Je m’appelle ______________ Français 1 1 st Semester Review: Bien Dit Ch. 1 – 4.1 Chapitre 1 A. Classroom Objects: Write the French word for the following classroom objects. a white board a binder a chair a window a door a computer a male student a male teacher a DVD a female teacher a female student a CD a table a map a book B. Write these numbers in French. (Chapitres 1 & 4) 45 ____________________________________ 58 ____________________________________ 25 ____________________________________ 3 ____________________________________ 36 ____________________________________ 12 ____________________________________ 15 ____________________________________ 31 ____________________________________ 51 ____________________________________ 42 ____________________________________ 60 ____________________________________ 11 ____________________________________ 1.

Web viewWrite the French word for the following classroom objects. a white board: a binder; a chair ; a window. a door . a computer. a male student. a male teacher

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Page 1: Web viewWrite the French word for the following classroom objects. a white board: a binder; a chair ; a window. a door . a computer. a male student. a male teacher

Je m’appelle ______________ Français 1 1st Semester Review: Bien Dit Ch. 1 – 4.1

Chapitre 1 A. Classroom Objects: Write the French word for the following classroom objects.

a white board a binder a chair

a window a door a computer

a male student a male teacher a DVD

a female teacher a female student a CD

a table a map a book

B. Write these numbers in French. (Chapitres 1 & 4)

45 ____________________________________ 58 ____________________________________

25 ____________________________________ 3 ____________________________________

36 ____________________________________ 12 ____________________________________

15 ____________________________________ 31 ____________________________________

51 ____________________________________ 42 ____________________________________

60 ____________________________________ 11 ____________________________________

19 ____________________________________ 10 ____________________________________

C. Write these sentences in French.

What’s your name? _____________________________________________________

And you? _____________________________________________________

Good-bye, sir! _____________________________________________________

Hello, Miss Duval. _____________________________________________________(in the French way)


Page 2: Web viewWrite the French word for the following classroom objects. a white board: a binder; a chair ; a window. a door . a computer. a male student. a male teacher

Everything is so-so. _____________________________________________________

Who is it? _____________________________________________________

He’s a friend. _____________________________________________________(Be careful of the subject!)

It’s Philippe! _____________________________________________________

Her name is Juliette. _____________________________________________________

My aunt is 30 years old. _____________________________________________________

How old is your sister? _____________________________________________________

I’d like to introduce you to… _____________________________________________________

D. Accents: Match the accents to their names.

1. ______ é a. l’accent circonflexe2. ______ ë, ï b. l’accent aigü3. ______ è, à c. le tréma4. ______ ô, ê, â, î d. l’accent grave5. ______ ç e. la cédille

E. Abbreviations: Mark a for true (vrai) or b for false (faux).

1. ______ When the abbreviation includes only the first letter of the word, a period is used; par exemple: Monsieur = M.

2. ______ When an abbreviation consists of the first and last letters of the word, no period is needed; par exemple: Madame = Mme ou Mademoiselle =


F. Answer the following questions in complete sentences or translate the statement into French.

1. Il y a des livres dans la salle de classe de français?____________________________________________________________________________________

2. Combien d’élèves il y a dans la classe de français?____________________________________________________________________________________

3. Stand up. _________________________________________4. Sit down. _________________________________________5. Look at the board. _________________________________________


Page 3: Web viewWrite the French word for the following classroom objects. a white board: a binder; a chair ; a window. a door . a computer. a male student. a male teacher

6. Close your books. _________________________________________

G. Make these nouns plural1. une porte __________________________________2. un garçon__________________________________3. un tableau_________________________________4. un bureau_________________________________5. une fille __________________________________

H. Conjugate the verb avoir.

1. Elle ____________ 14 ans.

2. Tu ____________ soif?

3. J’____________ faim?

4. Il ____________ 4 ans.

5. Jacques et toi n’____________ pas de chat.

6. Vous ____________ des livres.

7. Sophie et moi ____________ chaud.

I. Make these sentences negative.1. Il y a une fille. _________________________________________________________________2. Il y a un tableau. _______________________________________________________________3. Il y a des fenêtres. ______________________________________________________________

J. Conversation: Write a conversation in French using the cues in English.

Pierre: _____________________________Hi, Pauline.

Pauline: _____________________________ Hi, Pierre. How are you? Pierre: _____________________________

Fine thanks, and you?Pauline: _____________________________ So-so. Who is that? Pierre: _____________________________ His name is Thomas.Pauline: _____________________________ Is he nice?


