WEBINAR June 10 th , 2013 Evolution of European regulation on PARNUTS foods What impacts on markets and communication? Nathalie HUTTER-LARDEAU, nutritionist, Atlantic Santé, France

WEBINAR June 10 th, 2013 Evolution of European regulation on PARNUTS foods What impacts on markets and communication? Nathalie HUTTER-LARDEAU, nutritionist,

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WEBINAR June 10th, 2013

Evolution of European regulation on PARNUTS foods

What impacts on markets and communication?

Nathalie HUTTER-LARDEAU, nutritionist, Atlantic Santé, France

Atlantic Santé - Nutrition and Health Communication

13 rue des Ruisseaux53000 LAVAL

02 43 58 01 00www.atlantic-sante.info

A multidisciplinary team : Nathalie HUTTER LARDEAU – Director Founder

Florence POIRIER – Agency DirectorWith nutritionist engineers, agricultural engineers and


A scientific experts network :Atlantic Santé relies on known scientific experts in order to

manage its expertise.

How to efficiently communicate towards prescribers and/or end-


Origin of changes (1)

Different interpretations and classifications

different interpretations and classifications by the Member states - > different product positioning

borderline products : General food vs specific food ? Examples :- Added sterols : for people suffering from cholesteremia or for general population ? –> Impact of classification on use of the product and consumer health (considered by experts as a drug, not suited for pregnant women)- Soy free or milk free products : general foods but classified as dietetic if considered as products as directed to persons suffering from soy allergy

Origin of changes (2)

- Gluten-free: a necessity for certain consumer groups a trend and lifestyle for others.

the perception of «dietetic »Interpretation of the term « dietetic foods »Experience from Atlantic Santé Call Center

« dietetic foods » « slimming foods » Dietetic foods are not necessarily less-calorie foods

« dietetic foods » « organic foods » Consumers think that dietetic foods are organic

Origin of changes (3)

Consequences- Global confusion for consumers- Potential impact on health - > importance of correct use of products by general and specific vulnerable populations

-> Necessity of legal clarification keeping in mind consumer health and safe use of products

-> Necessity of consumer information and educationPerceived nutritional benefits vs real nutritional benefits

Proposed changes

Restriction of Parnuts to Infant formula and follow-on formula; processed cereal based foods and baby food and young children and medical foods

-> No major uncertainties for categories above (except ban of pictures on follow on formulae and uncertainty on growing up milks)-> Reinforced safety

Some points of discussion for other categories - Removal of dietetic concept –> what information, what communication- Gluten-free’ and ‘very low gluten’ claimsLabelling (added to new labelling rules ?)Removing from Parnut : what impact on people suffering from coeliac disease ?- Lactose free ? No specific legislation for the time being but under discussion

Proposal for Changes Example

gluten free Parnuts and Gluten Free and Very Low

Gluten Foods specific directive : 41/2009/EC replaced by

Nutrition and Health Claims Regulation 1924/2006/EC + special labelling added to Food Information regulation or included in vulnerable groups legislation ?

- > Uncertainty- -> impact on communication

« Gluten-free choco butter biscuits with milk chocolate »

Except for products for vulnerable groups remaining within the original framework

The key point will be to handle products which were positioned as dietetic products before


Brands and products will have to prove their reason why and their credibility Provide scientifically proved information in a comprehensive form -> Avoid new confusion, be transparent

Position themselves as experts and provide a global response to specific consumer demands

Address both health professionals and end users


Core Communication Message

Define key communication points/ targets

Primary target

Prescriber Communication –health professionals (ex mailing)

Press Pack + B2B campaign

Medical / nutrition event

Secondary target

Consumer Communication

Press pack +B2C campaign

Communication towards prescribers and end-users

Support in issues Health / Nutrition / Food security:

Communication towards prescribers and end-users

Consumer service, consumer services, toll-free number for crisis, crisis management,

qualitative study, recipes booklet… Nutritional labelling, information letters

Communication towards medical prescribers:

Mailing, information letters, congress organisation, medicals, training units, publication in the

medical press, press files

International monitoring, scientific committees, scientific files, advice assistance, formulation, product

optimization, medical committee and crisis management







Scientific expertise



Support in issues Health/Nutrition/Food safety:

Communication towards consumers:

Thank you for your attention!