Week 11: Manifestation Principles For Creating What You Love

Week 11: Manifestation Principles For Creating What …the90daytransformationproject.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/Week... · of how you are manifesting and what space you are manifesting

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Week 11: Manifestation Principles For Creating What You Love

-­‐  Pre  Work  Workbook  -­‐    

©  Connie  Chapman  2014  |  The  90  Day  Transforma8on  Project  






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This week I want to teach you a way of creating your desires that does not require hard work, force or struggle. This is not about taking excessive action, trying to make things happen or attempting to get more stuff from the external world to fill you up. The process of manifestation draws upon all of the principles you have been learning previously. It requires an understanding of conscious creation, energy work and alignment. It requires you to birth desires which are aligned with your heart, on path with your higher purpose and driven by your soul. Yes, it requires action but through this process you will take steps that are divinely inspired and guided by your intuition. Manifestation is a natural process and you are always manifesting. The images that you hold in your mind, become the form that you see in your world. The energy that you feel within you, radiates out of you and magnetises that which matches it. The stories that you tell yourself, the beliefs you hold on to and the emotions you carry within determine the quality of what you manifest. This is not about learning how to manifest. Rather it is about becoming conscious of how you are manifesting and what space you are manifesting from. We want to make this a conscious and deliberate process. You can either manifest from a space of fear or a space of love. Manifestations born from fear will always be limited. Manifestations born from love are infused with infinite energy and create limitless possibilities. Manifestations that come from a thinking space, arise from your ego mind and that fear-driven part of you that experiences lack, limitation and restriction. Anything created from this space will always be tinged with those energies and will not fully fulfill you. Manifestations created from limited thinking create limited results. When you are working with an energetic approach to creating your world, you must have an understanding of the Law of Attraction. Many of you would have heard of it, but it is one of the many energetic laws that guide our Universe.



©  Connie  Chapman  2014  |  The  90  Day  Transforma8on  Project  

-­‐  Pre  Work  Workbook  -­‐    

To help you better understand the Law of Attraction and how it works, I have drawn on several quotes from The Teachings Of Abraham.

“When you begin to understand Law of Attraction, and you understand that which is like unto itself is drawn, then it is

easier and easier to understand that you are offering a signal, and the entire Universe responds.

And when you finally get that, and you begin to exercise some deliberate control about the signal that you offer, then it really

begins to be fun, because then you recognize that nothing happens outside of your creative control. There are no things that

happen by chance or by circumstance

Law of Attraction says, "That which is like unto itself is drawn."

Which means vibrations are always matched. When it is asked, It is always given. The confusion that you feel is that you think you are asking with your words - or even with your action - and sometimes you are. But the Universe is not responding to your

words or your action. The Universe is responding to your vibrational calling.

Use whatever excuse you can to vibrate in harmony with those things you've been saying you want. And when you do, those

things that are a vibrational equivalent flow into your experience in abundance. Not because you deserve it, not because you've

earned it, but because it's the natural consequence of the Law of Attraction. That which is like unto itself is drawn.”

©  Connie  Chapman  2014  |  The  90  Day  Transforma8on  Project  

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”Because the Law of Attraction is responding to the thoughts that you hold at all times, it is accurate to say that you are

creating your own reality. Everything that you experience is attracted to you because the Law of Attraction is responding to

the thoughts that you are offering.

Whether you are remembering something from the past, observing something in your present, or imagining something

about your future, the thought that you are focused upon in your powerful now has activated a vibration within you—and the Law

of Attraction is responding to it now.

The more you come to understand the power of the Law of Attraction, the more interest you will have in deliberately

directing your thoughts—for you get what you think about, whether you want it or not.

Your attention to it includes it in your vibration, and if you hold

it in your attention or awareness long enough, the Law of Attraction will bring it into your experience, for there is no such

thing as “No.”

To clarify, when you look at something and shout, “No, I don’t want to experience that; go away!” then what you are actually

doing is calling it into your experience, for there is no such thing as “No” in an attraction-based Universe. Your attention to it says,

“Yes, come to me, this thing I do not want!”