Page 4: Web viewWrite the French word for the following classroom objects. a white board: a binder; a chair ; a window. a door . a computer. a male student. a male teacher

Pierre: _____________________________No, he is lazy.

Pauline: _____________________________ How old is he? Pierre: _____________________________

He is 15.Pauline: _____________________________ Ok. Thank you. Good-bye, Pierre.

K. Les notes culturelles: Answer the questions. (pages 2-3, 16-17)

1. What are escargot? ________________________________________________________________

2. Who was the famous impressionist painter who painted may paintings in his garden in Giverny, France? ________________________________________________________________

3. What is the Centre Pompidou? _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4. When does France celebrate its national holiday? ____________________________________

5. If you were in Senegal, West Africa, how would greet someone in Arabic? ____________________________________________________________________________________


Page 5: Web viewWrite the French word for the following classroom objects. a white board: a binder; a chair ; a window. a door . a computer. a male student. a male teacher

Chapitre 2A. Write a sentence for each of these four pictures telling whether you like or

don’t like to do that activity.

1. _________________________________________________________________________________

2. _________________________________________________________________________________

3. _________________________________________________________________________________

4. _________________________________________________________________________________

B. Write a sentence telling me whether you like or don’t like to do that activity.

1. _________________________________________________________________________________

2. _________________________________________________________________________________

3. _________________________________________________________________________________5.

Page 6: Web viewWrite the French word for the following classroom objects. a white board: a binder; a chair ; a window. a door . a computer. a male student. a male teacher

4. _________________________________________________________________________________

C. Find the French expressions for the following:

1. to eat _______________________________________________

2. to work _______________________________________________

3. to play _______________________________________________

4. to play basketball _______________________________________________

5. to speak Spanish _______________________________________________

6. to phone _______________________________________________

7. I prefer to sing. _______________________________________________

8. I don’t like to watch TV often. _______________________________________________

9. I don’t swim a lot. _______________________________________________

10. I speak French very well. _______________________________________________

11. They don’t like to go to movies. _______________________________________________

12. Do you like to dance? _______________________________________________

13. Do you like to read? _______________________________________________

14. What do you like to do? _______________________________________________

D. Agree or disagree with the following statements according to the thumb symbol.

Ex. Je déteste étudier.

Moi aussi, je déteste étudier.

1. J’aime travailler.


Page 7: Web viewWrite the French word for the following classroom objects. a white board: a binder; a chair ; a window. a door . a computer. a male student. a male teacher

___________________________________________________________________________2. Je n’aime pas voyager.

___________________________________________________________________________3. Je déteste telephoner à des amis.

___________________________________________________________________________4. Je ne préfère pas le français.


E. Conjugate the following verbs with their subjects; then translate to English.

1. je/chanter rarement _________________________ _________________________

2. tu/danser bien _________________________ _________________________

3. elles/manger un sandwich _________________________ _________________________

4. ils/aimer Strasbourg _________________________ _________________________

5. nous/étudier le français _________________________ _________________________

6. vous/ne…pas/travailler _________________________ _________________________

7. elles/ne…pas/chanter _________________________ _________________________

8. elle/ne…pas/parler _________________________ _________________________

9. je/travailler _________________________ _________________________

10. il/inviter le prof _________________________ _________________________

11. vous/être cool _________________________ _________________________

F. Match the following.

1. ______ oui a. well2. ______ arobase b. often3. ______ plus ou moins c. also, too4. ______ à d. badly, poorly5. ______ point e. but6. ______ et f. very well7. ______ ou g. with8. ______ avec h. to, in, at9. ______ rarement i. me, I do

10. ______ mais j. and11. ______ bien k. always


Page 8: Web viewWrite the French word for the following classroom objects. a white board: a binder; a chair ; a window. a door . a computer. a male student. a male teacher

12. ______ très bien l. @13. ______ mal m. dot14. ______ beaucoup n. a lot15. ______ moi non plus o. more or less16. ______ souvent p. now17. ______ toujours q. rarely, hardly18. ______ aussi r. or19. ______ maintenant s. yes20. ______ moi si t. me neither

G. Fill in the blanks with le, la, l’ or les.

1. J’adore __________ frites.2. Elle déteste faire _______ fête.3. Nous n’aimes pas _______ vacances.4. Vous préférez ______école.5. Ils aiment _____ chocolat.

