ISLAMIST-LINKED TERROR: Facts/History Behind the Crisis The Islamists have pursued their battle on a variety of fronts, from sectarian violence against Coptic Christians in Egypt, to subway bombings in Paris, to attacks in Russia. The following gives a limited idea of some of the events around the world, over the last century. 1905 CE: The beginning of the Salafiyyah movement is witnessed in Paris. Its main sphere of influence would be in Egypt with the Muslim Brotherhood. Salaf Islam is fundamental, uncorrupted Islam based entirely on the words and deeds of the prophet Muhammad and his Companions. (see the publication “The truth about Muhammad”) 1907 CE: The beginning of the Young Turks movement in Turkey. 1912 CE: The beginning of the Muhammadiyyah movement in Indonesia. 1914 CE: World War I. The Ottoman Turks ally with Germany. The Turks invade Russia and are pummeled. Under Ottoman rule, secret Muslim Arab nationalist societies were formed. 1915 CE: The Turks blamed their defeat on the Armenian Christians. They force the entire population of two million people from the homes and land - killing over a million unarmed Armenian men, women, and children in genocidal rage. 1922 CE: Mustafa Kemal abolished the Turkish Sultanate now that it was powerless. 1924 CE: The Turkish Caliphate was abolished. King Abd al- Aziz, a Saud and Wahhabi Muslim, conquered Mecca and Medina. He established the Kingdoms of Najd and Hijaz.

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ISLAMIST-LINKED TERROR: Facts/History Behind the Crisis

The Islamists have pursued their battle on a variety of fronts, from sectarian violence against Coptic Christians in Egypt, to subway bombings in Paris, to attacks in Russia. The following gives a limited idea of some of the events around the world, over the last century.

1905 CE: The beginning of the Salafiyyah movement is witnessed in Paris. Its main sphere of influence would be in Egypt with the Muslim Brotherhood. Salaf Islam is fundamental, uncorrupted Islam based entirely on the words and deeds of the prophet Muhammad and his Companions. (see the publication “The truth about Muhammad”)

1907 CE: The beginning of the Young Turks movement in Turkey.

1912 CE: The beginning of the Muhammadiyyah movement in Indonesia.

1914 CE: World War I. The Ottoman Turks ally with Germany. The Turks invade Russia and are pummeled. Under Ottoman rule, secret Muslim Arab nationalist societies were formed.

1915 CE: The Turks blamed their defeat on the Armenian Christians. They force the entire population of two million people from the homes and land - killing over a million unarmed Armenian men, women, and children in genocidal rage.

1922 CE: Mustafa Kemal abolished the Turkish Sultanate now that it was powerless.

1924 CE: The Turkish Caliphate was abolished. King Abd al-Aziz, a Saud and Wahhabi Muslim, conquered Mecca and Medina. He established the Kingdoms of Najd and Hijaz.

1926 CE: Abd al-Aziz ibn Saud assumed the title of King of Najd and Hijaz.

1928 CE: Hasan al-Banna founds the Muslim Brotherhood.

1932 CE: Iraq was granted independence by the League of Nations as is the fiefdom of Saudi Arabia.

1934 CE: A war was fought between King Abd al-Aziz ibn Saud and Imam Yahya of Yemen. Asir was annexed by Saudi Arabia.

1935 CE: Persia was renamed Iran.

1936 CE: Increased Jewish immigration into Judea was stimulated by the Nazis. Mufti Muhammad Husseini traveled to Berlin and convinced Hitler to murder Jews rather then exile them. The Holocaust is the result.

1939 CE: World War II. Six million Jews are slaughtered with Islamic assistance.

1941 CE: British and Russian forces invaded Iran and Reza Shah was forced to abdicate in favor of his son Mohammad Reza Shah in Iran.

1946 CE: Jordan, Lebanon, and Syria were granted independence from Britain and France.

1947 CE: Pakistan fought a civil war with India to form a state comprising Muslims.

1948 CE: State of Israel is created as a result of the Holocaust. Arab armies attack the new nation but are defeated.

1949 CE: Hasan al-Banna, the leader of the Muslim Brotherhood, was assassinated by Egypt.

1951 CE: Libya became an independent Marxist Muslim state.

1952 CE: King Faruq of Egypt, a very perverted fellow, was forced to abdicate.

1953 CE: General Zahedi led a coup against Musaddeq, and the Shah returned to power.

1956 CE: Morocco amd Tunisia became independent Islamic states.

Islamic Terrorism Timeline 1960-1969

- August 29, 1960: Jordon's Prime Minister, and 11 of his associates, were assassinated with a bomb placed in a public building. It remains the primary form of regime change in the Islamic world.

- May 29, 1964:The Palestinian Liberation Organization, known by the acronym PLO, was created on this day, changing the world forever. The PLO became one of the world's most successful political, religious, and paramilitary enterprises. It was conceived at a Cairo Summit by the Arab League at the behest of Egyptian President Nasser in 1964. It was a declaration of holy war.

The Palestinian Liberation Organization's charter called for the destruction of the Jewish state of Israel, calling it "illegal." Their means would be the constant application of terror. The PLO was and remains committed to replacing the Israeli community with an Islamic nation called Palestine.

The PLO and its member groups are controlled, funded, and equipped by the Islamic governments of Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Kuwait, and Iraq and by America and Europe. The Palestinian Liberation Organization is by far the richest terrorist club on earth with nearly $10 billion in assets. According to the United Kingdom's National Criminal Intelligence Service, "the PLO has an annual income of $2 billion from charitable Islamic donations, OPEC funding, American and European Union Aid, extortion, payoffs, illegal arms dealing, drug trafficking, money laundering, and fraud." Before his death, the Economist confirmed that Yasser Arafat alone had personally confiscated $900 million. The Daily Telegraph reported in 1999 that the Palestinian Liberation Organization had $50 billion invested around the world. In the PLO, OPEC and Islam have coalesced into a terrorist machine of considerable prowess.  .

The PLO is a conglomerate composed of many Palestinian, Arab, and Islamic political and religious groups and terrorist organizations. According to its founder, "The PLO's goal is to drive the Jews into the sea." Today, the PLO is indistinguishable from the political party Fatah, the governmental entity known as the Palestinian Authority, the secret police unit Force 17, and the terrorist group al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades.

On May 28, 1964, Ahmad Shukeiri nominated representatives from Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Gaza (which was part of Egypt), Qatar, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, and Iraq to attend his "Palestinian" Conference in East Jerusalem. His attendees all wore badges, similar to the PLO logo today, that showed all of Israel under their. The reason for return, rather than stay was emblazoned on their badges was that in 1948 the Secretary General for the Arab League had told the Muslims living in what had become the state of Israel, to leave the land so that Islamic Arab armies could sweep in and slaughter Jews more efficiently and effectively.

The introductory address at Ahmad Shukeiri's "Jordanian, Syrian, Lebanese, Egyptian, Kuwaiti, Saudi Arabian, Iraqi, and Turkish" Liberation Organization gala was made by King Hussein of Jordan - the man responsible for killing more "Palestinians" than anyone on earth. In his foundational speech, Shukeiri lied, telling delegates that the "Palestinians had experienced 16 years of misery and it was time they relied on themselves and liberated Palestine from the Israelis." The reason I said he lied was because at the time he spoke those words, the so-called "Palestinian people" were the most free, best educated, and most prosperous Muslims on the planet. Integrated into the free society of Israel and isolated from the oppressiveness of Islam, they had thrived. But thanks to the Palestinian Liberation Organization, that relative success would soon be a fleeting memory.

Following the Six-Day War in 1967, the Islamic states which had created the PLO lost much of their legitimacy. Yasser Arafat, one of the five founders of the terrorist organization and political party al-Fatah, took advantage of the resulting power vacuum and became Chairman of the PLO in 1969. Since he remained in control of Fatah, the two organizations essentially merged. In the years which followed the PLO also absorbed the Palestine Liberation Front, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine, the Palestinian Democratic Union, the Palestinian People's Party, the Hawari Group, the Abu Abbas Faction, the Arab Liberation Front, the Palestinian Popular Struggle Front, the Palestinian Arab Front, Force 17, Black_September, and the Palestinian Authority. Collectively, they became very adept at killing Americans and Jews, with Robert Kennedy becoming their most famous victim.

As detailed in its charter, the PLO was founded to destroy the Israeli state and to kill as many Jews as possible in the process. While there are those who say that the PLO has significantly altered its rhetoric and goals, all evidence is to the contrary. Facilitating an appreciation of this harsh reality is one of the many purposes of the Islamic Terrorism Timeline.

There are those who claim that the PLO amended their Charter in 1988 to accommodate the "land for peace" process touted by America, but that is not accurate. A committee without authority recommended the alteration so that the PLO would continue to receive American and European aid, but the amendment was never voted upon and the Charter itself remains unchanged. And frankly, the words on the page would be meaningless to the Islamic community and would have no effect on terror.

The PLO's strategy, confirmed by Yasser Arafat's own admission, was based upon Muhammad's example at Hudaybiyah. There, Muhammad, without sufficient arms to conquer his hometown of Mecca, promised to stop terrorizing his kin for ten years, so long as the Meccans would allow him to visit Allah's rock pile of idols known as the Ka'aba. The merchants of Mecca honored the agreement but the Muslims violated the treaty a dozen times in the first 12 months according to their own witness. Then, at the end of the year, once the Meccans had been lulled into a false sense of security, Muhammad and the first Muslims roared into town with an army more than twice the size of the Meccan population and conquered the place, imposing Islam under the shade of their swords.

