Englishman Weds Stepdaughter of Mayor Van Wyck Miss Kathryn Lydia Van Wyck Bride of Peter Colquhoun, Snrrev Merchant, Mia* Kathryn Lydia ^'ai1 Wyck, step¬ daughter of the late Mayor Robert A. Van Wyck. of New York, "a* married last evening to Mr. Petar Colquhoun of Richmond, Surrey, a member of a very old English family of Scottish descent. The ceremony wm performed by the Ijtev. Nathan A. Beagle, long a friend of the Van Wyck family, at St. Stephen's Protestant Episcopal Church, West Six¬ ty-ninth etreot. Judge Augustus Van Wyck. brother of the Mayor and executor o< his will, gave the bride in marriuge, and his eon. William Van Wyck, was one of the wltR-^ses. Others present were ihe mother and sister of Ihe brida and Mrs. James W. Osborne, daughter of Judge Van Wyck. Following the ceremony there was a wedding dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Colqulioun are going to Peru on their wedding trip. as he Is called there on business. The bi ide- groom served as a major in the British Army during the war. He is a son of William and Agues Mathlson Colqulioun. The first news of the approaching wedding came when the couple appeared at the Municipal Building yesterday and obtained a marriage license. She is 28, he 44 years old, and a merchant. Miss Van Wyck had "been living at 49o West End avenue. Neither of them had been married before. The bride of yesterday was one or three children by the first marriage of Mrs. Van Wyck. Her father was John Q Hertle, who was Comml»slonei of Aeoounta. under Mayors Van Wyck and MoClellan. Mrs. Hertle was married to Mayor Van Wyck In March, 1906, a abort time before he went to ParUi to When be died, November 14. 1918. In Paris, he left to the bride of yeste>- day the income from one-eighth of his estate, estimated all the way from $1,- 000,000 to $6,000,000, for life on the death of her mother. SAXON PRINCE MARRIES PRINCESS ELIZABETH j Pride Fourth Sister of Duchess of Luxemburg. MtrmcH, Bavaria, April 13..Prince Brnst Heinrlcb of Saxony, third son of former King Frederick August, was married to-day to Princess Elizabeth. of Luxemburg, fourth sister of Duchess Charlotte Aldegonde of Luxem¬ burg. The ceremony was performed at Castle Hohenburg, near Leuggries. Bavaria. _ Former Crown Prince Ruppreclit of Bavaria and his bride, who was Princess Antoinette of Luxemburg the thirdI sis¬ ter of Grand Duchess Charlotte Alde¬ gonde ; the former Grand Duke and Grand Pucheaa of Baden, former Kins Frederick August of Saxony and many other members of families royal were present. Prince Max of Saxony, wlio is a clergyman, performed the ceremony. MISS BABBITT'S "WEDDING. The marriage of Miss Genevieve Cul- lyford Babbitt, a daughter of the late Kurnal R. Babbitt and Mrs. Baboittof 15 East Seventy-eighth street, to Mr. .Tames Gregory Smith of St. Albans, t., will take place next Saturday f.ftcrnoo in the chapel of St. Barthoomewa Church. There will be a small recep¬ tion at the home of the brides moth r. Miss Eleanor Babbitt will be her .)4te[ maid of honor and the other bridalat tondants will be Mrs Curtis R. SmlOi of - St. Albans. Mlas Alida Blge.ow of bL Paul. Minn.; Misses Helen L. S. Betty Thompson and Eleanor 1 n this city, and Eleanor Parish of mond. Va., all debutantes of the season- PYFE MTYSTEH. The wedding of Misa T uvater daughter of Mr. Robert Mont.. Fields Luy ster of 478 Fut.*m avenue, Brooklyn, to Mr. Charles VI ill.ams F> took placo Tuesday In the Church or i t 'altnation. Gates and Franklin nvuin.s. .fti* Rev V W. E. Carrington. the lec¬ tor. officiated. Miss Marjorle E. Ct^ien attended the bride ns mad of Mina^Mr^DmiaW Cameron j risrzt »""!.r us- Mr ' Vibert E. Fyfe. brother of tne orloe- "Frsrsrs r;;i, <»»<¦ tute in 1919. _____ VANDEBHOKF BALDWIN. vr<«e Louine Baldwin. The marriag William Dele- ,1a ugl'tcr of Mr. and Mr wy.-icoff van Baldwin, to Mr. £ m ^ ^ Vandtrhoof. Jr.. son k ,;c.Pge W. Vanderhoef of this ciw. arMSsSrwS R. Walton Goelet Brings His Bride Here From France Mrs. Robert Walton Goelet. Will Spend Some Time at His Camp in Canada This Spring-. Mr. Robert Walton Goelet arrived on board th* Olympic yesterday from | f*rance with his bride, who was Miss Anne Marie Guestler. daughter of Mr. Daniel Guestler of Bordeaux, a director of the Orleans Hallway and one-time president of tlie Bordeaux Chamber of Commerce, and Mrs. Guestier. Mrs. Goelet's brother, Mr. Daniel Guestier, Jr., came with them. Tho party went to the Goelet. house, 691 Fifth avenue. Later they will go to Mr. Goelet's Ca¬ nadian camp, alter which they will make their home on Long Island. Mrs. Goelet speaks English fluei^-ly. Slie said she was charmed with New York's ¦ltyline as seen from the ship. The civil ceremony for the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Goelet took place Jn the City Hall in Bordeaux on January 24, and was the chief social event of the season there. After the ceremony there was a brilliant reception at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Guestler. The religious ceremony was performed the following day. Mr. Goelet ga\ e to his bride a pearl collar of Immense value. Other gifts Included emeralds, ruble.', dia¬ monds, a fur mantle valued at SOft.W/) francs and objects of art. Last night Mr. Goelet took his brido to the Metropolitan Opera House, whers they watched tlie performance of "Louise" from his box, No. 24, In the parterre row. Several friends took the occasion to extend their congratulations to th«* couple, who were accompanied by Mrs. Goelet's brother. Other arrivals on board the Olympic Included Mr. and M rs J. Roosevelt [Roosevelt, who passed the winter in Algiers. They went to the St. Regis to romain until they go to Red House, their place in Hyde Park. Mrs. Valentine A. Blacqne. who hss been living for some years In Pails, also returned by the fcar.ie (steamship. R!ie will be at the St. Regis for two months. ^ 1 MISS LAKDOV EX GAGED. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Griswold Lan- don of 131 East Sixty-fifth afreet have announced tho engagement of th<>lr set-oud daughter,' Miss Eleanor Landon. to Mr. Philip M. Parker, son of Judge Charles W. Parlcer and Mrs. Parker of Jersey City. Miss London wi's intro¬ duced to Society a year a,';o the pasl "-Inter and that reason she became a member of he Junior League. Her father has been in the Diplomatic Ser- [ vince. She Is a niece of Mr. Henry Hutton Landon and of Mrs. Dallas Ba^he Pratt. Mr. Parker was araduated from Prince¬ ton in 1ftl9 and he served in the army; during the war. He la a nephew of Mrs. William B. Bfekman of this city. of Gen. James Parker, U. S. A., of Ne^- ark. ajid of Representative R Wayne Parker of Washington. Mrs. Landon1 will give a reception this afternoon for her daughter and Mr. Parlcer. MIM .IK.MSIK w r.m EXOAGKD. Mrs. J. D. Weir of Craig Varra, Sea Cliff. L. I., and Brooklyn, has an¬ nounced the i ngagen.ent of her daugh¬ ter. Mips Jessie Mearna Wclr, to Mr. West Wulcliet. son of Sir. and Mrs. Louis Wulchet of Kvanston,' III. Miss Weir Is a granddaughter of the late John T. Ptrie. a Chicago merchant, who had (in estate at Sea Cliff. She is a niece of Mr. M. C. Plrie of Brooklyn. Airs. N>1-| son 1,. North, Jr., and Mr. Norman W»fr are her "deter nnd brother. rJM %Zr 364 . 566-566 Fifth Ave nbv york. \yw». at 46^ 5tkert PARIS our ^usto/a tailoring akd dressmaktn& SALONS ARE noft/ /aawnqr To SPECIAL ORDER SEVERAL veryattramve * NEW MODELS ik, TAILORED STREET DRESSES >for wo/a£N an d /afsss or tricottne. french serse fine TMLL CORD amd piqjjetinfi wth amdwthout eambroideries ar. very reasonable PRICES durjnsr'ffle month t april' PERSONAL INTELLIGENCE. VEH YORK. Mrs. Wtiber A. Bloodgoou uvt « iuncneon yMl*rdty at the R.t*-Carlton. Airs. Forest Grant has leturned from San'« Barbara, Cai. Mi. and M:.«. Robert C. Pruyn of Al¬ bany are at the rft. Ke*-.« Mr. and Mia. Waiter T. floaen of 36 vVeat Fifty-fourth street will sail for Eurcpe by the Olynrpic Apri: ». Mr. and Mrs George J. ftouid «ave a dini.er for thir.y la" n gbr at Sfif Firth t \ enue. Mrs. Hem.> M. TilfO'-.l and bat daugh¬ ter, ilia.* Annfci.e Tfiford. wHj :etom to-morrow from Halm Beach. Mr. and Mil. T. Suf'eru Taller wilt ?o <o Baltimore Ap;il M to be the jueats of Mr. and Mr*. Alexander Brown. Mv. and Mra. Herman 3. Murray, aon- .n-law and daughter o? Mr. and Wr». Chai-les Elliot Warren. aie a; Cedar- hurst. L. f. , Mm. kjdwa: d J. Barwind will give a dinner io-morrow nlglit and lake, her X'lCflR tO 1 ht! o Mr. and Mr a. Theodore A. sjchulze. who ) a \ e bueft passing a fortnight at the \u,me of their son-in-'.f v.' and (laughter. Mv. and Mm. Jeremiah Milbatifc. have tone to their home in Si. Paul. Minn. Mr. Henry A. C. Taylor has been gradually convalescing from 1*1* aevero illnes3 of last month. While he baa not vet been able to leave h'a ho'.ise at .> East Seventy-first street. h!a Improve¬ ment lias been so satisfactory that be and Mrs. Taylor have arranged to *o to their Newport residence. In Annan- dale road, June 1. Dr. and Mrs. Nicholas Murray Butler will give a dinner to-tii8*tt at Morn- ingside Drive for Mr. Rene \ i\ ianl, t:ie special envoy of France. The guests will include the.French Ambassador and Mme. JuMerand, the one-time Ambas¬ sador to the f-ourt of 3t. James's, and Mrs. John W. Davis, Mr. Marcel Knecht and Mr. Stephane Laueanne. editor of the Matin. The marriage of Mies Bitty .lacksori, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John A. JscK- son of Wfl Park avenue, to Mv. Howard W. Maxwell, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Howard W. Maxwell of this city and Maxwelton, Glen Cove, L. I., will *ake place June 11 at In!af»d. the house In lioslyn, L. I., of her uncle and aunt. Mr. and Mra. Nicholas F. Brady. Mr. and Mra. Lionel S. Holland ot London are receiving congratulations on the birth of a daughter. Ann Barbara Holland. Mra. Holland was Miss M"-1"? Cutting Cumnock, daughter of Mr. and Mra. Arthur J. Cumnock of this city. Mrs. Cumnock, who was J'"'1 daughter, returned to New > ork >es- terday by the Olympic. WASHINGTON. Tiie Vice-President ?