ESA UNCLASSIFIED - For Official Use Webinar Series on how to use Earth Observation to tackle Climate Change Webinar 02: The how, when, and why of using EO data in climate resilience decision-making. Showcase 1: Agricultural livelihoods & water 03 Support of EO to agro-climatic indicators

Webinar Series on how to use Earth Observation to tackle ... of EO to agro climatic...Introduction to Agro-climatic indicators Climate Hydro Crops Forests Economy Climatic projections

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  • ESA UNCLASSIFIED - For Official Use

    Webinar Series on how to use EarthObservation to tackle Climate Change

    Webinar 02: The how, when, and why of using

    EO data in climate resilience decision-making.

    Showcase 1: Agricultural livelihoods & water

    03 Support of EO to agro-climatic indicators

  • ESA UNCLASSIFIED - For Official Use EO4SD CR Cluster| Webinar Series | 18/06/2020 | Slide 2

    Support of EO to agro-climatic indicators

    Anestis Trypitsidis | Project Manager, National Observatory of Athens

  • ESA UNCLASSIFIED - For Official Use EO4SD CR Cluster| Webinar Series | 18/06/2020 | Slide 3


    1. Introduction to Agro-climatic indicators;

    2. Case Studies:

    i. Case Study 2: SOYBEAN USA

    ii. Case Study 3: 35+ year analysis for insurance of crops;

    3. Data offer through the EO4SD CR Platform

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    1. Introduction to Agro-

    climatic Indicators

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    Copernicus Core Services

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    Copernicus Core Services

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  • ESA UNCLASSIFIED - For Official Use EO4SD CR Cluster| Webinar Series | 18/06/2020 | Slide 8

    Introduction to Agro-climatic indicators






    Climatic projections

    Water Resources projections

    Crop yield projections

    Forest productivity projections

    Economic indicators projections

    Crop yield effects up to 2013 & projected declines

    Source: IPCC

  • ESA UNCLASSIFIED - For Official Use EO4SD CR Cluster| Webinar Series | 18/06/2020 | Slide 9

    Climate Projections of Agroclimatic indicators

    Biologically effective degree daysCold spell duration indexFrost daysGrowing season lengthHeavy precipitation daysIce daysMaximum number of consecutive dry daysMaximum number of consecutive frost daysMaximum number of consecutive summer daysMaximum number of consecutive wet daysMaximum of daily maximum temperatureMaximum of daily minimum temperatureMean of daily maximum temperature

    Mean of daily mean temperatureMean of daily minimum temperature

    Mean of diurnal temperature rangeMinimum of daily maximum temperatureMinimum of daily minimum temperature

    Precipitation sumSimple daily intensity index

    Summer daysTropical nights

    Very heavy precipitation daysWarm and wet days

    Warm spell duration indexWet days

    26 indicators are provided by Copernicus Climate Change Service

    (Spatial: 0.5°x0.5° & Temporal: differs upon the indicator, 1951 to 2099)

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    Agrometeorological indicators through ERA-5 data – AgERA5

    10m wind speed2m dewpoint temperature2m relative humidity2m temperatureCloud coverLiquid precipitation duration fraction

    12 indicators are provided by Copernicus Climate Change Service – AgERA5

    (Spatial: 0.1°x0.1° & Temporal: daily, 1979-2018)

    Precipitation fluxSnow thicknessSnow thickness LWESolar radiation fluxSolid precipitation duration fractionVapour pressure

  • ESA UNCLASSIFIED - For Official Use EO4SD CR Cluster| Webinar Series | 18/06/2020 | Slide 11

    Introduction to Agrometeorological indicators - AgERA5

    ERA5 based agricultural land product (historic + NRT)

    downscaled to higher resolution 0.1o

    agriculture specific altitude correction

    bias correction daily aggregated data

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    2. Case Studies

  • ESA UNCLASSIFIED - For Official Use EO4SD CR Cluster| Webinar Series | 18/06/2020 | Slide 13


    Climate enhanced EO data

    Crop productivity, including harvest index

    o Copernicus Global Land Service (CGLS): dry matter productivity (DMP)

    o crop specific LUE – Light Use efficiency

    o crop specific DVS (Development Stage) based on AgERA5 TSUMs (temperature sums

    – tsumEA-AM-EM) to allocate DMP

    o total crop biomass, biomass storage organs, harvest index

    Copernicus C3S + GLS

    1999 - present

    Source: AgriCLASS project and C3S Global Agriculture SIS

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    Climate enhanced EO data

