©2012 Smokenders Online, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Week 3 Download List 3-A Weekly Action Review 3-B Stress Periods, Decoding and Re-patterning 3-C How Smoking Causes Fatigue 3-D Basic Daily Exercises 3-E Oral Gratification 3-F Perseverance 3-G Reward & Self-Pity (Includes list of 100 rewards and distractions) 3-H My Seven Favorite Rewards 3-I Weekly Action Steps 3-J Session Three Review 3-K Week 4 Pack Strap

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Week 3 Download List

3-A Weekly Action Review

3-B Stress Periods, Decoding and Re-patterning

3-C How Smoking Causes Fatigue

3-D Basic Daily Exercises

3-E Oral Gratification

3-F Perseverance

3-G Reward & Self-Pity (Includes list of 100 rewards and distractions)

3-H My Seven Favorite Rewards

3-I Weekly Action Steps

3-J Session Three Review

3-K Week 4 Pack Strap

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Weekly Action Review

Please use this sheet to check off your weekly action steps that you completed in Week 2.

Noted smoking “Stress Periods”

Filled in Re-patterning Worksheet for Session 2.

Delayed smoking 30 minutes after meals

Continued oral gratification routine after meals

Lowered nicotine content; Changed brands

Tracked cigarette use on Pack Strap

Observed cigarette advertising; Collected magazine ads

Changed smoking hand and side of mouth

Changed where you carry and keep your cigarettes

Drank 4-8 glasses of water each day

Used fruit or juice for a natural energy lift

Took Vitamin C

Practiced “Breathe Right” exercises

Worked on attitude; Continued positive affirmation

Added to lists: Reasons for Quitting Smoking; Inventory of

Assets; Inventory of Goals

Entered data on Smoking Profile Record Online


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Stress Periods, Decoding & Re-patterning

Refer back to the notes that you made about your Stress Periods. Did your Stress Periods occur

at the same time each day, or during the same activity? Were any of them related to caffeine or

alcohol? Were there many attributed to fatigue?

If you wrote down what was going on in each case, you now know the real reason behind your

impulse to smoke. In the SMOKENDERS® program, we call this “decoding”. It means getting to

the heart of the matter, discovering what triggered your thought or desire to smoke. With this

knowledge, you can disconnect your old smoking triggers by re-patterning.

For example, if one of your Stress Periods is related to fatigue, re-patterning would involve

preventing fatigue as much as possible. To do this, examine your meal and sleep patterns.

Other common stress periods:










Examples of Re-patterning:











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How Smoking Causes Fatigue

The Relationship Between Nicotine, Blood Sugar and Fatigue

When you smoke: Nicotine is injected into your system through the soft tissue in your mouth

and through your lungs.

Poison kick-starts your system: Nicotine is a poison, so your body reacts violently to it. This

poison causes adrenaline and other hormones to kick in and bring our body to full alert status.

It’s the way your body provides crisis energy—in this case, by stabilizing your blood sugar and

releasing a surge of energy.

False alarms cause fake lifts: This attack on your system dramatically raises your blood sugar

level and this causes a momentary lift, which is necessarily followed by an accelerated

movement of glucose (sugar) out of your blood after the danger is past. This causes something

else to happen.

The result is fatigue: Your body crashes after each fake lift, which causes not only fatigue but

also anxiety, self-pity, low-grade dissatisfaction and general discomfort.

So you reach for another cigarette!


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Basic Daily Exercises

From the book I Hate to Exercise

by Stephen Huffaker/Reprinted by permission

Minimum daily exercise time: 4 minutes, 25 seconds. Wear appropriate shoes & comfortable clothing. If you haven’t been exercising, now’s the time to start. If you already include exercise as part of

your daily routine, add five more minutes. Here are some good basics. If you have physical

problems, consult your physician before beginning any exercise routine.