-nd Mva. Coo- lidge w. re guests of Mr. and Mm. Charles S. Hamlin at dinner last evening. There were eighteer. guests. The French Ambasaador and Mme. JuBE^rar.d have started for New Torn on a vlil* and will return to the embassy on Friday. Secretary of Slate and Mrs. Hughs* were the gueais for whom Mr. and Mrs. George B. Sutherland gave a dinner lre» night. Pthera In the company were the Spanish Ambassador and Mme. de Hiano, Justice und Mfs. Mahlon I lt- ney. Justice James McReynolds and sec¬ retary of the Interior and Mrs. Fall. Brig -Gen. and Mrs. Charles B. Drake had fifty guests for dinner at the Chevy Chan-- Club last night. Among the guests were the Minister of Switzerland and Mme. Peter, the American Minister to Switzerland and Mrs. Hampson Gary, Major-Gen, Peyton C. March and Major- Gen. George O. Squler. Miss Leila Gordon, daughter of Mrs. George Barnett, who will be married to-day to Mr. Robert Dickey. Jr.. of Dayton, Ohio, was hostess U'st n'gh* at a dinner for a dozen o,f her girl friend*. Mrs. Barnett is entertaining a house party of girls for the wedding. The British Ambassador and Lady Gedde.' gave a dinner last night at the embassy. Among their guests were Speaker of the House and Mrs Gil- iett Secretary of the Treasury Mellon. Secretary of Agriculture and Mrs. Wal¬ lace. and the Minuter of Cuba. Mr. de Cr.spcdes, Senator and Mrs. James >V Wadsworth, Jr . and Representative and Mra. Nicholas Lnngworth. MISS BBBWSTER TO MED. Announcement is made of the engage¬ ment of Miaa Mllded Brewster, daugh¬ ter of Mr. and tyra. Henry D. Brewster of this city and Scarsdale, N. Y., to Major James P. Swattenham of England. Major Swetfenham served In the world war as a British Government engineer and figured prominently In engineering work In Singapore. They will be mar¬ ried ne:;t June in the Embassy Church tn Paris Miss Brewster is now with her parents In Biarritz. FOR EAST SIDE Ml KfC LIBR ARY. The New York Music Week Committee has sent out an appeal to persons who have mastered the musics', classics, ask¬ ing hem to donate from their collection during the coming Music Week, April 17 to 'J*, sheets and fol!o* of music for use of folk living on the East Side, .'lias Harriet Selma Rosenthal, musical dirac'or of the territory from the Bow- erv to the East River for the Music T.eaaue of the People's Institute, says the Fas! Side is in need of a mu*ic li- brarv. The Seward Park Library branch will donate the apace and a li brarlan for the wofrk and will alao Index the books donated. CARUSO NOW WELL ENOUGH TO SELECT HIS NEXT YEAR'S SONGS Enrico Caruso as he is to-day. From a photograph taken by Mrs Caruso. Hams and Whistles as He Goes Over Many Pieces of Music With Accompanist. Enrico Caruso, who sang a few days ago for the first t.ime since he became ill shortly before last Christmas, is so well satisfied that his illness has not harmed his voice that he spent an hour and a half yesterday trying to select the songs he will use when he resumes his concert ar.d operatic work next season. Several hundred songs have been submitted to the tenor, and he begiin yesterday at the top of the pile and said he would work right through to the bottom before making his final selections. Sal'-atorc Fuclto, accompanist for Mr. Caruso on many coni-ert tours, was with the ainger during the hour and a half yesterday, and in that time they dis¬ carded many songs and accepted a few, the tenor, alternately whistling, hum- ming or giving fullor vocal \ ent to the melodies. The weeding: out process was inter¬ rupted only once: that wan when the tenor's secretary, Bruno Zlrato, told him that he was wanted on the telephone from Havana. At the Cuban end of the wire were three long time frlenda of Mr. Caruso, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ben- nino and Dr. BufTardi. He talked with them several moments, and then com¬ mented at length on the wonders of telephony. "I heard them." 'he said, "as plainly if the call came from the Metro- politan." Mr. Caruso offered a photograph of himaelf yesterday as objective evld-nee that his long* and dsni$>:rous illn**s failed to make many changes in his physical appearance At the time the picture was tal>ert bj Mrs. Caruso, in the Caruso apartment in the Hotel Van- derbilt on April 8, the tenor weighed 165 pound* Instead of the 225 when he berpme ilL Since April 3, however, he has gained about ten pound/* and Is still going ahead. On the ativlce of his physician, however, he will keep his weight In the future belo« ^00 pounds. OPERATE ON GUAR DAB ASSI. Sinner anil Artltt In Hutpltnl '»r Mastoiditis. Cspt. Francipco Msrlo GuarJabo^si, singer, soldier and artist, is in the lLye and Ear Hospital, where he underwent an operation for mastoiditis Monday by Dr. Edmund D. Fowler with suc¬ cessful results. His condition was re¬ ported satisfactory yeaterday. Capt. Guards.bassl formerly aang small role* with the Metropolitan and Chicago opera companies. In recen; y»ais he has been a successful portrait pslnter. During the war h^ served in the Italian army and received several citations for va lor. KORDHAH THEATHE OPBXXG. B. P. Keith's Fordliam Theatre, a new neighborhood vaudeville and motion picture house at the corner of Ford- ham road and Valentine avenue, prat¬ ing 2.300 and costing more than 11,000.- 000, will have Its gala opening to¬ night, when officials of Bronx Borough, Fordham's leading cltlsens arid the offi¬ cials of the Keith Circuit will formally dedicate the new structure to com¬ munity amusement. Harry Carroll and compan> In "Varieties of 1921" will Mead the six »<.?« of Keith vaudeville, while the photoplay feature will be Sessuo Hayakawa in "Blar'i Rosas." THIS AFTERNOON AT 2 O'CLOCK Continuing Tomorrow Friday) end Saturday Afternoons at the same hour. At The American Art Galleries Madison Square South, New York TO BE SOLD AT UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE By Order of Signor P. CATTADOR! THE MORE IMPORTANT ITEMS OF The Extensive Collection of VERY VALUABLE ANTIQUE ART PROPERTY OF THE WIDELY KNOWN CATTADORI , ITALIAN ART GALLERIES FORMERLY LOCATED AT NO. 734 FIFTH AVENUE. innCOKTWlKD OJI ACCOUNT Of MMOUTfON OF THE MMMMKO) ON FREE VIEW 9 A. M. UNTIL 3 P. M. C afalefii*. Htnstmted by halftone repro(1i'«*ton», will mulled to applicants on receipt of One Dollar. Ihc «ala wilt be conducted by MR. THOMAS *. BLIRST and his assistant* of the AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION. Managers Madison Square Seaih, EntraneeS f., 1U Straet, S>» Terli. R. C. Foster Sails for Home to Wed Miss Frances Hoar Sptdal VtMfiotch to Thb New Vo*k Hmut.D. Boston. April 13..Following the re¬ ceipt of a cableHtrom from her fiance to¬ day. Miss Frances Hoar announced that she and Mr. Reginald C. Foster of this city will bo married immediately after his at ival from abroad, about April 22. When their engagement was announced recently it was said that the marriage would take place In May, following the return of Mr. Foster, who has been with the American High Commission in Ber¬ lin. Ho met Mies Hoar wli'le ehe was abroad last winter, and the entire court¬ ship took pliice abroad. When she re¬ turned to America the engmgemant wa* announced from Washington by her mother, Mrs. Frederick H. Gltlett. wife of the Speaker of the House of Repie- sentatives. Miss Hoar, who n;altes her home with her mother in Washington. Is now visiting relatives in Boston. The cablegram from Mr. Foster reads: "¦Sailing 13th on New Amsterdam. Have minister, ushers, bride.imaids on deck. Peg." Miss Hoar is a daughter of the late Rorkwood Hour snd a granddaughter of the late Senator Hoar of Massachusetts. hfr. Foster is n member of a promi¬ nent Boston family. He is a Harvard graduate, c!i3s of 1911, and wae the1 captain of th'J Crimson tru'.k team of that spring. He was also n member of tup Harvard-Vale track team that went' to England to compete with the Oxford men in 1911. He wo* popular at college and held filgli class and el ist» <lay honors. He la the arm of C. H. W. Foster, the yacht designer. For more than a year Mr. Poster ha* been attached to the A met lean H.^li Commission in Berlin. Duiing th* war he Tras an officer of the artillery and saw consider?.We service oversea*. In 191? he was engaged to marry Miss Marion Farwell of Chicago, daughter of Francis Fsirvell, Chicago dry goods iner- chant, A few days before the d"te for their marriage, May 19. she was found ctead at the bottom of :i deep ra\lne> bordering the --state of her f.ithei 3t I.ake For. st. She had just returned from North Carolina, where she iiad *pent the winter becau.*-" of ilhi".«s. SOOIAl. KOTBH, Major «ud Mis. Murray rtsidwin arid tfieir son ha\» tome from San Fran-! Cisco to the Hotel Aartor for s week. Malor and Mrs. Pl.iiip Hs*es and Major t>nd Mrs. Oiw N. Bradley of West Point. Commander and Mrs. Walter O. Farre'l, who came from ihe naval ->ir station at I'er.sacoia, Fla., and Major Clifford C. Early. U. S. A., of the office of the Chief of Staff. War department, it.." Mr«. Early also are slopping at that hot"!. Mrs. A. F. I«au *ibaeh has returned '3 her spai tinent. 761 Fifth avenue, from Camden, S. C., u-here i«l)« had |>a-se;lj several weeks. On her way Nofth Mrs J-auferbaeh .stopped in Washington. where she was received at the White House by Mrs. Harding. Mrs. Thointfia F. Turner will 30 to! her country home at North Bennington Vt.. in May for 'be aummer. Miss Amv Aldrich and Mr. Chester Aldrich of 1H East Thirljr-eighth street will close th'ir shse on April .V> ar.ii sail for Italy. They will be Abroad -r.v ersl months Mrs Mon it* F. Weate gren lias a* he* guest st Atlantic City Mrs. William H. Badllrj. of l^akewood. N. .1. \OTi:<l OF THB THKtTRKV Je. kif iv,oMn, <. :->o »>p«arr<i « 1- m Chfepltn !n til* itf,t>:ami*y " The Kid," was fl!imwt fnstereey Wr.e VsnJng * frs<y wtoli Moe Mark. pre»ld«im of *!tr< imrut '!*».* tn- r«mp»"i. f<w Me innMmi'i «her« with 'Per'.-'e Ted lie? .' wilt h M'ars lilni ax.d la soh«<i'..'»*t for Mctilb ':*>n the *vseV ivmimsnelri* Apr'I '-M Mr. SJii Mn Kr»n« I'min araioi>",c* tfie grrtve' of « beb » !*J Ki'san t*«; .«» bom IsM we»V r' H K.v e Hofpb'il, Mr. Tout.', "'ho la C « miwiesl 4lNOt«r fr.' I.tine In > '1 <><1 the Tlarrymort* spp«sr e; the Umpire »ie*'. «¦»«.!,, lives .m Deuglflet). t,, 1 Oherte» em ^ tistii IUpool rani* regeant. "Ooo^ TtmaS," 'o^ay iHH eqiiet the !>«t-fo-m«w* I'»v>ra» of first two r»ro.1iin«!<i«». '.tip. Hip, Moortv!" Th» his Ww-." toih "f " hlcti iwsonmt pei fonMUMM* Iter!*jw1 T>irr\ rer »U»S e tp-'««gi»*ii nt eon- ¦ri'iiiitloni vesl"rflaj for nia performsrire In "Tip-Tf>p" from e\»r> of (h» m«'r b»rw «uid «Kege of t?!» "Hktohy-Kon 1030" mm/mar. In elileh Dtson «.n<l but nwe foets-rtria Ultphcoch when o«.U«wt to rep'ft F"reo Kt«ne st ths Olob# Thest.re Davlil Heionoo's MSlWUon of ' 1'ii<1 Ctol'l r> *«»re." A<er 'to^wceit'e apaik'.ng »oir Mr. will reat't Its #ro;.« Derformsuce » the Lyrsrim TJiesf.r* te nigiit. One of U>* «<srlis«t pro»lurtk>n.« of the ees s«i bv » Se''-.."ts will be Rmny," s by Georire V. Hobsrt. wblrti e'resdy tis.« bed s trvout. GW' F^wt" r. lie An of Rentocky hue ' rotiTviw on«Nt lo^Wi Getttnn r*«Vin»1 on hte 1 n'sff !n teoogrlt.mi of 1n» -evvlfee se a protlu' or 'I'he Wintierts >1 tneoneeil .reeterrtey ti.si rj.* ' mtiolnsi versfen »' Berrie s QimUI » P'rsw " will t»" '<nowri a* "PViebs of Q te'.'v Street Oils Ke- romr>oeer ef ''Tie Belie of Nw Vo' tie < be. .t engaged -o e*<h tne , seore of ilia n ;elrs! romed-. 