To manifest what you truly desire you have to flow, let go, trust and know. The part of you that needs to push, force and try to

make it happen is the part of you which doubts whether or not it will happen”

©  Connie  Chapman  2014  |  The  90  Day  Transforma8on  Project  

-­‐  Pre  Work  Workbook  -­‐    


Complete the following 2 worksheets

The Manifestation Process Your Manifestation Rituals


Complete the Magnetising Meditation at the end of this workbook

Transformation Focus Sheet

Complete your focus sheet and let it guide you this week


“ My energy creates my world”

“I am magnetising my desire’s”




©  Connie  Chapman  2014  |  The  90  Day  Transforma8on  Project  

-­‐  Pre  Work  Workbook  -­‐    

Each persons process of manifestation is unique to them and as with everything I teach, I recommend you play around with this process and make it your own. I am teaching you what works for me but the more you can tweak and personalize this process the more it will work. You want this to be guided by your feelings and your guidance, rather than as a method or formula you have to follow. The more you try to box this in to a step by step process the more you are coming at it from your head. I want to encourage you to shift and change this process based on how you are feeling. Play around with it. You want this process to feel light, fun and playful and if it feels heavy, forced or uncomfortable then stop. Remember, it is your energy that creates. So, this whole process is about achieving the right energetic state. It doesn’t matter if you are following the steps or doing what you think is right, if it feels off then you are not going to be creating what you want. For the following worksheet, choose one desire and then use it again and again for each desire you have.

©  Connie  Chapman  2014  |  The  90  Day  Transforma8on  Project  



-­‐  Pre  Work  Workbook  -­‐    

Step 1: Desire it. Write below what it is that you want to manifest. As you think about this, make sure you reflect on why you want to create or experience this. Is this a heart-driven desire? Make sure it is coming from love not fear.   Step 2: Declare it. Describe your desired outcome in as much detail as you can. You may also want to write this out on a separate piece of paper and stick it somewhere where you look at it regularly.  

©  Connie  Chapman  2014  |  The  90  Day  Transforma8on  Project  



-­‐  Pre  Work  Workbook  -­‐    

Step 3: Feel it. Take some time to feel into that desired outcome. You cannot manifest anything that you cannot feel. You manifest with energy, not with your head. Describe how it would feel to have it.   Step 4. Clean Up As you connect with your desire, you might notice some limiting, resistant thoughts arising. This might be doubt, fear, uncertainty, unworthiness, worry etc.. You will need to clean up your energy around that desire to ensure you can call it in. Low energy thoughts will block your desire. On the following page, write out all of the resistance that arises on the left, and then cross them out write the opposite on the right. Flip those thoughts from limited to limitless and from doubtful to supportive. Then practise thinking the new thoughts as much as you can.  

©  Connie  Chapman  2014  |  The  90  Day  Transforma8on  Project  



-­‐  Pre  Work  Workbook  -­‐    


©  Connie  Chapman  2014  |  The  90  Day  Transforma8on  Project  



-­‐  Pre  Work  Workbook  -­‐    

Step 5: Magnetise it. To magnetise this towards you, you must hold yourself in vibrational alignment with what you want. You must feel the way you would feel when you have it. You must be in an open, knowing, receiving energy. How can you make your energy a match to the energy of your desire? What space do you need to practise holding yourself in? What will you need to think and feel?    

©  Connie  Chapman  2014  |  The  90  Day  Transforma8on  Project  



-­‐  Pre  Work  Workbook  -­‐    

Step 6: Act On It. Action towards your manifestation comes from a feeling of inspiration moving through you. You feel called and moved to act, rather than forcing action out of fear. The best time to act is when your inner guidance calls you to act. Each time you tune in to your desire, sit with your journal afterwards and ask if there is anything you need to know or any steps you need to take towards manifesting this desire. Use the space below to describe any inspired actions that you have felt arise since connecting with your desire.   Step 7. Let It Go. Trust and know that your desire is done. You do not need to worry or think about it during the day. Trust that when you need to act guidance will come. Just continue to tune in to the energy of your desire and be open to receive guidance as it comes.  

©  Connie  Chapman  2014  |  The  90  Day  Transforma8on  Project  



-­‐  Pre  Work  Workbook  -­‐    

Write out what you would like to create as a manifestation ritual. This will be your regular practise of how you will connect with your desires. Think about the following aspects: Do you want to create an altar, a vision board, a scrapbook? Do you want to connect with your desires daily, hourly, weekly? How are you going to track what you manifest? How do you want to harness the Law Of Attraction? How will you raise your vibration to stay in alignment with what you want?    

©  Connie  Chapman  2014  |  The  90  Day  Transforma8on  Project  



-­‐  Pre  Work  Workbook  -­‐    

Download the Magnetising Meditation from the Bonus page of the members site. Practice this meditation as often as you can this week to call in your desires energetically.    

©  Connie  Chapman  2014  |  The  90  Day  Transforma8on  Project