But since Muhammad was supposed to be Allah's Messenger, and thus a man of his word, Islam's lone prophet revealed the 9th surah of the Qur'an which states that any treaty between Muslims and Infidels is not binding on the Muslims. If you are not familiar with this treaty, or the concept of the "legal lie" in Islam, please read "The Tormented Terrorist," "Blood & Booty," and "Legacy of Terror" chapters of Prophet of Doom - Islam's Terrorist Dogma in Muhammad's Own Words. Until you possess an appreciation of the fact that deception is not only permissible in Islam, but essential to the religion, you should not engage in any discussion relative to thwarting Islamic terrorism.

When Yasser Arafat stood with Yitzhak Rabin in 1993 at the conclusion of Bill Clinton's Oslo Accords and said that he conditionally recognized Israel's right to exist and promised to stop terrorizing Jews for Israeli concessions, including control over autonomous regions and access to considerable funding, several things occurred. The Jews honored the agreement and the Muslims did not. In his next speech in Arabic, Arafat told his Muslim audience that he had signed the agreement with the Infidels in the spirit of Hudaybiyah. The politicians and media yawned and innocent people started to die in unprecedented numbers.

The history of the Palestinian Liberation Organization is intertwined with that of Yasser Arafat and al-Fatah. For a greater understanding of terror's richest and most effective killing machine, you'll want to pay close attention to them as we move through time.

While the Muslim Brotherhood gave birth to terrorist organizations like the PLO and Fatah, like HAMAS and al-Qaeda, it's appropriate that the Islamic Terror Timeline opens with the founding of the Palestinian Liberation Organization. The PLO and its allied franchises were responsible for the successful exportation of Islamic terrorism, serving as role models to aspiring jihadists. The PLO was the first terrorist association to successfully target Jews since Muhammad and the first Muslims had annihilated them in Saudi Arabia. And the PLO was the first Islamic enterprise to effectively target Americans. As a result, the PLO became the cause celeb of the Islamic world and the genesis of the Islamic Terror Timeline.

- September 1, 1965: A British official was murdered in Yemen by fundamentalist Muslims. Two weeks later, these same terrorists tossed a grenade into a crowd of British children in the Aden airport terminal.

- October, 1965: The Palestinian Liberation Organization, now a communications vehicle for the Arab League, summoned the Muslim world, calling for a jihad against Israel. Their strategy was to provoke Jews sufficiently via acts of terrorism that they would respond against the so-called Palestinians. The Jewish response to terror would be publicized throughout the Islamic world to fan the flames of hate and motivate Muslims to rise up in arms against the Jewish state.

- November 22, 1966: In Yemen, a DC-3 commercial airliner was blown up in flight. All 28 passengers were killed by the bomb Islamic fundamentalists placed in luggage aboard the plane.

- June 5-10, 1967: Egypt's, Jordan's, and Syria's desire to destroy Israel was thwarted when Jews crippled the Islamic coalition's ability to fight with preemptive strikes against their airfields. Israel, fighting the Islamic aggressors on two fronts, gained control of the West Bank, Gaza, the Sinai, and the Golan Heights in six days.

The UN, sided with the Muslims and demanded that Israel withdraw, calling Jerusalem "occupied territory." Jews, listening to their atheist general, and wanting to please world leaders, foolishly gave control of the Temple Mount to the defeated Muslims who then precluded Jews and Christians from visiting the world's most important site.

- July 1967: The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, known as the PFLP was founded by George Habash, a member of the PLO. Dr. Habash would inspire some of the most gruesome terrorist acts in modern history. He would also train and promote "Carlos the Jackal," an animal whose life we will examine up close and personal.

The PFLP began life as a Marxist organization and over time became Muslim. Like the PLO, the PFLP was an outgrowth of the Arab League. As such Habash's organization was originally called the Arab National Movement. It was formed in Lebanon, where George Habash had studied medicine at the American University in Beirut.

The ANM formed underground branches in Libya, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait. In June 1967, the ANM merged with Youth for Revenge, the Palestinian Liberation Army, and Ahmed Jibril's Syrian-backed Palestine Liberation Front to form the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine.

By early 1968, under Dr. Habash's leadership, the PFLP trained several thousand terrorists, most of them Islamic jihadists in bases in Syria and Jordan. And they did not let this training go to waste. The timeline which follows is punctuated with horrid acts of PFLP terrorism. Their bloody hands would soon reach across the world.

In the early 1970s, George Habash's deputy, Wadi Haddad, was recruited by the KGB as an agent. The USSR became a significant money and arms supplier to the PFLP. It was during a time that Marxist Muslims controlled much of the Middle East.

But the secular nature of the PFLP was its undoing. Over time, Islam became much more fundamentalist with the jihadists carrying the day. So the PFLP was forced to merge into Yasser Arafat's PLO in late 1968, becoming the organization's second largest faction behind Fatah. The PFLP partially withdrew from the PLO in 1974 but rejoined in 1981.

As an independent entity, the PFLP essentially ceased to exist after the First Intifada called by Fatah and the subsequent Oslo Accords. They became just another acronym to which Yasser Arafat could outsource terror without implicating himself. By the 1996 Palestinian elections, the PFLP was irrelevant because the fundamentalist Islamic HAMAS was winning converts at an alarming pace. Their ever-popular suicide bombings and Saudi/Kuwaiti social services had been irresistible.

What's ironic about the PFLP, and its stated desire to "liberate Palestine" from the Jews, is that there never would have been a Jewish state in Israel had the Islamic leadership (the Grand Mahdi (also known as the Mufti) of Jerusalem) not sided with the Nazis. He cut a deal with Adolf Hitler to supply Muslims for service in the Satanic order of the SS so long as Hitler agreed to prevent Jews outside of Germany from leaving those countries. This action doubled the Holocaust death toll. As a consequence, the world (with the Islamic fiefdoms voting against and the UK abstaining) voted to establish the state of Israel.

- November 22, 1967: The U.N. issued one of the most hypocritical and ignorant resolutions in its history: UN 242. I believe that it will serve as the model for the land for peace initiative that will sweep the Antichrist into power. The resolution claimed that land ownership could not be transferred by armed struggle when that was how every national entity had come to possess their land - including America.

- September 3, 1967: Osama bin Laden inherited millions when his Yemenite father, Muhammad bin Laden, the owner of the largest construction firm in Saudi Arabia, died in a Beechcraft private aircraft crash. Muhammad bin Laden had married 22 times and had fathered 55 children. Osama bin Laden was the 17th child of this religious womanizer. He was the son of Muhammad's 10th wife, Alia Ghanem who was a Syrian.

At the time of his father's death, the man who would become the world's most infamous terrorist, Osama bin Laden, was being indoctrinated in fundamental Salafi/Wahhabi Islam in schools and mosques under the control of the Saud royal family - schools and mosques built by his father. Osama's life history will be detailed when he first forms the MAK in Afghanistan during the Great Jihad. You'll find this entry on December 26, 1979.

The first comprehensive presentation of al-Qaeda's formation can be found on December 26, 1979, when Osama bin Laden met Dr. Muhammad Abdullah Azzam and participated in the Great Jihad.

- February 21, 1968: In Israel, Palestinian terrorists associated with al-Fatah, a vocalized acronym meaning "the conquest" in Arabic, used a crude bomb to damage a pipeline in the vicinity of Neot Hakkikar, south of the Dead Sea.

- February 21, 1968: Fatah terrorists in Israel fired five mortar shells into the Israeli commune at the base of Masada in the south end of the Jordan Valley. There were no injuries but the target was symbolic. Masada was where a small contingent of Jews had held out against the onslaught of the Roman Legion in 70 CE after the sacking of Jerusalem.

- March 18, 1968: In Israel, Yasser Arafat led his first "successful" terrorist strike against Jews. He had achieved first blood. A bus carrying schoolchildren from Tel Aviv on a fieldtrip to the Negev Desert was blown up when it hit an improvised explosive device planted by al-Fatah twelve miles north of the southern Israeli town of Elat. Two Israeli adults were killed and 28 children had their bodies mangled, mutilated, and burned in the blast.

- March 21, 1968: Israelis retaliated against the killing of its citizens and the wounding of its children by attacking Fatah members in the village of Al-Karameh, Jordan. The town had become Fatah's primary base of operation and the headquarters for the Elat terrorist attack.

One hundred fifty Muslim militants were killed and another 150 were captured by the Israelis during the retaliatory firefight. The Israeli Defense Forces lost 29 soldiers and suffered 70 casualties. The Jordanians intervened with tanks and foolishly protected the terrorist cancer which had grown in their midst.

As a result of American pressure, the Israelis retreated rather than escalate the fighting so soon after the Six-Day War. That was all Muhammad Abdel-Raouf Arafat al-Qudwa al-Husseini, known to the world as Yasser Arafat, needed. The Egyptian Muslim held his coming out party - dominating the cover of Time Magazine. He called the slaughter of his militants a "Great Palestinian Victory.".

The world's most famous terrorist became an Islamic hero by mutilating Israeli school children. He was touted as "the man who could stand up to the Jews." As a result, young Muslims desiring the thrill of jihad, flocked to him and to Fatah. That brought with it an unprecedented gusher of OPEC funding. The world would never be the same.

And so it was, the Egyptian born, Kuwaiti financed, and Muslim Brotherhood corrupted terrorist became the embodiment of Islam's quest to rule the world and rid the planet of Infidels and Jews. The Era of Islamic terror had begun.

- June 5, 1968: Presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy was assassinated in Los Angeles by Sirhan Sirhan, a Palestinian associated with Fatah and the PLO.  The Muslim militant was irritated by Kennedy's pro-Israel positions. Yet even to this day, very few Americans understand that the motivation for the murder of Robert Kennedy was Islam. Over the coming years, a variety of Islamic terrorist groups would commit heinous acts, all designed to win Sirhan Sirhan's release.