0 the lmge rv>t, "t r 5Sg<-il fn- , I "OOtJ.XTHT Boardeii Wants® (<i one nr .lie mee' is sifiraitwis is Ths |1 f*" ' ' ''on ¦»<....» the' Marquette Club Presents Its Own Musical Fantasy Tliouftand .Members and tiuesis «»f the Organization Attend I hi1 Performance. Before an audience of more man l.ouO meiuuarft and iuesU the Marquette Club presented !n the l>allrooin of the Piaza Hotel lest night a luaaita!, fantasy cu'.led Topay ihe book of which wa« written by Mr. Haul Stewart and the mujiic compoteil by Mr. Ronald Olypliant. The performance, which was t&atefullyj mounted and costumod, wa? riwn under' the direction of Mr. Alfred B. Cornell, They, as well as member* of the large coat, are members of tho club and are amateurs. The production, which had previously been given lor «harlt> on Siaten Isltuid and at the <.^rr</ll Club ii. Madison avenue, will be repeated to- night. Leading paru< in tiie muaic&l play were taken by Mi>>*e« Katlileen Slevlu, Teresa Fan-ell. Eciith Coyle, Margaret August, May Belle McManus, Catherine Loughlin. Ellen Burke, May Burke, Valeda l'yke and Catherine Powerrs and Metmrti. John J. Sweeney, Kenneth B Kox, Aubrey Conroy, William Conway, Charles Petigny, Richard R. Clifford and H. Roberts Hansen. The chorus Included the Misiie.s Ada Slevin, Clare Conway, Marjory Donnelly, Aiulree Andrews, Margaret August, Agnes Blake, Catherine Blake, CecelU Carey. Loretta Conaty, Anne Callanati. Clare Cailanan. Courtney DavWige, Anno Dobbin, Mdt.a Fariell, Catalina Qlbbs, Loretta, Hogan, Marie Jenkins, Frances ICennelly, A. Lederle, Veronica Maxwell, Sally Mann, May I. MoCairthy, Elyce O'Connor, Valeda Pyl:e, Catherine Pow¬ ers, Bertlia Rieppel. Helen Roeser. Frances Rellly, Vivian Rellly, Cecelia Ryan, Claire Shoeder, Dorothy Scully, F. Gardner, R. Gardner and FVjra Plsani. Also Messrs. J. J. Daly, Chnrles Doherty, Robert Culhane, Joseph A Birmingham, John >C. Campbell, Clarence Hussey. James Lynch, Frank ircKfcnna, Paul Mc- Hugh. Henry McHenry, Abbott Obern- iloffer, Vincent O'Shea and H. Robert Hansen. PRESIDENT EXPRESSES INTEREST IN MUSIC Says He Has Been a Little of an Amateur Himself. Washington, April IS. President Harding's interest in music and the arts generally is indicated' in a recent letter to Arthur M. Abell of this city i:1 reply zo one urging support for a move¬ ment to develop Washington as :t 01 mot¬ or all branches of art. In the lett'-r, which \%o:s nad<> public to-night by Mr. Abell, th- President tx- pressed his interest In "the effort to develop Interest in and last-1' for good music, and, indeed, throughout the t:a- tlon perhaps in part because I have been a very little of an amateur mynnlf." "I know It lias b«ien said," (he letter continued, "that arts have not always been so much favoitnl under Republican as monarchical tjoverumwits, but I think a. fair survey will Justify a very frank difference of opinion on that point Surely the er.couragement of the arts In Greece and in France under the insti¬ tutions of democracy can hardly be < lted 4n support of such a thesis. Like¬ wise the history of our own and the other American republics, 1 think, Jus¬ tifies the opinion that artistic tajite and interest may quit* as well flourish under the popular as under the monarchists, establishment." BUSTER KEATON HERE TO WED MISS TALMADGE Film Actor Recovering From Injury Due to Fall. Bust-r Kenton, film comedian, w;io| has Just arrived in this city front lx>n Angeles and is stajfng at the Hotel Bilt- niore said yesterday that his marriage to Miss Natalie Talmadge, sister of Norms and Constance, whom he had not seen in two years until he came Kaat, would probably take place In about s month. The date was unsettled, li»- said, be- flause intends to stay her«- from four to six week* and then br- nisi t ied a da> or so before lie leaves for the Pacific coast. Ho is here to recover from an accident in his film studio recently which bent him to the hospital badly Injured. His right leg was (broken when he fell into an escalator tiiat was being use |n on*1 of his comedies. The youthful comedian can now walk, however, with the aid of a cane and expect* to be able to move about with his usual blithe dexterity In about a month, when hi; will leturn to work. While resting he will also attend to some busineas matte's. IIADIIOX < II AM It Kits HK.MORIAb To-morrow mornln* at 11 a service1 in memory of (' Haddon ('numbers will be held at the Church of tho Transfigu¬ ration under the auspices of a < omrnltt«v of one hundred former associate* and friends of the playwrigiit, Including many important stars, tuanagetn i>nd drsrnatisls now in the city. A eulogy will be delivered by DeNVolf Hopper. The following Lambs Club members will constitute the choir: John Hendricks. Scott Welsh, Ernest Torrent e John Mil¬ lard, Frank Belcher. Harry Allen. Irving Fisher, Aubrey 7ates and Harrison Brockbank. The u«her* will be Lionel Atwill, Fr^d G. LMliatn. Lionel Barr>- more, John Kmerson. Bruce M<iRae. Norman Trevor. H. Reeves Smith, Arthur Byron. R. H. Bumslde. Mark A. Lueecher and Arthur Houghton. The organist will be Harry Rowe Shelley. A laurel w/eatit from the host of American friends of the la»e Mr. Chambers, will be sent to l«ondori following the service to lie de¬ livered to his widow b> C. Johnson, who sails by the Carmania Haturdaj *M0\0 Til K Pl.AtOOURS, Among those pi'nenf at last light'*, performance of "Tip-Top at the Globe Theatre were Mr. intl Mrs. K. Burton Gart. Mr. and Mis. Ern<»t ]<ee Conant, Mr. and Mis. Francis L. Hine and Mrs. James Sullivan. "Good Tim**." at the Hippodrome, w** seen bv Mr. and Mrs Robe»t James, Jr., nnd Mr. Charles A. Denny. At the Beiasco Theatre to see "Debu- rau" ere Mrs. William Prine and pa'tv. Mr. stid Mrs. Ii. L I»oblin. Mr, George L Leslie Mr snd Mis II. J. Tsvlo snd Mr snd Mrs. A. C. MeKttme> OBITPAKIES. PRIKST l)K tn, AOKD log. 8t Bonitao* Man, April 13.--The Rev Father Daniaae Dandtirand. Order t>t Mary dmmaculate, died here to-day at the sge of 1^2. He was "n!d to the nldest CstViHc priest in the wirlC. !!» iva« botn on Mai'"h 23 18!>. tn tiie vll- !»ge of I... Prn'rie, Que!n .if F< en- ii psrentsg#-, HIIJ.I1M <ITI14N(., Rnn-.f't r ru. Kng'and. Aiuii .; William Sfr-4ig not* et- her. paintf mid engraver, dl^d here last night. Mr. Strang produced a number oft M >n. !iW>k Itifm *v. -4#f*. i food paintings, but moat of his time was devoted to etching- He wad one of the original members of the Hoyal Society of 1'ainter-Etch-r*. displaying his work at the first exhibition of the society in 1H1, and v. us ele. ted un associate fn- gravcr of the Roy*! Ai ademy when thai distinction wu« revived in 1S06 HK-N'HV UfXIl HAItT. Henry Bills Ha;:, descendsr.l of .tonn Hart, one of the signers of the Declara¬ tion of Independent-*, died widtfeVy yes¬ terday of heart disease in the home of hlg sister, Mrs L». Cuimlr de Coppet, in Shrewsbury. X. J. He was born in Philadelphia seventy-one yearn ago and never was roar: ed Prior to hi* ietii»- ment several yea is ago lie wag in lhe :vii©i-eaa> coal h-usine** In this c!t\ fie leave." Another sister. Aiin- Helen Hurt, of 102 East Seventy-ninth street. n 11.1 K.ll H. CHOSBV. Walter H. Crosby. ;¦!. an actor, it <*<i .vcalertlay in I^nux Hjll Hoepitai tiflet on Illness of several mouths He was born in Buffalo and appeared in stock companies for thirty yoars. The funera. will be held this morning: at The Fu¬ neral Church by the Actors' Fund of America and the body taken to Buffalo for burial. RKRVAHI) S( HOKMtHI X. Bernard Schoenbrun, wholesale cloth¬ ier. who wae stricken with paralyel* Monday, died y esterday in his home, 500 West 17Gth street. He was a native of Hungary and came to this country- as a young man. He was in his 61 st year. He leaves a wife, two sons and three daugh¬ ters. He was a member of the Knights of Pythias and the Hungarian Society. FCNKR\I. OF D. A. UOI.DKN'. Funeral services will be held to-mar- row morning fo. Daniel A. Gold'-n of 72J Avenue P. Fiatburh. president of the American l.i:> Society, who d'.rd last Monday after a month's Illness Atr. Golden v as 42 years old. Hi r- irani^ed the insurance corpora ion of which he *as the head. EVBRBS TO BE nt'KIKU TO-DAY. Funeral services for Patrolman John Baptist Sndres of 120 Thirteenth street. Brooklyn, the first member of the Police j Department to die in France, will be held to-day in his former home. Burial will be in the Police Department section of the Cypress Hills Cemetery. Patrol- man Entires was killed in action on the Hlndenburg lire October IS, 1D J S, while serving with the 105th Machine Gun Battalion, Twenty-seventh Division. LOST AND FOUND. V-Sl . Sunday, April TO. on 0th av bus. black l'snd fatcliel, containing wearing nn- oarcl; ninie on baj. Return to W. E. FRY, C-iJ Colnrey Club. Hotat Manhattan LOST.On Broidrty uptown car, gray silk has with silver top. containing money, glav-es and callln* cords. T inder please communicate _with Schuyler 73.'^) Reward. lA<s'r. rtimmtfi spectacles, Saturday, vl- In- tty P.lver Drive, HOtli St.: reward. -1SP4 Academy. REWARD FOi: RKTtrRN T*NDAMAGED llulcl: runabout; t cylinder. 191*. motor, ¦J949S2. frame 42.1794. lower wlnds'ileld broken. RICHARDS. 1f,4 Oxford St.. Man batten Beaoh. ! Jewelry, I.OST.April S, between Waldorf -Astoria Ho-, tel. McCreery's and Altmnn's, n turquoise < irrini surrounded by diamond*. Ron-aid If retumod 310 West 7!'tli st.. afartmar.t St*. LOHT -Friday. April $. lady's diamond ring, about Hi carat*, or.o stone misting. re- ward. Return to W. E. FRY, Old Colony Club. Hotel Manhattan. I OST.Friday. April #, lady's diamond ring about l'i carat*. one atone mlsa'.ug ard. Return to W, E. FRY, Old Colony C'u'i. Hots! Manhr.ltan DOMT.Tuerday night, from Booth Thesirr vo Broadway or !n tiaxl to 1 West U4th at., g:c#-t. Js<ie bar pin. diamond centre, on chair.; Jin reward. HUONTAL. I DOST.Diamond bar pin. In subway, be. tween 11 and 12 A. M., April 12. Liberal reward if retnrred ti owner, 140H Carroll St.. Ri -ohiyn. I'hone Lafayette f^OST-T'earl bracelet, with diamond clasp. In Altmsnw. fltsaros or vicinity. Reword. Wadaworth 9909. __________________ LOST.Diamo id ling. .Id a v. car, south- hound; reward. MoCARTNEV. TeI»piione 27V»i Atldubon. LOST.'Diamond ring, train IndlannpoUs, April 11 Txjulelan); icward. Phone I'ayslde 16W1. I t OST.(K>id ring, r. lth gold bug, enotoalng ied a.r.il v.hl'e stone. Comtnunfeale owner. \ r.ar, Herald. 280 Broadva.. 1 DOST.At aviators' ball, «ol<l rougn citnu His ltd. Phone Madtoon St.si 7«l Ia'jsT.i'ire«ii i.dt- pin. oblong shsp* t* .,var,i. (.'TERM. 20d W. 08th. SUBSTANTIAL. REWARD will be paid foi the return of abort pearl n'fklaee. with diamond c'aso. lost April 10 at Rye Reach. N. V. ADDER. Tel. 013".R YonVers. 1 f 1.000 Rewanl for tl-e recovery of Jewelry lost at GImhels' store Tuesday. April 12. m»1. st erearer counter; no questions »»' "il Cornni jn'cat" wl'h Mr. BROWN', at Gimbils or Mra. A. C. KENT. Exeter. N. H. $100 RBWARI> tor diamond and y!jUnu.n wrist watch. raj*'- No. 20"i77r.. '.OS' April 4 In Penn. R. It. sta tlnn. Tirv orT t < 0., 1'Itth sv. and 37th st ~ " 1200 REWARD for return of dlaniund horseshoe broorh, lost April I between 48th st and Oiar.t r"iritrs) Terminal. I. H. and B il. WEINBERG. (Mir, Rill si v. gr,or> REWARD A pear shaped pearl scarfpti, 42d st. <inb- va- to Wall street station to Cunar.l line I .'turn 'o C ARTIER. INC.. 0th a^. Wearing Apparel. LOST.