Running-In-Place 200 repetitions; 2:15 minutes/seconds Begin by merely marking time with a left and right beat as though you were marching. Then quicken to a jogging motion, lifting the knees so that the feet come about two inches off the floor. Count one count each time your left foot touches the floor. As the run becomes natural, you may want to swing your arms just a little for balance. Begin with 100 repetitions (200 steps) the first week and increase to 200 repetitions slowly. If you should desire more of a workout when you feel good, merely bring your knees a bit higher

Knee Lift 10 repetitions; 20 seconds This exercise is done in 2 counts. Standing upright, bring the right leg upward toward the chest, bending it at the knee. In the same motion, grasp with both hands and pull further upward toward the chest. Count ONE is made as the arms make their pull, count TWO when the right foot comes back down. Then repeat the same procedure with the left leg. Each leg receives five pulls.

Side Nip-In 10 repetitions; 30 seconds This exercise is done in four counts. Standing upright, widen legs to slightly more than shoulder width, resting hands on hips. Remaining upright, bend to the right, forcing the waist and hips to move to the left. Repeat the nip-in movement four times for one repetition, then begin on the left side. Make the movement vigorous enough to feel it thrust in at your waist. Count the ten repetitions this way: 1-2-3-1, 1-2-3-2, 1-2-3-3, etc.

Partial Sit-Up 10 repetitions; 25 seconds Two counts to this exercise. Lie on your back on the floor with your hands along your sides—knees bent. On count ONE, bring head and shoulders off the ground far enough to look at your ankles, Pause slightly, and on count TWO, bring head back down. Head should come up high enough to let you feel the pull in your stomach and your shoulder blades to just clear the floor. 3-D

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Partial Push-Ups 5 repetitions, 15 seconds Place your hands firmly on the seat of a sturdy chair, your arms straight, directly under your shoulders. Slide your feet out to full length so that your arms are supporting most of your weight and only your toes touch the floor. You may have your buttocks elevated slightly for balance if you wish. Lower your chest down toward the chair until it is within a few inches of the seat, and straighten arms back out again for one repetition. Work up to five if you find the first few difficult. Rest a few seconds after completing. BE SURE THE CHAIR IS STURDY AND WILL NOT SLIDE.

Stretcher 10 repetitions; 40 seconds This exercise is done in four counts. Stand upright, feed spread about 18 inches apart, and place hands on hips for starting position. One count ONE, bend at the waist and touch the floor in front of your left foot with your fingertips. On count TWO, bounce up 8 inches and touch floor halfway between your legs. On count THREE, bounce up again and touch floor in front of right foot, and on count FOUR come back up, 2 bend backward. Do not strain to keep knees from bending but make each bounce come about 8 inches off the floor. On the fourth count, backward bend, come back far enough to feel slight pull in shoulder blades and chest. Count 1-2-3-1, 1-2-3-2, 1-2-3-3, and change direction to move from right foot to left after five repetitions.


The heart of an average smoker beats 10,000 more times per day

than the heart of a non-smoker.

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Oral Gratification

(or the Lonesome Lips Syndrome)

When you smoke (the average smoker has 30 cigarettes a day), your mouth gets attention

every time you take a puff, and that’s about ten times per cigarette or 300 times every day.

That’s 109,500 times a year!

And suddenly you are quitting smoking! You know you’ve quit (or will quit soon), but your lips

and mouth don’t (or won’t). They miss that constant oral attention. If you attempt to

substitute—and most people do—you may start nibbling. It’s not because you are hungry. It is

because your lips are lonesome!

Substituting is not the same thing as re-patterning. Substituting one substance for another

perpetuates the problem of compulsive behavior—and, in the case of substituting food for

cigarettes, results in weight gain.

That’s why SMOKENDERS requires that you practice Oral Gratification by brushing, flossing and

rinsing at least FIVE TIMES EACH DAY: when you get up in the morning, after each meal, and

before going to bed. You’ll satisfy your mouth’s need for attention, and get rid of the food-taste

after means that triggers the compulsion to smoke.

TIP: Don’t give your teeth a lick and a promise. Take your time. Brush with loving affection (like

your dentist wishes you would). Then floss carefully and rinse thoroughly.


