EDTECH 512 Design Document Name: Sarah Baughman Date: 9/8/15 American Sign Language Classifiers Project Summary: This course will provide American Sign Language learners with knowledge of the eight types of classifiers and their uses within the language. It will focus on the identification and use of these classifiers in storytelling and conversation as well as their importance in the language and culture overall. 1. Front-end Analysis Problem Analysis What problem are you trying to address? Students graduating with a Minor in American Sign Language are lacking in the proficient use of classifiers. Is instruction an appropriate solution for the problem? Learning a language is a social experience. Without instruction on the intricacies of a language, proficiency is incredibly difficult to attain. Providing instruction on the specifics of classifiers in American Sign Language will increase the proficiency of graduates. Is web-based instruction an appropriate solution for the problem? Web-Based instruction allows students to move at their own pace in a facilitated fashion. This is beneficial to acquiring the use of classifiers because sign language is delivered through the medium of 1

file · Web viewWeb-Based instruction allows students to move at their own pace in a facilitated fashion. This is beneficial to acquiring the use of classifiers because

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Page 1: file · Web viewWeb-Based instruction allows students to move at their own pace in a facilitated fashion. This is beneficial to acquiring the use of classifiers because

EDTECH 512 Design DocumentName: Sarah BaughmanDate: 9/8/15

American Sign Language Classifiers

Project Summary: This course will provide American Sign Language learners with knowledge of the eight types of classifiers and their uses within the language. It will focus on the identification and use of these classifiers in storytelling and conversation as well as their importance in the language and culture overall.

1. Front-end Analysis

Problem Analysis

What problem are you trying to address?Students graduating with a Minor in American Sign Language are lacking in the proficient use of classifiers.

Is instruction an appropriate solution for the problem?Learning a language is a social experience. Without instruction on the intricacies of a language, proficiency is incredibly difficult to attain. Providing instruction on the specifics of classifiers in American Sign Language will increase the proficiency of graduates.

Is web-based instruction an appropriate solution for the problem?Web-Based instruction allows students to move at their own pace in a facilitated fashion. This is beneficial to acquiring the use of classifiers because sign language is delivered through the medium of video and with access to these videos over the web, learners are able to pause, rewind, and rewatch the videos as often as they need.This flexibility allows for a more personalized learning experience as compared to giving instruction during class time which limits the amount of repetition some learners need. Learning a language is a social experience. With the use of social media sites, blogs, and forums students will have access to this social learning experience with the added ability to rehearse their own videos as well as review their classmates. In this way complete comprehension is attained through personalized practice. After the students gain confidence in their practiced and rehearsed language skill they are able to utilize synchronous video software to practice natural conversation with classmates and the instructor.


Page 2: file · Web viewWeb-Based instruction allows students to move at their own pace in a facilitated fashion. This is beneficial to acquiring the use of classifiers because

What is your instructional goal? After taking this course students will be able to accurately recognize and use all eight categories of classifiers in American Sign Language conversation and storytelling.

Context Analysis

Description of OrganizationAmerican Sign Language Classifiers will be offered at Boise State University through the

World Language Department. The World Language Department offers a Minor in American Sign Language with the completion of ASL 101 through ASL 302 and only one of these classes is offered online at this point: ASL 101. There is talk of expanding the program to include a Master’s degree. The construction of this degree will require the development of a variety of ASL courses including; ASL Classifiers, Deaf Culture, Deaf History, and ASL Semantics. The design and development of ASL Classifiers is only the beginning steps to a much bigger goal.

Some pedagogical attributes of the cultural context displayed in this department should be addressed here. The ASL department requires instructors to use a “voice-off” approach when teaching ASL as they would like to immerse the students into the culture and language of the Deaf. This should be considered when designing and developing learning materials by avoiding the use of english. The theoretical context of language learning should also be addressed as a focus on building a community to motivate students to learn and practice new skills. The performance context for these skills will be in ASL conversations and in telling/watching ASL stories. The learning context should reflect this by including practiced and unpracticed conversations and stories.