*iuni»ay. April 10. on o»h at bus, black hand astclvel, containing «aaring ep f.arel. r.ame on hag Return to W. E. i'R> iMil « olo'iy Ctub. Ho*el Manhattan. Cats. IHtgs. Ir. I.O«T.-Dog. Belgian police, female, s Pip¬ ing Roc£, I., t. snsv. ers to nsiti* of nradle; owner's name on collar, Tel Glen I'uve «SS. LOST.Dog, April JO; Boston Mil. male, on ?M st. and I/exIngton av.: sns'v^rtt to r.suio of Trlnele; reward. Return to SCHAEFKR, K40 Eait SSd _ -Boston wall, golrten bromi. white marking'; neighborhood E. 27th: reward Mts. LEWIS, Hotel ffenton. >7th. Msdlson av LOST.-Bulldof, Bostoti brlndie mate; s«s shoulder Siimiav revard. Kings hi Uiuw S237 1'ennd. POUND -Wallet, at Weehawken, *ptil g. ¦¦ Ith money and psp«rs. O^ net raji m- isme by t<i»ntifvlng contents. CASTEN8. Slagars e Duroont. N. .1 D I F, D . Ue.l. Hairy Maltbls * tdi» .1 M IV,,-jM. I. I. M. Ms- ¦¦ us rton el, Emmailn» Xfoffltt. Eille 1 llr<-«rs- TI" i't' I. Mor-.ow, \ 11re I'. ir .Tcs^ph H, N"" ^iii I1 '. '-i I 'armln. Simon Noble. K.ntly B r'olenvo. Elba Pater eon. Anna * rosaby. Waller Pmard. Eliaa M > I'urtls. Cu: E R'<w«. c iar«» iMwetider, William II. Rlrhardaor. ITomei B D!« m >. ly>tfs ...nbr- M>id, Hsddo<"\ M'anley B. Xetiol'm. Helen lislres. rh.-nles .'. <".n» * ' '. Richard E Hsmllton. Matv -*ord*. J Hart. Henry E Thlbaut. I Hsrt, 'i'homi»«on. William I, Ngary Candida Wsnmaker, Mary .1 rterrlot, Ann \l ' tkuff. ^gn""!!. kavanagh. .totin I. \Vo«d«stKt. Ru«sel W Lsng". Ed word * In Memnrtsm Bigrl... Willlsm H. Robinson Stus \\ JILI, At Sia*nford. Conn on W#dn>-sds» \^rll 13. iSSI. Harry Bell. Ir his 72(t >»s: «on of th« late Andrew J B»il st d hu« hand of OlU» E. Barber. T'l'nersl prltate IENTOK..On Monday. April U. 1P21, |.;i . l!a» ~t- llobh#, h**o\ *d \*ife of t'i-e»1w B T Benton end el/1»s< dang ite of he la' Robert S. Hobba, In her 3fHI\ year. 1'u "¦al aerylree at her lats heme, 44 ilaw -O! ie av.. fie it Oreng*. N'e^ .f-r*»y Thuredny rrorril-ng, April 14. at II o'clock I-i'erniW. Gremst-ood Oemeterr BONVEL.- At Summit, N J April v 1921. 'Inimsllrx. daughter of 'he 1m Jonathan C. and Piioebe Wa' :i lionnel, i the p5 ii \»si of hor ase l-'uners sei vltee will be held at het late tseidenc oi. Thursday. *p»it 14, at 3:30 P. M. arrival of train leaving Hoboken at 2:. P. M. IRKSNAN .Sudd't.l;'. A «prtl II. 10.1. his rest'teice, 22M >lo't av., Rod sway. Timothy .1. Presnsn, r*-Chlef Ve* Verl* Fl^e J)*pe-tment. and hrlovt iilisbguil of Agne* t, ptunVet. tuner friini bis late residence. Thursday, 0 ^ M, Heoi tent rns*« will he «« . >he Se . fbttn-h isit Afn-.M DIED. LiROjKK.. At Plaiulleid, * .' on Monday. April II IKI, Jo. vi>l. Harpe. Bros* In 1 !s HMU year Funeral a.-rvic*a at ¦> «*idrr..-*, 11 U> South »v . Plainfleld, «n Thursday .-veiling, April 14. at l<x lnt«in>eut Woodlawn Cemetery. N Y-. Frlda>. 15 iO P M CARM1N ..Suddenly. «;i April 13. 1M1. l"* residence, 91 Fort WaaMngton ar rtin.on, beloved b«li)Md of WU» J*'1* and devoted lather of Sylvia «.nd Mad* llr.e Oarmlii. Funeral piivatt. UOI.h-MZO -Ap.il 13 B.|*» Coieoao. fr\j£m nlrylivn Merrltfe chapel. ' #lb *v-> ne*r list at., Saturday, 12 M. iPijst-KY.Waitar. Tb# Kurwal Chuicn iFranl; B. Campbell). Broadway. 6«th ei tajspices Actor*1 hSjnfl, rhurauay, 10 " A. M CURTI3..At South Orange, N. J, <* wtdMa&jr. Apnl 13. 1K1. «uy «. *?: !o «*«1 husband of tiara J5. " » .. tu will be Iveid Ht hu late batnv, 4M Hillside place, ««;th Oran*®. cn 8««urday »» -tl Iti. a.- 3:3ti P M. rtelat.ves * ' 'i-s.u. ar« Isivited to attvrJ. i Etergraaa CumWT> Ellabalt- L'KWENDMft.- Suddenly. on Tuaaday. April 12. 11)21. William H. Dcwender. Services al tita late i*old«nta. 173 Amity at., Brooh- r. Thursday evening. April 14. at B <> 0 lock, to which frlenda and member* or Manual Lodge No CM. I". «-nd A M Triune Chapter No. 241. Royal Atcli Ma-o- " New- York: Columbian t'omman dery No. 1. Knight s Templar. New fork; Tempi#, A. A. <1 N. M. F or Brooklyn lira Invitwi to a'lend. HUSTP.it'H..LoQte. baioved liufcbanfl of *rni», «. tits :«ldance, 2«2 t'reaoent at., Broo'- r..ir on Tuesday. April 12. Funeral >»¦"- ,'U-u« Thi raduy waning, at 8 o'clock. In¬ tel mont private. HADDOCK.-On April 13. at New York. Stanley B. Hadd<v k, son of Amelia >v. Haddock and Uic late Stanley B. Haudock. Str.iiva at the residence of Arthur < . Plana, 2037 Locust at.. Philadelphia HAJNES..Cliarlo# Candler Haines, M D., beloved husband of Ann K. Halnaa. sud- denly. or. Tuesday. April II. Funeral at h!f iatt refill ..rice, 1180 Jackaou a v.. The Uron*. N. v., Thursday evening. April 14. at 8 o'clock Interment private at l-ay- vitle, £>. I. HAMILTON.Mary, on Friday. April 8. at 1!' ChrUtonbar St. I.ouls and » liawken papera please copy. HART..ilrnrv Ellis llait. fcon o! Theophllua and Jaie Kllla liait. In t ie T2d y.ar of his age. of heart failure. Funeral private »t the r«aldeiM3» of lila Mr«. Ct^iintr do Coppet. Shrewebury, J HART..Slater Mary Candida. Mount St. Vincent, on Tuesday. April 13. 1»-1 Maw of r»nuleni in the convent chape! at J JO on Tliuraday morning. HERRIOT..At Yonkers. N. Y.. or Wednes¬ day, April 13. 1921, Ann M Herrlot, In the lOih year of h>.-r n*e- Funeral aervtees at Bt John'* Eplacopal Church. Getty Square, Yonkers, Friday ufternoon at 3 o'clock. KAVANAGH..At'FliiaUlna, N .sda^. April 13. 1921. Patrolman John .1 :Cd precinct, - Itv of Ne* York beloved hushand of Mary Ka%ana*h.. Relatives aid frlenda. also memtwrii of the S..d fr<- . lnct, City of New York: San Salvador Council K. of C Catholic Knights of America, branch :«9. Police irepartment Hol>' Name, are itjapecffully In-.lted to a'lend his funeral from his late natderice, K.» Broadtvav, Iluehlng. on Saturda . APIII 18. 1921. at U:00 A. M.. thence i" St. Michael's Church, where a aolemn re uulcm 1.11111 will bo offered for the b*PP- repose of h!a aoul at 10 A. M. lnle.*./ Mount Ht. Mary'a Cemetery. Automobl.a cortege. LANCE.-On April 12. Edword A., aged a years, cl.apei Stevon Morrltt Burial and Cremation Co.. 101 Sth av.. corner 18th at. Time later. MA1.TT5IE..Suddenly. April 11, 192l.Addi- .I. Morrell. wife of Armstrong MaltbW. Funfrml f«rvlc«s At her late re»i<Sence. (iO IJowrlrg at.. Brooklyn. Thursday, at P. M. Interment private. MANDET-BAUM..Mary, heaved r: Iu4>-p'.i and dear mother of Oertrvwe Ro'henb«rg, laJe Haoie U' .lonepli Mau'lelbaum, Edward I. Mande batun and >"annle Gre«.oerges 1-uner* m rviced at Jier late roaJd<vnc4e. 124 W 7:'.d <»t.. at 2 P. M., Tfiunsday. Albar.y papers- plea»e copy. MOFFITT.Ellle F., suddenly, at the home of her son-in-law, J. Byron Creamer. 3 .. Vest 71st pt. Requiem maas at Chuich of the Blessed Sacrament. 71st st. arjl Broadway, on Friday. April lo, at i< A M. lnternient Bsy Shore. 1^. I. MORROW..Alice Bliss, youngeat daughte- of Mrs. D. F. Morrow, at the homo or her sister. Mrs T R. Qulnn. T48 Sterling p'nee. Brooklyn, Wednesday. April U Funeral Saturday, 2:30. private. NEWMAN..At Yonl.1 rs, N. Y.. on Tueads . April 12. 1921. Harold l^swls Newma .. helo^Ad I>u.jbair1 of Ethel M. Newman and sou of Morton W. and Frauclna New- iT:an. runeral service a* his leteres ^ denre. M Sarat-.ra av.. YonVera. . ftonionn. at '.>:IWi o'clock. interment V codlawn Cemetery. NOBLE..April 11. Emily B. Noble. Services Stephen Merrltf'a chapel. 223 8th av.. near 21st s1.. Tliuraday, 1 P. M. PATERSON.At the Homeopathic Hoaolta_ Boyton. Mass.. Ar.ne A Paterson oMJJ Pleasant st.. Brookllne. Mass., r,: Ihe late Robert and Maria Louis* Paterson Funeral service at Augus- Klrkelberg'a parlors P31 8th av . near 5 _.i at., on Frhla>. Ai.nl IR. at 8 P. M. In termont Cypress Hi!ls Cemetery Saturda morning. PINARD.Eliza M. Smith, wife of the .at. John A. Plnard. Nntl-e of funeral here after. Newport iH. I > papers pleaaa oopv RFM8CN .At lila i<wt'ienoe. i.00 MadUr»T a " Tuaaday. AprU 1*. 1021 Charier R«ivr«r.. ivon of the la-.e Jar.e Buydam a- d William Rem#em. aged ft-> y*aJ»- aa^vl'-M at Crace Church. I'.roadway an "mh at., on Friday. AprU 13. at 10 o'alock. RICHARDSON.On Monday evrning. Apr:l 11, 1921. Homer Bartlett Richardson son of the late Frederick L. Rlchardaon. ag».l AS. at No. -7 Marlboro at.. Bpeton. Fi neral servL'a* Thursday. April 14. at H Paul s Cathedral. Boston, at : ..0 o ciec p. M. it Is requested tbat no flowers ha seat. ac'KOE VBRI'N .On April P*-rnar'' his 01st >ear. dearly beloved husband o. Jennie and father of Arthur and Ned K. hoenbMiH. Mrs n7r*' Blanche lloliamler and Mra. IJ«Brw r. Funeral from hie late iesldenc wist 176th St., New York ctty, on Thur- TaT. A^ll 14. mi. at 2 P M. Pl-a-- omit flower*. SCHOl EM..Helen, beloved wife of Ixjuis. on April 13. Funeral notice later. SCHOONMAKER..At her g? West 74th a:., on Tueaday, Ap.'t >2, IK sfa'Uda Rogers, vvlfe of the late s? 1 ot:, tlus Matiu* S toonmaker. I B > . ,.;d cs'inhtri of Oorge Duu^i tw?1' and Mstgnretta Llvlngaton. Funeral »e^- at <.' list Church. Broadway ana .it on Friday. April 1\ at 9:30 A. M. Interment at Kingston, N. i . DWORDS-At Fouth Norualk. Conn. April III 1921, Jennie W. HivoiUs. «lfe of the iat'e WilHam il. Swords of Hon t Norwalk Funeral services n '.ei late re.,dence .4 \\fi< av.. Boutn Norwalk. on trldav. *prll 15. at 2 SO I* M Interment private .rmiiAITT -Hlcljard F . April 13. at Central Valley. N. V. Notice of funeral hereafter. TitriMl'HON' .At Greenwood Lake. N J Anril 12 1921. William 1. I hompaoi . forme.U of Ne*ark. N. I.. In the V,.i ' ,.»r of Me age. Funeral services from V ha pel at Mount Pleasant Cemetery Ne, . ar? N*. J . on Thursday. April 14. at 1 P. M WA'-'MAKEIt .Mary J . widow of Garret A. V jnn.a' er. In the *7th !»«r of he' age. iJtit 1^ Herri'-^# Th# Kuneml Church. Broadway, at »«5*h at., on Friday, Apni 15, at 0 SO A. M W1KOKP -«ud4.nl>*. on Mor Jay. Arrll \gres llai'ard. beloved wife of Wllllaiti llenrv Wlltoff and daughter of Mr and ilVs William « Haav.*rd Funeral eer- v ,-»s ¦ h-r late icsldence. Red Bank. V l on Thursday."April 14. at 1 P M i <uive>ancea v UI meet II 34 train from ^.eniisv Ivanla S^'lon WOOOWAR11 *? Kll.-nr.eth. N. J., Wednee *i \ftil 13. 1»21. P.uasel Williams r«dv ard, In his W»th jear Funeral *#,ur.!sv afternoon. 3 o'clock. Third Pres- hvterlan Church. Elisabeth. fnfrm' nt IN MEMOR1AM. BLACK Wllllan' II horn Norembet 187#, died Aurll 14, 1910 He waa highly est earned b> his bttelneas assortatcs and In ea^lal rilfM end alfectlonately remem¬ bered b> ills relatlvee and many friends. Oil feu the touch of a \anlshed hand. For the aottnd of a voice that le still i.oving Friends ROBINSON Stusr' W. Passed away April 14. t#10 WLertrer You May Be There ii our R»prcjei;t»fi»t Call "Colnnbui 8200" I»® AVK v.. C»MW«a ' -THE FUNERAL CHURCH" be. <Kon Sectarian) 1970 Rro*dvr«T nt 06th St. d»».!.w» o»... v a »>v At. In T1m» tf fill's fM tnz Fni'rtmkrr*. 2070 RivarnJ* 107th St. & Amsterdam At RtuiJmi k<t l«rk * BrMU<*