Since Islamic terrorists have made the name "Palestinian" synonymous with the most vile acts in human history, I am pleased to apply it to them. While I will never call Israel and Judea "Palestine," I will call the Muslim misfits who have ruthlessly butchered innocent Jews and Americans "Palestinians.".

- July 23, 1968: An Israeli El Al flight en route from Rome to Tel Aviv, Israel with a crew of ten and thirty-eight passengers, was hijacked by four Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine Islamic terrorists and forced to land in Algiers, Algeria - an OPEC, Marxist Muslim fiefdom.

The Algerian government, working with the PFLP, immediately released the 19 non-Jewish passengers. They were flown to Paris the next day. Some of the Israelis were freed and flown to Geneva before going on to Tel Aviv. Then the Algerian government, and not the PFLP terrorists, became the hostage takers and continued to hold the plane with seven Jewish crewmembers and five Israeli male passengers for five weeks.

In a joint PFLP and Algerian press conference, officials asked the International Red Cross to supervise the exchange of the Israeli crewmembers and passengers in Algiers for convicted and imprisoned Palestinian terrorists in Israel. The Israeli government denounced the hijacking as airborne piracy, and they asked the Algerian authorities to release the plane and the Israeli passengers and crew. But the Algerians were part and parcel to the crime. Welcome to the world of state-sponsored terrorism.

After five weeks the Jewish kidnap victims were exchanged for 16 Muslim militants who were imprisoned in Israel for committing acts of terrorism. As part of the politically inspired exchange, the two Palestinian and two Syrian PFLP kidnappers were exonerated of hijacking and kidnapping. While it was the first and last El Al hijacking, this exchange would prove stunningly costly as it would motivate Islamic terrorists to repeat the strategy countless times in a variety of venues.

- August 6, 1968: Palestinian terrorists fired multiple bazooka shells into the Jewish town of Ein Yahav. While Muslims would upgrade their arms to mortars and rockets, aerial assaults of Israeli communities would become a daily occurrence.

- August 10, 1968: While it was relatively meaningless by itself, it was part of a bigger campaign. In Turkey today, two firebombs were thrown into the USIS office in Izmir. The anti-American climate in Islamic Turkey would continue to fester and grow.

- August 10, 1968: Yasser Arafat's al-Fatah detonated three grenades in Jerusalem's Jewish section, injuring eight Israelis and two Americans.

- August 19, 1968: Yasser Arafat's al-Fatah detonated a bomb near the Parliament building in Jerusalem. No one was hurt.

- August 21, 1968: Al Fatah terrorists bombed the U.S. Consulate building in East Jerusalem demonstrating their hatred for Americans.

- September 4, 1968: Palestinian Muslims detonated three bombs in the Central Bus Station in Tel Aviv killing one Israeli and wounding 71 more. Attacking soft civilian targets was becoming a hallmark of Fatah terrorists.  .

- September 13, 1968: Syrian al-Sa'iqa terrorists attacked the Israeli police headquarters in Baniyas in the Golan Heights. The facility was destroyed and all five Jews who were inside were killed.

Al-Saiqa (the Storm) was born as an outgrowth of the Syrian Ba'athist party for the purpose of terrorizing Jews. It should be considered as little more than a Syrian-backed faction within the Palestinian Liberation Organization. Like most Syrian/Palestinian terror groups, al-Saiqa's goal was to destroy Israel.

Due to its close ties with the Syrian regime, the group was originally commanded by Syrian General Salah Jadid, a chief rival of Syrian dictator Hafez al-Asad. When Asad seized power in 1970, he promptly replaced al-Saiqa with pro-Asad officials. But this attack was in 1968, and so the supposed commitment to the Palestinian cause was mostly window dressing for ambitions that were more Syrian than Palestinian. Throughout the late 1960s the group conducted low-level attacks against Israeli targets, rival Arab regimes, and rival Palestinian groups. While Al-Saiqa still exists, it has become meaningless within the Palestinian movement, lacking the secular strength of al-Fatah and the Islamist strength of HAMAS and Palestinian Islamic Jihad.

- September 19, 1968: Five members of Yasser Arafat's Al Fatah infiltrated eleven miles into Israel. Well past the Jordan River and the ceasefire line, they ambushed an Israeli army patrol. All of the Muslim militants died and one member of the Israeli patrol was killed. Four IDF soldiers were injured.

- October 26, 1968: In the Federal Republic of Germany, three prominent anti-Communist Croatians were assassinated in a Munich apartment. Throughout much of 1968, Communists in Croatia were attacking targets all across Europe.

- November 22, 1968: Islamic terrorists in Israel used a large bomb to kill 12 Jews and wound 52 more in Jerusalem's most crowed open-air market.

- December 26, 1968: Still basking in their July 23rd success, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine attacked another El Al aircraft in Athens, shooting and killing one passenger. In response, Israel destroyed 14 Lebanese planes in Beirut. The two Palestinian hijackers who perpetrated the attack were freed in September of 1970 as the result of a quad hijacking by the PFLP and subsequent prisoner exchange.

- December 29, 1968: Yasser Arafat's al-Fatah claimed "credit" for shelling the Israeli town of Beisan in northeast Israel.

- December 31, 1968: In Israel, al-Fatah Islamic terrorists attacked the Jewish settlement of Kiryat Shmona in the upper Galilee. The rockets they deployed had been fired from Lebanon. It was the beginning of a foreboding trend. .

- January 2, 1969: A lone Islamic terrorist hijacked an Olympic Airways flight that had departed from Crete en route to Athens. The plane was flown to Cairo, Egypt.

- February 3, 1969: Yasser Arafat, in the afterglow of the Time Magazine cover story on his violent and victorious defeat at the village of Al-Karameh, and flush with OPEC funding and jihadist recruits, was appointed Director of the Palestinian Liberation Organization in their meeting in Cairo, Egypt. The ugly face of Islamic terror had a new "Commander-in-Chief of the Palestinian Revolutionary Forces." The "Chairman of the PLO's Political Department" was now Yasser Arafat.

The promoted Islamic terrorist commenced committing a never-ending crusade of terrorist assaults against Americans and Jews. But what is not well known about his promotion was that Arafat was in part selected for this role by the Soviet KGB because they were certain they could control him. Yasser Arafat, it turns out, was a homosexual, something that wouldn't play well if it were revealed in the Muslim world. The mysterious disease he ultimately died of was AIDS.

But since the PLO Commander-in-Chief was still a long way from dead, his life is one we will follow closely because it was never far from death.

- February 18, 1969: Palestinian Muslims attacked an Israeli El Al airliner in Zurich, Switzerland as it was preparing to take off en route to Tel Aviv. The cockpit of the airliner was machine-gunned by the four Islamic terrorists who belonged to the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine.

The terrorists fired 200 bullets and lobbed incendiary grenades from their car as the plane taxied down the runway. The Israeli pilot was killed. In the exchange of gunfire between the terrorists and an Israeli airline security guard, one Muslim was killed and three Israeli crewmembers and three passengers were wounded.

The three PFLP terrorists who surrendered were later tried and sentenced to 12 years in prison, a sentence Islamic states denounced as being unfair. The Israeli security guard was tried and acquitted after being accused of killing the Palestinian terrorist after he had surrendered.

Today, the PFLP is a wholly owned subsidiary of the PLO.

- February 21, 1969: Palestinian Muslims associated with Yasser Arafat's Fatah murdered two Jews in a central Jerusalem supermarket. Eight Israeli civilians were wounded in the assault.

- February 25, 1969: The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestinian "claimed credit" for detonating a bomb inside the British Consulate in Jerusalem. .

- 1969: During this time, Muslim militants conducted an estimated 560 raids into Israel from the Lebanese side of the border. The warlords of the OPEC nations had financed and sponsored these brutal attacks.

- March 1, 1969: In Germany, Islamic terrorists corrupted by the Muslim Brotherhood used a bomb to destroy an Ethiopian Airlines Boeing 707 jet at the Frankfurt Airport. Several cleaning women were injured in the blast.

The Government of Ethiopia blamed the attack on the Syrian-Egyptian Movement for the Liberation of Eritrea. The Islamic Eritrean Liberation Front claimed credit for the bombing.

- March 6, 1969: Muslims belonging to the PFLP thought it would be a good idea to detonate a bomb in the Hebrew University cafeteria, so they did, mutilating and burning the bodies of 29 Jewish students.

- May 22, 1969: The attempted assassination of the first Israeli Prime Minister, Ben-Gurion, failed but the would-be killers were freed by Denmark.

- May 30, 1969: The Trans-Arabian Pipeline in Jordan was sabotaged by PFLP terrorists. An explosive device caused a fire which blocked the flow of oil. A spokesman of the PFLP claimed that his group had intended to have the spill pollute water supplied to Israeli settlements and fisheries in Hutch Valley. And they were somewhat successful. Oil was reported seeping into the northern part of the Sea of Galilee, and oil slicks were seen on the Jordan River.

- June 17, 1969: Willie Lee Brent, a Black Panther charged by the FBI with participating in a shoot-out with police in San Francisco in 1968, hijacked a TWA jet from Oakland, California, to New York. The plane was diverted to Havana, Cuba. It was the longest U.S. hijacking to date. Brent remained in jail in Cuba for two years. No one was injured.

- June 17, 1969: In Italy, a Muslim student died when a bomb he was preparing in his room in Rome exploded. Leaflets surrounding his body announced an impending attack by the Eritrean Liberation Front.

- June 18, 1969: In Pakistan, three armed members of the Islamic Eritrean Liberation Front assaulted an Ethiopian airliner at the Karachi airport. The Boeing 707 was burned in the attack. The terrorists, all of whom were captured, told authorities that they carried out the attack to dramatize their opposition to Ethiopian rule in Eritrea. Since the Islamic Pakistani government was sympathetic to their cause the three men were jailed for less than one year.

