Welcome back to Term 2. It is positive for the community that many students have been able to return to school. We have appreciated your flexibility as we have changed programs and processes depending on the latest government recommendations. Over the past few months there is no doubt that families have been under stress in managing the changes in our society, and I am sure all would agree that mothers make an incredible difference in helping a family deal with the challenges that this has brought. I would like to take this opportunity to wish all mothers, grandmothers, and other carers who are involved in the students' lives at Prescott an enjoyable Mother’s Day as you plan activities to celebrate this special day. A special thank you to those carers who have taken the role of mum for some of our children, who will be celebrating their first Mother’s Day without their mum. We all play a part in making a difference for children and it is great that on this day we can honour the many women who make a big difference for children. A big thank you to Charmaine and Paul Fisher for arranging our online Mother’s Day stall. It has proven to be very popular!! Our School Program has been able to return to “almost normal” except for Assemblies, Chapels and external Sport. This has provided some element of support for students. The fact that we have been able to go “online” for Assemblies and Chapels has meant that the students are still able to enjoy these aspects of school life, just not in the same way. As a school we have endeavoured to continue with as many activities as we are allowed to ensure that students still have the opportunity to receive the support they need in their education. We will continue to provide updates for you as families as things change and programs are available once again. I n Closing At a time when life is challenging for many we have the opportunity to rely upon God who genuinely cares for each of us and our current life experiences. To know that we have a loving God walking the journey with us, can provide a sense of peace when things are unsettled. My prayer is that each of us may find this inner peace in spite of the challenges COVID-19 might be presenting for you personally. May God be your strength at this time. Christine Clark PRESCOTT COLLEGE SOUTHERN NEWSLETTER MAY 2020 WEEK 2 TERM 2 From the Principal

Week 2, Term 2 Newsletter€¦ · 2020-04-23  · Week 5 (25-29 May) May 26 - Year 10 Immunizations Week 6 (1-5 June) Term 2 Upcoming Events From the Office MAY 2020 WEEK 2 TERM 2

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Page 1: Week 2, Term 2 Newsletter€¦ · 2020-04-23  · Week 5 (25-29 May) May 26 - Year 10 Immunizations Week 6 (1-5 June) Term 2 Upcoming Events From the Office MAY 2020 WEEK 2 TERM 2

Welcome back to Term 2.  It is positive for the community that many studentshave been able to return to school. We haveappreciated your flexibility as we have changedprograms and processes depending on the latestgovernment recommendations.  Over the past few months there is no doubt thatfamilies have been under stress in managing thechanges in our society, and I am sure all would agreethat mothers make an incredible difference in helpinga family deal with the challenges that this hasbrought.  I would like to take this opportunity to wishall mothers, grandmothers, and other carers who areinvolved in the students' lives at Prescott anenjoyable Mother’s Day as you plan activities tocelebrate this special day. A special thank you tothose carers who have taken the role of mum for someof our children, who will be celebrating their firstMother’s Day without their mum. We all play a part inmaking a difference for children and it is great that onthis day we can honour the many women who make abig difference for children. A big thank you to Charmaine and Paul Fisher forarranging our online Mother’s Day stall. It has provento be very popular!! Our School Program has been able to return to“almost normal” except for Assemblies, Chapels andexternal Sport. This has provided some element ofsupport for students.  The fact that we have been ableto go “online” for Assemblies and Chapels has meantthat the students are still able to enjoy these aspectsof school life, just not in the same way.    