Weds R. Walton Goelet CARUSO ENOUGH Marquette …chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045774/1921-04-14/ed-1/seq-11.pdf · Miss London wi's intro ... Annfci.e Tfiford. wHj:etom to-morrow

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Englishman WedsStepdaughter ofMayor Van Wyck

Miss Kathryn Lydia Van WyckBride of Peter Colquhoun,

Snrrev Merchant,

Mia* Kathryn Lydia ^'ai1 Wyck, step¬daughter of the late Mayor Robert A.Van Wyck. of New York, "a* marriedlast evening to Mr. Petar Colquhoun ofRichmond, Surrey, a member of a veryold English family of Scottish descent.The ceremony wm performed by theIjtev. Nathan A. Beagle, long a friend ofthe Van Wyck family, at St. Stephen'sProtestant Episcopal Church, West Six¬ty-ninth etreot.Judge Augustus Van Wyck. brother

of the Mayor and executor o< his will,gave the bride in marriuge, and his eon.William Van Wyck, was one of thewltR-^ses. Others present were ihemother and sister of Ihe brida and Mrs.James W. Osborne, daughter of JudgeVan Wyck. Following the ceremonythere was a wedding dinner.

Mr. and Mrs. Colqulioun are going toPeru on their wedding trip. as he Iscalled there on business. The bi ide-groom served as a major in the BritishArmy during the war. He is a son ofWilliam and Agues Mathlson Colqulioun.The first news of the approaching

wedding came when the couple appearedat the Municipal Building yesterday andobtained a marriage license. She is28, he 44 years old, and a merchant.Miss Van Wyck had "been living at 49oWest End avenue. Neither of them hadbeen married before.The bride of yesterday was one or

three children by the first marriage ofMrs. Van Wyck. Her father was JohnQ Hertle, who was Comml»slonei ofAeoounta. under Mayors Van Wyck andMoClellan. Mrs. Hertle was married toMayor Van Wyck In March, 1906, aabort time before he went to ParUi to

When be died, November 14. 1918.In Paris, he left to the bride of yeste>-day the income from one-eighth of hisestate, estimated all the way from $1,-000,000 to $6,000,000, for life on thedeath of her mother.


Pride Fourth Sister ofDuchess of Luxemburg.

MtrmcH, Bavaria, April 13..PrinceBrnst Heinrlcb of Saxony, third son offormer King Frederick August, wasmarried to-day to Princess Elizabeth. ofLuxemburg, fourth sister ofDuchess Charlotte Aldegonde of Luxem¬burg. The ceremony was performed atCastle Hohenburg, near Leuggries.Bavaria.

_Former Crown Prince Ruppreclit ofBavaria and his bride, who was PrincessAntoinette of Luxemburg the thirdI sis¬ter of Grand Duchess Charlotte Alde¬gonde ; the former Grand Duke andGrand Pucheaa of Baden, former KinsFrederick August of Saxony and manyother members of familiesroyal were present. Prince Max ofSaxony, wlio is a clergyman, performedthe ceremony.

MISS BABBITT'S "WEDDING.The marriage of Miss Genevieve Cul-

lyford Babbitt, a daughter of the lateKurnal R. Babbitt and Mrs. Baboittof15 East Seventy-eighth street, to Mr..Tames Gregory Smith of St. Albans, t.,will take place next Saturday f.ftcrnooin the chapel of St. BarthoomewaChurch. There will be a small recep¬tion at the home of the brides moth r.Miss Eleanor Babbitt will be her .)4te[maid of honor and the other bridalattondants will be Mrs Curtis R. SmlOi of

- St. Albans. Mlas Alida Blge.ow of bLPaul. Minn.; Misses Helen L. S.Betty Thompson and Eleanor 1 nthis city, and Eleanor Parish ofmond. Va., all debutantes of the season-


The wedding of MisaT uvater daughter of Mr. Robert Mont..Fields Luyster of 478 Fut.*m avenue,Brooklyn, to Mr. Charles VI ill.ams F>took placo Tuesday In the Church or i t'altnation. Gates and Franklin nvuin.s..fti* Rev V W. E. Carrington. the lec¬

tor. officiated. Miss Marjorle E. Ct^ienattended the bride ns mad of

Mina^Mr^DmiaW Cameron jrisrzt»""!.r us-Mr


Vibert E. Fyfe. brother of tne orloe-

"Frsrsrsr;;i, <»»<¦tute in 1919.


VANDEBHOKF BALDWIN.vr<«e Louine Baldwin.The marriag

William Dele-,1a ugl'tcr of Mr. and Mrwy.-icoffvan Baldwin, to Mr. £ m^ ^Vandtrhoof. Jr.. son

k,;c.Pge W. Vanderhoef of this ciw.


R. Walton GoeletBrings His BrideHere From France

Mrs. Robert Walton Goelet.

Will Spend Some Time at HisCamp in Canada This


Mr. Robert Walton Goelet arrived on

board th* Olympic yesterday from |f*rance with his bride, who was MissAnne Marie Guestler. daughter of Mr.Daniel Guestler of Bordeaux, a directorof the Orleans Hallway and one-timepresident of tlie Bordeaux Chamber ofCommerce, and Mrs. Guestier. Mrs.Goelet's brother, Mr. Daniel Guestier,Jr., came with them. Tho party wentto the Goelet. house, 691 Fifth avenue.

Later they will go to Mr. Goelet's Ca¬nadian camp, alter which they willmake their home on Long Island. Mrs.Goelet speaks English fluei^-ly. Sliesaid she was charmed with New York's¦ltyline as seen from the ship.The civil ceremony for the marriage

of Mr. and Mrs. Goelet took place Jn theCity Hall in Bordeaux on January 24,and was the chief social event of theseason there. After the ceremony therewas a brilliant reception at the homeof Mr. and Mrs. Guestler. The religiousceremony was performed the followingday. Mr. Goelet ga\ e to his bride a

pearl collar of Immense value. Othergifts Included emeralds, ruble.', dia¬monds, a fur mantle valued at SOft.W/)francs and objects of art.Last night Mr. Goelet took his brido

to the Metropolitan Opera House, whersthey watched tlie performance of"Louise" from his box, No. 24, In theparterre row. Several friends took theoccasion to extend their congratulationsto th«* couple, who were accompaniedby Mrs. Goelet's brother.Other arrivals on board the Olympic

Included Mr. and Mrs J. Roosevelt[Roosevelt, who passed the winter inAlgiers. They went to the St. Regis toromain until they go to Red House, theirplace in Hyde Park.Mrs. Valentine A. Blacqne. who hss

been living for some years In Pails, alsoreturned by the fcar.ie (steamship. R!iewill be at the St. Regis for two months.

^ 1MISS LAKDOV EXGAGED.Mr. and Mrs. Francis Griswold Lan-

don of 131 East Sixty-fifth afreet haveannounced tho engagement of th<>lrset-oud daughter,' Miss Eleanor Landon.to Mr. Philip M. Parker, son of JudgeCharles W. Parlcer and Mrs. Parker ofJersey City. Miss London wi's intro¬duced to Society a year a,';o the pasl"-Inter and that reason she became amember of he Junior League. Herfather has been in the Diplomatic Ser- [vince. She Is a niece of Mr. Henry HuttonLandon and of Mrs. Dallas Ba^he Pratt.Mr. Parker was araduated from Prince¬ton in 1ftl9 and he served in the army;during the war. He la a nephew ofMrs. William B. Bfekman of this city.of Gen. James Parker, U. S. A., of Ne^-ark. ajid of Representative R WayneParker of Washington. Mrs. Landon1will give a reception this afternoon forher daughter and Mr. Parlcer.

MIM .IK.MSIK w r.m EXOAGKD.Mrs. J. D. Weir of Craig Varra, Sea

Cliff. L. I., and Brooklyn, has an¬nounced the i ngagen.ent of her daugh¬ter. Mips Jessie Mearna Wclr, to Mr.West Wulcliet. son of Sir. and Mrs.Louis Wulchet of Kvanston,' III. MissWeir Is a granddaughter of the late JohnT. Ptrie. a Chicago merchant, who had(in estate at Sea Cliff. She is a niece ofMr. M. C. Plrie of Brooklyn. Airs. N>1-|son 1,. North, Jr., and Mr. Norman W»frare her "deter nnd brother.

rJM%Zr 364 . 566-566 Fifth Avenbv york.

\yw».at 46^ 5tkert


our^usto/a tailoring


dressmaktn& SALONSARE noft/ /aawnqr To SPECIAL ORDER

SEVERALveryattramve* NEW MODELS ik,


>for wo/a£N an d /afsssor

tricottne. french sersefine TMLL CORD amd piqjjetinfiwth amdwthout eambroideries

-« ar.

veryreasonable PRICES

durjnsr'ffle month t april'


Mrs. Wtiber A. Bloodgoou uvt «iuncneon yMl*rdty at the R.t*-Carlton.

Airs. D« Forest Grant has leturnedfrom San'« Barbara, Cai.

Mi. and M:.«. Robert C. Pruyn of Al¬bany are at the rft. Ke*-.«

Mr. and Mia. Waiter T. floaen of 36vVeat Fifty-fourth street will sail forEurcpe by the Olynrpic Apri: ».

Mr. and Mrs George J. ftouid «ave adini.er for thir.y la" n gbr at Sfif Firtht \ enue.

Mrs. Hem.> M. TilfO'-.l and bat daugh¬ter, ilia.* Annfci.e Tfiford. wHj :etomto-morrow from Halm Beach.

Mr. and Mil. T. Suf'eru Taller wilt?o <o Baltimore Ap;il M to be the jueatsof Mr. and Mr*. Alexander Brown.

Mv. and Mra. Herman 3. Murray, aon-.n-law and daughter o? Mr. and Wr».Chai-les Elliot Warren. aie a; Cedar-hurst. L. f.


Mm. kjdwa: d J. Barwind will give a

dinner io-morrow nlglit and lake, herX'lCflR tO 1 ht! o

Mr. and Mr a. Theodore A. sjchulze. who) a \ e bueft passing a fortnight at the\u,me of their son-in-'.f v.' and (laughter.Mv. and Mm. Jeremiah Milbatifc. havetone to their home in Si. Paul. Minn.

Mr. Henry A. C. Taylor has beengradually convalescing from 1*1* aeveroillnes3 of last month. While he baa notvet been able to leave h'a ho'.ise at .>

East Seventy-first street. h!a Improve¬ment lias been so satisfactory that beand Mrs. Taylor have arranged to *oto their Newport residence. In Annan-dale road, June 1.

Dr. and Mrs. Nicholas Murray Butlerwill give a dinner to-tii8*tt at Morn-ingside Drive for Mr. Rene \ i\ ianl, t:iespecial envoy of France. The guestswill include the.French Ambassador andMme. JuMerand, the one-time Ambas¬sador to the f-ourt of 3t. James's, andMrs. John W. Davis, Mr. Marcel Knechtand Mr. Stephane Laueanne. editor ofthe Matin.

The marriage of Mies Bitty .lacksori,daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John A. JscK-son of Wfl Park avenue, to Mv. HowardW. Maxwell, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs.Howard W. Maxwell of this city andMaxwelton, Glen Cove, L. I., will *akeplace June 11 at In!af»d. the house Inlioslyn, L. I., of her uncle and aunt.Mr. and Mra. Nicholas F. Brady.

Mr. and Mra. Lionel S. Holland otLondon are receiving congratulations on

the birth of a daughter. Ann BarbaraHolland. Mra. Holland was Miss M"-1"?Cutting Cumnock, daughter of Mr. andMra. Arthur J. Cumnock of this city.Mrs. Cumnock, who was J'"'1daughter, returned to New > ork >es-terday by the Olympic.

WASHINGTON.Tiie Vice-President ?-nd Mva. Coo-

lidge w. re guests of Mr. and Mm. CharlesS. Hamlin at dinner last evening. Therewere eighteer. guests.

The French Ambasaador and Mme.JuBE^rar.d have started for New Torn ona vlil* and will return to the embassy on


Secretary of Slate and Mrs. Hughs*were the gueais for whom Mr. and Mrs.George B. Sutherland gave a dinnerlre» night. Pthera In the companywere the Spanish Ambassador and Mme.de Hiano, Justice und Mfs. Mahlon I lt-

ney. Justice James McReynolds and sec¬retary of the Interior and Mrs. Fall.

Brig -Gen. and Mrs. Charles B. Drakehad fifty guests for dinner at the ChevyChan-- Club last night. Among theguests were the Minister of Switzerlandand Mme. Peter, the American Ministerto Switzerland and Mrs. Hampson Gary,Major-Gen, Peyton C. March and Major-Gen. George O. Squler.

Miss Leila Gordon, daughter of Mrs.George Barnett, who will be marriedto-day to Mr. Robert Dickey. Jr.. ofDayton, Ohio, was hostess U'st n'gh*at a dinner for a dozen o,f her girlfriend*. Mrs. Barnett is entertaining a

house party of girls for the wedding.

The British Ambassador and LadyGedde.' gave a dinner last night at theembassy. Among their guests were

Speaker of the House and Mrs Gil-iett Secretary of the Treasury Mellon.Secretary of Agriculture and Mrs. Wal¬lace. and the Minuter of Cuba. Mr. deCr.spcdes, Senator and Mrs. James >VWadsworth, Jr . and Representative andMra. Nicholas Lnngworth.