For temporary (one to three weeks) satisfaction of the urge for oral gratification while you’re quitting smoking, try any of the following:

whole clove

cardamom seed cinnamon stick

licorice root ginger root

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It is safe to assume that no one ever learned how to play the piano by watching someone else

practice. It’s not a question of will power.

You cannot ask someone who has never learned to play to exercise his will power and serve up

a tune. One must first take some lessons, practice what has been learned, and with some

perseverance, music is made.

In quitting smoking, the same conditions exist. You are taking “quitting lessons”, if you will, and

you need to persevere…to practice until it becomes easy.

Think of times in your life when you have been successful because you persevered:








Nothing in the world will take the place of perseverance.

TALENT WILL NOT Nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent.


Unrewarded genius is almost a proverb.

EDUCATION WILL NOT The world is full of educated derelicts.

Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent.

--Calvin Coolidge

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Reward and Self-Pity

All human beings have a basic need for self-expression, for recognition and, ultimately, for

reward. We all need some form of “stroking”—praise, a pat on the back, appreciation—a

reward to confirm how good we are, or to confirm that we even exist.

This recognition comes all too rarely. Our boss, our mate, our children and our colleagues

usually complain to us much more than they thank or appreciate us. As a result, the smoker has

conferred the property of “reward” upon his cigarette—that pat on the back that says you’ve

done a really good job, etc. It isn’t much, but the smoker is willing to settle for it.

Smoking, however, does not recognize one’s goodness. In reality, it makes the smoker feel

guilty because he knows it is self-destructive. Guilt erodes his self-respect and makes him feel

he deserves punishment. He finds some way of punishing himself (like continuing to smoke),

and then feels sorry for himself. And, as we have learned, self-pity is a powerful emotional

trigger for smoking.

The solution is to learn to reward yourself in positive, life-affirming, self-fulfilling ways. The

occasional big reward is fine, but primarily we’re talking about little daily pleasures that are

easily accessible.

People who have been smoking for a while sometimes find it difficult to make a list of daily

rewards, because they’re so used to rewarding themselves with a boring chain of cigarettes.

To help spark your imagination, we’ve included a list of rewards on the following pages. These

treats, adventures and activities can also be used as distractions from stress, boredom, negative

emotional states, thoughts about smoking, etc.

From now on, until you have completed this program, try as many of these rewards as you can,

and add some of your own.

At the end of the program, complete the list of “Seven Favorite Rewards”, things you like so

much that you decide to integrate them permanently into your lifestyle.

Not smoking, and not thinking like a smoker, open the door to an endless supply of rewards.


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100 Rewards and Distractions That are neither costly nor fattening

More Reasons to be Alive and to Live as a Nonsmoker

Sample a new reward each day for the rest of the program. Select your seven favorites and write them in space provided on page 3-H.

1. Buy yourself one flower, or pick one if you can.

2. Fix your breakfast on a tray and get back in bed to enjoy it.

3. Pack a lunch and picnic in the part or someplace special during your lunch hour.

4. Fly a kite, play a game of Frisbee, or buy some liquid bubbles.

5. Try a new cologne, perfume or aftershave.

6. Build a fire in the fireplace and put on some music.

7. Go for a free make-up demonstration.

8. Join a chorus—sing!

9. Invent a salad recipe.

10. Send someone you take for granted a love letter.

11. Learn something new about your computer, tablet or phone.

12. Have your handwriting analyzed.

13. Write your legislator and get a gripe off your chest.

14. Call on an elderly person who would really appreciate your visit.

15. Read a new magazine.

16. Make and keep handy a list of words that will give you a pleasant buzz or mental lift—

like windward, surf, tropical breezes, lilacs, symphony, champagne, rainbow…

17. Do someone an unsolicited favor just because you feel like it.

18. Make a phone call to an old friend, or call a recent acquaintance to cultivate a new


19. Take a 20-minute nap.

20. Start carrying a book with you and read a few pages when you’re kept waiting or bored.

21. Reward yourself often with thoughts about freedom from smoking.

22. Clean your car inside and out. Add an air freshener.

23. Take up a new hobby.

24. Resume a favorite, long-neglected hobby.

25. Take a ride to the country and smell the clean, fresh air.

26. Get a new hair style…cut it short, change the color, etc.

27. Take a mini-vacation.

28. Wear something special that you’ve been saving.


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29. Take a bike ride and feel the breeze in your hair.