    Crop evapotranspiration

    o Copernicus GLS: fAPAR, albedo, LAI, LUC

    o AgERA5 temp, wind, humidity

    o MODIS Global Terrestrial Evapotranspiration (ET) algorithm

    Copernicus C3S + GLS

    1999 - present

    Source: AgriCLASS project and C3S Global Agriculture SIS

  • ESA UNCLASSIFIED - For Official Use EO4SD CR Cluster| Webinar Series | 18/06/2020 | Slide 15

    Case Study 1 : SOYBEAN USA

    Soybean used for food and feed

    Protein (high quality, warmer climates): food

    Oil (lower quality, colder climates): food & biofuels

    Meal: feed

    Grown all over the world

    Source: AgriCLASS project and C3S Global Agriculture SIS

  • ESA UNCLASSIFIED - For Official Use EO4SD CR Cluster| Webinar Series | 18/06/2020 | Slide 16

    Soybean plant




    how much?

    Soybean plant logistics

    where & when?

    Case Study 1 : SOYBEAN USA

    Development stage



    Source: AgriCLASS project and C3S Global Agriculture SIS

  • ESA UNCLASSIFIED - For Official Use EO4SD CR Cluster| Webinar Series | 18/06/2020 | Slide 17

    Case Study 1 : SOYBEAN USA

    Grain Yield (kg/ha)

    Failed crop

    Super crop

    2017above normal yield

    late ripening

    Soybean plant logistics

    How much?

    Source: AgriCLASS project and C3S Global Agriculture SIS

  • ESA UNCLASSIFIED - For Official Use EO4SD CR Cluster| Webinar Series | 18/06/2020 | Slide 18

    Case Study 1 : SOYBEAN USA

    Actual ET (mm/dek)

    super crop

    desiccated crop

    2017above average

    water use

    Soybean farm logistics

    how much water?

    Source: AgriCLASS project and C3S Global Agriculture SIS

  • ESA UNCLASSIFIED - For Official Use EO4SD CR Cluster| Webinar Series | 18/06/2020 | Slide 19

    Case Study 2 - 35+ year analysis for insurance of crops;


    Historical analysis of damages due to weather perils;

    Focus on growing season of cotton and dominant hazard

    types such as frost, gale winds, floods, heavy precipitation

    events and hail.


    Insurance companies;

    Association of farmers.

  • ESA UNCLASSIFIED - For Official Use EO4SD CR Cluster| Webinar Series | 18/06/2020 | Slide 20

    Case Study 2 – Data used;


    CHIRPS daily quasi-global precipitation datasets (0.05-deg);

    ERA5-Land reanalysis temperature and wind speed data


    Daily average temperature of air at 2m above the surface

    EO4SD CR Platform

    NOA, project

  • ESA UNCLASSIFIED - For Official Use EO4SD CR Cluster| Webinar Series | 18/06/2020 | Slide 21

    Case Study 2 – Indicators

    Heavy precipitation events

    Max accumulation within 24h Max accumulation within 48h

    NOA, projectNOA, project

  • ESA UNCLASSIFIED - For Official Use EO4SD CR Cluster| Webinar Series | 18/06/2020 | Slide 22

    Case Study 2 – Higher Level Indicators

    Maximum consecutive wet days

    Count of consecutive days where precipitation value exceeded 1mm / 24h

    NOA, project

  • ESA UNCLASSIFIED - For Official Use EO4SD CR Cluster| Webinar Series | 18/06/2020 | Slide 23

    Case Study 2 – Products

    Precipitation hazard map

    Combination of numerous precipitation statistical aspects towards the production of integrated hazard maps per cropping season

    NOA, project

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    3. Data offer through the

    EO4SD CR Platform

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    Summary of provided/used climate indexes

    Product Spatial




    User / use case Availability

    ESA CCI Sea Surface Temperature Global 1991 – 2010 WB’s CC Unit, ADB’s SERD Available

    ESA CCI Sea Level Anomaly Global 1993 – 2015 WB’s CC Unit, ADB’s SERD Available

    ESA CCI Chlorophyll-a concentration Global 1997 – 2018 IDB Available

    ESA CCI Soil Moisture Global 1978 – 2018 ARC, WB’s FCI Available

    C3S ERA5 Air Temperature Global 1979 – 2019 WB’s CC Unit Available

    C3S ERA5 Precipitation Global 1979 – 2019 WB’s CC Unit, IFC, MIGA, WB’s



    GPM IMERG precipitation Global 2000 – present WB’s GFDRR, WB’s CC Unit,

    ARC, WB’s FCI


    NOAA’s Hydro-Estimator precipitation Global 2006 – present ADB’s SERD, WB’s GFDRR,