Learner Analysis

General Demographics and Learner CharacteristicsThe learners are of varying ages at the university level. They come from all different religions and ethnicities but they all speak English fluently. The majority of students are female and span the ages of 17-25.

MotivationsLearners enrolled in this course are motivated by the desire to improve their skill in American Sign Language. Two years of a world language is required for most degrees but this course is recommended for those who seek an ASL Minor.

Prior Knowledge


Candace McGregor, 09/29/15,
to what extent?
sarahbaughman, 09/29/15,
I am not sure I understand what you are asking here. Could you please expand?
Page 3: file · Web viewWeb-Based instruction allows students to move at their own pace in a facilitated fashion. This is beneficial to acquiring the use of classifiers because

The learners are required to have a base American Sign Language knowledge either by passing a placement exam or taking the prerequisite of ASL 101.

Technical SkillsThe technical skills of the learners vary and some have never taken an online course before. Although the majority of students are technology natives and should have no problems accessing an online course. The skills necessary for success in this course include: internet navigation, video recording and publishing (YouTube), blog creation and maintenance, social media involvement, and access to Google and Moodle.

Abilities and DisabilitiesAll students are capable of independently using the internet to access information. No students are blind though some may be deaf and/or have a physical disability. All educational materials should be accessible to these learners.

Other Learner Characteristics Add information here

Relevant Standards

There are currently no content area standards for this subject area.

Course Goal

After taking this course students will be able to accurately recognize, evaluate, and use all eight categories of classifiers in American Sign Language conversation and storytelling as well as articulate their larger part in Deaf Culture as a whole.

Course Outcomes

1. Define and explain the eight different categories of Classifiers in ASL.2. Recognize and evaluate the use of Classifiers in ASL stories and

conversations. 3. Demonstrate appropriate use of Classifiers in storytelling and

conversation.4. Create ASL stories using only Classifiers. 5. Formulate a hypothesis as to why Classifiers hold such a strong place in

ASL and Deaf Culture.


Page 4: file · Web viewWeb-Based instruction allows students to move at their own pace in a facilitated fashion. This is beneficial to acquiring the use of classifiers because

Initial Learning Objectives

Module # Course Outcome

Learning Objective Assessment

1 -The Deaf Experience/What are Classifiers?

5, 1 Begin to Formulate a hypothesis as to why classifiers are so important to ASL and Deaf Culture.Define Classifiers and their place in ASL.

Blog post - My deaf experience.Blog Post - What are classifiers?

2 -Semantic Classifiers/Plural Classifiers/Descriptive Classifiers

1,2,3 Define and Explain Semantic, Plural and Descriptive Classifiers.Recognize and Use Semantic, Plural and Descriptive Classifiers in conversation and storytelling.

Blog post - What are Semantic, Plural and Descriptive Classifiers?Practiced conversation

3 -Instrumental / Locative Classifiers

1,2,3 Define and Explain Instrumental and Locative Classifiers.Recognize and Use Instrumental and Locative Classifiers in conversation and storytelling.

Blog post - What are Instrumental and Locative Classifiers?practiced story.

4 -Body Classifiers /Body Part Classifiers

1,2,3 Define and Explain Body and Body Part Classifiers.Recognize and Use Body and Body Part Classifiers in conversation and storytelling.

Blog post - What are Body and Body Part Classifiers?Practiced conversation

5 -ElementalClassifiers

1,2,3 Define and Explain Elemental Classifiers.Recognize and Use Elemental Classifiers in conversation and storytelling.

Blog post - What are Elemental Classifiers?practiced story.

6 - Classifiers in Conversation and Storytelling

2,3 Recognize, Evaluate, and Use all eight categories of classifiers in conversations. Recognize and Evaluate all eightcategories of classifiers in storytelling.

Unpracticed conversation and peer review.Story analysis and evaluation.

7-Final Classifier Story

2,3,4 Recognize, Evaluate, and Use all eight categories of classifiers in the creating of a story.