As a school we have endeavoured to continue with asmany activities as we are allowed to ensure thatstudents still have the opportunity to receive thesupport they need in their education. We will continueto provide updates for you as families as things changeand programs are available once again. In ClosingAt a time when life is challenging for many we have theopportunity to rely upon God who genuinely cares foreach of us and our current life experiences. To knowthat we have a loving God walking the journey with us,can provide a sense of peace when things are unsettled.My prayer is that each of us may find this inner peace inspite of the challenges COVID-19 might be presentingfor you personally. May God be your strength at thistime. Christine Clark


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From the Principal

Page 2: Week 2, Term 2 Newsletter€¦ · 2020-04-23  · Week 5 (25-29 May) May 26 - Year 10 Immunizations Week 6 (1-5 June) Term 2 Upcoming Events From the Office MAY 2020 WEEK 2 TERM 2

F E B R U A R Y 2 0 2 0 W E E K 2 T E R M  

Week 3 (11 - 15 May)

Week 4 (18-22 May)

Friday 22 May

Secondary SchoolCasual Clothes for The Push-Up

Challenge Fundraiser - Gold Coin Donation

Week 5 (25-29 May)

May 26 - Year 10 Immunizations

Week 6 (1-5 June)

Term 2Upcoming Events

From the Office

M A Y 2 0 2 0 W E E K 2 T E R M 2


This is a very convenient way tonotify the school that your child

will be absent.

SCHOOL FEESSchool Fees for Term 2 were emailed during the school holidays. If youdid not receive your statement, please contact the school office. Option B School Fees Term 2 fees are due this Friday 8th May(tomorrow). If you wish to receive the Prompt Payment Discount, pleaseensure payment is made by tomorrow. If you require support in the payment of fees due to loss of employmentplease contact Christine Clark [email protected] as soon as possible soarrangements can be made.


Do not arrive at school before 3.15pm or 2.30pm (Friday) and park inthe “kiss and drop” zone as no children are able to leave theirclassrooms until the bell goes at the end of school, so will not beavailable to be collected. Please remember that if your child is not in the “kiss and drop” zonewaiting, then you need to drive around the carpark and join thequeue again.  If you are waiting for your child and they are 5 minuteslate, it means that the traffic flow stops for this period of time,delaying all other parents in the lineup.  Collecting students from school takes time.  Please be patient andallow yourself plenty of time and be prepared to wait in the queue.  If you have an urgent appointment I would suggest you come to theschool earlier to collect your child to avoid the frustration of beingheld up in the line and eventually being late for your appointment. The "kiss and drop" zones are supervised for 30 minutes after school,so parents arriving a little later to collect their children may alsoassist in preventing the build up of cars.Thank you for cooperating with school staff, who may at times makerequests of you, due to them assisting in managing the flow ofvehicles within the carpark. It supports them as you follow theirrequests.

Thank you for your cooperation in using the “kiss and drop” zones ofthe school and only entering the school buildings as a matter ofemergency.   We have appreciated the cooperation of parents insupporting the school in minimising any risk of infection within theschool. As a result, this has caused a significant increase in traffic in thecarpark for those waiting to access this area.  We are asking for yourpatience if you are in line, as well as making sure that where you parkyou are not blocking access for other vehicles.  The roundabout of theschool adjacent Farnsworth Drive needs to be kept clear at all times. Not all vehicles that access this roundabout are waiting to enter the“kiss and drop” zones, so vehicles need to be able to move freelythrough this area and turn both left and right. To assist in the smooth flow of traffic through this area pleaseremember the following protocols: 1.







Out of School Hours Carelandline number has now

been disconnected.

The new OSHC number is 0450 951 645

Page 3: Week 2, Term 2 Newsletter€¦ · 2020-04-23  · Week 5 (25-29 May) May 26 - Year 10 Immunizations Week 6 (1-5 June) Term 2 Upcoming Events From the Office MAY 2020 WEEK 2 TERM 2

Due to only a limited group of students not attending schoolnow, it has been necessary to wind back the support beingprovided by teachers for those working from home, to enablethem to focus on classroom teaching.  In the Primary School this means that a program will be senthome at the beginning of each week and students cancomplete the work in their learning pack as required. Googleclassroom and Seesaw may only be used occasionallydepending on each teacher and the processes they choose tofollow.  Work still needs to be returned to school for checking.  In the Secondary School google meet lessons have ceaseddue to them not being effective with a larger class at school. SEQTA is available for all students working from home toaccess relevant work.  Staff are available via email for anyfurther clarification on work being completed.  Thank you for your understanding in the need for the changesto support the teachers in managing the needs of learners,both at school and at home.