On July 31, the Islamic Eritrean Liberation Front issued a communiqué warning travelers that they would risk their lives if they flew on Ethiopian Airlines. Their public relations release said that they would resort to attacks on Ethiopian airliners in retaliation for Ethiopian Air Force attacks on Eritrean villages.

The Eritrean Liberation Front was formed by Islamic students in Cairo, Egypt in July 1960. The primary objective of these Muslims was to force Ethiopia to abandon Eritrea so that they could impose Islamic rule.

Between 1885 and 1951, Eritrea was governed by Italy and Great Britain. Then in 1952, the United Nations combined Eritrea into neighboring Ethiopia. While Eritrea gained some measures of autonomy, the resolution stopped short of creating an independent Islamic republic in Eritrea.

Therefore, the Islamic Eritrean Liberation Front launched offensive terrorist missions against the Ethiopian government in 1961. The terrorist group manifest all of the characteristics of an Islamic organization and showed signs of being affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood. By 1970, an internal dispute led to the creation of a splinter group, the Eritrean People's Liberation Front which became indistinguishable from any other Islamic terrorist organization.

In a 1993 Eritrean referendum, the Eritrean people voted for the creation of a fully independent nation. The current president of Eritrea was once a member of the Islamic Eritrean Liberation Front.

- June 19, 1969: Palestinian terrorists used a bomb to damage a power distribution line in Jerusalem, partially blacking out the city.

- June 24, 1969: Palestinian Muslims associated with the PFLP used a bomb to ignite a fire in an oil pipeline serving Haifa.

- July 17, 1969: In India, a bomb was detonated inside of a USIS reading room in the American Consulate in Calcutta, burning one employee.

- July 18, 1969: In London, England, Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine terrorists fire-bombed a department store owned by Jewish citizens of the U.K.. The PFLP claimed responsibility for the bombing and warned that there would be more bomb attacks on Jewish-owned establishments in London and in the United States.

PFLP leader George Habbash said, "We shall expand our operations everywhere, in all parts of the world. The enemy camp includes not only Israel but also the Zionist movement, world imperialism led by the United States." As a Muslim Marxist, Habbash had to please his Islamic and Communist financiers. Terrorism is, after all, expensive.

- July 19, 1969: Islamic jihadists associated with the Sudan government firebombed a United States Information Services library in Khartoum. The fundamentalist Islamic regime in control of the Sudan would soon unleash the most deadly genocide in modern history, killing 2.7 million African Animists and Christians.

- July 22, 1969: Muslims in the Philippines threw hand grenades into a USIS library in the American Consulate building in Manila, killing one Filipino. They did this because Muslims are hostile to the truth. Honest, open, and informed discussion is the one thing that is lethal to their religion - and thus to the terror Islam inspires.

- August 7, 1969: In Israel, Islamic terrorists belonging to the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine detonated a bomb inside of an Israeli bus near El Hamma. They murdered two Jews and wounded 12 more in the attack.

- August 17, 1969: In London, England, PFLP Islamic terrorists planted several bombs inside the Marks and Spencers Department Store.

- August 18, 1969: Six Islamic terrorists hijacked an Egyptian Misrair Anatov-24 flying from Cairo to the tourist destination of Aswan on the Nile River. The plane was forced to land in Jidda, Saudi Arabia.

- August 18, 1969: The Israel Touristy Office in Copenhagen, Denmark was bombed by Muslim militants.

- August 19, 1969: TWA flight 840 from Rome to Athens was hijacked to Syria, where President Assad was sympathetic to Islamic terrorism. The Palestinian terrorists destroyed the aircraft.

- August 23, 1969: Islamic militants bombed an Israeli convention in Izmir, killing one person and wounding another.

- August 23, 1969: Jihadists bombed the Israeli Zim Lines office in London, England, wounding one person. The PFLP claimed responsibility.

- August 29, 1969: In France, a TWA Boeing 707 flight from Paris was hijacked by two Palestinian Front for the Liberation of Palestine terrorists and forced to land in Damascus, Syria. The plane carried a crew of 12 and 101 passengers.

After the hijack the Islamic terrorists announced to the passengers that the PFLP had taken command of the flight, and they ordered the plane flown to Damascus. Immediately upon landing, the passengers managed to jump from the plane before a bomb went off, destroying the aircraft. Four passengers were injured.

The PFLP said the hijacking and destruction of the TWA jet, along with the hijacking of an El Al Israeli Airlines plane to Algeria in July l968, the attacks on El Al planes in Athens in December 1968 and in Zurich in February 1969, were all part of their plan to strike at "imperialist interests within and outside the Arab world." Acknowledging their Muslim overlords, they also asserted that "the action was in reprisal for American assistance to Israel.".

The Syrian government held six Israeli passengers, but freed 105 non-Jewish captives and flew them to Athens and Rome. Four of the Israelis, all women, were released September 1 and were flown back to Israel. The two remaining Israelis were held by the Syrians as hostages for the release of Islamic terrorists held in Israeli prisons. Both hijackers, a woman, Leila Khaled, and Salim Essawi, were taken into Syrian custody but quickly released.

- September 8, 1969: Two Jordanian "Palestinians" threw a grenade into the El Al office in Athens, killing a small child and wounding 13 others. The Muslim misfits who perpetrated this heinous and uncivil act were freed from an Israeli jail the following year as part of a hostage exchange precipitated by another PFLP hijacking/kidnapping.

- September 8, 1969: Arafat's al-Fatah recruited two teenage boys and motivated the young Muslims to throw hand grenades into the El Al Airlines offices in Brussels, Belgium. Four people were wounded in the blast.

What's interesting is that while the perpetrators admitted that they had conducted their mission on behalf of Fatah, yet the PFLP claimed credit for the attack.

- September 8, 1969: Two Islamic terrorists calling themselves "Palestinians," bombed the Israeli Embassy in Bonn, Germany. The PFLP claimed credit.

- September 8, 1969: In the Hague, Netherlands, Muslim militants threw hand grenades into the Israeli Embassy.

- September 9, 1969: In Asmara, Ethiopia, the American Consul General Murray Jackson, was kidnapped along with a British businessman by Muslims corrupted in Cairo. After signing a document stating that he had been instructed in the terrorist's objectives, and that he had not been mistreated, Mr. Jackson was released.

- September 12, 1969: In Jordan, a bomb went off on the porch of the Amman home of the U.S. assistant army attaché.

- September 13, 1969: Three armed members of the Islamic Eritrean Liberation Front hijacked an Ethiopian Airlines DC-6 with 66 passengers aboard. The flight, bound for Djibouti from Addis Ababa was forced by the Muslim militants to land at Aden, Southern Yemen. One of the hijackers, Muhammad Sayed, 18, was shot by an Ethiopian secret police official who had been a passenger on the flight.

- October 7, 1969: An undisclosed group of Argentinean terrorists bombed a number of American businesses for reasons they never disclosed. Although there were nine attacks, no one was injured.

- October 21, 1969: Marxist Muslim Muhammad Siad Barre assumed dictatorial power in a military coup d'etat following the assassination of Somalia's second President, Abdi Rashid Ali Shermarke. Barre nationalized the economy with the help of Soviet advisers and Cuban troops. His Supreme Ruling Council formulated political and legal institutions based on the Qur'an, Marx, Mao, Lenin, and Mussolini. Siad Barre explained: "The official ideology consists of three elements: my own conception of community, a form of socialism based on Marxist principles, and Islam.".

This coup caused anarchy and widespread starvation. We will pick up this story in 1992 as Americans paid a horrendous price and yet failed to save the people of Somalia from the butchery of Islamic warlords.

- October 26, 1969: Muslims in Beirut, Lebanon bombed the car of a U.S. Embassy official in front of his home.

- November 27, 1969: In Athens, Greece, Muslim militants associated with Yasser Arafat's Fatah threw hand grenades into the El Al Israeli Airlines office. A child was killed and 13 innocent civilians were wounded.

Two Jordanian Muslims were apprehended and sentenced to 11-year and 8-year jail terms for the murder of the child, but they were both freed after the hijacking of an Olympic Airways plane to Cairo on July 22, 1970.

One of the Muslims, Mildos Dergarabedian, was arrested again in the United States in August 1979. But rather then being imprisoned, he was deported even though he acknowledged being a member of the international terrorist group calling itself the Palestinian Popular Struggle Front. He even confessed that he was the one who tossed the hand grenade into the crowded airlines office ten years earlier which had killed the young Greek child and wounded so many others. America's excuse for releasing the murderous Muslim militant was "he apparently slipped through the U.S. Immigration Service's first line of defense by using his Palestinian Arabic first name, Mildos, on an application for a tourist visa. He had been convicted in Athens under his given Armenian name, Elias.

The Palestinian Popular Struggle Front was founded as an ideological splinter group of al-Fatah and the PLO. The PSF has since split and then re-joined al-Fatah and the PLO many times since its inception in 1967. The PSF's original leaders were Dr. Samir Ghawshah and Bahjat Abu Gharbiah. They founded the Islamic terrorist group in the West Bank before the 1967 War. By the late 1980s, Samir Ghawshah had firmly allied himself with Yasser Arafat and al-Fatah. He is still a fixture on the Palestinian political scene, holding several positions for the Palestinian Authority including Minister for Jerusalem Affairs and PLO Executive Council Member.

The Palestinian Popular Struggle Front has had its headquarters in Jordan, Lebanon, and Syria. The group's most prominent attack was their 1970 hijacking of an Olympic Airways jet to Cairo. With the Red Cross mediating, the group successfully negotiated for the release of a number of terrorists, including PSF member Mildos Dergarabedian, who carried out the group's earlier attack on Israeli Airline El Al's offices in Athens and Mansour Marad, who later became a member of the Jordanian parliament.