Practiced story and peer review.

8 - Classifiers and Deaf Culture

5 Formulate a hypothesis as to why Classifiers are so important to ASL and Deaf Culture.

Reference supported paper.

2. Design (Mapping the course & instructional


Page 5: file · Web viewWeb-Based instruction allows students to move at their own pace in a facilitated fashion. This is beneficial to acquiring the use of classifiers because


Course Map

Module # Course Outcome

Learning Objective Bloom’s Level of Thinking for Objective


1 -The Deaf Experience/What are Classifiers?

5,1 Begin to Formulate a hypothesis as to why classifiers are so important to ASL and Deaf Culture.Define Classifiers and their place in ASL.



SummativeVlog/Blog - What are Classifiers?Vlog/Blog - My Deaf Experience.

2 -Semantic Classifiers/Plural Classifiers/Descriptive Classifiers

1,2,3 Define and Explain Semantic, Plural and Descriptive Classifiers.Recognize and Use Semantic, Plural and Descriptive Classifiers in conversation and storytelling.


FormativeGroup resource collection.

SummativeVlog/Blog - What are Semantic, Plural and Descriptive Classifiers?Practiced Conversation

3 -Instrumental / Locative Classifiers

1,2,3 Define and Explain Instrumental and Locative Classifiers.Recognize and Use Instrumental and Locative Classifiers in conversation and storytelling.


FormativeGroup resource collection.

SummativeVlog/Blog post - What are Instrumental and Locative Classifiers?Practiced Story

4 -Body Classifiers /Body Part Classifiers

1,2,3 Define and Explain Body and Body Part Classifiers.Recognize and Use Body and Body Part Classifiers in conversation and storytelling.


FormativeGroup resource collection.

SummativeBlog post - What are Body and Body Part


Page 6: file · Web viewWeb-Based instruction allows students to move at their own pace in a facilitated fashion. This is beneficial to acquiring the use of classifiers because

Classifiers?Practiced Conversation.

5 -ElementalClassifiers

1,2,3 Define and Explain Elemental Classifiers.Recognize and Use Elemental Classifiers in conversation and storytelling.


FormativeGroup resource collection.

SummativeBlog post - What are Elemental Classifiers?Practiced Story

6 - Classifiers in Conversation and Storytelling

2,3 Use, Examine,and Evaluate all eight categories of classifiers in conversations.Examine and Evaluate all eight categories of classifiers in storytelling.


Unpracticed conversation and peer review.Story analysis and evaluation.

7-Final Classifier Story

2,3,4 Use, Examine,and Evaluate all eight categories of classifiers in the creation of a story.


Practiced story and peer review.

8 - Classifiers and Deaf Culture

5 Formulate a hypothesis as to why Classifiers are so important to ASL and Deaf Culture.

Creating Reference supported paper and Vlog/Blog post.

Instructional Planning

Now that you have aligned your outcomes, objectives, and assessments, it is time to begin brainstorming possible activities you might use each week. Also try to classify the type of interaction the activity involves (e.g., student-to-student, student-to-content, or student-to-teacher)--for more on this see Moore’s foundational article as well this helpful website). If you prefer, you can use Horton’s “Absorb, Do, Connect” approach instead, Gagne’s 9 events of instruction, or David Merrill’s First Principles of Instruction in place of the type of interaction column.

Module # Learning Objective Possible Activity Type of Interaction

1 -The Deaf Experience/What are Classifiers?

Begin to Formulate a hypothesis as to why classifiers are so important to ASL and Deaf Culture.Define Classifiers and their place

1.Review course structure and assign deaf experience.2.Write a blog post introducing self and explaining experience. Post link in



Page 7: file · Web viewWeb-Based instruction allows students to move at their own pace in a facilitated fashion. This is beneficial to acquiring the use of classifiers because

in ASL. discussion (peers comment).3.Review provided resources on CLs4.Then make a Vlog/Blog post - “What are Classifiers?”