Entertainment Books are now available by digital only.Hard copies are no longer available. Please go to https://www.entbook.com.au/161p609 to purchase your subscription. Options available:Single City - 1 Year Subscription: $69.99Multi City - 1 Year Subscription: $119.99Multi Plus - 2 Year Subscription $229.99 20% of every membership sold goes to Prescott CollegeSouthern. A great gift idea for Mother’s Day! Please see the flyer in the attachments for details on how toorder. Thank you for your support of our school fundraiser.

Scholastic Australia has decided that for the next issue theywill not be distributing paper catalogues.  You will be able to view the current catalogue (Issue 3) bygoing to the following link:https://scholastic.com.au/book-club/virtual-catalogue-1/ If you wish to place an order you will need to do so online andpay via credit card.  Head to scholastic.com.au/LOOP ordownload the app on Apple App Store or Google Play.  All orders must be submitted by Wednesday May 13.  Yourorders will be delivered to school and distributed toclassrooms as usual.  Please allow at least 2 weeks for delivery and distributionafter closing date. Thank you for your continued support ofour Book Club program.

From the Office




The Reynella Primary canteen is still closed until furthernotice. Noodles are available for $2 from the Kids Canteen.For the Primary School, students can order noodles in themorning when the upper primary students come to theclassrooms to take the orders.

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A copy of the Uniform Policy has been placed in the SchoolAnnouncements for your reference. It would be appreciatedif all parents took the time to browse through the documentto clarify any concerns that you have in regards to uniform. Thank you for your support and ensuring that your child iswearing the correct uniform. Just a reminder that students are still required to wear hatsat the beginning of Term 2 depending on the UV reading eachday.  It is important that students remember to bring theirhats to school each day for the next few weeks.

Page 4: Week 2, Term 2 Newsletter€¦ · 2020-04-23  · Week 5 (25-29 May) May 26 - Year 10 Immunizations Week 6 (1-5 June) Term 2 Upcoming Events From the Office MAY 2020 WEEK 2 TERM 2

Last term a group of enthusiastic mathematicsstudents from Years 3-6 participated in the NationalBebras Mathematics Competition. Each student had 60mins to solve a series ofcomputational thinking challenges which put theircreative and critical thinking skills to work. I am very pleased to share the results from Round 1with you. Congratulations to all the students whotook part.  Special mention to Samantha Jones who attainedthe highest score for Prescott Southern. Years 3/4 Elena Bernard - ParticipationTimothy Burdon - ParticipationAngus Daly - ParticipationLincoln Delbridge - Merit Olivia Howie - MeritKeiara Landaverde - MeritHarrison Suckling - MeritAbby Thornton - Merit  Years 5/6Daniel Kaambwa - ParticipationPheobe Roberts - Merit Aurora Templer - MeritRiyan Houshman - MeritMichale Drexler - Credit Samantha Jones - Credit

Two new competitions are being offered to primarystudents this term. The South Australian Young Writers Awards will beheld over the next two weeks. Categories are openfrom Reception to Year 6. Students can enter a free choice poem or story up to1000 words. All writing must be completed by May 22.If you would like your child to participate please [email protected] and I willinclude them in an enrichment writing lesson over thenext 2 weeks.  During Weeks 5-10 I will be offering a poetry writingclass for students interested in entering The AdelaidePlains Poetry Competition. The subject of the poem is'vision'. Students for this class will be selected byteacher/parent recommendation. If you feel your childhas a passion for writing with descriptive languagethen please email me to have them included in thisclass.   Suzie Crowe Primary Enrichment Teacher