- December 5, 1969: Four Muslim Militants were caught before they could attack an airliner in London. The subsequent plot on the 17th failed as a result.

- December 12, 1969: Islamic terrorists bombed the West Berlin office of Israeli El Al Airlines. No one was injured in the blast.

- December 12, 1969: Muslim militants associated with the Islamic Eritrean Liberation Front armed with pistols and explosives were killed by plainclothes security guards as they attempted to hijack an Ethiopian Airlines jet shortly after takeoff from Madrid on a flight to Addis Ababa.

In Damascus, Syria, the Eritrean Liberation Front admitted that the two slain men were members of their organization but claimed that they had not intended to hijack the airliner, merely to hand out leaflets. But on December 10, Spanish police had arrested a third ELF member at the Madrid airport for carrying explosives.

- December 20, 1969: In Islamic Turkey, a bomb was detonated outside the United States Information Services building in Ankara.

- December 21, 1969: Three Lebanese Muslims were caught as they tried to hijack a TWA plane in Athens. The flight was bound for Rome and then on to New York. The three Muslim militants, who used handguns and explosives, said that they were members of the PFLP, and that they had received orders to divert the airplane to Tunis where they were to evacuate the passengers and blow up the aircraft.

One of the hijackers confessed that he and his colleagues had planned to destroy the plane "to warn the Americans to stop providing air communications with Israel." The three Islamic terrorists were freed after the hijacking of an Olympic Airways plane to Cairo on July 22, l970.

- December 29, 1969: Philippine terrorists attempted to assassinate U.S. Vice President Spiro Agnew by bombing his car. No one claimed credit for the assault but these same tactics were deployed countless times by local Islamic groups such as the Abu Sayyaf, Jemaah Islamiyah, and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front.

United States   

March 9, 1977Washington DC: A dozen Hanafi Muslim terrorists seize 134 hostages in 3 buildings only blocks from the White House. One man is killed and 12 are wounded in the takeover of the Islamic Center, the international headquarters of B'nai Brith, and the District building, Washington's city hall. They surrender two days later after negotiations with ambassadors of Egypt, Iran, and Pakistan. 92

November 4, 1979

Islamic militants overran the American embassy in Tehran , Iran. The militants held fifty-two of the embassy's personnel hostage for 444 days. What became punctuated as the first fundamentalist Islamic revolution of modern times, it lasted until January 20, 1981. During those two years Fundamentalists killed everyone & destroyed everything they could! Many people were killed, executed without any justice, and citizens lived under martial law.

2001Charlotte, North Carolina: Federal officials discovered a Hezbollah fundraising cell that was purchasing untaxed cigarettes and selling them illegally in Michigan. In a year and a half, the network sold around $8 million worth of cigarettes illegally, with much of the money being funneled to the terrorist organization. Some of money funded shipments including "dual use" military gear: night-vision goggles, GPS devices, mine detectors, radar, laser range finders, blasting equipment, and sophisticated software. 93

September 11, 2001Arlington, Virginia: Terrorists using knives and box cutters hijacked American Airlines Flight 77. They took over the controls and flew the plane into the Pentagon, destroying the left side of the building. The 189 casualties included the 64 passengers and crew, and 125 military and civilian personnel killed with 80 injured in the partially collapsed side of the Pentagon. Al-Qaida is responsible. 94

New York City, New York: 5 terrorists hijacked American Airlines Flight 11. and deliberately piloted it into the North Tower of the World Trade Center. Shortly later, 5 terrorists hijacked United Airlines Flight 175, and crashed the plane into the South Tower of the World Trade Center. Both towers collapsed soon thereafter, killing approximately 3000 persons, including hundreds of firefighters and rescue personnel who were helping to evacuate the buildings. Al-Qaida is responsible. An earlier bombing on the WTC, by radical extremists, took place in 1993, killing 6. More recently, it was uncovered that terrorists planned a major attack on the NYC subway system and aborted it shortly before the date to carry it out. 94

Shanksville, Pennsylvania: Terrorists using knives and box cutters hijacked United Airlines Flight 93, en route from Newark to San Francisco. The hijackers took over the plane’s controls and were heading the aircraft in the direction of Washington, D.C. In attempting to retake control of the airplane, the passengers crashed it into the Pennsylvania countryside, according to press reports. All 44 persons on board were killed. Al Qa'ida is responsible. 94

December 22, 2001Over Boston, Massachusetts: Richard Reid, a British citizen and convert to Islam, was arrested for allegedly trying to set off explosives concealed in his sneakers while on American Airlines Flight 63 from Paris to Miami. The crew and passengers subdued Reid before he could ignite the explosives. The flight was diverted to Boston. In 2003, he was sentenced to life in prison. Reid's attorneys said he believed bombing the plane was necessary to "prevent the destruction of Islam." In court he described himself as a "soldier." Intelligence documents CNN obtained from two Western nations show Reid reported to al Qaeda's head of military operations. 95

January 10, 2002Chicago, Illinios and Detroit, Michigan: DEA officials busted an elaborate nationwide meth-amphetamine drug ring operating primarily through Detroit and Chicago, that funneled much of its money back to terrorist groups like Hezbollah. At least 136 people – most from the Mid East – were arrested and 36 tons of pseudo ephedrine, 179 pounds of meth-amphetamine, $4.5 million in cash, 8 properties, and 160 cars used for transport were seized. Former CIA Director George Tenet has said that Hezbollah [is al-Qaeda’s] equal, if not a far more capable organization. I actually think they’re a notch above in many respects.” 96

August 2002Fort Lauderdale, Florida: A Pakistani man living in Broward pleaded guilty to charges he conspired to carry out a "jihad" mission in South Florida, in which prosecutors said they planned to bomb electrical power stations and a National Guard Armory. According to the indictment, the men allegedly planned to follow these attacks with a list of demands on the United States government to release Muslims from American prisons and to end US support of Israel. 97

August 6, 2003 Houston, Texas: A Saudi who went from a freewheeling Houston college student to an observant Muslim pleaded guilty to nearly decapitating a longtime Jewish friend. The prosecutor said there was no clear motive in the killing. The defendant had severed ties with his friend about one year before the killing. He had recently undergone a religious reawakening and had reformed his typical American student behavior to a more conservative, Islamic lifestyle, authorities said. 98

2005Los Angeles, California: Officials uncovered a planned terrorist plot by Jam'iyyat Ul-Islam Is-Saheeh, against military recruitment stations and bases, the Israeli consulate in LA, El-Al airlines, and Jewish synagogues. The plot was discovered when suspects dropped a cellular telephone at a robbery to fund the terrorist attacks. 99

Torrence, California: The head of a radical Islamic prison gang and three others were indicted in 2005 on federal charges of planning terrorist attacks against U.S. military facilities, the Israeli Consulate, synagogues, and other Los Angeles area targets. 100

February 2006Toledo, Ohio: Three men were charged with conspiring to provide money, training, communications equipment, and computers to extremists in the Middle East. As alleged in the indictment, these men taught themselves how to make and use explosives, and conducted their own training exercises. 101

March 3, 2006Chapel Hill, North Carolina: : A recent graduate of the University of North Carolina Chapel hill drove a sport utility vehicle into a crowded pedestrian zone at the school, injuring 9. He said he was "thankful for the opportunity to spread the will of Allah." 102

April 5, 2006Lodi, California: In the farming town of Lodi, Calif., a young Pakistani man faces at least 30 years in prison for supporting terrorism by attending an al-Qaida training camp in Pakistan in 2003 and lying to the FBI. His father pleaded guilty to trying to smuggle $28,000 in cash to Pakistan. 100

June 20, 2006Falls Church Virginia: A British-led investigation has helped identify a number of US-based terrorists and helped authorities in Washington to break up an al-Qaeda cell operating in Falls Church, Virginia. 11 men who regularly attended the same Islamic Centre in Falls Church have been convicted of terrorism charges. 7 reportedly went to training camps in Pakistan. A twelfth man was jailed for 30 years in March for plotting to assassinate President Bush and being a member of al-Qaeda. The latest trial of the “Virginia 11” led to a junior school teacher, who was popular with parents and pupils, being convicted for giving aid to the banned Pakistan-based extremist group, Lashkar-e-Taiba. 103

June 23, 2006Miami, Florida: 7 young men were arrested in an alleged plot against the Sears Tower, and a federal building in Miami. 5 are U.S. citizens. To obtain money and support for their mission, the conspirators sought help from alQaida, the indictment charged. It said that the group's Ringleader met with an undercover agent several times in Dec 2005, and asked for boots, uniforms, machine guns, radios, vehicles and $50,000 in cash to help him build an “‘Islamic Army’ to wage jihad’,” and that he said that he and his 5 soldiers wanted to attend al Qaida training and planned a “full ground war” against the U.S. in order to “kill all the devils we can.” 104

July 17, 2006Atlanta, Georgia: Two men already accused of discussing terror targets with Islamic extremists were indicted Wednesday on charges of undergoing para-military training in northwest Georgia and plotting a "violent jihad" against civilian and government targets, including an air base in suburban Atlanta. 105

July 28, 2006Seattle, Washington: Naveed Afzal Haq killed 1 and injured 5, after forcing his way into the offices of the Jewish Federation. When Haq got on the phone with 911 operators, he said, "This is a hostage situation and I want these Jews to get out," according to a statement of probable cause. 106

February 12, 2007

“Arouse the Spirit of Islamic Jihad” as a Mainstream Educational Goal

In Saudi Arabia—a country viewed as an ally of the U.S. in the war on terror—mainstream educational goals include arousing the spirit of Islamic jihad.