2 -Semantic Classifiers/Plural Classifiers/Descriptive Classifiers

Define and Explain Semantic, Plural and Descriptive Classifiers.Recognize and Use Semantic, Plural and Descriptive Classifiers in conversation and storytelling.

1.Review provided resources on this modules Classifiers.2.With assigned group create a Google document (or Google presentation) that gives definitions, examples, and when to use each category.3.Make Vlog/Blog post of the CLs covered in module as well as some examples they might use in their final story.4. Practice and record conversation with partner and post to blog.


3 -Instrumental / Locative Classifiers

Define and Explain Instrumental and Locative Classifiers.Recognize and Use Instrumental and Locative Classifiers in conversation and storytelling.

1.Review provided resources on this modules Classifiers.2.With assigned group create a Google document (or Google presentation) that gives definitions, examples, and when to use each category.3.Make Vlog/Blog post of the CLs covered in module as well as some examples they might use in their final story.4. Practice and record story and post to blog.


4 -Body Classifiers /Body Part Classifiers

Define and Explain Body and Body Part Classifiers.Recognize and Use Body and Body Part Classifiers in conversation and storytelling.

1.Review provided resources on this modules Classifiers.2.With assigned group create a Google document (or Google presentation) that gives definitions, examples, and when to use each category.3.Make Vlog/Blog post of the CLs covered in module as well as some examples they might



Page 8: file · Web viewWeb-Based instruction allows students to move at their own pace in a facilitated fashion. This is beneficial to acquiring the use of classifiers because

use in their final story.4. Practice and record conversation with partner and post to blog.

5 -ElementalClassifiers

Define and Explain Elemental Classifiers.Recognize and Use Elemental Classifiers in conversation and storytelling.

1.Review provided resources on this modules Classifiers.2.With assigned group create a Google document (or Google presentation) that gives definitions, examples, and when to use each category.3.Make Vlog/Blog post of the CLs covered in module as well as some examples they might use in their final story.4. Practice and record story and post to blog.


6 - Classifiers in Conversation and Storytelling

Use, Examine, and Evaluate all eight categories of classifiers in conversations.Examine and Evaluate all eight categories of classifiers in storytelling.

1.Review all eight categories, decide on a topic for conversation with partner and record converation/post to YouTube2.Examine and Evaluate conversation using EdPuzzle and embed in blog3.Examine and Evaluate a CL story using provided Rubric


7-Final Classifier Story

Use, Examine,and Evaluate all eight categories of classifiers in the creation of a story.

1.REview, Plan, and create a CL story/ post to YouTube and embed in blog.2.REview a peers story using EdPuzzle.


8 - Classifiers and Deaf Culture

Formulate a hypothesis as to why Classifiers are so important to ASL and Deaf Culture.

1.Following rubric, write a paper hypothesizing why CL are so important to deaf culture and ASL. post to blog/vlog


Motivation Planning

How do you plan to motivate your learners in each module? Whether you think in terms of the ARCs model or Gagne’s 9 events of instruction, it is important to think about how you will get


Page 9: file · Web viewWeb-Based instruction allows students to move at their own pace in a facilitated fashion. This is beneficial to acquiring the use of classifiers because

your learner’s attention and help establish relevance. This might change over time but it’s important to think about how you might do this for each module.

Module Plans to motivate your learners

Module 1 Classifiers are arguably the most important aspect of ASL. Why? That is what we are going to explore in this class. Your first assignment? Do not use your voice for 24 hours. Keep track of your experiences because we will use them later when we create a Classifier story to share with the deaf community.Allow students to choose which blogging site they want to use.

Module 2 Which Semantic, Plural, and Descriptive Classifiers will I use in my story?Allow students to choose which resources they use/ How they learn the content.Allow students to choose if they want to Blog or VlogReal world conversation practice.