30. Rent a bicycle if you don’t have one; try riding it to work.

31. Pick up a “Dear Santa” letter at the post office and fulfill a child’s dream.

32. Get a massage.

33. Learn a new joke and have a good laugh.

34. Reserve a best-seller at the library.

35. Write a poem.

36. Respond to a free offer in a magazine.

37. Plant a tree or plant some flowers.

38. Go rollerskating or rollerblading.

39. Rent a rowboat or canoe for an hour.

40. Make a hammock and take a nap in it. (Hang it inside during the winter.)

41. Build a birdhouse outside a window and enjoy bird watching.

42. Read your horoscope.

43. Buy some exotic fruits and make a wild fruit salad.

44. Go fishing at a public pier.

45. Buy new sneakers.

46. Get a manicure or pedicure.

47. Visit the zoo, a museum or local tourist attraction on your lunch hour. Or anytime.

48. Buy a best-seller in hardcover instead of waiting for the paperback to come out.

49. Update your photo album; print out some digital photos.

50. Try a new recipe, or invent a new one, with your food processor.

51. Buy a lottery ticket (with a new set of numbers).

52. Plant a window sill herb garden.

53. Adopt a pet from the humane society or your local shelter.

54. Play some music and dance by yourself.

55. Read and record for the blind.

56. Have dinner by candlelight. Use the good dishes.

57. Count the money in your “Fun Money” jar.

58. Go for a swim at the “Y”, the health club, the lake or the swimming hole.

59. Be a kid again! Plan something to look forward to the way a child does.

60. Take some quiet time for yourself.

61. Take a bubble bath.

62. Buy a tee shirt without a cigarette pocket.

63. Treat yourself to lessons: dance, bridge, tennis, swimming, cooking, a foreign language.

64. Go browsing in an antique store, hardware store, craft store, card store, bookstore.


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65. Sleep late.

66. Have your teeth cleaned and admire them.

67. Have a chest X-Ray. It’s a good thing to do when you quit smoking.

68. Go on a hayride.

69. Throw out your ugly ashtrays and use your nice ones for other things.

70. Get some colorful felt-tip pens for writing notes.

71. Buy a new exercise video.

72. Get a goldfish and care for it.

73. Take a new instrument: guitar, recorder, drums, piano…

74. Attend a lecture series at the library, church, museum, adult education center.

75. Make paper airplanes and watch them fly.

76. Buy a kit and put something together: furniture, radio, bookshelf, craft project…

77. Learn how to meditate.

78. Take a walk through some crunchy autumn leaves.

79. Take a walk through a gentle rain shower, or a field of flowers.

80. Build a snowman…or have a snowball fight with a friend.

81. Paint some flower pots a bright cheerful color and plant some flowers.

82. Take a brisk walk or jog before breakfast.

83. Help coach a little league or soccer team.

84. Plan something really different for your vacation this year.

85. Donate your time at a soup kitchen or favorite charity.

86. Write a “letter to the editor”

87. Relax and watch a sunrise or sunset.

88. Take a sketch pad on a nature walk.

89. Have a lemonade on your coffee break.

90. Go to a movie.

91. Solve a crossword puzzle.

92. Befriend a child—look into the Big Brother or Big Sister program in your area.

93. Make a list of good restaurants and try some new ones.

94. Join a health club.

95. Find out what was going on in the world the day you were born.

96. Research your family tree.

97. Plan an evening at home with the family—and don’t watch tv.

98. Design your dream house, or redecorate a room in your current house.

99. Sleep out under the stars.

100.Go apple picking. Make applesauce. 3-G

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My Seven Favorite Rewards

The famous canine philosopher, Snoopy, once said: “Anticipation is the greater part of joy.” Plan your rewards, and sprinkle liberally with an ounce or two of anticipation. Have one reward to look forward to each day. You deserve it!