Announcement is made of the engage¬ment of Miaa Mllded Brewster, daugh¬ter of Mr. and tyra. Henry D. Brewsterof this city and Scarsdale, N. Y., toMajor James P. Swattenham of England.Major Swetfenham served In the worldwar as a British Government engineerand figured prominently In engineeringwork In Singapore. They will be mar¬ried ne:;t June in the Embassy Churchtn Paris Miss Brewster is now withher parents In Biarritz.


The New York Music Week Committeehas sent out an appeal to persons whohave mastered the musics', classics, ask¬ing hem to donate from their collectionduring the coming Music Week, April17 to 'J*, sheets and fol!o* of music foruse of folk living on the East Side,.'lias Harriet Selma Rosenthal, musicaldirac'or of the territory from the Bow-erv to the East River for the MusicT.eaaue of the People's Institute, saysthe Fas! Side is in need of a mu*ic li-brarv. The Seward Park Librarybranch will donate the apace and a librarlan for the wofrk and will alao Indexthe books donated.


Enrico Caruso as he is to-day. From a photograph taken by MrsCaruso.

Hams and Whistles as He GoesOver Many Pieces of Music

With Accompanist.

Enrico Caruso, who sang a few daysago for the first t.ime since he becameill shortly before last Christmas, is so

well satisfied that his illness has notharmed his voice that he spent an

hour and a half yesterday trying toselect the songs he will use when heresumes his concert ar.d operatic worknext season. Several hundred songshave been submitted to the tenor, andhe begiin yesterday at the top of thepile and said he would work rightthrough to the bottom before makinghis final selections.

Sal'-atorc Fuclto, accompanist for Mr.Caruso on many coni-ert tours, was withthe ainger during the hour and a halfyesterday, and in that time they dis¬carded many songs and accepted a few,the tenor, alternately whistling, hum-ming or giving fullor vocal \ ent to themelodies.The weeding: out process was inter¬

rupted only once: that wan when thetenor's secretary, Bruno Zlrato, toldhim that he was wanted on the telephonefrom Havana. At the Cuban end of thewire were three long time frlenda ofMr. Caruso, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ben-nino and Dr. BufTardi. He talked withthem several moments, and then com¬mented at length on the wonders oftelephony.

"I heard them." 'he said, "as plainlya« if the call came from the Metro-politan."

Mr. Caruso offered a photograph ofhimaelf yesterday as objective evld-neethat his long* and dsni$>:rous illn**sfailed to make many changes in hisphysical appearance At the time thepicture was tal>ert bj Mrs. Caruso, inthe Caruso apartment in the Hotel Van-derbilt on April 8, the tenor weighed165 pound* Instead of the 225 when heberpme ilL Since April 3, however, hehas gained about ten pound/* and Is stillgoing ahead. On the ativlce of hisphysician, however, he will keep hisweight In the future belo« ^00 pounds.

OPERATE ON GUARDABASSI.Sinner anil Artltt In Hutpltnl '»r


Cspt. Francipco Msrlo GuarJabo^si,singer, soldier and artist, is in the lLyeand Ear Hospital, where he underwentan operation for mastoiditis Mondayby Dr. Edmund D. Fowler with suc¬cessful results. His condition was re¬ported satisfactory yeaterday.Capt. Guards.bassl formerly aang small

role* with the Metropolitan and Chicagoopera companies. In recen; y»ais hehas been a successful portrait pslnter.During the war h^ served in the Italianarmy and received several citations forva lor.

KORDHAH THEATHE OPBXXG.B. P. Keith's Fordliam Theatre, a

new neighborhood vaudeville and motionpicture house at the corner of Ford-ham road and Valentine avenue, prat¬ing 2.300 and costing more than 11,000.-000, will have Its gala opening to¬night, when officials of Bronx Borough,Fordham's leading cltlsens arid the offi¬cials of the Keith Circuit will formallydedicate the new structure to com¬

munity amusement. Harry Carroll andcompan> In "Varieties of 1921" willMead the six »<.?« of Keith vaudeville,while the photoplay feature will beSessuo Hayakawa in "Blar'i Rosas."

THIS AFTERNOON AT 2 O'CLOCKContinuing Tomorrow Friday) end Saturday

Afternoons at the same hour.

At The American Art GalleriesMadison Square South, New York



The Extensive Collection ofVERY VALUABLE




C afalefii*. Htnstmted by halftone repro(1i'«*ton», will h»mulled to applicants on receipt of One Dollar.

Ihc «ala wilt be conducted by MR. THOMAS *. BLIRSTand his assistant* of the

AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION. ManagersMadison Square Seaih, EntraneeS f., 1U Straet, S>» Terli.

R. C. Foster Sailsfor Home to WedMiss Frances Hoar

Sptdal VtMfiotch to Thb New Vo*k Hmut.D.Boston. April 13..Following the re¬

ceipt of a cableHtrom from her fiance to¬

day. Miss Frances Hoar announced thatshe and Mr. Reginald C. Foster of thiscity will bo married immediately afterhis at ival from abroad, about April 22.When their engagement was announced

recently it was said that the marriagewould take place In May, following thereturn of Mr. Foster, who has been withthe American High Commission in Ber¬lin. Ho met Mies Hoar wli'le ehe was

abroad last winter, and the entire court¬ship took pliice abroad. When she re¬

turned to America the engmgemant wa*announced from Washington by hermother, Mrs. Frederick H. Gltlett. wifeof the Speaker of the House of Repie-sentatives. Miss Hoar, who n;altes herhome with her mother in Washington. Isnow visiting relatives in Boston. Thecablegram from Mr. Foster reads:

"¦Sailing 13th on New Amsterdam.Have minister, ushers, bride.imaids on

deck. Peg."Miss Hoar is a daughter of the late

Rorkwood Hour snd a granddaughter ofthe late Senator Hoar of Massachusetts.

hfr. Foster is n member of a promi¬nent Boston family. He is a Harvardgraduate, c!i3s of 1911, and wae the1captain of th'J Crimson tru'.k team ofthat spring. He was also n member oftup Harvard-Vale track team that went'to England to compete with the Oxfordmen in 1911. He wo* popular at collegeand held filgli class and el ist» <lay honors.He la the arm of C. H. W. Foster, theyacht designer.For more than a year Mr. Poster ha*

been attached to the A met lean H.^liCommission in Berlin. Duiing th* warhe Tras an officer of the artillery andsaw consider?.We service oversea*.

In 191? he was engaged to marry MissMarion Farwell of Chicago, daughter ofFrancis Fsirvell, Chicago dry goods iner-chant, A few days before the d"te fortheir marriage, May 19. she was foundctead at the bottom of :i deep ra\lne>bordering the --state of her f.ithei 3tI.ake For. st. She had just returnedfrom North Carolina, where she iiad*pent the winter becau.*-" of ilhi".«s.

SOOIAl. KOTBH,Major «ud Mis. Murray rtsidwin arid

tfieir son ha\» tome from San Fran-!Cisco to the Hotel Aartor for s week.Malor and Mrs. Pl.iiip Hs*es and Majort>nd Mrs. Oiw N. Bradley of WestPoint. Commander and Mrs. Walter O.Farre'l, who came from ihe naval ->irstation at I'er.sacoia, Fla., and MajorClifford C. Early. U. S. A., of the officeof the Chief of Staff. War department,it.." Mr«. Early also are slopping atthat hot"!.Mrs. A. F. I«au *ibaeh has returned

'3 her spai tinent. 761 Fifth avenue, fromCamden, S. C., u-here i«l)« had |>a-se;ljseveral weeks. On her way Nofth MrsJ-auferbaeh .stopped in Washington.where she was received at the WhiteHouse by Mrs. Harding.Mrs. Thointfia F. Turner will 30 to!

her country home at North BenningtonVt.. in May for 'be aummer.Miss Amv Aldrich and Mr. Chester

Aldrich of 1H East Thirljr-eighth streetwill close th'ir shse on April .V> ar.iisail for Italy. They will be Abroad -r.versl monthsMrs Mon it* F. Weate gren lias a* he*

guest st Atlantic City Mrs. William H.Badllrj. of l^akewood. N. .1.


Je. kif iv,oMn, <. :->o »>p«arr<i « 1- .» m

Chfepltn !n til* itf,t>:ami*y " The Kid," wasfl!imwt fnstereey Wr.e VsnJng * frs<ywtoli Moe Mark. pre»ld«im of *!tr< imrut'!*».* tn- r«mp»"i. f<w Me innMmi'i «her«with 'Per'.-'e Ted lie? .' wilt h M'ars lilniax.d la soh«<i'..'»*t for Mctilb ':*>n the *vseVivmimsnelri* Apr'I '-MMr. SJii Mn Kr»n« I'min araioi>",c* tfie

grrtve' of « beb » !*J Ki'san t*«; .«»

bom IsM we»V r' H K.v e Hofpb'il, Mr.Tout.', "'ho la C « miwiesl 4lNOt«r fr.'

d« I.tine In > '1 <><1 the Tlarrymort*spp«sr e; the Umpire »ie*'. «¦»«.!,, lives

.m Deuglflet). t,, 1Oherte» em ^ tistii IUpool rani*

regeant. "Ooo^ TtmaS," 'o^ay iHH eqiietthe !>«t-fo-m«w* I'»v>ra» of N« first twor»ro.1iin«!<i«». '.tip. Hip, Moortv!" Th»his Ww-." toih "f " hlcti iwsonmt peifonMUMM*Iter!*jw1 T>irr\ rer »U»S e tp-'««gi»*ii nt eon-

¦ri'iiiitloni vesl"rflaj for nia performsrireIn "Tip-Tf>p" from e\»r> of (h» m«'rb»rw «uid «Kege of t?!» "Hktohy-Kon1030" mm/mar. In elileh Dtson «.n<l but

nwe foets-rtria Ultphcoch wheno«.U«wt to rep'ft F"reo Kt«ne st ths Olob#Thest.re

Davlil Heionoo's MSlWUon of ' 1'ii<1 Ctol'lr> *«»re." A<er 'to^wceit'e apaik'.ng »oirMr. will reat't Its #ro;.« Derformsuce »the Lyrsrim TJiesf.r* te nigiit.One of U>* «<srlis«t pro»lurtk>n.« of the ees

s«i bv » Se''-.."ts will be Rmny," sby Georire V. Hobsrt. wblrti e'resdy

tis.« bed s trvout.GW' F^wt" r. lie An of Rentocky hue '

rotiTviw on«Nt lo^Wi Getttnn r*«Vin»1 on hte 1

n'sff !n teoogrlt.mi of 1n» -evvlfee se a

protlu' or

'I'he Wintierts >1 tneoneeil .reeterrtey ti.si rj.* '

mtiolnsi versfen »' Berrie s QimUI » P'rsw "

will t»" '<nowri a* "PViebs of Q te'.'v StreetOils Ke- romr>oeer ef ''Tie Belie ofNw Vo' tie < be. .t engaged -o e*<h tne ,seore of ilia n ;elrs! romed-. 0 the lmgerv>t, "t r 5Sg<-il fn- , I

"OOtJ.XTHT Boardeii Wants® (<i one nr.lie mee' is sifiraitwis is Ths |1

f*" ' ' ''on ¦»<....» the'

Marquette ClubPresents Its OwnMusical Fantasy

Tliouftand .Members and tiuesis«»f the Organization Attend

I hi1 Performance.

Before an audience of more man l.ouOmeiuuarft and iuesU the Marquette Clubpresented !n the l>allrooin of the PiazaHotel lest night a luaaita!, fantasy cu'.ledTopay ihe book of which wa«written by Mr. Haul Stewart and themujiic compoteil by Mr. Ronald Olypliant.The performance, which was t&atefullyjmounted and costumod, wa? riwn under'the direction of Mr. Alfred B. Cornell,They, as well as member* of the largecoat, are members of tho club and areamateurs. The production, which hadpreviously been given lor «harlt> onSiaten Isltuid and at the <.^rr</ll Club ii.Madison avenue, will be repeated to-night.

Leading paru< in tiie muaic&l playwere taken by Mi>>*e« Katlileen Slevlu,Teresa Fan-ell. Eciith Coyle, MargaretAugust, May Belle McManus, CatherineLoughlin. Ellen Burke, May Burke,Valeda l'yke and Catherine Powerrs andMetmrti. John J. Sweeney, Kenneth BKox, Aubrey Conroy, William Conway,Charles Petigny, Richard R. Clifford andH. Roberts Hansen.The chorus Included the Misiie.s Ada

Slevin, Clare Conway, Marjory Donnelly,Aiulree Andrews, Margaret August,Agnes Blake, Catherine Blake, CecelUCarey. Loretta Conaty, Anne Callanati.Clare Cailanan. Courtney DavWige, AnnoDobbin, Mdt.a Fariell, Catalina Qlbbs,Loretta, Hogan, Marie Jenkins, FrancesICennelly, A. Lederle, Veronica Maxwell,Sally Mann, May I. MoCairthy, ElyceO'Connor, Valeda Pyl:e, Catherine Pow¬ers, Bertlia Rieppel. Helen Roeser.Frances Rellly, Vivian Rellly, CeceliaRyan, Claire Shoeder, Dorothy Scully, F.Gardner, R. Gardner and FVjra Plsani.Also Messrs. J. J. Daly, Chnrles Doherty,

Robert Culhane, Joseph A Birmingham,John >C. Campbell, Clarence Hussey.James Lynch, Frank ircKfcnna, Paul Mc-Hugh. Henry McHenry, Abbott Obern-iloffer, Vincent O'Shea and H. RobertHansen.


