Week 3 Review Home Study including your Learning styles questionnaire, Reflective Journal, Mind Map on motivation and time management log Vote for the best mind map Essay Writing including Sources of Information and Referencing Presentation Skills Academic Referencing – why do we do it? Academic Referencing – the Harvard system

Week 3 Review Home Study including your Learning styles questionnaire, Reflective Journal, Mind Map on motivation and time management log Vote for the

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Week 3 Review Home Study including your Learning styles

questionnaire, Reflective Journal, Mind Map on motivation and time management log

Vote for the best mind map Essay Writing including Sources of

Information and Referencing Presentation Skills Academic Referencing – why do we do it? Academic Referencing – the Harvard


Mind maps on motivation Share the mind map you have

produced. How do other people’s compare

with yours?

Is there a best one within the group?

Essay/Assignment Writing

1 Clarify the task2 Collect and record

information3 Organise and plan4 Reflect and


5 Write an outline plan and first draft

6 Work on your first draft

7 Final Drafts

Clarify The Task Analysing the Title

Pick it to bits Academic Keywords

Focus on it Make notes Use the Title

Put it where you can see it Keep checking the wording Introduction and Conclusion

Collect & Record Information Helpful to list: What information you need and Where you are likely to find it Read books and journals, identify

possible quotations to support your writing

Information Sources Lecture

notes/handouts Books Journals Reference works Internet

Other printed media

Videos Experiments Fieldwork Other people

Plagiarism and Referncing Academic dishonesty – making out

someone else’s work, ideas or words are your own when they are not.

Intentional or unintentional

Never falsify the results of any research and Always give full credit for any other

people’s contributions to your own achievements = Referencing

References You MUST use a reference whenever

you: • Use a direct quotation from a source

of information. • Paraphrase • Use statistics or other pieces of

specific information, which are drawn from a source you have read.

Harvard ReferencingHave a look at the separate handout.

Question -Why does HE use references?So that other people can check, to see if

our interpretation agrees with others, to see what the existing body of knowledge is, to contextualize our work

Evidence based research.

A List of References – this includes all the sources of information you have actually quoted from, paraphrased or referred to in your work.

Bibliography – this includes all your references, plus all the other sources of information you have used to help you write your piece of work. A bibliography shows better than a list of references how widely you have read around your subject.

Golden Rules Be consistent Attention to detail! If source doesn’t fit include enough

information for your reader to find and check that source

Do it as you go along and keep them safe. In the case of books, take the details you

need for your reference from the title page and the back of the title page, not from the cover of the book.

Harvard Referencing Exercise

Using a selection of books produce a bibliography of references using

the Harvard system.We will do this exercise in the

library, perhaps in pairs?

Referencing Swap your list of references with

someone else/another pair.

Using the referencing guidelines check their work.

Presentation Techniques

Think About Audience Information Where Time

Planning Purpose Media/Visual Aids 9 o’clock news Structure & level Questions Contingency Plans

People pay more attention to the WAY you say things than

what you say…

Only 10% of communication comes from words….

30% Tone of Voice

Perhaps 70% Body Language!!

Estimates – but general agreement that circa 70% of communication is through body language

Body Language Entrance – first impressions Position and Posture Tones and Gestures

Summary Preparation and Planning It’s not what you say but how you

say it

No-one need know that you’re nervous!!

Your task To prepare and deliver a

presentation as part of the assessment process for the module

How is the presentation you will do going to be assessed? Suggestions: Content Structure Delivery: tone, pace, volume Visual Aids: clarity, appropriateness Non-verbal communication Dealing with questions Are there any specific things you

consider it appropriate to be assessed against?

Self study Prepare a presentation. Topic - motivation Be ready to deliver it at the next

session – we may not have time available for everyone’s! But we will continue the week after

Perhaps use a mind map to help you plan it? Include references – follow the Harvard

referencing system. Learning log Think about essay topic for your 1000 word