A Saudi Education Ministry document titled "Educational Policy" stated that one of the educational goals was "to prepare students physically and mentally for jihad for the sake of Allah" (Goal No. 104). Another goal was "to arouse the spirit of Islamic jihad in order to fight our enemies, to restore our rights and our glory, and to fulfill the mission of Islam" (Goal No. 60).1

In their schoolbooks, Saudi students learn that

The Crusades never ended, and identify the American Universities in Beirut and in Cairo, other Western and Christian social service providers, media outlets, centers for academic studies of Orientalism, and campaigns for women’s rights as part of the modern phase of the Crusades.

Jihad in the path of God – which consists of battling against unbelief, oppression, injustice, and those who perpetrate it – is the summit of Islam. This religion arose through jihad and through jihad was its banner raised high. It is one of the noblest acts, which brings one closer to God, and one of the most magnificent acts of obedience to God.

Denounce Muslims who do not interpret the Koran literally.2

Wahhabism, a radical strain of fundamentalism—with which these kinds of teachings are often identified—has historically been the ideological backbone of the Saudi Kingdom’s approach to Islam.3 As the government’s oil wealth has grown, so, too, have Saudi activities outside the Kingdom, spreading these ideas. According to an article in US News & World Report.

Over the past 25 years, the desert kingdom has been the single greatest force in spreading Islamic fundamentalism, while its huge, unregulated charities funneled hundreds of millions of dollars to jihad groups and al Qaeda cells around the world.

The Saudi funding program, [Alex] Alexiev [a former CIA consultant on ethnic and religious conflict] says, is "the largest worldwide propaganda campaign ever mounted"—dwarfing the Soviets' propaganda efforts at the height of the Cold War. The Saudi weekly Ain al-Yaqeen last year reported the cost as "astronomical" and boasted of the results: some 1,500 mosques, 210 Islamic centers, 202 colleges, and nearly 2,000 schools in non-Islamic countries.4

North America has not been immune to this activity. The United States has been the recipient of millions of dollars of Saudi largesse. Journalist Stephen Schwartz testified before the Senate Subcommittee on Terrorism, Technology and Homeland Security, that Saudi-Wahhabi entities have invested over 100 million dollars in promoting Islam in the United States, with influence in over 300 mosques.5

Senator Charles Schumer, D-NY, said in 2003, that

There is mounting evidence that Saudi sponsored groups are trying to hijack mainstream Islam here in the United States – in mosques, in schools, and even in prisons and the military—and replace it with Wahhabism....

Prominent members of the Saudi royal family – including Prince Naif, Saudi Arabia’s Interior Minister and anti-terror czar – have set up charities that funnel money to Wahhabi madrassah schools throughout the Middle East and Pakistan, making these areas hotbeds of anti-American sentiment and extremism....

The Council on American Islamic Relations [CAIR] – perhaps the most famous of these groups – reportedly received financial support from Saudi-funded organizations to build its $3.5 million headquarters here in Washington. This may explain why in April 2001, the Council released a survey saying that 69% of Muslims in America say it is “absolutely fundamental” or “very important” to have Wahhabi teachings at their mosques.6

Senator Schumer goes on to note that he doesn’t believe the figures presented by CAIR “reflect the true feeling of the American Muslim community because the extremist Wahhabi ideology is violent, exclusionary and intolerant.” Nevertheless, Wahhabism seems to be making inroads in its control of U.S. Islamic institutions. Muhammad Hisham Kabbani, a Sufi sheik and leader of the Islamic Supreme Council of America, said that extremists control “more than 80 percent of the mosques that have been established in the US.”7

Given what is being taught in Saudi schools, how does all this translate to what is actually being taught in Saudi funded institutions in the United States?

In 2005, the Center for Religious Freedom did a study of Saudi ideology being promoted in American mosques. Among the teachings the study found being disseminated were:

To be true Muslims, we must prepare and be ready for jihad in Allah’s way. It is the duty of the citizen and the government. The military education is glued to faith and its meaning, and the duty to follow it. (From a textbook collected from the Islamic Center of Oakland in California.)

[O]ur doctrine states that if you accept any religion other than Islam, like Judaism or Christianity, which are not acceptable, you become an unbeliever. If you do not repent, you are an apostate and you should be killed because you have denied the Koran. (Collected from King Fahd Mosque, Culver City, CA)8

A 2006 report by the Center showed that these messages have also been found in teaching academies run by the Saudi government. The report states that the Islamic Saudi Academy in Alexandria, VA “is the American branch of a worldwide network of 19 schools supervised and funded by the Saudi state.

In 2002, the Washington Post provided a rare glimpse into what is taught at the Academy: “Then [the students] file into their Islamic studies class, where the textbooks tell them the Day of Judgment can’t come until Jesus Christ returns to Earth, breaks the cross and converts everyone to Islam, and until Muslims start attacking Jews.” An American citizen who was the valedictorian of his class there was convicted on March 29, 2006 of plotting to assassinate President George W. Bush and of being a member of al Qaeda, and sentenced to 30 years imprisonment.9

That Saudi funded institutions in the United States would teach such things should not seem surprising, as they are the same ideals the Saudi government promotes at home. It’s logical that they’ll espouse the same values at institutions they fund abroad, whether they be universities, day schools, consulates or mosques. Why would they teach anything other than the same ideals they espouse in their homeland?

What can be done about this state of affairs?

Saudi reformists have articulated the process of transformation that needs to occur within the Kingdom, saying, "We need these young people who are being misled [by extremist perceptions] for building the homeland. But we must do this by directing the students in the educational institutions, and by correcting their ideological deviations..."10

While it is unlikely Americans will convince the Saudis to change their policies on the Arabian peninsula, it is possible for them to influence Saudi funded endeavours, on their own shores.

On a basic level, citizens can be watchful of the ideas being promoted in institutions and programs that receive Saudi-Wahhabi grants. Muslim families can ensure sure their children are not being inculcated with this hatred, by playing an active role in the schools. Arabic speakers can review the Arabic language materials being distributed at their local places of worship. College students in Saudi funded Political Science or Middle Eastern Studies programs can be watchful that the instruction they receive is balanced and scholarly.

On the level of public policy, Americans should consider whether a nation that espouses such views can be considered a true ally.

Concerned citizens of all faiths can engage in dialogues and activities that will give them an opportunity to transcend their differences in peaceful ways, and speak out against this hatred. For both children and adults within the local and national community, such actions can send a strong message of the vision they want for their world, and help provide foundations for building it.

1 http://www.memri.org/bin/opener_latest.cgi?ID=IA32507 2 http://www.hudson.org/files/publications/CRF_SaudiReport_2006.pdf 3 http://memri.org/bin/articles.cgi?Page=archives&Area=sr&ID=SR3404 4 http://www.usnews.com/usnews/news/articles/031215/15terror.htm 5 http://www.nationalreview.com/comment/comment-schwartz063003.asp 6 http://www.senate.gov/~schumer/SchumerWebsite/pressroom/press_releases/PR02009.html 7 http://www.boston.com/news/globe/editorial_opinion/oped/articles/2007/01/10/the_boston_mosques_saudi_connection/index.html 8 http://www.derafsh-kaviyani.com/pdf/saudipub.pdf 9 http://www.hudson.org/files/publications/CRF_SaudiReport_2006.pdf 10 http://www.memri.org/bin/opener_latest.cgi?ID=IA32507

February 5, 2007

A follow up to last week's entry on the Iranian nuclear threat...

Professor Bernard Lewis spoke last week at Hebrew University, following a screening of Obsession. He had the following to say, in response to a question from the audience, about his thoughts on a direct confrontation with Iran, and the solution to the crisis.

"I think there isn’t any one solution to the Iranian problem presented by Iran, and that can come only from the Iranian people.

Iran is a real threat. A mortal threat. And I think one has to take the nuclear threat of Iran very seriously. One also has to take account of a type that can only be described as the apocalyptic mood of Ahmadinejad and his circle.

In Islam as in Christianity and as in Judaism, there is what you might call an end of times scenario. There will be a final battle between the forces of good and evil. The Mahdi in Islam. The return of Jesus. The Messiah killed. The fight against Gog and Magog; Dahjal to Muslims. Or whatever else the adversary is called. There will be the final struggle which results in the triumph of the forces of good and the destruction of the forces of evil.

Muslims have a similar scenario. And Ahmadinejad and his group clearly believe—and I don’t doubt the sincerity of their belief—that that time is now. That we are now entering the apocalyptic age. The final battles are taking place between the forces of good and evil, and will result, of course, inevitably, in the triumph of their messianic figure. And Muslims like Jews believe that one can take some steps to hasten the process. This is extremely dangerous and extremely alarming, because you consider the situation during the cold war. Both sides—the United States and the Soviet Union—had nuclear weapons. Neither side used them because each side knew the other would retaliate in kind. This was known as Mutually Assured Destruction. MAD for short. MAD doesn’t work with these people, because Mutually Assured Destruction is not a deterrent; it’s an inducement. And they believe that the end of time will bring triumph of their cause. If many of their people perish, they will be giving them a favor; they will be giving them a quick free pass to heaven and all its delights. To the divine brothel in the sky."

Writing about the potential of a popular uprising in the near future, an article published in the Middle East forum asked, "Will Iran experience another revolution? It remains uncertain. But Iranian society is bubbling, and the stakes are huge."

Several Iranian groups working to promote positive change within the country are the Student Movement Coordinating Committee for Democracy in Iran and Regime Change in Iran.com. Additionally, Activist Chat supports a number of online petitions to the UN and others, on issues of relevance to the Iranian people and the current crisis.

January 30, 2007

Would the Iranian government ever launch a nuclear weapon at another state?

Most people would say 'No.' This seems like a reasonable way of thinking. To our ears, this is logical.

