WEBQUEST-Roman House

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  • 8/14/2019 WEBQUEST-Roman House



    I. Go to:http://oncampus.richmond.edu/academics/education/projects/webunits/greecer

    ome/Romearch1.html to answer the following questions.

    1. On which floor of apartment buildings did the poorest people live? Why

    do you think that is true?

    2. Out of what material were Roman villas constructed (walls & roof)?

    3. How were walls decorated?

    4. Why didnt most houses have bathrooms?

    II. Go to:http://www.kent.k12.wa.us/staff/DarleneBishop/rome/PompVettii.html

    1. When entering a city house from the main street one came into the inner

    courtyard, also called the __________________.

    2. Why didnt ground floors normally have windows facing the streets?

    3. What was the name of the pool found in the atrium?

    4. What type of heating system did the Romans use?

    5. Where did Romans go for water?

    III. Go to:http://www.roman-empire.net/society/soc-house.html

    1. How did the atrium and peristylium provide fresh air/water for the house?

    2. Each Roman room was designed for how many purposes? _______ What

    was the purpose of the triclinium? __________________The cubiculum?


    3. Explain the following terms:

    a. fauces

    b. posticum

    c. vestibulum

    d. lararium e. tablinum-

  • 8/14/2019 WEBQUEST-Roman House


    f. peristylium

    g. taberna

    IV. Go to: http://www.romansims.com

    1. The house of the Valernius family depicted in this Roman Sims site hasshops in front of the home for what reason? (house for lot 4)

    2. For what purpose did they use the second floor of the house?

    3. What were some of the hazards of living in an insula?

    4. Based on what item was the house for lot 1 copied? What type of home isit and where would it have been located.

    5. Explain what a compluvium was and describe its function.

    6. What type of furniture would be found in the cubiculum?

    7. Describe the eating arrangement in the triclinium.

    8. What was stored in the tablinum? _______________ What would be the

    modern equivalent of these items? ___________________

    9. What other room, besides the latrina, sometimes had a toilet?

    ___________ Why was it placed there?

    10. What was the function of the culina?
