... (JOll)

Ctntn ULilhN f-• fiowMI la Grub.- Fora ..,_.,"'l' le ...-.. to -41,odn Pecbo• fo, tpad8c gout -rtudlY

+ Cmatn pabtiallH •ft)l.(utlt■ ~, ........ opportady •• Gr.ant&.t"

c,aattt ,wi.w. appllatlon pa<b90

Cm•tn MW:cb •ad ■otlftt• oppllcu1~tna l ffanl

GRab.- O<rttU ap,II CAtioa

-'• • ""t tcblul •n•n c .... 'Wlr■ t) .... , G'ONaitt PKhe• i. tranto r .... q


• - & FIND ~ Antkut ..talu Cr&llb-41ev to u Flad Crut Opportuaitieo

A,s,Uanl 9,u llow!mtodwilh ,-~ (r.<i.in.t I• oordtr to subnlt •Pl>llatlGa packa90)

Aps,11-•--_ ............ Qflll-'t• pact..- (thhp- ca■-..._,..,._,

SUCCEED Gnat _,.,4•ll

Applying for a Federal Grant 60


If grant was not awarded request a debriefing to discuss deficiencies and

strengths in the application

Federal Grant Not Awarded 61

Your Action Steps

Identify benchmarks for measuring progress.

Identify methodology to measure success.

Describe specific reporting tools.

Describe benefits to be achieved.

Grant Webinar Attendees Action Plan 62

Contact Information

Erich Yost U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development

Office of Field Policy and Management

Management Analyst (Community Initiatives)


[email protected]





Getting ready for federal proposals...

Quick Tips

SAM (System for Award Management)

Registration required to do business with the federal government

Is your username and password active?

Is account active? If renewal is in next two months, renew now.

grants.gov Portal where you upload and submit applications

Is E-Biz Point of Contact username and password active?

Is the Authorized Organization Representative (AOR) username and password active?

Getting ready for federal proposals...

Quick Tips

Know your Request for Proposal (RFP)

High quality proposals are the completion of a series of mundane but very specific steps

Have ONE person assigned the project lead

Proposal Planning: logic model

Need Resources/

Inputs Activities Outputs Outcomes

Half of the

8th graders

at Smithfield


School do

not pass Algebra


funding to

hire math tutors

Math tutoring for all

8th graders not

passing algebra,

provided 3 times

per week for 1 hour

each time

throughout the fall semester.




math tutoring

80% of





pass Algebra

Proposal Planning


RFP Headings

Proposal Points to break down page

Planning limits

Narrative Outline


• • • •


Many federal proposal require partners, and mostWho are your partners? will be more competitive with partners.

Where can they be Understand your partners’ strengths and capacity.

plugged in to projects?

Can they provide a support letter or sign an MOUAre your partners ready?

under a short deadline?

Ensure clear communications and timelyTracking partners



















Name Contact Email

ABC Academy


4/1/20 4/7/20 4/8/20 X Sally Smith [email protected]





4/4/20 4/8/20 4/9/20 Jose [email protected]

Stay apprised of local guidelines

Be ready to build into proposals


Plan for different scenarios Grants Develop project design alternatives


Budget flexibly COVID-19 Be prepared to adapt

Navigating Federal


Questions? Contact us at [email protected]

Sign up for our funding newsletter The Portal at



Grant Webinar Attendees Action Plan

Immediate Action Items to Take

1. Sign up for the Governor’s Office of Planning and Research e-list for Federal Grant

Updates https://lp.constantcontactpages.com/su/4wi9l7

2. Sign up for the Governor’s Office of Business and Economic Development (GO-Biz) e

newsletter for updates https://tinyurl.com/wqzj9pt

3. Follow GO-Biz on Twitter and onYouTube. Follow OPR on Twitter and onYouTube.

4. Register to receive notices of Federal grant applications submitted in your jurisdiction

or area or interest on the Governor’s OPR website http://cfda.opr.ca.gov/#/registration

5. If you don’t have a Profile in Grants.gov Register as a New User


6. Subscribe to Grants.gov to receive Federal grant notifications for either:

All new Federal grant opportunities or

Saved Search for Federal grant opportunities: Once you Logon to your account go to the “Subscribe to

Saved Searches” and create one or several different saved search



• Questions

• Survey 75• Share and Stay Connected