Snow Day 4 Hatchet: English Chapters 9 – 10 Chapter 9 1. How does throwing his hatchet at the porcupine lead Brian to making his first fire? 2. What did Brian do to the fire to make it become much bigger? 3. Why does Brian feel that the fire is his friend? Chapter 10 4. How has Brian learned so much about turtles? 5. How does Brian solve the problem of not having a fire to cook the eggs?

dtemsbears.weebly.comdtemsbears.weebly.com/uploads/1/1/0/2/110255765/6_snow_day_4.…  · Web viewUse the items below and come up with a way to make a partner guess the word without

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Snow Day 4Hatchet: English

Chapters 9 – 10

Chapter 9

1. How does throwing his hatchet at the porcupine lead Brian to making his first fire?

2. What did Brian do to the fire to make it become much bigger?

3. Why does Brian feel that the fire is his friend?

Chapter 10

4. How has Brian learned so much about turtles?

5. How does Brian solve the problem of not having a fire to cook the eggs?

6. How many eggs does Brian eat every day?

Snow Day 4Hatchet: Computer ScienceLook up the vocabulary on the computer, if you don’t have a computer use a dictionary.

Chapter 9ignite



Chapter 10interior



Snow Day 4Hatchet: Math

Tornado PatternsInstructions: The tornado ruined Brian’s camp and changed one of the numbers in each pattern table. Can you fix each table? The first two have been done for you.

term value term value1 0 This should be 1, numbers are 1 432 2 the same on the right & left 2 383 3 3 35 This should be 33, -5 for4 4 4 28 each number5 5 5 236 6 6 18

term value term value1 18 1 162 25 2 143 32 3 11 4 39 4 105 44 5 86 53 6 6

term value term value1 2 1 112 4 2 213 6 3 31 4 8 4 715 9 5 516 12 6 61

term value term value1 6 1 2562 9 2 1283 13 3 624 17 4 325 21 5 166 25 6 8

Snow Day 4Hatchet: Health

What’s for Dinner?

After returning to civilization, Brian is fascinated by food. He stops in grocery stores and stares at the aisles of food.

Make a list of foods you have never eaten. Pay particular attention to exotic foods like octopus, escargot, or caviar. List the food and write a short description or draw a picture of it.

Food: Food:

Food: Food:

Food: Food:

Snow Day 4Hatchet: Social Studies

What are National Parks?

National parks are large areas of public land set aside for native plants, animals, and the places in which they live. National parks protect places of natural beauty. They also protect places important to indigenous people and places that show how people lived in the past.

National parks are almost always open to visitors. There is special signage at the entrance to all national parks which tells you the type of park it is and explains any special permits that are needed to enter. Most national parks provide walking trails and camping, as long as people follow the rules and help to conserve the park.

There are many good reasons for having national parks. They provide a safe home for native plants and animals. They provide for our health and well-being by keeping the air and water clean. They help us to learn about the environment and give us a lovely place to enjoy.

1. What is a National Park?

2. How do we know if a park is a National Park?

3. Why should we have National Parks?

Snow Day 4Hatchet: Science

What Makes Fires?

Brian has to rely on what he has learned in school, while playing, watching television, and observing what is around him. One of the things that Brian has learned about is the conditions that are needed for a fire. List the three things Brian knew he needed for a fire and explain what each term means. If necessary, look it up in an encyclopedia or the Internet.




Why do you think Brian was unable to make fire by rubbing two sticks together?

Snow Day 4Hatchet: Art

Signs are Everywhere

Signs help people find their way, give more information, decorate, or advertise different things. Create a sign Brian might make for his “home” in the wilderness. Pay attention to the lettering and the way it looks.

Snow Day 4Hatchet: Theater

Brian often had to use other things to be understood than what he was used to doing. Use the items below and come up with a way to make a partner guess the word without using any noises or just pointing out the item. Write how you made yourself understood and have the partner sign that you did it.


Driving a bus

Finding stars

Doing homework

Partner Signature: _________________________________________________________

Snow Day 4Hatchet: Yearbook

Yearbooks will sometimes have a section where they tell what is popular for the year like movies or books.

Think of the movies or books that you know of today. What would be a movie or book you think Brian would like and write at least 3 sentences on why.