From the Primary School - Enrichment


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Page 5: Week 2, Term 2 Newsletter€¦ · 2020-04-23  · Week 5 (25-29 May) May 26 - Year 10 Immunizations Week 6 (1-5 June) Term 2 Upcoming Events From the Office MAY 2020 WEEK 2 TERM 2

From the Secondary School M A Y 2 0 2 0 W E E K 2 T E R M 2


Years 7-12 will be participating in the Push-UpChallenge for Mental Health. Challenge yourself physically, learn about mentalhealth, engage in some friendly rivalry and helpsupport mental health and suicide prevention throughthe Push-Up Challenge. Go to www.thepushupchallenge.com.au to find outmore on how to get involved. Please see the attached flyer for more information. There will be a Casual Clothes day on 22 May forsecondary students only. Students may dress up astheir favourite sporting hero, wear their team coloursor come in their sporting gear. Bring a gold coin donation on the day.

Page 6: Week 2, Term 2 Newsletter€¦ · 2020-04-23  · Week 5 (25-29 May) May 26 - Year 10 Immunizations Week 6 (1-5 June) Term 2 Upcoming Events From the Office MAY 2020 WEEK 2 TERM 2

OSHC had a very different vacation care during April. With no excursions, we made the most of our time at OSHC by engaging inmany different activities. We had the weather mostly on our side for the two weeks, allowing us to play, paint and create outside.We had a couple of visitors to the centre, which was great to break up the days.  Our children in year 2 and above got to enjoy a Sicence Incursion where they investigated a crime of who stole from the schoolgarden shed, including fingerprints and other forensic activities. The clues led to the Principal being the one who stole from theschool!!. Children in Reception and Year 1 got to enjoy a "weird" science incursion where they made slime, quicksand and enjoyed other coolexperiments. Radicool Reptiles visited us and it was great to support a local business in these challenging times. All the children got up close tothe snakes and the different lizards. Old Macdonald's Farm brought us some cute animals to hold and interact with. The rabbitsand guinea pigs got the most cuddles! Other fun activities included sand art, wheels day, STEM day, a cartoon photo booth and lots of different painting and craft. The biggest attraction we all got to enjoy, was our 4 metre movie screen, which was set up in the hall for us to watch moviesthroughout the holidays, while practicing social distancing!! We even had our own candy bar. At the beginning of the holidays, we were lucky enough to be given some pupas which we watched hatch into beautiful Monarchbutterflies. The first one, which we named Dave, fell from his cocoon and broke his wing. One of our educators took him home andhe is living a life of luxury everyday with orange slices and fresh flowers. The other butterflies, named Zoe and Rex, and anotherwithout a name... were released onto the flowers down at the church. The children loved seeing them hatch and grow. From everyone at OSHC: Stay Safe! We can’t wait to see everyone in the next holidays. And whatever that may look like, we will stillbe having fun with our friends!

From OSHC - Vacation Care M A Y 2 0 2 0 W E E K 2 T E R M 2

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Vacation Care M A Y 2 0 2 0 W E E K 2 T E R M 2

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Launching in Australia Thursday morning23rd April 2020, Facebook will be rollingout Messenger Kids. Built with a tablet inmind, and aimed for 6-12 yearolds,  Messenger Kids is a new version ofthe popular app Messenger which allowschildren to be in a safe environment toconnect with their friends and family. Please see attached flyer in communityannouncements for more information.

Dear chess friends,Chess School is running a new chess courseat our Online chess club for kids.                                 2nd of May (Saturday) 4.pm-6.pm7th of May (Thursday) 4.pm-6.pm9th of May (Saturday) 4.pm-6.pm14th of May (Thursday) 4.pm-6.pm16th of May (Saturday) 4.pm-6.pm21st of May (Thursday) 4.pm-6.pm22nd of May (Thursday) 4.pm-6.pm28th of May (Thursday) 4.pm-6.pm30th of May (Saturday) 4.pm-6.pm Chess workshops have 2 parts:Cisco Webex meeting-coaching & Playing chess games (online in a Kid safemode) There will be 9 sessions in May. The cost is$10 per event. You can save $10 if you payfor the whole course. The cost for the whole course is $80. Ways to pay: https://chessschool.com.au/makepayment/  Kind regardsMato

From the Community

M A Y 2 0 2 0 W E E K 2 T E R M 2

From the Carly Ryan Foundation

LIVING WELL RESOURCES Please see attached flyer in communityannouncements for more information onbooks available and who to contact toplace an order. Orders will be personallydelivered and Flexible Payment Plans areavailable.