Says He Has Been a Little ofan Amateur Himself.

Washington, April IS. PresidentHarding's interest in music and thearts generally is indicated' in a recentletter to Arthur M. Abell of this city i:1reply zo one urging support for a move¬ment to develop Washington as :t 01 mot¬or all branches of art.

In the lett'-r, which \%o:s nad<> publicto-night by Mr. Abell, th- President tx-pressed his interest In "the effort todevelop Interest in and last-1' for goodmusic, and, indeed, throughout the t:a-tlon perhaps in part because I have beena very little of an amateur mynnlf."

"I know It lias b«ien said," (he lettercontinued, "that arts have not alwaysbeen so much favoitnl under Republicanas monarchical tjoverumwits, but I thinka. fair survey will Justify a very frankdifference of opinion on that pointSurely the er.couragement of the arts InGreece and in France under the insti¬tutions of democracy can hardly be< lted 4n support of such a thesis. Like¬wise the history of our own and theother American republics, 1 think, Jus¬tifies the opinion that artistic tajite andinterest may quit* as well flourish underthe popular as under the monarchists,establishment."


Film Actor Recovering FromInjury Due to Fall.

Bust-r Kenton, film comedian, w;io|has Just arrived in this city front lx>nAngeles and is stajfng at the Hotel Bilt-niore said yesterday that his marriage toMiss Natalie Talmadge, sister of Normsand Constance, whom he had not seenin two years until he came Kaat, wouldprobably take place In about s month.The date was unsettled, li»- said, be-flause h« intends to stay her«- from fourto six week* and then br- nisi t ied a da>or so before lie leaves for the Pacificcoast.Ho is here to recover from an accident

in his film studio recently which benthim to the hospital badly Injured. Hisright leg was (broken when he fell intoan escalator tiiat was being use |n on*1of his comedies. The youthful comediancan now walk, however, with the aidof a cane and expect* to be able to moveabout with his usual blithe dexterity Inabout a month, when hi; will leturn towork. While resting he will also attendto some busineas matte's.

IIADIIOX < II AM It Kits HK.MORIAbTo-morrow mornln* at 11 a service1

in memory of (' Haddon ('numbers willbe held at the Church of tho Transfigu¬ration under the auspices of a < omrnltt«vof one hundred former associate* andfriends of the playwrigiit, Includingmany important stars, tuanagetn i>nddrsrnatisls now in the city. A eulogywill be delivered by DeNVolf Hopper.The following Lambs Club members willconstitute the choir: John Hendricks.Scott Welsh, Ernest Torrent e John Mil¬lard, Frank Belcher. Harry Allen. IrvingFisher, Aubrey 7ates and HarrisonBrockbank. The u«her* will be LionelAtwill, Fr^d G. LMliatn. Lionel Barr>-more, John Kmerson. Bruce M<iRae.Norman Trevor. H. Reeves Smith, ArthurByron. R. H. Bumslde. Mark A. Lueecherand Arthur Houghton. The organist willbe Harry Rowe Shelley. A laurel w/eatitfrom the host of American friends ofthe la»e Mr. Chambers, will be sent tol«ondori following the service to lie de¬livered to his widow b> C. Johnson,who sails by the Carmania Haturdaj

*M0\0 Til K Pl.AtOOURS,Among those pi'nenf at last light'*,

performance of "Tip-Top at the GlobeTheatre were Mr. intl Mrs. K. BurtonGart. Mr. and Mis. Ern<»t ]<ee Conant,Mr. and Mis. Francis L. Hine and Mrs.James Sullivan."Good Tim**." at the Hippodrome, w**

seen bv Mr. and Mrs Robe»t James, Jr.,nnd Mr. Charles A. Denny.At the Beiasco Theatre to see "Debu-

rau" ere Mrs. William Prine and pa'tv.Mr. stid Mrs. Ii. L I»oblin. Mr, GeorgeL Leslie Mr snd Mis II. J. Tsvlosnd Mr snd Mrs. A. C. MeKttme>


8t Bonitao* Man, April 13.--TheRev Father Daniaae Dandtirand. Ordert>t Mary dmmaculate, died here to-day atthe sge of 1^2. He was "n!d to b» thenldest CstViHc priest in the wirlC. !!»iva« botn on Mai'"h 23 18!>. tn tiie vll-!»ge of I... Prn'rie, Que!n .if F< en- iipsrentsg#-,

HIIJ.I1M <ITI14N(.,Rnn-.f't r ru. Kng'and. Aiuii .;

William Sfr-4ig not* et- her. paintfmid engraver, dl^d here last night.Mr. Strang produced a number oft

M >n. !iW>k Itifm *v. -4#f*.i

food paintings, but moat of his time wasdevoted to etching- He wad one of theoriginal members of the Hoyal Societyof 1'ainter-Etch-r*. displaying his workat the first exhibition of the society in1H1, and v. us ele. ted un associate fn-gravcr of the Roy*! Ai ademy when thaidistinction wu« revived in 1S06

HK-N'HV UfXIl HAItT.Henry Bills Ha;:, descendsr.l of .tonn

Hart, one of the signers of the Declara¬tion of Independent-*, died widtfeVy yes¬terday of heart disease in the home ofhlg sister, Mrs L». Cuimlr de Coppet, inShrewsbury. X. J. He was born inPhiladelphia seventy-one yearn ago andnever was roar: ed Prior to hi* ietii»-ment several yea is ago lie wag in lhe:vii©i-eaa> coal h-usine** In this c!t\ fieleave." Another sister. Aiin- Helen Hurt,of 102 East Seventy-ninth street.

n 11.1 K.ll H. CHOSBV.Walter H. Crosby. ;¦!. an actor, it <*<i

.vcalertlay in I^nux Hjll Hoepitai tifleton Illness of several mouths He wasborn in Buffalo and appeared in stockcompanies for thirty yoars. The funera.will be held this morning: at The Fu¬neral Church by the Actors' Fund ofAmerica and the body taken to Buffalofor burial.


Bernard Schoenbrun, wholesale cloth¬ier. who wae stricken with paralyel*Monday, died y esterday in his home, 500West 17Gth street. He was a native ofHungary and came to this country- as ayoung man. He was in his 61 st year. Heleaves a wife, two sons and three daugh¬ters. He was a member of the Knightsof Pythias and the Hungarian Society.

FCNKR\I. OF D. A. UOI.DKN'.Funeral services will be held to-mar-

row morning fo. Daniel A. Gold'-n of72J Avenue P. Fiatburh. president ofthe American l.i:> Society, who d'.rdlast Monday after a month's IllnessAtr. Golden v as 42 years old. Hi r-irani^ed the insurance corpora ion ofwhich he *as the head.

EVBRBS TO BE nt'KIKU TO-DAY.Funeral services for Patrolman John

Baptist Sndres of 120 Thirteenth street.Brooklyn, the first member of the Police jDepartment to die in France, will beheld to-day in his former home. Burialwill be in the Police Department sectionof the Cypress Hills Cemetery. Patrol-man Entires was killed in action on theHlndenburg lire October IS, 1D J S, whileserving with the 105th Machine GunBattalion, Twenty-seventh Division.

LOST AND FOUND.V-Sl.Sunday, April TO. on 0th av bus.black l'snd fatcliel, containing wearing nn-oarcl; ninie on baj. Return to W. E. FRY,C-iJ Colnrey Club. Hotat ManhattanLOST.On Broidrty uptown car, gray silkhas with silver top. containing money,glav-es and callln* cords. T inder pleasecommunicate _with Schuyler 73.'^) Reward.

lA<s'r. rtimmtfi spectacles, Saturday, vl- In-tty P.lver Drive, HOtli St.: reward. -1SP4


llulcl: runabout; t cylinder. 191*. motor,¦J949S2. frame 42.1794. lower wlnds'ileldbroken. RICHARDS. 1f,4 Oxford St.. Manbatten Beaoh. !

Jewelry,I.OST.April S, between Waldorf -Astoria Ho-,tel. McCreery's and Altmnn's, n turquoise

< irrini surrounded by diamond*. Ron-aid Ifretumod 310 West 7!'tli st.. afartmar.t St*.LOHT -Friday. April $. lady's diamond ring,about Hi carat*, or.o stone misting. re-ward. Return to W. E. FRY, Old ColonyClub. Hotel Manhattan.I OST.Friday. April #, lady's diamond ringabout l'i carat*. one atone mlsa'.ug r»

'¦ ard. Return to W, E. FRY, Old ColonyC'u'i. Hots! Manhr.ltanDOMT.Tuerday night, from Booth Thesirr voBroadway or !n tiaxl to 1 West U4th at.,

g:c#-t. Js<ie bar pin. diamond centre, on chair.;Jin reward. HUONTAL. IDOST.Diamond bar pin. In subway, be.tween 11 and 12 A. M., April 12. Liberal

reward if retnrred ti owner, 140H Carroll St..Ri -ohiyn. I'hone Lafayettef^OST-T'earl bracelet, with diamond clasp.

In Altmsnw. fltsaros or vicinity. Reword.Wadaworth 9909.

__________________LOST.Diamo id ling. .Id a v. car, south-hound; reward. MoCARTNEV. TeI»piione

27V»i Atldubon.LOST.'Diamond ring, train IndlannpoUs,April 11 Txjulelan); icward. Phone

I'ayslde 16W1. It OST.(K>id ring, r. lth gold bug, enotoalng

ied a.r.il v.hl'e stone. Comtnunfeale owner.\ r.ar, Herald. 280 Broadva.. 1

DOST.At aviators' ball, «ol<l rougn citnuHis ltd. Phone Madtoon St.si 7«l

Ia'jsT.i'ire«ii i.dt- pin. oblong shsp* t*.,var,i. (.'TERM. 20d W. 08th.

SUBSTANTIAL. REWARDwill be paid foi the return of abort pearln'fklaee. with diamond c'aso. lost April 10at Rye Reach. N. V. ADDER. Tel. 013".RYonVers. 1

f 1.000 Rewanl for tl-e recovery of Jewelrylost at GImhels' store Tuesday. April 12.

m»1. st erearer counter; no questions »»' "ilCornni jn'cat" wl'h Mr. BROWN', at Gimbilsor Mra. A. C. KENT. Exeter. N. H.

$100 RBWARI>tor diamond and y!jUnu.n wrist watch. raj*'-No. 20"i77r.. '.OS' April 4 In Penn. R. It. statlnn. Tirv orT t < 0., 1'Itth sv. and 37th st~ "

1200 REWARDfor return of dlaniund horseshoe broorh, lostApril I between 48th st and Oiar.t r"iritrs)Terminal. I. H. and B il. WEINBERG.(Mir, Rill si v.

gr,or> REWARDA pear shaped pearl scarfpti, 42d st. <inb-

va- to Wall street station to Cunar.l lineI .'turn 'o CARTIER. INC.. 0th a^.

Wearing Apparel.

LOST.*iuni»ay. April 10. on o»h at bus,black hand astclvel, containing «aaring ep

f.arel. r.ame on hag Return to W. E. i'R>iMil « olo'iy Ctub. Ho*el Manhattan.

Cats. IHtgs. Ir.

I.O«T.-Dog. Belgian police, female, s Pip¬ing Roc£, I., t. snsv. ers to nsiti* of

nradle; owner's name on collar, Tel GlenI'uve «SS.LOST.Dog, April JO; Boston Mil. male, on?M st. and I/exIngton av.: sns'v^rtt to r.suio

of Trlnele; reward. Return to SCHAEFKR,K40 Eait SSd


-Boston wall, golrten bromi. whitemarking'; neighborhood E. 27th: reward

Mts. LEWIS, Hotel ffenton. >7th. Msdlson avLOST.-Bulldof, Bostoti brlndie mate; s«s

shoulder Siimiav revard. Kingshi Uiuw S237


POUND -Wallet, at Weehawken, *ptil g.¦¦ Ith money and psp«rs. O^ net raji m-

isme by t<i»ntifvlng contents. CASTEN8.Slagars e Duroont. N. .1

D I F, D .

Ue.l. Hairy Maltbls * tdi» .1 MIV,,-jM. I. I. M. Ms- ¦¦ usrton el, Emmailn» Xfoffltt. Eille 1llr<-«rs- TI" i't' I. Mor-.ow, \ 11re I'.ir .Tcs^ph H, N"" ^iii I1 '. '-i I'armln. Simon Noble. K.ntly Br'olenvo. Elba Pater eon. Anna *rosaby. Waller Pmard. Eliaa M >

I'urtls. Cu: E R'<w«. c iar«»iMwetider, William II. Rlrhardaor. ITomei BD!« m >. ly>tfs ...nbr- M>id,Hsddo<"\ M'anley B. Xetiol'm. Helenlislres. rh.-nles .'. <".n» * ' '.