If the Iranian leadership ever carried out a nuclear attack, they would likely find themselves the target of a retaliatory strike which would result in their own deaths, and millions of others. The country would be crippled. For decades, this desire for self-preservation, and the threat of Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD), was a primary war deterrent between the United States and the Soviet Union (notwithstanding notable challenges along the way, like the Cuban Missile Crisis). It's also played a role in other nuclear flashpoints, like Pakistan and India (although, granted, the red lines in that conflict have sometimes been less clear).

But what if a state player or non-state player didn’t perceive certain death as a deterrent? What if causing others to die was viewed—in certain contexts—as an act of kindness? What if someone was so was convinced about this, that they encouraged their children to engage in behaviors which they knew would kill them?

In an article published last year, respected scholar Matthias Kuentzel broached this subject. In it, he recalled the policy of the Iranian regime during the Iran-Iraq war, of sending children to clear minefields on the battlefield—using their bodies to detonate landmines, as part of the war campaign.

In pondering the behavior of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, I cannot help but think of the 500,000 plastic keys that Iran imported from Taiwan during the Iran-Iraq War of 1980-88. At the time, an Iranian law laid down that children as young as 12 could be used to clear mine fields, even against the objections of their parents. Before every mission, a small plastic key would be hung around each of the children’s necks. It was supposed to open for them the gates to paradise...

“In the past,” wrote the semi-official Iranian daily Ettela’at, “we had child-volunteers: 14-, 15-, and 16-year-olds. They went into the mine fields. Their eyes saw nothing. Their ears heard nothing. And then, a few moments later, one saw clouds of dust. When the dust had settled again, there was nothing more to be seen of them...

Already in one of his first television interviews, the new President enthused: “Is there an art that is more beautiful, more divine, more eternal than the art of the martyr’s death?”

Examining the Iranian behavior during that war as a “glimpse of things to come,” and applying this cult of martyrdom to a potential nuclear threat, Kuentzel asks:

What is the implication of atomic weapons in the hands of those who interpret death in the battle field as a spiritual triumph?

In December 2001, then Iranian President Hashemi Rafsanjani broached this question. He explained that “the use of even one nuclear bomb inside Israel will destroy everything”. On the other hand, even in the case of a nuclear response on the part of Israel, it “will only harm the Islamic world. It is not irrational to contemplate such an eventuality.”… Some hundred thousand or so additional martyrs for Islam – the price is not too high to pay.

Rafsanjani’s counting on a hundred thousand deaths might seem on first glance like a worst-case scenario. But it is not. For Rafsanjani is a representative of the “pragmatic” wing of the Iranian Revolution. In contrast to the apocalyptic wing of the Revolutionary Guard, who in 1988 wanted to pursue the war against Iraq no matter the costs, the “pragmatists” are concerned that any war should have a “worthwhile” outcome. What atomic weapons could mean in the hands of the “apocalyptic” faction is virtually unimaginable.

It can be difficult to fathom that death or MAD would cease to be a deterrent, and that someone would be content—perhaps even see it as divinely inspired—to put a compatriot’s life in jeopardy. It seems illogical, because people in Europe and America and many other parts of the world were not raised with these values. But that is what we face today with the Iranian regime.

Only by understanding the threat can we hope to defeat it.

The article can be found in its entirety at: Matthias Kuentzel

January 23, 2007

The threat from Iran (and other Islamist leaderships) is frequently explained in the context of a political response to the overall conflict in the Middle East, or the threat from American aggression. In truth, the crisis with Iran is rooted in the religious perspective of its ruling theocracy. To remove the crisis from that context is to completely misunderstand their motivations and goals. An additional challenge, compounding the crisis, is the lack of response from most Western leaders, indicating that they don't take seriously their words or actions. Until we understand the problem, and are willing to confront it head on, it will be impossible to find an enduring solution. Former CIA director Jim Woolsey, had the following to say at a recent conference in Herzliya.

I believe that the Vilayat Faqih 1 in Iran is a theocratic totalitarian movement for which destruction of Israel and the United States is not a policy but its very essence. It defines itself in that way. Saying that is should change its policy with respect to destroying Israel and the United States is like trying to persuade Hitler away from anti-Semitism. It was his essence and it is the essence of the Iranian Vilayat Faqih. I believe that the nuclear weapons program of Iran is an important part of this and as Bernard [Lewis] said the recent up tick in fanaticism, the Hujetia—the End of Time Movement—does represent a real and crazed part of Iranians today and the Iranian Shiite ideology...

In 1979, which I think is probably the key year of the modern explosion in fanaticism in this part of the world; the seizure of the great mosque in Mecca and the rise to power of a Shiite theocracy in Iran produced an intense increase of Wahabi fanaticism as expressed in the madrasas of the Middle East and Pakistan. These expressions in the sermons, in mosques, and in the United States, are all very heavily funded by the increased price of oil. Little boys are being taught to dream of being suicide bombers in both Pakistani Madrasas and in the West Bank with Wahabi oil money, and that money is a huge part of our problem...

So, what do we need to move forward today? First of all we need to take their theocratic totalitarianism authority seriously. We should pay attention to what they say. Hitler meant it when he said he wanted to exterminate the Jews. It was all spelled out in Mein Kampf. We need to take seriously what people like Ahmadinejad and others say to their own followers. They are not lying; they are stating their true objectives. Secondly, we need clarity. We need to make sure that we call a spade, a spade. That when we are accused of being Islam-phobes, I think it's fair to say: No, we are not, but we are theocrat-phobes. We should not let our sense of fairness lead to creeping Shari'a. It is beginning in Europe and even a bit here in the United States among the Muslim communities.

You can read his full speech here:Herzliya Conference

1 Rule or guardianship of the community by the clergy. Sometimes translated in English as Mullahcracy.

January 11, 2007

Recent incidents at two college campuses show the challenge confronted in engaging a public debate on the issue of Radical Islam. In both incidents, a student group was prevented by administration or the MSA, in their attempts to screen Obsession: Radical Islam's War Against the West.

David Andreatta wrote about one incident at Pace university.

Pace University administrators threatened to sic the cops on a Jewish-student club if it went ahead with plans to screen a critically acclaimed film about radical Islam, the head of the group charged yesterday.

Michael Abdurakhmanov, president of Pace Hillel, said two deans warned that showing the documentary film would implicate club members as suspects in two hate crimes involving the desecration of the Koran at the university's lower-Manhattan campus last fall.

In addition, Abdurakhmanov said an assistant dean physically restrained him as he attempted to defend the film and his group in a meeting with administrators.

"The message was pretty clear, if you show this film, you're going to incriminate yourself," Abdurakhmanov said.

Phil Orenstein wrote about another incident at Brown University.

A similar scenario took place at Brown University when the Hillel club planned to invite one of the featured speakers in Obsession, FrontPage Magazine contributor Nonie Darwish, to give a talk exposing the radical Islamic in Gaza. Again, the MSA chapter at Brown protested the event, complaining that Darwish was "too controversial." After a heated debate, Hillel timidly backed down and cancelled the event, not wanting to "upset its 'beautiful relationship' with the Muslim community." (Brown's Muslim community had no trouble marring the "beautiful relationship" by holding anti-Israel events during "Palestinian Solidarity Week.") One FrontPage article notes that Nonie Darwish's is an Arab voice that needs to be heard, and it is "too bad the young Muslims and their Jewish enablers at Brown won't hear it."

Students, educators, and citizens alike should be concerned, and respond to these and similar actions stifling public debate, as they serve as indicators of the overall climate today on many college campuses. Without a free exchange of ideas, and open critical debate on many other uncomfortable issues, our universities sacrifice their very ability to act as true institutions of higher learning. The potential long term impact on America as a liberal open-minded society is chilling.

You can read both articles in their entirety here:NY PostFrontPage Magazine



All elements on this map have been verified for accuracy's sake. Copyright 2006 World Under Fire. All Rights Reserved.

TIMELINE OF ISLAMIST-LINKED TERROR: March 1977 - July 2006 Facts/History Behind the Crisis

The Islamists have pursued their battle on a variety of fronts, from sectarian violence against Coptic Christians in Egypt , to subway bombings in Paris , to attacks in Russia . The following timeline gives a limited idea of some of the events around the world, over the last few decades.

The source documents footnoted are often, but not always, directly quoted.

70s: 1977  197980s: 1981 1983  1984  1985  1988  198990s: 1991  1992  1993  1994  1995  1996  1997  1998  199900s: 2000  2001  2002  2003  2004  2005  2006


1977   back to top

March 9

A dozen Hanafi Muslim terrorists seize 134 hostages in three buildings only blocks from the White House. One man is killed and 12 are wounded in the takeover of the Islamic Center, the international headquarters of B'nai Brith, and the District building, Washington 's city hall. They surrender two days later after negotiations with ambassadors of Egypt , Iran , and Pakistan. 33


1979   back to top

February 14

The U.S. ambassador to Afghanistan dies in hail of gunfire from Afghan troops as others plot to rescue him from four kidnappers in a Kabul hotel room. Just as U.S. officials believed they had persuaded Afghan Interior Ministry officials not to storm the room, a gunshot was heard, spurring the spray of bullets. 1


November 4

Tehran , Iran: Islamic students stormed the U.S. Embassy and took 66 American diplomats hostage. Thirteen were soon released, but over 50 remaining were held hostage. President Jimmy Carter applied economic pressure by halting Iranian oil imports and freezing Iranian assets in the United States . On April 24,1980, the Carter administration attempted a rescue mission that failed, when three of the mission's eight helicopters were damaged in a sandstorm. After Ronald Reagan's election in November, successful negotiations began, and Iran released the remaining hostages shortly after his inauguration on January 20, 1981. 1,2,9


November 20

The holy Kaabaa at Mecca’s Grand Mosque.  In 1979, Sunni dissidents seized control of the Mosque, taking hundreds hostage.  Saudi and French forces retook the shrine, after a battle in which 250 were killed and 600 wounded 

Mecca : At least 200 Sunni Islamic dissidents seized control of the Grand Mosque at Mecca , one of the holiest sites in Islam, taking hundreds of pilgrims hostage. The standoff lasted for several weeks. Saudi and French security forces retook the shrine after an intense battle in which some 250 people were killed and 600 wounded. 3,9


November 21

Islamabad , Pakistan: The US Embassy is attacked by a mob and set afire, killing four. 12


1981   back to top

June 17

Egypt : 22 Coptics burned inside their homes and businesses, in El-Zawia El-Hamra, Cairo , during religious rioting. Egyptian Internal Minister at the time, General Hassan Abu Basha, declared after his resignation that 81 Coptics killed, 100+ seriously wounded, and 80 homes looted & destroyed . 22


Anwar Sadat, Egyptian President, assassinated in 1981 by members of the Takfir Wal-Hajira sect.

