HERBICIDE GROUPS AND SITES OF ACTION Herbicide Groups provide a simple way of determining a herbicide’s site of action. The site of action is the specific protein a herbicide binds to, resulting in disruption of a physiological process (mode of action) and plant death. Weed-management programs that include multiple Herbicide Groups effective against problem weeds are the first step in managing herbicide resistance. Herbicide Group numbers are displayed on most herbicide labels. This poster provides information on the Herbicide Groups most commonly used in soybean production. Also, the most problematic herbicide-resistant weeds and the Herbicide Groups they have evolved resistance to are displayed. WEED OUT SITE OF ACTION GROUP SITE OF ACTION ACCASE INHIBITORS ALS INHIBITORS MICROTUBULE INHIBITORS T1R1 AUXIN RECEPTORS PHOTOSYSTEM II INHIBITORS LIPID SYNTHESIS INHIBITOR (not ACCase) EPSP SYNTHASE INHIBITOR GLUTAMINE SYNTHETASE INHIBITOR DITERPENE BIOSYNTHESIS INHIBITOR PPO INHIBITORS LONG-CHAIN FATTY ACID INHIBITORS PHOTOSYSTEM I ELECTRON DIVERTER HPPD INHIBITORS PRODUCT EXAMPLES (TRADE NAME ® ) Assure II, Select Max Classic, Pursuit Prowl H 2 O, Treflan 2,4-D, Clarity, quinclorac atrazine, metribuzin, Basagran, Linex Far-Go Roundup, (glyphosate) Liberty Command Flexstar, Cobra Dual, Harness Gramoxone, (paraquat) Callisto, Laudis 1 2 3 4 6 5 7 9 8 10 14 15 22 27 RESISTANCE COMMON WATERHEMP Amaranthus rudis SHOWN RESISTANCE TO: COMMON RAGWEED Ambrosia artemisiifolia SHOWN RESISTANCE TO: BARNYARD GRASS Echinochloa crus-galli SHOWN RESISTANCE TO: PALMER AMARANTH Amaranthus palmeri SHOWN RESISTANCE TO: COMMON LAMBSQUARTERS Chenopodium album SHOWN RESISTANCE TO: JOHNSONGRASS Sorghum halepense SHOWN RESISTANCE TO: HORSEWEED (Marestail) Conyza canadensis SHOWN RESISTANCE TO: KOCHIA Kochia scoparia SHOWN RESISTANCE TO: GIANT FOXTAIL Setaria faberi SHOWN RESISTANCE TO: GIANT RAGWEED Ambrosia trifida SHOWN RESISTANCE TO: ITALIAN RYEGRASS Lolium multiflorum SHOWN RESISTANCE TO: 2 2 2 2 4 2 3 2 2 2 5 5 4 5 5 5 4 5 2 9 9 14 5 9 9 7 5 9 14 7 9 22 9 27 8 27 3 2 3 1 9 10 15 2 1 13 15 1 1 13 Technical editing for this publication was led by Bob Hartzler, Iowa State University in partnership with other universities in the soybean-growing areas of the United States. For more information and links to additional resources, visit TakeActionOnWeeds.com. Take action is supported by BASF, Bayer, DuPont, Dow, Monsanto and Syngenta. The United Soybean Board neither recommends nor discourages the implementation of any advice contained herein, and is not liable for the use or misuse of the information provided. ©2013 United Soybean Board

Weed Out Resistance - University of Wisconsin–Madisonwcws.webhosting.cals.wisc.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/96/2013/0… · supported by BASF, Bayer, DuPont, Dow, Monsanto and Syngenta

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Page 1: Weed Out Resistance - University of Wisconsin–Madisonwcws.webhosting.cals.wisc.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/96/2013/0… · supported by BASF, Bayer, DuPont, Dow, Monsanto and Syngenta

Herbicide Groups and sites of actionHerbicide Groups provide a simple way of determining a herbicide’s site of action. The site of action is the specific protein a herbicide binds to, resulting in disruption of a physiological process (mode of action) and plant death. Weed-management programs that include multiple Herbicide Groups effective against problem weeds are the first step in managing herbicide resistance. Herbicide Group numbers are displayed on most herbicide labels. This poster provides information on the Herbicide Groups most commonly used in soybean production. Also, the most problematic herbicide-resistant weeds and the Herbicide Groups they have evolved resistance to are displayed.

Weed Out

Site Of ActiOn GrOup

Site Of

ActiOn accase inHibitors

aLs inHibitors

MicrotubuLe inHibitors

t1r1 auXin receptors

pHotosysteM iiinHibitors

Lipid syntHesis inHibitor

(not ACCase)

epsp syntHase inHibitor

GLutaMine syntHetase


diterpene biosyntHesis


ppo inHibitors

LonG-cHain fatty acid inHibitors

pHotosysteM i eLectron diverter

Hppd inHibitors

prOduct exAmpleS(TrAde NAme®)

Assure II, Select Max

Classic, Pursuit

Prowl H2O, Treflan

2,4-D, Clarity,quinclorac

atrazine, metribuzin, Basagran, Linex Far-Go Roundup,

(glyphosate) Liberty Command Flexstar, Cobra Dual, Harness Gramoxone,

(paraquat)Callisto, Laudis

1 2 3 4 65 7 98 10 14 15 22 27

ResistanceCommon Waterhemp

Amaranthus rudisShowN reSiSTANCe To:

Common ragWeed Ambrosia artemisiifolia

ShowN reSiSTANCe To:

Barnyard grass Echinochloa crus-galli

ShowN reSiSTANCe To:

palmer amaranth Amaranthus palmeri

ShowN reSiSTANCe To:

Common lamBsquarters Chenopodium album

ShowN reSiSTANCe To:

Johnsongrass Sorghum halepenseShowN reSiSTANCe To:

horseWeed (Marestail) Conyza canadensisShowN reSiSTANCe To:

KoChia Kochia scoparia

ShowN reSiSTANCe To:

giant Foxtail Setaria faberi

ShowN reSiSTANCe To:

giant ragWeed Ambrosia trifida

ShowN reSiSTANCe To:

italian ryegrass Lolium multiflorumShowN reSiSTANCe To:




















9 14








9 22







1 9 10 152

1 13 15 1 1


Technical editing for this publication was led by Bob Hartzler, Iowa State University in partnership with other universities in the soybean-growing areas of the United States. For more information and links to additional resources, visit TakeActionOnWeeds.com. Take action is supported by BASF, Bayer, DuPont, Dow, Monsanto and Syngenta. The United Soybean Board neither recommends nor discourages the implementation of any advice contained herein, and is not liable for the use or misuse of the information provided. ©2013 United Soybean Board