Richard EHsmllton. Matv -*ord*. JHart. Henry E Thlbaut. I

Hsrt, 'i'homi»«on. William I,Ngary Candida Wsnmaker, Mary .1

rterrlot, Ann \l ' tkuff. ^gn""!!.kavanagh. .totin I. \Vo«d«stKt. Ru«sel WLsng". Edword *

In MemnrtsmBigrl... Willlsm H. Robinson Stus \\

JILI, At Sia*nford. Conn on W#dn>-sds»\^rll 13. iSSI. Harry Bell. Ir his 72(t >»s:«on of th« late Andrew J B»il st d hu«hand of OlU» E. Barber. T'l'nersl prltate

IENTOK..On Monday. April U. 1P21, |.;i .l!a» ~t- llobh#, h**o\ *d \*ife of t'i-e»1w BT Benton end el/1»s< dang ite of he la'Robert S. Hobba, In her 3fHI\ year. 1'u"¦al aerylree at her lats heme, 44 ilaw-O! ie av.. fie it Oreng*. N'e^ .f-r*»y

Thuredny rrorril-ng, April 14. at II o'clockI-i'erniW. Gremst-ood Oemeterr

BONVEL.- At Summit, N J April v1921. 'Inimsllrx. daughter of 'he 1mJonathan C. and Piioebe Wa' :i lionnel, ithe p5 ii \»si of hor ase l-'uners seivltee will be held at het late tseidencoi. Thursday. *p»it 14, at 3:30 P. M. .»

arrival of train leaving Hoboken at 2:.P. M.

IRKSNAN .Sudd't.l;'. A «prtl II. 10.1.his rest'teice, 22M >lo't av., F» Rodsway. Timothy .1. Presnsn, r*-ChlefVe* Verl* Fl^e J)*pe-tment. and hrlovtiilisbguil of Agne* t, ptunVet. tunerfriini bis late residence. Thursday,t» 0 ^ M, Heoi tent rns*« will he ««

. .» >he Se . fbttn-h isit Afn-.M

DIED.LiROjKK.. At Plaiulleid, * .' on Monday.April II IKI, Jo. vi>l. Harpe. Bros* In

1 !s HMU year Funeral a.-rvic*a at M»¦> «*idrr..-*, 11 U> South »v . Plainfleld,

«n Thursday .-veiling, April 14. atl<x lnt«in>eut Woodlawn Cemetery.

N Y-. Frlda>. 15 iO P MCARM1N ..Suddenly. «;i April 13. 1M1. .»l"* residence, 91 Fort WaaMngton ar

rtin.on, beloved b«li)Md of WU» J*'1*and devoted lather of Sylvia «.nd Mad*llr.e Oarmlii. Funeral piivatt.

UOI.h-MZO -Ap.il 13 B.|*» Coieoao. fr\j£mnlrylivn Merrltfe chapel. ' #lb *v-> ne*rlist at., Saturday, 12 M.

iPijst-KY.Waitar. Tb# Kurwal ChuicniFranl; B. Campbell). Broadway. 6«th eitajspices Actor*1 hSjnfl, rhurauay, 10 "

A. MCURTI3..At South Orange, N. J, <*wtdMa&jr. Apnl 13. 1K1. «uy «. *?:!o «*«1 husband of tiara J5. "

» .. tu will be Iveid Ht hu late batnv, 4MHillside place, ««;th Oran*®. cn 8««urday»» -tl Iti. a.- 3:3ti P M. rtelat.ves * '

'i-s.u. ar« Isivited to attvrJ.i Etergraaa CumWT> Ellabalt-

L'KWENDMft.- Suddenly. on Tuaaday. April12. 11)21. William H. Dcwender. Servicesal tita late i*old«nta. 173 Amity at., Brooh-

r. Thursday evening. April 14. at B <>0 lock, to which frlenda and member* orManual Lodge No CM. I". «-nd A MTriune Chapter No. 241. Royal AtcliMa-o- " New- York: Columbian t'ommandery No. 1. Knight s Templar. New fork;Tempi#, A. A. <1 N. M. F orBrooklyn lira Invitwi to a'lend.

HUSTP.it'H..LoQte. baioved liufcbanfl of *rni»,«. tits :«ldance, 2«2 t'reaoent at., Broo'-r..ir on Tuesday. April 12. Funeral >»¦"-,'U-u« Thi raduy waning, at 8 o'clock. In¬tel mont private.

HADDOCK.-On April 13. at New York.Stanley B. Hadd<v k, son of Amelia >v.Haddock and Uic late Stanley B. Haudock.Str.iiva at the residence of Arthur < .

Plana, 2037 Locust at.. PhiladelphiaHAJNES..Cliarlo# Candler Haines, M D.,beloved husband of Ann K. Halnaa. sud-

denly. or. Tuesday. April II. Funeral ath!f iatt refill ..rice, 1180 Jackaou a v.. TheUron*. N. v., Thursday evening. April 14.at 8 o'clock Interment private at l-ay-vitle, £>. I.

HAMILTON.Mary, on Friday. April 8. at1!' ChrUtonbar St. I.ouls and »liawken papera please copy.

HART..ilrnrv Ellis llait. fcon o! Theophlluaand Jaie Kllla liait. In t ie T2d y.ar ofhis age. of heart failure. Funeral private»t the r«aldeiM3» of lila Mr«.Ct^iintr do Coppet. Shrewebury, J

HART..Slater Mary Candida. Mount St.Vincent, on Tuesday. April 13. 1»-1 Mawof r»nuleni in the convent chape! at J JOon Tliuraday morning.

HERRIOT..At Yonkers. N. Y.. or Wednes¬day, April 13. 1921, Ann M Herrlot, Inthe lOih year of h>.-r n*e- Funeral aervteesat Bt John'* Eplacopal Church. GettySquare, Yonkers, Friday ufternoon at 3o'clock.

KAVANAGH..At'FliiaUlna, N.sda^. April 13. 1921. Patrolman John .1

:Cd precinct, - Itv of Ne* York belovedhushand of Mary Ka%ana*h.. Relativesaid frlenda. also memtwrii of the S..d fr<-. lnct, City of New York: San SalvadorCouncil K. of C Catholic Knights ofAmerica, branch :«9. Police irepartmentHol>' Name, are itjapecffully In-.lted toa'lend his funeral from his late natderice,K.» Broadtvav, Iluehlng. on Saturda .

APIII 18. 1921. at U:00 A. M.. thence i"St. Michael's Church, where a aolemn reuulcm 1.11111 will bo offered for the b*PP-repose of h!a aoul at 10 A. M. lnle.*./Mount Ht. Mary'a Cemetery. Automobl.acortege.

LANCE.-On April 12. Edword A., aged ayears, cl.apei Stevon Morrltt Burial andCremation Co.. 101 Sth av.. corner 18that. Time later.

MA1.TT5IE..Suddenly. April 11, 192l.Addi-.I. Morrell. wife of Armstrong MaltbW.Funfrml f«rvlc«s At her late re»i<Sence.(iO IJowrlrg at.. Brooklyn. Thursday, atP. M. Interment private.

MANDET-BAUM..Mary, heaved r:Iu4>-p'.i and dear mother of OertrvweRo'henb«rg, U» laJe Haoie U'.lonepli Mau'lelbaum, Edward I. Mandebatun and >"annle Gre«.oerges 1-uner*m rviced at Jier late roaJd<vnc4e. 124 W7:'.d <»t.. at 2 P. M., Tfiunsday. Albar.ypapers- plea»e copy.

MOFFITT.Ellle F., suddenly, at the home ofher son-in-law, J. Byron Creamer. 3 ..

Vest 71st pt. Requiem maas at Chuichof the Blessed Sacrament. 71st st. arjlBroadway, on Friday. April lo, at i<A M. lnternient Bsy Shore. 1^. I.

MORROW..Alice Bliss, youngeat daughte-of Mrs. D. F. Morrow, at the homo or hersister. Mrs T R. Qulnn. T48 Sterlingp'nee. Brooklyn, Wednesday. April UFuneral Saturday, 2:30. private.

NEWMAN..At Yonl.1 rs, N. Y.. on Tueads .

April 12. 1921. Harold l^swls Newma ..

helo^Ad I>u.jbair1 of Ethel M. Newmanand sou of Morton W. and Frauclna New-iT:an. runeral service a* his leteres

^denre. M Sarat-.ra av.. YonVera.. ftonionn. at '.>:IWi o'clock. intermentV codlawn Cemetery.

NOBLE..April 11. Emily B. Noble. ServicesStephen Merrltf'a chapel. 223 8th av.. near21st s1.. Tliuraday, 1 P. M.

PATERSON.At the Homeopathic Hoaolta_Boyton. Mass.. Ar.ne A Paterson oMJJPleasant st.. Brookllne. Mass.,r,: Ihe late Robert and Maria Louis*Paterson Funeral service at Augus-Klrkelberg'a parlors P31 8th av . near 5 _.iat., on Frhla>. Ai.nl IR. at 8 P. M. Intermont Cypress Hi!ls Cemetery Saturdamorning.

PINARD.Eliza M. Smith, wife of the .at.John A. Plnard. Nntl-e of funeral hereafter. Newport iH. I > papers pleaaa oopv

RFM8CN .At lila i<wt'ienoe. i.00 MadUr»Ta

"Tuaaday. AprU 1*. 1021 Charier

R«ivr«r.. ivon of the la-.e Jar.e Buydam a- dWilliam Rem#em. aged ft-> y*aJ»-aa^vl'-M at Crace Church. I'.roadway an"mh at., on Friday. AprU 13. at 10o'alock.

RICHARDSON.On Monday evrning. Apr:l11, 1921. Homer Bartlett Richardson sonof the late Frederick L. Rlchardaon. ag».lAS. at No. -7 Marlboro at.. Bpeton. Fineral servL'a* Thursday. April 14. at HPaul s Cathedral. Boston, at : ..0 o ciecp. M. it Is requested tbat no flowersha seat.

ac'KOEVBRI'N .On April P*-rnar''his 01st >ear. dearly beloved husband o.Jennie and father of Arthur and NedK. hoenbMiH. Mrs n7r*'Blanche lloliamler and Mra. IJ«Brwr. Funeral from hie late iesldencwist 176th St., New York ctty, on Thur-TaT. A^ll 14. mi. at 2 P M. Pl-a--omit flower*.

SCHOl EM..Helen, beloved wife of Ixjuis. on

April 13. Funeral notice later.SCHOONMAKER..At her g?West 74th a:., on Tueaday, Ap.'t >2, IK

sfa'Uda Rogers, vvlfe of the late s?1 ot:, tlus Matiu* S toonmaker. I B > .

,.;d cs'inhtri of Oorge Duu^i tw?1'and Mstgnretta Llvlngaton. Funeral »e^-at <.' list Church. Broadway ana .it

on Friday. April 1\ at 9:30 A. M.Interment at Kingston, N. i .

DWORDS-At Fouth Norualk. Conn. AprilIII 1921, Jennie W. HivoiUs. «lfe of theiat'e WilHam il. Swords of Hon t NorwalkFuneral services n '.ei late re.,dence .4\\fi< av.. Boutn Norwalk. on trldav.*prll 15. at 2 SO I* M Interment private

.rmiiAITT -Hlcljard F . April 13. at CentralValley. N. V. Notice of funeral hereafter.

TitriMl'HON' .At Greenwood Lake. N JAnril 12 1921. William 1. I hompaoi .

forme.U of Ne*ark. N. I.. In the V,.i',.»r of Me age. Funeral services from

Vha pel at Mount Pleasant Cemetery Ne, .ar? N*. J . on Thursday. April 14. at 1P. M

WA'-'MAKEIt .Mary J . widow of Garret A.V jnn.a' er. In the *7th !»«r of he' age.iJtit 1^ Herri'-^# Th# Kuneml Church.Broadway, at »«5*h at., on Friday, Apni15, at 0 SO A. M

W1KOKP -«ud4.nl>*. on Mor Jay. Arrll 1»\gres llai'ard. beloved wife of Wllllaitillenrv Wlltoff and daughter of Mr andilVs William « Haav.*rd Funeral eer-v ,-»s ¦ h-r late icsldence. Red Bank.V l on Thursday."April 14. at 1 P Mi <uive>ancea v UI meet II 34 train from^.eniisv Ivanla S^'lon

WOOOWAR11 *? Kll.-nr.eth. N. J., Wednee*i \ftil 13. 1»21. P.uasel Williamsr«dv ard, In his W»th jear Funeral

*#,ur.!sv afternoon. 3 o'clock. Third Pres-hvterlan Church. Elisabeth. fnfrm' nt

IN MEMOR1AM.BLACK Wllllan' II horn Norembet

187#, died Aurll 14, 1910 He waa highlyest earned b> his bttelneas assortatcs and Inea^lal rilfM end alfectlonately remem¬bered b> ills relatlvee and many friends.

Oil feu the touch of a \anlshed hand.For the aottnd of a voice that le still

i.oving FriendsROBINSON Stusr' W. Passed away April

14. t#10

WLertrer You May BeThere ii our R»prcjei;t»fi»tCall "Colnnbui 8200"I»® AVK v.. C»MW«a '

-THE FUNERAL CHURCH" be.<Kon Sectarian)

1970 Rro*dvr«T nt 06th St.d»».!.w» o»... v a »>v At.

In T1m» tf fill's fM


2070 RivarnJ*107th St. & Amsterdam AtRtuiJmi k<t l«rk * BrMU<*