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Something to Ponder...Studies show that parent expectations are a powerful predictor of student success and wellbeing. As childrenare required to spend more time at home over the coming months, your expectations about your children’sbehaviour and performance are more critical than ever. While there may be a temptation to shield children and young people from hardship during the current COVID-19 pandemic, this is unrealistic and out of step with current societal norms. Every segment of the communityincluding children and young people is expected to both give something up and contribute more during thepandemic. The greatest contribution kids can make is to help their family function as effectively as possible, look out forthe wellbeing of family members and peers (using appropriate social distancing measures) and to quicklyadapt to the new learning requirements from school. As a parent you should expect your child or young person to: Help at homeMore time spent at home means more mess, more untidiness and more food to prepare. It’s reasonable toexpect kids to clean up after themselves, sweep floors, wipe benches, wash dishes or empty dishwashers andalso contribute in age appropriate ways to meal preparation. Consider using a weekly jobs roster for the largertasks and avoid linking pocket money to jobs. Linking help around the house to pocket money teaches childrento think “what’s in it for me?” rather than “how can I help my family out?” Behave wellThe default question for kids when living in close quarters with others should be, “How does my behaviourimpact on others?” If their behaviour impacts adversely on the rights and wellbeing of others, then it’s not anappropriate behaviour. A child who continually makes a noise while in close proximity to a sibling who isstudying is showing little consideration. As much as possible skill kids up to resolve relationship problems withtheir siblings so that you’re not continually policing their behaviour. Look out for othersEncourage children to look after the wellbeing of fellow family members. Using age appropriate language, helpchildren understand the signs of deteriorating mental health including sullenness, moodiness, spending moretime alone, shortness of temper and drooping out of family activities. Encourage children to act with empathyand kindness when family members are struggling and discuss ways that they can help including giving themspace, listening and having fun at appropriate times. By helping children to look out for the needs of others,you are also helping them to build skills in expressing the full range of their own emotions. Stick to schedulesThe use of structures and routines are an essential element of family functioning, particularly during times ofchange. It’s advisable to make your family schedules mirror the schedules established by your child’s school.Expect children and young people to stick to the established schedules without taking short cuts,  arriving lateor finishing early for online lessons. Differentiate the week by relaxing the schedule on weekends, which giveskids something to look forward to. Show up for lessonsExpect kids to show up for school lessons with the right attitude, equipment and clothes. Wearing clothesspecifically for school work helps to trigger their readiness for learning, and differentiates school time fromleisure time. Display disciplineTime spent at home requires children to self-regulate and be disciplined. I suspect that those children who dobest in this time of self-isolation will be students who discipline themselves to exercise regularly, limit theiruse of digital devices, develop a sleep preparation routine, stick to school work routines and practisemindfulness regularly. Expectations can be tricky to get right. Too high and children can give up. Too low and children will meetthem. In these challenging times when more is asked of all of us, err on the side of the side of keeping yourexpectations high for your kids. They’ll more than likely rise to the new challenges that social distancingmeasures require of them, building their confidence, character and resilience. Michael Grose

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Newsletter Handouts

Prescott College Southern140 Pimpala Rd, Morphett Vale SA 5162

PH: (08) 8381 4290Email: [email protected]

Website: www.prescottcollegesouthern.com.au



School Uniform PolicyThe Push Up Challenge detailsEntertainment Book details

Carly Ryan Foundation - Messenger Kidsinformation Living Well Resources for sale