H. Make these words plural:

1. le magazine ___________________________2. le jeu _________________________________3. le tableau ____________________________4. le journal _____________________________5. l’école _________________________________6. la radio _______________________________

I. Les notes culturelles: Answer the questions. (pages 42,50-51, 54, 56)

1. Name four famous French singers. __________________________________________________________________________________

2. What is the name of the type of music from North Africa that is popular among French teens? ____________________________________________________________________

3. What percentage of music played on radio stations in France must be in French? ____

4. When is the Fête de la musique held in France? ____________________________________

5. Name 3 traditional French dances.__________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________

6. What is the most popular sport in French-speaking countries? ______________________


Page 9: Web viewWrite the French word for the following classroom objects. a white board: a binder; a chair ; a window. a door . a computer. a male student. a male teacher

7. On what two days of the week can students watch movies in theaters for a discount?__________________________________________________________________________________

9. What does the initials MJC stand for and what sort of activities are offered there? __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________

Chapitre 3A. Conjugate the verb être.

1. Nous ____________ beaux.

2. Il ____________ sympa.

3. Ils ____________ marrants.

4. Tu ____________ petit.

5. Je ____________ sportive.

6. Vous ____________ contents.

B. Write the synonym. Write the antonym.

1. sympathique = 1. sympathique =

2. joli = 2. intelligent =

C. Change each sentence, making it plural.

1. Il est timide. _________________________________________________________

2. Je suis généreuse. _________________________________________________________

3. Son cousin est sportif. _________________________________________________________

4. Elle est intelligente. _________________________________________________________


Page 10: Web viewWrite the French word for the following classroom objects. a white board: a binder; a chair ; a window. a door . a computer. a male student. a male teacher

D. Answer the questions with three different adjectives and the noun. No repetitions.

Modèle: Comment est ta soeur? Elle est belle, blonde et intelligente.

1. Comment est ton père? _________________________________________________________

2. Comment est ton livre? _________________________________________________________

3. Comment sont tes amis? _________________________________________________________

4. Comment est ton prof? _________________________________________________________

5. Comment est ta copine? _________________________________________________________

E. Write the feminine form of the adjective and the English translation.

feminine English

1. brun ____________________ ____________________2. beau ____________________ ____________________3. petit ____________________ ____________________4. grand ____________________ ____________________5. jeune ____________________ ____________________6. méchant ____________________ ____________________7. timide ____________________ ____________________8. marron ____________________ ____________________9. nouveau ____________________ ____________________

10. intelligent ____________________ ____________________11. gentil ____________________ ____________________12. généreux ____________________ ____________________13. génial ____________________ ____________________14. mince ____________________ ____________________15. sérieux ____________________ ____________________16. paresseux ____________________ ____________________17. blond ____________________ ____________________18. sportif ____________________ ____________________19. mignon ____________________ ____________________20. vieux ____________________ ____________________21. blanc ____________________ ____________________


Page 11: Web viewWrite the French word for the following classroom objects. a white board: a binder; a chair ; a window. a door . a computer. a male student. a male teacher

22. roux ____________________ ____________________23. bon ____________________ ____________________24. créatif ____________________ ____________________25. gros ____________________ ____________________26. marrant ____________________ ____________________27. pénible ____________________ ____________________28. sympathique ____________________ ____________________

F. Choose: Il est, elle est, c’est or ce sont.

1. _______________ des amis.

2. _______________ blonde.

3. _______________ une amie.

4. _______________ une petite voiture.

5. _______________ roux.

6. _______________ un petit vélo.

7. _______________ grand.

8. _______________ bleu et blanc.

9. _______________ noire et marron.

10. _______________ joli scooter.

G. Point out the following people or pets from your photo album.

Modèle: It’s my uncle. C’est mon oncle.

1. It’s my grandmother. _____________________________________________________

2. It’s my aunt. _____________________________________________________

3. These are my cousins. (male)_____________________________________________________

4. It’s my friend. (female) _____________________________________________________


Page 12: Web viewWrite the French word for the following classroom objects. a white board: a binder; a chair ; a window. a door . a computer. a male student. a male teacher