Module 3 Which Instrumental and Locative Classifiers will I use in my story?Allow students to choose which resources they use/ How they learn the content.Allow students to choose if they want to Blog or VlogReal world storytelling practice

Module 4 Which Body and Body Part Classifiers will I use in my story?Allow students to choose which resources they use/ How they learn the content.\Allow students to choose if they want to Blog or VlogReal world conversation practice.

Module 5 Which Elemental Classifiers will I use in my story?Allow students to choose which resources they use/ How they learn the content.Allow students to choose if they want to Blog or VlogReal world storytelling practice.

Module 6 Can I correctly use Classifiers spontaneously in conversation?Allow students to choose partners for final conversation.Have a real world deaf audience.

Module 7 Can I tell a story with only Classifiers?Allow students to create their own story.Have a real world deaf audience.

Module 8 Why are Classifiers arguable the most important aspect of ASL and how do they relate to Deaf Culture?Deaf community will view and comment.

Content Planning

Module # Content

Before Course Begins Use enrolled students’ names to create groups of 3 or 4 and post them on the course site early. Also assign four sets of partners for modules 2, 4, 6 & 7.


Page 10: file · Web viewWeb-Based instruction allows students to move at their own pace in a facilitated fashion. This is beneficial to acquiring the use of classifiers because

Module 1 1.Create introduction quiz about course structure2.Find or create a blog template for students and instructions on how to set it up. FInd or create instructions on how to set up a YouTube account.3.Find resources on “what are Classifiers” and create discussion questions4.Create vlog/blog rubric

Module 2 1.Find resources on Semantic, Plural, and Descriptive Classifiers.2. -3.-4. Create the conversation outline and Rubric. Find or create instructions on how to record a video conversation and post to YouTube

Module 3 1.FInd resources on Instrumental and Locative Classifiers2.-3.-4.- FInd CL stories for students to copy and create rubric. FInd or create instructions on how to record and post videos to YouTube

Module 4 1.Find resources on Body and Body Part Classifiers.2. -3.-4. Create the conversation outline and Rubric. Find or create instructions on how to record a video conversation and post to YouTube

Module 5 1.FInd resources on Instrumental and Locative Classifiers2.-3.-4.- FInd CL stories for students to copy and create rubric. FInd or create instructions on how to record and post videos to YouTube

Module 6 1.Create list of possible conservation topics.2.Create instructions on how to use EDpuzzle /Rubric and how to embed it into your blog.3.Find CL stories for students to evaluate using EDpuzzle. Create Rubric

Module 7 1.Create rubric for CL story2.Create rubric for peer review

Module 8 1.Create rubric for hypothesis paper

Social Interaction Planning

Module # Social Interaction

Module 1 Create video introducing myself and the course. A clear set of instructions for the first module


Page 11: file · Web viewWeb-Based instruction allows students to move at their own pace in a facilitated fashion. This is beneficial to acquiring the use of classifiers because

Module 2 A news forum post at the beginning of the module introducing module assignmentsProvide formative feedback on group resource collection. Provide summative feedback on practiced conversations.

Module 3 A news forum post at the beginning of the module introducing module assignmentsProvide formative feedback on group resource collection. Provide summative feedback on practiced stories.

Module 4 A news forum post at the beginning of the module introducing module assignmentsProvide formative feedback on group resource collection. Provide summative feedback on practiced conversations.

Module 5 A news forum post at the beginning of the module introducing module assignmentsProvide formative feedback on group resource collection. Provide summative feedback on practiced stories.

Module 6 A news forum post at the beginning of the module introducing module assignmentsCreate screencast showing how to use EDpuzzle. Summative feedback on unpracticed conversations and story evaluations

Module 7 A news forum post at the beginning of the module introducing module assignmentsProvide Summative feedback for stories

Module 8 A news forum post at the beginning of the module introducing module assignmentsProvide summative feedback for papers.