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Weekly Action Steps—Week 3

(To be completed AFTER watching the Session Three Video Presentation on www.SmokendersOnline.com)

1. Continue tracking your smoking “Stress Periods” (page 2-C). Look particularly at Stress

Periods that may relate to your need for reward.

2. Select three Stress Periods from your list and continue with the Re-patterning

Worksheet (page 2-D).

3. Continue to delay smoking after meals and extend the time to 45 minutes. Leave the

table immediately after each meal, do your oral gratification routine, and then get

totally absorbed in an enjoyable activity.

4. Continue to lower your nicotine content by changing to another brand of cigarettes,

one with a slightly lower nicotine level…no higher than 0.5 milligrams of nicotine.

5. Use Pack Strap 3 for the coming week (page 3-I).

6. Continue drinking at least four, preferably eight glasses of water a day.

7. Use fresh fruit or juice for a natural energy lift. Continue to take Vitamin C.

8. Practice the “Breathe Right” exercises daily.

9. Increase your daily exercise by 5 minutes. Try the Basic Daily exercises (page 3-D).

10. Prevent fatigue: get sufficient rest, and eat light, nourishing meals.

11. Begin to reward yourself in little ways. Follow through with some of the ideas on

page 3-G, the list of Rewards and Distractions.


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12. Starting now, do not drink caffeine or alcohol and smoke at the same time. In other

words, it’s either/or. Either you have a cup of coffee or you smoke; either you have an

alcoholic drink or you smoke. (We prefer you have a cigarette rather than caffeine or

alcohol). To get yourself in best possible condition for your smoking cut-off day, you

need to reduce your consumption of caffeine and alcohol now.

13. Use “Legal Snacks”: One way to help reduce your consumption of caffeine and alcohol

is to enjoy what SMOKENDERS® calls “Legal Snacks” instead. You can smoke freely with,

before or after the following foods/beverages:

LEGAL SNACKS: Water Fresh vegetables

Fruit juice Milk

Fresh fruit Bouillon

14. Implement the following NO SMOKING Periods:

a. NO SMOKING before breakfast.

b. NO SMOKING while talking on the telephone.

c. NO SMOKING while driving or riding in a vehicle.

d. NO SMOKING for 45 minutes before you go to bed.

15. If you haven’t yet come up with a sensational plan for graduation day (the day you

finish this program); keep searching for something special.

16. Continue to work on cultivating a strong “Yes I Can!” attitude.

17. Continue affirming to yourself the following before you go to sleep. “I will stop

smoking for good. I will feel better and look better. I will be free!”

18. Continue adding to your list of Reasons to Quit Smoking, and read through at least once

during the day and before going to bed.

19. Continue adding to your Inventory of Assets and Inventory of Goals.

20. Transfer daily totals from Pack Strap 3 to the Smoking Profile Record online at


21. Complete the Session Three Review form (page 3-J) after watching the video

presentation at www.SmokendersOnline.com. 3-I

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Session Three Review

1. How is fatigue caused by smoking?

2. What are three common stress periods?

3. Why is Oral Gratification important when quitting smoking?

4. What important action helps you avoid self-pity and build self-esteem?

5. Tobacco advertising is built on?


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6. What is “decoding”?

7. Along with a strong, positive attitude, what other attribute is an important key to your


8. Delaying smoking after meals is an example of?

9. Why is it important to begin to cut back on caffeine and alcohol now?

10. How does deep breathing help you in your quitting effort?

Congratulations! You have completed Session Three. Next week (preferably one week from

today), log into www.SmokendersOnline.com to begin Session Four. Have a great week!!


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Pack Strap—Week 3

Cut out this Pack Strap for your use during Week 3. Be sure to record every cigarette and the

relevant information as described on page 1-M.