5. It’s my brother. _____________________________________________________

6. It’s my father. _____________________________________________________

7. These are my dogs. _____________________________________________________

8. It’s my cat. _____________________________________________________

H. Answer the following questions.

1. Qui c’est? (pointing to the teacher)______________________________________________

2. Comment s’appelle le professeur de français?_______________________________________

3. Quel âge a le prof? ______________________________________________

4. Est-ce que le prof est jeune? ______________________________________________

5. Quel âge a ta mère? ______________________________________________

6. Comment s’appelle-t-elle? ______________________________________________

I. Les notes culturelles: Answer the questions. (pages 72-75, 82, 86, 88-89)

1. Where is the province of Québec located? _________________________________________

2. What is the most popular sport in Québec? _______________________________________

3. Which is the 2nd largest French-speaking city in the world after Paris? _____________

4. Name 2 desserts that are popular in Québec. ______________________________________

5. When is the Festival International de Jazz de Montréal? ____________________________

6. What is the mascot of the Winter Carnival de Québec? _____________________________

7. There are only about how many different last names of French origin in Québec? ____


Page 13: Web viewWrite the French word for the following classroom objects. a white board: a binder; a chair ; a window. a door . a computer. a male student. a male teacher

8. What is the motto of Québec and what is its significance? __________________________


9. What day of the week is considered a family day in France? _________________________

10. What is the “goûter”? ______________________________________________________________

11. When do French teenagers usually go out with friends? _____________________________

12. When is the Festival d’été in Québec? ______________________________________________

13. When does the Carnival de Québec take place? _____________________________________

Name 2 activities that take place during the carnival in which families can participate. ________________________________________________________________________

Chapitre 4A. Write le, la or l’ in front of each word and the English equivalent.

1. ______ biologie 5. ______ histoire 9. ______ mathématiques2. ______ chimie 6. ______ informatique 10. ______ arts plastiques3. ______ physique 7. ______ espagnol 11. ______ éducation musicale4. ______ géographie 8. ______ allemande 12. ______ EPS

B. Time Expressions: Match the following.1. ______ une heure a. noon2. ______ deux heures b. six o’clock3. ______ trois heures c. eight o’clock4. ______ quatre heures d. midnight5. ______ cinq heures e. five o’clock6. ______ six heures f. two o’clock7. ______ sept heures g. eleven o’clock


Page 14: Web viewWrite the French word for the following classroom objects. a white board: a binder; a chair ; a window. a door . a computer. a male student. a male teacher

8. ______ huit heures h. four o’clock9. ______ neuf heures i. three o’clock

10. ______ dix heures j. seven o’clock11. ______ onze heures k. nine o’clock12. ______ midi l. one o’clock13. ______ minuit m. ten after ten14. ______ dix heures dix n. ten o’clock15. ______ sept heures trente-cinq o. six twenty-five16. ______ six heures vingt-cinq p. two fifty-two17. ______ trois heures moins huit q. seven thirty-five

C. One more than you think: Your friend asks if the following things are true. You reply that it is one more. If they ask if it is Friday, you respond that it is Saturday.

1. C’est vendredi? Non, _____________________________________________________

3. C’est dimanche? Non, _____________________________________________________

4. C’est lundi? Non, _____________________________________________________

5. C’est mardi? Non, ____________________________________________________

D. Write the question that would give you the following answers.

1. _______________________________________________ J’ai quinze ans.2. _______________________________________________ C’est un copain.3. _______________________________________________ Il s’appelle Xavier.4. _______________________________________________ Il est huit heures.5. _______________________________________________ Je m’appelle François.

E. Make the following sentences negative.

1. J’aime nager. ____________________________________________________________________2. Nous travaillons. ________________________________________________________________3. Simon est gros. __________________________________________________________________4. Hélène parle anglais. ____________________________________________________________5. J’ai 14 ans. _____________________________________________________________________6. Il y a une table en classe. ________________________________________________________7. Vous aimez le chocolat? __________________________________________________________8. Elles sont géniales. _______________________________________________________________9. Tu as un crayon. _________________________________________________________________

10. Je suis paresseux. _______________________________________________________________

F. Answer the following questions about your classes in complete sentences.


Page 15: Web viewWrite the French word for the following classroom objects. a white board: a binder; a chair ; a window. a door . a computer. a male student. a male teacher

1. A quelle heure tu as maths? ___________________________________________________2. A quelle heure tu as français? __________________________________________________3. Tu as quels cours à huit heures cinquante-quatre du matin?

________________________________________________________________________________4. Quand est-ce que tu as maths?

_________________________________________________________________________________5. Comment est ton cours d’histoire?

_________________________________________________________________________________6. Comment c’est, l’EPS?

_________________________________________________________________________________7. Ça te plaît, l’anglais? ___________________________________________________________

G. Les notes culturelles: Answer the questions. (pages 116, 120)

1. Explain what Bill 101 is according to Canadian law. ________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________

2. In which locations is the 24-hour time system usually used?