October 6

Terrorists, soldiers who were secretly members of the Takfir Wal-Hajira sect, jump off a parade vehicle during an Egyptian parade, firing weapons and throwing grenades at the reviewing stand. They kill Egyptian President Anwar Sadat along with eight others and injure 20, including four American diplomats. 1,9


1983   back to top

March 16

Five American Marines were wounded in a hand grenade attack while on patrol north of Beirut International Airport . The Islamic Jihad and Al-Amal, a Shi'ite militia, claimed responsibility for the attack. 11


April 18

A suicide car-bomber drives a van carrying 2,000 pounds of explosives into the U.S. Embassy in Beirut, killing 63-including 17 Americans-and injuring 120. The CIA's Middle East director was among the casualties. Islamic Jihad claims responsibility. 1,2,9


October 23

A suicide bomber blows up the U.S. Marine barracks in Beirut, killing 241.  At almost the same time, a suicide attack kills over 50 soldiers with a UN peacekeeping force, at the French military barracks.  Islamic Jihad claims responsibility.Source:  U.S. Marine Corps

A Shiite suicide bomber blows up the U.S. Marine barracks in Beirut , Lebanon , killing 241 Marines. At almost the same time, a nearly identical suicide bombing attack kills over 50 soldiers at the French military barracks in Beirut - all members of a U.N. peacekeeping force. Islamic Jihad claims responsibility. 1,2


December 12

Shiite extremists set off car bombs in front of the U.S. and French embassies in Kuwait City , killing five people, and wounding 86. Analysts later blame the attacks on the banned Al-Dawa party, a radical Shiite group with ties to Iran . 1,2


1984   back to top

January 18

Malcolm H. Kerr, president of the American University of Beirut , is slain by two gunmen as he steps off an elevator near his office. Islamic Jihad claims responsibility. 1


April 12

Hizbullah Restaurant Bombing: Eighteen U.S. servicemen were killed, and 83 people were injured in a bomb attack on a restaurant near a U.S. Air Force Base in Torrejon , Spain . 9


September 20

Aukar, Lebanon: Islamic Jihad detonate a van full of explosives 30 feet in front of the U.S. Embassy annex severely damaging the building, killing two U.S. servicemen and seven Lebanese employees, as well as 5 to 15 non-employees. Twenty Americans were injured, including U.S. Ambassador Reginald Bartholomew and visiting British Ambassador David Miers. An estimated 40 to 50 Lebanese were hurt. The attack came in response to the U.S. veto September 6 of a U.N. Security Council resolution. 17


1985   back to top

April 12

Madrid , Spain: A bomb explodes in a restaurant popular with American servicemen, killing 18, all Spaniards, and injuring 82, including 15 Americans. It is the worst act of terrorism in Spain since the end of the Spanish civil war in 1939. Various groups claim responsibility for the bombing in calls to news organizations, including the Basque separatist group, ETA, and Islamic Jihad. 10


June 14

A Lebanese Shiite gunman threatens Captain John Testrake, as he leans from the cockpit of hijacked TWA Flight 847.

Two Lebanese Shiite gunmen seize TWA flight 847 bound from Athens to Rome with 104 Americans and 49 other passengers and force it to Beirut , Lebanon , where they pick up more gunmen. From there, they fly to Algiers . The hijackers release passengers, until 39 hostages remain. They demand the release of 766 Lebanese prisoners being held in Israel . On the second day of the standoff, the plane returns to Beirut , and the hijackers kill U.S. Navy diver Robert Stethem, and throw his body out on the runway. Israel releases 31 Lebanese prisoners, but insists the release is not related to the standoff. After 17 days in captivity, the hostages are transported to Damascus , Syria , and released. 1, 2, 9, 18



1988   back to top

April 14

Naples , Italy: The Organization of Jihad Brigades exploded a car bomb outside a USO Club killing one U.S. sailor. 9


December 21

On its way from London to New York , a Pan Am Boeing 747, Flight 103 from London to New York, explodes over Lockerbie, Scotland , killing all 259 people on the plane, including 189 Americans, and 11 on the ground. Crashing parts of the jet destroy 21 homes. 1,2


1989   back to top

February 28

In February 1989, Two Berkeley, California, bookstores were firebombed to protest the sale of an Indianauthor Salman Rushdie'sThe Satanic Verses

Two Berkeley , Calif. , bookstores are firebombed during the night to protest the sale of Indian author Salman Rushdie's The Satanic Verses . Iranian authorities had issued a fatwa calling for Rushdie to be killed for disparaging Islam. 1




1991   back to top

October 28

Two car bombings killed a U.S. Air Force sergeant and severely wounded an Egyptian diplomat in Istanbul . Turkish Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility. 11



1992   back to top

March 11

Egypt : At St. Mary's Monastery in the village of El-Mouharak , Asyut , a mob of radical Muslim Egyptians attacked and killed an Archpriest, a Monk, and three laymen in front of the Monastery . 22


March 17

Buenos Aires , Argentina: Hizbullah claimed responsibility for a blast that leveled the Israeli Embassy causing the deaths of 29 and wounding 242. 9


October 10

Egypt : Radicals attack the village of El-Qousya , Asyut , looting and destroying homes and businesses, resulting in the deaths of seven . 22


1993   back to top

January 25

Langley , VA: Mir Amal Kansi, a Pakistani living in the United States since 1991, shoots two CIA employees, and wounds three others near the gate of the CIA's 258-acre headquarters. 1


Ramzi Yousef was convicted for masterminding the 1993 World Trade Center bombing.   He was also responsible for the 1994 explosion on Phillippine Airlines Flight 434.

February 26

Bomb explodes in a parking garage below World Trade Center , killing six people and wounding more than 1,000. Six Islamic militants are convicted in the bombing and sentenced to life in prison. 2


February 26

A bomb exploded in a Cairo cafe killing four and injuring 20 people.  The materials in the bomb were the same as those used by Muslim attacking tourists elsewhere in Egypt. Five members of the al-Jihad Organization were arrested.  25


Army Rangers in the Somalian desert, wait for helicopters to return them to base after training.US Army Rangers Photo

June 5

Somalia : Ambush against U.N. peacekeeping forces, by General Mohammed Farah Aidid, which kills 23 Pakistani soldiers. 18


August 11

Somalia: Four American killed in blast . 8

Somali General Mohammed Farrah Aidid.  The militia leader drove US and UN forces from Somalia in the 90’s.  His forces were responsible for the deaths of many US serviceman and UN peacekeepers.USASOC Photo


September 26

US UH-60 blackhawk shot down over Mogadishu . Jubilant Somali mob drags the bodies of US servicemen through the streets. 8


October 4

Mogadishu: American servicemen dragged through the streets. 8


1994   back to top

April 7

Ashod, Israel: Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad gunmen opened fire on commuters standing at a bus stop, killing one, and injuring four others.25


July 18

In Buenos Aires, an explosion destroys a building housing several Jewish organizations killing at least 85, and injuring more than 200.

Buenos Aires: An explosion destroys a building housing several Jewish organizations killing at least 85, and injuring more than 200. 12, 13


December 11

A small bomb explodes on Philippine Airlines Flight 434, killing a Japanese businessman, Haruki Ikegami. None of the aircraft's other 272 passengers or 20 crew members died, although 10 passengers sitting in front of Ikegami were injured. 12


December 24

Members of the Armed Islamic Group seized an Air France Flight to Algeria . The four terrorists were killed during a rescue effort. 19


1995   back to top

March 8

Karachi: Two unidentified gunmen armed with AK-47 assault rifles open fire on a U.S. Consulate van, killing two U.S. diplomats, Jacqueline Keys Van Landingham and Gary C. Durell, and wounding a third, Mark McCloy.  Islamic militants suspected.  1, 9, 11, 26


November 13

Riyadh , Saudi Arabia: A car bomb detonates at the U.S. military head-quarters, killing seven people, five of them Americans, and injuring 60. The "Tigers of the Gulf," "Islamist Movement for Change," and "Fighting Advocates of God" claim responsibility.  2, 3


November 19

Islamabad , Pakistan: A suicide bomber drove a vehicle into the Egyptian Embassy compound, killing at least 16 and injuring 60 persons. Three militant Islamic groups claimed responsibility. 9


1996   back to top

February 25

Egypt : Radical Muslims attack the Coptic village of El-Badary, Asyut , looting homes, animals and crops, and destroying homes and fields. Seven killed . 22


June 25

U.S. and Saudi military personnel survey the damage to Khobar Towers caused by the explosion of a fuel truck outside the northern fence of the facility near Dhahran, Saudi Arabia.Department of Defense Photo

A fuel truck bomb explodes outside the Khobar Towers housing complex near Dharan , Saudi Arabia . The complex is a facility for U.S. and allied forces enforcing a no-fly zone over the southern porti