    ARC, WB’s FCI


    NASA GPCP precipitation Global 1996 – 2019 IFC, MIGA, ARC, WB’s FCI Available

    SM2Rain precipitation Global 2007 – 2019 WB’s FCI Available

    SMOS Soil Moisture Global 2010 – present WB’s GFDRR, ADB’s SERD,



    MODIS NDVI Global 2000 – present WB’s Lake Victoria team, WB’s



    Sentinel 2 Level 1 (true color, NDVI, NDWI) Global 2015 – present WB’s Lake Victoria team, WB’s



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    Further data to be provided

    Product Spatial


    Time coverage User / use case Availability

    C3S ERA5 land – Runoff Global 1981 – 2019 WB’s CC Unit Not yet available

    C3S ERA5 land - Surface air relative


    Global 1981 – 2019 WB’s CC Unit Not yet available

    C3S ERA5 land - Potential Evaporation Global 1981 – 2019 WB’s CC Unit Not yet available

    C3S ERA5 land - Air Temperature Global 1979 – 2019 WB’s CC Unit Not yet available

    C3S ERA5 land - Precipitation Global 1979 – 2019 WB’s CC Unit Not yet available

    CGLS Lake water quality Global 2006 – present WB’s CC Unit Not yet available

    CGLS vegetation index Global 2006 – present WB’s CC Unit Not yet available

    CGLS Soil Moisture Global 1978 – 2019 WB’s CC Unit, ARC, WB’s


    Not yet available

    CGLS Surface Water Explorer Global 1984 - 2018 ADB’s SERD, WB’s GFDRR,

    ADB’s EARD

    Not yet available

  • ESA UNCLASSIFIED - For Official Use EO4SD CR Cluster| Webinar Series | 18/06/2020 | Slide 28

    Indicators developed for the CCKP

    Product Spatial




    User / use



    10/20/50/100-year return period 1-day maximum rainfall from


    Global 1979 – 2020 WB’s CC Unit Available

    10/20/50/100-year return period 5-days maximum cumulative

    rainfall from reanalysis

    Global 1979 – 2020 WB’s CC Unit Available

    10/20/50/100-year return period 1-day maximum rainfall from


    Global 1996 – 2019 WB’s CC Unit Available

    10/20/50/100-year return period 5-days maximum cumulative

    rainfall from satellite

    Global 1996 – 2019 WB’s CC Unit Available

    Standardised Precipitation-Evapotranspiration Index (SPEI) log-

    logistic method

    Global 1979 – 2020 WB’s CC Unit Available

    Potential EvapoTranspiration (PET) Global 1979 – 2020 WB’s CC Unit Available

    Sea Level Rise data calculated from CMIP5 ensemble RCP2.6 RCP4.5


    Global 2007 - 2100 WB’s CC Unit Available

    Hot days (Number of days with temperature > 35°C) Global 1979 – 2020 WB’s CC Unit Available

    Tropical nights (Number of days with min temperature > 20°C) Global 1979 – 2020 WB’s CC Unit Available

    Wet Days (Maximum number of consecutive wet days) Global 1979 – 2020 WB’s CC Unit Available

    Dry Days (Maximum number of consecutive dry days) Global 1979 – 2020 WB’s CC Unit Available

  • ESA UNCLASSIFIED - For Official Use EO4SD CR Cluster| Webinar Series | 18/06/2020 | Slide 29

    Indicators developed for IFAD

    Product Spatial




    User / use



    C3S ERA5 monthly and annual 1-day maximum precipitation Global 1979 – 2019 IFAD Available

    C3S ERA5 monthly and annual 5-days accumulated precipitation Global 1979 – 2019 IFAD Available

    C3S ERA5 monthly and annual daily maximum air temperature at 2m above


    Global 1979 – 2019 IFAD Available

    C3S ERA5 monthly and annual daily mean air temperature at 2m above


    Global 1979 – 2019 IFAD Available

    C3S ERA5 monthly and annual daily minimum air temperature at 2m above


    Global 1979 – 2019 IFAD Available

    ESA CCI soil moisture annual Global 1979 – 2018 IFAD Available

    ESA CCI soil moisture monthly Global 1979 – 2018 IFAD Available

    Annual number of frost days Global 1979 – 2019 IFAD Available

    6-month SPEI log-logistic annual Global 1979 – 2019 IFAD Available

    9-month SPEI log-logistic annual Global 1979 – 2019 IFAD Available

    12-month SPEI log-logistic annual Global 1979 – 2019 IFAD Available

    18-month SPEI log-logistic annual Global 1979 – 2019 IFAD Available

    Monthly and annual MODIS NDVI Global 2000 – present IFAD Available

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