3. Prototype



Heading 1: Influenced by CanvasHeading 2: 18 font size, Dark Grey, Bold, RGB:


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Heading 3: 14 font size, Bold, Dark Grey, RGB:Body text: 12 font size, black, RGB:

Color Scheme

Color RGB HEX# Main Purpose

Body text background

Body text

Heading 1

Heading 2

N/A Banner background

N/A Banner text

N/A Visited link

Design Prototype


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Design Justification

I chose to use black and gray because I would like this course to be basic and professional.

4. Formative EvaluationYour formative evaluation plan includes four components:1. A brief description of your formative evaluation process2. A brief description of the people who will participate in your formative evaluation3. The questions you are going to ask your formative evaluation participants. 4. The changes you plan to make based on the feedback.


The formative evaluation will be conducted via online survey with a link to the course. This is the most justified way to perform the evaluation because the course itself is online and it allows the reviewers flexibility while completing the survey.

ReviewersList and describe who you plan to have review your course. Often this might include your supervisor, a co-worker and/or subject matter expert, as well as a group of learners.

Davina Snow - Subject Matter ExpertRand Adams - Co-workerJessica - StudentTim Ronan - Student


Page 14: file · Web viewWeb-Based instruction allows students to move at their own pace in a facilitated fashion. This is beneficial to acquiring the use of classifiers because



Page 15: file · Web viewWeb-Based instruction allows students to move at their own pace in a facilitated fashion. This is beneficial to acquiring the use of classifiers because


Page 16: file · Web viewWeb-Based instruction allows students to move at their own pace in a facilitated fashion. This is beneficial to acquiring the use of classifiers because

Formative Evaluation Results

Question 1: How is the navigation of the course?● Reviewer 1: The course navigation is easy and fluid.● Reviewer 2: The only thing which I do not like is in the home page there is a button in the top left

which has to be clicked before the course content can be accessed.● Reviewer 3: I would like the buttons on the bottoms of the modules to display the names of the

next pages instead of just Next and Back.● Reviewer 4: You do a good job of explaining the navigation in the introductory video.

Changes: Add a button on the home page that says Start the Course

Question 2: How is the organization of the course?● Reviewer 1: The course is organized extremely well. I think the syllabus outline is especially

useful. I like it that there is a link to every assignment embedded into the course syllabus this is very useful. It also nice that this is a direct link to the assignment tab.


Page 17: file · Web viewWeb-Based instruction allows students to move at their own pace in a facilitated fashion. This is beneficial to acquiring the use of classifiers because

● Reviewer 2: The modules are straight-forward and organized. They have a logical flow when stepping through the modules in a sequential pattern.

● Reviewer 3: There is no module TO_DO checklist in modules 3-8. ● Reviewer 4: You provide a week’s time for each module although some contain quite a bit more

information than others. ●

Changes: Get rid of the To-Do list for modules 1 and 2. Re-evaluation the distribution of information.

Question 3: How are the learning objectives?● Reviewer 1: Learning objective are clearly stated at the top of every module. The text of the

learning objectives in modules 1-5 is similar. ● Reviewer 2: I feel as though the modules provide the correct material and work-load to fulfill

learning objectives adequately. ● Reviewer 3: I like how each rubric has the learning objective covered at the top. ● Reviewer 4: The learning objectives cover the topic adequately.●

Changes: Re-Evaluate the learning objectives of Modules 1-5.

Question 4: How is the content of the course?● Reviewer 1: The course content does follow a logical build and everything is correct. ● Reviewer 2: I do think that some modules have more content than other modules. Module 5 and

module 3 have less content than the other modules throughout the course.● Reviewer 3: Overall the content is very informative and clear.● Reviewer 4:As students do group resource collection the content throughout the course can be

expanded. This course is cool because is seems as though it is easy to keep it fresh year after year.

Changes: Re-evaluation the amount of content in modules 3 and 5 compared to other modules.

Question 5: How is the interaction?● Reviewer 1: Hard to tell without actually taking the course.● Reviewer 2: Students have to interact frequently to get a good grade in the course.● Reviewer 3: There is a lot of group work throughout the course which forces lots of student

interactions.● Reviewer 4:Group forums allow everyone including the instructor to remain involved.

Changes: N/A

Question 6: How is the text?● Reviewer 1: Text is easy to read and clear. It is devoid f typos and other grammatical errors. All

headings are organized and allow the reader to flow through the lesson plan step by step. ● Reviewer 2: Consider making all links in .pdf format (Especially grading rubrics). Power points

could also be made into .pdf. At the beginning of all power point slides there is a blank slide which could be removed.

● Reviewer 3: In the beginning of every lesson it says "In this section of module two". Consider changing this to to the correct module.


Page 18: file · Web viewWeb-Based instruction allows students to move at their own pace in a facilitated fashion. This is beneficial to acquiring the use of classifiers because

● Reviewer 4: The text is easy to follow and read.

Changes: Re-upload PPTs as Pdfs and remove blank slide. Edit the beginning sentence “In this section of module two.”

Question 7: How are the visuals?● Reviewer 1: I think the visual are one of the strongest aspects of the course. In every module

there are video examples which are helpful for students to understand the different groups of classifiers.

● Reviewer 2: I don't know if these are available, but step by step still images of classifiers combined with text could be useful.

● Reviewer 3: If you could provide a document similar to Hand Speak - Semantic classifiers in every module that would be valuable to my learning style and level in ASL (Basic)

● Reviewer 4:Sometimes the videos are too quick to get all of the content.

Changes: N/A

Question 8: How is the work load?● Reviewer 1: I work-load seems adequate. There is enough work to force students to remain

engaged, but not too much to be overbearing.● Reviewer 2: It seems as though students will need to do a little work everyday to stay up with

the course which is extremely important while learning languages.● Reviewer 3: I do not think the work load is distributed evenly throughout the modules.● Reviewer 4: It might make sense to provide more time for students to work on module 2 and

less time for students to work on module 5.

Changes: Re-Evaluate the distribution of information covered in modules 2, 3, and 5.

Question 9: Is there anything that was confusing?● Reviewer 1: The course is very logical and well organized. It was not confusing at all.● Reviewer 2: I am given clear objectives of what it takes to get a good grade and to move

through the course material efficiently. ● Reviewer 3: Overall, I think that this course is successful and with a few corrections is ready to

be given to students at a university level. ● Reviewer 4: The use of ooVoo in the modules 2 and 4 and then a switch to Appear.in is


Changes: Require the use of Appear.in only and get rid of ooVoo.

Question 10: How is the evaluation of learning objectives?● Reviewer 1: Assignments, and assignment evaluations force students to really fulfill the learning

objects. Through continued bloging/vloging and group resource collections the students have to stay engaged with the language on a regular basis which is necessary to gain a language.

● Reviewer 2: Through group resource collection the course content can continually be expanded and improved as students find new and different examples.

● Reviewer 3: Requiring story telling and conversations throughout the course is a good way to


Page 19: file · Web viewWeb-Based instruction allows students to move at their own pace in a facilitated fashion. This is beneficial to acquiring the use of classifiers because

encourage students to develop new skills and to reinforce old abilities. ● Reviewer 4: The first conversation is in the end of module 2 which seems to be an adequate

starting point for continuing regular conversations and story telling throughout the rest of the course. By starting at the end of module 2 it allows students time to develop skills through module 1 and 2, so they do not feel as though the assignment is undo-able or daunting.

Changes: N/A

5. Summative EvaluationI plan to offer this course for free over the summer to ASL students wish to improve their classifier

use. I will get feedback from them on how to improve it as well as use their questions to create a frequently Asked Questions page.

With the assistance of Davina Snow, the American Sign Language department chair, I plan to collect around 30 volunteers to take the course over the summer. A pre-survey, designed by Mrs. Snow and me, along with a post-survey will provide us the data and information we need to make this course available for credit. The pre-survey will include current classifier skill and knowledge as well as knowledge related to deaf awareness and culture. The post survey will cover the same material with added questions about the difference between Signed Exact English and American Sign Language.